Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporat...

By LeahBourgeois9

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What if Fred Jones had a Twin Sister? Genevieve "Vivian" Jones is The Younger twin sister of Fred Jones Jr an... More

Info about Genevieve Jonesโœจ
Genevieve's Other outfits: Part 1

๐Ÿ”ŽChapter 1: Beware the Beast from Below๐Ÿ”

201 0 0
By LeahBourgeois9

Quick Note: There will be differences from this story and the canon version of Mystery Incorporated.
Such as Velma and Shaggy not being in a relationship, Marcie/Hot Dog Water having a bigger role and More of the original mystery incorporated.

Genevieve "Vivian" Jones belongs to Me.
I do not own anything else.

(Scene: The Gang were celebrating their Lasted Mystery, not realizing they were in a cell)

"Another Mystery bites the dust!" Velma Dace Dinkley said, proudly crossing her arms.

"Way to go Gang!" Fredrick "Fred" Herman Jones cheered.

"Let's Celebrate!" Daphne Anne Blake said doing a cheerleading pose.

"Reah Celebrate!" Scooby Doo said.

Suddenly the cell door closed on them.

"Better idea" Sheriff Stone said sternly at them.

"Aw come on Sheriff!" Genevieve "Vivian" Arabelle Jones said annoyed.

"Just zip it, you see this Badge? You know why It's here" The Sheriff asked them.

"It came with the Shirt?" Velma said in a sarcastic tone that made Vivian snicker quietly.

"It's here because if there's a crime, I solve it" The Sheriff said, walking towards the door.

"Oh and by the way, I called all your parents who by now I have on speed dial" Sheriff Stone said laughing.

"Oh are you in trouble" he said.

"Especially you Fred and Genevieve, say hi to dad, the Mayor..." Sheriff Stone said in a warning tone.

He closed the door, leaving the gang to sulk in their cell.

"Just once, it would be nice if someone thanked us for solving a mystery" Daphne said.

"Good thing we're not in this to be liked" Fred said before he noticed his sister and the rest the gang sharing at him with unamused expressions.

"Maybe that didn't come out quite right" Fred said while the gang were waiting for their parents.

(I do not own the video)

(Scene: Velma was leading a group of tourists and was explaining to them in a sarcastic tone about the history of Crystal Cove)

Velma: Welcome to the Crystal Cove Haunted Tour, I'm your ghoulish guide Velma, The first document Case of the Curse of Crystal Cove is from 1630 when a group of Spanish Conquerors mysteriously vanished from the harbor.

Tourist: Oh that is so scary! Where did they go?

Velma: What part of the word "Mystery" didn't you understand? The Curse struck again in 1765 when an entire town of missionaries likewise disappeared(yawns) anyway, things were pretty quiet until a hundred years later when Cletus Darrow found Gold here and renamed the town "Crystal Cove". Most people thought the curse had been lifted until the entire Darrow family one Halloween and was never seen again(Plays a tape)

The tourists gasped at the tape.

Velma: Moving On.

(Scene: Velma leads the tourists into her parent's museum that has a lot of statues of the supernatural monsters the gang has encounter throughout their days as mysteries solvers)

Velma: Since the disappearance of the Darrow Family, Crystal Cove has been a hub of paranormal activity, you might recognize some of our most favorite visitors, Ghosty Deep Sea Diver "Captain Cutler", Miner '49er, Charlie the Haunted Robot, and who could forget the Terrorizing styling of Space Kook?! Not Me.

Tourist #1: Oh how frightening!

Tourist #2: Oh! Absolutely Bloodcurdling!

Velma: Not Really, they all turned out to be fakes!

The Tourists gaped.

Velma: Yup, Captain Cutler was just some guy that was highjacking boats, Miner '49er's real name was Hank, Charlie belongs to Mr. Jenkins's Sister who thought it would be a good idea to sabotage her brother's Amusement Park work by letting Charlie run around destroying a lot of the Parks's game booths! And Space Kook? Oh don't get me started-.

Velma's Mouth was then covered by her parents's Hands.

Mr. Dinkley: Thank you Velma! Well that concludes the Terror-iffent Tour.

Mrs. Dinkley: Don't forget to stop at the haunted snack shop for souvenirs and complimentary undead sipper cup.

The Tourists left immediately after hearing that.

Mrs. Dinkley: What do you think you were doing?

Mr. Dinkley: Are you trying to destroy our business?

Velma: Reboot parents, I was just being honest.

Mr. Dinkley: Those were isolated incidents in Crystal Cove's otherwise unblemished supernatural past of haunting and paranormal happenings.

