𝐢 𝐝𝐨 ; s.c.

By laboomlalacaca

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the rain creates a certain ambience brings a sense of peace. but too much rain is never good for you; what ha... More

𝗖𝗔𝗦𝗧 - 𝟭𝟵𝟲𝟯
𝗖𝗔𝗦𝗧 - 𝟭𝟵𝟲𝟰


48 6 27
By laboomlalacaca

the bell above the door jingled softly as ferris williams walked into the crafty shop, the scent of various scented candles and handmade soaps greeting him. he took in the cozy atmosphere, appreciating the delicate arrangement of stationary and the vibrant colors of handmade trinkets.

as ferris meandered through the aisles, his mind lingered on thoughts of ellie. the puddles on the sidewalk brought a smile to his face, a silent reminder of the tranquility of her facial expression from the previous night's drizzle. despite his brother's complaints, ferris relished the idea of spending more time in town, exploring the little nuances that made it unique.

his attention was drawn to a display of succulents at the back of the store. ferris, usually quiet and observant, found himself captivated by the tiny potted plants. he delicately picked up a small cactus, its spines drawing his attention. a subtle idea formed in his mind-a gift, a small token to brighten someone's day.

the decision to purchase it seemed almost instinctive, as if the thorny plant held a significance beyond its green exterior. ferris quietly contemplated the small, prickly gift, an unspoken gesture with a recipient in mind-ellie.

with the cactus in hand, ferris made his way to the checkout. the shopkeeper, a friendly woman with a warm smile, noticed the small plant and chuckled.

"someone special in mind for this little guy?" she asked, scanning the tiny pot.

ferris, usually reserved, hesitated before offering a shy smile. "yeah, someone special."

the shopkeeper nodded knowingly, packaging the cactus with care. "well, i'm sure they'll appreciate the thoughtful gesture. enjoy your day!"

ferris left the shop, the bell chiming softly behind him. the small cactus cradled in his hands carried a silent sentiment, a symbol of quiet affection for ellie. as he continued to explore the midtown area, the thought of surprising her with the tiny succulent brought a subtle warmth to ferris' usually composed demeanor.

ferris continued his leisurely stroll through the midtown area, his thoughts still lingering on the small cactus in his hands. lost in contemplation, he rounded a corner, not realizing he was on a collision course with someone walking in the opposite direction.
the impact was gentle but enough to jolt both parties out of their thoughts. ferris instinctively steadied himself, his gaze meeting ellie's.

ferris, still recovering from the unexpected encounter, looked down and met ellie's gaze. a hint of surprise flickered in his eyes, but he managed a sheepish smile. "ellie, i haven't seen you around lately."

ellie, just having completed her punishment and no longer grounded, looked up in surprise as she collided with ferris. her eyes widened momentarily before a small smile played on her lips. "what, have you been lookin' for me or something?"

a slight blush rose to ferris' cheeks as he stammered, "yea-well, no, i mean, i just noticed i hadn't seen you except for school and i couldn't help but be-never mind. uh, how are you?"

ellie couldn't help but giggle at the uncharacteristic awkwardness ferris displayed.

"sorry about that. the whole bumpin' into you thing," he said, his usual quiet demeanor betraying a hint of embarrassment.

"oh, it's alright, ferris. i should've been lookin' where i was going," she said, a curious glint in her eyes as she noticed the small potted cactus in his hands. "what's with the plant?"

ferris, usually quiet and composed, felt a subtle warmth in his ears. "uh, just thought it might brighten someone's day," he replied, holding up the cactus with a bashful smile.

ellie's eyebrows raised in mild surprise, and a grin tugged at the corners of her mouth. "well, aren't you thoughtful? who's the lucky receiver?"

ferris hesitated for a moment before answering, "i, um, thought you might like it."

ellie's smile widened, and she chuckled. "for me? that's so sweet. thanks, ferris." she accepted the small potted cactus, holding it delicately in her hands.

the two stood there, the midday sun casting a warm glow on the sidewalk, as ferris and ellie engaged in casual conversation. the exchange felt easy, like a natural connection was forming between them.

