Izuku: The Ultimate Weapon

By CotyMeanor

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What if deku was kidnapped at the age of 4. What if he was experimented on and was made into the ultimate wea... More

Chapter 1: Birth of the Ultimate Weapon
Chapter 2:Awakening
Chapter 3: New Beginning
Chapter 4: Enter Izuku Kayama
Chapter 5: My Hero Academia
Chapter 6:Life at U.A
Chapter 7: The Boys Are Back
Chapter 8: Assault on the USJ
Chapter 9: Burst Mode
Chapter 10: Season 1 Finale
Season 2 preview
Chapter 11: The U.A sports festival
Chapter 12:The calvary arrives
Not a chapter
Chapter 13: Shadow vs Mystique and Tournament battles
Chapter 14: The boy born with everything vs The boy who lost everything
Chapter 15: Last Man Standing
Chapter 16:Names
Chapter 17: Internships, Villains, and the Family
Chapter 18: Stain and Terra
Chapter 19:Shadow v Stain and Terra
Chapter 20: Shadow vs Sabertooth
Chapter 21: Sending A Message
Chapter 22: Wanted
Chapter 23: Shadow vs ALL!
Chapter 24: Battle of the Ultimates
Chapter 25: Poison of the Past
short stories
Chapter 26:Shadow vs Pyro
Chapter 27:Shadow and Bullseye
Chapter 30: Rings off
Chapter 31: Who is Izuku Kayama?
Chapter 32: Finals
Chapter 33: Shadow vs All Might and Endeavor

Chapter 29: Agents of Trinity

499 8 9
By CotyMeanor

**AN:** Yo peeps, new chapter here. Next chapter will be the epic finale of the season 2 and then we are going to season 3. I will do the my hero film another time...maybe, I don't know yet. I really would like to do it, but I want to get to season 3 right away. But I'll figure it out. Anyway enjoy the chapter.

"Just like old times." Bullseye said again as he and Blackfire entered, soon the elevator door closed and went up. The agents have arrived and they are heading for Black Mask. The odds have been evened.Black Mask wasn't going anywhere, he was trapped like the rat that he is. Trapped with arguably the three most dangerous agents of Trinity. Bullseye, Blackfire, and Shadow.Blackfire surrounded the building with her black/purplish flames, flames that could not be extinguished. They will burn and burn till they consume everything in their path, that means no one's getting in and no one's getting out. News choppers circled the building, their were vans outside with cameras and reporters, police were outside trying to calm everything and setting up barricades.

Torino, Shoto, Smoker, Naomasa, and Endeavor were all outside watching on television that was set up outside. Naomasa had told the three pros that the chief was dirty, they were caught off guard by that. Both Smoker and Naomasa wanted to arrest him, but they needed proof. They only hoped that Izuku could get since he was in the lion's den.

Anticipation was in the air, everyone watching and everyone in the building could feel it. This night is coming to an end and it's coming soon for the climax was approaching. The world will soon see how powerful Shadow is and why he is Ultimate.

The elevator went up as the three agents stood in silence, none of them said a word. Shadow was on the left, Blackfire in the middle, and Bullseye was on right. Blackfire had a calm look on her face as she checked her fingernails which had black nail polish on them.Bullseye was chilling with a smile on his face and humming the annoying elevator music that was being played. Shadow stood there with arms folded and his eyes on the numbers as they lit up with each passing floor.

The teen occasionally took glances at the woman beside him, checking to see what she had planned. He knew that Bullseye wasn't going to take him, but that didn't mean that she wouldn't. Blackfire was loyal to Trinity, more so she was loyal to his father. So if there's a chance that he was going to get taken then he needed to be prepared."So, Shadow how have you been these last two years?" Shadow stayed silent as Blackfire continued to talk. "Have you met any cute girls that couldn't resist that charm of yours? No? Have you fucked some recently?" Shadow gave a side eye look and then turned back to face the doors.

"I'll take that one as yes." Bullseye said snickering as Blackfire continue to prob Shadow."Have you found a girlfriend yet...or do you have someone that you're **interested** in?" Still Shadow didn't say anything, he gripped his arm to stop himself from lashing out. Taking on Blackfire in tight confined space is not a good idea, especially when that said women can burn him to ash if he isn't careful."Still nothing, huh. Ok, how about this. Have you been in contact my **kitten**? I'm sure that crazy here has told that the kids went missing and like a good mother I'm worried about my little girl." Shadow closed his eyes, he released a breath of air and opened his eyes. The teen now decided to take break silence.

"No." That's all that the emerald haired teen said as he went back into his silence. He wished that they could continue the ride that way, but Blackfire would not allow it."You can relax, Shadow." Shadow ears perked at her voice, but he still didn't say anything. "I'm not going to do anything. You can trust me." Shadow snorted at that and rolled his eyes, her word meant nothing to him."Yeah, like I would trust you or **you** for that matter." Shadow looked at Bullseye, Blackfire and the sharp shooter laughed at the teen. It was so fun for them to mess with the Ultimate Weapon, especially since Shadow seems to have found a humanity. The teen's more aware of emotions and that sets up great conversations.

"I'm serious, Shadow. I'll be a good girl...for tonight." Blackfire said sexually and many men had to take a deep breaths to calm themselves including those in the Family. Blackfire is one sexy MILF and no one could deny that. A wonder body, d-cup breast, hourglass figure, and a nice round ass. The woman barely looks like she's in her forties and she has a child that is in her twenties."Whatever, just don't kill anyone." Shadow said as his eyes fell to the ground saw a black duffel bag. "What's in this?" Blackfire smiled as Shadow opened the bag up, before she came here Bullseye told her bring some... toys."Some toys that I thought you boys would like. I know how much boys love your guns." Shadow eyes widened and a smirk came onto his face as he saw tons of guns.Pistols, machine guns, SMG's, you name it. All of them high-end Trinity weaponry and all of it came make some noise. "Call this my birthday present."

