I'm not a kitten... Okay, I'm...

Por Matr1xey

69.8K 2.5K 95

This fic is written by JennaS_26 on Ao3!! Harry Potter is not the Boy-Who-Lived, but his name is Boy. That's... Más

I'm not a kitten... Okay, I'm Kitten: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (Final)
A kitten and a Snake: Chapter 1 - Pt.2
Chapter 2 - Pt.2
Chapter 3 - Pt.2
Chapter 4 - Pt.2
Chapter 5 - Pt.2
Chapter 6 - Pt.2
Chapter 7 - Pt.2
Chapter 8 - Pt.2
Chapter 9 - Pt.2
Chapter 10 - Pt.2
Chapter 11 - Pt.2
Chapter 12 - Pt.2
Chapter 13 - Pt.2
Chapter 14 - Pt.2
Chapter 15 - Pt.2
Chapter 16 - Pt.2
Chapter 17 - Pt.2
Chapter 18 - Pt.2
Chapter 19 - Pt.2
Chapter 20 - Pt.2
Chapter 21 - Pt.2
Chapter 22 - Pt.2
Chapter 23 - Pt.2
Chapter 24 - Pt.2
Chapter 25 - Pt.2
Chapter 26 - Pt.2
Chapter 27 - pt 2

Chapter 14

1.6K 62 4
Por Matr1xey

Lucius sent an owl apologizing to both Boy and Professor Snape, rescheduling their appointment. Boy didn't mind at all. Though he was not the type to procrastinate, he would happily push off dealing with all of this stuff until way later.

It wasn't until two days later that Boy remembered something, so he closed his book and whispered to his friends. "Professor Snape said something a couple of days ago that I wanted to ask about."

Penny, Olive and Amelia looked up expectantly.

"Something about a holiday that's about... wishful thinking and chocolate? I don't think I've heard about-" He stopped when his friends started giggling. "What's funny?" He wasn't upset, just confused.

"Haven't you seen all the decorations, Kitten?" Olive asked, pointing out various pink and red hearts and flowers stuck to the walls with decorative ribbons.

Boy blushed, having thought it was something to do with spring coming soon. "What's that stuff got to do with sweets and wish-"

They burst into giggles once more.

"It's for Valentine's Day," Amelia said, snapping out of the giggle-fit. "It's the holiday of romance!"

Nose scrunched, Boy shook his head. "I don't think I'll be celebrating that. Wait, why are you two so excited about it? Olive, you don't do romance-y stuff, and Penny, does that mean you got back together with Percy?"

Amelia snorted and covered her mouth so no one would hear her laughing. It was a library, after all.

"No!" Penny said vehemently. "Poncy Weasley and I have not gotten back together!"

"And you don't have to be in a relationship to celebrate Valentine's Day." Olive rolled her eyes. "Couples will mostly just act all mushy and go out on dates and buy each other stuff. Single people have some options. They could hope that someone will give them a Valentine like a weeny, or they could give little things to their friends, or they could just ignore it completely."

"Okay," he began, still confused. "But what is a Valentine, and why do people want one?"

From there, they had a two hour long conversation about the ins and outs of the holiday. In all honesty, he thought the romance part was silly, but he liked the idea of giving his friends little trinkets just because he cared about them. That was nice. He certainly didn't want any of that kissy mushy stuff.

The only problem was that it was the day after tomorrow and he didn't have anything for anyone! That brought up another problem... was he supposed to get something for Professor Snape? They are mates...but he didn't seem to like the idea of the holiday at all.

After that, he did a bit of research on the subject and was amazed that such a horrific tale had turned into a holiday of love. It wasn't sweet or nice or loving. It was all because of a beheading! There is nothing romantic about a beheading!

Right after dinner, he sent a school owl to Switzerland with five galleons and a request for the largest assortment of chocolates possible for that amount of money. He also added a note for a special piece with specific instructions with a generous tip and an apology for ordering so close to the holiday. It was a lot of money for sweets, but as his friends told him, it was just an excuse to be a little extra nice to people.

He spent the next evening making lots of cards with hand drawn pictures and attached the little boxes of sweets to them.

