I'm not a kitten... Okay, I'm...

Od Matr1xey

70K 2.5K 95

This fic is written by JennaS_26 on Ao3!! Harry Potter is not the Boy-Who-Lived, but his name is Boy. That's... Více

I'm not a kitten... Okay, I'm Kitten: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
A kitten and a Snake: Chapter 1 - Pt.2
Chapter 2 - Pt.2
Chapter 3 - Pt.2
Chapter 4 - Pt.2
Chapter 5 - Pt.2
Chapter 6 - Pt.2
Chapter 7 - Pt.2
Chapter 8 - Pt.2
Chapter 9 - Pt.2
Chapter 10 - Pt.2
Chapter 11 - Pt.2
Chapter 12 - Pt.2
Chapter 13 - Pt.2
Chapter 14 - Pt.2
Chapter 15 - Pt.2
Chapter 16 - Pt.2
Chapter 17 - Pt.2
Chapter 18 - Pt.2
Chapter 19 - Pt.2
Chapter 20 - Pt.2
Chapter 21 - Pt.2
Chapter 22 - Pt.2
Chapter 23 - Pt.2
Chapter 24 - Pt.2
Chapter 25 - Pt.2
Chapter 26 - Pt.2
Chapter 27 - pt 2

Chapter 22 (Final)

1.5K 51 3
Od Matr1xey

"Damnit!" Koty hissed. Jamie was bringing out the worst in him. He never swore.

Rushing over to his ex-brother, Koty noticed that there was a large goose egg on the unconscious boy's forehead that was bleeding sluggishly.

"Olive!" He called out. "Conjure another stretcher while I do the stasis charms."

"What the hell happened to him?!" She demanded, as the new stretcher appeared. "If you finally took him down a few pegs, I won't say anything."

Rolling his eyes, he focused on the prat on the floor. "He apparently can't fly half as well as he boasts," Koty said absently, levitating Jamie out of the room. "Here, take over. I need to see what they were trying to do."

Penny had run back to the chessboard room to help with some of the plays. Apparently, she was great at it.

Koty was surprised to hear that, but glad there were still things to learn about his best friend. Nevertheless, he had to push on.

Going through the still unlocked door, Koty found a massive room with a sunken floor and stone pillars surrounding an ornate mirror. There was a man standing in front of it, and he was wearing a purple turban.

"Professor Quirrell?" Koty asked, confused. What in Merlin's name was going on?

In lieu of an answer, Quirrell's arm whipped out and Koty was swept off his feet as strong magic pulled him away from the door, which was immediately sealed. With another flick of his wand, Koty was bound in ropes from his shoulders to his toes. "Expelliarmus!"

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" Quirrell demanded angrily. "I needed that idiot, Potter Jr.!"

Koty was terrified. His heart was hammering in his chest and he was breathing in quick, shallow gasps. The ropes were so tight! "What do you want from him?" He gasped out.

"That boy will suffice," rasped an unfamiliar voice.

Whipping his head around, he noted that he and the professor were indeed the only people in the room. So who was talking?

"Are you sure, Master?" Quirrell asked nervously.

It was then that Koty noticed the professor was not stuttering. What was going on? Who was his master, and why did he need the Philosopher's Stone? Surely there were easier ways to get money than all of this!

"You dare question your master?!" The cold voice snarled. "I will speak to the boy, you useless waste of flesh!"

"Master," the professor whimpered. "You are not strong enough."

"I have strength enough for this," the mysterious voice said, almost hissing.

Professor Quirrell looked as terrified as Koty felt, but lifted the signature purple turban off his head and slowly began to turn around.

Koty gasped. There was a disfigured face on the back of the man's head! Its eyes were sunken in and its nose looked to be crushed flat and it only had a horizontal slit for a mouth.

"Harry Potter," it said harshly. "The so-called 'lesser twin' of my enemy."

"My name is Koty Lucien Amaryllion Malfoy!" Koty declared, hoping to appear much less afraid than he really was. "I am not now, nor have I ever been a Potter." He was trying to ignore how strange it was to be talking to the back of his professor this way.