"Heh...god bless guns." Shadow said as he dug through the bag, he saw many that he wanted, but only one stood out. Shadow grabbed a MP5 and got a feel to it."Nice choice, but not good enough." Bullseye told him as he came over to grab a gun. "We're going to be in tight corners and tight spaces. I would go with something more...well, like this." Bullseye ended picking up a AUG and the teen rolled his eyes."An AUG, really. It's accuracy is a mess and don't even get me started on the range of that thing. You need something with some kick. The MP5 is the way to go, these rooms are going have a lot space which means we're going to be fighting a mid-range battle." Shadow told him matter factly and Bullseye fired back at him with his own rebuttal.

"The MP5 is a good to an alright gun, but it's not the AUG. This bad boy here has great mobility, damage, and accuracy, making it a viable weapon even in mid-range and close range. We're going to be moving constantly while these guys trying to shoot us, go with the AUG.""MP5!""AUG!""MP5!""AUG!"This was the scene in front of Blackfire as she leaned her face on her right hand with an annoyed look on her face. A grown man and teenage killing machine were arguing on which gun was better to use. Blackfire was starting to wonder why she decided to come again if this was going to be the result.

The woman just sighed and looked at the panel to see how far they were, they were not close. Black Mask built his HQ on the tallest building in Hosu which has 86 floors, they just passed floor number 12. That means she has 74 more floors to go."Both of you, knock it off." Black yelled at them and the two agents turned to her, her voice had changed from the sexy type to the strict motherly type."We got 74 floors to till we reach Black Mask and I don't want to deal with your argument. Now, my spy has told me that Black Mask is in his office which his located on the penthouse floor.""You have a spy in Black Mask's operation?" Shadow asked surprised, Bullseye though had something else to add."More like slave." The agent whispered with a smile, but Shadow ignored him and continued to listen to the female agent.

"Black Mask is there alone with two others assassins and hundreds of gangsters armed to kill us." Blackfire told them, but they seemed unfazed. In fact they seemed amused at the idea of fighting all these people."Sounds fun." Shadow said confidently as he clocked his gun back and took off the safety. Bullseye did the same with his AUG and spoke again."It will be fun." The elevator began to slow down and all three of them knew that the action was about to commence. Shadow looked back down at the bag to grab some ammunition, but didn't see any. He looked shocked as he searched the bag again, but still nothing."Shadow-""Where's the damn ammo?!" Shadow ignored Bullseye and they both looked to Blackfire who just shrugged her shoulders.

"You didn't bring ammo for the guns!" Bullseye scolded her and she glared at him."Hey! You told me to get the guns and I brought them." Blackfire fired back, Shadow grabbed a fist full of his hair and Bullseye put a hand over his face. How can anyone bring guns and not the ammo for them."You mean tell me we got all these damn guns, but no bullets!" Bullseye exclaimed at her and then looked at Shadow. "You see this is why I hate fucking quirks, man. Shadow, how many rounds you got?" Shadow pulled the magazine out and saw that he had full clip of thirty bullets."30." Shadow spoke annoyingly and Bullseye sighed."Fuck it. We just got wing it then. If we die this all her fault." Shadow nodded his head and got ready for doors were about to open. The ding sounded, doors opened, and all hell broke loose right on time. Bullets were fired at the agents as soon as the door opened, Shadow immediately went to the panel and pressed the close button.

Bullseye fired back blindly making his shots count, with his skill he was able to three of them before the doors closed. "Great now we're stuck!" The sharpshooter complained as they were stuck on the 14th floor. Shadow could see the bullets hitting the doors, they wouldn't last long. They needed to get out of here quickly, but where. Shadow looked above and saw the emergency exit, that could work for the three."Bullseye, Blackfire, above!" The two agents looked and saw what the teen was talking about. Soon everyone watching saw them climb out of the emergency exit and now they were elevator shaft, with nowhere to go."What now?" Blackfire asked as Shadow began to jump from side to side like Gran Torino. Bullseye saw him and just fired his grapple and Blackfire used her flames to create boosters for herself.

"You got plan of attack kid?" Bullseye asked as he was being lifted."Yeah, it's called-shit!" Shadow screamed as an explosion came and knocked him off balance. He was not the only affected as Bullseye grapple fell and he needed Fire to come grab him."RPG!" Shadow screamed as he looked back to see that an idiot had fired a rocket launcher at the elevator doors. The goons were loading another one before Blackfire threw Bullseye up to the floor's ledge and shot them."Clear." Shadow leapt to the floor and Blackfire came up as well. The hallway was clear, but not for long as goons came out of the rooms. Shadow and Bullseye began to move up and shoot them. When they ran out of ammo they used their pistols."This is a shit storm." Bullseye said as he took cover in room, Shadow and Blackfire was on the other side of the hallway in a replica room.

"You think!" Shadow screamed as he popped out of cover to shoot three guards, those were his last shots before he reloaded. ' _This is not going well for us, these guys are like fucking weeds. We need to get out of this hallway and keep moving. We need...'_ Shadow lost his train of thought as he looked at Blackfire. ' _This is a bad idea.'_"Blackfire, I need you to clear us a path." Blackfire, Bullseye, and everyone else widened their eyes when they heard that. Shadow had just ordered the agent and she just smirked at him."Finally." Blackfire said excitedly as she got out of the cover and everyone saw her step in the line of fire. The goons didn't stop, they didn't care if she was a woman, they were going to kill her either way.

One of the goons fired a bullet at her, but nothing happened. The bullet didn't hit her nor did it graze her. All it did was go through her body, the bullet went absolutely through her and the shell turned to ash at the heat of her flames. Blackfire slowly walked towards the men as they continued to fire more, but the results were the same."Ohhh...don't tell me your boys are done already? Cause this cat has yet to show her claws." Blackfire spoke ominously as everyone saw her violet orbs turn into violet silts, she began to run at them and left a trail of black flames each with step. Blackfire jumped into the air and to everyone's horror she turned into a large female black lion.

The lion had black fur, black flames on its paws, and flames at the tip of its tail. "Roarrr!" The now animalistic agent screamed as she charged at the goons, the poor fools running for their life as the female lion attacked them and mauled at them. When Shadow came out of cover he saw what Blackfire had turn into and was surprised."Huh, so that's why they call you the hellcat." Sonic was speaking to Blaze as he saw her mother swipe her paw at a goon, sending him through the wall.

