His CEO || YoonMin ✓

By KookiesQueen0

152K 6.7K 2.4K

A literal nerd, but has a cute personality. He graduated as a neurosurgeon.His dream was to work in South Kor... More

Character introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (M)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Please Read🙏
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 32

1.9K 99 38
By KookiesQueen0

Author's POV

Yoongi's world had slowly crumbled over the past year. The weight of his past actions and the present situation had become almost unbearable. One evening, he found himself at Taehyung’s doorstep, his emotions in turmoil, seeking solace in his friend's understanding. Fortunately, Jungkook wasn't at home so were his kids.

Taehyung, perceptive as always, welcomed Yoongi inside and let him unburden his heart. As they sat in the dimly lit living room, the weight of Yoongi's guilt bore down on him like an unforgiving mountain.

"I can't do it, Tae," Yoongi choked out, his voice trembling with the storm of emotions within.

"I can't bear this anymore. I don't know how to make things right. I've lost Jimin, and it's all my fault."

Tears streamed down Yoongi's face, his composure finally giving way to the flood of regret and despair that had been building for so long.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around his friend, providing a comforting embrace as Yoongi's sobs echoed in the room. Taehyung knew that Yoongi is the only person at fault in this situation, he's the one who created this mess but seeing his friend who never wavered in the toughest moments, like this actually broke his heart.

The guilt of having pushed Jimin away, of endangering the love they once had, overwhelmed Yoongi.

"I pushed away the love of my life, Tae," he admitted between heart-wrenching sobs. "I threatened to take the lives of his children,MY children, our own flesh and blood, the ones he loves the most. How can he ever forgive me for that? How can I be such a blind person?"

Taehyung held Yoongi tighter, his own heart aching for his friend.

"Yoongi, you've acknowledged your mistakes, and you're trying to change. That's a step forward. Maybe, just maybe, Jimin will see that. You have to keep trying, keep proving that you've changed."

But in that moment, Yoongi felt trapped in his own despair, doubting if he could ever mend the damage he had caused. His breakdown was a raw and painful reminder of the price he had paid for his past actions, a price that included the loss of the love of his life and the deep chasm that separated him from his children. The ones he craved for oh so much.

As Taehyung left Yoongi's side for the night, Yoongi was left alone in the quiet darkness of his thoughts. He knew that his path to redemption was not going to be easy, and it would require much more than just tears and remorse. The weight of his past deeds was a heavy burden, but he was determined to make amends.

With a heavy heart, he wiped his tears away and sat in silence, reflecting on the steps he had taken and the ones he still needed to take. Yoongi couldn't give up; he couldn't let the love he still held for Jimin and their children slip through his fingers.


In the soft glow of a mild, late afternoon sun, Yoongi parked his car a little distance from the kids' kindergarten. His heart raced with anticipation and anxiety as he watched from a hidden spot. He couldn't help but feel like an intruder, an outsider looking into the world that could be his, only if he listened to what the pretty blond who hold his heart, once had to say to him.

He spotted Jimin, a vision of grace and warmth, standing outside the kindergarten gate. The twins, their tiny hands clutching their backpacks, bounded towards him with exuberance, their laughter filling the air like music. Jimin bent down to scoop them up in his arms, their delighted giggles resonating in Yoongi's ears.

Yoongi's heart ached as he watched the twins nuzzle against Jimin, their small faces radiating affection and trust.

The tears welled in Yoongi's eyes, and he had to blink them away. He knew that he had missed so much, so many precious moments that he could never get back. But he was determined to be a part of their lives again, to make amends for the time he had lost.


With each passing day, Yoongi mustered the courage to inch closer to the life he longed to be a part of. The sight of Jimin and their children picking them up from kindergarten was a strong reminder of what he had lost and what he was fighting to regain.


The grand dining room exuded an air of formality as Yoongi sat at the head of the table with his parents on one side and him on the other. The atmosphere was more business-like than familial, a reflection of the typical dynamics in their affluent world.

Amidst the dinner conversation, Yoongi's parents finally broached the subject of his future. His father, a shrewd businessman, spoke with a stern tone,

"Yoongi, it's time to consider your next marriage. We've already arranged a meeting with a suitable partner."

Yoongi's mother, equally pragmatic, chimed in, "Your last marriage, with JiEun, brought us both wealth and social standing. It's time for you to contribute again."

