Devotion of Life || Gojo Sato...

By NavidNafia

64.8K 4.4K 433

"Is this the only devotion you have in life?" Mayumi was a typical ambitious business woman. because of her d... More



1.4K 101 18
By NavidNafia

After they all reached the Yaga mantion

Mayumi sat there, staring at Gojo Satoru for the past 15 minutes

Geto, Mishka, panda and lily anxiously looked back and forth at them

After they reached the house, Mayumi made Gojo sit down on a couch. That was 15 minutes ago. She is still staring at him wordlessly. It was getting super uncomfortable for the others

Gojo was doing nothing, saying nothing, just staring at space and at particularly nothing

After 15 or so minutes, Mayumi sighed and got up from the sofa. She ushered her mom and Geto to follow her

"What is it Mayumi-chan?"

Geto asked

She sighed again

"I am not sure but I think he's going through emotional numbness...."

Geto creased his brows in confusion, so did Mishka


"Emotional numbness, also sometimes called emotional blunting, can be difficult to imagine if you have not experienced it. Some people describe it as feeling emptiness or despondency, while others report feeling isolated. Some feel as though they have no future or that there is no hope for the numbness to ever fade."

Geto looked horrified, Mishka was already biting her fingers

"Are you -

"I am not but he most probably is. The way he is acting.... I will run a few tests to see what I can do... He ..... And you need a therapist.... You can't go to any normal therapist.... Shoko-nee-chan won't help because it's not her sector.... I'll have to do..."

Mayumi said

They were extremely surprised. But understood her point perfectly

"You sure you can pull it of, moy malysh?"

Mayumi nodded

"Yes I am confident. "

"Wait, why can we go to a normal therapist?"

Geto asked, tilting his head like a confused puppy

Mayumi deadpans at him

"Suguru-nii-san..... I thought you were smarter than this"

She shook her head like a disappointed mother. Making Geto blush in embarrassment. He gave her a guilty smile

She sighed

"What are you gonna tell a therapist? That you went through a homaside? Your best friend was killed but didn't die because he healed himself with reversed cursed technique? How will you explain curse and cursed techniques?"

She asked with a raised eyebrow

Geto's face went to a "o" shape as he realized her point

"I got your point. Sorry for asking "

She nodded

"Now lets go and see what's going on there. Mom, get me a pen and a note book. Oh and a red and green pen too"

Mishka nodded and left to go to get the things Mayumi asked for. Mayumi and Geto went back to the living room where Gojo was sitting

He was still sitting in the same position. No reaction on his face as he stared in space

She sat down Infront of him


He didn't respond so she called a few more times. She sighed when he didn't react at all. He didn't respond. Geto was looking at him worriedly

Mishka came and gave Mayumi what she wanted. Mayumi went and lightly slapped his cheeks to get his attention. He finally looked at her.

Mayumi resisted an arge to flinch when their eyes met. The eyes that always held joy and playfulness looked so incredibly dull. His eyes were still beautiful but they looked dead. And it terrified Mayumi

"Nii-chan, do you know me?"

He didn't respond immediately but after a few moments shook his head no.

Everyone's eyes widen in horror

"Okay, can you feel anything now?"

He, again stared at her for a moment before shaking his head no. He gently wispered


Mayumi nodded, she wrote something down on her notebook

"It feels like a void?"

He just nodded his head

"Is the world beautiful?"

Mayumi asked

Gojo's lips came to a cracked smile as he replied

"Yes.... The void is beautiful "

Again Mayumi scrabbled something down on the on the note book

"Does everything feel like a dream?"

Gojo nodded again

Then she looked at the watch and said the Tim loudly and asked if Gojo he heard that or not. He nodded his head. It was quiet for 10 minutes before she asked him again what time it was. He looked at her and couldn't tell it. He looked confused

Mayumi wrote that down too

She then ushered Geto to come. He did and then asked Gojo

"Who is this? What is your relationship with him?"

She asked pointing at Geto

Gojo looked at him then shook his head no

"Do you know how many people are around you?"