"Quite right," the face said, almost pleasantly. "Koty Malfoy, boy genius, creature, yet still an abused child, grasping for family and friendships in all manner of places."

Koty didn't know what to say to that. He wasn't a genius, but he did read a lot. He was a creature. He was... abused, but he loved his new family and friends. They loved him too, and cared for him in ways he'd only ever read about. None of that was bad, so why did it sound like an insult?

The face looked curious for a moment.

Where was Professor Snape?! Koty needed help!

"You intrigue me, Mr. Malfoy," the face said slowly. "Your magic is nothing like anything I've ever seen before."

Koty blinked in surprise. Seeing magic was an incredibly rare ability. "What did you want from Jamie?" He asked nervously shifting, but stopped when his right wing was yanked on by the ropes.

"While I would have deeply appreciated the irony of having the Boy Wonder assist in my resurrection," the face began with a half smirk that twisted his features into something more grotesque than before. "It isn't necessary. You will suffice. It is, after all, a very simple task. All you have to do is look into the mirror."

Koty's brow furrowed. How would looking into a mirror help resurrect someone? "I don't understand," he said honestly.

"My Lord?" Came an astonished gasp from the doorway.

"Sev!" Koty cried out, relief overwhelming the little Vílaupír. He got the door unlocked! Koty was saved!

Blinking at the level of familiarity, the face merely grinned. "My dear Severus. How fortuitous this night has been."

"Accio wand," the professor said, but made no moves to attack the strange being.

The bit of wood that Koty used as a fake wand zoomed from its spot on the floor to Professor Snape's outstretched hand. His eyes were locked onto the face, but his brow knit when the wood slapped into his palm.

"My Lord, how?"

Koty was shocked and confused. Why wasn't Professor Snape attacking the face? Why was he just standing there?!

"Now is neither the time nor the place, Severus." The face said, eyeing them curiously. "My friend, I find myself at a loss."

"My Lord?"

The face paused, then blinked. "We will discuss it later, my friend. It seems I have missed a great many things in my absence."

"What is going on?!" Koty demanded, sounding more confident than he felt. He hissed when the outburst caused him to move slightly, twisting his wings painfully.

Ignoring him entirely, the face stared Severus down. "You know what is hidden here, do you not?"

"Yes, my Lord." Severus nodded sharply. "I was enlisted to aid in its protection, just as Quirinius was."

The face hummed. "In any case, I require the stone if I am to resume my physical form."

Without skipping a beat, Severus stood in front of the mirror. He gasped as Koty watched on in confusion. "My Lord, I believe I am unable to assist you."

"You have desires greater than my resurrection?" The face deadpanned.

Severus looked away from the mirror with what appeared to be a great deal of difficulty. Eventually, he sighed and knelt at the man's feet. "I apologize, my Lord."

"Rise, Severus," it said, closing its eyes. "I am unable to blame you for having desires that do not match my own."

"Perhaps, my Lord," Severus began, glancing at Koty. "If we were to explain the importance of the stone to the youngest Malfoy, he might assist?"

"That's twice now I've been 'asked' to help," Koty half shouted. "But I'm not going to help you steal a stone for money or immortality!"

"How much time would you estimate we have, Severus?"

"Very little," the potions Master replied, sounding... defeated? "The Brat-Who-Lived and his band of merry morons have injured themselves badly and the so-called cavalry will be here momentarily."

"If no one is planning on killing or torturing me, will someone please untie me?" Koty asked, irritated. His wings were being crushed.

Severus turned, seeming almost surprised to see the ropes. "My Lord, was that really necessary?" He flicked his wand and the ropes dissolved.

Koty whimpered as his wings tried to unfold.

"I was expecting someone else," the face said nonchalantly. "My apologies, Mr. Malfoy. Would you please look into the mirror?"

"No!" Koty replied angrily. He was already in a bad mood, and now his wings. Gods, they hurt!

"Koty, look at me," Severus said softly, taking his hand. "This man is not evil. He has little want for gold as the Slytherin Heir. And it is not immortality that he seeks, but merely a form of his own."

"But you don't even want it enough to get it, so why should I?!" Koty was so confused. "I don't even know who that is! Or how he's just a face!"

