Total Drama: Lindsay X Male R...

By SkyZJ99

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You are a famous teenage actor who received an offer from Chris McLean to be apart of a new reality show call... More

Prologue: Island
Not So Happy Campers- Part 1
Not So Happy Campers- Part 2
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
New Deal
The Sucky Outdoors
Phobia Factor
Up The Creek
Paintball Deer Hunter
If You Can't Take The Heat...
Who Can You Trust?
Basic Straining
X-Treme Torture
Bros Unite
No Pain, No Game

Brunch Of Disgustingness

628 25 21
By SkyZJ99

Last time on Total Drama Island. A note from a secret admirer got Gwen and Bridgette up in each other's business. D.J. accidentally knocked his boy, Trent, off the airplane, sending him deep into the Earth's crust. Leshawna showed everybody how to hang on for dear life on the moose ride. Harold showed himself to be an ace fly catcher until he caught sight of Heather's... unmentionables, causing him to crash his wave right off the island, but not without a little canoodling time with the fair Leshawna. And now, let's see what's in store for our campers on this week's episode of Total. Drama. Island.

A flock of geese fly over the camp on a beautiful day as the 11 remaining contestants head to the lodge for breakfast. Chris and Chef stand near the door as Gwen, Owen, and Trent are the first to arrive. The guitar player notices no food on both tables.

Trent: What? No breakfast?

Chris: Oh, don't worry, bro. There will be plenty of food later on.

Both Chris and Chef snicker as more campers arrive. Leshawna walks in and she notices the two grown adults.

Leshawna: What're you two bozos so giggly about?

The two snicker again as the rest of the campers head to their tables. The host composes himself and makes an announcement.

Chris: Congratulations to the remaining 11 campers for reaching the halfway mark in the competition. You'll all be on the jury for the final episode.

Geoff raises his fist in the air.

Geoff: We got the power, yeah!

Chris: The two teams will become one next week. But first, all the girls will be moved to the Gopher cabin and all the guys will stay in the Bass cabin.

Both guys and dolls share surprised looks.

Chris: This week's challenge is as old as history itself. The battle of the sexes!

Both Y/N and Lindsay are shocked.

Chris: After everyone is settled in, I'll announce the challenge. And then, you'll have a, uh, bite to eat.

Chris and Chef snicker once again.

Y/N: I already don't like where this is going.

Chris: Ready for a little good news? This week, no one will be kicked off.

The campers cheer with some exchanging high fives.

Chris: It's all for reward and it's a GOOD one. Ok, time to relocate. Let's move!

The campers leave the cafeteria and the two adults snicker. If I had a nickel for every time they snicker.

As the campers walk to their cabins, Bridgette and Geoff smile at each other, but Heather walks next to the surfer girl in a cheerful manner.

Heather: Wow, your hair looks great today. So natural.

Bridgette: Thanks, I–

Heather: How do you take care of it? You have to share your secret.

Heather hooks Bridgette's arm with both of hers.

Bridgette: Oh, uh, it's nothing really.

Gwen walks up to the two girls as she warns the surfer girl.

Gwen: Watch it with this one. She's trouble.

The mean girl lets go of Bridgette's arm and glares daggers at Gwen. The goth girl returns the gesture as Bridgette awkwardly walks away.

Later, the surfer girl packs everything into her bag and heads out to the cabin door. Her hand was just about to reach the door knob, but the door opens from the other side and Geoff comes in, catching each other by surprise. But their surprised faces are replaced by soft grins.

Geoff: It was like, real cool working with you. You know, together as a team.

Bridgette: Yeah. I'm glad we got to know each other on a... deep level and all.

Geoff: Yeah, me too!

Bridgette and Geoff: Because I– Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to cut you off./Oh, sorry, you go.

Brushing their awkwardness aside, the two slowly lean in towards each other, but Chris comes in and grabs Bridgette's wrist.

Chris: Big day ahead of us!

