Falling for the unloveable

By lively2107

26K 397 47

Iris Moore, she kind but cold, caring but quiet. With an abusive father, two sisters to raise and a group of... More

First day
Game day
Shot of lemonade
Movie night
Dumpster dive
Losing the bet
Ballroom dancing
Fun with Bailey
Goodbyes, first words and eyes of the past
Threats and girlfriends
Night excursion
Family dinner
Family discussions
Truths and fights
'The real me'
Fair fight and a girls night
An errand for a friend
Accepting help
Being selfish
Family BBQ
Dish race/near faintings
Block him
Not so brave anymore
Zoo on a wednesday
Nightly affairs/babysitting
Babysitting/girls like us
Pre party antics
Party time
I love you
Rehash the past/catfight
On the road
Art 2
Run! (x2)
Birthday cake
Halloween treat
Clinging before he leaves
Home at last
Past induced panic
Finding peace
Old habits
Losing the kids too
Dangerous driving
Finding her
How her sister sees it
It all comes out
Healing friendships
Tattoos and visitings parents
Date night
Biggest supporters
Boat party
Missing you
Beach day
Authors note

Tainted image

231 3 0
By lively2107


"There's another article" Ava informs the room as she scrolls over her laptop, in the living room.
"Ava I told you I don't want to know or see any of them" I dismiss her because I've been avoiding anything that's been published about me or my father. "I know but this one is really bad"
"Even more reason not to see it" I mumble loud enough for her to hear. No one else seems to share the same idea as they rush over to peer at the screen that my sister has pulled up. They as in all of my friends and the kids.

"Fucking hell" Aidan mutters and that's when I know it's bad. "druggie"
"Teenage mother"
"Gold digger"
"I don't need to hear any more thanks" I raise from my seat, ignoring all of their stares as I flee the room. "Seriously guys? Why would you do that?" I hear Lu speaking to them all as I briskly escape through the front door.

I know I've been talked about by the media but I've blocked it out, ignored it because I don't know how to deal with it. No one's opinions matter to me except for elias' yet it feels inescapable. Everywhere i look people are giving me disgusted looks and avoiding me like I'm plagued. Photos and videos are constantly emerging that I'm mostly unaware have been or are being taken and no reporter has shown me mercy or decency by not publishing the cruel words and images that violate not only mine but the kids privacy.

I've had to hide or cover Diego's face every time paparazzi have bombarded us when we are doing simple things such as grocery shopping or going to the park. I've managed, barely, to keep his identity confidential and at this point I'm starting to believe it's best if I step back from caring for the three of them. I can't put them through this, it's not right and they don't deserve it. None of the kids do, same for my friends who have not helped their own reputation by standing by me.

Why can't anything be simple? I just want a normal life, no runaway mother, no abusive father, no rapist, no ugly scars, no trust issues, no responsibility other than being a teenager. Is that so much to ask for, really? I pull the sleeves of my hoodie over the ends of my fingers, that curl up to create fists by my sides. My nails pressurise the skin on my palm until it breaks and I draw small spots of blood. All I want is one break. Just one. Why don't I deserve that much?

I pinch my eyes shut, willing the tears that have began to gather in the corners of my eye away. As I do so I hear tyres roll over the road at a slow pace. The purr of a familiar Aston Martin creeps into my ears and I release a choppy breath.
"Wanna get out of here?" Jake. I nod meekly, reaching for the car door that I pull open and slip inside of. I don't bother with a seatbelt as he brings the car's speed back up to the legal limit.

He doesn't force me to talk during the car ride and I'm grateful for it, if it was anyone else I'm sure they would be drilling me with questions but Jake doesn't. He never has. Not even as he puts the car in park and stretches his legs out of the vehicle, before hauling the rest of the body out too. He strides over to my side and swings the door open without giving me a second to make a move myself. "Come on" i peer up at him, noting how he leaves a gap for me to exit the car through.

With careful movements I climb out of the car, hearing him shut and lock it behind me. My arms cross over my chest as I look around at the place he's brought me to. The parking lot is completely empty bar one car that sits outside of the singular, lonely looking warehouse kind of thing.
"Where are we?" Jake stuffs his keys into his pocket, stepping up to my side.

