"The Angel & The Devil" (1 Bo...


193 26 8

- "How you even dare to touch me?" - was all she could say with the sudent shock, anger and shiness that she... Еще

The Beginning.
At the wedding
Meet again
You belong to me.
How you dare?
Luca's Past
Author's Note
Past life
Becoming an Angel
After Wings
Meeting hall
Trip to Human Realm?

A crush on me?

1 0 0

Hi guys,
Here we go:


At the end, I did had time to go to the party, I don't like make-up so i skiped it, just a eyeliner and tinted lip-balm did it so I was fine. As for the dress, I loved one that I have, made of silk in golden color:

(The face look)

(The dress)

This has been one of the dresses that I've kept saving for some important events and it seems like it was for this ocation.

When I arrived at the party, it was huge, everyone was present there.

Honestly, I'm not habited to be on so loud and crowed places, but as it involves my professional life, I had to attend it. While I was lost in my thoughts, Mr. Brown came and broght me back to reality. He was wearing a black tux matching it with his tie and boots, also he had a white t-shirt on with his musky brown hair neatly back. "Nice to see that you could make it here Ms. Lisa. and let me tell you that you look gorgeous, totally like an angel!!" "Well sir, I actually am an angel if you are forgeting. Also, you too look handsome yourself."

"Ah yes, I forgot, sorry" "No problem", "Well, come in please", he extended his hand and I took it with a small smile. "I must say Ms. Lisa, I'm truly honored and graced to have your presence here today. You're shining like a star!" I managed to hear, as my sourrondings were so loud. "Um, thank you but please I'm just as normal as anyone". "Honestly, not to me, you are special to me" "Uhm?, sorry I did't understaned, what do you mean by that sir?" "Don't worry yourself out so much, you'll find it out in a few"

Sincerly, I didn't got him, but he said to wait a bit, so I letted it be. Soon I saw some of my friends gathered in a table near the bar, I went there and greeted them. Lia, a friend, passed me some peach juice in a glass and I took it gladly.

After some time, Mr. Brown came near us, we were talking about what are we doing dureing this days and what have we thought of our futures, when he came and cleared his throat, we all went silent "Ahem, ladies and gentelment, if you don't mind, I'll like to take Ms. Lisa for some time,.." "Uhm, ok, sure sir" all said, but Lia and Lim, Lia's tween brother, secretly winked at me and i shoot them a 'shut up' glare, but they giggled and I went away with Mr. Brown guiding the way. He hold my wrist so i don't get lost or fall behind him.

When we arrived, I took some moments to capture the breath-taking view in front of me, it was a beautiful garden with a white fountain in the center. The water seemed as silver flowing fron the fountain with the mesmerising full moon.

(The garden and fountain)

All was so beautiful, my feet started to roam by their own while I was lost looking my arounds, but sir Brown didn't seem to be minding my expressions. After some minutes he asked for my attention while I was engrossed looking and touching all the flowers that I could, at that presis moment I was adoring some red roses and white lilys, which were beautiful. "Aren't they beautiful?" "No, because they are breath taking" I said looking at him for 2 seconds before going back to the flowers, "Just like you" I furow at his statement and faced him after getting straight. "What do you mean sir? I didn't quit understand you!" I started to feel like the next thing that he will say won't end good.

"Well Lisa, I can't hold it more. I think... uhm,..." "What it is sir?", "You see Lisa, I think I have a crush on you, I like you" he said in one single breath.


Wow double update today.
I'm tremendulusly sorry for not updatting anything since 6 months.
I was wondering, but got cought up, but im happy that today I was able to do a double update.
Also, sorry if you see any mistakes in my story, this is my first book and English is not my first language, Tho I oftenly mix, both British and American english.

So what do you think that will happen next? What will be her reaction? Will she accept him or not?
Don't forget to vote and follow.


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