An Enchanting Love Supernatur...

By destinycopley134

2.8K 72 15

Alexis was always gifted ever since her birth. For Alexis her life has never been easy. Always running from d... More

Alexis Human Form
Alexis Wolf Form
New Students
Parallel Lives: PT 1
Parallel Lives: PT 2
In Over Their Heads: PT 2
Trapped: PT 1
Trapped: PT 2
The Last Dance: PT 1
The Last Dance: PT 2
Sins of the Father: PT 1
Sins of the Father: PT 2
Supernaturals of New York: PT 1
Supernaturals of New York: PT 2
Fractured: PT 1
Fractured: PT 2
Fateful: PT 1
Fateful: PT 2
Happy Endings

In Over Their Heads: PT 1

167 5 0
By destinycopley134

"Gimme sugar!" Terra says as the group goes into Jessa's room.

"Eat up Buttercups! You earned it." Jessa says as Jae and Terra begin eating a bunch of snacks sitting on the dresser.

"Ah hungry much?" Mischa asks.

"Using that much magic takes a lot of energy. Jae and Terra need fuel and they need it fast! Here's to snatching victory from the fangs of defeat!" Max says as the group begins snacking on things.

"Yeah sorry about that... I thought the wards were triggered by touch. I didn't realize a loud voice could do it." Mischa says.

"It's alright Mischa. It's our fault for not telling you all this stuff ahead of time." Alexis says.

"I keep forgetting you don't automatically know this stuff." Jessa says.

"I don't even know what I don't know." Mischa says sadly.

"I'll tell you what I know. I know we're gonna be legends!" Terra says happily.

"Major bragging rights!" Brax says happily.

"No bragging Brax. Do you know how many demerits we'd get for breaking into the Headmaster's study?" Max asks.

"Yeah I kinda agree with Max on that one. I don't wanna know what the Headmaster would do if he found out about this. So let's just keep this to ourselves." Alexis says.

"Okay well I'm outta here." Terra says as she yawns and begins to leave before Jessa stops her.

"Uh why don't you let Brax give you a lift home?" Jessa asks.

"Dragon Airlines the only way to fly!" Brax says as he leaves with Terra, Mischa and Max.

"I don't know what you have planned for those hub tokens but whatever it is be careful." Jae says as he and Alexis look at Jessa.

"Yeah. We don't need to be getting into any senseless danger. Especially with Mischa being in our group now and her not Knowing what we do. She could get into danger much easier than the rest of us because of that." Alexis says.

"Don't worry. I'll be careful. And I got Mischa. Don't worry about that. Promise." Jessa says as Alexis and Jae look at each other before leaving.


"Problem?" Jae asks as he and Alexis find Mischa giving a sad look in the cafeteria line.

"What's up Mischa?" Alexis asks.

"Jessa cutting in line... That kind of entitled behavior has always bugged me. Somehow it's even worse seeing my sister do it." Mischa says as she follows Alexis and Jae in the line for food.

"She doesn't mean to be rude." Alexis says.

"Right." Jessa says.

"No really. The supernatural world just works that way. Power respects power." Jae says as he and Alexis begin to go over to the others to sit down.


"Supernatural enclaves each choose their council members according to local customs. Who can tell me how Stratford chooses their leaders? Zadi?" Santra asks as she looks at Zadi.

"Ugh. By citywide ballot. Otherwise known as a popularity contest. Cairo has trial by combat. They're led by their strongest." Zadi says as she looks at Jessa.

"Anytime." Jessa says determinedly.

"That's enough you two. Yes Mischa." Santra asks as Mischa raises her hand.

"What about the dragon-marked? Do other enclaves have different traditions for them?" Mischa asks.

"No. Those laws are the same for all supernaturals. Any child born with the dragon mark must be immediately surrendered to the authorities." Santra says.

"Has anyone ever tried keeping them with their families?" Mischa asks sadly.

"Perhaps it seems unfair to you that we sequester these children from birth. But let me show you these cloister images from the official archives. Inside the warded Cloisters the dragon-marked are protected and cared for. Their magic is neutralized allowing them to enjoy
peaceful and fulfilling lives." Santra says.

