Luffy x isakai Girl

By Kilava1231

60.7K 3K 2.2K

You are transported into the world of one piece. Right on HIS ship. Monkey D. Luffy. What awaits? What is you... More

Name Drop
Under the Night Sky
Skip - A Small Gesture
Night Duty
The Next Morning
Timing (part 2)
Just Like Normal
Under the Covers
Jingle Bells
Four letter word
So much
The Crew
Home is Where...
Shrink (part 2)
Just Two More Days
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Not a Second Thought
Alone at Last
Day 3: Evening
Day 4
Day 4: night
Day 5
The park
Day 5: Sunset
Day 5: Bar
Designated Driver
Day 6: Split
Day 6: Shadow
Day 6: Jean
Day 6: Escapades
Day 7
Day 7: A little longer
Day 8
Day 8 (part 2)
Day 11
Day 11: Let go
Day 11: Bon Voyage
Day 12: Home
Let Her Sleep
Jealous Bug
The Captain's Seat
Tell me
J burgers
Mission: Crush Interference
The crushing guilt
Embrace It
Wake Up!
Land Ho!
Rainforest Island
Gut Wrenching
Sorry (Part 2)
Moving Forward
He Likes You
Just Us
Playing catch up
The Helmsman
Mirage Island
Captain Kid
Move out, Move on
Which one?!
Drunk again
Feelings and Felting
She's back
Marred Past, Bright Future
Party it up like a Straw Hat
Just a little fun
Trial Jitters
Trial and Error
What's with the...

Stitches off!

718 25 16
By Kilava1231

I sat up quick in my bed, realizing it was the day I had been waiting for. It had been five days since I had woken from my coma. Five days of building my strength. Five days of having to be careful about how I built my strength. I pulled myself out of bed and got dressed. Five days of people tiptoeing around me. I strode confidently out the door. Five days of stress. I brought myself onto the deck, full of way more energy than before. Five days awake with stitches.

Supposedly, I would still have a couple months needed to recover, but I felt great. Being in this world filled my body with way more energy and way more healing capabilities. It's as if I were born different. More durability, faster healing time, stronger, faster, sharper. Maybe it was just me, but I didn't care. Today, I got my freedom back. Today, I got my stitches out.

I knocked on the boys room, and Zoro opened the door. I grinned at him excitedly.

"Is Chopper awake yet? Today is the day!"

"No," Zoro said, yawning "but I'll get him up."

After Chopper got up, luffy and Zoro, me and Chopper piled into the infirmary. A show of support for finally leaving this mess behind me.

I pulled up my shirt to my first bullet wound. The one in my gut. Chopper shot me with a little local anesthetic and clipped and pulled the the stitches out. As the last stitch pulled at the edge of my skin, Luffy hooted and hollered and Zoro patted me on the shoulder in congratulations.

There were two other sets of stitches from a later surgery just under my ribcage, as well as the place he stabbed me to reinflate my lung, but Chopper said it should be fine to remove those a little early. So those were next. Clip, tug, repeat, gone.

I unzipped my shirt a little so Chopper could reach the ones on my chest without flashing the boys. As he finished up with those, I hear a familiar "SUPERRRRRRR" as Franky poked his head in and gave me a thumbs up. I shot him a grin and gave him a thumbs up back.

As the stitches on my back got removed, everyone popped their heads in for just a minute to give me support. It warmed my heart and made my day even better to have such amazing friends here with me.

The last stitches were the one in my neck. They were unsurprisingly far more sensitive that the other ones. It made sense since there were more nerves on my neck, but it was still funny since it was the least aggressive wound.

I winced, closing one eye but still smiling as everybody counted down the last couple stitches.

"3.... 2... 1! WOOHOOOOOOOOO" everyone cheered. It was funny how much of a big deal they were making it, especially considering the fact that everybody there had probably suffered some pretty bad injuries and never made a big deal about them. Luffy grabbed my face and planted a kiss right on the lips in front of everybody. I flushed, surprised, but nobody seemed to care. Everybody was cheering and ready to celebrate.

The entire day was a party. From dawn til dusk kind of deal. I got plotzed, despite the gripes from our doctor. Right along with me was Zoro, Luffy, Nami, Usopp and Franky. We ate and drank and played stupid drunk games.

After the festivities, I stumbled into the aquarium with Luffy and lounged on the couch. God, I'm drunk. It had been quite the day, but the rooms were spinning and the fish were swimming all around me. Thinking about it now, that didn't seem right. Must have been really super drunk.

I laughed at the stupid tricks my mind was playing on me. Luffy laughed too, laying on his back with the top of his head pressed against mine. His body was extra large from all the food he consumed. He always looked silly when he was like that, but I still couldn't help but smile at him. I knew he was going to deflate in a couple hours but nothing was softer than cuddling with a tubby Luffy. Not that we were cuddling now. There wasn't really enough room on the couch, which is why we were laying head to head. There really wasn't much to say either. We were drunk after all, and quickly fell asleep after laying down.