At that, the face looked genuinely shocked.

Seeing the hopeful expression his mate wore, Koty bit his lip. "Is this really what you want?" He asked quietly.

"It is," he said resolutely. "And it is quite important to myself and many others. For my Lord to regain a body is a very dear wish."

Koty was conflicted. He didn't know this person, or if he could trust him... but Sev wanted it. Was that enough? He did trust Sev, but this face thing was hardly winning his confidence. But he wanted to make his favorite professor happy. "Fine," he breathed. Summoning his cane from the floor, Koty took the short walk toward the mirror and saw the inscription at the top of the gilt frame. His Heart's Desire?

Did he dare? Surely there were other ways to get a new body. There were about five books in the Potter family library alone that- his eyes widened. There were other ways! Now the stone didn't have to be used at all! "I-" his gaze caught a strange sight in the mirror. He was surrounded.

His friends and family were all sitting down to... a game of cards? They were all there. Mum and dad, Draco, Sev, Penny, Amelia, Olive and the Weasley twins. They were clearly laughing, though there was no sound, at something silly George had done. Koty himself was sitting between Sev and Penny, toying with a blood red stone. Mirror Koty was nudged by Penny and he stowed the stone in his pocket to take his turn.

Something was deposited into his pocket. His real pocket.

But... why? He didn't even need it!

Now that he understood the difficulty Sev had tearing his gaze away, Koty spoke without looking at them. "It isn't working," he lied, transfixed.

"But I remember reading something a few years ago. Sir, I think I can help you without the stone." At least that part was true. He really did hate lying.

"What?" They asked in unison.

"Yes," Koty said absently. It was mirror Sev's turn. Mirror Sev looked at his cards, then at the table and hung his head. Mirror Koty peeked at Mirror Sev's cards and pointed to one. Mirror Sev smirked and played his hand, then kissed the top of his head. Mirror Koty beamed. "But we have to get you out of here."

Never looking away from the scene before him, Koty waved his hand and a dummy appeared behind him. With another wave, he set it on fire.

The two professors were discussing the best way to get Quirrell (and his extra face) to some chamber so he could apparate out of the castle, while Koty watched the card game unfold. Mirror mum was looking closely at all of her companions' faces, trying to get a read on them, then threw a handful of chocolate galleons on the table.

While the men were distracted, Koty had an idea. The stone had to have other uses than gold and immortality, didn't it? He wanted to study the components... and no one knew he had it...

Koty eventually ripped his gaze from the mirror and looked around. He let his magic out to test for anything that might be eavesdropping. There was nothing. Quick as a flash, Koty took the small stone out of his pocket and bit down.

A small sliver of the blood red stone sat on his tongue as he pocketed the biggest piece. He waited until the professors decided on a simple disillusionment charm to spit out the tiny shard and toss it onto the ash pile, entirely unnoticed.


The Vílaupír spun around quickly. "Yes?" He asked, heart pounding rapidly in his little chest.

"I am going to disillusion my Lord," Sev said calmly. "Just be careful not to run into him as we leave."

"Okay," he replied, breathing a sigh of relief that he hadn't been caught.

Before Koty knew it, he was being plopped onto Bear's back and carried to the infirmary. He could finally get his wings looked at! For now though, he was being ignored, which was good.

Leaning forward, he hoped it appeared as though he were only tired, half lying on Bear's back. "Bear," he whispered as quietly as he dared. "I need you to do something for me. I have something in my pocket that I can't be caught with. Can you sneak it down to my room for me?" As with all familiars, they obviously didn't need a password to get in, but rather, the portraits could see them and open up.

Just outside the hospital wing doors, Koty climbed down and let Bear hold onto the stone by putting it in the wyhound's mouth. "Remember, straight to my room, okay? And don't swallow it! You might get hurt."

Bear nuzzled his side and jumped over the bannister, his wings erupting as he began the quick descent.

Upon entering the infirmary, Koty was surprised to see that one of the occupied beds was swarmed with people in awful green robes. They were healers from St. Mungo's.

Madam Pomfrey was bustling around the other three occupied beds herself, doling out potions, casting spells and wrapping bandages. Why weren't the healers assisting her? Why were the five of them surrounding a single person?