The special item he'd had crafted was in a perfectly glossy black box with a red ribbon. He bit his lip and wrote a short note as neatly as possible.

Professor Snape,
Please don't set the box on fire. I gathered that you are not fond of Valentine's Day, but I did a bit of reading on the subject. As you are obviously a smart man, I thought you might find the humor in this, and it's a great excuse for sweets.
Happy Beheading Day!

It wasn't that he didn't trust their products, but Boy opened the box carefully to inspect his purchase. It was absolutely perfect. It was a white chocolate skull with raspberry chocolate filling and had a mini axe made from marzipan. In all, the entire box was about the size of his hand.

Re-sealing the box, he went back to work.

The next morning, Boy was grinning widely as he met up with his friends outside the Great Hall.

"You're awfully chipper, Kitten," Olive said, her brow raised questioningly.

"Keep an eye on the staff table when the mail comes in," was all he said before handing out little things for them.

Penny and Olive received rings that matched Amelia's 'engagement ring' in their pouches of chocolate. He'd had to go back to the Black Lake to find similar rocks, but it was worth it from their giggles. Inside the pouches for all three of them were simple charm bracelets that had little kitten charms on them.

They ooh'd and aww'd over their gifts and gave him kisses all over, which he had to scrub off since they were wearing lipsticks in different colors.

As they settled at their respective tables by the doors, the girls each gave him little things as well. Amelia gave him a small box of blood chocolates and a pair of ornate metal chopsticks for when he put his hair up. Penny gave him blood lollies and a thin, emerald green collar. He giggled at that and gave a silly hiss at her. Olive got him blood gummies and a new set of kitty ears. These ones were extra fluffy white with tiny red and purple hearts.

He put them on immediately, along with the collar. He didn't want to wear the ears and the chopsticks at the same time, so he'd wear the festive ears today.

Slowly, the Great Hall began to fill. The post owls would be in shortly.

Sipping on his tea, Boy waited patiently... almost patiently. He was tapping his spoon on the table, but that was it. He really liked gift giving. It was better than gift getting, but it was also a bit nerve-wracking. What if they didn't like the gift? What if they already had the same thing? What if, what if, what if?

He pushed those thoughts aside and watched the owls swoop in.

A familiar pitch black owl, carrying several envelopes and small boxes flew over to the furthest end of the table and waited for Professor Vector to locate and remove her gift. None of them were signed, so they wouldn't know who had sent them, but she still smiled for a moment before opening the card. It was charmed to look like a blackboard with an equation on it and the answer wound up being the current date.

The owl hopped to the next person in line, who happened to be Professor Flitwick. The card was simply lyrics for a silly song about how 'charm'ing he was, and a note at the bottom, instructing him to cast a finite on the box. When he did, the box began whistling the tune that went with the song and dancing for a few seconds before it fell open, revealing the sweets. He cleared his throat loudly.

"Five points to whoever put these charms together! Very creative! Good show!"

Boy blushed, despite knowing that Professor Flitwick didn't know who the sender was.

The owl hopped down to Professor McGonagall. On her card was a similar note to Professor Flitwick's. When she cast the finite, the plain box shifted into a curled up version of her animagus form in porcelain and a handful of chocolates were hidden inside.

She awarded the mystery student five points as well, for the impressive transfiguration.

By this point, most of the students were watching the staff table.

Next was the Headmaster. His box was wrapped to look like a large toffee. When he pulled the string off, glittery rainbow confetti went all over the place.

Boy still wasn't sure about the man, but hadn't thrown him out, so that was something.

Inside the box was an assortment of strange muggle candies, along with a gaudy version of his usual pointed hat. It was covered in little cherubs that threw hearts at each other. Delighted, he tossed his pink pointed hat aside in favor of the new one.

"Five more points for excellent fashion sense!" He called out with a chuckle.

Next to him, Professor McGonagall just rolled her eyes.

The owl made its way to Professor Snape, who eyed it with suspicion. "Go away, bird."

It pecked his hand.

"Fine!" He said grumpily, taking the last package.

Boy had packages for the rest of his professor's, but they didn't often eat in the Great Hall.

