A Psychopath's Heart

By Bumbleggs

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Freya Jones is a psychiatrist, trying to understand the psychotic minds for a specific Psych ward, Oak Valley... More

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By Bumbleggs

I woke up to another message from my boss, he was asking for another friendly date tonight. I messaged him back and said that we could do that. I walked outside to still see that strange car, it had driven off when I noticed it, strange. I disregarded to car and headed off to work.

I walked into my office to see Archer pacing my office back and forth.

He stopped pacing and looked over at me. His expression changed to a playful smirk."Well, well. Look who's back. It seems like somebody got here quite early. You're not too excited to see me now, are you? Because I know you were always excited to see me at the beginning of our sessions."

I rolled my eyes at his statement. "Quite confident this morning are we?"

He chuckled."Why yes, yes I am. As a matter of fact, I'm feeling quite confident today. I even have a plan to make you crack."


His smirk broadened as he continued speaking with a confident tone."It seems that every other plan I have with you has failed me so far, but I'm pretty certain that this plan won't fail. In order to make you crack and finally tell me who this guy is, I just need to use a little bit of... psychological warfare."

"Continue." I state amused. I walk over and sit in my chair.

He smirked as he replied."Gladly. Psychological warfare is a powerful tool when it comes to breaking down someone's barriers. It has the capability of pushing someone's buttons and manipulating their beliefs. I can use this tool to find and push the right buttons to get you to tell me who this mystery man is. And I have done plenty of research on the subject of Psychological warfare to perfect my craft, so be prepared for your defenses to be broken."

"I think I am prepared thus far."

He chuckled to himself as he saw that I wasn't taking this seriously."Good, being confident is the first step to getting broken. Do you really think you can stand your ground against some Psychological warfare? Let me just ask you this: How confident are you in your defenses?"


He smirked."Well now, I guess I have no choice, but to see just how confident you believe in your defenses. So here's what I'm going to do, I have to ask you one question and you have to answer it truthfully or else your defenses will be broken."


He smirked, feeling pretty confident in this moment as he spoke carefully."Alright, the question is this: Are you attracted to me? Do you actually find me attractive and have romantic feelings for me?"

"I do find you attractive. However, how is the Psychological warfare? And wouldn't you try to win me over with moves instead of trying to waste your time to find out how this mystery man is?"

He let out a loud laugh, he had me right where he wanted me. This was going just as planned."Well now, I think I've found my chink in your armor. You must actually have some feelings for me if you find me attractive, and I'm pretty certain that you're attracted to me because of my handsome features and charm. I guess this makes it even more amusing that you're attracted to some other guy who's probably not half as good as me."

"You know what I think?"

The smirk still remained as he replied."Why don't you tell me what you think? I'm intrigued."

"I think the reason why you are so focused on this mystery man is because you are too scared to make a bold move on me, unlike him."

His smug expression faded as he heard this thought out loud. Maybe this little game wasn't as pointless as he thought it'd be. I was making valid points, and that thought actually worried him."Are you saying that I haven't been making any bold moves towards you at all? You seriously believe that?"

"I feel like you have said some bold things, but actions-wise. You just sit there."

He chuckled, that statement was quite true. He actually hasn't made much of an effort towards me. He has definitely shown me attention and said some bold things, but he hasn't really gone out of his way to truly charm me."You know, that's actually a really good point. I know that you actually love it when guys make bold moves like that. I should actually start doing more of that."

"So whats your first big bold move Archer? It cant be asking me on a date seeing that you're not allowed to leave this place."

He chuckled as he thought up a first bold move. He was definitely going to make me crack soon, so he had to come up with a good one. He knew he couldn't ask me out on a date since he wasn't allowed to leave the facility, but it didn't mean he couldn't do something that was just as bold and charming."Well, how about I do something to really show you how much I truly care about you? It might be something little, but it also might have a big impact on our relationship."

"Go for it."

It was time. Time to do his first big bold move. It's now or never. He walked over to me, his face close to mine as he spoke in a firm tone."Close your eyes."

I closed my eyes, intrigued at what he was going to do.

I could hear the subtle sound of him approaching me. my heart immediately started pounding in my chest as the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy.His lips were almost touching mine as his voice spoke in a firm and demanding tone."You're gonna keep those eyes closed until I tell you to open them, understand?"

