From Rivals to Romance: Y/N a...

By HorrorMovie_Addict

6.7K 83 45

Y/n and her family finally arrive back to 2019 only to find out they've been replaced by the sparrows except... More

Meet the Family
World's Biggest Ball of Twine
Pocket Full of Lightning
Kindest Cut
Auf Wiedersehen
Wedding at the End of the World

Seven Bells

509 4 2
By HorrorMovie_Addict

You wake up in the bed under the covers, you reach for Five but don't feel anything, you look around the room and he isn't there. You just get up and get ready, you shower and do your hygiene and get dressed.

You can wear whatever you want

You go look around for him and see him sleeping on top of the kitchen counter.

"Five. Five, wake up." you say and shake him and he groans

"Why?" he asks and looks around "What did I get up to last night? What was the old man up to?"

"Five? What are you talking about?"

"Last night, I saw Dad making a deal with someone but I don't know what it was about or who it was with."

"Oh, well do you remember other stuff?"

"I remember my speech, drinking, and I remember our special night together." he smiles, he stands up and puts his hands on your waist and kisses you

"Five. Five, I love you, but you reek of alcohol, go take a shower."


After Five takes a shower, he takes another bottle of alcohol with him and he brings you both to sit on the edge of what's left of the world, you lean your head on his shoulder while you both watch the beauty of the universe collapsing, it definitely is a bad thing, but it looks beautiful, then Reggie walks up to you both

"Reginald." five says

"I take it you know why I'm here." reginald says

"How 'bout I save you some time? Give you the "no" upfront. I'm not the least bit interested in this bullshit plan you've been cooking."

"It's not, as you so colorfully call it, bullshit. Mind if I join you two?"

"We'd rather you didn't..." you say

"Actually, appreciate some...solitude, just us two." five says but reggie sits next to him anyways

"Mm-hmm." reggie says

"It seems we won't get any." five hands reggie his bottle of alcohol and reggie takes a drink

"Dear God!"

"Mm-hmm. Louis XIII, it ain't."

"I want to try it." you take a sip and swallow it but you start coughing "How do you drink this stuff? Gross!" you say

"I've had worse." reginald says "It is impressive, isn't it?"

"All the ways we could have screwed the pooch, this way is the most complete. I'm relieved, actually. This time, everything goes. There's no Commission, no leaping away. No life spent going mad with the desperation to see a familiar face." five says and you lean your head back on his shoulder and he plays with your hair

"I've seen worlds end in ways that would knock your socks off, old man."

"Wow! Reginald Hargreeves, you never cease to surprise me."

"That is some comfort. You know, they all run together after a while. But you never forget your first. Your home. Your original sin. Your first love." you and five look at eachother "You never stop wondering, "Did I do enough to save the people I loved."."

"Did you?"

"No, but I was hoping you children could help me out with that."

"And there it is. Sorry, Reg. I got a message from the future."

"What future?"

"My future self told me very explicitly not to save this world." reggie laughs when five says that

"You are an arrogant son of a bitch, aren't you? "Future you." "Present you." The past is as much a mystery as the future. You ruined your life once before by not listening to me. Are you prepared to do that again?"

"Fine, I'll attend your stupid meeting."


"If you tell me what happened with you in the Buffalo suite last night. Who were you talking to? Was it Klaus? Was it Ben?"

"No one, I was alone. Though I doubt you were in any condition to remember. We should go. Don't want to be late for the meeting. I would move if I were you."

"What, are you threatening me?" five asks then the ground rumbles and he quickly stands up with you and where he was sitting falls down "Shit."

"What the--" you say

"Shall we?" reggie asks then you all walk into the hotel and the others starts cheering immediately

"Woo! Five! Yeah!" klaus says and diego whistles

"Here he is!" luther says

"That speech last night! Wow!" diego says


"Brought me to tears, you big softy." lila says and claps

"I especially liked when you referred to us as a family bound by destiny and love." viktor says

"Yes. That was great." luther says and lila jumps down from the couch and reaches her hands out for Five to hug her but he walks right past her

"Enough. It was the booze talking. In the light of day, you're all still deplorable, except you, Y/n." he says sitting down in his chair and you lay on his lap with your head on his chest

"Thanks, Five." you kiss his cheek

"And your day's about to get worse." Reginald says "The Norse had seven sleepers. The Blackfoot, seven stars. As a boy, I heard the legend of the seven bells. All these stories are the same. The village is under threat by flood, by fire, by a night that never ends. A shaman brings his disciples to a sacred cave. He tells them if they can ring the seven magic bells, the village will be saved, and all will be restored just as it was."

