Teen Wolf {Book: One - Fan Fi...

By Heyo1122

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A Teen Wolf Series Re-Write ✧。⁠◕◕⁠。✧ Preview of Introduction - Arden McCall was adopted by Melissa and "Agent... More

.·:*¨¨* Introduction *¨¨*:·.
Chapter 2

Chapter 1

33 2 2
By Heyo1122

Wolf Moon - S1 EP1

Edited: No

POV: Narrator

It was a hazy night in Beacon Hills, as County Sheriff's Department vehicles arrived at the entrance of the wood. Several Deputies, including the Sheriff, exit the vehicles with their flashlights in hand, a few also leading K9s. They start to amble into the wood, frantically looking around at their surroundings in search for something.

POV: Arden McCall

I sit on my brothers bed, doing the rest of my summer homework, as Scott re-threads his lacrosse stick ready for tomorrow. "You really think your going to be playing this year?" I question teasingly as I look up at him "Yes, Arden, I swear I've gotten better!" He says confidently, "If you say so." I go back to doing my work, as he stands up and does a few pull ups on his pull-up bar, which sits on top of the door to his en-suite. After he walks over to the sink and brushes his teeth, until suddenly we both hear a clattering outside. "What was that?" I mouth at Scott as he turns to look at me then shrugs being equally confused. 

We both headed down the stairs, Scott pulling a jacket on and grabbing a random bat as we go outside to investigate the sound. Cautiously, we stalked around the corner of the house, as Scott held the bat defensively, we look around, not seeing much, letting our guards down a little, until Stiles, Scott and I's best friend, hangs upside down from the roof of the porch scaring the life out of us. All of us scream at each other, Scott lifts the bat and almost swings it before realising who it is. "Omg Stiles!" I shout at him annoying and shocked, "Stiles, what the hell are you doing?!" He shouts, questioning him "Neither of you were answering your phone! Why do you have a bat?" He questions "Why do you think dummy?" I reply "We thought you were a predator!" Scott answers fully "A pre... wha? Look, I know it's late, but you two gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago. Dispatch called, they're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even state police." Stiles explains "What? why?" I question "2 joggers found a body in the woods." Stiles says too enthusiastically for my liking, before dropping not so elegantly onto the ground. I cringe as I look down at him, "What, a dead body?" Scott questioned, as Stiles stands up to look at us "No, a body of water" He replies sarcastically, as I roll my eyes at the two boys "Yes, dumbass, a dead body!" He says while climbing over the railing to join us on the porch "You mean, like, murdered..?" Scott questioned nervously "Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties." "Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?" "That's the best part! They only found half" Stiles says smiling like a psycho "Yeah, you and I have different definitions of 'the best part', like very different" I say a bit concerned "We're going." Stiles says ignoring what I had said and leaving no room for us to argue with him.