"Somewhere that you can take out your anger" I look up at him or from this view, his side profile.
After a second of me just watching him his eyes collide with mine. "Stop" he grumbles, nudging my shoulder playfully and then setting off toward the only entry point. I snap out of my thoughts and jog to catch up to him. We walk side by side quietly until we reach the door and he holds it open for me. I duck under his arm and walk into the small room that is made up of a sofa, vending machine and front desk.

A kid, no older than twenty two sits on a chair, typing away on his phone. Jake approaches him and I follow absentmindedly while my eyes scan the room in further detail. The red and black colour theme makes sense I suppose, if this is a place to release pent up anger. "A session each" Jake tells the guy who starts pressing away at the keys on his computer. "Cash or card?"
"Cash" he presses five or more keys as Jake reaches into his back pocket and fishes out his wallet. "You don't have to pay for me-"

"Shush" he shuts me down without even looking at me and I huff, rolling my eyes. They do an exchange of cash for a pair of keys that peek my interest. Jake turns away from the desk and starts walking away, I frown for a second but soon fasten my pace to reach him. He leads me down a hallway, passing three rooms before stopping at a wooden, battered looking door. He jiggles the keys in the lock until it swings open to reveal a darkened room.

It's practically empty besides large targets decorating the wall opposite me. There's a box kind of thing that's stocked with safety headphones, bullets and a gun. The last time I picked up one of those I was aiming at a target, a target that I missed and I'm standing here now because of it. That thought should probably will me away, make me run out of that door and back outside where I don't feels so trapped and suffocated but it doesn't. Rather it makes me move forward.

My hand reaches for the weapon instinctively. The cold metal counters the warmth of my palm as my fingers wrap stiffly around the handle.
"Do you know how to use it?" My breath halts, every memory of that dreaded night blinding my senses. The clock. The lampshade. The woods.
"Iris?" I screw my eyes shut, imagining Elias' face, his big smile and the way his eyes crinkle in the corners. How he would stand next to me proudly if he was here right now. I wish he was but he's had to go to numerous meetings at his dads company over the past couple of weeks. That's where he is right now.

"Yeah I know how to do it" I breathe out, opening my eyes once more now that I've calmed down to a level that allows me to function. My focus falls entirely on the target around 40 feet away from me. I hold the gun up, fixing my posture and rolling my shoulders back. Adams face stares back at me, those chilling blue eyes replacing the dots on the board. For a bated breath I face him and I know that nothing may ever be as painful as what he did to me so if I can face that, If I can face him and everything he's done, then I can face anything.

Firing two quick bullets, I hit the board with perfect aim and execution. Bulls-fucking-eye. I hear Jake mumbling something on the lines of 'crazy woman' and a few curse words as I line myself up to shoot the next round. My friend appears at my side when I'm reloading and fits the headphones over my head. He pats my hair and I smile before he retreats and I return to nailing every one of my shots.

When I've finished I have no idea how much times is passed but I know that shooting a gun at the imaginary faces of the people who have wronged me definitely feels good. Great even.
"Here" a bottle of water is thrusted into my hand while I pull the headphones off and place the gun down. "Thanks" I take a mouthful,
"Jones has been calling" Jake holds up his phone that has the evidence of Elias' pestering. Quickly swallowing the water, I wipe at my mouth before speaking. "Can you call him back?"

He nods, typing away before the buzz of the call fills the room. It only rings for a moment.
"Jake? Is Iris there?" He hands me the phone and I lift it to my ear. "Hey newbie"
"Moore? baby are you ok? What happened?" I smile, his voice washing away all of my stresses in an instant. "I'm okay" I move away from the gun and remaining bullets, over to the wall that I lean against. My back faces Jake and the door as he keeps himself busy rearranging the equipment I used.

"I know, you always are. Now tell me what has happened that would make any one else upset" he knows me far too well. "It's just-" I sigh, mad at myself for getting worked up over such a stupid thing. I shouldn't care yet I can't help but do exactly that. "The articles, there's so many and I know I shouldn't care but I can't help it" I bite my nail. "Why shouldn't you care? Every one else in the world would. But you must know Moore that it really is all a bunch of bullshit. They don't know you, they don't know your family and they certainly don't know the full story because they don't deserve to. You're worth much more than some stupid article"

He's right, of course he's right. Elias always knows exactly what to say to assure me.
"You're right"
"I did tell you, you would have to get used to it" I can hear the smirk in his voice.
"I'm still not used to you being a smug ass all the time, never mind you being right. Though I still don't think you're right nearly enough for me to have to get used to it" a smirk transfers onto my face. Seconds, it only takes him seconds to make me feel good again.

