Beneath The Cross

By TheRealBertMccracken

833 40 0

Gerard Way, the son of the richest man in town, faces pressure from his family and community after coming out... More

You Use My Love Against Me
I Can't Keep Pretending Your Love Doesn't Hurt
You Drain My Energy Every Single Day
I Can't Keep Walking On Eggshells To Keep You Happy
I Feel Like I'm Losing Myself Trying To Love You
I need To Love Myself Enough To Leave You
You Make Me Feel Guilty For Things I haven't Done
I shouldn't Have To Fear The Person I Love
Letting Go Of You Is My Self Care
You Keep Talking Without Ever Giving
It's Not Love If It Hurts
You Make Me Doubt My Own Reality
You Never Appreciate Anything I do For You
You Always Find A Way To Make Me A Villain
I Shouldn't Have Fight For Your Attention
I Need You to Need Me, Even If It Hurts You
I Enjoy The Power I Have Over You
I Don't Want You To Realised Your Worth, Cus Then You'll Leave
I Keep You Guessing So You Won't Leave
I Push Your Buttons Cus I Love Your Reaction
I Love You In The Way That Destroys You
I Break You Down To Keep You Close
Isolation Keeps You Mine
The Ghost Of You
Chaos Within You Becomes My Playground
Cus I Feel Safe In Your Arms
You Can Run Away With Me
Creating Chaos In Your Life Gives Me Peace
My Chemical Romance

You Turned Our Love Into A Battlefield

23 1 0
By TheRealBertMccracken

*TW: A little bit of smut*

The morning sun filtered through the curtains as Frank slowly stirred from sleep. He stretched languidly and he sat up in bed, the events of the previous night came flooding back to him in a rush. But to his surprise, there was no sense of guilt or remorse.

Instead, he felt a strange sense of detachment, as though the events of the night before had happened to someone else entirely.

With a shrug, Frank pushed the thoughts aside and swung his legs over the side of the bed, his feet sinking into the plush carpet beneath him.

He made his way to the bathroom, the warm water of the shower washing away the last traces of sleep as he prepared to face the day ahead.

As he dressed and made his way to kitchen, Frank's mind was already occupied with plans for the day. There were errands to run, meetings to attend, and of course, his duties as the town's pastor to fulfill.

Frank went about his morning routine when the doorbell rang, interrupting his thoughts. He frowned slightly, not expecting any visitors at this early hour.

Nevertheless, he made his way to the door and pulled it open, revealing the figure of Mr. Barlowe and his wife standing on his doorstep.

Tears streaming down Mrs Barlowe's face, she wrung her hands in distress. "Pastor, have you seen Ray?" she sobbed, her voice trembling. "He hasn't come home since last night, and I'm so worried about him."

Frank wished he could laugh at the moment but he remained calm. "I'm so sorry to hear that, Mrs. Barlowe," he said. "But I'm sure he'll turn up soon. These things have a way of working themselves out."

Mrs. Barlowe shook her head, her tears flowing freely now. "But what if something terrible has happened to him?" she wailed, her voice rising in panic. "I can't bear the thought of losing my son!" Frank reached out a comforting hand.

"Try not to worry too much, Mrs. Barlowe," he said soothingly. "I'm sure Ray is safe and sound somewhere. Just give it some time, and I'm sure he'll come home." Mrs. Barlowe nodded, though her eyes were still filled with fear.

"Thank you, Pastor," she whispered. "I don't know what I would do without your support."

Frank forced a reassuring smile. "Of course, Mrs. Barlowe," he said. "Just remember to take care of yourself. Everything will be alright in the end."

Seeing the distraught state of Mr. and Mrs. Barlowe, Frank's heart softened. "Please, come inside," he urged, gesturing for them to enter his home. "Let's sit down and talk."

With hesitant steps, Mr. and Mrs. Barlowe followed Frank into the house, their eyes red-rimmed from tears. Frank led them to the living room and motioned for them to take a seat on the couch. "Please, make yourselves comfortable," he said, offering a reassuring smile.