--Time Skip--

Stiles parks his car at the sign that clearly states 'NO ENTRY AFTER DARK', although I'm guessing that wasn't going to stop us. We all jump out of the teal blue Jeep, with Stiles holding a single flashlight, before we start our journey into the dark wood. "We're seriously doing this?" Scott questioned "Looks like it" I respond "You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles says looking towards Scott "I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow" Scott says defensively "Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort." Stiles teases "No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line." Scott replies as Stiles looks at him in disbelief "Sure, keep dreaming buddy" I say patting him on the shoulder "Hey, I mean that's the spirt! Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one." Stiles says laughing a little at the end, I snort at Stiles' words. We walk in silence for a minute before Scott speaks up again "Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" "Huh! I didn't even think about that." Stiles replies "Great, and what if whoever killed the body is still out here?" I ask "Also something I didn't think of." Stiles replied quickly before we started to ascend up a steep hill "Wonderful" I say before Scott replies with "It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail." "I know" Stiles says a little out of breath. Scott's asthma then starts to kick in while he leans against a nearby tree and says "Maybe the serve asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?" before pulling his inhaler out and using it, while Stiles continues up the hill as I stop and look at him while asking "You good?" a little concerned for my brother "Yeah, I'm good." He replies out of breath before we both continuing up the hill trying to catch up to Stiles. As we get to the top we see a handful of people, probably Deputies, waving flashlights around searching for the body, as soon as we spot them Stiles dives to the ground, Scott and I do the same a few seconds later. All laying next to each other, Stiles turns our flashlight off so we don't get spotted, then not even a minute later Stiles get up running straight for them "Come on!" He whispers before leaving us behind "Stiles!" I whisper-shout at him, Scott quickly takes another puff of his inhaler then gets up dragging me with him "Wait up! Stiles!" He says as we chase after him "Stiles!" I almost shout at him, and he finally stops and turns around but keeps walking backwards, then ends up bumping into a K9 and falling over turning to face the Deputy as me and Scott quickly hide behind a tree so we don't get caught as well. "Hold it right there!" The Deputy shouts at Stiles, I then hear a very familiar voice say "Hang on, hang on..." the voice sighs "This little delinquent belongs to me" the voice continued which confirmed my thoughts on who it was "Dad, how are you doing?" Stiles says trying to play it cool "So, do you, uh, listen in to all of my phone calls?" Sheriff Stilinski, or Stiles dad, asks "No.." Stiles laughs sheepishly "...Not the boring ones." I only just hear Stilinski sigh, probably being fed up with Stiles "Now, where are your usual partners in crime?" "Who, Scott and Arden? Their home. Scott said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for the first day back at school tomorrow, and Arden, she was busy with leftover homework." Stiles says covering for us "Its just me... In the woods... Alone..." Stiles continued, sounding very unconvincing "Scott, Arden, you out there? Arden? Scott?" Stilinski shouts, shining his flashlight around as me and Scott continue hiding, not wanted to be found then told off.  After a few minutes of looking, Stilinski believes his son, "Well, young man, I'm gonna walk you back to your car... And then you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called 'invasion of privacy'." He says as he walks away with Stiles, leaving me and Scott in the woods, alone, with no flashlight.

We start walking through the woods, trying to find our way back. A few minutes into walking it starts to lightly rain, so Scott pulls his hood up as I curse myself for picking up a jacket with no hood. We continue walking, hearing all kinds of different noises coming from various different animals, but then we realise it had fallen completely silent so we both came to a stop as I looked at Scott he was about to use his inhaler until, suddenly a herd of deer came charging towards us knocking us to the ground, i try and avoid the terrified deer that were galloping all around us. Once the deer had cleared out, I sat up and looked over at Scott "Are you alright?" I ask, "Yeah, I'm fine, you?" he replied "yeah, I'm alright" "Great" Scott said under his breath "I lost my inhaler" he says standing up and looking around for it "Awesome" I say sarcastically then sigh, also getting up and starting to help look. Scott turns his phone on to use as a light source, we look all over until we come across a dead body, no, THE dead body, oh. my. god. I stare shocked for a second, only a second though, because when Scott noticed her he screamed and fell backwards into me causing us to fall all the way to the bottom of the hill, that we had climbed earlier, I groaned as we landed. Scott crawls over to a fallen tree to lift himself up, he then turns to me and helps me stand "Thanks" I say and dust myself off. We then jump over the fallen tree and stalk walking back until we hear a low growling noise, we slowly turn around to see where the noise came from, only to find a large, beastly wolf with glowing red eyes standing a few feet away from us, both of our eyes widen with shock, and then the wolf growls and starts running towards us, Scott quickly pushes me out of the way as the wolf jumps onto Scott biting him, then looks over to me and stares for a second before running off. Scott gets up almost instantly and shouts at me to hurry, before I get up and we run away together, both of us shocked and scared. Scott is somehow ahead of me, probably adrenaline, and accidentally runs in front of a car, which thankfully swerves around him, once the car has gone I run over to him "Are you ok? Did the creature bite you?" I say panic lasing my voice, Scott slowly lifts up his shirt to show the damage "Oh god..." I say as I look at the bite and the blood covering his right  side, then as we stand in the middle of the road in the rain we hear the wolf howling. 

--Time Skip--

Its the next day and I arrive at school a little earlier than Scott, seeming as I got a lift from Stiles this morning, where as Scott wasn't up in time, so he just missed Stiles. 

