A Psychopath's Heart

By Bumbleggs

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Freya Jones is a psychiatrist, trying to understand the psychotic minds for a specific Psych ward, Oak Valley... More

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By Bumbleggs

I woke up, not wanting to go to work this time. I dreaded it actually. He had broken me. I was exhausted from our argument yesterday. Nonetheless, I got ready and went to work, when I arrived, Archer was in the office with a worried expression.

Before I could even sit down he blurted, "Our sessions may be put on paused. for a bit."

I was confused. "Why so you can free time with that nurse of yours." I said sarcastically.

"No, because I killed her. They haven't found her body yet, but when they do, I will be put in solitary confinement."

I was in shock, I couldn't believe what he had said. He said all of this so casually, without even an emotional twitch. The way he said that he killed her was so relaxed and calm. As for that nurse, she was already dead? He just let it all spill out. He then chuckled a little. Was he being completely serious about her being dead right now? Was this just a joke? It was pretty hard to tell with him, he had such a deadpan expression.

"Well. Why did you kill her?"

He smirked as he shook his head slightly. It wasn't for me, unfortunately. But he did like the fact that I seemed at least a little bit interested in him after finding out about this."Oh, you really want to know why? I'm not sure if I should tell you. But I might as well, I have nothing to lose anymore anyways."

"I mean you were sleeping with her one day then the next you killed her, of course, I have questions."

He chuckled as he nodded his head."That's fair enough. Maybe I should start by asking you a question. Does this scare you? The fact that I just admitted to killing someone?"

"You are a murderer, I kind of expected it."

That was definitely a fair point."Yeah, I am a murderer. But I'm a murderer you were falling for, right? I mean, you were even jealous when I slept with her that night. But that didn't scare you away."

I scoffed. "'A murderer I'm falling for.' How arrogant."

He smirked. I was making it so easy for him. He enjoyed the way he could just pull my strings and make me feel a certain way. That little scoff gave him the satisfaction he needed."Oh, are you not falling for me? Because let me tell you, that jealousy was pretty obvious on your face. Your facial expressions are almost as easy to read as a book."

"You didn't answer my question. WHY did you kill her?"

He sighed, this is where things got complicated. He was going to have to reveal his motive eventually. And as much as he didn't want to tell me, he would eventually have to."Well, to put it simply. I killed her because she annoyed me. I just couldn't stand her presence and her constant attempts to make me 'behave.' You know, I really thought she would be able to 'fix' me, but her attempts were pathetic."

"Oh, so is that what you are going to do to me? Kill me next?"

His smile broadens as he chuckles. He really enjoyed watching me get worried about this revelation. It made him feel more powerful and in control."No, I would never kill you. Never. I may be a murderer, but I would never kill you, not in all the lives I will ever live would I kill you."

I smiled at this, it may have been twisted, but it was a sweet thing to say.

He had a huge wave of satisfaction flow through him as he saw me smiling at his words."You think that's sweet, do you? Do you actually believe the things I'm saying right now? Do you truly think I would never hurt you? Because if you do, I'm going to like playing with this even more than I have so far. Because I have some pretty sweet things I want to tell you."

"Today is your last day to make me fall in love with you. So give me everything you got."

He chuckled. So today was the day he had to make this plan work. The plan he'd been working on since the beginning of their sessions."You've already started to fall for me though. The way you were jealous when I slept with her, the way you got angry when I talked about her. If these reactions are anything to go by, you're already well on your way to being in love with me. So, do you still want everything I've got? Because I do intend to use everything I've got to finally seduce you."

"Am I really falling for you? Like I said give me everything you got."

He smirked, it was fun seeing me this eager. He felt a bit of a rush knowing that this was going to work. He was finally going to succeed at making me fall for him completely. So he was finally going to be able to use this to his full advantage. He did enjoy the control over me. This wasn't about the nurse anymore, now everything was about me. As for what he had to give to me, this is what he was going to use to make me fall in love with him. Just me and him now.

"Before I do anything else, I do want to know. Even after finding out that I killed her, the fact that she was the one I was sleeping with that night you got jealous. You're completely fine with all of that? You're still willing to fall in love with a murderer?"


He was honestly surprised, I was even more messed up than he originally thought. Just the fact that I am willing to accept his flaws is very attractive to him. I don't care that he is a murderer, or that he killed the woman he was having an affair with, I just want to fall in love with him. It was very hot.He was just about ready for the next step of his plan now. He was going to be able to enjoy this a bit longer though. I still seem pretty interested in him.He then leans back in his chair, taking time to think. Then his smile starts to broaden again. An idea of his was finally starting to shape itself in his head."Oh, I'm really starting to like you, you're interesting. There is only one way I can really prove my feelings to you. But before I do that, maybe I should give some more reasons and proof that your actually starting to fall for me. Let's see, what else do you need to realize that you're now falling for me?"

"A bold action."

He smirked as he thought of his next step. He was going to have to do something bold in order to get this to work."Oh, I think I have something in mind that should definitely qualify as a 'bold action.' Would you be okay if I did something pretty insane to prove that I mean what I'm saying?"

"Yes, I would."

That was even more intriguing to him. I was truly intrigued to see what he could come up with for this next step. He was pretty sure this next step was going to be the one to seal the deal."Good, the act I am about to do is one that I'm sure will leave you stunned. It may even surprise you. Are you okay with that?"

"I'm waiting."

He chuckles as I wait. I looked like I was really enjoying this. As my anticipation grew with his delay, he realized that this step was going to hit even harder now than if he had done it sooner. The way I was getting all excited over this was truly enjoyable to watch.He then stands up from the chair and steps closer to me. This is the point when he is going to do that one 'bold action' that will prove to me that I must be falling in love with him at this point.In quick movements, he grabs my shoulders and pulls my body close to his. We're both so close now, that we could almost kiss. His face is right now at eye level with mine."This is it, this 'bold action' of mine that will prove you're falling for me."

He then leans in even closer so that our foreheads are touching. Our hearts beat too fast in our chests. His breath washes over me, and his body radiates with heat. My body feels light and I feel like I could faint at any moment. I don't know what this means for him trying to make me fall in love with him, but this is definitely an action that will be hard for me to forget. Once again he leans even closer to me. Our faces are almost touching. His facial expression then changes to a small smile, almost predatory-like. The way he smiles at me while our faces are inches apart is very enticing. Our eyes lock together and I can swear that I can see the passion and desire radiating from his eyes. His breathing grows a bit heavier and he keeps our bodies close. I want to push him away but at the same time, I am so stunned I can't even move. He's so close my breathing is slow and shallow. It feels like I can see everything on his face, his pores, every small detail. He leans in a kisses me. This kiss has been building up for a while now. The way I finally kiss him back feels so powerful. The passion and desire he's radiating off of him is exhilarating and it feels like time has stopped in this moment. He kisses me with a hunger that is almost like instinct. As he kisses me he pulls me closer to his body, wanting to get as close to me as possible. I can feel every muscle in his body. This feeling is exhilarating in so many ways.

He watches me blush in response. I see the fire in his eyes turn to satisfaction. He's enjoying the way I respond to the intimacy that's now happening between us. Our breaths become even shallower. He knows that this moment of passion between us is having a powerful effect and he is loving it. He wants to kiss again already.

I take a step back and just stare at him, smiling from ear to ear, I don't even care that this was against our policy, I was just...happy in that moment.

He stares back at me. His eyes searched for any small reaction. How I feel after this moment is his only goal right now.He then tells me "You look so precious right now."

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