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By muliermultarumfacies

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some drawings of them hooray ( next chap coming soon I promise )


844 53 27
By muliermultarumfacies

chapter four ᥫ᭡ ᵃᶜᶜᵉᵖᵗⁱⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘ

❝ i've only had him for a day
but if anything were to happen to him ,
i would kill everyone .
and then myself . ❞

NONE : point of view ( third person )

      THE ENTIRE NIGHT , ( NAME ) COULD NOT SLEEP PROPERLY AT ALL - she was just , silent . Staring at the moon as it's light shone down in her . The ( color ) haired woman was restless . Curses , even when she tries to close her eyes . She would always find herself awake no matter what . What had transpired earlier made her restless .

How could she try to do such a thing again ? Her hatred for the Silver Owls was a terrifying thing , she could've killed an innocent one in the midst of her anger towards them , that kept her awake . She couldn't even go to bed knowing there was almost someone's death at her hands . Afraid that a nightmare would await her in her subconsciousness .

     " Oh for the love of seven , " , hearing a response being a coo from behind her she sighed to herself and turned her head to look inside the cradle to see the little one staring at her with a smile .

For some reason she couldn't even go back into her own room - that thing would always attempt to scream or cry whenever she does reach the door to exit . And when she's back inside the nursery to check up on the babe who definitely did not try to cry, he would then smile innocently as if he did not threaten to awaken the night with crying at all .

     She blinked at the little one who's still wide awake , " you should sleep . " The little one responded with a fussy whine instead before she rolled her eyes . " Yeah yeah , don't worry your pretty little head about old me , us nocturnal faes are used to being awake at night , it's in our blood after all . " Leaning against the cradle as she talked to the young one , ( Name ) felt a little silly , talking to a baby ? Huh , it's fun . But not really fun for her right now though , when quite literally the kid her house that she tried to kill is the kid of an enemy that's long dead , awkward . Really .

      Talking to a baby , she hadn't done that since she last visited the Zigvolt family to give the children a gift as to congratulate their birth and babysitting if needed . Which rarely happens .

Though that was years ago when they were still an infant . Probably I'd be visiting the Zigvolt's again , heard from Baul he's expecting another grandchild soon because Sereia plans on having a third one . ( Name ) thought before she snickered . " Ah ... Imagine the chaos , Zigvolt's will be Zigvolt's . "

      She imagines the Zigvolt household , becoming loud once again with chaos - loud as it already was but she helped teach the two kids to use their inner voices rather than scream so all is peaceful , for now . But still , she has her hopes the next one would be an angel like their father , and not some loud mouth like their mother and grandfather ... As much as she loves the Zigvolt family like her own family . They make her ears bleed , literally .

    But the chances were low though , the Zigvolt genes were dominant . " Probably a mini Baul or Sereia ... "

Still , the little one listened to her ramblings but he did not sleep . ( Name ) pinched the bridge of her nose - why is this child not sleeping ?

    " Uh , are you hungry ? " she tried to guess , that must be it . " Hm ... Unfortunately for you though , me nor your father aren't capable of lactating milk . Wait - did Lilia even adopt you yet ? "

    ; " I found him , sooo I decided to take him . " She recalled Lilia's earlier words , to her that was concerning at first because ... Lilia does not know how to take care of a human child . Faes ? Probably , he knows a thing or two and regarding about adoption ...

    Lilia will probably not do it legally . The man just takes and keeps whatever he finds . But she'll make sure that Lilia adopts the kid legally , if ... He decides to keep the young one , of course .

  " Still ... What am I going to do now ? We don't have anything for you ... " She frowned , she wasn't sure if it was alright to feed him water yet . Probably not .

   " Should I try look for something outside ... ? I think I've heard of a flower that mimics the taste and minerals of breast milk ... " That may be an excellent choice ... But she doubts she'll find anything after the heavy rain from earlier . Not to mention how muddy it'll be .

   The little one responded to her with a babble again . As if telling her something - but ( Name ) does not speak baby language " I don't quite get what you mean , " the fae responded as peered down at the baby in the crib . Who continues to move around with arms ourstreched . " Uh ! " The said little one spoke again before his lips quivered as his hands balls up to fists .

Don't tell me it's going to ...

And then , he opened his tiny mouth .
" Wah ... ! " And then let out a cry .

( Name ) sighed .

   Oh it was going to be a long night .

    AS WORRIED AS HE WAS , Lilia Vanrouge was not one to panic .

   Obviously not , he was fought in countless of battles during his time as a soldier . He learned how to hide his emotions and eventually ... It just , died .

     But that was a hundred years ago , he changed . He can finally express himself more ... He can finally be free .

He didn't have to worry anymore .

But then last night , he met a baby .

In that abandoned castle in ruins there he was , peacefully asleep . Just like the sleeping princess . Blonde hair , one that reminded him of dawn and those pretty eyes of aurora staring at him once his eyes opened , tearfully . Then young one let out a cry for the first time in centuries before the Night Blessed him , as the golden color of his hair slowly fades into a shade of silver . Just like the light of the moon .

    It was that moment that Lilia realized , he had found a son to call his own . Although not biological . But still his son .