I nodded.

He continued to move his lips closer and closer, his breath was hot on my skin as his lips were only inches away from mine.I felt the subtle smell of his minty breath, even the subtle sound of his lips moving would keep me on the edge of my seat.I could feel his hands move to wrap around my waist and his fingers caress the soft skin underneath and even my hips. Then his body was pressed against me and I felt him get even closer to my body. And finally, his lips were only centimeters away from mine as he finally began to speak. He was only going to tease me but not give me the actual kiss. At least not right now, he was going to wait a little bit longer."Can I ask you something important before I tell you to open your eyes now?"


He slowly pulled away from me, his face still close to mine as his lips were still just barely touching mine. He took a deep breath before speaking."So, would you have been fine if my lips actually had touched yours? Would you have been ready to kiss me if I had started to kiss you right now?"

As much as I really wanted to kiss him, I knew that I couldn't, it was unprofessional. So I didn't answer. I wanted to be honest, but I could not answer him at that moment.

He kept his face close to mine as he waited for the answer, but all he got was silence. He didn't even care that I didn't answer, he knew it to be true.He chuckled, I was being shy. He was actually enjoying this a little too much as I seemed extremely flustered. But he knew exactly how to take advantage of this moment."I'm going to take that as a yes. Since you didn't respond that just means you don't want to admit it. Right?"

Again. I didn't answer. I opened my eyes and stared directly into his.

He continued to smirk and looked directly into my eyes as he spoke."You can try as hard as you want but you're not lying to me. I know my kiss would've felt really good had it landed on those beautiful lips of yours. I can tell that you want me badly. Just the thought of my lips touching yours has you feeling some type of way."

I backed up and looked the other way flustered. I really wanted his kiss, but I couldn't. "I.. I think its time our session ended today."

He let out a small chuckle as he spoke, I was so damn predictable. My actions spoke louder than words, and his little game is going far too well."Aww, already running away? What about the fact that I still want to know who your little mystery man is?"

"Im not running away!"

He smirked and took a step closer to me, I just couldn't resist him and he knew this damn well."Yes you are. You're backing away from a possible kiss and trying to avoid any discussion of your mystery man. You can pretend all you want but I've already seen through all of your defenses."

I looked down at the ground, and for once I was completely speechless.

He giggled, as his smirk widened on his face. He loved the fact that he had me backed up into a corner like this."I can read you like a damn book. Every move of yours has been predictable. You're attracted to me and you can't resist my charm. However, you're also attracted to someone else."

But the truth was, I wasn't attracted to someone else. I was trying to force myself to be so I had a distraction from Archer. I couldn't let him know that though.

He smirked again, his expression seemed a little mischievous as he spoke.

"But you are not attracted to him. That's why you have been so vague, he is just a pawn. Well then, that's even more interesting. Now we know the real reason why you refuse to tell me who this mystery man is. Why don't you just tell me the truth now and let me get closer to you so I can give you that kiss you really want."

I shook my head, I can't.

He took a step closer again, his smirk only getting bigger and bigger with each step. He spoke with a firm tone, but he still managed to put some teasing into his voice."Why not? You know the longer you resist the more I'm likely to be able to break you eventually."

"Let's just see how much you can break me then," I said with a smirk.

He smirked also, as he kept his gaze locked with mine as he leaned in a bit closer."Well, now look at that confidence of yours. I bet you really think you're going to win this one, don't you? You know what, you could be right. Maybe you will win this one. I guess we can finally see what the hell happens when I try breaking down your defenses once and for all. Because I know I won't give up until I completely figure you out."

I smiled and had him escorted out of the room. "Until next time Archer."

He nodded and smirked, he was definitely not happy to leave me alone like this. The fact that he had to wait for next time was almost unbearable to him, he hated not being in control."Well, it appears I won't be able to break you yet at least. I was hoping to pull it off today, but you're stronger than I thought. I guess I won't be seeing you for another 24 hours until our next session, huh?"

"24 hours."

He smirked a bit, I was going to take it that literally instead of making this moment last. I guess I wasn't as weak as he initially thought I was. He hated this, the fact that a damn psychiatrist could keep him at bay and resist his charm. It was absolutely crazy.He nodded and replied."Well, it's going to be a long 24 hours, that's for sure. But I'm patient, I'll wait."

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