"Reggie?" lila asks and puts her hand up "Can we get a little less Brothers Grimm and a little more "What the hell does this have to do with us?"."

"There is a truth to these myths. None of you can deny what's going on around us. All of existence will be gone by the end of the day, but whoever or whatever wove together space and time, they left a way to put things back together if the universe ever faced total annihilation. There is a portal in the universe. I built this hotel around it, and on the other side is the answer."

"And... we're supposed to, what? Just stroll in there, ring some bells, and fix this shit?" luther asks

"Sarcasm aside, you are mostly right. Except for the guardian."

"What kind of guardian?" viktor asks

"Kinda guardian that does this." Diego says lifting up his hand with missing fingers "He had a sword."

"It is a force to be reckoned with." reggie says

"See? Yeah. This is where you lose me." luther says

"This is where he loses you? I checked out at the sacred cave." lila says

"Why would the builders of this "back door" need to have a guardian?" viktor asks

"Ah! To protect it from people who want to use it for nefarious means." sloane says

"That is correct, Sloane." reggie says

"So, I guess it's gonna take all of us to defeat the thing protecting the bells." allison says

"You're actually buying his crap?" five asks

"How is a guardian and bells any crazier than time-traveling briefcases and assassins with cartoon masks?"

"Actually, she's got you there." luther says

"I'm in." ben says

"Me too." diego says and stands up

"Ow." lila says as she falls down since she was leaning on him

"But I think some of us should stay back. Like Lila."

"Uh... or you can stay, and I can go?"

"No. This is much bigger than all of us. Nobody can stay back." allison says

"You, my children, are all that stands between us and oblivion. Are we ready to go?" reggie asks

"Well, I say we vote." viktor says

"This isn't a democracy." Ben says "Dad's calling the shots."

"I'm with Viktor. We vote." five says

"The world is ending and you want to count hands?" reggie asks

"You're asking us to risk our lives. I think it's only fair if you give us time to discuss it." Luther says "Privately. Why don't we meet back here in an hour?"

"Agreed." five says

"Yeah, sure." diego says

"Whatever." lila says


"Hey." five says walking into the room with you that Luther is in

"Hey, how long do we have left?" luther asks

"A couple hours. Could be more, could be less. Where's Sloane?"

"Raiding the wine cellar for our end of the world party."

"Wow, you two really are meant for eachother." you say

"So, I guess you guys know which way you're voting." five says

"You guys are more than welcome to join us." luther says

"I'm still on the fence on that one. I saw something last night that I was not supposed to see."

"Diego and Lila. Yeah, they do it on the stairs sometimes."

"Gross." you mutter

"No, I saw Dad. He was in his room with someone. He was making some kind of deal. Before you ask, I don't know what the deal was or who it was with. Everything is a blur." five says

"Wasn't me or Sloane." Luther says "We were, uh, busy doing other things last night."

"Yeah, I get it, Luther. Thank you. Everyone was boning everyone last night."

"Wait, Ben hooked up with someone? Wait, did you and Y/n bone last night?"

"Geez, Luther. You don't just ask someone that!" you say

"Focus, please. That story about the bells? There's something Dad's not telling us. Think about it. When has the old man ever been straight with us?" five asks

"I don't know. He was ruthless in our performance reviews." luther says

"He always gave me five stars."

"Yeah, me too, that's one reason why me and Five were rivals as kids, we wanted to see who'd be the first to get lower than five, neither of us ever did." you say

"Really?" luther asks

"Look, I'm old enough to trust my instinct, and it's telling me this is a trap. Food for thought." five says, he grabs your hand and walks out of the room

"Hey, Five, since you were gone all those years and didn't get anymore performance reviews, does that mean I win?" you ask

"Y/n, seriously?"

"I'll be honest, my reviews went down after you went missing because I was distracted, but that doesn't count."

"Okay, well, we're not rivals anymore, we're not competing."

