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By Aerahyasashi

16.9K 980 648

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1.3K 91 43
By Aerahyasashi



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SATORU GLANCED AT HIS wristwatch, feeling a surge of annoyance coursing through him as he realized that [Name] had yet to emerge. A solid half-hour had elapsed, and yet there was no sign of her.

'Where the hell is that girl?'

The facade of a smile that he had worn and the insincere greetings he had offered to unfamiliar faces had drained him. He then decided to just go in [Name]'s room, ignoring the people who tried to strike a conversation with him and ignoring his family's scoldings.

As he ventured towards the area where her room resides in, a deep sigh escaped Satoru's lips. Unlike the neighboring rooms, which were conveniently located, her dwelling offered seclusion and distance from others.

As he neared the hallway that led to her quarters, a subtle scent of blood infiltrated his nostrils, causing his brows to furrow instinctively. Perhaps she was experiencing her menstrual cycle?? and maybe she neglected to clean up?? but this particular aroma was distinct from the smell of the metallic and coppery tinge associated with menstrual blood though.

(Don't ask him why he knows how period blood smells)

Though, why,? why did he detect the unmistakable scent of blood in this vicinity? With a sense of trepidation, Satoru moved closer to her door, and the repugnant odor grew exponentially more potent.

"[Name]?" he called out, hearing some faint sound of hitting something.

"The main event's gonna start in an hour, hurry up f'me, 'kay? I'm tired of meetin' and greetin' those shitty people" satoru said bluntly and loudly but he didn't receive any response.

His brows slightly furrowed.

"[Name]?" he called out again.

But like before, she didn't respond. This wasn't like [Name] and satoru was getting worried.

Forgoing the traditional courtesy of knocking, he forcefully swung open the door, and his blue eyes widened at the horrifying sight that awaited him; blood splatters adorned the walls and coated the floor.

What. The. Fuck. ​​​​​

Satoru was flabbergasted.

[Name]'s dress were messy, her hair was dishevelled and she was covered in blood from head to toe as she relentlessly punched the lifeless body in front of her. The intense force of her blows had caused her knuckles to appear disfigured, as if the skin had melted away. The Phalangeal bones were now exposed, glistening with a mixture of her own blood and that of her father's. (Though, satoru still doesn't know who the corpse was)

Drops of sweat mingled with the crimson liquid as they trickled down her trembling figure. Satoru, observing the scene, was shocked by the sight of his sister wearing such a deranged expression, consumed by an overwhelming wave of fury.

"[Name].." he whispered.

This individual before Satoru did not resemble his younger sister in any way. Instead, this woman appeared to be completely deranged. However, there was no denying the fact that she was indeed his little sister. She had clearly reached her breaking point. Satoru was not accustomed to this behavior. She was always calm. So laid back and rarely gives a fuck... but now... She looked to be in rage.

Finally, satoru snapped out of his dumbfounded state.

"[Name], stop it, brother's here now, no need to be violent,"

Satoru quickly rushed towards her, immediately pulling her by the waist, and away from the lifeless body of their father.

"Calm down, [Name], your satoru is here..." he breathed out as he tightened his grip on her and buried his head on her shoulders.

However, [Name] struggled fiercely in his grip, kicking and thrashing about in a wild manner, [Name] doesn't even care that she was hurting satoru and was dedicated in solely destroying that abomination of a father.

"Let me go. I'll kill him. I swear, I'll kill him." She clenched her jaw.

Ah, so the corpse was a man then. Satoru noted, trying to keep calm. He can hear that her words were filled with such madness that it was as if she had completely lost her sanity.

"Fuck off, Gojo Satoru. You know nothing. I'm gonna fucking kill him." [Name] stated coldly and satoru winced when she called him by her full name.

"Look, [Name], he's already dead, so stop fucking around and calm the fuck down." satoru retorted.

"Fuck off, Satoru. Let me go. I am going to murder him."

She continued to flail around pathetically, and unfortunately for satoru, limitless isn't working because he was Technically holding her, thus, meaning that she could punch him.

"That hurts."

he said as he had endured a painful punch to his jaw. In that moment, he could even see the movement of her bones within her hand, for her flesh on her hands had almost melted away from her relentless punching of the corpse.

"Calm the fuck down-" Satoru tried to say but [Name] elbowed him in the gut, making him grunt.