    "Oi, Misaki." My eyes fluttered back open, a much slimmer Luffy was sitting behind my head, looking down at me.

    "Yes?" I looked at him, tilting my head a little. Luffy blushed and scratched his cheek with his finger.

    "I uh, I don't think you should be sleeping on a couch. I wanna getcha to bed." He said, slurring a little. I groaned and went to roll over to get away from him, already forgetting I was on a narrow couch. I teetered half-hazard-ly on the edge.

   "Eeeeehhhhh shit!" I exclaimed as I fell off the couch, eliciting and Oi! Misaki! from Luffy. I sat up, rubbing my head. That was really dumb. And Luffy jumped to my side, putting his hand on my head to feel for the lump I most likely had from my stupid fall.

    "This is why I wanted to move you to a bed." He muttered. I blushed, realizing how close his face was to mine. The booze was still messing with my head, but I didn't have much restraint with him regardless. I leaned forward and placed my lips on his, making him take a sharp breath. His hands went up to my face and pulled me away from him.

    "Misaki, you're drunk."

    "I'm not drunk, you're drunk!" I slurred, making him laugh.

    "We are both drunk, dummy!"

    "What, so I can't kiss you cause I'm drunk?!"

    "Nope," he said snickering, "I don't wanna take advantage of you."

    "You're full ooof shiiit" I said, puffing my cheeks out.

    "Naw I mean it!"

    "We kiss when we aren't drunk!"

    "So? Right now I want to do way more than kiss you! But I won't cause we're drunk!"

    I paused, little butterflies dancing around in my stomach. I wasn't used to this kind of treatment. He basically was saying he wanted me, but he respected me enough to not do anything while we were drunk. I had never wanted him more than in that moment, ironically, but I chose to follow his example, and let him drag me to my bedroom with no more fuss. He rolled me into bed and pulled the covers over me.

      I looked up at him, thinking about how much I wanted him to stay. Not for anything sexual, but simply because I loved him, and wanted him nearby.




    "Please stay. I just don't want to be alone." All the others were passed out on the deck. Luffy flushed and pursed his lips. He got away with it once but wasn't sure if Nami would be so forgiving the second time. "Please?"

"I'm probably going to die if Nami wakes up before me." Luffy pondered. Misaki laughed and patted the bed. Luffy couldn't resist.


I felt my eyes flutter open in the wee morning hours. I was laying against Luffy's chest. His breathing was heavy but he was very clearly awake. His fingers laced behind his head as he stared at the ceiling. I took a deep breath and kissed his chest before snuggling back in.

"You up?" Luffy questioned.


"How are you feeling."

"M not hungover so that's good."

"Hmm" Luffy hummed with thought, laying a hand on my back. He lightly traced his hand up and down my back, making my stomach flip. I, in turn, started tracing his abs. Luffy shifted a little, huffing through his nose. I stretched up to kiss his jawline and then back down his neck, making his grasp at my face with both hands and bring me into a kiss.

My heart skipped a beat as he kissed me sweetly. I felt an arm go around my waist and pull me to lay on top of him. I grasped his face and kissed him a little more fervently. I heard a click and broke away for a moment to see his hand snap back from the door. A shiver went up my spine as I remembered the last time he locked my door. I looked back at him.

He reached up a hand and caressed my cheek, looking at me in a way that made my heart swell.

    "I love when you blush like that."

    He pulled me down into another kiss, long and sweet. I felt him unbutton my shirt and pull it open. We both sat up a little, me still straddling him. He pinched at the top and slowly pulled it off, looking me up and down.

     My breath was shallow and fast and I couldn't help but blush as he looked at me. He reached out his hand and touched the scars on my stomach, making me jump. He looked up at me, then gently placed his hands around my waist and leaned down to kiss the scars. Slowly, he traced his lips up to the scar on my ribs, kissing that one too. He then traced his lips up my torso, between my breasts, making me shiver, and up to the next two scars. He cascaded his hands up my sides as he went, giving me goosebumps. He then stretched up to kiss me on the lips, then nuzzled into the scar on my neck, kissing it too. His fingers traced over the bullet scar on my back, then down my old surgical scar running down my spine. It felt so incredibly intimate. Like he was coming to terms with these scars and connecting with me in the process.

I hesitated before tracing his own scars. The one under his eye, which I kissed gently, and the one on his chest, which I lingered on. I thought about the tale behind this scar. The pain he must have felt, losing his brother. I placed both of my hands on it, tracing down the x as Luffy closed his eyes and breathed deep. I brought my hands back up to his face and kissed him deeply. The feelings that stirred inside of me were more than I could handle.

Luffy untied my sweats, shifting my pants down a little before realizing there was no way to get them off while I was straddling him. He grunted and lifted me off of him. He stood up and grasped my pants, slowly pulling them off of me as he watched my face for a reaction. I smiled and pulled his shirt off and he grinned before pulling his pants off.

