Petals & Bullets

NaraWynn tarafından

18.2K 667 32

Seraphine's world around her starts to crumble and fall into the hands of people she calls family. When she t... Daha Fazla

author's note & aesthetics
1 - you know your flowers?
2 - karma
3 - it's not what it looks like
4 - don't call me ma'am
5 - over my dead body
6 - what is this? the sad girl's club?
7 - make it up to me
8 - i agree, tesoro
9 - there's potential
10 - did you have a tea party?
11 - her problems are mine now
12 - congratulations!
13 - are you afraid to find out?
14 - did you scare her away?
15 - that's my brother
16 - i don't share
17 - we italians are full of passion
18 - you want to talk about money?
19 - you're the new shareholder?
20 - i am not afraid to show you what real love is.
21 - no, i like this view
22 - you're my priority
23 - the ceos girlfriend
24 - i don't always wear suits
25 - veronica
26 - you have no idea, tesoro
27 - good girl
28 - people are idiots
29 - obaachan
30 - mine can buy a skyscraper
31 - i was never IN love with you
32 - grow the f*** up, vivian
33 - resilience, determination, and unwavering strength.
34 - you'll pay for what you did
35 - who is my real father?
36 - dear mom and dad
37 - i want to see her in orange
38 - eternity ring?
39 - a murderer?
41 - i'm done playing games
42 - batter up
43 - consider this a warning
44 - happy birthday, sera
45 - justice
46 - things are looking up
47 - you have my blessings
48 - oya-san
49 - what do you want?
50 - you leave me no choice
51 - blood for blood

40 - making love

280 13 0
NaraWynn tarafından


There is a faint scent of disinfectant circulating in the air. Luca and I follow Detective Lombardi and a tech down a flight of stairs into the morgue. The solid construction of the stairs muffles our footsteps, and the air grows colder, creating an eerie and solemn feeling.

We reach the lower level and gain access through reinforced doors leading to the morgue area. The medical examiner is sitting at a workspace in the lab area and doesn't look up from the paperwork, even when our footsteps come to a stop. He has striking white hair with stubble along his face, and a pair of bifocals rest on the bridge of his nose.

"Detective Lombardi, I've told you many times. I don't have anything to tell you." The medical examiner speaks, still refusing to look up.

I don't like how rude he's being.

"Than I would hope you'd be willing to talk to me," I say with assertion in my voice, keeping in mind that this man concealed my mother's pregnancy for money.

The examiner lifts his head and his eyes betray him instantly, as if he's just seen a ghost. "W-who are you?" He then looks to Luca, who holds an unwavering, icy glare.

"My name is Seraphine Hanada, daughter of Himari Hanada." I respond and I see the guilt that flashes in his eyes.

He clears his throat, trying not to let his voice quaver, even though the tension in the air is escalating. "Look, I really have nothing to say to any of you." His tone is firm. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have very important work to do."

"Dr. Mitchell, I don't think you realize the severity of this situation. Mr. Di Vittorio and Miss Hanada are very busy themselves and on top of that, they're very influential people and I mean very. So, if you think Tim Corwin has made life difficult for you, you don't want to find out the consequences under the Di Vittorio name." Detective Lombardi tries to get him to grasp the gravity of the situation.

"One call and I can wipe your existence from this earth." Luca's words are laced with certainty as he holds his phone up in the air.

Dr. Mitchell's face falls at the uncertainty of who we might be and the battle within himself over whether he should tell us or not. When he hesitates, I glance over at Luca and right before he can press the call button, Dr. Mitchell lets out a shout. "All I want in return is for me to be able to live a comfortable life. For years, Mr. Corwin and his wife have threatened me. What was I supposed to do? I have kids and grandkids."

"What happened?" I push.

"He paid me. He found out where my family and I lived and used it as leverage. The man had people stationed outside my house all the time and work." Dr. Mitchell acts like a victim but we know his darkest secret. The man was no better than Corwin and besides that, Corwin lacked that kind of influence or authority back then. Dr. Mitchell has been involved in a criminal enterprise, accepting payments to fraudulently alter death certificates—a major corruption within the justice system. "Your mother was indeed pregnant but there was no record of her confirming that at her regular physician's office. Which is why it was easy to forge the documents for Mr. Corwin."

And get paid.

I start to feel the rage inside of me want to take over. My mother and my unborn sibling didn't deserve to die. I've moved on from the heartbreak of not having my mother growing up and knowing I could have had a sibling is now a reminder I will never get to experience that kind of family life.

Finding Corwin is my priority, but Veronica is also on my list.


