The Bad Boy Cares About Me

By Crazy_nerd_x

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Hey so this Boy I used to call my boyfriend just broke up with me the worst way possible. He posted on Faceb... More

Author's note
Boring Jobs and Annoying Boyfriends
You're Single So I Have a Chance with You....In Hell Maybe
I'm no Nun.......I'm Satan's Lover
Stupid Boys but Yummy Ice Cream

Sexy Beast My Ass

603 20 9
By Crazy_nerd_x

Chapter Three

Sexy Beast My Ass

*Ella's p.o.v.*

"Hey sleeping beauty wake up,"Jared whispered in my ear and shook me to wake up.

"Go away Jared, I'm ditching school today and I'm staying locked up in my room for the rest of my life."I said with my eyes closed.

"Come on I made pancakes and, if you want I'll make you hot chocolate."

"Jared, come on I'm totally not in the mood. Just go away." Although hot chocolate does sound good but with all my stubbornness i just ignored what he said. Right then I got up and tried to push him out of my room. But you know I'm a small little weakling and he's a macho guy, so I think you could guess what happened.

I fell on my stupid butt. I'm just so uncoordinated and clumsy.

Jared started laughing like a pig. I hate pigs they're so disgusting and ugly. You know what maybe Jared is related to some sort of pig being. Yep that's exactly it.

"Come on Ella, get up. If that bastard even looks in your direction I'll break his bones so don't worry. You have a super hot, sexy and muscular guy protecting you." he said smirking at me.

"Don't boost your ego Jared your head may pop, and just so you know you can't force me to go to school when I'm feeling heartbroken, "I said.

Jared stared at me and the sort of chuckled. This guy is just so odd. When I was thinking that I didn't exactly notice that Jared was actually going through my clothes but I didn't mind. He picked a plain white shirt out of my closet and an American Apparel mini skirt. He then picked a white lace bra and panties from Victoria Secret that go together. Jared smirked at me and I smirked back.

"Jared are you coming out of the closet," I said sorta laughing.

"Okay Ella very funny. So I picked these clothes out for you and your going to have to wear them because I'm a guy and I know what guys want and how guys get perked up when they see a little hot girl like you wearing a mini skirt."

"So your saying that I'm supposed to look like that so he'll regret ever breaking up with me ."

"Yep, and BTW if you don't come to school then I'm not going to school and I will make my main priority today in annoying you. So, you better come to school."He said looking in my eyes.

"Fine, You win."

"Don't I always."

"Now go away I have to change," I said looking at him then the clothes in his hands

"You sure you don't need any help because I'm great at dressing and undressing the ladies."

"Get out Jared you stupid pervert," I said.

He started to pout and walked out of my room. Unwillingly may I add.

I changed fast and walked down the stairs that leads to my kitchen.While I was walking I was thinking to myself that today I have to go through a torturous day of school and see Dylan probably with his new fuck friend.

I love my life. It's just so great isn't it. *note the sarcasm*


"Hey sweetheart," Melissa said "How are you feeling."

"Oh I'm fine I'm just thinking of ways to murder a person without getting caught."I said.

"Well that's normal. Eat your breakfast it's getting cold and fast or else we're going going to be late."

"Okay Mom." I laughed but was scared when she stared daggers at me.

I ate my breakfast quickly and Travis drove us all in his car. My dad got it for him as a birthday present a black Range rover I don't know why but that's the car that Travis wanted.

In the car Melissa sat in the passengers seat next to Travis and I sat in the backseat next to Jared. I was on my phone the whole time because I didn't want to talk to anyone.

Tap Tap Tap

"What do you want Jared,"I said not looking up from my phone.

"We're in school but besides the point.... I'm walking you to class Okay."


I get out of the car and start walking towards the school. But then I stop when I notice that Jared is walking right by me. I'm just going to ignore him.

I walk up to my locker and try to get out my books when Jared taps me on the shoulder. Again may I add. He's so annoying.

"Jared could you please stop with the whole tapping on my shoulder its annoying me like hell," I said calmly but in an annoyed tone.

"Why, does it annoy you Pumpkin." He smirked at the little nickname he gave me.

"First of all don't call me that name it makes me sound fat and second just go away Jared you're annoying the crap out of me." I cried at him.

"Come on you love me. Well who wouldn't when they have a hot sexy beast such as I following them around school." He said looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Yeah, sexy beast my ass." I told him. Grabbing my books from my locker.

"Your ass is very cute yes," he said right when the school bell rang.

"Well I've got to go Jared or else I'll be late to class, bye"

Jared wrapped his hand around my wrist and whispered in my ear "Nope sweatheart I'm walking you to class."

I was quiet and walked to class with his hand still lingering on my wrist. Why would he want to walk me to class when he is in the grade above me and also his class is on the other side of the school. I'll ask him later.

We stopped in front of my class and I saw Melissa inside. I ran up to her and waved goodbye to Jared.

"Hey Mel I'm sitting next to you."



I sat next to Melissa through all the morning classes. Now I just have to go through lunch and four more classes. Then I can just go home and lay in my bed.

I walked out of my class and went to my locker when I was stopped by the blonde bimbo. I wonder how many times a month she bleaches her hair. Besides that I was just trying to ignore her the whole day and it worked perfectly fine, but I didn't think that she would want to talk to me.