"so, what've you been up to, ferris?"

ferris smiled and let out a sigh, shoving his hands into his pockets. "avoiding my brother, mostly. some people just don't know how to leave things alone."

ellie looked up at him. "what's that mean? he been botherin' you?"

ferris shook his head. "never mind. hey, we're not too far from my place. he's home right now, how about i introduce you two?"

"well, i'm not grounded anymore, so why not?"

ferris grinned. "all right then, let's go," he said, grabbing her hand and leading the way.

ellie looked down at her hand in his, feeling her face grow warm. it was nothing, really, but ellie, ever the overthinker, couldn't help it. receiving small gestures were quite uncommon for her, especially since she was so standoffish.

the pair continued their stroll through the midtown area, now engaged in a conversation that flowed effortlessly. ferris, usually quiet and reserved, found a surprising ease in talking to ellie. the small potted cactus, now in ellie's hand, became a subtle symbol of their budding connection.

the atmosphere remained comfortable as they walked. ellie couldn't help but notice the warmth of ferris' hand holding hers, a gesture that, while simple, felt significant to her. it wasn't something she was accustomed to, and the rarity of such gestures made it all the more special.

when they approached ferris' place, the lively chatter paused for a moment.

ferris let go of ellie's hand and hesitated before opening the door, a subtle tension in his shoulders. ellie, catching onto the change in his demeanor, arched an eyebrow. "everything okay, ferris?"

he nodded, a fleeting smile playing on his lips. "yeah, just brace yourself for the chaos. my brother can be a bit much... but he means well."

ellie grinned, "don't worry. i've dealt with my fair share of chaos. let's see what he's like."

as they stepped inside, ferris' brother, a boisterous character with a lively spirit, turned from his spot on the couch, eyeing the duo with curiosity. "well, well, ferris. you finally brought someone home. who's this?"

ellie chuckled bashfully. "my name's ellie. nice to meet you."

ferris' brother extended a hand. "riggs williams. pleasure's mine. you a friend of ferris'?"

"met him in school," ellie replied, shaking riggs' hand. "he's been keeping me company today."

riggs shot ferris a knowing look. "ah, keeping the ladies entertained, are we, ferris?"

ferris blushed slightly, a rare display of embarrassment. "just showin' ellie around a bit."

riggs raised an eyebrow, exchanging a knowing look with ferris. "showin' you around, huh? well, make yourself at home, ellie. ferris, why don't you grab some snacks for our guest?"

ferris nodded, shooting ellie an apologetic look. "sure thing, riggs. ellie, make yourself comfortable."

as ferris disappeared into the kitchen, riggs and ellie engaged in small talk. because ellie didn't really have a choice.

riggs turned towards ellie, a friendly grin on his face. "ferris hasn't mentioned you before."

ellie fiddled with her hands in her lap. "well, i don't see why he would, he's got other friends he talks to more, ya know? i'm pretty insignificant and-"

the older boy cut her off. "don't say that. if ferris brought you here, then i don't think you're insignificant. ferris never brings people around, so this is a rare sight."

ferris peeked back into the living room with a frown on his face, shifting uncomfortably, but ellie laughed softly. "well, ferris decided to make an exception today."

when ferris returned with a plate of snacks, ellie couldn't suppress a grin.

riggs chuckled at ellie's response, shooting ferris a teasing glance. "looks like our quiet ferris really is breaking some of his own rules. maybe you've got a special touch, ellie."

riggs leaned back on the couch, eyeing the snacks ferris brought. "wow, ferris, you're really going all out for this one. what's the occasion?"

ellie graciously accepted the snacks from ferris, their fingers briefly brushing as the plate exchanged hands. riggs gave ferris a teasing look, raising an eyebrow in a playful manner.

ferris shot riggs a playful glare, his embarrassment turning into a mild annoyance. "there's no occasion, riggs. just being a good host."

ellie chuckled at the banter between the brothers. "you're doing a pretty good job at it."

riggs laughed heartily. "as i said earlier, ferris rarely brings anyone around, but when he does, it's like a special event. you must be someone important."

ellie felt a warmth in her cheeks, both from the compliment and the attention. "i dunno. i guess i lucked out, then."

riggs gave ferris a sly look, and the three settled into an easy camaraderie. riggs was charismatic, his loud laughter filling the room, a stark contrast to ferris' reserved nature. ferris rolled his eyes, trying to play off the banter. "ignore him. he just likes to make everything seem like a big deal."

ellie smirked. "well, ferris, if this is a big deal for you, i'm honored to be part of it."

riggs clapped ferris on the shoulder. "see? i like this one. she's got a sense of humor."