"Damn it, Snap out of it, lady!" Satoru finally snapped, hugging [Name] more tightly and forcibly pulling her away from inflicting further harm upon the lifeless body.

"Shut the fuck up [Name], stop moving!"

The corpse lay before them, drenched in blood, its face barely recognizable, with only raw flesh remaining in place of skin.

"Who the hell even is that?" he grumbled, trying to regain his composure.

"I'll kill him, I'll kill him..." she repeated persistently, her eyes now welled up with tears as they streamed down her face. Satoru buried his face into the nape of her neck, even though it had many blood but he attempted to console her.

"He's already dead, calm down," Satoru reassured her, not giving any importance to the deceased person. [Name] stiffened and satoru continued.

"He's dead already girl, look." he urged her to look at the corpse.

"Dead as hell, look at him sis, disfigured and everythin', and you're the one who did it,"

By the way satoru was speaking, it was obvious that he was somewhat amazed that his sister had managed to take someone's life.

"See? He's not moving at all, you already killed him, pretty girl." satoru said and he couldn't help but acknowledge that her methods may have been excessively brutal. Nonetheless, it was clear that the person had done something to provoke her reaction, as [Name] wouldn't have snapped without any reason. She was always calm, patient and laid back after all and she was mostly apathetic. But... Something probably caused her to snap.

This was precisely why Satoru intervened-to prevent her from descending into madness. He doesn't care that [Name] killed a person. If she was on the right state right now then he wouldn't have interfered and let him murder the shit out of that man. But no, she was on a delusional state. And was obviously relying on instincts right now.

"See, beautiful?" Satoru gently coaxed and [Name] nodded.

"You should calm down"

"He is already dead, he is dead, you know, dead like the protagonist of your favorite book..." he repeated gently, observing how she gradually ceased her violent struggles within his grip.

Even though her punch had caused him pain, he knew that her current state of mind was not in the right place. She was likely still trapped within her delusional state.

"He's dead now," Satoru reiterated once again, taking a moment to wipe away her tears and some of the blood staining her face. "So calm down f'me, 'kay?" he murmurs.

"Take a deep breath, [Name]," Satoru said, placing a hand on her blood-smudged cheek and tenderly stroking it, not caring that his hand was getting smeared with blood.

"That's it... sweetie... breathe," he requested softly, noticing that she was slowly starting to calm down.

"Inhale and exhale..."

Satoru's gaze shifted towards [Name], noticing a gradual reduction in her distress. In an attempt to establish a closer connection, he gently tilted her head, bringing their faces level with one another.

"You've been through some things ain't you?"

As he observed her tear-stained face, he couldn't help but notice the blood that had splattered across her body, some of which had also tainted his formal suit.

"Yes..." she replied, panting heavily.

[Name], seeking solace, enveloped Satoru in an embrace, burying her head in the safety of his chest, her breath gradually returning to a more steady rhythm.

"Been through a lot of bullshit."

Her hand involuntarily twitched, a consequence of the excruciating pain caused by the melted skin on her knuckles.

'All because you are late.' She added mentally as her jaw locked.

Trying to make sense of the distressing scene, Satoru's eyes gravitated towards the disfigured and unrecognizable remains of their father, which lay discarded in a corner of [Name]'s room. The overpowering stench of blood permeated the air, rendering it nearly impossible to ignore and evoking feelings of repulsion.

"What happened, darlin'?" he questioned.

[Name] scoffed dismissively as she started recounting her traumatic experience to Satoru. Her words flowed out without any hint of emotion, as if she was reciting a script.

"I killed him," she stated matter-of-factly, her voice devoid of any remorse.

"I gouged his eyes out, stabbed him in the eye with a hairpin, and Attacked him with a chair and my fists." [Name]'s eyes lacked any spark, resembling the lifeless gaze of a doll.

"Brutal," he murmurs, feeling proud of [Name] for being able to do such things without even having a cursed energy.

"It started when i was preparing for the party," she added

"Then Otou-sama entered my room," she muttered

Satoru's eye twitched as his expression turned into a mix of confusion and anger. He whispered in disbelief, questioning,

"That's the hag?" He gazed at the lifeless body and then at [Name].