"I don't care how nice it looks. Those cloisters are prisons." Mischa says angrily.

"Mischa!" Alexis says.

"They're not prisons. They're like special schools." Elda says.

"Would you want to go to one?" Mischa asks.

"That's where my brother is. He was born when I was five. He's been in a cloister ever since. He's safer and we're safer. It's what's best for everyone." Zadi says sadly as the bell rings.

"Do you really believe if the dragon marked go free the whole world will end?" Mischa asks as Alexis and Jae walk toward her.

"Mischa I understand it seems unfair but before you judge our ways you really should try to understand why. We do things for a reason. No matter how unfair they seem. And for all we know it's kept us safe. It may not be perfect but it works." Alexis says.

"The Dragon King destroyed the Faerie Realm. That's not propaganda. That's a fact." Jae says as the group goes into the hallway.


"We'll all eat together here okay? And when you get back to full strength and don't have detention we'll go eat somewhere. But for now we'll eat here. Just the six of us." Jessa asks as she comes over to the table with Terra.

"Make that seven. I invited Dante to join us." Mischa says as she walks over with Dante.

"Could you...?" Dante says as he nervously tries to find a spot to sit at the table.

"Hi Terra is there some kind of spell you can do to make the table bigger?" Mischa asks nervously.

"No. I can not just do a spell..." Terra says annoyedly.

"But why not?" Mischa asks.

"Why not? Why not! One that's not how architectural magic works. It's permanent. Two I have massive demerits and almost no magic thanks to all of you! And three why do you have to make everything so complicated?" Terra asks angrily as the group looks at her in surprise.

"It's okay. I'll just go sit at the troll table. It's where I fit." Dante says as he stands up.

"I'll come with you. Hi all. Mind if I join you?" Mischa says as she, Alexis, Jae and Max follow Dante over to the Troll table.

"Me too!" Max says.

"Count me in." Alexis says.

"And me! Well this is certainly different." Jae says as he, Alexis and Max sit down.

"She is isn't she?" Max asks as he smiles at Mischa causing Alexis and Jae to look at each other and chuckle.


"Yeah. Fun..." Dante says as he and Mischa come walking over toward Alexis and Jae as everyone is gathered for Fern's combat class.

"It's okay Dante. I don't like combat class either." Jae says as he puts his hand on Dante's shoulder.

"Somebody always gets hurt." Dante and Jae says in union.

"Yeah. Unless you're paired with a partner who knows you and won't try to purposely hurt you. Unlike some." Alexis says as she looks over at some students and glares.

"With you on that one. Makes me glad you and I always get paired up." Jae says as he sees Alexis is glaring at Elda and Zadi and glares at them too.

"Me too." Alexis says as she smiles.

"But you're supernaturals. So even if you get hurt you heal really fast right?" Mischa asks.

"We do. But it can still get really ugly... You know. With all the blood... and stuff." Jae says.

"Uh stuff? What's stuff?" Mischa asks nervously.

"Dante got an excuse. Maybe you guys should get one too. Then you won't get hurt?" Mischa asks.

"Oh Alexis and I aren't the ones who are getting hurt..." Jae says as he and Alexis smile.

"Okay everyone. Same pairs as last week. Everyone ready? Commence!" Fern says as she passes out staffs to everyone as they begin practicing while she pairs up Mischa with a bunny shifter.

"You know I can always take it easy on you." Jae says as Alexis is wolf form trying to bite and grab him only for him to continually jump around and dodge her.

"Not a chance Jae. You know I like a good challenge." Alexis says as she goes after Jae only for him to wrap her in vines.

"You're slipping beautiful. You're usually never this easy to catch. Or maybe you just like me wrapping you like this because you know I like to joke with you about it?" Jae asks as he stands beside Alexis while smirking.

"Mmm. Little of both. But don't drop your guard that easily. You forget I'm not to be underestimated." Alexis says as she bites herself loose from the veins and begins going after Jae again at a faster and more agile pace.

"And there's my the fire I love." Jae says as he smiles and chuckles as he begins sparing with Alexis again.

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