The host quickly drags the surfer girl out of the cabin.

Bridgette: Oh!

The chill dude hangs his head dejected.

Geoff: I'll miss you...

Y/N walks into the cabin and places his hand on Geoff's shoulder.

Y/N: Don't worry too much about it, man. You and her may be on opposite teams, but it's not like you're never gonna see her again.

Y/N walks into the Bass cabin with his bags as Geoff nods his head.

Geoff: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Geoff then gets hit in the back of head by Trent's guitar case, knocking the guy over. Trent doesn't noticing that he accidentally hit Geoff as he looks back outside.

Trent: Hey, dude. Where should I put this?

The guitar player then notices Geoff on the floor.

With Bridgette, she walks to the other cabin, feeling a bit nervous.


Bridgette: I was a bit worried about being the only new girl on the team. Then I figured it can't be that bad. I don't buy that hype about how well guys get along and how catty girls can be.

*Confessional end*

Bridgette walks into her new cabin. At first, she expected the girls inside to get along, buuuut...

Leshawna: Nobody's leaving until I find out who ate my pudding pockets!

Heather: I ate them. So what?

Leshawna: Whoa! Pump the brakes a minute! You're so what-ing me? That's my food. No one touches my food!

Heather: Whatever, deal with it! It serves you right for leaving your junk EVERYWHERE, especially that.

The mean girl points at Leshawna's bed and we see an unusually big purple bra on the mattress.

Heather: That is bugging me.

Leshawna: Yeah, it'd bug me too if I didn't have anything in the front or in the back to shake!

Heather: Yeah? Well, you've got so much junk in your trunk, your jeans should come with a trash compactor!

Leshawna: Ooh! You want a piece of this?

Leshawna rolls up her sleeve, ready to throw hands with the bitch.

Bridgette: Uh-oh.

Heather's rude demeanor abruptly changes to a more cheerful one as she walks over to Bridgette.

Heather: Bridgette! It's so good to see you!

Leshawna just looks at Heather confused.

Heather: Come in, come in! Welcome to our cabin. We're like a big family in here.

Gwen: Big and dysfunctional.

Heather: Anything you need, just yell.

Heather and Bridgette then walk across the room.

Bridgette: Thanks for the awesome welcome, Heather.

Lindsay then walks in to the two girls.

Lindsay: Welcome to the club! It'll be so much fun! As long as you do everything Heather says.

Heather gives the blonde a mean look and stomps on her foot.

Lindsay: Ow!

Heather: Ha-ha. Yeah, we love joking around here in the girls cabin.

Leshawna gives a "What's going on," look to Gwen. She simply shrugs.

Heather continues kissing up to Bridgette as they walk to Lindsay's bed.

Heather: I made sure your bunk was next to mine–

Lindsay: Hey! That's my bed. Ow!

Heather stomps on Lindsay's foot again, causing the blonde to hop away with a painful look.

Heather: we can talk and share and really get to know each other.

Bridgette: Okay, yeah!

The surfer girl that walks over to Leshawna and Gwen.

Bridgette: Hey, thanks everybody, I can't wait to get to know all of–

Heather: Okay! Plenty of time to chat later! Let's unpack.

Heather drags Bridgette back to her new bed.

Lindsay: This is great! I bet we're getting along WAY better than the guys.

Meanwhile in the boy's cabin. The dudes are having the time of their lives. Y/N, Owen, and Geoff clank their glasses together and drink their orange juice. While Duncan, Trent, and D.J. jam to some tunes.

D.J.: Rock that soda pop, brother!

After the guys drink, Owen is the first to burp.

Owen: *BURP!*

Y/N: Weak!

The actor takes a deep breath and lets out a loud and long one.


Geoff finishes his drink... and lets out quite arguably, the biggest burp of all time.


The world-shattering belch shakes the cabin,  knocks down a few trees, and literally poofs the fur out of a few animals. Geoff clears his throat as the guys are completely shell-shocked. Their clothing and hair are ruffled by the fallout.