As they settled onto the couch, Frank made his way to the kitchen to fetch some drinks. He poured glasses of water and returned to the living room, setting them down on the coffee table before the Barlowes.

"Here you go," he said gently. "I hope this helps to calm your nerves." Mr. Barlowe nodded his thanks. "Thank you, Pastor," he said. "We just...we just want to know that our son is safe."

Frank nodded in understanding. "I understand," he said quietly. "And I promise, I'll do everything I can to help find him."

As they sipped their drinks in silence, the tension in the room was palpable.

Frank knew that he was walking a dangerous line, but he also knew that he couldn't turn his back on Mr. and Mrs. Barlowe in their time of need.

Little did they know, the answers they sought lay much closer to home than they could ever imagine.

"In times of uncertainty and fear, it's important to lean on your faith," Frank began. "God has a plan for each of us, and even in our darkest moments, we must trust in His wisdom and guidance."

Mr. and Mrs. Barlowe listened intently, their eyes fixed on Frank's face as he spoke. "Prayer can be a powerful source of comfort," Frank continued, his words flowing effortlessly. "I urge you to pray for Ray's safe return, and to trust that God will watch over him wherever he may be." Mrs. Barlowe nodded, her lips trembling.

"Thank you, Pastor," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Your words give us hope in this difficult time."

Frank smiled warmly. "I'm here for you, both as your pastor and as your friend," he said sincerely. "Please don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything I can do to help."

Frank reached out to gently place a hand on Mrs. Barlowe's shoulder. "I know it's tempting to turn to the authorities in times like these," he said softly. "But I believe that the power of prayer is stronger than anything the police can offer." Mrs. Barlowe looked up at him, her eyes searching his face for reassurance.

"But what if something terrible has happened to Ray?" she asked and Frank shook his head. "We must have faith in God's plan," he replied. "He has the power to guide us through even the darkest of times. Trust in Him, and He will show us the way."

Mr. Barlowe nodded, though his brow furrowed. "But what if we don't find Ray?" he asked, his voice wavering slightly and Frank offered them a smile, though it felt hollow on his lips.

"We must believe that God has a purpose for everything," he said. "Even if we don't understand it right now, we must trust that He will lead us to the answers we seek."

"Thank you, Pastor," Mrs. Barlowe said softly and Frank nodded. "I'm just doing what any good pastor would do," he replied modestly. "Remember, God is with you always, and He will never abandon you."

With those parting words of encouragement, Frank watched as Mr. and Mrs. Barlowe made their way down the path.

But as the door closed behind them, Frank couldn't shake the feeling that he had just sealed their fate.

With an eerie calmness enveloping him, Frank retrieved his leather-bound book from the drawer of his bedside table. Flipping to a blank page, Frank methodically wrote down the name "Ray Barlowe" in bold, deliberate strokes.

The ink flowed effortlessly from his pen, staining the pristine white page. As he admired his handiwork, a sense of satisfaction washed over Frank.

To him, adding Ray's name to the list was simply another notch in his belt, another victory in his never-ending quest for dominance.

Closing the book with a satisfied smirk, Frank locked it away in the drawer once more. For him, there was no guilt, no remorse, only the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of a job well done.


Gerard entered the dining room with a forced smile. His parents sat at the head of the table as they exchanged a few polite words.

Hayley was already seated, her posture rigid as she picked at her food. Her eyes flicked up to meet Gerard's for a brief moment before darting away. "Good morning, Gerard," his mother greeted him with a warm smile. "Did you sleep well?"

Gerard nodded, though the lie tasted bitter on his tongue. "Yes, thank you," he replied, taking his seat at the table. "Just a bit tired, that's all."

His father glanced up from his newspaper, his brow furrowed with concern. "Is everything alright, son?" he asked and Gerard forced a smile.