"Could she she always do that?" Shoto asked his father and he replied by shaking his head. Endeavor thought he knew Toka, she was his friend. They grew up together, trained together, but I guess he was wrong. He still didn't understand how she came to be this and when did she have a daughter.When Blackfire was done with the room the cat turned to the boys and stood on its hind legs and the flames became a black whirlwind. When it was gone their stood a naked Blackfire, who brushed her hair back revealing her chest and body. Shadow and Bullseye didn't say anything or show any reaction, the public on the hand did.

Sonic, Denki, Sato, and Minoru had blood come out their noses. Endeavor thanked the gods that his flames covered his face for he was blushing as was his son and many other officers. The villains bar whistle when they saw the agent's naked body and many, many mothers covered their sons eyes."Cover yourself." Shadow told as he past her making the woman smirk."Why, too much skin for you?" Shadow rolled his eyes and clapped back at her."I've already seen you naked or have you forgotten that favor you did." Bullseye ears perked and he rushed over to his fellow partner in crime."Whoa! Whoa! You...You saw naked. When?" The shooter asked with much jealousy and Shadow ignored him, he was heading to the emergency exit.

"It was during a time I spent with the good doctor, Shadow came in and interrupted us. She could use her hands very well." Blackfire said knowingly as black flames spread around her chest and her lower area, creating a black flaming bikini. Blackfire brushed her hands through her straight black hair and made the ends turn into black flames."Let's keep moving!" Shadow told them as he lined up on the left side of the emergency door with his pistol out, Bullseye came up on the right."Ready?" Bullseye took off his jacket, revealing black Kevlar armor and grabbed his second gun. The agent had decided he was going to get serious.

"On you." Shadow nodded and he kicked the door down, he then quickly went in. Bullseye followed behind and both shooters began to let loose. Shadow saw three guards and quickly fired at them, he then ran up the stairs. Bullseye followed behind him and shot at the guards that were coming down."On your left!" Bullseye called as he shot at the goons that were coming out of the door, the guards dropped their guns and Shadow took them. Shadow now had a two Uzi's, he went to the railing and unloaded all the bullets in the guns. Goons were being hit at the barrage of Shadow attacks, he was relentless. Bullseye as well as everything that the agent was hitting was on the mark.

It didn't seem like the man could miss, everyone was mesmerized at the man. His skills with a gun seemed unrivaled. Shadow looked back to see his demon two floors below him and saw how he was tore apart the two guards that jumped out of a door. Bullseye shot one in the chest and the other in the leg, he then shot both of them in the chest again.Shadow knew he didn't kill them, his shots were not fatal and he couldn't miss. "Keep going!" The agent yelled and the teen shook his head, they were only on the 35th floor. They still had a long way to go before reaching Black Mask."Get out there!" A gangster ordered one and the man went into the stairwell with a flamethrower. Shadow widen his eyes as he saw the man, when the flames came the teen jumped off the railing and began to fall. Bullseye saw him falling and reached his arm out, the teen caught and nearly pulled both of them down.

"I got you!" Bullseye told him as he began to pull him up, but they had trouble. The man with flamethrower was coming down and with the flames blazing towards them.' _Where the hell is Blackfire?!'_ Both shooters thought as that said agent decided to take a scenic route which was jet boosting outside. She decided to let the boys have their male bonding time and meet them at the 84th floor.As she was flying through the air she turned around to see that the news chopper was on her. She didn't say anything to it, but she did look down to see Endeavor at the entrance. _'Soon, Enji. Soon._ _'_ The female agent thought with a smile as she made her way back up to the 85th floor.

Bullseye groaned as he could start to feel the heat of the flames, the man saw the metal railing and thought of an idea. The agent aimed his gun at a certain angle and pulled the trigger. No one knows how he did it, but somehow he shot the man in the back and the flames stopped. With flames stopped so he could now pull Shadow up, when the teen got back up he looked at the man that Bullseye shot."You...you ricocheted the bullet." The surprise and shock was evident in Shadow's voice, he never seen that before. To ricochet a gunshot at the precise angle takes much practice and skill."Heh, I can do a whole lot more with guns than just that." Bullseye said ominously as the two looked at each and then went back to climbing the stairs.

The plan was simple for Bullseye and Shadow, they would run and shoot. They wouldn't stop for anything, they needed to reach the top. As they ran to the top they shot at everything that moved."Back to back!" They both yelled as Bullseye got behind Shadow and both fired their guns at gangsters that were coming through the doors. Shadow fired blue rose, when he ran out he threw it to Bullseye who in turn threw his pistols to Shadow. The teen grabbed them in fluid motion and continued to shoot the gangster while Bullseye quickly reloaded his gun.When it was reloaded Bullseye fired the blue rose at the goons behind them with precision, when it was clear he tossed it back to Shadow and the teen did the same for Bullseye. They were like a two man team that no one had ever seen, they fought and shot in sync for 49 floors.When they reached the 85th floor their were bodies everywhere in stairwell and blood was splattered on the walls. Both men were out of breath and leaning on the walls to catch their breaths.

"Whew...huff...that...was intense." Bullseye said tiredly as he looked around to see the bodies in the stairwell, there was a lot of moaning and groaning by the gangsters."You guys...deserve...a raise." Bullseye told them as Shadow got up and opened the door to enter the floor."Let's go." Shadow said, the teen wiped the sweat from his brow as he entered a hallway where two large guards stood in front of a door. The guards were big, hulkish, muscular, and looked like they wanted to kill the two intruders. One was black in white suit and the other was white in a black suit."Great," Bullseye dragged as he looked at the teen. Shadow looked back and saw the knowing look in the man's face, the teen nodded and looked back at the guards."You guys picked the wrong day to work." Shadow told him as he held his gun at them and Bullseye did the same.

