The Secrets We Keep

By whatdidhessayy

21K 313 311

~I've always had 2 big mysteries left unsolved in my life.The first being what it felt like to be in love. Th... More

Intro/ Disclaimers
Ch. 1
Ch. 9
Ch. 11


726 14 10
By whatdidhessayy



Angelina Fonzii

I faintly hear Domenico's angry voice repeating,

"We should've fucking left earlier when I said so Luca," he shouted."

If I could see him clearly right now I'd bet his hands were both clenched in fists but my mind is elsewhere.

It's like I'm moving subconsciously and my mind is stuck in that room with bullets just barely grazing my skin, my feet planted and eyes locked on him.

I haven't seen that fucker in years.

Alisa helps me into the car and lays me down in the back seat.

I rip a piece of my shirt and wrap it around my arm where I'm wounded to stop the bleeding.

I could hear Luca and Domenico shouting and arguing from outside the car.

Before Alisa enters the driver's seat she shouts something at them along the lines of shutting the fuck up and getting home asap.

Luca drives off in a hurry revving his motorcycle, he's obviously pissed.

Alisa starts the engine and there's a knock on my window which pulls me out of my thoughts.

It's Domenico.

Alisa rolls down my window and he leans over.

"How's your arm?" His face shows zero emotion but I know he's still beyond angry after everything that went down.

"Fine." I reply looking at the seat in front of me, avoiding his eye contact.

I feel his hand gently wrap around my arm, slightly applying pressure and I hiss.

"Get her home quickly and safely, I'm right behind you." He says to Alisa.

She rolls my window up and starts driving.

"So are you gonna tell me why the fuck that guy thought you were some other chick or what, why'd you panic?" Alisa makes eye contact with me through the mirror.

I stare back for a moment before answering.

"I- he just looked a lot like my ex is all, I um- was overwhelmed..."

Technically not lying, just being dramatic.

She's not who I'm worried about when it comes to believing my lies anyways.

"Look, this is the exact reason Domenico was hesitating on letting you come on this mission, sure you can fight but you have to know when to flight in these things as well, no matter the circumstances or who you think you saw."

Alisa's basically lecturing me.

Yes mom, I almost tell her.

I nod my head and swallow, now realizing how dry my throat is.

God do I hate lying to her, feels like I'm lying to Amara except Alisa is much, much more gullible.

"Sorry, i- uh, it won't ever happen again," I reply with a raspy voice and I look out the window.

"Your lucky if there will even be a next time, knowing my brother."

I don't really care what your brother thinks now do I.

A minute of silence passes between us,

"How's your arm?" She asks.

"Holding up I guess, hurts a lot though,"

I'm used to the pain of a bullet or a cut but boy do I have to exaggerate.

We finally arrive back to the Moretti estate

On the rest of the drive I couldn't help but think of what if James sent me on this mission because he knew my fucking ex was somehow involved?

He wouldn't do that would he?

Another thought I couldn't quiet wrap my head around is why the fuck my ex, is the head of the Italian mafias current enemy?

Not to mention that my entire cover was basically almost blown and now I have to pull more excuses out of my ass and make up a whole story.

I'm getting a raise whether James likes it or not.

Before leaving the car I remind myself to take a deep fucking breath and to calm down before my headache gets any worse.

My door opens and I lock eyes with Domenico.

Prince fucking charming to the rescue.

He looks pissed but I could quite frankly give less of a fuck.

I start to get out of the car on my own instead of taking his help but I definitely regret it when I lose balance and my arm hits the side of the car.

A wave of pain shoots down my arm and I groan in pain.

Guess I spoke too soon when I said I had to exaggerate.

My arm feels heavy.

Breathing heavily and gritting my teeth I accept defeat and let Domenico help, he holds onto my other arm for balance and we walk in together not saying a word.

"Take her to my room I'll patch her up," says Alisa

"No I got it, go tell Luca to stop being a fucking baby," Domenico replies.

They all begin to argue back and forth and my head literally can't take it anymore.

"I'll take care of myself, I've done it before, now will all of you please shut the fuck up for the night,"

"Okay attitude, Angel." Luca says with his hand out.

I almost laugh but remember my arms bleeding, head is pounding and so I start heading upstairs.