Y/N, still in a state of shock, slowly claps his hands. The other guys soon join in as the clapping turns into a round of applause.

Trent: Nice one! This guy deserves to be captain.


Duncan pulls up a log. Geoff stands on the object and clears his throat.

Geoff: I owe it all to my big bro back home for showing me how to pull back and let 'er rip! *BURP!* Those chicks are going down!

The guys cheer, feeling inspired to win the challenge by a landslide...oh how naïve they are.

Back at the girl's cabin, Heather shows Bridgette her box of makeup.

Heather: What's mine is yours. Nail polish, scrunchies, earrings, just help yourself.

Lindsay walks up to the box, completely in awe.

Lindsay: Wow.

The blonde reaches out, but Heather snaps the box shut as she gives Lindsay a mean look. Bridgette notices this but brushes it off.

Bridgette: Thanks, Heather, but um, I like to keep it natural.

Heather: Like my mom always says, a lady can always use a little boost in the looks department.

Heather then uses a makeup pencil to draw on Bridgette's eyebrows.

Leshawna: And my momma told me ain't nothin' free in this world. Watch what you take from this girl, Bridgette.

The mean girl stomps over to Leshawna with her clenched fists.

Heather: Mind your own business!

Leshawna: We're a team and we gotta live in the same cabin, so this is ALL of our business.

The surfer girl then comes between the arguing girls.

Bridgette: Yeah! We're a team. We should be using this as an opportunity to get to know each other better.

Heather: You want to play that way? Fine! Be on their side!

Heather walks over to her bag and pulls out duct tape. She smooths it at one area of the room.

Heather: This is my side and that's your side!


Heather: Ok, I probably could've played that better. But Leshawna seriously creases me.

*Confessional end*

Heather starts dragging the tape across the floor.

Leshawna: Huh, yeah that's right. You keep putting down that tape. And if you cross it, I'll smack you down!

Heather finishes splitting the cabin in half. Leshawna and Gwen stand on the right side of the cabin, while Heather, Lindsay and Bridgette are standing on the left side. But, the mean girl gives the surfer girls a choice.

Heather: You can choose the weird girls if you want, but just so you know, once you do, you're like, not allowed on our side. Right, Lindsay?

Lindsay: Hmph.

Lindsay sticks her nose into the air and walks over to Heather. Bridgette starts to feel uneasy.


Bridgette: I thought we were supposed to be a team. You know, "united, together, in solidarity," or something.

*Confessional end*

Bridgette: Let's build bridges, not walls!

Heather: Take your pick.

Bridgette looks at Leshawna and Gwen. She then looks at Heather and Lindsay, who narrow their eyes at her. Bridgette thinks for a moment and walks over to Leshawna and Gwen's side.

Heather: You just dug your own grave.

The girls from both sides head to their own areas in the cabin.

Bridgette: Let's try to get along, ok? Otherwise, the guys are going to cream us, don't you get it?

Heather tosses Bridgette's bag towards her feet.

Bridgette: Tough room.

A little while later, the campers head back to the cafeteria.

Chris: It's time for today's challenge!

Leshawna: Uh, where's breakfast at?

Chris and Chef snicker.

Heather: Stop doing that!

Y/N: For once, I agree.

Chris: Let's just tell them. Today's challenge is... The Brunch of Disgustingness! You'll be getting a nine-course meal. Each member of each team must finish each dish. You will not know if the next dish is grosser than the last, not as gross, or JUST as gross. Just that it'll likely be... gross.

Chef: Tell them what they'll get if they win, Chris!

Chris: The winning team spends two days at a local five-star resort where they'll be pampered, eat gourmet nosh, and be given antibiotics against anything they may have caught while participating in this challenge! The losing team will go hungry tonight and spend the next two days here, on Total Drama Island... with Chef.

The campers gasp in horror.