Yoongi, usually the obedient son, pushed his plate aside and met his parents' eyes with unwavering resolve. "I won't do it, Mother, Father. I won't enter another business marriage."

His parents exchanged a brief, incredulous look. This was a departure from the usual goody two shoes Yoongi they had known.

His father leaned forward, his tone stern, "Yoongi, you will do as we say. This is your duty to our family."

Yoongi shook his head, his voice resolute. "I won't be your pawn any longer. I refuse to follow a path that goes against my own happiness and desires."

His parents, unaccustomed to such defiance, stared at their son in disbelief.

He continued, "I have a family of my own that you know nothing about. I have a past and responsibilities that I've neglected for far too long. I won't let you control my life any further."

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence, the tension thick in the air. Yoongi's parents, accustomed to having their way, were faced with a son who was unwilling to bend to their demands.

In that moment, Yoongi had made his stand clear. He would not be forced into another business marriage, and he was ready to forge his own path, even if it meant defying the expectations of his family.


One day, he found himself standing outside the office Jimin worked in. Steeling himself, he approached Jimin who was reviewing some patient charts.

"Jimin, can we talk?" Yoongi's voice held a vulnerability that hadn't been there before.

Jimin, focused on his work, looked up with a guarded expression. "What is it, CEO Min?"

"I want to apologize. I know I've hurt you, and I'm truly sorry. I'm trying to change, to be a better person," Yoongi confessed, his eyes earnest.

Jimin, totally skeptical and confused about this sudden apology, could sense a genuine effort. "Apologies won't change the past, Sir."

Yoongi nodded, "I understand. But I hope my actions will."

In the following days, Yoongi continued his efforts. He sent gifts to Jimin's office – tokens of apology accompanied by handwritten notes expressing remorse and a sincere desire for forgiveness.

One such day, a delivery arrived for Jimin. A beautifully wrapped package sat on his desk with a card that read, "I know words can't undo the past, but I hope this brings a bit of brightness to your day."

Inside was a carefully selected gift – a framed photograph of Jimin from their very date, oh the happier times. Yoongi had somehow managed to find a snapshot from the past, capturing a moment of genuine joy.

Later that week, Yoongi tried again to approach Jimin, this time catching him during a break.

"Jimin, I know I can't erase the past. The things I've done are beyond horrible and I have no one but to blame myself for all. I realized that I've been such an asshole, I shouldn't have threatened you that too with the lives of our kids. I know I made you go through a lot of pain but trust me, there wasn't a single moment of peace and love in my life since I made you leave. I request, even if I have to beg you but I want to be a part of our children's lives. I miss everything, everything that I could be a part of, and I miss you," Yoongi admitted, his eyes reflecting the sincerity of his words.

Jimin sighed, torn between the pain of the past and the possibility of a different future. "CEO Min, it's not that simple."

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I want to be there for them and for you," Yoongi pleaded.

Jimin, feeling the weight of Yoongi's words, simply nodded. "Actions, not words, Sir. Show me through your actions."

The journey toward reconciliation was far from over, but Min Yoongi was determined to set everything right now.
Park Jimin, despite his reservations, found himself unable to completely shut the door on the possibility of Yoongi's change. He decided to put Yoongi's sincerity to the test, curious to see if the man he once loved could truly transform.


These days, Jimin keep on thinking about the possibilities. Possibility that Yoongi may have realized what he had done. Possibility that there could be future where Yoongi can be a part of his family. Possibility that if he forgive that man who once, or maybe still, holds the key to his heart, he'll finally get the peace of mind and heart.

So one day, Jimin decided to visit the CEO in his office. To say Yoongi was surprised was an understatement but still looked up to what the neurosurgeon has to say.

Jimin threw a seemingly casual question, "Sir, why do you want to be a part of our lives now? What's different?"

Yoongi, caught off guard, took a moment before responding, "I've realized the mistakes I've made, Jimin. I want to be there for you and the kids, not because I feel obligated but because I genuinely care. I miss the family we could have had."

Jimin's expression remained unreadable, and he decided to take it a step further. "If you truly care, then show it. Help me pick the kids up from their kindergarten tomorrow."

Yoongi, though slightly anxious, agreed. The next day, they found themselves at the kindergarten, waiting for the twins to finish their activities. Yoongi, usually reserved, made an effort to engage in small talk with Jimin, asking about the kids' day and showing genuine interest.