"I know, I just sometimes miss competing, it was fun." five kisses your head as you say that


"I think you can all guess which way I'll be voting. We've all been through a lot. We've all lost people." Allison looks at Five "Mannequins...But their deaths have to mean something. Which is why I'll be voting to go with Dad."

"What she said." lila says "Let's go save the bloody universe!"

"All right, well, since she said yes, I vote stay." Diego says and lila scoffs "How's that for nice?"

"You're not being serious."

"It's his vote, Lila." Allison says "Klaus?" allison asks

"I am with Father." klaus says

"Okay, that's four to one. Viktor?"

"Look, I wanna believe, okay? I really do. I just can't shake the feeling that we don't know what we're getting ourselves into." viktor says

"No,but we know what we've got if we don't. We have to go into this together. Viktor. A family."

"You can't just keep throwing the word "family" around. It isn't enough. I vote stay."


"Um... Sloane and I talked, and, well, we're out. Look, we wanna spend whatever time we got left together, and not fighting some guy with a sword and ringing bells and stuff. So..." luther says

"Well, dead even, four in, four out." viktor says

"That leaves you two, Number Five, and Y/n." reginald says

"I saw the future, and it told me to sit this one out. I vote stay. It's time we accept our fate." five says

"Y/n?" allison asks sounding hopeful

"Look, we just spent the last month saving the world, and the universe is meant to end, it has to. It's time has come and we've just been delaying it. I want to be with Five when our time comes and if we go through that portal, I might not be with him if it all ends. I vote stay."

"You're all pathetic." allison walks away

"Why can't we just go in there, just the four of us?" ben asks

"That would mean certain failure. There must be seven. Children, I can't say I'm happy with this. But I see now the blame falls on me. I failed you when you were young, and I have failed you now. And in doing so, I have doomed the entire universe. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the courtyard... awaiting the end."

"Idiots." be mutters and walks away

"Was that a real apology?" viktor asks

"Probably not." you say

"The man's never apologized for anything in his entire life." luther says

"I actually feel bad for him." diego says

"Don't worry, it'll pass." five says

"So now what?" sloane asks

"We wait for the end. See you around. It's been interesting." five grabs your hand and walks upstairs


"What are you doing?" viktor asks as he sees Five walking down the halls with you with a bowl of cereal

"Eating cereal. Retracing my steps."

"Yeah, except this time it doesn't have alcohol instead of milk." you mutter and chuckle

"Why?" viktor asks

"The old man is hiding something." five says

"Yeah, feels like there's a lot of that going around."

"How do you mean?"

"Allison apologized to me."

"Okay, and that's suspicious, how?"

"Last night, she was ready to go ten rounds with me at the wedding, and this morning it's all family and Dad and love. I don't know. Something must have happened last night, but I don't know what." then five drops his cereal and you jump

"Five! There's cereal crumbs in my shoes!" you say and take off a shoe and pour the cereal out

"Five! Five! What?" viktor asks

"It's Allison." five says

"What is?" then you all hear a scream from another room, it sounded like sloane, you all ran to it, when you run in, you see sloane sobbing and Luther, dead, on the floor bleeding from his stomach

"Oh my God." you mutter

"Oh my God, Luther." viktor says

"What happened?" five asks

"He went to go get ice. i couldn't-- He didn't come back. I... I don't know." sloane says and sobs more

"It must have been him. The guardian." lila says

"She's right. Whatever did this had a long curved blade." diego says

"How... How can you be sure?" viktor asks

"I don't know much, but I know knives." then reggie runs in the room

"Children, what's going on?" he gasps "Oh God! Luther."

"If we attacked first, he would still be alive." Ben mutters then the hotel starts falling apart "G-Guys? Hey guys!"

"What are we gonna do with Luther?" sloane asks

"Okay, we're on time! The Kugelblitz is here." five says

"Into the passage! It's the only way!" reginald says and opens the passage's door

"You agreed to stay!" viktor says to Diego

"They killed Luther, all right?" diego says and runs in the passage door

"Come on, children, hurry!" reginald says as the other walk in the door

"We can't leave him." sloane says

"We go now, or we're gonna die." Allison says "We have to go, come on." allison helps sloane up

"Children! Hurry, please!" now only klaus, reggie, you, and five are left

"Come on! What are you waiting for?" klaus asks

"This isn't over." five says, he grabs your hand and goes in the portal


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