Eclipsed Hearts

By NeKoMi72

210 18 3

Reava, devastated by the loss of her family to the blood-sucking cruelty of vampires, resolves to seek reveng... More

"Author's Note"
Character Designs
Chapter - 01
Chapter - 03
Chapter - 04

Chapter - 02

36 3 1
By NeKoMi72

"You can play the song for a vibe"



That nightmare again. I really can't forget about that day. Till now, I find it horrifying. Ugh... Why did I fall asleep again?

"Haha, can you believe it, ladies? Ah, how fantastic a moment it was that time. The Crown Prince-"

"What was it?"

"Yeah, what was the moment between you and the crown prince?"

"Uh, well, what can I say, ladies? The prince drank my blood. And it felt amazing"

"Woah! How lucky can you get?"

"I know, right?"

"The prince must have found it awful because... That blood of yours tastes... "

"Shut up! I know you're just envious of me"

"How lucky. I wish the prince would drink my blood, too" "Yeah, I promise I'm not gonna take a bath so the precious scent of him won't vanish away".

Uh, what's so lucky about being bitten like... bitten by a vampire? They're just blood-sucking cruel creatures. They don't deserve to live.
Never mind.
I'll just go to the library for a few minutes.

And this was the present. Vampires and humans co-exist with each other. Now, rather than co-exist, they achieved what they successfully aimed for 14 years ago. The pavement of expecting humans, of making humans work under them, treat them as a god, obey them... with absolute respect and fear...

Reava walking down the hallway, I guess I'll go to the library for a few minutes.

Random student (R/S)- Guess what? I just saw the Crown Prince and God, he was handsome. I mean, every day he is handsome. Today was an extra special moment.

R/S - Really, I'm so jealous

Those creatures, vampires again, where, where, are our self-human esteem? Why are they so blind about those monsters? Don't they see who they worship as the God, as the one who ruined their life, and humanity? Can't they see they're taking us as hostages, tormenting us by what they call "loyalty"? I swear to God, once I graduate from this school of hell, I'll just run away somewhere, where there are no vampires or so, somewhere. Till that, I just wish people here would treat me like an invisible.

Aiden's POV

*at the library*

"what the heck did this peasant just feed me? It tastes disgusting, *spit*, *calms down a little*. Every time, every time I crave blood, it turns out to be so disgusting. It's been a while since I tasted something good. Sweet, savoring, Ah, I'm craving again"

"Excuse me",  "Hey you", *Runs* *taken aback*, "Haha, how funny". *Surprised*, "It's been quite a long time since I've had a toy"


"What the, a vampire, how the hell could I run into something so filthy like that? Why did I even go to the library, why did I even say that why did I, *crack* *Reava falls*, "H h he.. caught me, what should I do, should I just run? But what if I get caught, what if he catches me again, I'll be doomed if that happens" "How brave of you to leave me like that of a sudden, Cause no one has ever ignored me like that, my entire life. But the guts you have to leave me like that" "I, I,  please get off me, don't touch -, *grips*. Ahh, why being so virtuous, 'the aroma smells, so, refreshing, I want it, I want it' "N no" "Speak, is this one of your tricks to just get closer to me?" "What, no" 'I presume that disappoints, you know what I do to humans who disappoint me? Well, since you've disappointed me, you should please me with something, don't you think, to forgive you?" "What do you want from me?" "Your scent seems savoring from the other day, from the others, it's rare, or I'd say, so will you let me have a sip" "No, no, please let me go" "Huh, you should be grateful to you, I'm volunteering myself to drink your blood, now where do you want me to start?"


Adorable. "Now"... "Gross, get off me" *slap* *Blood drips down, along aiden's* "You little scum *drag* "get up" *drag again* *walks* finally arrived.

Crowd [Students]

"Oh my god, it's the crown prince, he looks astonishing. Handsome, who is that girl, is that blood on his face? She must have played something wrong, which was not supposed to be done. Victim, a new toy?" 

"Listen here, everyone, from now on, starting today, this moment, this little bitch right here, in front of you all, will be my enemy. You can do anything to make her suffer. Do you understand" 

Crowd [Students]

"Interesting. Look, another loser just made her life unworthy. I pity her. Isn't she from the class C ? Serves her right. I bet she'll leave the school with her corpse hanging down."

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