"What is it this time, Mr. Malfoy?" She asked pleasantly, though hurriedly.

Koty was quick to shake his head. "Take your time, Madam Pomfrey. They need your help more than I do at the moment." It was then that he noticed that her three patients were Jamie's friends. So where was... of course. All of those healers were there for Jamie, and one frazzled mediwitch was scrambling between the other three, who were clearly more injured. "I can help, if you'd like. I can bandage with the best of them."

She smiled indulgently at her favorite little frequent flier. "Alright, Mr. Malfoy. I need Mr. Finnegan's head wound to be rewrapped first. Just remember to be careful."

"Yes, ma'am."

Half an hour later, the mad-dash to get the Gryffindor's properly situated was done. Madam Pomfrey sighed and drank deeply from her water glass. "Alright, Mr. Malfoy. What can I do for you today?"

When Koty tried to lift his wings to show her the problem, he hissed in pain and let them fall once more.

"Oh, good heavens," she said, eyes wide. "I'll have Severus come up straight away!"

Was Sev even done dealing with the Quirrell thing? "Are you sure it has to be him? Isn't there anything you could do?" Even as the words left his lips, he knew that he couldn't let this woman manhandle his wings! They were not for her! They were f-Koty blinked, shocked and slightly horrified at where his thoughts had begun to take him.

"Your mother has already informed me that you are well aware that no one aside from Professor Snape will be able to touch your wings."

"Yes, ma'am," he replied, glad that his mum had spoken to the mediwitch.

"Now then," she said, pulling him to a nearby bed and sitting next to him. "Is there anything else I can help you with? You're not due for your next knee appointment until the day after tomorrow, unless of course, you need one tonight?"

Not having thought about it much, Koty flexed his leg. "Nope," he said with a shrug. "Same as usual." Feeling drained, he leaned on the older witch's shoulder.

Careful not to touch the vibrant, if damaged, wings, Madam Pomfrey rubbed his back. "Do you think you can lie down, Koty? I don't want you to injure your wings anymore than they already are."

Just the thought of lying down made him cringe. "I don't think so," he said tiredly. "I'll smush them, even on my side."

"Alright, dear," she said softly. "You just rest right where you are, and we'll wait for Professor Snape together."

"M'kay," he said, yawning as the evening's events began to catch up with him.

When Professor Snape finally got to the infirmary, Koty was dozing on Madam Pomfrey's shoulder.

Severus couldn't help but smile slightly at the picture they presented. Later, he would put the memory into his penieve and take a photo. For now though, he had some work to do.

"Koty," he said softly, not wanting to wake the little Vílaupír too abruptly. "Time to wake up."

"Hmfrmr," he snuffled, eyes still closed.

Severus couldn't help it. He laughed along with Poppy's giggle.

Only a little bit startled, Koty blinked. "Hi," he said, rubbing the grit from his eyes.

"Shall we take care of those wings now?" Severus asked, his chuckles dying down.

Koty nodded, letting out a sleepy hum. "Righ' one. The lef's fine." He could feel the jabs from broken feathers on the left, but the right actually hurt. Still leaning on Madam Pomfrey's shoulder, he let Sev work his magic.

Within ten minutes, his wing was splinted and pain free. When he was given the go-ahead to lie down, the professor began preening his left wing.

Koty fell back to sleep in seconds.

The next morning, Koty woke to a rough scratchy tongue being dragged across his cheek.

"Ew! Bear!" His nose scrunched as he wiped away the doggy drool. "I'm awake already! Ew, quit it!"

Abruptly, Bear stopped. And growled.

Confused, Koty looked around. To his surprise, Marcus Flint was standing at the foot of his bed, hands raised in surrender.

"Easy, dog." He said slowly. "I'm not here to hurt anyone."

Bear didn't care. That one scared his human.

"Malfoy, call your dog off."

"It's okay, Bear," Koty said, patting his doggy's back. "What are you doing here?" He pushed himself upright.

"Last match of the season starts in an hour," Marcus said, keeping his distance from Bear. "I just need to check if the Dragon Lady will let you play. The reserve seeker is... well, she sucks."