Velma: Your generation's belief not mine, my generation? We only got one thing on our minds.

(Scene: Fred and Genevieve were in front of a mirror getting ready for school, Fred was fixing his orange ascot and Genevieve was putting on her light blue scrunchie)

Genevieve: Solving Mysteries

Fred: And Building Traps.

Mayor Jones: That's Two things Kids.

Fred: You know what we mean Dad,

Genevieve: We just want answers, is that a problem?

Mayor Jones: Ticking Chin-Whiskers, You Two! The Mayor's Son and Daughter are Supposed to set an Example!

Fred: We're trying dad, in fact just yesterday I ether one of my traps for the district science fair while Vivian enter one of her diamond paintings in the district art fair, mine was rejected for not having anything to do with science while Vivian's diamond art won second place but-

Mayor Jones: I just don't want you two to make a mistake you'll regret.

Genevieve: You mean like somebody drinking alcohol they're not supposed to drink unless they're legally an adult like how you explain to me and Fred after I asked what Alcohol is?

Mayor Jones: Yes, that's is correct and because you'll might get your van into a drunk driving accident if you drink alcohol, Fred?

Fred: Making a Bad Trap?

Mayor Jones: No! life is not about Traps or Mysteries, it's also about-

(Scene: Shaggy and Scooby were eating Breakfast)

Scooby: Pancakes and Bacon!

Shaggy: And sausages and Orange Juice!

Shaggy's parents watch as their son and his dog ate breakfast.

Mrs. Rogers: Don't forget to chew.

Mr. Rogers: And Breathe...

Shaggy: Like, thanks mom and dad.

Scooby: Reah, thanks mom and dad.

Mr. Rogers: Your mother and I are worried about this mystery phase your going through, we're not saying find new friends we're-

Mrs. Rogers: Yes we are, fine new friends besides the Jones twins.

Shaggy: Like, you guys got nothing to worry about man, Me and Scoob always play it safe, if there's danger.

Scooby: We run fast, really fast.

Shaggy: And as for our friends, if you guys gave them a chance you see-

(Scene: Daphne is talking to her parents in the living room)

Daphne: The gang is misunderstood, we're just solving mysteries, all the kids are doing it.

Mr and Mrs Blake: No they're not.

Mrs. Blake: And what about this "Fred Jones" His Sister is quite alright but surely there must be other boys.

Daphne: Not like Fred, he's like one of those genius that no one understands until they're dead, Both him and his sister see things different and he wants to catch those different things in his traps.

Mr. Blake: Honey, We just want you to go on and have a rich career like your sisters.

Daphne looked at her four older sisters who were posing as models, one was a Medical Doctor , one was a Model, one was a Race Car Driver, and one was a in the Military.

Daphne heard a honking noise.

Daphne: Oh that's Fred and the gang,  gonna go, don't wanna be late for school, Bye Mom, Bye Dad, Bye Daisy, Bye Dawn, Bye Dorothy, Bye Delilah.


The gang were driving to school.

Velma: So Shaggy, how did you do on the math test yesterday?

Shaggy: Like, it was fine, I got a b+ on it, but my mind was on that supreme Pizza that me and Scooby ate.

Velma: You just can't stop thinking about food can you?

Shaggy: Nope, like, me and Pizza have a very special relationship-

Suddenly a manhole cover exploded off the road causing Fred to slam on the brakes.

The Gang: AHHH!

A Smily Monster came out and tried to attack the Mystery Machine!

Daphne instantly rolled up the windows before the slimy Monster attacked.

The Gang: Ah!

The smily Monster then used his long gooey arms to rock the Van back and forth. He then disappeared into the shadows.

Shaggy: Zonks! What was that?!

Fred: Looks like a Mystery to me and i think that's a little more important than school.

Genevieve: But what about my Cheerleading practice, I was just promoted to top of the pyramid four days ago.

Daphne: Cheerleading practice was canceled yesterday due to our four cheerleaders catching the chicken pox remember?

Genevieve: Oh yeah...

The gang went down the manhole and found toxic waste barrels covered in the same goop as the monster.

Velma: These are Military. From the oxygen, probably 30-40 years old.

Daphne and Genevieve looked around and found two lockets.

Daphne: Hey... we found something(opens the first locket)

The locket shows two teenagers smiling while the locket plays music.

Genevieve: The words on the first locket's inside says "Any kind of Love is Timeless. Brad + Judy"

Genevieve opens the second locket and it shows two identical twins who look young.

Genevieve: And these words on the second say "Even if we are separated one day and if one of us is gone, we are still twins and I will cherish the memories we have together -Bradley and Emmaline Chilies"

Daphne: Jeepers! Two lockets with one man in both and two girls in separate lockets.