“So, uhm if you don't mind or if I'm not overstepping any boundary, can you tell me what kind of things they like?”

Jimin gave him a side eye, trying to gauge out the man's real intentions but spoke anyway.
“I don't know if you know their names but the older one is HanWool and younger one is ByungHo. Hanie is a lively soul and Byun is the shy one. They like adventure but Byun never admit it. Stuffed toys are their favorites. For more, try to interact with them and get information from them.”

Yoongi nodded quietly while storing the information in his mind.

As they waited, Jimin couldn't help but observe Yoongi closely. The man's posture was different – less guarded, more open. There was a sincerity in his eyes that hadn't been there before. Jimin's traitor heart couldn't deny the subtle shift in his feelings.

When the twins finally ran into their arms, Jimin crouched down, welcoming them with open arms and a warm smile. Yoongi stood besides him, watching the interaction with teary eyes. These were his own kids, his own happiness that he threw away so heartlessly. HanWool happily chatted about his day, while ByungHo chipped in time to time, unaware of the complexity that lingered in the air.

Later that evening, after dropping the kids off, Yoongi turned to Jimin. "I meant what I said, Jimin. I want to be here for you and the kids. I know it won't happen overnight, but I'm willing to put in the effort."

Jimin, still guarded, nodded. "Actions, Sir. Keep showing me through your actions."

As Yoongi left, Jimin couldn't deny the turmoil in his own heart. Despite the past pain, a glimmer of hope had surfaced, and he found himself grappling with the idea that maybe, just maybe, Yoongi was capable of change.


Upco sunny afternoon, as they sat around the kitchen table, Jimin decided it was time to have a lighthearted conversation with the twins about their other father, someone they had never met. He smiled warmly at them, trying to gauge their innocent perspective.

"Hey, munchkins," Jimin began, "you know, you have another dad, right?"

The twins, wide-eyed and curious, exchanged glances before looking back at Jimin. "Really, Appa?" HanWool exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Yeah! His name is Yoongi, he's the one who came with me to pick you guys up from school that day, remember? Jimin explained, keeping the tone playful.

“Oh yes Appa, I remember him.” ByungHo said.

“Yes, and I told you guys he left us but he came back from his long work tour. He's so sorry for leaving you cuties alone, you know he was very sad that Hanie and Byun don't know him. He said he wants me to ask you guys, would you like to be friends with him?” Jimin spoke animatedly because he knew that was how he could make them get closer to Yoongi.

The HanWool tilted his head. "Friends like Teddy and Bunny?"

Jimin chuckled, "Exactly! Friends like Teddy and Bunny. But he's a big friend, and he misses you both a lot."

ByungHo, being a bit less talkative, chimed in, "Is he nice, Appa?"

Jimin nodded, "Yes, sweetheart. He's trying to be nice and spend time with us. What do you think about that?"

HanWool pondered for a moment before breaking into a wide grin. "I like friends, Appa! Big friends are fun!"

Jimin laughed, ruffling their hair. "That's the spirit! Maybe, one day, you can meet him, and we can all be friends together."

The twins exchanged another excited look before one of them said, "Can we bring our toys to show him, Appa?"

Jimin nodded, touched by their innocence. "Of course, you can! It sounds like a fantastic idea."

As they continued chatting about their potential "big friend," Jimin couldn't help but feel a warmth in his heart. The twins' enthusiasm and acceptance filled the room, making him believe that, perhaps, the journey toward building a connection with Yoongi wasn't just his own. It was a shared journey, one where the kids, in their small and genuine way, were willing to embrace the idea of having another friend in their lives. And no matter how hurt he was in the past, Jimin decided he wasn't someone who hold grudges for too long, that too if they're coming in the way of his family's happiness.


So, Jimin decided to take another step that was to invite Yoongi to the twins' upcoming fifth birthday party. Wanting to be sure about this decision, he sought the advice and comfort of his best friend, Jungkook.

One evening, as they sat in Jimin's living room, surrounded by the laughter and innocence of the twins playing with Jungkook’s children nearby, Jimin broached the subject with a cautious smile. "Kook, I'm thinking about inviting Yoongi to the twins' birthday party. What do you think?"

Jungkook, looked thoughtful before responding, "Jimin, it's your decision. But if you're considering it, maybe it's a good time to let him into your lives, especially if he's trying to change."