Koty's brow rose. He flexed his wings and was pleased to find the motion painless. "I feel fine, but I'll go ask."

After about fifteen minutes of poking and prodding, Madam Pomfrey relented. Though, she did let him know that if he was injured during the game, she was going to strap him to the bed to keep him from getting hurt again.

"Thanks!" He said happily, hurrying out of the infirmary.

Two grueling and sweaty hours later, the entire Slytherin quidditch team was on the shoulders of various students. Koty's six teammates were being toted around by their house, but Koty himself was hoisted up onto Amelia and Penny's shoulders. The Hufflepuffs were good losers, applauding them for a solid win.

It was a great day.

The OWLs were beginning the next morning and the strain was practically choking most of the student body. Coffee was being sent to all of the common rooms several times a day, and no less than thirty-two students were sent to Madam Pomfrey for exhaustion and anxiety attacks.

Koty and his friends were doing their best to remain calm. Penny and Olive were losing that battle though, so he was quick to make them take a two hour break so he could brew them calming draughts. When the potion was cooled, therefore sealed from further reaction, he added some peach oil to make it taste better. If he'd added it before the concoction was cooled, it would have turned the entire batch into an unusable, gray paste.

"Alright," he said, handing them the potion phials. "We're done for the day. It's Sunday and we aren't doing any more. Since it's still kind of early, we're all going to Hogsmeade. It's the last visit of the year, and no one is allowed to say no. We all need a bit of fun before exams."

For a while, his friends argued, begging to be allowed to study, but Koty refused. Well, he called in reinforcements to help him refuse.

Sev actually gave them statistical information on the benefits of blowing off steam on the day before a stress inducing event, as well as reminding them of the climbing number of hysterical students being shepherded to Madam Pomfrey in droves.

Grumbling, the three Ravenclaws packed away their books and headed to their dorm.

Koty was stopped by Sev. "Koty, could you remain behind for a moment, while your companions return their belongings to Ravenclaw tower?"

"Okay?" He said curiously.

"I was hoping you would care to explain this," Severus said, pulling the 'wand' out of his pocket.

Koty's eyes went wide. How could he have forgotten that Sev had his fake wand?! Granted, there was next to no magic being used in class, as class was mostly being used as review, but still! He'd never forgotten it before, had he? No, he didn't think so. He cleared his throat. "Thank you. I can't believe I forgot to get it back from you."

Severus arched his brow. "Really?"

"Er, yes?"

"And what would you do if I were to snap it in half?"

"Make a new one-" Koty clapped a hand over his mouth.

"Koty," the man sighed. "What happened to your wand? The real one? It is clear that this is no more than plain wood. Anyone could touch this and know immediately that it is not a wand."

"There is no real one," he mumbled, knotting his fingers together.

"I beg your pardon?"

A finger under Koty's chin prompted him to look up. "I never had one. I made that on the first or second day here. Sirrefusedtobuymeone," he blurted out.

"You've been casting all year without a wand?" Severus asked, astounded.

"I didn't have much of a choice." Koty replied sadly.

"Why didn't you tell someone?" He asked calmly. "As your Head of House, I could have taken you to Knockturn Alley to purchase one."

Koty tilted his head questioningly. "Don't you mean Diagon Alley?"

"No," Severus said, shaking his head. "Ollivander only uses a few materials, whereas one of the shops in Knockturn has a veritable plethora of woods, cores, minerals, focus stones and runic combinations to create the most personalized wands in all of Britain. Every wand in Ollivander's is premade, whereas Madame Lavinia creates every single wand custom and on-site."

"Oh," was all he could think of to say.

"If you think you are able to get through your OWLs without a wand," the professor said, handing the useless stick back. "I can speak with your parents about taking you to purchase one when you return home. If you would rather get one immediately, I can take you myself today, as it is a Hogsmeade weekend. Which would you prefer?"

Before Koty replied, something he had said caught his attention. "What are focus stones?"

"They are precious gems that are magically altered to cater to more magically powerful beings. It helps contain the raw power of said being. Wands in general, are made to amplify magic, as well as pinpoint and emphasize certain abilities. For some, however, that could be considered dangerous. I believe that you will require at least one focus stone. For you to be able to use so much magic without a wand at such a young age, you are quite powerful."