      He named him Silver , just like his hair that turned like the color . Even if there was a tiny thought at the back of his mind that he named the boy - his son . To associate with his ancestors . He did not care to give it a thought and just , ignored it .

An hour after he had found Silver . It rained .

    It was heavy , one could think a storm was brewing - he was little bit concerned , he was not sure if the cause of this was natural or a Draconia was behind this . Lilia makes a mental note to himself to send the prince a letter soon about his wellbeing in secret considering those stupid senates won't even allow him a visit .

But first , he needs to find shelter . Or else the little one would catch a cold from the rain and get possibly worse ... A chill ran down his spine at that thought , before he secured the bundle in his arms and tried to protect the baby from the harsh rain with his cape . Continuing to find shelter before someone came into his mind .

( Name ) .

     The woman who lost everything during the war , her lover , her lady - her baby . All to those men in steel , the woman who he knew that mercilessly slaughtered and destroyed every remains of those . As revenge , she calls it . And it was true .

     Her home was nearby , she lives in these areas , that was what the Zigvolts told him one time but he wasn't exactly sure if he should go . One , it's been years since they've last seen each other . And two ; who knows what'll happen to Silver if he was in her line of sight .

And Lilia thinks he'll be burdening the poor woman , wouldn't want that . Despite his initial thought to get closer to her once again . I can't keep leeching off her . Just like those times ... He sighed , not knowing what to do but ...

      " Worth a shot , " he whispered to himself upon seeing the little one squirming in his arms , he then continued on with his way to find the woman's home .

    ( Name ) would be kind enough to let him stay for a night , just a night . Whereas he hoped for more ... That was all he could get , pity - he seem to never get what he wants . Never .

He had hoped his son will be spared from hatred . Once he found himself at her front doorstep and knocked .

      Back to present time , again , he wasn't really one to worry but ...

   He woke up rather late , it's been a while since he rested peacefully despite being a nocturnal creature , he sure feels tired to be like one right now ... Perhaps it was the constant travels , and plus -

     ( Name ) 's guest bedroom smells nice , it has a distinct smell of her . It was why Lilia slept peacefully too , just the thought of her calmed his nerves , how much the lady had an effect on him . He did not know . But he was like this , even when she was still a lady in waiting for the late Princess Meleanor Draconia .

He got up , it was awfully quiet in late morning . He was at least expecting ( Name ) cooking or at least hear Silver but no .

Just dead silent .

     It can't be , can it ? He thought before he could feel his panic growing . Before he walked to the nursery and slammed the door open .

      " Silver ! " His head whipped and eyes wandered to the cradle , empty - gone , no sight of Silver .

Lilia began to panic , though if only he noticed that someone was coming back inside the nursery .

" Nononono this can't be ... ( Name ) wouldn't ... " He mumbles to himself . Had he been lowering his guard that much ? Did he trust the woman too much that she took advantage ? Where's Silver now ? Fear was inside him .

" I wouldn't what ? "

       Lilia turned his head fast , he swore it'll break but it didn't matter as he saw the familiar figure of the woman standing near the door , an eyebrow raised . In her other hand she held a basket while the other ...

  She was holding Silver , gently . As the babe was almost lulled to a sleep like state before his eyes slowly flutter open again while sucking his thumb . " No , no , that's dirty child . " She chided softly and Silver cooed sleepily in response .

       " Uhm ... " Lilia cleared his throat . " N-Nothing ... I was just wondering where were you both since it's oddly quiet ... " He explained , nice save . He thought to himself as ( Name ) hummed . " Hm , I apologize for not leaving a note . Ah ... Me and this one went looking for Milchblumen . " She responded .

" Wouldn't want the young one to starve now do we ? And I don't have any soy milk . These flowers are our only alternative because they grow nearby . " Putting down the basket , she then walked close to Lilia with Silver still in her arms . " Wake up now little one , your father's here . " She whispers to the baby who's eyes slowly begin to open as she passed him to Lilia , the child seems to be displeased a little bit but then relaxed in Lilia's arms making her heart have that odd fuzzy feeling again .

     Lilia snorted . " Father eh ? What does that make you then ? Mother ? " He tried to tease , grinning at the woman as if to suggest something .

( Name ) shook her head . " An aunt looking out for her friends son just to make sure they don't die because of food poisoning . " She smirked feeling an arrow shoot at the male faes heart at the insult of his terrible cooking skills . " I cook very well if you must know ! "

     Yeah right , she rolled her eyes remembering the days during camping , it always ends up with the others puking their guts out once they finished eating Lilia's mystery meal of the day . Some even passed out and was unable to go to battle the next day .

    " Anywho ... " His attention shifted to the baby in his arms . " I appreciate you taking care of him when I was asleep , ( Name ) - I didn't expect for you to wake up early and take responsibility like you're his parent ... " Lilia let out a smile , perhaps he misunderstood her , maybe she did have a soft spot for this baby .

" The least I could do , " she couldn't tell him what happened last night , and ... She swore to never do it again , what happened will be her little secret she'll keep to herself only .