Jimin sighed, his eyes reflecting the uncertainty in his heart. "I just don't want to get the kids' hopes up or complicate things. What if it doesn't work out?"

Jungkook placed a reassuring hand on Jimin's shoulder. "Jimin, you're a great dad, and you're doing what's best for the kids. If Yoongi is sincere about changing, maybe giving him a chance is worth it. It's the twins' birthday, after all."

Jimin nodded, grateful for Jungkook's understanding. "You're right, Kook. I'll invite him and see how it goes. It's time to take a step forward."

Jungkook smiled, "I'm here for you, Jimin. Whatever you decide, I'll support you."With Jungkook's encouragement, Jimin felt a renewed sense of determination.

As he prepared the birthday invitations, he couldn't ignore the mix of excitement and apprehension that accompanied the decision to invite Yoongi into their lives once again.

Yes, he still hasn't forgotten about what happened in the past, but something in his heart tells him that their future would be definitely more bright than the past. The twins' fifth birthday would mark not only a celebration of their growth but also a potential turning point in the complex journey of rebuilding a family.


As the night settled in, Jungkook and Taehyung found themselves sharing a quiet moment in the comfort of their bedroom. The topic of conversation weighed heavy on Jungkook's mind, and he decided to confide in Taehyung about his concerns regarding Yoongi.

"Taehyung," Jungkook began, a hint of uncertainty in his voice, "I can't shake off this skepticism about Yoongi. Jimin is considering inviting him to the twins' birthday, and I'm not sure if he has really changed."

Taehyung studied his spouse’s expression before responding, "I get it, Kook. Yoongi has a complicated past, and it's normal to be cautious. But trust me, I've seen a change in him over the past year. He's sincere about wanting to be a part of Jimin and the twins' lives."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "You really think so? I mean, he threatened Jimin with lives of kids in the past. It's hard for me to believe he's turned over a new leaf."

Taehyung sighed, understanding Jungkook's reservations. "I was skeptical too, Kook, but I've spent time with Yoongi. He's remorseful for his past actions, and he genuinely cares about Jimin and the twins. People can change, and he's trying."

Jungkook crossed his arms, still unsure. "I just don't want Jimin to get hurt again. The twins are so young, and they've been through enough."

Taehyung nodded, "I understand your concern, Kook. But Jimin is a smart and caring person. If he's considering giving Yoongi a chance, there must be a reason. Let's trust Jimin's judgment and support him in this."

Jungkook sighed, realizing the truth in Taehyung's words. "You're right, Tae. I'll try to be more open-minded about it. I just want what's best for Jimin and the kids."

Taehyung smiled, "That's why we're here for them. If Yoongi has really changed, this could be a positive step for everyone. Let's hope for the best."


The next day, Jimin, with a mixture of determination and uncertainty, made his way to Yoongi's office. As he entered the sleek and polished space, the air carried a tension that mirrored the complexities of their shared history. Yoongi looked up from his desk, his eyes meeting Jimin's with a blend of surprise and curiosity.

"Sir," Jimin began, his voice steady, "I wanted to talk to you about something important."

Yoongi gestured for him to sit, his mind racing with the possibilities of what this conversation might entail. "What is it, Jimin?"

Jimin took a deep breath, "The twins' fifth birthday is coming up, and I've decided to invite you to their party."

Yoongi, caught off guard, blinked in disbelief. "You... you want me at the party?"

Jimin nodded, "Yes. It's time to take a step forward, and I believe the twins deserve to have both their fathers there. I haven't decided if I'll introduce you as my boss or their father, but either way, I think it's time."

Yoongi, though shocked, felt a surge of gratitude and disbelief. He had expected resistance or hesitation, not an invitation to be a part of such a significant moment in the twins' lives.

Jimin continued, "I want you to understand the responsibility that comes with this, Sir. It's not just about the party; it's about proving that you've changed and that you genuinely care for them."

Yoongi nodded, his expression serious, "Jimin, I appreciate this chance. I'll do whatever it takes to show you and the kids that I'm sincere about being a part of your lives."

As Jimin left Yoongi's office, the CEO found himself  drowning in a whirlwind of emotions. Gratitude, disbelief, and a determination to prove himself swirled within him. The invitation to the twins' birthday party was a significant step, and Yoongi couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for a future.