"Then... can't I just stop using one altogether?" Koty asked. Wouldn't it be easier that way?

"If it were that simple, I wouldn't have suggested it." Severus sighed. "All wands must be registered with the ministry upon graduation for legal purposes. Besides, having an affinity for wandless magic is best kept to oneself. An ace up your sleeve situation. Do you understand?"

"I think so," he replied honestly. "Do you think I need one now?"

Severus pulled out a pocket watch. "Well, there are just under six hours left of the Hogsmeade visiting hours. A new wand should only take an hour or so. I believe it would be in your best interest to have it made sooner, rather than later."

"Wait!" Koty said suddenly. "What about Penny and Olive and 'Melia? I'm the one that made them agree to go to the village in the first place. What if they just come right back here to study, since I won't be going with them?"

Severus just rolled his eyes. "Go get pinky promises from them, for all the good it will do."

"What's a pinky promise?"

There was a flash of hurt in the older man's eyes. "I didn't think it was possible for me to hate the Potter's any more than I already did, but I have apparently been proven wrong." He barely kept from pinching the bridge of his nose. "It is just something that children do. It isn't important."

Koty nodded, but decided to ask Penny later. "Okay then. Let's get me a wand!" He was finally going to have a wand of his very own! Finally!

The trio of Ravens agreed to go to lunch while Koty was busy with Professor Snape and promised they wouldn't go back to the castle to study while he was away. They would meet up at Honeyduke's at two.

While Koty wanted to take some time to stroll around the magical Alley, despite being under a notice-me-not, Sev had to remind him that they would be able to once all of his wand accoutrements were chosen. Madame Lavinia needed time to craft it after all. Koty grinned at that, wanting to browse in a handful of the stores. Some of them looked so interesting! Maybe he could even-oh no.

"Sev!" He squeaked out, blushing.

Severus raised his brow. "Yes?"

"The only money I have is on my Hogsmeade certificate! Do we have time to-"

"I had already planned on purchasing your wand," Severus said easily.

"Okay," Koty said grudgingly. "But make sure that you give me the receipt so that I can pay you back!"

Severus let out a short chuckle. "Your parents would kill me for even suggesting it. If I give the sales slip to anyone, it will be your parents. The child should not take on the responsibilities of the parent, especially at your age."

"Are you sure?" Koty asked, both skeptical and confused by that.

"I am," he said with a nod. "Now, keep close. I won't be held responsible if you get lost."

Without a second thought, Koty quickened his pace and took the man's hand.

Madame Lavinia's shop was far from impressive. Then again, the same could be said about most of the shops in Knockturn Alley. Everything was dark and dreary... and a little creepy if Koty was being honest with himself. It made no difference. Sev would protect him.

"Severus!" A tall, regal woman called out through the murky window. "What brings you here at this time of year?"

They stepped into the shop and Sev removed the notice-me-not charm.

The woman gasped and clutched at her heart. "My Lord!" She said. And she curtseyed!

Blushing darkly, Koty wished he could figure out how to retract his wings. "Please," he said softly. "Don't do that."

"Good afternoon, Madame Lavinia," Severus said, breaking the awkward tension. "Young Mr. Malfoy requires a wand. We have very little time to waste."

The woman laughed loudly. "Trying to look imposing for your companion? Sorry, Sevvy, that won't work here! Give us a hug!" She held her arms out wide.

Koty's eyes bugged as the professor actually returned the hug.

"That's it!" She encouraged happily, squeezing Severus. "Now, let's get your little friend a wand, yes?"

Looking up at Sev, Koty cocked his head to the side in silent question.

Severus smiled softly. "She was my mother's best friend. Always over for tea in my youth. It was a horrid concoction that consisted of a ridiculous amount of sugar and very little tea." He gave a dramatic shudder.

Madame Lavinia laughed again. "And you were the only child I ever met that didn't go for biscuits over finger sandwiches." She looked at Koty and shook her head in exasperation. "And he thinks I'm barmy! Pah!"