"Everything's fine, Father," he said, his voice strained. "Just a busy day ahead, that's all."

Hayley cleared her throat, breaking the awkward silence that had settled over the table. "Would you like some coffee, Gerard?" she asked and Gerard shook his head, the thought of food making his stomach churn.

"No, thank you," he replied, his appetite suddenly gone. "I'm not hungry."

His parents exchanged a concerned glance, but said nothing as they returned to their own meals. "Have you all heard the news about that poor boy who went missing?" Donna asked, her eyes scanning the faces around the table and Gerard's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the missing boy.

"No, I haven't heard anything about it," he replied. "What happened?" Donna shook her head. "It's all over the news," she explained. "Young Ray Barlowe, from the house next to the church, he hasn't been seen since last night." Hayley's fork clattered to her plate, her eyes wide with shock.

"Oh my," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "That's terrible." Gerard's father folded his newspaper and set it aside.

"We must do everything we can to help find him," he said solemnly and Gerard nodded in agreement, though his mind was elsewhere.

"Maybe we should hold a special church service later," he suggested. "We could gather everyone together for prayer, to ask for God's guidance in finding Ray."

His parents exchanged a glance. "That's a wonderful idea, Gerard," his mother said, her voice filled with pride. "I'm sure it would mean a lot to the community to come together in this difficult time." Gerard felt a sense of relief wash over him at their response.

"I'll speak to Pastor Frank about it," he said. "I'm sure he'll be on board with the idea."

He knew that holding a church service wouldn't bring Ray back, but it was the least he could do to honor the memory of the boy who had vanished into the night.

As the conversation about the church service continued, Hayley shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "I... I don't think I'll be able to make it to church," she admitted and Gerard looked at her with concern.

"Are you feeling alright, Hayley?" he asked, his brow furrowing and Hayley forced a tight smile, her hands clutching at her stomach beneath the table.

"I'm just not feeling very well," she replied, her voice slightly breathless. "I think I have... uh, stomachache."

Gerard's mother frowned sympathetically. "Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry," she said. "You should go lie down and rest. We'll manage without you." Hayley nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Mrs Way," she said.

"Hayley, I understand that you're not feeling well, but it's important for us to be there for the community during this difficult time," Gerard said gently and Hayley looked up at him.

"But I really don't feel up to it," she protested and Gerard placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know it's hard, but we need to show our support," he said firmly. "If it becomes too much for you, we can leave early and go home. But please, Hayley, try to join me for the service."

Hayley hesitated for a moment but at the pleading look in Gerard's eyes, she relented with a sigh. "Alright," she agreed reluctantly. "I'll try my best." Gerard smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Hayley," he said. "It means a lot to me."

With a nod, Gerard led Hayley out of the dining room and towards the door, their steps echoing in the quiet hallway.

As the door closed behind Gerard and Hayley, Donald and Donna exchanged a knowing glance. "She's been good for him, hasn't she?" Donna remarked and Donald nodded in agreement, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"Yes, she has," he replied. "He's a different person with her by his side." Donna sighed contentedly, her gaze drifting towards the door through which Gerard and Hayley had just departed.

"I never thought I'd see the day when our son would settle down," she admitted. "But Hayley has brought out the best in him." Donald reached out to take her hand.

"She's been a blessing to our family," he said softly. "I'm grateful to have her as our daughter-in-law."

Donna smiled, a sense of pride swelling in her chest. "Me too," she agreed. "Let's just hope that they find happiness together."

Gerard and Hayley settled into their room and Gerard's thoughts drifted to Ray's disappearance. "Isn't it just awful about that boy, Ray?" Hayley began. "I can't imagine what his family must be going through."

Gerard nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's really troubling," he replied. "I just hope they find him soon."

Suddenly, a memory flickered in Gerard's mind, a fleeting recollection of Maria mentioning her boyfriend's name. "Wait a minute," he thought to himself, his brow furrowing in concentration. "Didn't Maria say her boyfriend's name was Ray?"