Mayumi asked

Gojo stared at her for a moment before looking around. Before answering

"I can't tell"

Mayumi wrote that down again

"Do you want to see your phone?"

(It was Gojo's favorite activity)

Gojo just shook his head no again

"Do you Want to be alone? Are we irritating you?"

He just nodded

Then she asked the last question

"What do you want to do?"

He looked back at her

"Destroy them''

Geto and lily's eyes waiden in shock. Mishka gasped in horror. Panda quickly hide behind Mishka

Mayumi nodded and didn't ask him any questions. He went back to his own world

She told lily to make a soup or strew for Gojo. And left the room with Geto and Mishka

"It looks like it's worse than I expected. You'll have to stay with him here. I hope you don't mind, mama"

Both of them nodded saying it was ok

"I am gonna feed him something before giving him a sleeping pill. That's the only thing that will help. He will get back to his senses by tomorrow and we will do the therapy sessions. "

He just nodded

Then Mishka asked

"moy malysh, I don't understand. If Gojo and Geto went through the same thing why is he so affected but but Geto-kun's fine?"

Mayumi shook her head

"He went through much more. He felt himself die and had to himself..... He felt himself die, mama. Do you understand what I am saying and what he went through?.... When Suguru-nii-san woke up we were all there with him but when nii-chan woke up, he was alone. He first met the guy who killed him. He just murdered him. Then he saw the dead body of the girl he was meant to protect. Please try to understand "

Mayumi said, looking forward

Geto and Mishka just listened to what she said. They felt ashamed that they didn't realize all this before. Mishka was thinking

"How did my blonde daughter get so smart? I thought we were supposed to be dumb....... But whatever I am proud of moy malysh,"

She thought with a smile

"And mom, please get all the Sharp objects out of reach please. Take Panda and lily and even Suguru-nii-san if needed. All the knifes, butter knifes, scissors... Anything that's Sharp and pointy. And don't keep any pills where he will be staying. "

Mayumi said. she wasn't looking at her companions. because if she did, she would have seen how they looked horrified and scared

"What are you trying to say, moy malysh?''

Mishka squealed in horror

Geto, again, grabbed her by her shoulders

"Do you think he's suicidal?"

She calmly blinked at him

"No, it's just a possibility. I will rather be safe then sorry. But I am pretty confident he wouldn't do anything drastic."

He sighed

Mishka and lily did what the were told. While Geto and Gojo ate dinner. Well, Mayumi feed him dinner. He just quietly ate

After that was done she told Geto to help him into some fresh clothes. They freshened up and Mayumi gave him the sleeping pills.

She took her to her own room and let him sleep in her own bed with lots of soft toys. Geto decided to take a room on the side of the room


The next morning when Gojo woke up he was confused as hell. At first, he was really comfortable. The bed he was sleeping on was very soft. Much softer than he remembered. Everything smelled like fresh Lilies

When he opened his eyes, awaking from his slumber, all he could see was pink. Everything was pink. The walls, the sealing, the sheets, the blankets, the stuffed toys. Every single thing is pink

He blinked a few times, rubbing his eyes to make everything clear. He couldn't comprehend why everything around him was this horrendous shade of pale pink

It took a minute before he finally looked at his surroundings. This wasn't his room, that's for sure. Even realizing this, he didn't want to get out of bed. He was too comfortable

The bed and pillows were extremely comfortable. Even the ridiculous girly stuffed toys felt good

Remember everything from yesterday, he didn't want to get out of bed anymore. But he raised his head when he heard the door being open

It was his best friend, Geto

Geto's eyes slightly waiden seeing him awake. He quickly came closer to him and sat down on the bed with him

"Satoru, are you feeling alright?"

He blinked calmly

"Yeah..... We failed, didn't we Suguru?"

Geto looked down

"Yeah, Riko-chan is dead..."

Gojo slowly sat up in bed. He noticed he wasn't wearing his clothes. But a rather huge hoodie that hangs loosely on his body

He looked around and frowned his brows. This wasn't his room and it surely wasn't Geto's either. This room was too Pink to be any boy's room

"Where am I ?"