"See, you've still got your fire in you. And no one can take that away, especially not strangers who are preying on a teenage girl to line their pockets"
He's correct again, they are the assholes, not me. Although I think Elias would find a way to assure me that I'm not the problem in any situation even one when I quite literally am the only problem.
"I love you, you know that right newbie?"
"Oh yeah I know it baby, I'm far too irresistible for you not to love me. I mean who doesn't?" I half scoff, half laugh.

"Lu" i deadpan. "Babe you have got to stop using him as an example, that boy does not count. He hates everything that breathes besides his siblings and you" a roll of my eyes is accompanied with a soft chuckle. "Okay fine," I drop the subject. "Where are you?"
"Close by" I straighten to my full height.
"How close?"
"Enough to see that I need to buy some more of those leggings because they make your ass look really good" I spin around, my eyes searching until they find Elias in the doorway.

He's dressed in a nice suit, only missing a tie and jacket that's slung over one of his shoulders. My hand falls, ending the call, but my face lights up and my smile grows. "Newbie" I whisper.
"Hey" he smiles, stepping forward and I take off in a few long strides that bring me close enough to jump into his arms. He catches me with ease and hoists me up from under my thighs that cling to his hips. My hands clutch his neck as I rest my head in the crook of his neck.

"I've got you" he whispers into my hair with a softness that warms my body and makes my lungs squeeze. "I promise all of those articles will be gone by the morning" that's an impossible feat but for some reason I let myself indulge in the belief because it's Elias who has made it, and he's never let me down. Not yet anyway.
"thanks for taking care of her, man" he speaks to Jake who for a moment I forgot was here. Lifting my head up, I direct my gaze toward my friend.

"Thank you, this was fun and made me feel much better" I grin gently and he nods in return.
"Anytime" we share a moment of eye contact that speaks all that remains unsaid.
"Ready to head home?" Elias brings both of our attention back to him. "Yeah" I nod and he grins up at me. "Good" Elias makes the decision to carry me all the way out to the car despite me arguing against it. In fairness I didn't put up much a fight because I really wanted to stay in his arms where it is safe, where no one can get to me.


"Oh my god you'll never believe it!" Mal rushes over to me and Elias who was just telling me about even more meetings he must attend this weekend. "Believe what?" I ask and she smirks, turning her phone to face us both.
"Man shoots his own toe off" I read aloud the article she has displayed and then look up and down between her face and the screen.
"Why are you showing me a story about a clearly idiotic man?" My brows furrow with question.

"Because it's the top story" she smiles like that's the most amazing thing to happen since Prada made a pair of heels. "And this one" woman marries ghost lover. I read silently, only growing more and more concerned as she shows me various articles from different media outlets.
"Mal what is this about?" I sigh and she rolls her eyes. "Think about it grumpy, these are all the top stories" she stares, awaiting my realisation that I'm yet to have made—wait. These are the top stories? "But I thought I was..."
"You were the top story but not anymore, you're not anything, anywhere. It's a miracle!"

Holy shit. This can't be real. I grab her phone and scroll through to see she's only speaking the truth, I really am completely wiped off of the reports. "How is this even possible?" I ask rhetorically but Mal answers anyway.
"I don't know but I'm just thankful it's happened"
"Yeah me too" i mutter.
"Well I've got to go but I'll see you guys after school at mickeys" she waves goodbye while I can only manage a nod.

Nothing makes sense, there's no way it can all just disappear like that. My mind runs wild trying to find an explanation for the new revelation but only when I remember the boy who has been far too quiet do I stop. My eyes flash to his that are already watching me, I raise an eyebrow, narrowing my eyes over his face.
"You promised they would be gone. Now they are..." i muse aloud. "What did you do?" He shrugs not even bothering to deny my accusation.

