A Psychopath's Heart

By Bumbleggs

74.3K 1.6K 171

Freya Jones is a psychiatrist, trying to understand the psychotic minds for a specific Psych ward, Oak Valley... More

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2.2K 62 11
By Bumbleggs

It had been a couple of days since I saw Archer, he was put in solitary confinement, tomorrow was his last day, but I couldn't wait any longer to see him. I bribed one of the nurses to let me through and she did. "Archer?"

He was sleeping when I walked in, but my voice must have woke him up, or perhaps it was just my presence. Either way, he now sat up in his bed.He rubbed his eyes to get the drowsiness out of him."Freya? Is that really you?"

I rushed over to hug him. "Yes, how have you been doing in here?"

He was shocked at the sudden affection I gave him, but he didn't want to push me away. It felt like it had been ages since the last time he felt my warmth and body so close to his. He wrapped his arms around me, trying to return the affection."It feels like it has been weeks. I have been going crazy in here. I missed you."

"I've missed you too. I just couldn't wait one more day to see you."

My words were the exact ones that he wanted to hear. He pulls my body even closer to him."Is that so? I've been wishing you were here to comfort me in this room these past couple of days. It's just so lonely, and I just couldn't help but think of you every single moment."

I smiled at his words. "Have you been eating while in here? Sleeping well?"

He chuckles in response. I was acting exactly like the concerned doctor would. As much as he wanted something else from me, he still felt very happy with how I was acting towards him. His tone then became a bit more serious."I have been getting by, I guess. But I haven't really been taking care of myself like I should've. I have just been too lost in my thoughts while in here. Not really sleeping that well either to be honest."

"Well, I brought something for you." I pulled out some cake that I had wrapped in a napkin. "I know your birthday was yesterday, but better late than never right?"

He couldn't help but let a smile take over his face once again. It had been so long since he last received any type of gift from anyone and this was certainly the perfect surprise. All of his thoughts of not being taken care of instantly started to disappear because of my kindness. As he takes the napkin-wrapped cake from me, he hugs me for the second time this day.

"Thank you so much for this. It really means a lot to have someone take care of me for once. I really do appreciate this."

"Of course."

He held the cake in his hands, the smile on his face was still present as we looked at each other."I do feel better now that you're here. The fact that you came here to visit me makes me feel like I finally matter somehow to someone. Thank you."

"You do matter to me."

That was the last piece of confirmation that he needed. He believed my words completely and I could see the satisfaction that it brought him in the small smile he gave me. He was starting to realize how deeply he was getting attached to me, and he was starting to love that feeling.*He leans in closer and whispers in my ear."And you matter to me. More than anyone I've ever met."

"That's actually what I came here to talk to you about."

My words got his full attention and he looked at me with an inquisitive look. Whatever I come to talk to him about, it has to be good news."What is it?"

"I wanted to tell you that you were right. I did fall in love with you after a week."

That was the best thing he could have hoped for me to say."I know I was right. You fell in love with me even sooner than a week. And honestly, I fell in love with you too, very quickly. This whole thing between us has been like an emotional dream. My time in here would have been unbearable without you, and all of this just confirms how much you mean to me."He looks around, making sure no one was listening."I think you should know that you are also the only person that matters to me in the world right now."

I smiled. "I have to go now, but I will see you tomorrow for our sessions!" 

As I was about to turn to leave he grabbed a hold of my wrist and held my face closer to his."Just one thing before you go. Can I ask you one last question?"


He stares into my eyes to create the perfect mood."Do you trust me?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

He smiles once again, my trust in him was the perfect feeling that he felt was the cherry on top."Because I want to ask you something that I know might sound crazy. Just please think about it before answering it."

"Ask me."

He pauses a bit before he finally decides to ask it."Would you do anything for me? And I mean anything..."

"Of course. Why?"

He looks very pleased with my answer. This was a huge accomplishment for him."I know this sounds a bit extreme, but I need you to prove your loyalty. I need your complete and absolute trust that you will always be mine, and that you will always follow any order I give you. Would you still do it, even if you don't completely understand it?"


He chuckles a bit, realizing that I didn't even have any hesitation to my request. He could already tell I was completely attached to him by your responses. He just needed to test out my loyalty and I immediately agreed to it."Good. I'll be giving you your first order soon."

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