"We are at Yaga sensei's house. You're in Mayumi-chan's room"

Gojo was really surprised

"Why am I in here? If I am sleeping here, where is Mayumi-chan?"

Gojo asked, tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy

His best friend gave him a smile. Then Geto pointed towards the couch that was in the room

Gojo's eyes slightly widened when he saw Mayumi, curled up on the couch with a cute princess blanket. She had a huge book on her hand that he was sure was not something she should read at her age. She was sleeping peacefully

"She refused to let you go out of her sight. Yesterday when you were basically a walking corpse, she is the one who treated you, took care of you, fed you, she even let you sleep in her bed with her toys because she thought you would be more comfortable "

Geto said with a smile, still looking at Mayumi

His best friend however was shocked. All the things Geto said, it was hard to believe that this little girl would do so much for him

But Gojo also supposed he couldn't be that surprised, he had seen how Mayumi is. She's always mature and hardly ever acts like a child. But it still surprised him to no ends

"Why would she do so much?"

Gojo asked, the confusion on his voice was a little too obvious

Geto chuckled, shrugging his shoulders

"I don't know.... You know, She healed me too. Haibara told me she sat there with me until I woke up. She took me to you. She even said she will be our therapist since we can't seek therapy from normal therapists. "

Gojo just stared at Mayumi in awe while listening to everything his friends said. Both of them were

A few moments later the door opened again and panda walked in. All of them stared at each other, blinking owlishly. It was awkward to say the least

Because panda still wasn't too fond of people. And he didn't like how these two humans tried to distract his dear nee-chan from loving him and giving him head pats. They even were causing nee-chan his nee-chan stress

So he completely ignored them and completed the task that was given to him

He went to his nee-chan and started to wake her up

"Nee-chan, nee-chan, wake up"

Both Gojo and Geto looked at him a little confused

"Why are you waking her up, panda-kun?"

"Because nee-chan told me to wake her up at this time. She always wakes up at this time."

He called a few more times and shook her with his soft panda paws

Mayumi's eyes snapped open. Directly staring at gojo's. Her hotpink eyes clashing with his sparkling blue eyes

Gojo and Geto gave her a smile, which of was met by her emotionless face

She got up, supporting her body with one of her hand. But then her eyes met with her little brother's

Panda called her one more time and said

"Good morning, nee-chan "

Both of the boys watched how a soft smile stretched onto her lips. She raised her hand and patted panda on the head. Gojo and Geto were visibly surprised when they watched Mayumi lean down and place a kiss on panda's head

"Good morning to you too, Otouto. Thank you for waking me up in time. You can go and wait for me in the living room "

Panda was happy, which was clear by how his little ears twitched

Gojo and Geto were jealous of panda to say the least

When panda left Mayumi got up from the couch and went to the two boys

"You two woke up. Good morning"

They smiled at her but before they could greet her back, she grabbed Gojo's and hand and checked his pulse. Gojo was startled but didn't say anything

"What's your name?"

She asked Gojo with a raised eyebrow

Gojo looked really confused as he answered

"Gojo Satoru... Did you forget my name, Mayumi-chan? Wahhh.... I am really disappointed!"

He said with a pout

Mayumi stated at him again. But then her face lit up, a gentle smile on her face. She patted his head

"You're okay.... Yokatta. Now get up. Today is gonna be a long day"

Then she looked at Geto, the pleasent smile present on her lips

"Good morning to you too, Suguru-nii-san. I hope you had a good night"

She climbed down from the bed

"I did. Thank you for your hospitality, Mayumi-chan. And thank you for taking care of us"

Mayumi hummed as she sat down on her dressing table. She stretched her arms a little

Then she took of her usual hair, that was always kept in a sleek bun. Her hair fell free.

Gojo and Geto's eyes widened in surprise when they saw how long her hair was. It almost reached her bottom. They were even more surprised to see her smooth blonde hair with an ombré transition to pinkish-red or citrus orange at the tips

"Is that your natural hair?"