The pair followed the possibly crazy woman to a tall shelf made of glass. It was three meters tall and at least five meters wide!

"Now, Mr. Malfoy," she said, pointing to the shelf. "I'm going to have you walk from one end of this to the other with your hand hovering just above each row. If anything gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling or cool and refreshing or even just an intense feeling, I want you to pick it right up. Alright?"

"Yes, ma'am," he said automatically, reaching forward.

"Did you hear that, Sevvy? He called me ma'am!" She laughed hysterically. "What manners! None of that, now. Call me Vinny!"

In the few seconds it took to reach the end of the shelf, he picked up two pieces of wood and some kind of silvery mineral.

She flicked her own wand at the shelf and they rearranged themselves so that he could reach the next one. It was hairs and cords and tiny phials.

He took two hairs, a phial of metallic liquid, a phial of clear liquid and a piece of something that looked like a thin strip of jerky.

Once more, the shelf rearranged itself. It was full of precious gems and stones. Ametrine, opal, diamond and an emerald.

Within an hour, Koty was back with his friends, his new wand hidden. It was decided that he would keep using his fake wand until after the end of term, which confused him to no end, but he went along with it just the same. What was the point of leaving the grounds to purchase a new wand he didn't intend to use until later? Wouldn't it have made sense to just wait until the end of term to buy it?

Koty just brushed the issue aside and breezed through his examinations. As expected, his friends had their struggles with certain subjects, especially with Amelia's potions exam, but he was confident that all of them had at least passed everything.

Before he knew it, they were settling down in the Great Hall for the farewell feast.

Jamie had been released from the hospital wing about fifteen minutes beforehand. Koty only knew about this as he had gone to Madam Pomfrey for his last knee related visit for the term. She had given him a small satchel with a bottomless charm. It contained three large jars of the salve he'd been using. "To get you through the summer, dear," she'd said as Jamie whined off to the side about being bored.

Koty had noticed that a handful of things surrounding his bed were from the trunk of things he'd given Madam Pomfrey for Yule. There were ripped cards, chess and checker pieces everywhere, the board was actually missing a corner (it was solid wood!) and one of the color changing spinning tops were crushed flat.

While Koty was disheartened by this, he said nothing and made his way back toward the exit.

Madam Pomfrey told him that he had no need to be there past the second day, and she had no clue why he'd remained.

Jamie loudly proclaimed that his mother had said he needed rest.

All throughout exams, Koty thought bitterly. How convenient.

"Another year..." the Headmaster began with exaggerated sadness. "Gone. Let us hope that your minds are full and eagerly waiting to be emptied during the summer holidays." From there, it was a lot of nonsense. "As you may notice, it would appear as though Slytherin wins the House Cup!"

The painfully 'dignified' cheering that sprouted up from the ever-composed green-clad house was shocking to Koty, who had never heard his housemates act like the children they were (in public). He merely smiled along, clapping a few times to be polite. He wasn't a fan of their raucous behavior.

Professor Snape, however, was glaring at the Headmaster with thinly veiled suspicion.

For a moment, Koty was confused, but then he remembered what the old man had actually said. 'Appear as though'... that didn't bode well.

"I do believe, in light of recent events, that there are a few last minute points to be awarded." The wizened wizard said, eyes twinkling merrily in the candle light.

In the span of a single blink, dead silence reigned over the Slytherin table. Professor Snape looked furious, as if knowing what was about to happen.

"For Mr. Ronald Weasley," he said happily. "I award fifty points for the best game of chess I have seen in my many years. For Mr. Seamus Finnegan, I award fifty points for courage in the face of mortal peril. For Mr. Dean Thomas, I award fifty points for his cool use of intellect in a stressful situation. And, finally, I award seventy-five points to Mr. Jamie Potter, for taking on a position of leadership and outstanding bravery in the face of adversity."

Koty looked, along with most of the student body, toward the first year Gryffindor boys. Jamie, Ron and Seamus were preening, but Dean just looked conflicted.

