The Other One

By onedirectionkissedme

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The Other One

Chapter 1

11 0 0
By onedirectionkissedme

I opened my eyes and hot rays of light immediately burned my eyes. I still feel dizzy and my head’s spinning like hell. It’s probably because of last night’s drink.

I rubbed my eyes off to ease the pain and to fully adjust my eyes to the intense lighting, that’s when I thought to myself, where are these lights all coming from? I looked around and my eyes grew wide open. Shit! The sun’s up and I’m not in my own freaking room!

I shook my head. Oh! Now I remember! I went to a club alone last night and danced with a hot chick. We had a few drinks and we went here, her flat. We had a lot of fun and I guess you could figure out what happened next.

This isn’t right! God! I never wake up this late after a one night stand in someone else’s place! She probably put something in my drink last night! Oh shit!

I quickly jumped off the bed making sure I won’t wake Jessica up. Wait, no! It’s Jenna! Or is it Jenny? Ugh! Whatever! I forgot her name. I collected my pants and my shirt on the floor and dressed myself on my way out to the flat. I silently closed the door and hurried to the elevator.

Crap! I almost forgot! We have a photo shoot today. I checked my watch and it told me that the shoot’s going to start in half an hour. Daddy Direction’s going to be mad at me for sure. I decided to text Louis that I’ll be late for the shoot. I reached for my phone in the back pocket of my pants but it wasn’t there! I searched for it in my other pocket and it wasn’t there either! Jesus! I left it in Je-, in her place! I placed it on the bed side table before we… you know what I mean.

When the elevator dinged open, I pressed her floor number and wished she’s still asleep. I’m going to be dead if she’s awake. Judging from the way she talked and flirted with me last night, I think she wants something serious from me and I can’t give her that. I’m only up for one night stands but I continued with her anyway because she’s really hot.

The whole way up was the longest elevator ride I had ever experienced. Maybe it was psychological. I’m in a hurry and waiting isn’t very practical for me. After what seemed like forever, the elevator opened to her flat’s floor. I ran towards her flat only to find it open and she was leaning on the door holding my phone sassily on her right hand.

“What brought you back Harry? Round 2 yeah?” she said flirtatiously.

“Ehrm, no. Actually I’m in a hurry now. I just forgot something.” I said emotionless but with enough tone to show politeness to her.

“Oh did you? Come inside and search for it.” She smirked. Oh man! This girl wants to play games.

“Erhm, It’s my phone and I believe that’s that.” I pointed my phone which she is holding.

“Oh, this?” she brought her hand holding my phone up. She leaned closer to me and when we’re just like an inch apart, she grabbed my hands and wrapped it on her waist. Her arms snaked around my neck and she tiptoed to reach my face. She roughly kissed me and I kissed back to please her. I don’t want to give her reasons to not return my phone. I felt someone walking in the hallway so I held back. I think she noticed it so while still kissing me; she reached for my pocket, inserted my phone inside and moved away.

“See you next time Harry!” She winked at me and bit her lip before closing the door. I hurried back to the elevator and a girl was walking and staring at me. Ugh! She probably saw what happened. The worst part is, she’s like our age and know something about me being Harry Styles. I’m dead if she took a picture.

Despite of all the panic in my head, I managed to look calm and after several seconds, she looked away. She just walked past me. She probably doesn’t know me. If she does, I think she’ll do something crazier than just staring plus she looks in a hurry so I don’t think she really cares about what she saw.

When I reached the lobby, I wore my beanie to hide my face to avoid paps and fans. I don’t want to cause a scene in here. Walking out of a place where I don’t live at this time in the morning wouldn’t make a good publicity. I tried to be as unnoticeable as possible and managed to get out of the building without someone noticing me. But then outside, someone recognized me and shouted, “It’s Harry Styles!!!”

I walked faster and felt bunch of people running towards me and taking a picture. They started screaming different things simultaneously which made it hard to understand any of them. Before anything went out of control, I managed to get a cab.

I took my beanie off and had a sigh of relief. Well, today doesn’t seem like my lucky day. The start of today was too overwhelming. I just hope it won’t complicate my already complicated life.

“Where to son?” The driver of the cab asked me. I told him the address of the photo shoot’s location. I opened my phone only to see 10 messages and 8 calls. All from Liam. I didn’t bother reading them because I know there are all just questions like “Where are you?” and rants like “Harry Edward Styles, where the hell are you?” I just texted him, “Sorry. Overslept. Be there in 5”

After a few minutes, the cab stopped in front of the photo shoot location. I handed him my fair and quickly jumped out of the cab and run towards the building.

When I reached the studio where the shoot’s going to take place, I saw Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn sitting on a couch all focused on their phones like they’re not minding that I was late.

Zayn saw me standing by the door so I decided to walk and sit beside him.

“Hey Haz, where have you been?” Liam asked me casually like his not angry that I’m late.

“I overslept. I texted you.” I said back.

“Doesn’t seem like it.” Zayn said.

“Yeah, you overslept and had sex hair and hickey Harry.” Niall teased and laughed. I touched my neck and felt a hickey. I felt embarrassed so I changed the topic.

“Isn’t the shoot going to start yet?” I asked.

“The photographer’s running late. She had an emergency but she’ll be here any minute now.” Louis informed me.

They all interrogated me about last night until finally the door swung open. A girl entered… and guess what! It was the girl who saw us in the hallway!

“Hi guys, sorry I was late, I had to deal with an emergency at home. I’m Tracey by the way and I’ll be your photographer.

They all introduced themselves to Tracey and gave her a hug. After all the boys had introduced themselves, she held her hand in front of me. “Tracey, Harry. And I’ll be keeping your secret.” She winked at me and smiled.

I felt a sudden strange feel about her. Well at least she’s willing to keep what she witnessed a secret. 

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