I'm in one of the upstairs bathrooms wrapping my arm with clean gauze after I painfully took the bullet out, cleaned up my arm and stitched it up.

I hear footsteps approaching.

I just can't catch a break tonight.

"Why do you refuse my help?" Domenico's deep voice asks.

"Cus I don't need it."

He chuckles and walks up now standing behind me as we both look at each other in the mirror.

I can feel his body heat radiating onto me.

"What happened tonight, why did you freeze?" He asks while tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"That man, he looked familiar, I don't know, I just panicked," I responded while washing my hands.

"Familiar as in?" He pushes.

He has a cold stare in his eyes, there's no longer that gentle look on his face that seems to cast on him whenever he's intimate.

Clearing my throat, " I um- I thought he looked a lot like my ex alright, now that's clearly not the case because he said some other chick's name."



Is all he says before a brief pause.

"For someone with a mouth like yours that ex must've done a number on you for you to freeze like that."

God this is gonna hurt my ego but it's for the best.

"Look I'm sorry okay, I admit I fucked up and because of me the entire mission could've gone a whole lot smoother had I not been there, I just- I fucking got scared."

He smirks.

Fucker stood there and just smirked at me.

"Apology accepted princess, it's your first mission."

I chuckle,

"If my dominant arm wasn't injured right now i'd punch you so hard for that little pet name,"

God if only he knew.

He laughs that stupidly hot laugh.

I start to walk towards my room and he follows behind me.

I enter my room and start to strip my layers leaving me in a tank top and my underwear.

I see a glass of water and 2 pain killers on my nightstand.

I chug the water down along with the pills and practically throw myself into bed.


Domenico Moretti

I slowly open my eyes and wonder why the fuck I'm waking up at 4:30 in the morning for.

Until I hear it.

Screams and cries heard so closely from my room.

Rushing out of bed and right across the hall into her room the screams get louder.


"Angel wake up,"

"It's just a dream Angelina,"

The screams stop but her body is trembling and she's still sobbing.

"Shh baby breath you're alright, relax."

I get into bed next to her and just hold her.

Rubbing my hand against her back in a soothing manner, as her body slowly stops trembling and her breathing calms down.

Her eyes start to flutter open but she's still in a hazy state, in and out of sleep.

"What time is it?" Her sleepy voice asks.

"Shh don't worry angel go back to sleep,"

Her body is damp from sweat and her body is covered in goosebumps.

I slowly let go of her body and leave the bed.

I hear her groan .

I smirk, not that she can see it but.

I leave her room and grab a t-shirt from mine.

When I enter again she's leaning up against the headboard but still half asleep and her cheeks are still tear stained.

Seeing her vulnerable like this is not something I'm used to nor like.

I take her damp tank top off and start to put my loose shirt on her and she surprisingly lets me.

I make sure to be extra careful with her wounded arm.

God I wish she'd always let me help her like this.

She gets comfortable in her bed again and I sit on her bedside watching her breathing slow down again as she falls back asleep.

I think about what her nightmares are about for them to affect her this bad.

Not like she'd actually tell me though.

It's the second night I've woken up from one but the first time she'd already stopped shouting by the time I'd gotten up.

I stare at her beautiful face and her now peaceful state.

I wonder if the mission triggered her nightmare.

A part of me really believes what she's told me but another is still questioning why my father is so prominent on me digging into her.

It's like he suddenly doesn't trust his long term friend he's been doing business with for a lifetime.

He's now suddenly worried about his daughter?

He trusts the fucking Russians though and god forbid anyone tells him otherwise.

Just doesn't add up.

I move her hair out of her face and leave a kiss on her head.

I'll deal with the consequences of all of this later.

Whether she's lying to me or not.

I close her door, enter my room and go back to sleep.


Hii, Hope you all enjoy this one!

There was a lot more dialogue between characters in this one compared to most of my other chapters.

Sorry for leaving you all on that cliff hanger for a while lol.

Wishing you all a very late merry christmas and a happy new year
(happy holidays in general if you don't celebrate)

Hope your all doing well and if not I hope this chapter being posted cheers some of you up :)

Pls Vote and comment !!

Checkout my TikTok for extra content and updates on when I post chapters


Love, Ari <3

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