Stiles and I wait outside of the school for Scott just making random small talk. After a good few minuets we see Scott walking over, "Okay, lets see this thing" Stiles says to Scott, referring to the injury he gained last night, Scott lifts up his shirt to reveal a gauze and tape covering the wound, you could see specks of blood seeping through. "Ohh!" Stiles exclaims "Yeah..." Scott mumbles before Stiles tries to touch the gauze, which causes Scott to flinch a little in pain "Whoa!" Stiles says. "It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf." Scott explained as the three of them walk towards the school, Stiles first looks at me, then over to Scott in disbelief "A wolf bit you?" Stiles asks, "Uh-huh." Scott agrees "No, not a chance." Stiles argues "We heard a wolf howling." Scott says referring to the both of us "No you didn't." Stiles continues to argue "What do you mean 'No, we didn't'? How do you know what we heard? Arden can even confirm!" Scott argues back, they then both turn to me "Yeah, no. I'm not getting involved" I said, too lazy to argue so early "You didn't hear a wolf, because California doesn't have wolves, okay? Not in, like, 60 years." Stiles says turning back to Scott as I trail behind them, listening in. "Really?" Scott says looking surprised as they stop and I catch up, "Yes, really. There are no wolves in California." Stiles says as he stands in front of Scott and I, "All right. Well, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not going to believe me about when I tell you we found the body." Scott says, with the slightest smile and Stiles' mood changes instantly from irritation to excitement "You- are you kidding me?" he says smiling like a little kid on Christmas day "He's not kidding, it was terrifying" I speak up "She's right, I'm going to have nightmares for months" Scott adds "Oh, god, that is freakin' awesome. I mean this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since-" Stiles gets distracted by something, or rather someone, behind us "-Since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey, Lydia! You look.." he stops as she completely ignores us walking into school "Like you're gonna ignore me..." He says after a few seconds then looks back at us, mainly Scott and says "You're the cause of this, you know." Scott just replies with "Uh-huh" "Draggin' me down to your nerd depths. I'm a nerd by association. I've been Scarlet-nerded by you. Arden you need to run before it happens to you too" Stiles continues as we walk into school after hearing the bell "Somehow, I think I'm fine Stiles, if anything, I'll boost your guys' popularity" I reply, not really caring if my popularity does go down.

POV: Scott McCall

Me, Stiles and Arden take our seats in our English class, Arden next to me and Stiles behind Arden.

A few minuets later, our teacher starts talking and writing on the board. "As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night." Mr. Curtis says, as I look over at Stiles and Arden grinning, as Stiles smiles back and winks, were as Arden just lightly smirks shaking her head, then looks out of the window, before Mr. Curtis continues "And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus, which is on your desk outlining this semester." I look back at Stiles when he mentions the suspect but Stiles just shrugs. I pick up the syllabus before I hear a phone ringing very loudly, I look around but no-one else seems to hear it except me "Mom, 3 calls on my first day is a little overdoing it." I hear, and look around until I notice a girl outside the window, the one Arden was looking out of just a minute ago, but it couldn't be her I was hearing, right? That's impossible "Everything except a pen. Oh my god, I didn't actually forget a pen. Okay, okay. I gotta go. Love ya." The girl finishes talking then puts her phone away, how the hell can I hear her? Am i going insane? The vice principal goes up to her and says "Sorry to keep you waiting. So you were saying San Francisco isn't where you grew up?" I hear him say and walk into the school "No, but we lived there for more than a year, which is unusual in my family." She replies " Well, hopefully Beacon Hills will be your last stop for a while." He says, then a few seconds later they walk into the class, and everyone turns to them "Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome." The vice principle introduces, the girl, Allison, looks nervous and I don't blame her, she ends up sitting behind me, so I pick up my spare pen and turn to give her it as i heard earlier, she forgot one "Thanks." She says, looking a little confused at first but grateful, I return the smile. As I turn around I see Arden giving me a confused look out of the corner of my eye but I dismiss it, and turn my attention to the teacher who says " We'll begin with Kafka's Metamorphosis on page 1-33." 