"He touched me, Satoru." she mumbled, her once vibrant [E/c] eyes now clouded with desolation. Satoru felt a chill run down his spine as his ocean blue eyes widened and a visible vein appeared on his forehead. Attempting to comprehend the gravity of the situation, his face darkened, and an icy aura enveloped the room. A pulsating vein throbbed on Satoru's neck as he tightened his hold on his sister.

"He touched you..." satoru repeated.

[Name] nodded.

"He tried to rape me, Satoru," she confessed, raising her head slightly to meet his gaze, which remained silent and motionless. Satoru's immobility was hauntingly unsettling given the circumstances. He was scarily stagnant.

"He said that it was my fault, and that i was begging for it and i was showing myself off like some whore," she shared, her gaze now averted.

"Surely, it is only natural for me to defend myself, right? right? right, Satoru?" [Name] pleaded, her eyes silently begging for understanding and validation. Sighing softly, Satoru gently removed [Name]'s hand from his body, grasping it delicately in his own.

"Yes...he deserved it," Satoru murmured softly, not daring to break eye contact with her.

"Look at what happened to your beautiful hands, they are now scarred...you should have allowed me to take care of it," he expressed, a subtle sense of pride concealed beneath his words. He embraced [Name]'s act of parricide, seeing it as a testament to her strength and ability to protect herself. However, his worry for her well-being persisted.

As Satoru surveyed the sight of exposed bones and blood on [Name]'s fingers, he repeated his conviction.

"He deserved it," he reinforced,

"He deserved it." Repeating this assertion, Satoru cupped [Name]'s face tenderly, emphasizing that the deceased had deliberately presented himself as an object of scorn and derision.

"He showed himself off to you like he was some training dummy, ready to be pummeled," he said.

"And obviously, you couldn't resist it. What on earth was he even wearing?" he inquired, a slight laughter escaping his lips.

"Either way,"

"He was definitely asking for it."


aressing his sister's face gently, satoru let out a small sigh as he looked at [Name]. Blood stains were present on his fingers, and his clothing absorbed the liquid that had come into contact with him when he was hugging his sister. The fabric greedily absorbed the blood, resembling a parched leech desperately craving sustenance and drawing it in.

"Let's clean up this mess before anyone lays their pesky eyes on it, yeah?" stated Satoru, his face twisted in a mixture of revulsion and disdain as he glanced at the lifeless body. This repugnant individual and pathetic excuse of a father harbored the audacity to covet his own daughter, thus deserving the fate that befell him. Satoru's seething anger extended to their abusive father, whom he yearned to subject to torturous punishment for his heinous actions.

"Let's keep this a secret, i'm proud of you, [Name]."

[Name] remained silent for a moment, agreeing with a nod that they should clean up the mess. However, [Name] looked at Satoru with a puzzled expression, her face devoid of any emotion.

"You don't care at all"

[Name] blurted out randomly, causing Satoru to raise an eyebrow in surprise. "What?"

"You don't care at all."

[Name] bit her lip.

"No, i do care for you." Satoru asserted, his warm breath caressing her cheek, causing a shiver to run down her spine as he leaned close to her, making her flinch visibly.

"Like, a lot." He added, pretending to not notice her discomfort and she shook her head, dissatisfied with his interpretation as she pulled back a little and tried to put distance between them. She didn't meant it that way, she meant that he does not care that she had killed their own father.

"That's not what I meant,"

She had not expected such a reaction from Satoru, nor did she anticipate him taking pride in her actions of killing someone, especially their own father. [Name] was aware of Satoru's disdain towards their family, but his nonchalant attitude towards murder unsettled her for inexplicable reasons. It made him appear... Insane.

Certainly, without fail, Satoru would constantly affirm his willingness to obliterate their entire clan solely for her sake. However, [Name] always viewed this declaration as mere jest, which allowed her to engage in conversations about murder with him in a carefree manner, even exchanging playful remarks... But from how satoru was acting right now, it seems like he's serious about it.... And all those death threat was probably serious too. He's the strongest, and he can wipe their entire clan out, and he probably will too.

"You've misunderstood my words..." she mumbled, [E/c] eyes narrowing slightly.

"Then," Satoru began.


"You don't understand..." [Name] conveyed again, her tone carrying a hint of severity, while her gaze grew sharper, indicating her mounting worry. In return, Satoru mirrored her expression of confusion, unable to grasp the full significance of the current circumstance.