     He reached out for my hips and kissed me gently before pulling me toward the edge of the bed. His hands wandered to my thighs, opening them up. His finger fluttered over my clit as he kissed me, making me squirm and try to shut my legs.

Luffy stopped kissing me and pulled away. Searching my eyes to make sure I still wanted this. I pulled him back into the kiss, pulling us both back into the bed. I grasped his hand and put it back where he had it, not wanting my stupid reaction to stop what was happening here. Luffy kissed me, switching between lightly tracing his fingers around my clit and firmly pressing down on it, making my breath hitch. He kissed down my neck and between my breasts again as I grasped his hair, jumping at every little kiss. Luffy hovered over me, taking a good long look as I squirmed underneath him.

"Luffy" I whispered.

I wanted him to stop teasing me and keep going. He grinned, and continued kissing down my stomach, taking a moment to nip at my hip bones, making me jump. His hands met to pull my legs open again. I sat there helplessly as he playfully sucked at his fingers, tasting me. I saw his head dip down and felt him nip at the inside of my thighs before flicking his tongue into my clit. I jolted and moaned, grasping at his hair. He grabbed my hips and squeezed, keeping me still as he went down on me. How does he even know about this stuff?!

I squirmed and cursed under my breath as his tongue swirled around and flicked at my clit. He was astonishingly good at it. I grabbed his wrists tightly as he continued wreaking havoc on me. My heart was thundering in my ears, and my breathing got more erratic. He rolled my hips up as he plunged his tongue inside of me, making me moan. I was dripping wet and shivers and shudders started climbing up my spine. He squeezed me tightly, tugging on my hips to make me go crazy.

"Luffy!" I whispered urgently. He stayed steadfast, determined to bring me over the edge. A hand ran up to my breast and squeezed it as I finally lost it. Tremors ran up my body as I whimpered and moaned, trying to be quiet. Before I could finish, he was already moving up to kiss me, smoothly slipping his dick inside me, making me gasp. The orgasm never had a chance to subside. My body tightened and convulsed around him as he rocked his hips into me. He placed his hand over my mouth as I moaned. I couldn't help it. He wasn't giving me even a second to compose myself.

"Shhhh" he hushed as he continued to rock his hips into me. I grasped his hair and pulled him into me, crushing his lips against mine. He kissed me back passionately as I was sent over the edge again. I wrapped my legs around him, trying to get him to go deeper. He obliged, pushing himself deeper with every thrust. Before I was even done, I was already moving into another, more intense orgasm. I bit his shoulder, trying to keep myself quiet as he caressed my breasts, sending wild charges through my body.

"Misaki, you are making this really hard for me to keep going." Luffy muttered as he thrusted even deeper into me, picking up the pace. I rocked my hips with him, making him moan into my ear. I softly chewed on his earlobe, making him grumble. As I climbed to yet another orgasm, I felt his hand go over my throat. The new sensation sent a surge of pleasure throughout my body.

"Damn it, I..." Luffy muttered, thrusting into me right as I orgasmed before pulling out. Luffy crushed his lips over mine to muffle himself as he moaned. His whole body shuddered right along with mine before collapsing next to me. Sweat beaded on our bodies as we gasped for air. My whole body was shaking. I felt like I was soaring at a higher plane of existence.

We sat there for a moment, each of us needing to catch our breath. I grabbed his hand and he intertwined his fingers in mine. This was beyond what happened last time. I had no words. No breath. No energy. And my heart felt like it was going to explode. Man, he definitely knows how to celebrate. I chuckled at my own stupid thoughts and Luffy rolled over to look at me.

"What?" He grinned. I looked at him and my heart swelled.

"I just... I'm happy." I said with a grin. There it was. I was happy. Beyond happy.

    "Yeah?" Luffy said.


"I'm that good, huh?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

"Don't get a big head, Luffy."

"That means I was more awesome than I thought!" He puffed out his chest.

I grinned. "I said not to get a big head."

"To late!" Luffy said, puffing his head up to make it literally bigger. I snorted, quickly throwing my hands over my mouth in embarrassment. "Heyyy, that was so cute! Don't hide it!" Luffy said, grabbing my wrists and placing a kiss on my nose. "If you wanted to know, I thought this was way more amazing than last time." He said with a snicker.


"And I thought last time was pretty awesome." he added. I blushed at him. I didn't know how to take a compliment, let alone this.

"This was the best I've had" I mumbled, eliciting the most shining smile yet. I wasn't lying. I had never experienced anything like this.

"I wish I could have kept going."

"I would have died!"

"Don't be dramatic." He said with a snicker.

"I don't know if I am." I smiled playfully. He laughed and kissed me all over, like an attack. I giggled at him.

"I wish we didn't have to get up now." He pouted. I huffed in agreement.

"But we have to. And we have to clean up too."

Luffy groaned dramatically, making me giggle.

"Don't be dramatic" I echoed playfully.

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