"That's the best you could come up with." Bullseye said while looking at the guards, Shadow rolled his eyes at the man."I've had a long night." Shadow fired back, it's not his fault that he couldn't come up with a nice catchphrase."Whatever, let's just shoot them." Bullseye and Shadow both pulled their triggers and to their surprise nothing came out. They pulled them again and still nothing happened, they then went to their belts to grab the ammo and widen their eyes."Shit!" They both said in sync as neither of them had ammo, they shot so many guards that they didn't realize they were running out of ammo. The guards saw the opportunity and charged at the two, Shadow got tackled by the white one and Bullseye had to deal with the black one.Shadow was tackled into the wall and then punched in the gut, the teen coughed up some blood and saw another punch coming towards him. The teen went into full cowl and ducked underneath, he then went behind him and delivered body shots. The body shots seemed ineffective as the man turned around and grabbed him by his neck.

The hulkish guard threw the teen into wall and Shadow went into the next room over. The guard stepped through it to continue his assault.* * *Bullseye was not faring much better as he was getting thrown around like a rag-doll, eventually he was able to get out when he kicked the guard in the groin a good four times.When he was let go he ran to get space, he then went into his pockets to see if he could find anything, all he could find was a pencil and a playing card. The man sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

' _Good enough.'_ Bullseye thought as the guard got up and looked at the agent, the man laughed at Bullseye."What are you going to do a magic trick-AHH!" The guard screamed for he felt the pencil in his right eye. Everyone winced when they saw that, but Bullseye was not done as he tossed the card at his neck.The card had a sharp edge and cut his neck making blood pour out and staining the suit. The white guard put his hand on the open wound, his vision was blurred for the pencil was in his right eye."Tadah!" Bullseye said with a smile, but it didn't last long for the guard screamed and charged at him. The white guard grabbed Bullseye by his neck with both his massive hands around him, the agent felt his life was being sucked out of him as the man threw into a door that led the restroom.
Shadow had been thrown around like a cheap toy as the black guard had thrown him into a library. Shadow was up to his face as his hands were behind his back crushing him in a bear hug. Shadow felt his spine get tighter as the man put more pressure on him, the teen gritted his teeth in pain.Shadow brought his hands together for a clap and the man let go for his head was ringing. Shadow who was still in his full cowl ran at him and kneed him in the face. The man fell back a couple feet and landed on a large mirror, he saw Shadow coming at him and grabbed the mirror.As Shadow got closer he swung at the teen and brought him down, the glass shattered everywhere. The man wasn't done as he grabbed the teen by the hair and began to punch his face.

Blow after blow was given to Shadow's already beaten up face, the teen had enough and blocked the punch. He caught it and stood up, and quickly flashed to the man's back.The teen put him to sleeper hold and channeled OFA, the hold got tighter and stronger, but yet the big man wouldn't go down. "Go to sleep! Go to sleep! Go to sleep!" Shadow yelled at the man as he fell to knee. He was down, but not out.*"Ah!" Bullseye was thrown into a mirror that broke that glass, he was still dealing with his guard that had blood all over him and a pencil still stuck in his right eye.Bullseye got up and quickly dodged a punch from the guard, he then grabbed his head and bashed it into sink. The pure white sink broke and stained it with red blood. The man was hurt, but that didn't mean was done as he grabbed Bullseye leg and swung him into the wall.Bullseye crashed into it leaving a spider web like cracks, the man groaned as his face was on the clean marble floor. The large man was walking over to Bullseye and grabbed his head, he then bashed his head into the urinal. The agent groaned as his face was smashed into the filthy urinal, he needed to get out of this.

Bullseye saw the glass on the ground and grabbed a piece of it, he then flipped it so the sharp edge was facing backwards. Bullseye without looking tossed the glass into the groin are of the guard, the injury made the man let go of the agent's head. The white guard looked at his groan and saw that it was bleeding, he pulled the blade which made him scream out in pain.That moment gave Bullseye enough time to get up and grab the pencil that was in the man's eye. He pulled it out and took the eye with it, he then stab it in the other eye making everyone cringe some more. The man howled in pain and Bullseye's face became a crimson mask full of blood.

The agent was not done as he pulled the pencil out again and this time he stabbed him in the neck, he targeted his jugular. If you thought that was enough you were wrong for Bullseye went a step further in his assault. Bullseye did something that no one has ever seen before, he bent the man's head to the side and stabbed the pencil in his ear."OOOHHH!" Everyone screamed when they saw the pencil go into the ear. Bullseye didn't just stick in there, he jammed in there by pressing his other hand at the bottom of pencil. Bullseye felt resisting, he knew that was probably the eardrum.

That last jam broke through that wall and got to the brain. The body twitched as the man felt his brain just stop working and when the pencil was removed the man just stopped moving overall, he laid on the floor dead as blood pouring out his neck, nose, and ear.The pencil went from the standard color of yellow to the color red with pieces of brain all over the tip. Bullseye huffed and tossed the pencil into a toilet, the man face bloody and beaten from that fight. "That's...That's why you never bring your fist to a Bullseye fight." The agent said tiredly as he left the restroom with some his bones intact."Oops, I broke my promise. Bullseye said aloud as he made his way back to the hallway that he and Shadow were at. He didn't care that he killed that man nor did he feel sorry that he broke the promise he had with Shadow.
"Just...go...to...sleep!" Shadow said angrily as the guard would not go down. He was on both his knees and yet he still had the power to fight him. The man got his fingers underneath Shadow's hold and loosened it, he then got air back into his breath to get his bearing together.Shadow felt the man get up off his knees and then with a deep breath from the man he charged backwards into a bookcase. Shadow's back hit the bookcase knocking some of them off the shelf, the man did it again for he was not done.

Again he hit the teen's back against the bookcase, but he was still holding on. The man did again, and again, and again, and again, and again. It was thud, after thud, after thud, and eventually Shadow let go. The teen let go for his back had taken too much damage and it was screaming in pain, he was definitely going to need a chiropractor after all this is said and done.The man gasped for air as he felt Shadow let go, he could finally breathe now. The man took a switchblade knife from his pocket and stabbed the teen in his shoulder."AH!" Shadow let out a scream as the blade broke his skin, the man got sick smile on his face as he began to drag the blade deeper into the teen's skin.