He, much like everyone else in the Hall, watched and waited in anticipation and worry.

Sneering, he opened the card first and his brow lifted. As he opened the box, he choked on his coffee, shoulders shaking in silent laughter. He covered his mouth with his napkin.

Everyone was shocked into silence. Professor Snape was laughing! It only lasted a second though, as he seemed to remember that he was in public.

"Five points for actually researching the origins of such a ridiculous holiday." He glared at the students until they stopped staring and went back to their conversations.

Boy watched in amusement as the Headmaster reacted to the skull. At first, he looked appalled, then after the potion's master spoke (most likely explaining), he merely chuckled and smiled.

Just before lunch, he finally saw the twins. He gave them a potion each, then spelled them to have light pink hair and bright red skin with white and pink hearts all over. They laughed hysterically and stopped him from removing the spell.

"We do love a good prank-" Fred began, wiping away his tears.

"And not just on other people-" George continued, grinning.

"So, we will wear these looks-"

"With pride!" They finished together.

"So, Kitten," George said, eyeing the phial and giving it a shake. "What's this then?"

Boy explained that when they pushed a bit of their magic into it and put a few drops into anything they drank, it would taste like their favorite sweets. If they put it in anyone else's drink, since the magical signature would be different, it would make the drinker taste something really awful, like dirty socks or bad apples.

Even though a lot of people made fun of his kitty ears and collar, he didn't take them off. All in all, Boy decided that he really liked Valentine's Day.

The next morning, Boy was racing Penny in Arithmancy when someone knocked on the classroom door.

Keeping quiet, the professor moved quickly toward the door.

Mentally shrugging, he turned his focus back to his parchment.

A clearing throat caught everyone's attention, but Professor Vector was staring directly at Boy, along with Professor Snape, Lucius and a woman that looked vaguely familiar.

"Oh," he whispered, biting his lip.

Professor Snape merely beckoned him silently and turned to leave, the woman following. Lucius however, waited patiently at the door.

Boy startled slightly when Penny gripped his hand.

"It'll be fine, Buh-Harry, okay? We'll see you later."

Nodding once, he packed up his things and left his work on the table. He did not want to do this. He had to do this. But... did he? Couldn't he just call the whole thing off? Say he lied? Tell them that he was clumsy? Or that he was acting out because he was jealous of Jamie's fame? That could be believable, couldn't it?

As if reading his thoughts, Bear gently nudged him forward.

When the group was settled in Professor Snape's office, the woman cast a few privacy spells and smiled kindly at Boy.

"Hello, Harry," she said warmly. "My name is Cassandra Parker. Do you know why I've been asked here?"

He nodded, unable to speak. Jolting, he looked at Lucius, who was patting his shoulder encouragingly. Suddenly, he remembered the rule from all those months ago. Verbal responses. "Yes, ma'am," he croaked out.

"Could you perhaps explain it for me?"

Hugging himself tightly, he closed his eyes. "I'm... I'm not... treated well by... by my family."

"You're doing very well, Harry," she replied, and he could see the honesty in her eyes. "I understand that this is difficult for you to talk about, but I hope that you'll feel comfortable enough to do so."

So, for the next several hours, they talked. They talked and talked and talked. He cried, she supplied handkerchiefs. She cried and he held onto Lucius, bewildered. Lucius cried silently and he held on tighter. Professor Snape never said a word, anger rolling off of him in waves. Bear whimpered and snuggled up with the furious man.

Eventually, Cassandra thanked him for his help and left.

He sat between the two men, breathing raggedly, trying to contain himself.

"Have you fed today?" The man asked, breaking the painful silence.

For a moment, Boy was confused, but shook his head. "Not-yet-s-s-sir." He hiccoughed, wiping his red eyes. Feeding at breakfast left him feeling hyper and edgy, so he fed at lunch and dinner. Since he'd been here for so long, they had all missed lunch.

Wordlessly, the man summoned a silver dagger and bared his wrist.

He gasped, shooting fearful looks at Lucius.

"Do not worry, Mr. Potter. Lord Malfoy has been made aware of your status, as well as my role in it. You have nothing to fear from him."