"I killed Otou-sama." [Name] said, her fingers covered in a deep shade of red liquid. As she tried to contain her emotions, her quivering hand formed a firm grip, resulting in her nails penetrating the already swollen skin of her palm. This infliction left behind visible evidence of the immense torment and anguish she was enduring.

"And you don't even seem to care," she continued, her voice filled with a hint of disbelief. Satoru responded with an exaggerated gesture of rolling his eyes, expressing his indifference as he placed a hand on his hip sassily. With a grave demeanor, he confidently declared,

"He absolutely deserved it, i mean, he tried to take advantage of you." Satoru's ocean blue eyes narrowed and grew more concentrated, while his jaw clenched with a hint of restraint.

"Don't you try and make an excuse for what he has done, i know how your mind works girl. Don't be guilty." Satoru stated seriously.

[Name] was filled with confusion.

"Me? Guilty?"

She expressed disbelief by shaking her head, strongly denying any sense of guilt.

"No i do not feel guilty," she uttered softly.

"Not even a little bit."

[Name] confidently affirmed. Though, At first, she had anticipated a tumultuous emotional reaction, expecting to break down after committing the act of killing her father. However, to her surprise, she found herself maintaining a calm and emotionless state-she doesn't care and felt nothing about it. There was a profound emptiness within her, completely void of any feelings of regret, satisfaction, or any other emotion for that matter. She felt as though she were an empty cocoon, hollow and without any substance.

Satoru let out a sigh of frustration, his breath escaping in a visible cloud of discontent. He extended his hand, pointing it towards the motionless body as he summoned some sort of bluish flame that swiftly engulfed the ugly coprse.

Observing this gruesome spectacle, [Name] winced and her face contorted in sheer disgust, her eyebrows knitting together in an expression of repulsion. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the sight as the flames relentlessly consumed the corpse, revealing the grotesque bones beneath the blistering and melting skin. The process felt unbearably long, although in reality, it only took a mere 12 seconds for the lifeless remains to turn into ashes.

Standing upright, Satoru began unbuttoning his suit, peeling it off his body and tossing it into the fire nonchalantly, leaving him in only a tank top that pretty much looked tight because it's showing off his biceps, chest and abs, though, it was obvious that his actions were driven by the presence of bloodstains in his suit.

However, before he could proceed to unbuckle his belt, [Name] impeded his progress, her intervention leaving her visibly bewildered.

"What on earth are you doing?" [Name] inquired, her voice laced with bewilderment and a touch of disbelief, However, a notable sense of fear was evident in her voice as she visibly recoiled upon witnessing his actions. A lump promptly developed in her throat, causing her to gulp heavily, while her fingers instinctively curled against her palms once again.

"Don't you fucking dare... what the hell are you doing?!" she exclaimed, her voice rising in a tense and trembling voice, her eyes widening with a palpable feeling of apprehension.

Satoru rolled his eyes, his hands still resting on his belt, as he casually replied, not noticing the fear in her voice and her tense body language

"Obviously, I'm burning the clothes. And you should consider taking off your dress too, so we can get rid of the blood and avoid any potential trouble.

[Name] was taken aback by Satoru's words, causing her [E/c] eyes to widen with a mixture of fear and anger-all the calmness and emptiness in her slowly leaving her.

This response mirrored the way she felt when her father attempted to sexually assault her, evoking deep-seated memories of that traumatic event. The proposition of removing her dress was met with an immediate refusal. No fucking way would she take it off.

Despite recognizing the importance of destroying her clothes to erase any evidence of her father's murder and enhance her chances of evading detection, she found herself unable to comply.

What if satoru tries to assault her too? What if satoru-, no... Satoru would never.

She reminded herself.

Raising an eyebrow, Satoru's unwavering stare remained locked on [Name].

"Why aren't you taking it off?" he asked nonchalantly, his tone betraying the intensity of his gaze.

"You nervous or something?"

" I've seen you naked countless times, and we've even showered together like 20 times, what's there to be embarrassed about?"

Embarrassment washed over [Name] like a sudden wave, instantly coloring her cheeks in a vibrant shade of crimson and a sweat trickled down her forehead, mingling with the blood as her blood ran cold at his words.

"Shut up!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with frustration, and cracking slightly with undeniable fear. "This is different! We were just kids back then!" she said, her jaw set tight and her brows drawing together. Satoru continued to observe her, feeling confused.

