The New Royal Child (diabolik...

By Joanna09876543216

14K 658 36

"The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout" a young voice sang out, alongside of thumps from the child's... More

Another Child [1]
Morning Preperatons [2]
The Ball : The Grand Entrance [4]
The Ball: Making Friends [5]
The Ball: A Sleepy Boy [6]
A Big Brother [7]
The morning After [8]
Brothers [9]
Tea and Cake [10]

The Ball [3]

1.3K 70 6
By Joanna09876543216

Sakamaki pov

"Cant believe he's forcing us to go to this thing" Ayato's complained slouching in his seat. The 6 and yui where in the limo on the way to their fathers palace, for he was holding a grand ball.
From the invitation they were given the brothers instantly got the message that they had to go, with no other questions about it. They had to attend, not to mention how shameful it would look if they weren't there in attendance.
Their father for their knowledge was celebrating this ball as an ego boost for himself to boast in front of other nobles and royals, his 'sons' just being there for apearence's. These sons including those 'tainted halfbreeds'.

"Ayato, it is for a few hours every decade or so, I think you will be able to cope for tonight" Reiji spoke pushing his glasses up, usually he would be the one to read a book on his journey, however he knew that he'd instead have to remind the other of the proper behaviour and how to act at these larger events, as his brothers in, his opinion, where no better than animals.

"Hopefully there will be treats Teddy" Kanato spoke sweetly to his teddy bear sat in his lap.
"Don't gorge yourself, it is improper. If you must, only take one plate with few items on" Reiji lectured, knowing his brother's actions like the back of his hand, and knowing very well what they are capable of.
"Oh come on Reiji we aren't monsters, you don't need to nit pick" Laito complained out jovially, oh how this boy liked to create drama.

"Everything we say and do will be scrutinised, if you hope to have any sort of notoriety I would advise acting proper and in accordance with the event" Reiji was seemingly the only one who had any sort of realisation of who he was and how they where reflected within society.
"This is a big event then?" Yui asked, this would be her first since being welcomed into the mansion. Most of the brothers in her eyes seemed very tense, this obviously being something they all hated doing.

"When our father is concerned it is a big deal, there will be many people in high positions power in here tonight, if anything argumentative is said it could lead to a whole war, these things can go very sour very quickly" Reiji explained darkly, this only causing Yui's eyes to widen in fear, tears swelling slightly as her mind brought all these scary thoughts up.

"Just don't talk to anyone and you'll be fine" Shu imputed annoyed by her extremely loud heartbeat that was putting him off. He had learned over the years to just not talk to anyone, this also working in favour to him as this put off many peoples expectations of him, especially with him being the oldest and in theory the most likely to be the next ruler. Shu ending his kindness by saying, "Now be quiet, we'll be there soon" Shu finished as the limo had stared going up the large hill leading to the king's palace.

"My, he seems to have invited a hell of a lot of people" Laito commented as their limo filed into the allotted parking where there were seemingly hundreds of others. With many lavish looking guests walking towards the grand doors. Yui and most of the brothers looking out at all of the people.
"More people who will suck up to him" Subaru spat out turning away after a few seconds as they had finally parked up.


Chatter and buzz was in the air within the ballroom. The Sakamaki, Mukami and Yui all being present in the rather full ballroom. Lots of eyes on the group knowing that they were the princes, along with a rather strange smelling human accompanying them.

"This seems rather lavish for him" Laito commented, taking point of the decorations and the sum of people present.
"Mmm must be something important he wants to announce" Kou mumbled.
"As if, he's just celebrating his existence" Subaru countered, this earning Reiji to backhand Subarus hand that was at his side. Subarus eyes narrowing at this 'discipline' that Reiji had given, this being the only discreet way for Reiji to tell Subaru to pipe down. Luckily for the brothers nobody close to the seemed to hear this obvious act of rebellion against the crowned king from one of his own sons.
"-sigh- lets just get through this without conflict" Reiji spoke aloud, informing all of his brothers.

Not much could be spoken afterwards as the large doors on the raised balcony opened, causing silence. This being Karlheinz entrance.

6th February 2024

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