"i'd hope so, two-bit mathews is my brother. i wouldn't wanna be a square who everyone likes less than her older sibling."

ferris shook his head with a smile, secretly appreciating ellie's quick wit. riggs, sensing the dynamic between them, continued with the teasing. "so, ferris, any particular reason you decided to show ellie around today?"

ferris sighed, realizing he couldn't escape the scrutiny. "just felt like it, riggs. no deep reason or anything."

riggs winked at ellie. "ferris here usually keeps to himself. must be somethin' special about you."

ellie laughed, enjoying the banter. "maybe i've got that effect on guys like him."

ferris rolled his eyes but couldn't hide a small smile. "i should've known better than to bring you two together. you're teamin' up on me."

riggs grinned. "we're just givin' you a hard time, ferris. but hey, it's good to see you branching out a bit."

ellie nodded, her eyes flickering between the brothers. "it's nice that ferris decided to share a bit of his world with me. not many people get that privilege, right?"

riggs chuckled. "true enough. ferris doesn't let just anyone into his space."

ferris, feeling a bit outnumbered, joined in the laughter. "alright, alright. let's not make a big deal out of it."

the three spent the afternoon in casual conversation, sharing stories and laughter. ellie, once again at ease, felt a newfound sense of comfort in ferris' company.

as the afternoon turned into evening, riggs excused himself, mentioning some errands he needed to run. he shot the two friends one last look, a playful glint in his eyes. "well, Ferris, looks like you've finally got a friend. maybe you should invite her around more often."

ferris shot his brother a half-smile. "maybe. we'll see."

riggs looked at ellie. "anytime you want to endure ferris' awkward charm, you're welcome here, ellie."

she laughed, genuinely appreciating the sentiment. "i might just take you up on that, riggs. thanks for havin' me."

riggs left, and ellie and ferris found themselves alone, the comfortable silence settling between them.

ferris leaned back, looking at ellie with a soft smile. "sorry about riggs. he can be a bit overwhelming."

ellie laughed. "he's a riot. i like him. and your place is pretty cool, ferris," she said, looking around at the homely house. it was definitely nicer than hers.

ferris nodded appreciatively. "yeah, it's not too bad. thanks for coming by, ellie. i'm glad you did."

ellie smiled back. "me too. it's nice to have a change of scenery. and i really like the cactus, by the way. it's cute."

ferris blushed slightly, his usual calm demeanor momentarily disrupted. "yeah, i thought you might like it."

ellie nodded, still smiling. the two friends sat in a comfortable silence for a bit until she decided to ask, "what kinda errands does riggs have?" surely, it wasn't the same situation the curtis' are in?

ferris clasped his hands together. "i dunno. some stuff that i don't feel like gettin' mixed into. my folks don't care so much for what he does, whatever it is. so i try to maintain a bit of balance by behaving the way they expect me to. it's easier that way."

ellie blinked confusedly. the vague explanation could've meant a number of things. "oh. so, uh, the thing about being alone all the time. if i was being mean earlier, i didn't mean it. there's nothin' wrong with it," she said, trying to change the subject.

ferris looked at her. "yeah, i know. you think i don't see you in school keeping to yourself? it's obvious you're the same way."

ellie smiled warmly. "yeah. i think it's great. being alone isn't the same as being lonely. it's not isolating, either."

"it's great for some self discovery. you're actually able to hear yourself think," ferris added.

ellie nodded in agreement. "exactly. you can figure out who you are without all the noise from everyone else."

ferris smiled, a genuine expression that seemed to soften his usually composed demeanor. "glad someone understands. most people just assume something's wrong if you're not constantly surrounded by others."