Shadow was not going to give up, he created a dagger and stabbed it into the man's foot making him let go of the dagger. Shadow then grabbed a book on the ground and smashed it into the man's face. Shadow didn't stop there as he punched the book to add more force to the impact, he wasn't done yet as the teen then turned the book sideways and put it in the mouth of the guard.Shadow then repeatedly punch the book into the man's face, the brutality was never before seen by the people from a hero. The book was bashed hard into the man's mouth that it broke his jaw, but Shadow didn't stop there as he took the book out and then swung it at his face. The man was down with a broken jaw and Shadow was left standing tiredly.The teen was beyond exhausted, as he could pass out at any given moment, right now was looking good for him. But he didn't, he just released some air and then wobbled to the bookshelf where he put the book back.

Shadow saw the book and saw that it was about the fall of Roman empire. "That's...a good book." Shadow tiredly as he began to wobble to the hole that he was thrown threw. He stepped out and made it back into the hallway, where the teen then went to the door where Bullseye and him were separated.
Shadow arrived at the door albeit barely since he was leaning on the wall for support, the teen saw that the door was opened and just decided to walk in. Shadow saw the dim lights and saw that there was a bar where he saw Blackfire behind the counter and Bullseye sitting with a hand on his head.Shadow wanted to flash, but he couldn't since his body said fuck it. He teen just couldn't muster any flashes at this instant, so he just walked over there and sat down next to the agent."Cold one?" Blackfire asked the two and they looked at her with tired eyes and eyes full annoyance.

"Where the hell have you been?" Bullseye glared at her and Blackfire who was still in her flaming bikini, she pointed to the wall behind them and the boys saw a burning hole with black flames. "Huh, that must've been easy.""It was." The woman said as he turned around to grab the boys some liquor, the two shooters got a good look of her ass. Even with the flames covering it, it didn't leave much to imagine."Everyone was focused on you two that I was able to fly up pretty easily." Blackfire said as she laid two cups with ice on the counter and poured each of them a bottle of vodka.Bullseye took the cup and Shadow to everyone's shock to the bottle, they clinked glasses and finished it in one gulp. Shadow chugged the whole bottle down in a matter of seconds and didn't even stop to take a breather. When he was finished he slammed the bottle down on the counter and burped.

"Just like old times huh, **Poindexter**." Bullseye smiled, Shadow had called him by the name he hasn't heard in a very long time."Yeah, just like old times." Bullseye put the cup to his head to calm his aching headache and looked too Blackfire. "Hey, Fire. Why don't you us two alone? The Kid and I need to have a long overdue talk." Blackfire looked Bullseye before nodding her head and leaving the bar, but before she left she gave Shadow one last message."Shadow, the last two assassins are above this floor waiting for you and then Black Mask is all yours. Good luck, but I know you won't need it. Also if you see Blaze, tell my kitten that her mother still doesn't approve of her **boy toy**." After that Blackfire left the bar and waved goodbye without looking back at them.

"I'll be watching." The teen heard her fleeing voice and looked at the door, when he looked back he saw that Bullseye had hopped the counter and took a bottle of whiskey and poured Shadow some. The teen could see that Bullseye had changed, gone was his comedic banter and it was replaced with something more serious."Alright kid, I told you early when we're jumping rooftops and getting shot at by Deadshot that we wouldn't talk about him. Well it's time...and before you go asking where he is, just know I'm not answering that. So don't waste your time with your empty threats cause you know that you can't kill me. Also I killed someone in bathroom. So, there's that too." Shadow looked at him for a few seconds and sighed, he took the drink and drowned it."What do you want to talk about?" Shadow asked as he put the cup down and Bullseye smiled."Things have changed since you've been gone. The boss...well, he's coming for you. **All** of you." Bullseye was speaking at just Shadow now, he was speaking to the entire Family."Now knowing him like I do and I have known him for a long time. I know that he's not the second chance type especially when it comes to traitors. Just ask Pyro." Bullseye decided to chug some of the whiskey down before continuing.

"But you're a rare case. Not only are you the best, but you're also his favorite. That means you and outside...probably me, are the only ones that get special treatment. Me because...well, I'm me and you because...you're you.""Get to the point Bullseye." Shadow said hardly as he was about to leave the bar and head up the penthouse by taking the elevator there."What I'm trying to say is that this is your only chance. Come back with me and come home." Shadow winded his eyes and looked at Bullseye as he was crazy...er." **Forgive and Forget**. That's the offer. All the bad blood between you, him, and the kids is done with and buried. He'll welcome you all with open arms. He understands that you all are going through your typical rebellious teenage phase, but now he's hoping that you all end it and see the light."

"Did you he tell to this or this all you?" Shadow asked questionably, but he already knew the answer. Bullseye gave him a straight look and gave him his answer."When he comes and he will come, it won't be an offer with talking and drinks. It will be an offer that comes after he delivers is **discipline** and he's not afraid to punish his children when they misbehave." Bullseye said seriously and Shadow saw something in his eyes, was it fear? Worry? He didn't know, but he knows he saw something in Bullseye's eyes when talking about him and Wesker."The era is over, Shadow. The clock is ticking and time is running out. For you, the kids, All Might, and the League. Oh, and I know that you're listening All Might and you to AFO. He's coming to put an end to an era that has long since past. You both are now dinosaurs in this new era and he's going to be to make you both **extinct**." Both All Might and AFO listened carefully to Bullseye words as did everyone one else, this man that the agent is speaking of seems like the devil himself to everyone. A devil that will bring the end of everything.