--Time Skip--

POV: Arden McCall

I'm standing with Scott and Stiles in the hallway, when Harley comes up to us and askes "Can someone tell me how New Girl is here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?" which causes Stiles to answer with "Because she's hot." as me and Harley both give him a look, but Stiles of course doesn't notice and shrugs before continuing "Beautiful people herd together." I then reply with " Are you saying I'm ugly?" Stiles looks at me and thinks for a second "Yeah, I guess I am." he says jokingly with a small grin on his face "ha, ha. Very funny" I say before turning my attention to Allison, Lydia and Jackson, who Scott had been staring at the whole time, as Stiles and Harley argued about something stupid, that I didn't particularly care about. I just caught Lydia talking "So, this weekend, there's a party." "A party?" Allison questions "Yeah, Friday night. You should come" Jackson suggests, but Allison doesn't look to impressed with the idea "Uh, I can't. It's family night this Friday. Thanks for asking." Allison says politely declining their offer, "You sure? Everyone's going after the scrimmage." Jackson pushes "You mean like football?" Allison questioned, but Jackson just laughs a little before explaining "Football's a joke in Beacon. The sport here is lacrosse. We've won the state championship for the last 3 years." Lydia then looks at Jackson lovingly and ruffles his hair saying "Because of a certain team captain..." Jackson just smirks at the compliment then continues "Well, we have practice in a few minutes. That is, if you don't have anywhere else-" Allison cuts him off saying "Well, I was going to-" she starts before Lydia interrupted her "Perfect! You're coming" Lydia says grabbing Allison by the hand and drags her away. 

--Time Skip--

The 3 of us walk onto the field together as Stiles says "But if you play, I'll have no one to talk to on the bench. Are you really going to do that to your best friend?" before getting playfully hit by Arden "Hey! You have me to talk to!" "Alright, I'll have no one sane to talk to." Stiles say which earn him another hit from Arden, Scott ignores them and says "I can't sit out again. My whole life is sitting on the sidelines." as he drops is bag near the bench "This season, I make first line" He says starting to walk but turns around and gets distracted by Allison until Coach comes up to him "McCall!" "Yeah?" he replies Coach roughly tosses a much larger lacrosse stick to him and then a bigger helmet before continuing "You're on goal!" Scott frowns "I've never played..." "I know, scoring some shots will give the boys a confidence boost. Its a first-day-back thing." Coach explains hitting Scotts shoulder "Get 'em energized! Fired up!" "...What about me?" Scott genuinely questions "Try not to take any in the face" Coach replies before lightly smacking Scotts cheek with the palm of his hand before turning to the rest of the team I lightly snicker at the interaction, sitting on the bench next to Stiles "Lets go! Come on!" Coach tells the team.

I hear Allison and Lydia start to talk "Who is that?" Allison questions "Him? I'm not sure, all I know is Arden is his adopted sister. Why?" Indicating to me that they're talking about Scott, I also notice Scott listening in to their conversation "He's in my English class." Allison replies. I then hear the whistle get blow, and instantly feel awful for Scott, as he covers his head in pain from the sound and while he's distracted, someone takes their shot and the ball hits him on the front of his helmet, which causes him to fall over . As everyone laughs, I slightly cringe in second hand embarrassment Stiles also slightly cringes beside me, as someone shouts "Hey, way to catch with your face McCall!". Scott gets up, looking determined, as the next player shoots and it... lands right into Scott net? Everyone looks very surprised and shocked, then Stiles looks up and realises then says "Yeah!" Everyone continues to have their go, but each and every time Scott catches them with ease. I hear Allison "He seems like he's pretty good." and Lydia replies still a little shocked "Yeah, very good." I see Scott practically bouncing from excitement,  which Jackson, who is up next, notices which makes him even more irritated "Oh, god..." I hear Scott mumble under his breath, as he prepares himself, everyone goes quite as Jackson takes his shot and Scott, catches it again! Stiles jumps up and practically screams "YEAH!!!" as I stand up and clap for him I also hear Lydia go "WHOO!", Stiles then shouts " THAT'S MY FRIEND!" Scott looks very proud of himself as he back-shoots the ball out of his net straight into the assistant coaches net.