Fred: Could be Clues, Good work you two.

Daphne giggle while Genevieve stared at the second Locket curious.

Daphne: Thanks Fred you're so sweet.

Daphne stopped noticing Fred was no longer standing and was looking for new clues.

Daphne: It's ok we can talk later.

Genevieve: What do you think two lockets are doing below Crystal Cove anyway?

Daphne: No idea, maybe some people were exploring underground for some reason?

Velma: Hard to tell, there's no way Two lockets can be found underground in the same area.

Scooby stiffed the ground and looked up to see three cocoon with three bodies inside them.

The Gang gasped in shock as Scooby screamed in horror and jumped into Shaggy's arms.

(Scene: The Gang were with Sheriff Stone outside. An ambulance was there to take the bodies to the hospital)

Sheriff Stone: Alright, you see what happens when you kids stick your noses where they don't belong? People Get Cocooned!

Shaggy: Like, Man, We found him like that.

Daphne: Sheriff there was a Monster-

Sheriff Stone: Quiet! From this point forward this is a crime scene and Future Tourist attraction, Stay out of it.(leaves)

Velma: I got his "stay out of it" right here(holds up her fist)

Fred: Let me talk to him(leaves to talk to the sheriff)

Daphne: Don't worry Fred will make him understand.

Suddenly Fred ran over to the gang with one of the bodies.

Fred: Shaggy! Vivian! Start The Car!

Shaggy: Like, I thought you were going to talk to him?

Fred: He wasn't in a listening mood!

Velma: So you stole a body? Rocking.

The Gang drove to Crystal Cove High School with one of the bodies.

Fred: Don't worry I know just who can help.

(Scene: Professor Ravello was teaching a science class)

Professor: Alright, Can anyone tell me what "Photosynthesis" is?

All the students raised their hands.

Professor: And please don't say "Plant Farts".

All the students lowered their hands.

Suddenly the Gang burst out the door with the body.

Fred: Professor Ravello, we need your help!

The Students ran out the room upon seeing the body.

Professor: Couldn't you kids wait until break?

The Professor examined the body.

Shaggy: Is he?(gulps nervously)

Professor: No he's alive but he appears to be in some sort of dehydrated state I don't quite know what that means but I'm guessing it's temporary.

Scooby went to a squirrel eating what appears to be Scooby Snacks.

Scooby: mmmh Scooby Snacks!

Genevieve went over and gave Scooby some Scooby snacks.

Genevieve: Let's not bother the squirrel, Scooby, here I got some from the van.

Scooby ate the snacks

Scooby: Rummy! thanks Rivian.

Genevieve:(pets Scooby's head) Your welcome.

Daphne: Do you know what could have done this?

Professor: The Cocoon materiel looks organic but I'll need to do further tests, uh the sheriff ok this?

Fred: Uh, of course he did, what did you think? We stole a body? That's Rich.

(Scene: The gang are at fruitmeiers)

Velma: I don't get it? All this fuss over...what is this stuff again?

Shaggy: You heard Mr Fruitmeier it's a secret that why they call it.

Shaggy and Scooby: Fruitmeiers!

Shaggy and Scooby ate the fruitmeiers cones.

The gang went outside and began to theorize about the monster as they didn't notice the monster was spying on them from below.

(Scene: The gang were at K-Cool station, Learning that the Science Professor was attacked by the Monster)

Angel: Mmmh yeah, Crystal Cove, That was the Rotten Brains with their song "Zombie Housewives Blues" I'm Angel Dynamite and you're listening to K-Cool 101 point 4 on your AM Dial.

Shaggy knocked on the door.

Angel: I was wondering where you all were, their in the back.

The gang saw Fred and Genevieve on the floor feeling regret for what happened to the Professor.

Daphne: Fred, Vivian, it's us, we're here for you.

Scooby:(licks Fred's face)

Fred: It's no use Gang, I was the one who stole the body and Professor Ravello paid the price.

Genevieve: We should have listened to Dad when he said stay out of new mysteries.

Velma: We all helped steal the Body guys.

Shaggy: Well actually I never-

Velma elbowed Shaggy in the ribs.

Shaggy: Ow! Ok fine, we all took part in it.

Daphne: Fredrick and Genevieve Jones, You two never back away from a mystery in your life!

Fred and Genevieve: We Got Nothing!

Velma: Man and Woman Up you two! We still have our first clue, The cocoon! I brought a sample-

Velma turned to see Scooby eating the sample.

Velma: Scooby! What are you doing?!

Scooby: Rhy? It's Fruitmeiers! Yummy!