His heart raced with the possibility, but he kept his thoughts to himself, not wanting to alarm Hayley with his suspicions.

"I'll have to look into it later," he decided silently, making a mental note to reach out to Maria as soon as possible.

Gerard didn't even realize the gravity of the situation-that Ray's disappearance might be connected to his own boyfriend. The thought never crossed his mind as he mulled over the events of the morning.

As he listened to Hayley express her sympathies for Ray and his family, Gerard's mind churned with unanswered questions.

Little did he know, the truth was far more sinister than he could have ever imagined.


As the Ways arrived at the church, they were greeted by the familiar sight of the town's people bustling about, eager to find their seats inside. Gerard and his family made their way through the crowd, exchanging polite nods and greetings with their neighbors as they navigated the crowded aisles.

The atmosphere was tense, the weight of Ray's disappearance hanging heavy in the air.

Gerard's smile widened as he caught sight of the pastor, his heart swelling with pride at the sight of Frank standing tall and confident at the pulpit, ready to lead the church in prayer.

"Good morning, Pastor Frank," Gerard greeted warmly as he approached, extending a hand in greeting and Frank returned the smile.

"Good morning, Gerard," he replied, clasping Gerard's hand firmly in his own. "It's good to see you here." Gerard nodded, a sense of comfort washing over him as he took his seat again.

Frank stood in front of the congregation and he began, "Dear brothers and sisters, I stand before you troubled by the news of our fellow townsperson, Ray, who has gone missing. It is indeed a trying time for all of us, and we must turn to the Lord for guidance and strength." He continued, "In times like these, we are reminded of the uncertainties of life. But fear not, for our faith in God shall be our anchor. As we gather here to pray for Ray's safety and well-being, let us reflect on the teachings of our Lord."

Frank skillfully manipulated the situation, intertwining religious rhetoric with his own agenda. "God calls upon us to be a community, to support one another in times of need. We must come together, united in prayer, and trust that His divine plan will unfold," he declared.

With an air of authority, Frank concluded, "Let us join our hearts in prayer, asking for God's mercy and protection for Ray. And may this challenge strengthen our bonds as a community, bound by the love and grace of our Almighty Father."

Little did the congregation know that the one leading their prayers was the very source of the darkness they faced.

Throughout the sermon, Hayley discreetly struggled with her stomachache, her discomfort evident in the way she shifted in her seat and grimaced occasionally. Sensing her discomfort, Gerard leaned in close.

"Hayley, are you alright?" he whispered and Hayley forced a tight smile, her hand pressed against her stomach in an attempt to ease the pain. "I'll be fine," she whispered back. "I don't want to draw attention." Gerard nodded understandingly.

"If you need anything, just let me know," he whispered softly and Hayley nodded. "Thank you, Gerard," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the soft murmur of the congregation.

As the discomfort in her stomach persisted, Hayley rested her head on Gerard's shoulder and Gerard responded by wrapping his arm around her waist.

Unbeknownst to Gerard and Hayley, Frank's gaze flickered with jealousy as he observed their intimate moment from the pulpit. His jaw clenched involuntarily, his grip tightening on the edges of the podium.

As he continued with the sermon, his mind remained preoccupied with the sight of Gerard and Hayley.

After the sermon concluded, Frank descended from the pulpit and made his way towards the Ways. As he greeted Hayley with a polite nod and exchanged pleasantries with Gerard's parents, Frank noticeably avoided making eye contact with Gerard.

"Good morning, Mrs. Way, Mr. Way," Frank said with forced cheerfulness, his gaze fixed on Hayley and Gerard's parents. "I hope you found today's service uplifting." Hayley smiled politely in response.

"Yes, thank you, Pastor," she replied. "It was a beautiful sermon."

Donald and Donna echoed similar sentiments, expressing their appreciation for Frank's words before engaging in small talk about the upcoming church events.