"If you would prefer privacy," Lucius began calmly. "I could leave the room. It would be no trouble."

"I-I-don't-m-mind," he replied, wishing the hiccoughs would go away.

Without another word, Professor Snape nicked his wrist and offered it to the little Vílaupír.

The sting in his upper jaw was dissipating much more quickly these days, and he was thankful for it. Sinking his fangs into the soft flesh, he immediately started calming down as the rich liquid coated his tongue.

"Harry?" Lucius asked, after Boy slumped tiredly against his side.

"Hmm?" Boy looked up, stifling a yawn

"I have something to tell you. Something very important."

"M'kay," he said, blinking himself awake.

"I am aware that I should have consulted you beforehand, so I would like to apologize for being presumptuous."

Confused, Boy's brow knit.

"Narcissa and I have already spoken with Miss Parker. This morning, in fact, and she supports the decision, given the state of-"

Professor Snape rolled his eyes. "Before I am able to collect my pension, if you please."

Lucius glared at his friend. "Harry, Narcissa and I have petitioned for full custody of you. When th- oof!"

Boy launched himself into the firm arms of the blond Lord and held on for all he was worth. They wanted him! Someone really wanted him! He would never go back to that house again! Lucius and Cissa wanted to take care of him!

Through his litany of praises and thanks, Lucius simply hugged the little boy, rubbing soothing circles on his back.

When Boy saw his friends next, it was an hour before curfew and they were in the abandoned classroom.

They descended on him immediately, confused by his happy-yet-tearful appearance.

So he told them. After hours of crying and talking, and maybe a bit of yelling, how Lucius and Narcissa really and truly wanted him.

His friends were thrilled for him and he was thrilled for himself. He still couldn't believe it! For most of his life, all he'd ever wanted were parents, and now nice people wanted to be those parents!

The weeks seemed to fly by after that day. Classes went by in a blur, studying, tutoring. It barely registered. The closer to Spring Break it got, the more frazzled he became. The rest of the students were excited for the week off, but Boy was flat-out terrified. He would have to see Them at the trial, which was approaching at an alarming rate.

Twelve days. He still had time. Focus on homework. Focus on quidditch. Focus on his tutoring groups.

Eight days. There's still time. Just breathe.

Five days. Running out of time. Go to class. Shut down the salon. Miss quidditch practice, just this once.

Four days. Belongings packed. Double check. Breathe. Go to the train. Breathe. Make sure the trunk is securely in your pocket. Spend the entire train ride in absolute silence. Put Amelia's hair in tiny braids. Don't think, just breathe. Weave in purple and blue. Breathe. Did you remember your trunk? Yes, it's in your pocket. Stop thinking, keep breathing. Pat Bear's head.

"Come on, Kitten," Olive said a bit sadly. "Time to go."

Boy barely noticed being hoisted onto Penny's back, or leaving the train.

"Harry?" Came a familiar voice. Lucius. "Are you ready to go?"

He just nodded, not lifting his head. Eventually though, he did unwrap his legs and Penny crouched a bit so he could climb down.

Before he knew it, he was standing in the floo room at Malfoy Manor and Bear popped up next to him.

Draco was saying something in the background, but all Boy wanted to do was go to sleep.

The next morning, Boy was led by the excitable house elf he'd met at the Yule Ball, Dobby. It only took a few seconds for the elf to stop trying to talk to him.

He took his seat at the table and belatedly noticed that Narcissa was the only one present.

"Good morning, Harry," she said kindly. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, ma'am," he lied, twisting his fingers under the table. "Thank you."

She let out a light laugh. "Ma'am. Oh, what a terrible word. A word like that is best reserved for old ladies and professors. Call me Cissa."

Just as he began pouring a cup of tea, Lucius walked into the dining room.

"Well," he said, taking his seat at the head of the table. "You're an early riser, I see. We'll be lucky if Draco drags himself out of bed before ten."

Cissa smirked. "I just don't understand how he does it, but I've never gotten an owl from the school about tardies or missed classes."

"Yet," Lucius added with a light snort.

Humming in agreement, she offered Boy a bowl of fruit, which he accepted.