The invitation was for the upcoming Saturday, so CEO Min thought it's a good thing that he has time to buy some gifts for his kids. As Yoongi strolled through the mall, the bustling atmosphere seemed to fade into the background as he focused on finding the perfect gifts for the twins. His heart raced with a mix of excitement, nerves, and a deep sense of responsibility. He knew he had a lot to make up for, and these carefully chosen gifts were just the beginning.

Entering a toy store, Yoongi found himself surrounded by shelves filled with colorful and whimsical toys. His brows furrowed in concentration as he tried to recall the twins' preferences from the little information he had gathered. He picked up a set of building blocks, remembering that they enjoyed playing with them during his previous encounters. Yup, he had gone with Jimin a few times to pick up the twins from their kindergarten and he can't be more grateful for this opportunity, because that was just a glimpse of what he missed because of his own stupidity.

Next, he found a display of plush toys. He carefully selected two, a teddy bear and a bunny, hoping to create a connection with the twins through these comforting companions. Yoongi couldn't shake off the feeling that these toys symbolized more than just gifts – they were tangible expressions of his desire to be a part of their lives.

The excitement that he felt was undeniable, and as he approached the cashier to make his purchases, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of bringing joy to the twins. It was a stark contrast to the man he had been a year ago, the man who had let his pride and ego cloud his understanding of what truly mattered.

With the bag of gifts for the twins in one hand, Yoongi continued to stroll through the mall, his mind buzzing with a newfound determination. As he passed by a boutique, an idea sparked in his mind – a little something for Jimin, a gesture that went beyond the kids' birthday gifts. Yoongi entered the store, perusing the shelves for something that would hold significance.

His eyes landed on a display of delicate jewelry. After carefully considering various options, Yoongi settled on a simple yet elegant bracelet. It had a small charm, a heart intertwined with a crescent moon, symbolizing a connection that endured through phases. In his mind, it represented a desire for reconciliation and a promise of a better future.

With the additional purchase carefully tucked away, Yoongi headed to the exit, the weight of the gifts and the bracelet a tangible reminder of his intentions. He knew that mending things with Jimin went beyond the realm of parenting – it was about rebuilding a connection that had once been shattered.

As he left the mall, Yoongi's thoughts shifted from the excitement of the upcoming birthday party to the more profound goal he had set for himself. He wanted Jimin not only to forgive him but to consider being a part of his life again, this time as an official partner. Yoongi was ready to face the challenges ahead with a newfound determination to win back the person who had once held his heart.


The air was filled with the excitement of celebration as Yoongi arrived at the Jimin's house for the twins' fifth birthday party. He carried the carefully selected gifts and the bracelet for Jimin, his heart pounding with a mix of nerves and anticipation. It was Taehyung who opened the door for him as Jimin seemed to be busy somewhere inside. Stepping into the vibrant atmosphere of laughter and colorful decorations, he caught sight of Jimin overseeing the festivities.

As he approached, Jimin turned, a little smile lighting up his face, giving away a little glimpse of the beautiful crescent eyed smile Yoongi was so used to in the past. "Oh Sir, you made it. Thank you for coming."

Yoongi nodded,still in disbelief that Jimin actually tried to smile towards him. That's really his biggest achievement in this year. He can help but smile in return, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. Where are the kids?"

Jimin gestured towards the center of the room, where the twins were surrounded by friends and family, their faces beaming with joy. Yoongi's heart skipped a beat at the sight of them, his own flesh and blood, the reality of their existence hitting him with a wave of overwhelming emotion.

He made his way through the crowd until he stood before the twins, who were engrossed in unwrapping presents.

"Hey, little ones," he greeted, a mix of excitement and nervousness in his voice.

The twins looked up, their eyes widening in surprise. "Daddy!" they chorused, their voices filled with innocent delight.

Yoongi felt a lump forming in his throat. "Daddy, huh?" he repeated, almost breathless. The disbelief that Jimin had told them the truth washed over him, and he couldn't help but marvel at the incredible person Jimin was.

As the twins rushed into his arms, Yoongi felt an indescribable warmth spreading through him. Holding them close, he marveled at the feeling of a connection that had been a distant dream until now. "I... I'm your daddy," he whispered, his voice breaking with emotion, and his eyes already tearing at the thought of his children acknowledging him.