Gerard watched the interaction with a furrowed brow. Despite his attempts to engage with Frank, the pastor seemed intent on avoiding him, a fact that didn't go unnoticed by Gerard.

Frank continued to converse with the Ways, his gaze flickered momentarily in Gerard's direction before quickly darting away.

As the conversation with Frank and the Ways continued, Hayley's discomfort intensified, her hand flying to her mouth as a wave of nausea washed over her.

Before she could react, she doubled over, retching violently as she struggled to suppress the rising tide of nausea. Gerard's eyes widened in alarm as he watched Hayley's distress.

"Hayley, are you alright?" he asked.

But before Hayley could respond, a surge of vomit erupted from her mouth, splattering across Gerard's shirt in a sickening spray. The pungent smell filled the air, causing Gerard to recoil in disgust as he attempted to shield himself from the onslaught.

As Gerard recoiled from the vomit splattered on his shirt, a look of disgust crossed his face, his lips curling.

"Jesus Christ!" he exclaimed, his voice ringing out in the quiet church.

Donald and Donna's eyes widened in shock at Gerard's outburst. "Gerard Arthur Way!" Donald scolded as he shot his son a stern look. "Language! Not in the church, and certainly not in front of the pastor!"

Donna nodded in agreement, her face flushed with embarrassment as she shot a reproachful glance in Gerard's direction. "We raised you better than that," she chided gently. "Pastor, I apologize for Gerard's outburst," Donald said. "It was uncalled for, and we're truly sorry for any offense it may have caused."

Frank regarded Donald with understanding. "It's quite alright, Mr. Way," he replied. "These things happen, especially in moments of distress. I understand completely." Donald nodded gratefully, relieved by Frank's understanding. "Thank you, Pastor," he said. "We appreciate your understanding."

Frank offered a reassuring smile before turning his attention to Gerard, who stood nearby with a sheepish expression on his face. "Gerard, why don't you come with me?" Frank suggested. "I have a spare shirt in the backroom. You can change into it."

Gerard nodded in agreement to Frank's offer, but despite his gratitude, he couldn't shake off the lingering disgust from the incident.

With an exaggerated roll of his eyes and a heavy sigh, he reluctantly followed Frank towards the backroom. Donald winced at his son's reaction, feeling a pang of embarrassment wash over him as he watched Gerard's disdainful demeanor. "Gerard," he murmured softly.

But Gerard didn't respond, his attention already focused on escaping the uncomfortable situation as quickly as possible.

With a curt nod towards his parents, he disappeared into the backroom with Frank.

Gerard barged into the backroom, his frustration evident in the way he tossed his shirt into a nearby box with unnecessary force. As he turned around, he found Frank standing nearby, his gaze fixed on Gerard.

"I hate how close you are to Hayley," he blurted out abruptly and Gerard's jaw tightened at the unexpected comment.

"Now's not the time, Frank," he replied tersely but Frank refused to be deterred.

"What is this behaviour?" Frank persisted and Gerard's eyes flashed with annoyance at Frank's words, his patience wearing thin and he let out a frustrated sigh. "Look, Frank, I'm sorry," he began. "Hayley was sick, and I'm her husband. I had to take care of her."

Frank's expression hardened. "You're not her husband," he countered and Gerard's jaw tightened at Frank's words, his frustration bubbling. "Technically, I am," he shot back. "Legally, I'm her husband, whether you like it or not."

Frank's eyes narrowed at Gerard's tone. "That's not the point, Gerard," he retorted. "You're supposed to be with me, not her."

Gerard's patience snapped at Frank's accusation. "I'm allowed to have other responsibilities, Frank," he snapped and Frank abruptly seized Gerard by the throat, his fingers closing around Gerard's windpipe with a fierce grip. "Let's see what kind of husband you really are," he snarled.

Gerard's eyes widened in shock as he felt Frank's hands constricting around his neck, cutting off his oxygen supply. Panic surged through him as he struggled to break free, his own hands clawing desperately at Frank's wrists in a frantic bid for release.