He watched as the Malfoy's chatted and joked, nibbling on pieces of kiwi.

Moving from the dining room to the sitting room, it didn't take long for the conversation to drift from Lady Parkinson's new gazebo to the trial.

They talked about his fears and hopes, consoling and/or reassuring him when necessary. They understood his fears and seemed sad when he brought up his hopes. Was it really so strange to hope that, no matter where he ended up, he was given a real bed and maybe for someone to care about him? Isn't that what everyone wants?

At some point, while he was busy staring at his hands, Draco appeared.

"Morning, mum. Morning, dad." Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, the blond jumped at the sight of Boy. "Oh. Right. You're here."

For a few moments, they chastised Draco, and Boy just leaned up against Bear.

From that point on, Draco made obvious efforts to completely ignore Boy's entire existence.

Dressed to the nines, Boy tightly held onto Lucius' hand. This was it. By the end of the day, it would all be over. Just one floo trip and sitting in a chair. That's all he had to do today.

Lucius picked him up and rested the Vílaupír on his hip, stepping into the floo. "Would you like to call out our destination?"

Boy's brow knit in confusion.

"It's something I used to do with Draco," he explained. "He would get upset that I didn't allow him to travel on his own, so I let him assist."

"Oh... er, sure," Boy replied, feeling a bit silly. "Ministry of Magic Atrium!" He said clearly as Lucius tossed the powder down.

In a swirl of emerald flames, they vanished.

Boy couldn't believe it. This couldn't be right. They swore it would be okay.

Lost in a fog, he scarcely noticed being picked up and carried out of the courtroom. Doors blurred past and then they stopped. There was a lot of noise, shouting and random pops from cameras. They wanted to talk all at once, but none of their words made it through the fog. Except one person's.

"The travesty that has occurred today was nothing short of a miscarriage of justice." Lucius said angrily. "I am horrified at this farce of a trial. Excuse me, we have a very worried family to return to."

As the shouting continued, Lucius stopped in the main lobby. "Harry? Would you prefer to floo or apparate?"

Boy didn't care in the slightest, but it did snap him out of the fog. Burying his face in Lucius' shoulder, he began to sob.

The feeling of his back being rubbed didn't have the same effect as it usually did, and he merely cried harder. He didn't realize they had begun to move again until the sensation of being sucked into a tiny tube cut off his ability to draw a breath.


"Cissa, I need a calming draught, a half dose of dreamless sleep and two very large glasses of cognac." Severus sighed. "Luce, sit on the couch. If you plan on having use of your arms anytime soon, I will need to feed him."

When seated, Severus nicked his wrist with a low-powered cutting hex and held it near Lucius' shoulder.

Not fully lifting it, Boy turned his head to face the presented wrist. He had no urge to drink.

Worried now, the potions Master took the calming draught from his long-time friend and spelled it directly into the young boy's stomach.

Eventually, the sobbing slowed to occasional hiccups. All the while, Lucius had been rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"Harry?" The blond asked gently. "Do you feel up to feeding now?"

Boy shrugged hopelessly. What difference would it make? Even though he would only ever feed from the professor, he was still considered a monster. A monster who wasn't protected by the law.

Once again, Severus raised his sluggishly bleeding wrist. The small cut had already begun to clot, but the scent was still there.

Barely two mouthfuls later, Boy was done. He just didn't have the energy to feed properly.

"Would you like to lie down?" Lucius asked softly. "Cissa chose a very nice room for you, Harry. She might have gone a bit mad with decorating, but she assures me that it's just right."

Boy shook his head, tightening his grip. He'd been sleeping in a guest room, but it hadn't been a bother. It was a very nice room.

"Alright," the blond said, continuing the back rubbing.

Severus' lips quirked slightly upward. Despite Lucius' gentle coaxing, Harry had said no. Harry never said no, so this might be a good first step for his recovery.

"Am I correct in assuming that it didn't go well?" Narcissa asked softly.

"Bastards threw out the case when they found out that the victim was a 'filthy halfbreed'." Severus snarled.

"They were fined for animal abuse." Lucius spat, disgusted.

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