Gojo asked in wonder. His voice held this awe that made made Mayumi raise an eyebrow at him

"Yes.... Why would you think it's not?"

"No.... It's just really unique. Your hair is pink on the ends. I've never seen a hair color like that"

Geto answered

To their surprise, she chuckled softly. Their eyes widened. This is the second time they heard Mayumi giggle

"I know. My grandma has pink hair. I guess that's where I got this hair from."

They nodded and watched her detangling her hair.

They didn't realize but at some time Mishka came to check up on Mayumi. She really didn't expect the scene she was greeted by.

Her little girl was brushing her hair and the two teenage boys were staring at her.

It looked like they were in some kind of awe seeing Mayumi. Mishka had to stop herself from squeeling. But she was too happy for her daughter. She couldn't believe Mayumi was already attracting boys at such a young age. But she was also proud of her Mayumi

It was clear to Mishka that the boys were falling in love with Mayumi. She wasn't sure if Mayumi knew it or the boys themselves understood their own developing feelings for Mayumi

And she also knows damn well that Mayumi's father will be livid when he would find out his students were in love with his daughter. But to be honest, she couldn't care less about that

She smirked for the last time before entering the room

"Good morning, Gojo-kun and Geto-kun. "

They broke from their daze before looking at Mishka. They gave her a smile and greeted her back

"dobroye utro, mama"

(Good morning, mom)

Mayumi greeted her mom with a smile which her mom returned

"i tebe dobroye utro, moy malysh"

(good morning to you too, my little one )

Gojo and geto looked so confused. Theh didn't understand a word that the two females were talking about. They understood it wasn't their language

Then Mishka smiled and said in a teasing voice

"posmotri na eto! moya malyshka uzhe privlekayet vsekh krasivykh mal'chikov v shkole. nu chto ya mogu skazat', moy rebenok vse-taki takoy khoroshen'kiy!"

(look at that! my baby girl is already attracting all the handsome boys in the school. well what can I say, my baby is that pretty after all!)

Gojo and Geto looked startled when Mayumi loudly laughed. Her head threw back eyes closed and cheeks flushed as she laughed with out a care of this world

"YA tak ne dumayu, no ya vosprimu eto kak kompliment, mama. no ya ne khochu i ne nuzhdayus' vo vnimanii mal'chikov"

(i dont think so but i will take that as a compliment mom. but i don't want or need any boy's attention )

Mayumi said in-between her giggles

"da, da, kak skazhesh', moy malysh"

(yes yes, what ever you say, my little one )

Mayumi nodded, still giggling. She stopped giggling but was still smiling as she told her mom to go and make breakfast

"What were you saying?"

Gojo asked

Mayumi giggled

" Nothing, just mom and daughter talks. You won't understand. Now get up and get ready. We'll be leaving in a bit"

They blinked at her

"Where are we going?"

She hummed but didn't answer

"Do you like cats or dogs?"

Mayumi asked all of a sudden

Again, they were a little bit confused but just answered they did

Mayumi nodded and did her hair. Then went and brushed her teeth. The boys did the same but in another room

Then they are breakfast

That was one of the best breakfasts of their life. Gojo and Geto watched how all of them talked about everything with each other. They watched how smiley and giggly Mayumi was with her mom and brother and felt a tug on their hearts

They couldn't understand why was she not like this with them. She was sliming at them too but it didn't help that it was always directed to either panda or her mom

They were especially jealous of panda because he gets the most love from Mayumi. There wasn't a sentence that Mayumi didn't call panda "my little one".

They were thinking

"What does she even mean? Panda's her bother. Not her baby! And he was taller than her!"

Gojo was pouting the whole time and Geto had a fake smile on

"Okay, now you two get ready. We will be leaving. Mama, get the car and driver ready"

Mishka nodded joyfully, leaving Mayumi, panda, Geto and Gojo alone in the leaving room

Mayumi was petting panda when the boys asked

"Where are we going?"

She looked at them

"Let that be a surprise. But I am sartin you'd love where we are going"

Mayumi said, gently smiling at them

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