"Made a few phone calls, nothing special" oh god it was obviously something much more difficult that that. "Thank you for the half truth, now tell me the rest of it" I demand and he raises his hands, faking offence.
"Have you lost faith in me?"
"No but I know that one phone call did not make all of those companies completely erase their main story" i cross my arms, popping my hip out to portray my seriousness.

"Fine we all had a nice long chat that made them see sense" he draws me in by two palms clamping onto my hips. "And what kind of sense would that be exactly?"
"Just that my family have many connections and plenty of money to spend, so publishing false and shitty things about my girlfriend is a decision they should really reconsider making" I rest my hands on his chest. "Sounds like you threatened them newbie" a smirk curves his lips.

"I call it persuasion" i hum, "is that right?"
"Yep, my method of persuasion just happens to include very real and very concerning repercussions for them if they chose to be stubborn and continue to report on you" his protective ways shouldn't send hot waves of delight down to my core but they do. It's nice knowing someone always has your back.
"Thank you, but please don't damage yours and your families reputation for me" I curl my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck, leaning into his touch.

"Reputation means nothing if you have no one to build a better one with. And you Moore, are who I intend to do just that with"  I shake my head, my heart pounding against the bones that confine it. "I want that more than anything" his lips lift as he tucks a loose strand behind my ear.
"But please don't ruin what your grandfather and father have built for many years. I can handle whatever is thrown at me, as long as I have you and if you do something incriminating against your families business in my name, I won't be able to live with the guilt"

"I know, but I can't promise to stand by and watch someone hurt you. I can't do it Moore," he refuses like even just the thought of it causes him physical pain. "I'll be careful but you'll always be my number one priority. Over any one or business" I don't have any words to say so I wrap my arms around him and hug him close. He pulls me tight against him until every inch of me is against him. There's no space between us and I bask in the comfort of his embrace.

The bell breaks us apart and he walks me to my class before reluctantly departing to his own. Thankfully, the lesson goes by quick enough and I find myself leaving in the blink of an eye. I'm glad to be leaving with minimal human contact until on my way out a younger girl crashes into me and her books fall to the ground.
"I'm so so sorry!" She squeals, falling to the ground to hurriedly grab her stuff.
"It's okay" I say, reaching down to help her. I pick up a geography book and pass it over to her once she's got the other two in a neat pile.

We rise to our feet again and I brush off my clothes. "Again I'm really sorry"
"Really it's fine.." my voice trails off as a loud, obnoxious voice speaks over me though not to me. "I sent in a photo of her and they only offered me twenty dollars. Next time I'll have to get one of her in the changing rooms after PE" a boy snickers along with his friend as I grit my teeth together. "I bet you would get at least two hundred for a sexy photo of Iris Moore"

"One of the boys in our year would pay that, a real buyer online would easily send five hundred" disgust washes over me. What kind of sick fuck even thinks of shit like that? The girl who bumped into me just stares with her mouth wide open, clearly having heard the same as I. Seems like their parents skipped teaching them manners and just plain human decency. Bastards.

Spinning on my heel, i steel my back and let my icy mask fall over my face to shroud the offence and utter revolt I feel toward them and their words. It takes a second for either of them to clock my presence but when one does I watch the colour drain from his face. "Oh shit" he curses, eyes wide. "What?" The friend asks, still oblivious to my presence. One boy points at me and the other turns, I fix my glare on him and I'm sure he's about to piss himself. How embarrassing.

"Look we didn't mean anything that we said I swear we just-"
"Shut the fuck up" I cut him off and his mouth slams closed in an instant. "You two are the exact reason people have decided to stop having kids. You're attitude is vile and if I ever, and I mean ever catch you taking a photo of me or anyone else without their permission again, I will make sure you make it nowhere in life. You'll be blacklisted from every college in the country, hell you won't even be able to finish high school because I will personally make you're life a living hell. Now I want to watch you delete that photo you have of me" i cross my arms, tapping my foot impatiently for him to do as asked.

"We are sorry-" I hold my hand up in the small, ugly looking, ginger kids face.
"Speak when you're spoken to rumpelstiltskin" He frowns at the nickname but does no more as his friend scrolls through his photos. Soon enough he lands on a photo of me in the gym, I'm bent down to pick up a ball which meant my ass hung in the air for a second too long that allowed him to capture it. Or he was waiting for that exact moment. Before this encounter I would of thought that idea was ludicrous but I would of said the same about someone trying to sell photos of me to the press. Which apparently is happening now.