     " Oh no dear , you shouldn't have done that ... It's just ... Nevermind , after I have breakfast . We'll be out right now and look for a place to stay in , we don't want to burden you . " He forced a smile up to his lips , it was sad ... He's leaving so soon , but it's the best choice right now , first he'll just need to find a place for him and Silver to stay ...

    " Who said you'll be leaving ? " The woman furrowed her eyebrows , not liking that idea at all , it just felt ... Wrong - it didn't feel right , she liked Lilia - his presence , she means . And it's been years ... She may or may not have missed him .

" What ? "

" What ? " ( Name ) mimicked before she crossed her arms and sighed . " W-Well ... It does get lonely here , and ... Even if the conflict between us faes and humans are gone , there's still tension and I don't think staying in inns would be the best option . If you ever head to the capital or something , with a human baby at that . " She explains to which Lilia nodded , she was right .

" Are you sure though ? " Lilia felt a little happy inside , to stay with ( Name ) - who knows how long . But he didn't want to get his hopes up . " But ... I thought you hated this kid ? He's a human and ... He's descended from the Knight of Dawn , " Lilia whispered as if telling a secret , if they were going to be housemates , for months or years . She should at least ...

" I kind of figured it out . "

    " What ? " Lilia quickly masked his surprise , ( Name ) nodded . " I mean ... I sort of figured , the eyes gave it away . "

   " And you're not bothered ? "

    " A little ... " That was a lie , if she were to express how bothered she was , she'd say it was about the size of the deep ocean - not that she'd tell Lilia though , and she's trying to get past her hatred . She couldn't hate a child after all . In the end , they'd just melt her heart but still ... It's hard to stare at the baby in the eyes , without getting reminded by the past that still haunts her .

  " I'll be fine though Lilia , " she quickly reassures . " I ... I can manage , besides uh yeah , I have experience . " She used to be a mother herself , also had experience taking care of the prince and the Zigvolt children . She'll be fine .

    " Just ... Didn't expect it though like ... A baby ! A human at that ... And ... You expect me to play house ? " she tries to ease up the mood . " I'm not exactly knowledgeable about human babies but considering Sereia's own children are half human I think I can manage ... " She then looked over to the young one again who was fast asleep in Lilia's arms , she sighed . So all that Milchblumen picking for nothing ... I suppose I'll preserve the flowers for tonight if ever he wakes up crying - ah , I still need a baby bottle though ... Maybe I'll ask the Zigvolts for a few .

     " That's true , but I'm not asking you to play house either ... But it seems like you're asking to , " he grinned as ( Name ) whacked him on the head lightly . " Just kidding ~ no need to hit me . "

     " Whatever . " She crosses her arms . " And do try be responsible , we have a baby with us . We can't have your shenanigans endangering his life . " She warned him to which he pouts .

    ( Name ) gave the Silver haired child one last stare , though it looked like she was still bothered by him . But that's just in Lilia's point of view .

Picking up the basket again full of Milchblumen again , ( Name ) headed out to the door . " I'll be downstairs making breakfast . I'll call you when it's done . "

    Lilia sighed , was she always this awkward ? Before he placed the sleeping Silver back in the cradle .

" Don't worry Silver , your new mama would love you soon ... I hope , " he mumbles , staring at the front door where the woman had stood before .

He really hopes that ( Name ) would get comfortable soon , he didn't want the lady to be uncomfortable when the child grows up , to look exactly like the Knight of Dawn - he hopes , everything goes well .

Little did Lilia know though , ( Name ) downstairs was thinking . Before she just sighed in defeat .

She really didn't want to but ...

She may admit .

She may or may not take a liking to the child , as her heart goes soft for the baby , once again .

But only because he's cute .

- another day , another chapter done woohoo !

- seems like Silver is finally gonna have a momma :0 , but slowly but surely of course .

- Lilia , when will u make a move on us we're waiting pookie :( , I just realized this book is focused more on ( Name ) and Silver interacting like future mother and son with some sprinkle of Maleficent reference but I swear it'll have romance because yeah .

- Someone will be making an appearance next chapter , guess who it is :)

- This book is earning views and votes quick I'm so happy that I got to this number in a span of time I'm very greatful and happy even if it's only a few . It makes me kick my feet up in the air whenever I see someone vote and comment it gives me motivation to write .

Ehem ! So time to get to some facts .


- MILCHBLUMEN ; made up plant I made , it has a milky white color and it mimics the taste and minerals of breast milk , the only way to get the milky substance from the plant is to squeeze it ig . It's literally the German word for milk flower 😭😭 because y'know I want it to be like , magical/enchanting because this is Briar Valley with a lot of magical fantasy shit so I want to make something:( another fact about this is that , many fae mothers who can't produce milk use this flower to feed their young . So yeah this entire thing is made up anyways .

- LADY IN WAITING ; surprise surprise , ( Name ) used to be Meleanor Draconia's lady in waiting ( Malleus' mother honestly bae she's so fine Malleus takes after her ) . But she's skilled in combat so after something happened ( to which you'll know in future chapters ) she then joined the army and fought alongside the Princess and Lilia .

PUBLISHED ; 1 - 25 - 2024
WORDS ; 3160

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