wish // 5SOS

By 5sosxruel

15.7K 1.1K 87

BOOK SIX IN GABI-VERSE calum focussed Charlie was no stranger to...being a stranger. That's kind of what ha... More



354 21 5
By 5sosxruel


"It has been so bad, Calum," Charlie said as I walked into the room, "I never want to come here again,"

"Hey, slow down,"

"I am so embarrassed,"

I wrapped my arms round her and rocked us side to side, hushing her. Her eyes were bright red from tears, and her nose was all stuffy.

"What's happened?"

"Everyone was making fun of me,"

"I am so sorry, honey. Shall we go home and talk?"


"Let's go then,"

Carrying her bag, I kept my arm round her shoulder and took us out to the car, opening her door for her. Once she was in, I got into the drivers seat and turned the air con on, passing her some water.

"I don't wanna go anymore,"

"Then we will figure out online school for a bit, it'll make sure you are well rested too. I am sorry that people don't know how to behave,"

"I wanted school to be normal,"

"I'm so sorry,"

She started crying, and I gently stroked her hair, but she hit my hand away; immediately, she apologised, and held it instead.


"No, I am sorry. I crossed a boundary," I said, "Sometimes people are so cruel for no reason. You are a beautiful, intelligent, strong girl and they are missing out big time. This pregnancy doesn't define who you are,"

"It does. They are gonna think back to high school and remember that pregnant girl,"

"And then they are gonna try and see where you are in the future, and I bet they will find a successful young woman,"

"You think?"

"I do,"

"I dunno. I don't wanna talk about it,"

"That's alright,"

"Please can we go home?"

"Of course. I will cook you some pasta,"


While we drove home, she calmed down, silently staring out the window. I couldn't even imagine how she felt. High school was brutal, I knew that far, and when you were obviously different to other people it wasn't going to help. It was cruel. If they weren't going to be kind, the least they could do was keep their mouth shut.

When we got home, she went up to her room, so I made her some pasta and finished my lunch as it cooked; I took it up to her room and knocked, then opened the door to her in her new pyjamas, standing infront of the mirror.


"Thank you. Can we play mario kart after?"

"Hell yeah,"

"You can stay,"

"It's fine,"

"Can you stay?"

She sat on one side of her bed, so I turned on the game and sat the other side, scrolling on my phone while she ate. It seemed to go down well, then she picked up the controller and we played for a bit. Hearing her laugh was a relief, and the difference was definitely noticeable now she was home. I was hoping school would send the work home- the stress was unnecessary for her.

I won most rounds, but occasionally I let her win and it cheered her up. I felt like I was managing okay with it all, and hopefully helping her the best I could considering it was only the start of her stay. She seemed level-headed and well behaved, so I wasn't worried about her staying at home. My main priority was making sure she had a positive few months, and felt like she had a community to lean on.

"I think I am gonna take a nap,"

"Okie dokie. We have been invited to my friend's house for food later, would you like to go?"


"Luke and Sierra. It is Gabi's parents, her and Maddox are going,"

"Are we really invited?"


"Okay. I would like to get to know people I suppose,"

"Awesome. You have your nap then, I am gonna watch a movie. Afternoons off are rare for me,"

I shut her curtains and her door, heading to my own bed; I found a movie and sat back, melting into my pillows. Not that it had been a particularly hard day, but like Charlie, I seemed to need some alone time, and peace and quiet.

When my movie ended, I woke her up so she could get ready, then changed into joggers and a tshirt myself. She came out in one of her new dresses, then looked me up and down and went bright red.

"I dressed up too much,"

"You look nice! I bet it is comfy,"

"You're in joggers,"

"You are in a plain grey bodycon dress,"

"I thought I looked nice,"

"You do, I just mean you haven't dressed up too much,"

"I thought I had dressed up,"

"I am sorry. You do look very nice,"

"I put makeup on and now I am gonna cry it all off!"

"I am sorry. You look lovely,"



She sniffed, and nodded, wrapping her arms round me. Her head rested in my chest, and I was gently holding her against me.