"Is that it?" Shadow asked as he began to leave the bar, leaving Bullseye behind the counter to look at him closed eyes."I'm just delivering a warning and a message, Shadow.""I can take care of myself." Shadow told him hardly as he arrived at the elevator and he pressed the button. Bullseye poured himself a drink and decided to say some names, names that will got Shadow's attention."Momo Yaoyorozu, Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakguo, Tenya Iida, Fumikage Tokoyami, Mezo Shoji, Mashirao Ojiro, Eijiro Kirishima, Mina Ashido, Koji Koda, Rikido Sato, Tsuyu Asui, Yuga Aoyama, Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro, Toru Hagakure, Minoru Mineta, Nermuri Kayama, and **Ochako** Urara-"

A gust of wind hit Bullseye blowing his hat off and it didn't come from the hole that Blackfire made. It came from the man that was now standing on the counter with a gun aimed his temple. When the agent looked up from his drink he saw the livid face Shadow and the teen was seething.His eyes were blazing with green intensity and he was trying to squeeze that trigger as hard as could. He knew that he couldn't though, but that didn't stop him from trying. Bullseye had only seen him like this once and it was when he lost **her**."Never! Ever! Mention their names!" Shadow growled at him, Bullseye though looked unafraid that a barrel was pressing down on his temple. The man just sipped some of his drink before continuing.

"You say that you can protect yourself and that is true. You know how we fight, you know what we're capable of, but do they. Are they able to protect themselves from **me** , from the **others** , from **him**? I mean did you think that you were allowed to have peace for two years and wouldn't know about it, we've been watching you and Midnight. We know about your friends and we about their families." Bullseye backed away from the gun and sipped more of his drink."I mean it would be sad if poor little Ochako's parents die in construction accident-" ***Bang***A gunshot came and shot the bottles near Bullseye face. The liquid spilled onto the agent's face as he kept his stoic look. The agent didn't say anything after that and just stared at the Ultimate Weapon, the teen's eyes solely on the agent.They both remained silent until the ding came from the elevator to signal that it was here. The doors opened and Bullseye decided to break the silence first, it was time for him to leave now anyway."* **Sigh** * Like said, I'm here to deliver a message." Bullseye said as he put his half empty drink down on the counter and moved to leave the bar. Shadow's gun was still on him even as he moved, he was not letting him out of his sight.As the man neared the door, the teen holster his gun away and walked to the elevator. Neither said a word as they walked and when they reached their paths they said their final words to each other.

"Give him a message for me." Shadow said to the agent as his hand was on the metal door to keep them from closing."What do you want it to say?" Bullseye asked with a smile, but he had an idea what Shadow wanted to say. He was only going to say one sentence."Tell my **father** that I'm going to find him and **kill him**!" Bullseye laughed aloud in a hysterical fashion as the teen entered the elevator."Oh, out of everything that is now his schedule. Trust me when I say this. He can't wait for that **family reunion**." Bullseye said laughing as Shadow turned around to see that the agent was gone. The man was gone from his sight and that remained in the bar of him was his half cup of whiskey.The doors closed, the message was sent, the clock was ticking and ominous feeling was left in air. A cold feeling that everyone felt, the League, AFO, All Might, the heroes, Midnight, Class 1A, and the Family.

They all felt a chill run down spines, the feeling of dread and fear. Bullseye said he is coming. The mysterious and powerful chairman, the father of the Family, the father of Shadow, Albert Wesker is coming.Shadow allowed the elevator to take him to the penthouse floor, here it was. The moment he had been waiting for, he's went through hell all night. He's been shot at, stabbed, burned alive, poisoned, thrown through walls, he died for like four seconds, but all that didn't matter anymore. Now he was here, at the end.Shadow leaned on the wall as his vision was blurring and blood dripped off his damaged body. The alcohol that the teen drunk help numb the pain, but it didn't take it all away. He still had major sourness and major internal injuries. But he stilled pushed through, he looked at the dial to see that he was close to the penthouse.

The teen knew that there were two assassins, he jumped up to the emergency exit and climbed out of the elevator. When ding sounded, the doors opened the next assassin stepped through and it was Onyx.The African woman looked inside the elevator with cold and narrowed eyes, when she saw nothing she then turned around to leave. Shadow saw her leave and silently opened the hatch, he landed on the ground quietly and walked out of the elevator. When he was out he didn't see Onyx, he was confused, the woman couldn't have evaded him that quickly.Shadow felt his hair stand up and when he turned around he saw the assassin jumped from the ceiling and coming out of the darkness. Shadow dodged the attack, but it was close. She was quiet, her footsteps were deathly silent. The assassin rushed at the teen and threw punches, the teen blocked them, but barely.

Onyx punches were fast, strong, and relentless. Shadow could tell that she was skilled in multiple fighting styles, it was like fighting a female Deathstroke. Onyx kicked him in the side and the teen didn't see it, he was kicked to the wall where the assassin pressed on.The african woman went to attack more, but Shadow was able to catch her punch. He then swung her into the wall where she made the exotic painting fall, Shadow wasn't done as he held onto her and tried to swing her again, but this time Onyx blocked. The assassin held her ground and swiped at Shadow's feet, the teen was brought down.

Shadow still held onto her hand, but that didn't mean much as Onyx tried to bash his head in with a vicious and thunderous punch. The teen moved his head out of the way and saw that her punch put a hole in the marble floor. Shadow looked at her with shock eyes.' _Damn.'_ Shadow thought as he saw the woman's eyes, nothing but coldness to them. The teen grabbed her other and launched her through the large door behind them, the door that would lead into Black Mask's penthouse. Onyx hit the door with a massive thud and broken hinges off it.Shadow got up and ran at her, when he got in the house he saw that she getting up as well. The two were in a living room filled with vases, paintings, a large television, and a bar at the side. Onyx got up and glared at her target, she was about to attack him, but a voice commanded her to stop.

"Enough." Shadow looked to his right to see a man sitting at the table, he couldn't see his face since it was hidden in the darkness. Onyx got up and brushed herself off, she then walked over to this man and stood next to him with her arms folded."I will deal with him...myself." The man said as he got up from his seat and everyone saw how tall he was. People in the bar whistled as they saw the man come out of the darkness.Shadow raised an eyebrow at the man's height, he was walking giant. The man had to be to Shadow's estimate about 7'4, maybe 7'5. He wasn't a hulk...no, he was muscular, but his body was more slender.