Heather: We are going to win this challenge!


Bridgette: I just hope we win to ease some of the tension. I mean, I'll try anything once. Except meat. I CAN'T eat meat.

*Confessional end*

Both guys and dolls sit at their tables, ready to endure the horrors that await them.

Leshawna: Ahem. Take a whiff, boys! (takes a whiff of the plate) 'Cause all I smell is victory for me and my girls!

Owen: I'll eat anything! (pulls out crusty underwear) Even my gitch if I have to... will I have to?

Chris: Let's begin the challenge! First, some Hors D'oeuvres.

Chef removes the lid and reveal some... very vein-y meatballs.

Owen: Ha-ha, all right! Meatballs! Bring it on!

Owen grabs his plate and starts chugging down the food.

Chris: Well, technically, you're right, Owen. But these are kinda special.

Chef: It's beef testicles bourguignon.

We cut to a farm and see a bull on the ground crying after going through the most unspeakable horrors imaginable.

We cut back to the campers as Owen is in complete shock.

Owen: Testicles?!

Owen spits out barf and it lands on D.J. The gentle giant is completely grossed out.

Both teams look at the first dish completely unsure if they want to eat it.

Geoff: Ugh. I don't know if I can do this to my bovine brother.

The actor takes the first bite. As soon as he starts chewing, Y/N gags and spits the castrated nuts back onto his plate. He waves his hands, signaling that he's backing out.

Y/N: I'm not f******g doing this, dude! No way!

Duncan glares at Y/N and points his finger at him.

Duncan: You are eating the plate whether you want to or not!

Both the actor and the punk glare at one another.

Y/N: Alright then, tough guy. Eat one. I haven't seen you eat one of these yet.

Duncan looks down at the plate of testicles nervously. He grabs one and starts eating. Trent and Owen join in on the feast, while D.J. looks down at his plate as a tear escapes his eye, feeling terrible that an animal would endure this suffering.

Chris: It's the hardest thing a man can do.


Heather: Judging from the way the guys were reacting to the, uh, "dish," I knew we could win the round.

*Confessional end*

Heather takes a bite with determination in her eyes. The guys recoil back as almost the rest of the girls eat the "meat balls." Lindsay, however, is struggling to eat.

Lindsay: Oh, ok. Gross me right out the door! But I could totally use a pedicure at the resort. My corns are growing corns.

Heather notices the guys have stopped eating. She takes the opportunity to mock them.

Heather: What's the matter? (eats another "meat ball") Mmm. You big boys can't eat a little meat ball?

Infuriated, Y/N decides to one-up the bitch.

Y/N: Oh yeah? You seem to be taking that meat pretty well. You had to do some favors to earn a little money?

The actor rubs his thumb on his fingers to emphasize the word, "money."

Everyone in the room is in complete shock. The guys then start laughing hysterically as Heather's face is completely red with rage. She dumps the testicles off her plate and onto the table. She yells angrily and throws the plate at Y/N. He quickly dodges out of the and the plate crashes onto the boys table. Thankfully, the guys cover their plate and none of Heather's plate remnants get onto the food.

Geoff still laughs at Y/N's comeback.

Geoff: Oh man! That was brutal, man.

The chill dude looks over at the girls and sees that they're finishing up their plates. His mood suddenly changes from enjoyment to fear and desperation.

Geoff: Oh no! (to boys) Come on! We can't let the girls win. Our manhood is at stake!

The actor then gets a queasy feeling in his stomach at what Geoff said.

Y/N: Don't say it like that, man.

Trent tries eating more as Heather notices Bridgette not eating hers.

Heather: What're you doing? Why aren't you eating?

Bridgette: I'm a vegetarian. It's against my principles.

Geoff notices the argument.

Heather: Are you sabotaging the team just to spite me?


Geoff: I felt so bad. I had to help her.

*Confessional end*

Geoff sneaks over to the girls table and whispers to Bridgette.

