Motherhood C.S

By urfavchris_girl

823 45 0

Ellie and Chris' life as a married couple and being parent after a hard addiction in Ellies life. they go thr... More

I DO {1}
Baby? {3}
TALK {19}


41 2 0
By urfavchris_girl

Today was finally the day.

Today was the twins first birthday, Chris was out getting the cake while I was setting up all the tables and  stuff.

Chris came back and put the cake in the fridge for later, "okay I'll go get the twins ready" Chris says running up stairs to go wake them up and get them dressed before everyone gets here.

After I make them pancakes I set them on the table when I hear little footsteps, so I walk over to the stairs and see Chris carrying Noah and Jasmine down the stairs "omg my baby's, there finally one!" I say running over to them "I know soon they'll be 10" Chris says giving Jasmine to me "Chris that will be ages away" I say sitting Jasmine in her chair and Chris does the same to Noah.

After an hour we hear the door open and Nick and Matt walk in "Happy birthday!" Nick yelled running up the stairs and Noah and Jasmine just giggled like crazy and throwing there arms around "happy birthday" Matt says following behind Nick, Nick ran straight to Noah and Matt ran straight to Jasmine and gave them hugs then switched, "and how are you guys?" Nick asked "tired!" Chris replied rubbing his eyes "yeah I can tell, well why don't you guys have a nap we will finish setting up and stuff" Nick says picking up Noah and Jasmine's bowls and bringing them to the sink "yes fucking please" Chris replied "Chris!" I say wacking his shoulder "oops, I meant fudgeing" He replied "that's not a word" I say pulling him up the stairs.

after a few hours, I woke up but couldn't move because Chris had his arm around me, I moved and I guess that woke him up "what's the time?" He groaned and moved closer to me "11:30 the guest are gonna be her in like half an hour" I reply rolling over to face Chris, and kissed his lips and he kissed back, "lets get ready" I say standing up and grabbing out our clothes.

Chris was wearing, some baggy jeans, and his hocky jeresy and his air force 1 and a black cap, and probably be wearing it backwards.

I was going to wear, some jean shorts and a yellow laced crop top that just showed my belly button.

we got dressed and went back down stairs and saw, Matt sitting on the couch Jasmine cuddled into his chest and Nick and Noah on the floor with a bluey kids puzzle, "oo can I help" Chris says Sitting next to Noah putting him in his lap,  I laugh and go sit next to Matt, I try to grab Jasmine but Matt slapped my hand away "No, I think I'm her favourite" I just laugh and watch the tv, they were watching tangled.

After awhile, I hear the doorbell, I get up and open the door and see my best friend and her boyfriend, Tahine and Jordan "omg hey, where are the kids" Tahine says looking inside "uhm Hi to you to" I reply, "Noah is doing a puzzle with Chris and Nick and Jasmine is cuddling Matt on the couch, and be careful, Matt won't let anyone touch her" I say opening the door more for them to come inside, we walk up stairs and everyone says hi to each other, Tahine and jordan go and hug Noah and Then Jasmine I'm surprised Matt let her.

After a few minutes again the door bell rang and this time it was Mary - Lou and Jimmy "Hi" I say hugging them both "where my baby's" She says walking in "which ones" I say with a awkward laugh "the twins" she says  "Oh Noah is doing a puzzle with Nick and Chris and Jasmine and Matt are watching tangled with Jordan and Tahine" I say following them up stairs, "Is it time to sit outside?" Chris asked stand up and saying hi to his mum and dad, "yep" I reply grabbing Noah off the floor, and Matt picks up Jasmine.

Everyone sat outside talk while Chris and Jordan we playing with the kids on the grass, they were all sitting and rolling the ball to each other, but then Noah threw it and it hit Jasmine in the face and she started cry, everyone looks over at them, Chris picks her up and rocks her side to side while bring her over to me and hands her to me, he kisses her on the forehead and walks back over to Noah and Jordan.

"Okay time for lunc- what happened" Nick says coming out the back door then rushing over to Jasmine"Noah hit her in the face with the ball" I reply giving her a Kiss and putting her in her seat. Matt came over and sat next to her and was showing her his funny faces to cheer her up, while I helped Mary- Lou and Nick in the kitchen, we brought the lunch out and set it down on the table, I sat next to Chris and Mary sat next to him and on the other side of me was Jasmine then Matt then Noah and next to Noah was Jordan and then Tahnie and then Nick and Jimmy at the end.

after we eat lunch the kids go and play again with Matt, Chris and Jordan, while Me and Nick bring the cake out, I told Chris to get the kids ready at the table, Nick lit the candles and walked outside and started singing happy birthday, everyone joined and Chris helped blow out the candles but the kids didn't care, Chris cut the cake and gave everyone a slice and, while he did that Matt feed Jasmine and I feed Noah, "is it good Chris?" I say looking at him as he goes for seconds "yep" he replied and got his next slice.

After Cake everyone helped clean up, and Chris and Matt put the twins in bed for there nap and soon everyone left and it was just me and Chris, "Well today was fun" Chris says coming up behind me and grabbing my waist planting a kiss on my shoulder "it was, I just can't believe there one, I was in the hospital this time last year" I say turning to face Chris "yeah and then went into surgery" Chris mumbles leaning into kiss me "lets just forget about that" I say pulling away from the kiss "I can't I almost lost you" He says resting his forehead on mine "but I'm here, and I'm alive and healthy" I say and Kiss him again.



words: 1101

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