He was wearing a black trench coat, black gloves, black pants, black boots, he had on black tank top, and had on a black face mask that covered the lower part of his jaw. As he walked to Shadow his steps he took sounded like a thud, when he arrived he in front of Shadow the teen was craning his neck up to look at him in the eye.The man looked down at him like he was a small child, Shadow was tall to some, but to see him lined up next to this man. You could really see how short he was, Shadow seemed like ten old kid standing next to a grown man.

Neither assassin or hero said anything, they were just sizing each other up. Shadow looked him in his lime green eyes and the man did the same. "Bane, I presume." Shadow decided to break the silence first as the two didn't take their eyes off of each other."Correct." Bane responded back stoically. Shadow looked him up and down before speaking again."You're tall." Shadow said and Bane responded back."You're short.""So are we going to do this or not?" Shadow asked as he flexed his fingers, Bane saw this and cracked his neck. Loud and sickening cracks were heard as his eyes never left the teen."You think you can beat me, little man." Shadow smiled and gave Bane his response."I beaten the other five.""They are not me. I am Bane." Bane fired back quickly and Shadow felt something for second. There was something different about this one. He couldn't understand what, but he knew that there was something.

Shadow moved first by leaping into the air, he delivered a kick the side of the neck of Bane. When the kick hit Shadow expected Bane to fall or at least be hurt, but he didn't. The man wasn't even fazed by the attack, he didn't even flinch. When Shadow kicked him he felt all the muscles in his neck alone. The muscles were thick and hard, so hard that it might have blocked most of his kick.Bane head was turned to the side, but he wasn't in pain. He just moved his eyes to the side and looked at Shadow in his surprised eyes. Shadow came back down and took a step back, he had to rethink his strategy.

The teen cocked his right fist back and charged OFA to it, the red streaks appearing on the arm. "Try this." Shadow charged at him and threw the punch right at Bane gut. The punch made impact, blowing some wind in the room. But the result was the same as Bane didn't even move."Is that it?" Shadow truly looked shock this time as he took his punch out, he looked at the man and saw that he wasn't even fazed. Everyone watching couldn't believe it, not even Wesker. No one could survive Izuku's punches and still be up.

Shadow growled and went into full cowl, his body soon danced with lighting and the gold aura appeared. He then dashed at Bane's face ready to strike him. Shadow throw everything at Bane's face, kicks, punches, and combos, but none of it was working as bane didn't move from his spot.Everyone including Wesker was shocked, Shadow couldn't hurt him. Everything that was thrown was nothing to Bane, the assassin just stood and took the punches. Eventually Bane had enough and grabbed Shadow fist with his bare hand.

Shadow threw his other hand and the result was the same, Bane caught it. Shadow was now trapped, he threw his knee into the assassin's chin and even that didn't do anything.Shadow thought his knee strike was successful, but it didn't work when he felt the pressure of Bane's chin push his knee down. When Bane head was back to looking Shadow's in the eyes, he saw the pure look of shock on the teen's face."Impossible." Shadow said horrified, no one, not even All Might is able to survive his punches. The power of OFA and Chaos flowed through his punches and yet Bane was able to take it. He didn't move fucking inch.

"No, not impossible." Bane began to squeeze Shadow's hand making a crunch sound be heard and making Shadow scream in pain.He then let and quickly brought his hands up and brought them down on Shadow's back, bringing the teen down in a thunderous blow. When the blow hit Shadow his eyes turned pure white and blood came out his mouth as he laid on the ground.Bane wasn't done as he grabbed his head and lifted him up, the assassin turned other way with Shadow head in his one hand. Bane lifted him up off the ground and told him something that Shadow will remember forever." **It's Bane**." Bane told him as he let go his head and the look of pure shock was on Shadow's face. Time slowed down for the teen as he fell to the ground, he saw Bane's mask as he fell and then in a blink of an eye the assassin fist came into his face.

Everyone winced when the massive punch made contact with Shadow, the punch sounded like a cannonball being launched. Shadow was sent to the large television and crashed into, breaking it. The camera went to the teen and everyone saw him stuck in the television with a massive black eye and god knows what else.Shadow couldn't feel his face, he'd never been punch that hard in his life. The teen had been punched by the Nomu, Sabertooth, All Might and plethora of other individuals that were strong, but none... **none** could compare to that punch.

The teen struggled to get out of the television and when he did, he fell to the ground and coughed up blood. His skull must've been crack or worse, his face was screaming in pain.Shadow twitched from the pain that he was feeling, he began to push himself up, but even that was hard. "I told you..." The camera went back to Bane to show that he walking to the television that he sent Shadow through."I am not like the others. I am not the Nomus. I am not Stain. I am not Sabertooth. I am not Deathstroke. I am not Copperhead. I am not Electrocutioner. I am not Pyro. I am not Deadshot. I am not the League. I am not Bullseye." Bane reached Shadow and stood above him as the teen glared at him. To Shadow, Bane looked like eclipse, he overshadowed everything.Bane took off his jacket to reveal his black tank top, he then removed his gloves where Shadow, Wesker, Sonic, Amy, Sliver, and Espio all widened their eyes in shock.

" **I. Am. Bane.** " Bane removed his gloves and on his wrist were gold rings, **limiter rings**. Shadow couldn't breath and it was not because Bane had his hand around his throat. It was because he now understood the connection between them. Bane was like him and siblings, Bane has **Chaos**."No...fucking...way." Shadow struggle to say as he life was being taken from him. Could he really die here? Bane smirked behind his mask, no one could see, but the man was finding entertainment in this.

"What, did you think that you were first?" Bane told him, Wesker moved to closer to the monitor. No one could see it, but Wesker eyes were beyond wide. He had now pieced it together. He now knew who Bane was, but it should be impossible."H-How?" Bane squeezed tighter and Shadow began to kick his feet around."I've long waited for this moment, killing you now would bring me great pleasure. But it will not bring me the happiness I deserve." To everyone's shock, Bane let go of Shadow's neck and let the teen breathe again. Bane then turned around and walked away, leaving the teen alone."I will get no happiness from killing a broken mirror such as yourself. When you regain your memories, that is when I will kill you. That is when I will have my happiness, my peace." Bane told him as he grabbed his jacket from Onyx and left the room. Shadow eyes never left him as he looked at the assassin and the rings on his wrist.