"yeah, people always want to fill the quiet with chatter, like they're scared of what they might find in the silence," ellie mused.

as the evening progressed, the comfortable silence returned, and ferris looked at ellie with a thoughtful expression. the cactus, now resting on a nearby table, seemed to symbolize the budding connection between them. "you know, not many people bother to see beyond the surface. it's refreshing to have someone who does."

ellie grinned. "likewise, ferris. we're a rare group, i guess."

ferris chuckled. "seems that way. but hey, thanks for not making a big deal out of things. most people would've interrogated me about my brother and everything."

ellie shrugged. "we've all got our stuff. no need to pry if you don't wanna share. besides, i'm not one to judge."

ferris appreciated her understanding. "i guess we're both experts at navigatin' our own worlds."

"that's true," ellie agreed. "well, thanks for today, ferris. it was unexpectedly fun."

ferris nodded. "yeah, it was. anytime you want to escape the chaos, you know where to find me."

as ellie left ferris' place, the small potted cactus in hand, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected connection she had found. ferris, too, seemed to appreciate the simplicity of the afternoon spent with someone who understood the beauty of silence. the two friends, each navigating their own worlds, had found a moment of connection and understanding in the quiet corners of their lives.

the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the quiet streets of midtown. ellie, with the small potted cactus in hand, began her solitary walk home. the rhythmic tapping of her shoes echoed in the stillness of the evening.

as she strolled through the familiar streets, her thoughts lingered on the day's unexpected turn of events. ferris' quiet charm and the simple joy of discovering a kindred spirit left a pleasant residue in her mind. the small potted cactus served as a tangible reminder of the budding connection she had found.

the evening air was crisp, and ellie pulled her jacket a little tighter around herself. the silence of the streets enveloped her, a stark contrast to the chaotic moments that often defined her days. there was a certain peace in being alone, a tranquility she had grown to appreciate.

passing by familiar landmarks, ellie let her mind wander. the glow of streetlights created gentle pools of light along the pavement, casting shadows that danced with each step. the city held its own secrets, and ellie, ever the observer, embraced the quietude that allowed her to contemplate them.

the small potted cactus swayed with her every step, a companion in this solitary journey. the soft hum of distant traffic and the occasional rustle of leaves added to the nocturnal symphony. yet, the streets, dimly lit by flickering streetlights, seemed quieter than usual.

as she neared her neighborhood, a sleek car pulled up beside her. the low hum of the engine indicated that it belonged to a soc. the occupants, recognizing ellie from school, rolled down their windows with smirks on their faces.

"well, well, look who we've got here," one of them jeered.

ellie tightened her grip on the small cactus, her gaze steady but cautious. "what do you guys want?"

the soc in the driver's seat grinned. "just wonderin' what a greaser like you is doing wandering around alone. lost your gang, huh?"

ellie's eyes flickered with defiance. "i'm just minding my own business. you should try it sometime."

the soc in the backseat leaned over, his tone mocking. "hey, isn't that cute? the little greaser thinks she's tough. what's with the plant, sweetheart? tryin' to bring a touch of nature to your grimy side of town?"

ignoring the taunts, ellie continued walking, hoping they would lose interest. the socs, however, weren't ready to let it go. the car started slowly following her, creating an uneasy atmosphere.

"come on, don't be like that. we just want to chat," the driver sneered.

ellie quickened her pace, her heart racing. she knew better than to engage in a confrontation with the soc. the evening that started on a positive note now took a menacing turn, and ellie found herself navigating the familiar streets with a newfound tension.

the socs, reveling in their perceived superiority, continued to taunt and follow, their laughter echoing through the quiet neighborhood. as ellie approached her home, she hoped the safety of her doorstep would bring an end to the unwanted encounter.

unfortunately for ellie, the socs showed no signs of relenting. they pulled up closer, blocking her way, and the atmosphere grew increasingly tense. ellie stood her ground, the small potted cactus still clutched tightly in her hands.

"come on, greaser girl, don't be so unfriendly. we just want to have a little fun," the driver smirked, reaching for the car door.

ellie's eyes flashed with determination. "i'm not interested in your idea of fun. just leave me alone."

the soc in the backseat chuckled. "you really think you can talk to us that way? you should learn some respect."

before ellie could react, the driver grabbed the potted cactus from her hands and tossed it aside, shattering it on the pavement. the unexpected act of aggression ignited a spark within her.

her defiance turned into action. ellie swiftly moved, attempting to retrieve the broken pieces of the cactus. anger burned in her eyes as she stood up, glaring at the soc.