Geoff: It's not that big a deal. Sometimes they castrate bulls for uh... m-medical reasons.

Duncan notices this and glares at him. The surfer girl sighs and eats a "meat ball."


Bridgette: It was SO sweet of him to help.

*Confessional end*

The guys try their best to keep eating, unfortunately though, they spit it out and give up.

Trent: I can't do it!

Owen and D.J. start streaming tears from their eyes.

Chris: Well, looks like the guys lost this round. The first challenge goes to be female campers.

The girl team cheers.

Geoff sits at the table feeling down. Bridgette walks up to the chill dude and pats his shoulder.

Bridgette: Thanks for the talk, Geoff.

The surfer girl walks back to her team while Duncan is completely flabbergasted.

Duncan: Uh, what, you're helping them, dork? You just cost us this round!

Geoff: Yo, it's my business who I talk to! Gimme a break, man!

The guys give Geoff disapproving looks while Y/N gives him a sympathetic one.

Trent: You can't let them win!

Duncan: You blew it!

Geoff: Come on! DJ chickened out!

Duncan: You kidding me?

Chris blows a whistle really loud to get the guy's attention.

Chris: Are we here to argue, or are we here to eat a series of revolting meals?!

Geoff rubs the back of his head with regret and Duncan takes a deep breath.

Duncan: All right.

Geoff: Fine.

Duncan: Sorry, man.

Geoff: Sorry about that, dude.

The two guys shake hands and the other guys grin, feeling relieved that there's no bad blood.


Bridgette: I can't believe how quickly the guys made up! Even I like to hold a grudge for a good... six minutes.

*Confessional end*

Chris: The score now stands at 1 for the girls and 0 for the guys! And now, the next course in... The Brunch of Disgustingness!

Chris presents to Chef as he's carting out the second dish.

Chris: You guys like pizza?

Owen: I could eat pizza any time with anything on it!

The host smirks.

Chris: Anything? How about live grasshopper pizza with tangy jellyfish sauce and live anchovies?

Chef removes the lid and we see the pizza. Like Chris said, the jellyfish are sprawled all over the pizza as living anchovies and grasshoppers are scattering all over the food.

Lindsay: EW! I hate anchovies!

Those are some priorities.

Owen shrugs, not phased at all.

Chef goes around both tables serving the delicious pizza. Leshawna pokes at her piece, she sticks her tongue out in disgust.

Leshawna: Ugh. Mm-mm. That is straight up nasty. I ain't eatin' that.

She pushes the plate away but Heather gets up in the sexy mama's face.

Heather: Oh, yes you are! I am not missing out on an indoor heated pool just because you can't keep down a few–

The mean girl feels something on her finger. She moves her hand close to her face and sees a grasshopper there chirping.


She waves her hand away and the grasshopper flies off. The mean girl starts freaking out. She then holds herself, feeling the chilling fear going down her spine.

Heather: Grasshoppers. Okay, I can't do this.

Heather stands up but Gwen grabs her wrist.

Gwen: I'm digesting a bull's precious cajones. YOU'RE gonna eat!

Heather: Fine. (to Chef) Can I get a little parmesan on this?

He shakes his head, "no," and leaves.

Heather sits back down and looks at her pizza. Her nerves are getting to her as she grabs her slice and takes a bite out of it.

Heather: Mmm. Delicious.

Her face says otherwise.

Heather: (to Bridgette) You're up next.

Bridgette looks at her pizza nervously.


Bridgette: Okay, sure I've eaten tuna salad sandwiches, but I've never worked out my position on eating live fish. But I had to get in good with the group!

*Confessional end*

Leshawna: Go Bridgette! Go Bridgette!

The sexy mama cheers for the surfer girl as she bites the pizza.

Leshawna: Right on, girl!

Owen finishes his slice and reaches out for another piece, but Geoff smacks his hand.