"If my calculations are correct," the man said happily. "I believe a change of decoration is in ord-"

"I beg your pardon, Headmaster," Professor Flitwick said loudly, barely squeaking. "I believe you forgot to mention that those four boys also went into a forbidden corridor, which was clearly against the rules. Therefore, I have no choice but to deduct fifty points for each, as well as assign a month of detention with Mr. Filch as soon as next term begins."

When Professor Dumbledore opened his mouth to speak, Professor Flitwick continued.

"As you yourself said at the beginning of the school year, that corridor was indeed forbidden. As a matter of fact, I believe the students who rescued them should be rewarded."

"If these young boys are to be punished for entering the forbidden corridor, then the rest of the students that also ventured-"

"Excuse me, Headmaster," Professor began, his tone nothing but professional and respectful. "But I must disagree. Those four students involved took the initiative to both rescue the aforementioned Gryffindors, administer what medical care they were able, as well as having the sense to alert a staff member, requesting assistance."

"They only went down there for some idiotic quest for Orders of Merlin!" A first year Gryffindor girl called out, standing. She had mousy brown hair that was hilariously bushy and large front teeth. "I heard them say so myself!"

"Now, Miss Granger," he started, sounding like he was talking to a disobedient toddler. "I'm sure you misheard."

"Yeah!" Jamie called out angrily. Those points were supposed to be his! This wasn't fair! "I already have glory, so I wouldn't go looking for more! Stay out of it!"

Koty glanced up at Professor Snape, who merely rolled his eyes. "Ten points from Gryffindor for your insolence. I will be awarding twenty points each to Koty Malfoy, Penelope Clearwater, Amelia Odoa and Olive Elison. Each of whom displayed courage beyond expectation while maintaining common sense, critical thinking and having the wherewithal to seek the assistance from a staff member. Additionally, I award another ten points to Miss Clearwater for that chess match, as it was she who assisted both myself and Miss Odoa across without injury."

All across the Hall, gasps and whispers broke out.

"If I am correct, you were right, Headmaster," he continued. "A change of decoration is in order. In fourth place, Gryffindor, with two hundred seventy-four points. In third place is place is Hufflepuff, still having three hundred and twelve points. In second place, my own house with four hundred sixty-six points. In first place is place is Ravenclaw with four hundred and seventy-eight points. Congratulations, Fillius. For the first time since nineteen eighty-one, Ravenclaw wins the House Cup."

Every jaw in the Great Hall dropped in unison, aside from the Headmaster, Professor Snape and Koty, who was grinning from ear to ear.

The banners shifted from the Slytherin crest to the Ravenclaw eagle.

Koty moved from his seat to go hug his friends in congratulations..

Before Koty knew it, it was time to board the train. He had done it. Koty had completed his first (fifth) year at the top of his class and made some wonderful friends.

He hand said friends were sprawled out over the two benches Koty had transfigured into plushy couches. The Weasley twins had stopped by after a while and Koty was in the midst of teaching them how muggle poker worked when the train began to slow. Fred was doing splendidly and was currently holding about eighty percent of the sweets they were bartering with.

Rather than stow the massive pile in his pockets, Fred slid his winnings into the center of the table and picked out a few little things before telling everyone to pick what they wanted.

"We'll see you guys in September!" He said, waving as they took their leave.

"Let's get moving, Kitten," Amelia said, holding Freya's hand. "Your parents are waiting for you."

At that, Koty beamed.

Bear let out a huff when he discovered that Lucius was nowhere in sight. The wyhound adored Lucius ever since the Yule Ball.

Narcissa hugged both Koty and Draco, who had been sitting with his housemates the whole trip. "I think," she said conspiratorially. "Since Lucius is going to be working late, we can sneak off and be back before him."

Draco grinned mischievously. "Where are we going?"

She hummed, pretending to think it over. "How about Fortescue's?"

"Yes!" Draco cheered, uncharacteristically boisterous. "I want chocolate death with marshmallow creme!"

"Fortescue's?" Koty asked. "Oh, that's an ice cream shop, isn't it? I've never tried that before."

For a split second, Narcissa's eyes darkened, but quickly she smiled. "Then we will just have to try lots of flavors, won't we?"

Koty nodded, taking his mum's hand.

"Let's go!" Draco said, urging them toward the floo.

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