"Frank, stop!" he choked out. "You're hurting me!"

But Frank seemed deaf to Gerard's cries, his grip tightening with each passing second as he glared at Gerard. "You belong to me, Gerard," he growled. "And I won't tolerate anyone getting in the way of that."

With every ounce of strength he could muster, Gerard managed to wrench himself free from Frank's grasp, staggering backwards as he fought to draw breath into his burning lungs.

His chest heaved with exertion as he stared at Frank in disbelief.

"Seeing you with Hayley like that... it makes me wonder," Frank said. "Am I just another one of your obsessions, Gerard? Do you even care about me at all?"

Gerard's eyes widened at Frank's words, a pang of guilt twisting in his gut. "Frank, no, that's not true," he protested. "You know I care about you."

But Frank's expression remained impassive, his eyes boring into Gerard. "Do I, Gerard?" he challenged. "Because sometimes, I'm not so sure."

Gerard's heart sank at Frank's doubts. "Frank, please," he pleaded. "You know I love you. You're not just an obsession to me."

Frank merely raised an eyebrow in response. "Actions speak louder than words, Gerard," he countered. "And right now, your actions are telling me otherwise."

"I've given everything for you, Gerard," Frank declared. "And yet you have the audacity to divide your attention between me and her."

Gerard's heart clenched at Frank's accusation, feeling guilty. "Frank, please, you know it's not like that," he pleaded. "You mean everything to me."

"Do I, Gerard?" Frank challenged. "Because it certainly doesn't feel like it."

A sense of panic welled up inside Gerard as he realized the gravity of the situation. "Frank, no, please," he implored. "Don't do this. We can work through this together." But Frank shook his head. "I need time to think," he declared.

This was Frank's favorite game-to manipulate Gerard, to twist his emotions until he begged for mercy. He relished the power he held over Gerard's heart, the way Gerard's pleas for reassurance.

With every word, every gesture, Frank reveled in the rush of power that surged through him, the thrill of knowing that he held Gerard's emotions in the palm of his hand.

He took pleasure in watching Gerard squirm under his influence, in seeing the desperation in his eyes.

For Frank, it was a game that he played with expert precision. And as Gerard pleaded for his forgiveness, his desperation laid bare for all to see, Frank couldn't help but secretly smile, his satisfaction evident in the way his lips curled into a grin.

Poor Gerard had already been fallen in Frank's manipulation, his heart aching as he pleaded and begged for forgiveness. Tears streamed down his cheeks, his voice choked as he poured out his soul in a desperate bid to win back Frank's affection.

"Please, Frank," he sobbed. "I can't lose you. I'll do anything, just please forgive me." But Frank remained unmoved as he watched Gerard's heartbreak unfold before him.

"Gerard, you know it's not that simple," Frank replied dismissively. "You've hurt me deeply, and I need time to heal." Gerard's cries grew louder, his desperation mounting.

"I'll do anything, Frank," he pleaded, his voice cracking. "Just tell me what you want me to do."

On his knees, Gerard bowed before Frank, his heart heavy with shame and regret as he begged for forgiveness. "Please, Frank," he pleaded. "I'll do anything to make things right. Just give me another chance."

Frank's expression remained impassive as he watched Gerard's display of contrition. He savored the sight of Gerard groveling at his feet, the power he held over him.

But beneath the surface, Frank's heart swelled with satisfaction, his ego stroked by Gerard's desperate pleas for forgiveness. He relished the way Gerard's humility fed into his own sense of importance.

As Gerard continued to plead for mercy, Frank's lips curled into a self-satisfied smirk, his satisfaction evident in the way his eyes gleamed.

He enjoyed the sight of Gerard broken and vulnerable before him, relished the control he exerted over his emotions.