"They called me a slut today,"

"That is horrible,"

"And started talking about my babies and how they'll probably be dumb, and ugly, and not loved,"

"They are going to be so loved. We are gonna make sure they go to a good family,"

"And I do love them,"

"Yeah. I know,"

"I couldn't bear them bullying my babies before they had even come out the womb. I hope they never get bullied,"

"I hope so too. I will ring you in sick tomorrow,"

"Thank you,"

"I will have to sort out online school before the social workers get on my back though,"

"I wouldn't say my life has been particularly amazing ever, but it sucks a lot right now. Not the most, but a lot,"

"Well I will do everything I can to not make it suck,"

She nodded, so I gave her one last squeeze and lightly nudged her downstairs. We put our shoes on, then got in the car, although it was a short drive so we hardly made it through any music. As we walked to the door, she held my hand, then I rang the doorbell and we waited.

"The fuck you ringing the doorbell for?" Gabi asked as she opened it.

"I thought I'd be polite tonight,"

"Come in then,"

We did, and I took my shoes off, giving Gabi a hug. Maddox appeared too, and gave me a hug, then squealed and hugged Charlie.

"It is so nice to meet you. Come and sit with us,"

Reluctantly, she got dragged to the living room, so I followed and went to the kitchen, greeting Luke and Sierra.

"How are you!"

"I am good thank you. The food smells great,"

"I hope it tastes as good. I heard you left work early?"

"School is a bit shit,"

"Oh bless,"

"I think I will be off the rest of the week, and figure out getting work sent home. It is going great though,"

"Have they dragged her off?" Sierra asked, passing me some water.

"Oh yes,"

"They are very pleased to have another girl in the family,"

"I am pleased she has so many to hang out with. Thank you for having us over, we are hoping to catch up with everyone before the wedding,"

"Of course. I hear she is getting ready with us girls,"

"Apparently so! How are you guys feeling about the wedding?"

"I need it to be over," Luke grumbled, "Gabi is here every day, all evening, freaking out about the flowers and the seats, and the temperature of the food. I am having her sleep here the night before,"

"Good idea,"

"He just hates his little girl getting married," Sierra said, smiling.

"Yes. I do. Can you call them down?"

"Girls! Food is ready!"

Luke dished it up, then I put the plates on the table, Charlie sitting between Gabi and Maddox. It seemed the pair had now adopted her like their own the same way as Ally, but it was nice to see.

"This is Luke and Sierra,"

"Gabi said. You look like twins,"

"I love it when people say that, it makes me feel much younger,"

"You look very young,"

"Well I am flattered,"

"You have a very nice house. A yoga room?"

"Oh that was after my last surgery, I could finally do yoga again so mum made it all nice. Can you do yoga pregnant?"

"I don't want to do yoga,"

"But can you?"

"Maybe a little bit," I said, "But Charlie needs rest,"

"Sorry, I was just intrigued,"

"Did you guys know Charlie wants to do an English degree?" Maddox said, changing the subject.

"That sounds cool,"

"It did until I found out all of you are doctors,"

"I'm not,"

"No you're just a bestselling author," she said, tilting her head at Maddox.

"And I wouldn't be without my English teacher," Maddox said, tilting her head back, "I think it is very cool,"

"Just need this to all be over now,"

"If we can make anything easier then let us know!"

"I think Calum has me sorted. Pregnancy is not my personality,"

I rather enjoyed how Charlie was very direct, and though it was sometimes blunt, she was never mean, just setting boundaries. I wasn't sure whether the boundaries came from positive or negative experiences, but it was good that she had them.

After we had eaten, the girls took her upstairs again, but we heard them giggling so I wasn't worried about it; it relieved me a lot. Homeschooling was probably going to be isolating, so I had hoped she got along with my family.

"She is very charming,"

"Yes," I chuckled, "It has been very refreshing,"

"Gabi seems very fond. Both of them do,"

"I am glad. I am sure I am in the new easy stage right now, but I think we get along well already,"

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