"Bane!" Bane and his woman were stopped by Shadow's yell, they both looked back to see the teen standing up. "When I'm done with Black Mask. I'm coming for you. We will **meet** again!" Shadow said defiantly, it wasn't a statement that the teen just said. It was a promise.Bane didn't say anything, he just left the penthouse. He and Onyx went to the elevator and left the teen to finish his battle with Black Mask. They were done with the night, but Shadow was not done with them. He will find them, he will find Bane, and he **will win**.Shadow got up and rubbed his neck, Bane had a tight grip on him and...he actually thought he was gonna die. He may have beaten all other's, but for once he couldn't say that he would've beaten Bane tonight.

' _Bane had limiter rings, that means he has Chaos! **HOW**!? Mother's file never stated that there were more chaos users. It was only suppose us **five** and yet Bane is one. And what did he mean that I wasn't the first? Could there be others before me, before him?'_ The teen thought as he made his way to the office of Black Mask. He will have to deal with Bane later, but for now he was going to put an end to Black Mask empire. By bringing down the emperor himself.Shadow was at the door and he took a deep breath, the teen then kicked down the door. This was it, this was the final battle. Shadow walked in the large office and saw Black Mask sitting on his chair at his desk and smoking a cigar. Black Mask let out some smoke and greeted the teen."Baba Yaga." Shadow vision blurred as he walked, but he walked it off.

"I prefer the name Shadow." Shadow told him as he continued to walk to him, the crime lord didn't move from his spot. All he did was look at the teen with a relaxed look."Alright, I've beaten five your assassins, hundreds of your men, and I'm...I'm very tired. So...how about we-" Shadow stopped when for a moment when he flashed to the desk, but he was cut off from his sentence when Black Mask punched him hard in the face and sent the teen backwards.Shadow landed on his floor and looked up at the crime lord with complete utter shock. The punch that Black Mask thrown was fast...too fast. The teen now had a bloody nose as he Black Mask put out his cigar and spoke."Kid, you have been a pain in my ass all night..." Shadow got up quickly and flashed again to him, but this time Black Mask didn't punch him, instead he was caught by the throat.Black Mask caught Shadow who's eyes were beyond wide. He was caught as soon as he came out of his flash, the teen's body going forward from his own momentum. Black Mask then choke slammed Shadow on his desk, breaking it half."Ack!" Shadow pained as he was trapped by Black Mask.

"You have destroyed my drugs, burned my money, and messed with my operation for the last time. I thought the assassins could get the job done, but..." Black Mask picked Shadow up by the throat and threw him across the office, the teen rolling on the ground and back hitting the wall with a thud.Black Mask stood up at his full height and then began to undress his suit. "Like my daddy use to say...before I killed him." Black Mask took off his tie, unbutton his white jacket, and rolled up the sleeves of his black button shirt."Son, if you want something done..." Black Mask made fist and Shadow saw them start to heat up and turn orange, his arms then turned into an obsidian metallic color.

" **You got do it yourself**." Black Mask said darkly as he stepped up from his destroyed desk, ready to do battle. Shadow released a breath of air, he got up and wiped the blood from his nose. Shadow went into full cowl, ready to do battle as well. He will win. He will be victorious. He will takedown Black Mask. And he will use everything in his arsenal to do it.The world is watching. The night is coming to a dramatic and explosive close. The final battle is here, Black Mask vs Shadow!

**To Be Continued**

**Chapter 30: Rings Off!**

 **The Bar**Everyone was watching with anticipation as the final battle was about to begin. Bets were being made, last minute drinks were being ordered, and bathroom breaks were being used. No one wanted to miss this fight. The bar was making noise for the fight, but it all came to an end as the sound of shattered glass was made.

Everyone turned to the noise and saw that Toga had dropped her order, they saw that girl's eyes were wide and that she was facing the door. When everyone ones eyes turned to the door their eyes also to widen in shock and surprise. There standing in entrance way was none other than the man that was just with Izuku.

"So, how bad does guy have to be to get a drink around here?" Bullseye asked with a smirk as everyone produce their guns, knifes, and activated their quirks. "Whoa! Easy I just want a drink." Bullseye said, but they were not hearing it."Leave!" Kurogiri screamed at him, no ally of Wesker was welcome here. Bullseye saw him and laughed."It's been a long time, Kurogiri. But I'm not leaving and you can't make me leave, especially since I have this." Bullseye produced a gold coin from his pocket and tossed it Kurogiri. The mist villain caught it and narrowed his eyes at it, he knew what was and what it meant."Let him through." Everyone looked at the bar owner in shock, uproar soon began from Tomura and Killmonger.

"Are you serious?!" Killmonger yelled as he wanted to shoot a spike through the monster's skull. Tomura was no better."You're joking right?" Kurogiri didn't say anything, but looked at them. The look told them that they had to listen and both men growled at the agent."He has the coin. The coin gives him protection at all villain bars." Everyone was confused till Bullseye explained.

"Villain Bars are neutral ground, meaning no business can be conducted there. No killing, no murdering, and no fighting. Think of them as a safe haven for us against the law. If Kurogiri breaks the code then his bar is will be destroyed by those who sit higher than us. For example the Yakuza. I don't think that you want to do that do you, Kurogiri?" Bullseye smiled while the mist villain narrowed his yellow eyes.

Everyone listened to Kurogiri and put away for their weapons and shut down their powers. Bullseye walked in and was glared at by everyone in there, he made his way to bar where he sat next to Tomura who was glaring a hole at him. He looked at him for a second before turning to Kurogiri."Whiskey." Bullseye asked politely and Kurogiri slammed the cup down and poured him the drink. "Thank you." Bullseye then looked to the television to see Shadow about to do battle with Bullseye."Heheh...Showtime." Bullseye said as both Shadow and Black Mask charged at each other.

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