Geoff: Whoa, big guy! No taking seconds until everybody's had a slice!

Y/N then hears Lindsay whimpering. He turns around and sees his girlfriend hesitating.

Lindsay: There is no way I'm eating that! It's not even food!

Y/N was just about to walk over and try to help her, but Bridgette beats the actor to the punch. She's on the table with her hands placed on the blonde's shoulders.

Bridgette: Lindsay! Lindsay, let's try a little yogic meditation, okay?

The blonde nervously nods. Bridgette then sits on the table in a lotus position.

Bridgette:First, get into lotus position.

We then cut to Lindsay meditating on the table.

Lindsay: Ohmmmm... ohmmmm... ohmmm...

Bridgette feeds the pizza to Lindsay.

Lindsay: nummmm... nummmm... nummmm...

Leshawna: Now that's what I'm talking about, teamwork! Slide me some fingers!

Trent's stomach suddenly starts growling. Not out of hunger, though.

Trent: I've got a weak stomach. Uh, be right back!

The guitar player then runs out of the lodge to go somewhere to puke his guts out while the actor looks at the poor guy with sympathy.

Y/N: God help him.


Trent: When I was a kid, my parents used to hold me down and force feed me broccoli. They only did it because broccoli's... (shutters) good for ya.

*Confessional end*

Trent arrives back at the cafeteria. He tells the guys his plan to get though this round.

Trent: I can do this! DJ, I need you to hold me down, while, Y/N, you stuff the slice in my mouth. And no matter how much I scream or beg, you have GOT to feed me that slice.

Y/N: Ok, I'll do it. But remember this, it was YOUR idea.

We then cut to the gentle giant holding Trent's body with Y/N holding the slice.

Trent: No, stop! Wait, it was a joke! I was kidding! (nervous laughter) I'm warning you, my dad's a lawyer!

The actor forces the pizza into Trent's mouth. After he swallows, the guitar player is now in a weird state like he's high on shrooms. He looks at D.J. with a blissful expression.

Trent: Mama?

D.J. then holds Trent like a baby as the guitar player sucks on his thumb. A freaked out look appears on Y/N's face as he awkwardly shuffles away from that he's seeing.


Y/N: I... that was... it's... (sigh)


Trent: It wasn't that bad. I was playing it up for the cameras. You know, to boost ratings. I don't really mind beef testicles or... live grasshopper pizza with jellyf–

Trent then pukes all over the inside of the outhouse. Any animal nearby quickly scurries away.

*Confessional end*

The rest of the guys plug their noses and eat the pizza whole as they groan at the after taste. Leshawna was about to eat hers until a grasshopper boings itself onto her hair, causing her to freak out.

Leshawna: O-Okay, you know what? I can't be doin' this! Little grasshopper mindin' his own business! What'd I wanna go around and bite his little head off for?

Chris: The winners of this round... are the guys!

The guys cheer. Both teams are currently tied. Bridgette facepalms while Heather glares at Leshawna.

Leshawna: What?


Chef: I was excited about the next dish. I made it from scratch.

Chef says as he scratches his side.

*Confessional end*

Chris: All right, who's ready for the third course? Spaghetti!

Chef removes the lids and the campers faces are completely disgusted.

Chris: Well, actually, Earthworms covered in snail slime sauce and hairballs.

Geoff: No! I can't take it anymore!

The chill starts running away screaming in pure insanity.

DJ: I'll take care of this.

Y/N: Please do.

Geoff runs through the door as D.J. lunges forward and the two crash on the grass. Geoff's face is on the ground as the gentle giant holds his right arm back, making sure he doesn't put up a fight.

Geoff: Ok! Ok! I'm good! I'm good!

A moment later, the guys cover their eyes with blindfolds and put clothesline clips on their noses.

Geoff: I love spaghetti. Spaghetti is good. Ok.

Y/N: It doesn't exactly help since we already know what we're about to eat.

We see Lindsay still meditating holding a fork of one of the "noodles."