"that was uncalled for!" she snapped, her voice filled with a mixture of fury and frustration.

the socs, momentarily taken aback by her reaction, exchanged glances. however, their amusement quickly turned into aggression. the driver got out of the car, his intent clear.

ellie's heart pounded in her chest as she faced the looming threat. she knew that trying to reason with them would be futile. in a moment of sheer determination, she darted towards the curtis house, hoping to reach safety before the situation escalated further.

the socs, fueled by a twisted sense of entitlement, pursued her. the quiet neighborhood turned into a backdrop for a confrontation that escalated beyond mere words. the clash of social boundaries and personal resilience unfolded in the dimly lit streets as ellie sprinted towards the refuge of the curtis' home, the threat of violence lingering in the air.

cornered by the relentless socs, ellie's heart raced as they closed in. the broken shards of the potted cactus were left forgotten on the pavement, and fear pulsed through her veins.

one of the socs, a menacing sneer on his face, grabbed her arm, restraining her from escaping. ellie winced, the grip tight and unforgiving. the other soc circled, a cruel grin playing on his lips.

"what's the matter, grease? cat got your tongue?" he taunted.

ellie gritted her teeth, refusing to let them see her fear. "let me go. this isn't worth it."

the soc holding her tightened his grip, his tone condescending. "maybe if you show a little more respect, we'll consider it. but until then..."

before he could finish, ellie's defiant spirit kicked in. she swung her elbow into the soc's side, momentarily catching him off guard. seizing the opportunity, she broke free from his grasp, but her escape was short-lived.

the other Soc lunged at her, tackling her to the ground. ellie fought back, landing a few kicks and punches, but the odds were against her. the confrontation escalated into a physical struggle, leaving ellie bruised and battered.

as the struggle continued, the socs' intentions became clear-a sinister mix of aggression and entitlement. the once quiet neighborhood now echoed with the sounds of the scuffle, and ellie's pleas for them to stop fell on deaf ears.

in the midst of the chaos, the door of the curtis house swung open. two-bit, alerted by the commotion, rushed out to confront the attackers.

"what's goin' on here?" two-bit's tone was sharp, a protective edge cutting through the air.

the socs, momentarily surprised by the unexpected interference, released ellie. she stumbled backward, regaining her balance. two-bit stepped forward, a formidable presence, and the socs hesitated.

"we were just having some fun," the driver said dismissively.

two-bit's gaze remained unyielding. "fun at the expense of others ain't my kind of fun. you better clear out before you find yourselves in real trouble."

the socs, realizing they were no longer in control, hastily retreated, leaving ellie on the ground, shaken but alive. two-bit, a mix of concern and anger in his eyes, helped her up, offering a silent reassurance in the face of the harsh reality that lingered in the night air.

"thanks," ellie mumbled, her voice soft with a mix of gratitude and lingering adrenaline.

two-bit nodded, his eyes scanning the fading tail lights of the soc's car. "you okay, kid?"

ellie nodded, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "i'm fine," she said as she pulled her hoodie over her head. she walked back over to the shattered pot and started picking up the broken pieces along with the little cactus.


an accurate representation of how ellie felt. the one day she was able to feel seen, the socs come along and destroy what little she had. ellie stood back up, avoiding her brother's gaze.

keeping her eyes directed at the ground, she walked up the porch and entered the noisy curtis house.

the whole gang was there, gathered in the kitchen. sodapop and steve were smiling especially wide, holding up blue shirts with pride.

darry was the first to notice the two siblings walk inside. his smile faded as he took in two-bit's grim expression, his eyes shifting to ellie who was trying to hide the turmoil beneath her usual stoic demeanor.

"what happened?" darry's voice carried a note of concern, and the rest of the gang turned their attention toward the siblings.

two-bit clenched his jaw before responding, "some socs decided to mess with ellie. they broke her pot and scared her."

ponyboy's eyes widened with concern, and dally's expression darkened. "which socs?" dally's voice held a dangerous edge.

ellie, still avoiding eye contact, mumbled, "it doesn't matter. they're gone."

two-bit nodded in agreement. "i told 'em to clear out. but we need to keep an eye out. they might come back for more trouble."

the gang exchanged glances, a collective sense of frustration and anger settling among them. sodapop clenched his fists, his earlier joy replaced by a protective resolve.