She started blabing about how I should stay away from Dylan and that he loves her now and what not.

I just ignored her. I opened my locker put the books I didn't need from my bag in my locker and the books I needed for my next classes in my bag.

Stacy just stared at me wide eyed and said with anger lacing through her voice "Are you ignoring me whore."

I just walked away and put my bag in my next class.when I left the class I walked to the lunchroom. How dare that bitch just walk up to me and tell me that I'm a whore. If anything she's the whore because she opened her legs for most of the jocks in my school.


I finally end up in the lunch room and walk up to the counter and take a pizza and soda.

I pay the lunch lady and walk up to mine and Melissa's table to sit down.

When I sit. Melissa has an angry look and is looking at Travis. When she turns and looks at me she has pity in her eyes. What happened ?

"Melissa what happened ?"

"Nothing." The look on her face told me otherwise.

"Come on you could tell me."

"Ella it's nothing to worry about."

"Okay." I'm not going to annoy her and make her tell me. No because I'm a good friend and good friends don't do that.

I started eating my lunch when Jared sat right by me and smiled at me with pity in his green eyes. What is wrong with everybody today.

"Not you too what the hell is going on Jared?" I said.

"Your dick of a boyfriend is a manwhore and he is fucking making out with that slut right now, " Jared said with anger lacing through his voice.

"Wait. What?"

"That fucking motherfu"

I turned around and saw it with my own two eyes. Dylan was making out with Stacy in the lunchroom. In front of everybody, especially in front of me.

I felt the tears well up and couldn't take it anymore. I got up and took my lunch. I raced to the trash can and threw it out before I ran and left the lunchroom.

I can't see that. Dylan never even broke up with me. I don't understand what's wrong with me. Am I that bad. Am I that ugly. Am I not good enough.

I ran to the janitors closet and shut the door. I sat down on the floor with my arms wrapped around my knees and I started to cry. I dropped my head over my knees and wished the ground would swollow me whole.

I cryed and cryed and didn't even hear the bell ring. Which meant that lunch ended and class began.


*Jared's p.o.v.*

I saw her run out of the lunch room. It was all that little fuckers fault. Guess what? I fucking hate him.

He doesn't even deserve a girl like Ella to cry for him. Ella could do so much better than him. All I want to do right now is cut of his balls and choke make him choke on it.

I'll leave that for another time but for now I've got to find Ella and take her home.

"Hey Travis, " Travis just stared at the floor.

"Travis, My man could I have your car keys." I smiled at him.

"No way in the fucking hell dude." Wow that snapped him out of his trance.

"So I guess it's a good thing that we're not in hell and come on I wanna take your sister home," I said and I saw recognition flash on his face.

"Fine. Just because it's for my sister and Jared if I see a fucking scratch on my car I will fucking stab you to death." This guy is really possessive on his car it's just weird. Travis took out the keys from his pocket and gave it to me.

"Yeah yeah yeah no scratch. Travis could you do me a favor and call your Dad to clarify exactly why I'll be taking his daughter home when she should be at school." I said and saw Travis take his phone out of his pocket and ring his Dad.

I said goodbye to Travis and Melissa and walked out of the lunchroom.

Now where would a heartbroken junior go and hide in order to cry about her ex boyfriend who is making out with her grades most popular girl/slut.

Oh wait I have to go and get her backpack then I could take her home.

I went to Ella's 6th period class and automatically found her backpack. It was the one that had these pins/buttons on it that said these different bands like The Kooks, Arctic Monkeys, 5 Seconds of Summer, The 1975, Halsey etc.

I took her bookbag and left the class then I heard the bell ring meaning that lunch is over. Great. *note the sarcasm*

The hallways were now filled with freshman's. My day just keeps on getting better and better. *sarcasm again if you haven't noticed*

I'm thinking of places where Ella could hide and then I thought girls bathroom. No that's where the most girls would be and Ella doesn't want them to see her cry. Same applies with the girls locker room. Um... How about an empty classroom. I looked through every empty classroom and I found Nada.

Now I'm just walking around the hallway when I saw the janitors' closet with light shining inside.

Ding ding ding I think we have a winner. If I walk into two teachers doing something sexual in there I'm pretty sure I will puke on them.

I opened the door and BAM I saw her.

Phew I found her. She looked broken and I felt so angry at Dylan I will make sure his life will be a living hell.

I walked up to Ella. I don't think she's noticed me yet she's too deep in thought plus the tears had probably made everything look blurry for her.

I look at her and tap her on her shoulder. opps I may have forgotten that when I tap her shoulder she gets super annoyed.

"Ella come on I'm taking you home."

"Go away Jared I want to be left alone."

"Well too bad princess. I think you forgot that I don't take orders from juniors." I said. I then walked up to her and picked her up bridal style.


Sorry guys that I haven't updated in like forever but I'm back.

And I sure am ready to continue so I will hopefully update soon

Thank you guys so much you're awesome.

Stay lovely.

Check out the photo BTW it's on the side --> if you're on your computer and if you're on your phone or tablet it was in the beginning of the chapter.

So if you guys liked the photo and the chapter show your love






Ciao. I don't think you guys know this but I'm half Italian on my dad's side of the family.

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