--Time Skip--

We were back in the woods after school, to try and find Scott's inhaler that he lost last night. "I-I don't know what it was it was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I-I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things." Scott explains as we walk through the wood "Smell things? Like what?" Stiles questioned "Like the mint mojito gum in your pocket." Scott answered as Stiles makes a face at him and stops walking "I don't even have any mint mojito-" he pauses as he pulls out a single piece of folded-up mint mojito gum in his inner pocket as we start to go further into the wood "So all this started with the bite?" Stiles asked intrigued as I held the tiniest bit of concern on my face "What if it's like an infection? Like, my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?" Scott says concerned for his health, which is understandable, but Stiles just smirks before trying to act serious "You know what? I actually think I've heard of this, it's a specific kind of infection." Stiles starts as we stop walking again "Are you serious?" Scott questioned "Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy." Stiles continued I roll my eyes at the  realisation of what Stiles was implying, even though i knew he was correct, "Don't start..." I mumble under my breath Scott not realising says "What's that? Is that bad?" panic lasing his voice "Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month." "Once a month?" "Mm-hmm. On the night of the full moon. Aroooo!" Stiles says fake howling at they end, which I cringes at and Scott finally understands Stiles is messing with him which causes him to playfully hit him and then we start walking again "Hey, your the ones who heard the wolf howling!" Stiles says laughing slightly "Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me!" Scott says still concerned "I know! You're a Werewolf! Rawrrrr!" Stiles fake growls, "I doubt there is anything worth worrying about Scott" I say trying to reassure him, which I could tell didn't really work sadly. Stiles finally goes a tad more serious "Okay, obviously I'm kidding. But, if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon." my eyes widen a bit in realisation, I had completely forgot it was this Friday. We stopped walking as we finally got to where Scott lost his inhaler yesterday "No, I-I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler..." Scott says confused "Yeah, I could have sworn it was here too." I say equally confused "Maybe the killer moved the body?" "If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are, like, 80 bucks." We all look around trying to find it before I feel a presence behind us, I turn around and notice a man that looks to be in his early twenties, pale skin, black hair, leather jacket and one hell of a scowl, but for some reason he looks familiar, I just cant figure out why. Stiles and Scott then notice where I'm looking, he starts walking towards us then says "What are you doing here?" I just stare at him trying to figure out who he is, while the two boys next to me are visibly panicking and a little confused on why I'm not, "Huh? This is private property" He says, which confuses me even more, I've never heard anyone tell me that when I've taken walks here in the past "Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know" Stiles says nervously as Derek then looks over to me and Scott "Yeah, we were just looking for something, but..." Scott pauses as the guy raises his eyebrows at him "...Uh, forget it." Scott finishes, but then the guy tosses Scott's inhaler at him before turning and heading back the way he came without a word, Scott sighs and says facing us "Um... All right, come on, I gotta get to work." Scott says as me and him are about to move to walk back, I'm still trying to figure out where I know the guy from or who he is and I don't know how long it would have taken if Stiles didn't stop us and point out "Dude, that was Derek Hale!" Gosh I feel stupid as I finally realise why he looks familiar my eyes widen a little, and Scott being slow still doesn't piece it together "Don't tell me your that slow Scott" I say looking at his blank expression "Really dude? The last name not ringing any bells?" Stiles says looking at him, seeing as it still hadn't clicked in Scotts head Stiles nodded his heads towards me to give him a clue "What?" Scott asks I sigh and look away shaking my head "Scott. What's my real last name?" "Your last name? your last name is-" Scott pauses finally realising "oh-, OH" Scott exclaims. "Wait- so?" "Yes Scott, that was Derek, my cousin Derek" "I can't believe i actual got to meet one of your family members!" Stiles says way to giddy, "Same here, he looks a lot different from when I last saw him, I didn't recognize him. That's a point, how did you figure it out before me?" I ask confused  as we start walking back "I had a lot of spare time one summer and I may or may not of started some research on The Hale House Fire." Stiles says cautiously, not knowing how I'd respond "Oh, ok? So did you find anything?" I said making small talk, as soon as Stiles heard those words leave my mouth he ranted on about what he found weird, suspicious and odd. 

--Time Skip-- 

POV: Scott McCall

I listened to the thunder outside as I walked to the front door of the animal clinic to lock up, as I get to the door I lock the door and flip the open sign to 'closed'.  

I go to the employee bathroom, I set the hydrogen peroxide and some bandages on the shelf above the sink before lifting my shirt to change the dressing. However, when I peel the bloody gauze and tap away from my body, I'm met with my side completely healed, no scar, no nothing I stare at where the bite mark would have been before getting back to work.