The twins giggled, oblivious to the impact of their words. "Yeah, Daddy! Appa told us!"

Yoongi exchanged a glance with Jimin, who observed the scene with a soft smile. The moment was heartwarming and surreal – a father finally meeting his children for the first time.

Throughout the party, Yoongi joined in the festivities, playing games, sharing laughter, and feeling an overwhelming sense of joy. As the day unfolded, he couldn't help but appreciate the angelic presence that was Jimin, the man who had not only given him the chance to be a part of this special day but had also instilled the truth in the hearts of their children.

The spacious living room echoed with the chatter of children playing games and the gentle hum of conversations among friends and family. Jungkook and Taehyung's kids joined in the playful chaos, seamlessly blending into the joyous atmosphere.

In one corner of the room, SeokJin and Namjoon engaged in a light-hearted conversation with Jimin, reminiscing about their days at the hospital. The camaraderie between them extended to their children, who were engrossed in a game of make-believe, their imaginations running wild as they created a world of their own.

Meanwhile, the aroma of homemade snacks wafted through the air as everyone gathered around a table filled with delectable treats.

As the birthday party unfolded, the twins, filled with innocent curiosity, couldn't resist the allure of their newfound father, Yoongi. Their interactions with him were sprinkled with genuine curiosity and heartwarming moments.

At the gift-opening session, Yoongi handed each of them a present with a playful smile. The twins, wide-eyed and excited, tore through the wrapping paper to reveal the carefully chosen gifts. "Wow, Daddy, you know exactly what we like!" HanWool exclaimed, holding up a set of building blocks.

Yoongi chuckled, "Well, I did a bit of detective work to figure it out. I want you both to have the best presents."

Later in the evening, as the party moved to the backyard, Yoongi found himself engaged in a game of tag with the twins and their friends. If it was in the past, no one would believe that is the cold CEO Min who never smiled at someone let running after little kids. Laughter echoed through the air as they darted around the yard, Yoongi doing his best to keep up with their boundless energy. "Catch us, Daddy!" they giggled, their little voices filled with pure joy.

During the cake-cutting ceremony, the twins insisted on standing on either side of Yoongi, their small hands tightly holding his. As the candles flickered, casting a warm glow on their faces, ByungHo turned to Yoongi and whispered, "Make a wish too, Daddy!"

Yoongi closed his eyes for a moment, silently making a wish for the future. When he opened them, the twins were beaming, their faces radiating innocence and trust. "I hope all your wishes come true too," he replied, ruffling their hair.

As the evening drew to a close, the twins approached Yoongi with wide smiles, holding a handmade drawing. "We made this for you, Daddy! Because we want you to be our big friend and never leave us for work." they exclaimed, presenting him with a colorful masterpiece.

Yoongi's eyes softened as he looked at the drawing, a mix of gratitude and affection in his gaze. "Thank you, my little artists. This is the best gift I could ask for. And I promise I won't never leave you all alone for the world."

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow through the windows, fairy lights twinkled overhead. The children, fueled by sugary delights, danced gleefully to the rhythm of their laughter. Underneath the starlit sky, surrounded by the people who had become an integral part of their lives, Jimin couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. The party was not just a celebration of the twins turning five; it was a testament to the power of chosen family, love, and the promise of brighter days ahead.

As the vibrant birthday party gradually wound down, Yoongi found himself standing at the doorstep, a mix of emotions swirling within him. The laughter and joy that had filled the house lingered in the air, but he knew it was time for him to take his leave. The bag of carefully chosen gifts for the twins felt lighter in his hand, and in that moment, he decided to gather the courage to give Jimin the bracelet he had picked out for him.

Approaching Jimin, who was seeing off the last of the guests, Yoongi cleared his throat, a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Jimin, I... I got something for you." He extended the small box containing the bracelet, his eyes reflecting a mix of hope and uncertainty.

Jimin accepted the gift with a polite smile, though his eyes revealed a depth of emotion that transcended the festive atmosphere. Opening the box, he discovered the delicate bracelet with the heart and crescent moon charm. His gaze flickered to Yoongi, silently acknowledging the gesture.

Yoongi hesitated for a moment before speaking, "I know it doesn't change the past, Jimin. But I want to make things right. For the kids, and for us."