Luca's brows furrow in concentration as he moves with ease like a seasoned chef. Each flick of his wrist sends the contents of the pan swirling in the air. I sit at the kitchen island on the other side, staring at his broad back with my chin on my hand and my elbow propped on the counter. With my other hand, I bring the wine glass to my lips and take a sip as my stomach growls from the smell of the savory air.

The way his muscles strain through the black button down with the sleeves rolled up is a feast for my eyes. Luca glances over his shoulder with an alluring smile playing on his lips as his chocolate brown eyes meet mine for a fleeting moment that sends shivers down my spine. Something about a man cooking for you is the feeling of unspoken affection.

He refused to let me help, so I decided to put extra effort into the way that I look. The fabric of the sleeveless little black dress is like liquid silk on my body and shimmers under the light. I've paired it up with a subtle smoky eye and sandal heels. A simple yet daring look.

We weren't in the mood to dine out or order takeout, so he suggested cooking—a side of him I had yet to witness. I turned it into a fancy dinner date in the comfort of our home. There is a warm feeling when I think of calling both the penthouse and the main house our home. I glance around and see the lived-in warmth, with fresh flowers painting the air with fragrance and little things like candles, pictures, and other personal keepsakes.

I hop off the stool with the wine glass in hand and feel the dress skim my legs with each step towards Luca. My eyes shamelessly go down to the way his trousers outline the contours of his backside. I stand beside him, leaning my hip against the counter next to the stove and catch the addicting scent of his cologne mingling with the other aromas.

I often think about how lucky I am to be with such a perfect man, and I'm hoping it's not just a daydream in my head that I'll be abruptly pulled out of. I can't get over the way he treats me, his thoughtfulness, and how he takes care of my every need.

"May I taste your masterpiece?" I ask, looking down at the pot that's set on the other burner.

"Only if you share yours," he says, flirting with me like he always does.

Luca brings the spatula full of sauce to my mouth and I immediately feel the flavors burst on my tongue. A deep chuckle resonates from his chest and he brings his face closer to mine, wiping the corner of my mouth with his thumb. Then he raises his thumb to his mouth, taking a taste.

"What else are you Italian's good at?" I blush furiously.

Luca smirks. "Making love."

Oh, I know.

In the next fifteen minutes, Luca plates our food and we move to the outdoor terrace to enjoy the summer night. Everything feels perfect with the twinkle of city lights, like millions of fireflies dancing.

"When I visited my grandma earlier today, she actually moved her hand over mine." A smile spreads across my face as I think about how well her recovery is going.

"That's really good to hear." He responds. We continue to talk about the positive aspects of our lives. My birthday is coming up soon and we've planned a weekend trip away with our friends instead of going for a night out. It's one thing I am looking forward to but I'm still anxious about the dangers that continue to lurk around.

I decided to use the new building he bought as the base for the perfume company, which will launch in a couple months. A CEO has been chosen and so far, she's been really good for the company. The merger of our companies has continued to be a success, even though we are still in the early stages of things. So many rumors are going around in the world of business about the unexpected connection between our two companies. We do have a spokesperson to handle all of that, considering we are still choosing to stay out of the limelight.

After dinner, I head inside to place our dishes in the sink. When I come back out to the terrace, Luca is a silhouette against the city's glow, leaning on the balcony rail. I join him at the edge and he pulls me close against him. His thumb traces circles on my bare arm and I shiver from both his touch and the cool air.

I look up to the clear sky and feel his gaze on me. When I turn to look at him, firelight dances in his eyes with a tenderness that is reserved just for me. He leans in close and just before our lips touch, I hear his gentle whisper that I almost miss, "I love you, Seraphine."

Is the alcohol making me hear things? There is a sense of a soothing haze and euphoria through my body as I smile against his lips, "Say it again." I want to hear it over and over.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Luca."

He smiles against my lips, then presses them firmly onto mine as he draws my body closer to his. I wrap my arms around his shoulder and together, under the stars, we create extraordinary memories.

Everything feels right with him.


Corwin paces with restless energy in the old family home he once shared with Himari and little Sera. The worn floorboards groan under his weight, reflecting the tiredness on his face. Throughout the house, the grand halls echo with creaks and whispers of a forgotten past. Cobwebs cling to the corners, and the faded wallpaper peels away. He's haunted not only by the day Himari died in this home but also by the decay of a once-beloved home.

Why am I here? He wonders and he remembers it's because he figured no one would look for him here. Paranoia set in as if people were watching him and he left everything behind besides the clothes on his back and money. He had even stolen a phone and a car from an elderly person.