"See there I've deleted it" my shoulders rest, less tense than before but then he opens his big mouth again. "Please don't tell anyone"
"Especially not Jones" they plead and anger fumes in my blood once more. "He'll be the least of your problems if you pull this shit again" I set my coldest glare on them and they gulp.
"Oh and one last thing" I swing my arm forward and land a bone cracking punch to the blonde who had taken my picture and suggested getting another of me in the changing rooms.

"That's for being an asshole" he groans, clutching his now bloody nose in his palm. With that I spin on my heel and stalk out of the school. Some people give me stunned looks but all move out of way. Probably because of the bloody fist hanging by my side. "Hey—what happened to your fist?" Kim's smile drops as she grabs my hand and inspects it. "It's not my blood" I confess with a sigh that makes her frown deepen.

"Whose is it?" Two more voices ask simultaneously—Mal and Aidan.
"honestly, I don't know" I didn't recognise the boy or his friend that I punched, which isn't surprising considering I rarely know any one outside of my friends at school.
"Is whoever you punched going to want revenge?" I shake my head at Aidan who posed the question and he nods back at me.
"Then everything is good, I'm sure whoever you hit deserved it"
"Yes, he did" I confirm his blind faith and Aidans lips settle in a grin.

"They always do" i roll my eyes at the 'they' but appreciate that he doesn't question my actions.
"So what did he do to deserve it?" Mal cocks a perfectly shaped eyebrow. "Tried to sell a photo of me to a reporter" her face grows cloudy like a rainstorm. "And I overheard him and his friend agreeing that next time they should capture one of me in the changing rooms"

"Those sick pervs" Mal spits with much vexation.
"Who was it?" Kim demands with a mad face that makes her look cute rather than scary.
"No idea, some random guys but it's fine now so let's go" not even Aidan looks content with my easy brushing off of the subject but with sour faces they climb into Mal's car. Elias agreed earlier to drop the kids off home and then meet us all at mickeys so I'm riding with them.

"It is not fine" Aidan shakes his head.
"No it's not, and the rest of the guys will agree. Just you wait" Mal agrees with a knowing tone that suggests what I already fear.
"They won't agree to anything if no one tells them" three glares are shot my way.
"Don't look at me like that, there's no point in telling them when I've already dealt with it. Besides they would only overreact" Aidan starts the car up while Mal suppresses her look to apply some lip gloss and Kim just stares at me or my hand more like.

"Elias would overreact, Jake too probably but theres hope for Malcolm" Mal offers her words of wisdom that only make me shake my head.
"Have you seen you brother throw a hissy fit? He would try and hunt down the guys, throw a punch and hit thin air, completely missing" I chuckle quietly at Aidans words, that's exactly what he would do.
"If you're not going to tell them how will you explain your bruising knuckles that are splattered with blood?" Kim returns the focus to my hand with her worry evident.

"I'll clean up before sitting down and pull my sleeve over my hand, they won't notice"
"I hate how good you are at hiding your pain" I smile at Kim, reaching for her hand that I squeeze. "I didn't hide it from you" she nods at my small smile. "No instead you're trying to hide it from the one person who will without a doubt notice. Although I must tell you that we all would've noticed, you can't hide any more. Not now when we know that we should be looking" Mal catches my gaze through the front mirror and uses her blue eyes to cement her words.

"Then it's a good job I'm not hiding anything any more. This is just superficial"
"Superficial or not we all want to know if you're hurt" my head bobs forward.
"I know and I will tell you, I promise" Mal purses her lips but I can see her muscles loosen. A few, short seconds later Aidan parks up and we all climb out. Kim links me up and Mal attaches onto her other side before I head off to the bathroom. They find us a table.

By the time I've cleaned my hand and headed back out, everyone else is already there. Jake, Malcolm, Lucy and Elias have all arrived and taken their seats. I smile at them all, lingering on Elias as he takes me in and gives me a broad grin. I'm slipping into my seat when he suddenly grabs my hand and pulls it up to his face. "What happened?" Oh for fucks sake.

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