Frank reached out and pulled Gerard up from his knees, wrapping him in a tight hug. "Who's your husband, Gerard?" he asked and Gerard's heart skipped a beat as he felt Frank's arms around him.

"You are, Frank," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper as he buried his face in Frank's chest.

Frank held Gerard close as he pressed a kiss to the top of Gerard's head. "That's right," he murmured. "And don't you forget it."

"I won't," he promised, his voice muffled against Frank's shirt. "I'll do anything to make things right between us."

Frank pulled back slightly, his hands framing Gerard's face as he looked into his eyes. "I know you will," he said. "Because you love me, Gerard. And I love you too."

"I do, Frank," he replied. "More than anything in this world."

Gerard wiped away his tears and his gaze fell upon Frank's cross necklace gleaming against his chest. He leaned in close to Frank's chest, his heart racing as he took the cross in his mouth.

With a gentle nudge of his nose, he guided the pendant upwards until it brushed against Frank's lips. Frank's breath caught in his throat at Gerard's bold gesture, his eyes widening in surprise as he felt the cool metal against his skin.

Their eyes met in a silent exchange and without a word, Frank leaned in, parting his lips as their lips met in a tender kiss. With the cross nestled between Gerard's lips, Frank leaned in closer.

Without a word, he gently prodded the cross deeper into Gerard's mouth, using the tip of his tongue to guide it along. Gerard's breath hitched as he felt the cross moving further inside his throat and he instinctively closed his eyes.

As Frank grabbed hold of Gerard's hair, he pushed his tongue deeper, shoving the cross down Gerard's throat. Gerard's eyes widened in shock as he felt the cross pressing against the back of his throat, choking and gagging him with its presence.

He struggled to breathe, his chest heaving as he fought against the overwhelming sensation of suffocation. Tears welled up in his eyes as he gasped for air, his body trembling with the effort to endure Frank's relentless assault.

Frank showed no mercy as he continued to push the cross deeper into Gerard's throat. As Frank finally released his hold, Gerard coughed and sputtered, gasping for breath.

With a violent heave, he spat the cross out of his mouth, the metal pendant swinging back towards Frank's chest with a sway. Frank's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he watched the cross return to its place against his chest, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

He reached out, grasping the pendant with his fingers and bringing it close to his lips, savoring the taste of Gerard's saliva.

"Well, well, well," Frank murmured. "Looks like someone enjoyed themselves a little too much."

Gerard glared up at Frank, his chest heaving with exertion as he struggled to catch his breath. "You're sick," he gasped out and Frank merely chuckled in response. "And you love it," he taunted. "Don't deny it, Gerard."

Gerard reached up and cupped Frank's face in his hands as he pulled him closer. Ignoring the lingering taste of submission in his mouth, he pressed his lips against Frank's.

Their kiss was fierce and passionate as Gerard poured all of his love and longing.

For Gerard, there was only Frank, and their love.

Reluctantly, Gerard broke away and with a tender smile, he brushed his fingers against Frank's cheek, his touch lingering as if trying to memorize every detail of his beloved's face.

"I have to go," Gerard murmured softly. "It wouldn't be right to stay any longer." Frank nodded in understanding. "I know," he replied.

"Thank you," Gerard whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. "For everything."

With a final, lingering kiss, Gerard pulled away from Frank, his footsteps echoing softly against the floor as he made his way towards the door.

As he glanced back over his shoulder, he caught Frank's gaze, a silent promise passing between them that this was not goodbye, but merely a temporary parting.

And with one last lingering look, Gerard stepped out into the cool night air. As Gerard's footsteps faded into the distance, Frank stood alone in the room, a sinister grin spreading across his lips.

In that moment, a sense of triumph washed over Frank. He reveled in the knowledge that he held Gerard's heart in the palm of his hand.

With a low chuckle, Frank's mind raced with dark thoughts and devious plans.

For Frank Iero, he found a perverse pleasure in the pain and suffering of others, a pleasure that he knew would never be satisfied.


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