The Gang: EWW!

Angel: Check it, if that dog mutates, I'm putting it down, dig?

Shaggy: like, hold on, I think I get it.

Shaggy puts his finger in the dessert and licks it.

The Gang-Shaggy and Scooby: EWW!

Shaggy: No you guys, it's Fruitmeiers! The cocoon is made out of the same stuff as Fruitmeiers dessert!

The Gang: What?!

The Gang went over to the dessert, put their fingers in the dessert and licked it.

Genevieve: Their right! The cocoon is made of fruitmeiers dessert...

Shaggy: That means if we capture the monster, we can have our own shop and we can have an endless supply of Fruitmeiers dessert! Oh boy...

Fred: No it means the slime mutant may not be a monster at all. What do we know about Franklin Fruitmeier?

Velma begins using her computer to search Franklin Fruitmeier's name.

Velma: Franklin Fruitmeier, showed up in town around two months ago, before that nothing. He hiring right now for female servers.

Fred: Then that's our in.

Shaggy: If the Girls can get jobs at Fruitmeiers, they can snoop around and find out more.

Fred: Great Idea, Shag!

(Scene: Shaggy and Scooby were dressed up as Female servers, and they don't looked very amused)

Shaggy: Umm, Like, this isn't exactly what I had in mind, Why are Scooby and I dressed up as girls when Velma, Daphne and Vivian are girls?

Scooby: Yeah My skirt's too tight.

Daphne: Because we refused.

Shaggy and Scooby frowned in annoyance.


(Scene: The Gang are in Fruitmeiers, looking for Clues)

Genevieve: Alright Gang, see if you could find anything that will tied Franklin Fruitmeiers to the Slime Mutant.

The Gang looked around the Place.

Daphne and Genevieve tried to open a door but it was locked.

Daphne: hmm there must be a key around here somewhere.

As she and Genevieve looked around, Shaggy and Scooby found a storage door.

Scooby used his claw nail to open the door but when they opened it, The Slime Mutant was in there and swiped his hand at them! The Two screamed and ran off.

Shaggy: Run Scoob!

Meanwhile, Daphne and Genevieve found the keys but found the door open.

Genevieve: That's Strange, this closet was locked a minute ago.

Suddenly the door closed behind them.

Daphne: Hey! What gives?! Freddy Help!

Genevieve: Somebody! Let us out of Here!

Fred and Velma heard that and tried to open the door.

Fred: Vivian, Daphne, Hold on! We'll get you two out!

Fred and Velma got the door open, but Shaggy and Scooby, who were still chased by the monster, crashed into Daphne and Genevieve, resulting in the latter two falling into a hole.


Velma: Are you Two insane?

Shaggy: M-M-Monster! Right behind Us!

Fred: Monster? There's no monster.

Velma: Jinkies! Where are Daphne and Vivian?

The Gang starts calling Daphne and Genevieve's names.

Genevieve: We're down here!

The Gang looked down and saw Daphne and Genevieve.

Daphne: we're ok but you better get down here, we think we found something.

The rest of the gang went down the hole.

Fred: This is the same cave we were in the other day.

Velma: it must run right under Fruitmeiers.

Daphne: Check this out, someone been digging.

Velma: hold on a second.

Velma takes out her GPS.

Velma: According to my GPS program it's only twenty yards from fruitmeiers. That would put it...

All: Directly under Crystal Cove Bank!

Shaggy: But, Dude, Like why would a slime mutant bust a hole through Fruitmeiers to get into a bank?

Scooby: Maybe it's hungry.

Genevieve: Yeah, hungry for Money!

Velma: I smell a trap coming on...

(Scene: The Slime Mutant growl as it walks below the hole while the gang spys on him)

Fred ran behind the slime mutant and shouted.

Fred: Hey Ugly over here!

The slime mutant turned around and threw some slime at Fred who was able to dodge them.

Velma came behind him and said.

Velma: No stupid, over here!

The Slime Mutant turned around, about to chase after Velma when he heard Daphne say.

Daphne: Wrong Again!

The Slime Mutant chased after Daphne while the gang got the trap set.

Fred: Everything set guys?

All-Daphne: Ready!

Seeing the slime mutant chase Daphne, Fred yelled..

Fred: Now!

Shaggy and Genevieve pulled the rope winch Activated the Trap.

The Slime mutant used slime to trip Daphne, causing her to slip and fall.

Fred looked at the trap, hoping it would work.

Fred: This is gonna be awesome!

The Trap caused a cage to slide over to the Slime Mutant but instead of capturing the slime mutant, it slide past him and capture the Gang instead!

The Gang-Daphne: Huh?