Lindsay: Ohmmm...

The blonde eats the "spaghetti," but as soon at it gets into her mouth, she gags for moment. She then looks around confused.

Lindsay: ...Where am I?

Chris rolls his eyes and shakes his head. The guys then finish the spaghetti. They stand up triumphantly while holding their blindfolds up in the air.

Geoff: Done!

He then burps out a worm.

Chris: And once again, the winners are the guys!

The guys cheer once more. They are now a point ahead of the girls.

Bridgette: Come on, guys. Let's show them some girl power!

Gwen: Bridgette's right. Let's kick some boy butt!

Heather: Yeah. Just like I've been saying all along. We've gotta act like a team.

Leshawna: Whatever.

She said with no energy at all.

Chris: All right, everybody. Time for course number four. No nine-course meal would be complete without soup.

Chef removes the lid.

Chris: Today's special is French Bunyon soup with hangnail crackers.


Geoff: I think they just use stuff from Chef's bathroom floor.

*Confessional end*

As the girls feel unsure about eating the soup, Bridgette gets an idea. The guys struggle to eat as Y/N joins in. He slurps on the spoonful of soup and immediately starts coughing as hangnail lightly scratches down the inside of his throat.

Lindsay leans her head back and opens her mouth. (Shut up, pervs.) Bridgette puts the end of a funnel into the blonde's mouth and pours the soup down into the funnel, which travels down into Lindsay's mouth.

Lindsay: I didn't even taste it.

Chris: The girls win again!

All of the girls cheer.

Chris: The score's now tied up at two.

Heather: We won!


Bridgette: I think the girls really made a breakthrough as a team.

*Confessional end*

Chris: Only five more courses left. Bon appetit!

The next rounds were just as bad, if not worse, as the previous ones. The teenagers endure eating a ball of chewed-up gum from Chef, drinking a skunk's stink juice, eating an old sandal with a smiley face written in caulk, and... whatever Chef made next for the eighth course.

The campers are now at the final round, and they all aren't exactly in the best of shape after eating the most unimaginable food in existence.

Chris: Wow, it's still tied up. We're down to the last course in the challenge.

Chef removes the last lids, and to the camper's surprise, they're just plain hotdogs in buns. But they're not just any hotdogs...

Chris: It's delicious dolphin wieners. Hot dogs made of dolphin.

The surfer girl gasps in horror.

Bridgette: But dolphins are our friends!

Heather: What are you waiting for? It's already dead! If you don't eat it, we don't win.

Bridgette: Oh, I can't! I'm a surfer! I swim with dolphins!

Heather: Eat it!

Bridgette: No! I'm not doing it. You can't pressure me.

DJ: I'm with you sister. I'm not eating no dolphin.


Chef: I slave over a hot stove cooking dolphin. No appreciation!

*Confessional end*

Both Bridgette and D.J. cross their arms, refusing to eat. Chris looks at the two annoyed.

Chris: Okay, enough. We'll solve this by having an eat-off.

We cut to Leshawna and Owen sitting in front of a lot of shot glasses on the table.

Chris: The one who can drink the most shot glasses of fresh, delicious blended cockroach will be the winner.

Chef turns on the blender and the cockroaches inside the glass get shredded into nothing but brown liquid.

Chris: This unlikely satisfying blend of eight different cockroaches is vitamin rich for your balanced lifestyle.

Chef pours the liquid into the shot glasses.

Chris: On your mark, get set, go!

The two start the final round. With each shot they drink, Leshawna and Owen would feel an overwhelming amount disgust and dread in their stomachs. But they manage to push through with each shot. Fortunately, Owen is ahead and takes the last three shots from Leshawna. The big guy raises his fists in the air... and tips over to the ground.

Chris: Owen wins!

The guys cheer victoriously as the girls hang their heads at their loss.

Heather: Leshawna, you are completely useless!