"let them try," steve muttered, his eyes reflecting a fiery determination.

darry placed a comforting hand on ellie's shoulder. "we'll handle this later, ellie. you don't need to worry."

but dally wasn't one to let things slide. he stormed out of the house, leaving the gang exchanging worried glances.

soda tried to lighten the mood. "hey, look at this!" he held up the blue dx shirt. "steve and i got jobs! we start tomorrow."

steve grinned, his usual cocky attitude on full display. "yep, finally gonna make some decent money. no offense, ponyboy, but i'm tired of usin' my savings to buy your lunch."

ponyboy rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile. "well, congrats, guys. that's awesome."

dally returned, his expression unreadable. "couldn't find 'em. they took off."

two-bit, normally the one for jokes and laughter, remained uncharacteristically silent. ellie stood by the doorway, her hands tightly clutching the remnants of her shattered pot.

darry, ever the responsible older brother, sighed. "alright, everyone, let's not let this ruin the celebration. we got some good news today. jobs mean money, and money means food on the table."

the gang tried to shift the atmosphere, offering words of congratulations to steve and soda, but an undercurrent of tension lingered.

as the celebration continued, ellie quietly retreated to a corner of the room, cradling the remnants of the cactus pot in her hands. the shattered pieces mirrored the fragments of trust and safety that had been disrupted once again in the harsh world they inhabited.

she couldn't even keep something nice for half a day. she knew she could repot the cactus, but it wasn't the same.

it was a gift she held near and dead to her heart cause it came from someone special. she touched one of the pieces, accidentally cutting her finger.

she winced as she felt the couch sink next to her. "hey, lizzie."

ellie looked up at soda, revealing her battered face. "hey," she said softly.

sodapop grimaced upon seeing her condition. "you said you were okay, but are you really?" he grabbed her hand, seeing how it got cut up from the sharper edges of the pot. "cause if you are, it sure don't look like it."

soda carefully examined ellie's cut, his touch gentle despite the anger simmering beneath the surface at the Socs who had caused her harm. "we need to get that cleaned up. c'mon, let's go to the bathroom."

he gently led her to the bathroom, making sure they had some privacy. soda wet a washcloth and started cleaning the cut with a gentle touch. ellie winced at the sting, but soda kept his focus on her hand.

"you gotta be more careful, lizzie," he said softly, his worry evident. "i hate seeing you like this."

ellie couldn't help but meet his eyes. "it's just a scratch, soda. happened when i was picking up the pieces."

soda gently squeezed ellie's hand, his expression filled with concern. you shouldn't be messing with broken pottery."

"well, i couldn't just leave it there."

"i can't believe they'd do this to you," soda muttered, his eyes reflecting a mix of frustration and protectiveness. he reached for the first aid kit, his movements deliberate yet tender.

ellie managed a small smile. "socs being socs. thanks for helping, soda."

he met her gaze, the intensity of his blue eyes softened by a genuine concern. "always, lizzie. you don't need to face this alone."

as soda cleaned and bandaged her cut, ellie couldn't help but appreciate the warmth of his presence. the bathroom, usually a space of routine, became a haven where vulnerability was acknowledged without judgment.

once he finished, soda looked into her eyes, a silent promise lingering between them. "you deserve better, you know? somethin' nice without all this mess."

she smiled faintly, touched by his concern. "well, i did get a nice cactus today."

soda grinned back. "yeah, shame about the pot, but we can fix that. who gave it to you?"

ellie nodded. "a friend of mine. he's quiet, but thoughtful. not like anyone else i know."

soda's gaze lingered on her, a warmth in his eyes that went beyond friendship. he didn't want to admit it yet, but ellie was getting under his skin in a way he hadn't expected.

as he finished wrapping the cut with a bandage, he gently squeezed her hand. "there you go, all fixed up... well, your hand is, at least. you sure you're okay, honey?"

she nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "thanks, soda. i'm lucky to have you looking out for me."

soda's grin widened. "anytime, lizzie. you're family," he said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

little did they realize that in the quiet moments of vulnerability, a connection was forming-one that would evolve into something more than just friendship.

a/n: sorry this took a billion years i've had writers block but im back so yayy

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