I drag a big bag of cat food through the hallway until I get to the cat clinic. I push open the door still dragging the bag, as I enter I say "Hey, kitties." before all the cats start hissing and growling at me, trying to escape the cages, almost like their scared. I quickly walk backwards, closing the door to the room, as soon as I leave they stop. A few minuets later I hear someone knocking on the front door, I make my way to the door, confused on who could be here at this time. I open the door to see Allison standing in the rain "Hi..." I mumble "I didn't see it. I took my eyes off the road for, like, 2 seconds to change the song on my iPod, and then this dog, it just came out of nowhere!" She rambles, obviously very distressed.  "Its all right. Its all right. Its all right. Its all right. Do you remember where it happened, so I can send Animal Control to find it?" I reply trying to calm her down "No! I mean, yes, I know where I hit it, but the dog is-" Allison sobs "Where is it? I ask softly "Its in my car." She replied before leading me to her car and opened the trunk, where a frightened white and grey collie lay growling at us, which scares Allison causing her to jump backwards, I notice and grab her by her waist to steady her before saying "You okay?", she nods catching  her breath from crying, as I slightly smile at her "She's just frightened." I reassure Allison "That makes two of us."  she breathes out "Let me see if I have any better luck." I say while I'm moving towards the dog maintaining eye contact and a stern look, the dog then submits to me and starts whining.

Once we got the dog into the clinic, I checked over the dog, making sure she was ok. "I think her leg is broken. I've seen the doctor do plenty of splints. I can do it myself and then give her a painkiller for now." I say to Allison, as she nods gratefully, I notice her shivering a little from the cold "I have another shirt in my bag..." I offer "Oh, I don't want to trouble you." I grab the shirt anyways, ignoring her protest "Here" I give her the shirt, she grabs it and walks into the other room to change. I catch a glimpse of Allison's bare back as she takes her soaking shirt off, the dog looks at me making a harrumphing noise while sitting up a bit, as though she's judging me "What? I didn't see anything." I say defensively. While I'm finishing the dogs bandage, Allison returns wearing my light grey, long-sleeved shirt, looking slightly embarrassed "Thanks for doing this. I feel really stupid." She says, I frown "How come?" I reply, Allison then looks at the floor "I don't know... 'Cause I freaked out like a total girl." I look at her slightly confused "...You are a girl..." I reply as she laughs tiredly "I freaked out like a girly-girl, and I'm not a girly-girl" "What kind of girl are you?" I ask curiously "Tougher than that. At least, I thought I was."  I smile at her reply then try and make her feel better by saying "Hey, I'd be freaked out too. In fact, I'd probably cry. And not like a man, either. Like the biggest girly-girl ever. It'd be pathetic."  She replies with "Yeah, right...".  We both look down at the dog, as I start petting her "So... It looks like she's gonna live. And I'm pretty sure she'll even let you pet her now, if you want." I say trying to start a conversation "I don't think so" Allison replies nervously, I smile at her "Oh, come on. You don't want her to sue. I heard this breed is very litigious." I say to her before she slowly reaches out and pets the dog, and once she sees the dog is fine with it, she smiles and continues. "You see? She likes you." I say happily looking at her, she notices I'm staring and look at me confused "What?" She asks, I realise I was staring and look away bashfully "Uh. Sorry. You have an eyelash on your cheek." "Oh... From the crying" She says before wiping her face with her sleeve to try and get it off, but she misses so I reach out and gently brush the eyelash off her cheek for her, Allison smiles softly before thanking me "Thanks." "Yeah." I reply

I walk Allison out to her car, and as she opens the driver side door, I look at her a little nervous before talking "So, um... I was wondering... I mean... Is it really family night on Friday, or do you think maybe you'd like to do to that party with me?" Allison smiles at me then replies "Family night was a total lie." "So, is that a yes? You'll go?" I ask hopefully her smile grows and then she nods yes "Definitely yes." I beam in excitement, before Allison drives home. Not long later I do the same, after locking up the clinic.


Author's Note:

HIII!! I can't believe I actually finished the first chapter, I'm so happy.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Hopefully, I'll be posting the next chapter soon. Even though no one is actually going to read this except my friends. Byee!!

- Love Author x

Words: 5577

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