The Slime Mutant shot slime at the gang causing them to get stuck in the gang, except for Daphne who was the only one not to get caught by the cage.

Genevieve:(struggling to get out of the goo) Darn it! Our Trap didn't work!

Daphne watched behind a rock, turned around and saw the Slime Mutant roaring in her face.

Daphne screamed and ran as fast as she could.

Velma: Daphne Run!

Daphne jumped and got out of the hole with the slime mutant hot on her heels.

The rest of the Gang struggled to get out of the goo only for Scooby to start eating it.

Fred: Eat Gang! It's Fruitmeiers!

The Gang ate the Fruitmeiers Jello quickly as they could.

Meanwhile Daphne ran to the front door and tried to open it only for The Slime Mutant to throw slime at the doorknob.

Seeing the slime mutant came up close, Daphne went under his legs and tried to run only to trip again due to the slime.

The Slime Mutant was about to Swipe his arm At Daphne when the Gang appeared with a hose.

Fred: Now!

The Gang turn on the hose and it shot the same slime at the Mutant, trapping him to the wall.

Daphne got her legs out of the slime, ran up to Fred and said.

Daphne: Fred! You saved me!

Fred: Not right now Daphne, I have to find out why me and Vivian's Trap didn't work.

That's when Sheriff Stone opened the door and said

Sheriff Stone: What is going on here?!

Mayor Jones: Why is the Town's new tourist attraction cocooned to the wall?

Fred: Dad, Sheriff, Hold on you don't understand,

Genevieve: That is not a monster.

Mayor Jones: Oh Hopping Steam clams Kids, then who is it?

The Gang: Franklin Fruitmeier!

Velma: He was trying to rob Crystal Cove Bank!

Sheriff Stone: uh that's impossible, Franklin Fruitmeier's the one who called us.

The Gang: What?!

Franklin: I was making clipper ship out of circus balloons when the silent alarm rang at my home, oh good gracious, what is that?

Shaggy: But if the Monster isn't Franklin Fruitmeier, then dude, who is he?

Genevieve took off the monster's mask to reveal it's actually...

The Gang: Professor Ravello?!

Professor Ravello: That's Right I was trying to scarce people away from the sewers while I dug my way into the bank and got Rich!

Daphne: But you got a Job as a teacher, why did you need more money?

The Professor gave the Gang a serious, deadpan Expression on his face.

The Gang: Ohhh!(Start apologizing at the same time)

Professor Ravello: I discovered that the Crystal Cove caves were connected to the swears by accident while collecting Mole sorts for my Class. Once I realized the caves led right under the bank, I Put my plan into motion! Fruitmeiers gave me secret access to the sewers so I decided to frame Balloon boy for the crime by using his disguising dessert! I staged my own disappearance to throw off any hint of my involvement, oh it was foolproof, genius! That is until you-you...

Sheriff Stone: Meddling.

Professor Ravello: Meddling! Yes Meddling kids and your blasted dog ruined everything!

Genevieve: Wait, what about these two lockets we found while you were digging.

Mayor Jones had a frightened face but quickly replaced it with a serious face.

Professor Ravello: Never seen them before.

Genevieve and the others were confused.

Sheriff Stone: Right, well, guess we own you kids some thanks, you did save the bank although you also lost the town a serious revenue stream, Stream of revenue!

Genevieve: Papa, do you know how the lockets got in the cave?

Mayor Jones: Hmm, nope, unfortunately not, however I suggested that ether you keep one of those lockets as a little souvenir to put in your jewelry drawer or you can give to someone else, how about it?

Genevieve: Ok, I put one of them in my jewelry box.

Mayor Jones: Evie, I meant "Jewelry Drawer", not "Jewelry Box".

(Scene: The Gang were at K-Cool, celebrating their mystery)

Fred: you ok Daph?

Daphne: I just don't get, If these lockets don't belong to Professor Ravello, then who?

Genevieve: The people that appeared in the Lockets?

The telephone suddenly began to ring.

Shaggy answered it and said.

Shaggy: Like, K-Cool, 101 point four, what can we spook up for you Daddy-O?(chuckles)

Mysterious Voice from the Telephone: You're all doomed!

Shaggy: Like, who are you? Who is this?

Mr. E: You can call me "Mr.E", you should never Brought Those Lockets out of the cave. You don't know what you uncovered.

Daphne: Uncovered? Uncovered what?

Mr. E: The Truth that should have remained hidden, The Truth behind the Curse of Crystal Cove, The real mystery just began...(the call ends)

Scooby: Scooby. Dooby. Doo.

(I do not own the video)

🔎End of Chapter 1🔍

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