Jimin nodded, his expression serious. "Sir, I appreciate the gifts, but let's be clear. I only accepted this because it's about the kids. It doesn't mean I've forgiven you."

Yoongi, though tempered by the honesty in Jimin's words, felt a renewed sense of determination. "I understand, Jimin. I know I have a long way to go, but I'm willing to try. For them, and maybe, for us."

Jimin simply nodded, his gaze lingering on the bracelet. As Yoongi left the doorstep, he carried with him not just the weight of the past but a newfound hope. The party might have ended, but the journey toward redemption and winning over Jimin had only just begun.


As Jimin returned to the quiet house, the echoes of laughter and celebration slowly faded into the background. Tucking the children into their beds, he couldn't help but feel a warmth in his heart, an inexplicable giddiness that lingered in the air. The day had been filled with unexpected moments, and as he closed the door to his own room, Jimin found his thoughts drifting to the bracelet Yoongi had gifted him.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Jimin gently opened the box and marveled at the delicate charm bracelet. The heart intertwined with a crescent moon held a symbolism that seemed to resonate with the complexities of their shared past. Without second thoughts, he carefully fastened the bracelet around his wrist, feeling its subtle weight against his skin.

The moonlight streaming through the window cast a soft glow, illuminating the room as Jimin lay back on his bed, staring at the charm that now adorned his wrist. The emotions he thought he had buried deep within seemed to resurface, a reminder that, despite everything, a part of him still held a connection to the feline-featured man who had once been a significant presence in his life.

As he closed his eyes, the rhythmic pulse of the bracelet against his wrist became a comforting reassurance. The day might have been about the twins and their newfound connection with Yoongi, but somewhere beneath the surface, Jimin couldn't deny the stirrings of emotions that refused to be ignored.

In the quietude of his room, with the gentle hum of memories and the bracelet as a silent witness, Jimin found himself navigating a maze of feelings that hinted at a complexity he wasn't ready to unravel. The journey toward forgiveness and reconciliation had just begun, leaving the future uncertain yet tinged with the possibility of something more.


As Yoongi drove back to his home, the warmth of the twins' laughter lingered in his heart, and the prospect of a bright and happy future with them fueled his dreams. Thoughts of supporting them in whatever paths they chose, whether inheriting his hospital network or pursuing their own passions, filled his mind with a sense of purpose and joy. Either way he will be the best supportive father the world has ever seen. He also thought about a future with the male who stole his heart at first glance but he was dumb enough to not understand it and threw away what they had. But now he's sure that someday he'll have that male in his arms, kissing him gently just like they did in the past and tell him he's the world for him and who knows maybe marry that man too if he allows him.

But fate, in its cruel unpredictability, had other plans. The rhythmic hum of the engine was abruptly disrupted by the blaring sirens of an oncoming truck, careening wildly out of control. Panic gripped Yoongi as he tried to evade the impending collision, but the inevitable force of destiny was faster than any evasive maneuver.

The impact was a deafening symphony of destruction. Metal against metal, the shattering of glass, and the screeching of tires merged into a cacophony of tragedy. Yoongi's world spiraled into chaos as the once sleek car crumpled and twisted under the brutal force of the collision.

In the eerie stillness that followed, Yoongi found himself trapped within the wreckage, pain coursing through his body like an unwelcome guest. Blood seeped from wounds that bore witness to the fragility of life. His consciousness wavered, and the world around him blurred as if shrouded in an impending darkness.

Amidst the haunting silence, fragments of his dreams scattered like broken shards. The echoes of the twins' melodic giggles and the tender smile of Jimin reverberated in his mind. Regret, like a bitter aftertaste, seeped through his fading consciousness. The realization that he had been on the cusp of a beautiful future, only to be violently torn away, weighed heavy on his heart.

As Yoongi's vision dimmed, the last images that imprinted upon his soul were those of the people who had become his life — the innocent laughter of his twins, the gentle smile of Jimin, and the regret of not spending more time with the ones who had grown to mean everything.


Hi my sweethearts..
Wish y'all a happy and blessed new year 2024!
Honestly speaking, I don't have much to say this time. I'm going through some issues and maybe this book will be my last book here on WP. Anyway, you have chap 32 in front of you guys.
Do tell me in comments about what you liked and disliked about this chapter.

I hope this book will end in 2 or maximum 3 chapters.

Stay safe and hydrated..
Love you 💜💜💜💜💜

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