A loud gurgling sound is heard from Leshawna's stomach as she groans.

Leshawna: Oooooooooh, something's coming up.

She then starts hurling all over the table, even a surviving cockroach is seen in the liquidy barf. Everyone is in complete shock as some also start puking. Dear Jesus! It's an orgy of endless barfing! Y/N covers himself with his arms to not get any of it on himself.


The actor runs up to Lindsay, grabs her wrist, and the two run make a break for it towards the door. The couple make it outside and the two catch their breath.

Y/N: You... ok?

Lindsay: Yeah... I think so.

Y/N looks back towards the lodge and sees one of the windows get splattered in vomit from the inside.

Y/N: Well, uh, that was one helluva dinner party, am I right?

He looks back at his girlfriend and sees her sitting on the grass with her legs crossed. Lindsay looks depressed as her head is resting on her propped up hand. Y/N notices this and sits next to her.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Lindsay: You guys won and we lost. Now I'll be stuck with Chef for the next two days. And worse! I'll never get that pedicure.

Y/N: Oh. Right. I'm so sorry, Lindsay. C'mer.

Lindsay leans her body against Y/N's as he wraps his arm around her. His hand soothingly glides up and down her arm.

Lindsay: It's not your fault.

Y/N: I wanted to try and help you with the pizza part, but Bridgette kind of beat me to it. Besides, Duncan would've been less forgiving of me if I did that.

Lindsay: Why does Duncan hate you so much?

Y/N: I don't exactly know. I don't remember provoking him when we first met.

Lindsay: Why not talk to him about it? From what you told me when you, Duncan, Courtney stole the food, he seemed a little warmed up to you. Maybe you should take the opportunity to see you guys can make up and be friends!

Y/N appreciates Lindsay's kindness to others, but he still feels skeptical.

Y/N: Maybe, but... I don't know. I think I should just keep my-

Lindsay: Please?

She gives Y/N a puppy dog look. The actor knows that he can't say no to that face. I mean, would you?

Y/N: Oh, alright, I'll try talking to him.

Her face lights up as her hands are high into the air with joy.

Lindsay: YAY!

She hugs her boyfriend as he returns the gesture.

Y/N: If it's successful, I'll sneak you a little something from the resort.

Lindsay: That would be so nice... Hey, can I maybe request one thing?

Y/N: What's up?

Lindsay then squishes her cleavage together with her arms as she gives the actor a cute look. Her blue eyes look up at him with a cute duck face.

Lindsay: Can I have one make out session before you go, pweese?

Y/N chuckles.

Y/N: Goodness, that's a tall order. Talk to Duncan, get something for you from the resort, AND a make out session? I don't know if I can handle all of that.

Lindsay: I'm sure you can manage.~

The young couple share a chuckle as they lean in towards each other. Y/N softly holds her face with his one hand while Lindsay places her hand on his chest.

As soon as their tongues start dancing, the two can taste all the godforsaken food they ate. Both of their eyes widen and quickly pull away and start gaging and cringing.

Y/N: Let's maybe do that after we brush our teeth for about 100 times.

Lindsay covers her mouth.

Lindsay: Yeah, good idea.

Evening arrives as the guys head to the small cruise ship.

Chris: The guys are the big winners today. And the girls go their separate ways.

Leshawna and Gwen head into the cabin and close the door behind them. Heather and Lindsay walk up to the door but it won't open. Heather starts pulling the doorknob, but to no avail. Inside, Leshawna and Gwen share a smirk as the mean girl starts banging on the door.

Chris: Two definitive cliques have been cemented... for now.

Brigette rests her head on her hand as she looks out the cabin window depressed. Geoff does the same as he looks out the ship's windows. The cruise ship then takes off.

Chris: What shocking surprises are in store for our campers next week as they head for the big merge? Tune in on Total. Drama. Island.

(A/N: Thanks for reading. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go watch Spider-Man 2 on the big screen for my birthday.)

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