"So? Does that change anything?" he asked dumbly, his voice dripping with nonchalance, seemingly unfazed by the idea of undressing in front of his sister. ,

"Yes, it does!" she stated assertively, her voice carrying an undeniable conviction-She doesn't want to see him like that, she wouldn't have mind it if the incident with that pig didn't happen, but no, it happened. And [Name] doesn't want to do anything with men for now.

Although she is unsure of the reason behind it, there is a nagging feeling inside her that suggests Satoru might try to take advantage of her just like her father did. And she wouldn't be able to do anything about it.


Satoru is the strongest.

However, she strongly believes that Satoru would never harm her in any way and that he would always be there to shield her from any harm. Nevertheless, her perspective shifted after the incident involving her father, causing her to no longer perceive Satoru's actions as purely platonic and sibling affection. His affectionate words of calling her pretty, hugging her, didn't made her feel comfort like it usually does... now... it sent shivers down her spine and evoke a repulsive sensation on her skin.


Suguru tapped on his cheek while gazing out the window, with a pencil in his hand. The darkness of night enveloped the surroundings, amplifying the sense of tranquility in the air.

As it was summer break, Suguru found himself with a surplus of free time and a lack of activities to engage in.

Directing his attention downwards, Suguru observed the soft glow of the light in his lamp illuminating the paper on which he was engrossed in writing a poem. It was a mere preliminary sketch, as he planned to embellish it further with the finesse of calligraphy and a fountain pen.

Succumbing to boredom, Suguru allowed his mind to wander and began to doodle on the upper portion of the paper. Upon completing the impromptu artwork, he tilted his head in introspection, realizing that the features he had unintentionally drawn bore a striking resemblance to someone he had encountered in the past.

A sense of curiosity washed over Suguru as he feverishly attempted to recall the identity of this mysterious figure. In a sudden moment of clarity, it dawned upon him-the idiosyncratic girl. Deep in contemplation, he pondered how she must be faring at present, and he hoped that she was doing well, after all, she's pretty nice, and he respected nice people!

Another thing, is that Suguru had refrained from seeking confirmation from Satoru if she really was his sister or cousin. After all, satoru surely wouldn't hide it from him if he had siblings, would he?

Reflecting upon his interactions with the idiosyncratic girl, Suguru fondly remembered the sweets she had gifted him. These treats had a distinct flavor, not overly saccharine like typical candies. Although he harbored no disdain for sugary confections, Suguru simply preferred a more mild sweetness. Comparatively, the taste of curses, the malicious forces he encountered in his line of work, resembled nothing short of a repulsive rag used to clean up vomit.

Another thing, is that suguru kept the bloodstained handkerchied with him.

Despite having the option to clean or discard the bloodstained handkerchief he used to wipe the blood from her lips, he inexplicably chose to hold onto it.

"I wonder how Gojo-san is doing..."

Suguru softly murmured to himself, questioning the well-being of [Name] while he resumed his drawing. He then skillfully added intricate details to the drawing-from the curve of her neck, the smoothness of her eyelids, and even the subtle nuances in her eyes and her eyelashes.

A soft hum of satisfaction escaped his lips as he finally finished the drawing. It was a detailed drawing of that idiosyncratic girl he was intrigued about; Gojo [Name].

Suguru then rose from his chair, letting out a sleepy yawn. And instead of crumpling the paper and tossing it into the trashcan as he normally would, Suguru's actions took an unexpected turn. He retrieved a pin and carefully affixed the drawing of [Name] to his pinboard, the very place where he stored his daily schedules, important activities, and cherished memories-like the photograph of him and Satoru.



-[Name] is starting to doubt satoru's intentions and now can see how weird he acts around her.

-Everything about the satoru being a creep thingy is only on [Name]'s point of view.

-They ended up burning their clothes anyways.

-[Name] is starting to develop trust issues.

-Suguru has a poem dedicated for [Name] and it's titled as "Gōjasuna on'nanoko."

-Suguru keeps a satoru plushie with him.

-Satoru was insinuating something to [Name] after he helped her clean up.

-Satoru burned the slug's body.

-[Name] may have been, or may not have been controlled by something.

-Satoru smelled suguru's scent on [Name] in the past but didn't said anything about it.

-[Name] doesn't feel guilty.

-Suguru kept the candy wrappers with him.

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