"Tim." He hears the ghostly whispers of Himari calling his name. His internal struggle continues within him with the question of whether he made the right choices or not. On one side, he sees the face of Himari, whom he once loved, while on the other, Veronica's manipulative words resonate in his ear.

Corwin walks over to his bag and rummages through it until he finds what he is looking for. He opens the cap of the small container, popping in a few pills, hoping they could numb his emotions for the time being. Corwin releases a primal yell, expressing his overwhelmed state and sanity.

Just then, a text appears through an app with an address attached to it. Corwin used the dark web in order to obtain information he couldn't find which came with a hefty price. He was penniless.

In his mind, there was no going back. Finding Naomi Hanada and taking everything from Sera is still his objective. He'll gain back the Bratva's trust.


Veronica is livid that her husband abandoned her and their daughter like a coward. He drained all the accounts and left them with nothing. This isn't how she planned for her life to turn out. By now, she envisioned herself swimming in riches, free from the presence of Sera Hanada. Now, she had to think of a way out of their predicament.

Off to the side, Vivian sobs as she lays curled up sideways on the couch with a box of tissues and a throw blanket pulled up to her chest. She blames her parents and Sera for ruining her life and she would rather be dead than poor.

Suddenly, a forceful knock gains their attention and the mother and daughter duo look at each other, wondering who could be at the door. "Could it be Daddy or Cameron?" Vivian props herself up on her elbow with a sniffle. The knocking becomes more aggressive the longer they wait to answer the door and when they don't, the door is violently kicked open. Veronica and Vivian let out a scream, huddling together on the couch, too afraid to confront the intruder.

Is it the Bratva or the Italian mafia?

Shoes slowly tap against the floor, making their hearts race within their chests. Veronica and Vivian keep an eye on the threshold of the hallway and living room until a group of men show up before them.

Volkov looks around the room before setting his eyes on Veronica and Vivian. "It's an interesting home you have here." His strong Russian accent is evident in who he is.

"What do you want?" Veronica asks, keeping her voice strong and steady.

"Getting right to business? I like that." Volkov's eyes scan every inch of Veronica's body and she shudders in disgust. "But maybe some tea would be nice?"

"Say what you need to say and leave our home." Veronica knows it's not going to be that easy but she still tries.

Volkov takes a few steps closer, and two of his men follow suit, standing guard on either side of the threshold. Another man brings a chair over for Volkov, setting it right in front of the women. The only thing that separates them is the coffee table. He takes a seat as if he owns the place and slides out a silver handgun. Despite her fear, Veronica keeps her composure, pulling Vivian closer, who suppresses a sob.

"Things could've been simpler if Corwin delivered what he promised but since it didn't work out, I'm going to need some sort of payment."

Veronica's eyes turn to slits. "I have nothing to do with what that man was involved in. He emptied all our accounts and left like a coward." She tries to steer Corwin's wrongdoings as if she had no part in them.

"Oh, Kisa (Kitten), don't lie to me. I know just how much you have been involved, not only with Corwin but with your ex-husband."

"Ex-husband?" Vivian frowns when hearing this. "What ex-husband? Does Daddy know about that?"

"Shut your mouth," Veronica warns her daughter, not wanting her past to be brought up.

Volkov laughs darkly at the exchange between mother and daughter, confirming Veronica's malevolent nature. "He was many, many years older, yes?"

Veronica keeps her lips tight, not liking the sound of where this conversation is going. Volkov leans back in the chair and imagines the obscene things he'd make the red head do. His eyes go from her face to the peaks of her plump breasts, down to her thick hips and thighs. The perverted man enjoys using women for his own pleasures and that's exactly what he plans to do with Veronica.

"Take the girl away."

Panic-filled screams and shouts erupt as Vivian tries to claw the Bratva brother's hands away, while Veronica attempts to pull her daughter back towards her. The man gives a sharp slap to Vivian's face, making her fall against the coffee table. She stays there in shock, holding her face. Not only had Cameron almost choked her out but another man had struck her in the face. She wasn't used to this treatment by men. Veronica steps towards Vivian but is stopped when Volkov points the gun at her. "The both of you are my payment on behalf of both your husbands. That means your bodies and soul now belong to the Bratva."

Veronica watches helplessly as the Bratva brothers take her daughter away. Vivian continues to sob until they're out the front door. Volkov waves his other men away until it's just the two of them. A chilling silence envelops the room as Volkov sits at ease, legs spread apart.

"Now, Kisa, what can that pretty mouth of yours do?"

Okumaya devam et

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