You Wanna Be a Movie Star?: T...

Timmy184 tarafından

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It's been a few weeks since the previous season ended. It started with 22 campers, an after a grueling 8 week... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: Monster Cash
Chapter 2: Alien Resurr-eggtion
Chapter 3: Riot on Set
Chapter 4: Beach Blanket Bogus
Chapter 6: The Chefshank Redemption
Chapter 7: One Flu Over the Cuckoos
Chapter 8: The Sand Witch Project
Chapter 9: Masters of Disasters
About Kai - New Entry
Chapter 10: Full Metal Drama
Chapter 11: Ocean's Thirteen- or Fourteen
Chapter 12: One Million Bucks B.C.
Chapter 13: Million Dollar Babies
Chapter 14: Dial M for Merger

Chapter 5: 3:10 to Losertown

537 8 7
Timmy184 tarafından

(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Action... Lindsay's surfing adventure turned trailer park when a twister ruined her fun. And DJ was stripped bare

He chuckles at the memory of Lindsay being flung into the wall and DJ getting his pants bitten off

(Chris): Nice pecs, dude. Thanks to Bridgette's gnarly moves, the Grips won the first challenge. Even though Bridgette made a cool looking sand castle ultimately the next challenge went to the Gaffers with their Taj Ma-Harold. Tied at one apiece, the Gaffers were crowned the watusi winners when Geoff accidentally broke his ankle. Due to this accident Geoff was the one who got sent home. With only eighteen left, maybe the Grips will stand a chance this week. Find out next on Total. Drama. Action!



Harold is lying on the grass desperately trying to keep cool

(Harold): Too hot... To do... Anything! Ugh!



Harold Confessional

(Harold): My mad skills are leeching out of me. I can feel it!

He hits the table with a karate chop. His attack did nothing to it

(Harold): My mojo isn't sweat proof!



(Justin): Can't you fan any faster?

Owen is seen fanning Justin

(Owen): You're hot. But I'm hotter

He laughed weekly and fell. Kai and Gwen sat under a tree. Gwen sniffed her nose sounding blocked

(Gwen): I can't be getting a cold in this heat!

She sneezes. Kai holds out his water bottle

(Kai): Water? It'll be good for you to stay hydrated

Gwen smiled and took the bottle taking a few sips from it and handed it back

(Gwen): Thanks, I really needed that...

She said while leaning into the tree. Kai wipes the lid with his shirt and takes a couple sips from it

(Kai): Hey, doesn't the spa trailer have an AC?

(Gwen): It does but suddenly its not working

Gwen believed Chris was the reason the AC isn't working. Kai sighed in disappointment 

(Kai): Of course its broken...

Kai looked around everyone else was visibly struggling with the heat he spotted DJ sitting in a kiddie pool 3x too small for him. The campers who typically wore a jumper/hoodie weren't wearing them 

(Kai): I wish we were still at the island. At least there we could cool off in the water

Gwen hummed in agreement remembering all of the swims they'd all have when the weather got too hot. Suddenly western music is played and a gunshot rang throughout the area. The campers jumped at the sound. Harold hit a branch as he sat up

(Harold): Ow!

Harold shouts in pain as he clutches his head

(Beth): Ahh! Chris!

Beth shouts at the host who walked into everyones view. He is wearing a cowboy costume with guns to match

(Harold): My cranium...

Harold complained as he rubbed his sore head

(Chris): Take it easy. Guns are loaded with blanks

He blew into one of the guns causing a little smoke to get Harold in the face who began coughing. Chris spun both of his weapons and placed them in the holsters

(Chris): Least I'm pretty sure one of 'em is

He said with a chuckle

(Chris): Since there's no beatin' the heat, we're goin' west this week. There's a town meetin' at high noon. Be there or I'll drive you deadbeats outta town!

Lindsay gasped looking excited

(Lindsay): If you're driving us out of town, can we go to the mall?

Chris looks at her in disappointment



Leshawna Confessional

Leshawna is fanning her face as someone applies make up to her face and another is brushing her hair

Suddenly her hair poofs up into an afro

(Leshawna): Ugh. Darn humidity!

Leshawna spots the make up artist staring and looked annoyed by the look on her face

(Leshawna): What you think you're looking at? Nothing to see here!

She looks away and heard a laugh from the make up artist



The campers are now standing in a western theme set where they have to do todays challenges. Leshawna walks past Heather and some of the Grips. Heather smirks and begins to laugh, Leshawna is quick to get into Heather's face

(Leshawna): I'm sorry, do you see something wrong with my hair?

Duncan parts Leshawna's hair revealing his head

(Duncan): Not from where I'm standing

(Chris): Listen up, partners! In any good western, there are heroes, outlaws, horses, and pretty dames. The hero defeats the outlaw, then rides off into the sunset on the horse.

(Beth): What about the pretty dames?

Chris glares

(Chris): None of your beeswax! 

Chris drops the glare and chuckles while patting her head

(Chris): Just messing with ya! They usually hang out in the saloon during the bar brawl

He points to the fake building labeled "Saloon"

(Harold): Bar brawl? Cool

Harold does a variety of punches and kicks. Duncan trips him and Harold lands in a water trough

(Duncan): Awesome reenactment, Harold. Aw, most brawls do end up with the loser in the water trough

Duncan tells him with a laugh



Leshawna Confessional

(Leshawna): Back home, my peeps and I look out for each other. Harold may be small and strange, but that boy is still my peep. I've got my eye on Duncan



With Katie's help Harold gets out of the water trough. He shakes his head side to side to shake off the water. It landed on Justin where it immediately evaporated

(Justin): Oh yeah. Feels good

Justin said as he enjoyed the water. Chris looked at the girls who are drooling over Justin in annoyance

(Chris): Enough with the man candy! All eyes on me!

He shoots his prop guns a few times

(Chris): Time for your first challenge. No cowboy worth spittin' at will go one day without saddle practice. Time to saddle up!

He points to the horse they'll be using

Chris looks at it blankly and looks at Chef who sat in one of the fake buildings running numbers

(Chris): That's the best steed we could afford?

Chef looks up with a glare

(Chef): You want a five-star hotel, champagne, and caviar for breakfast? Hm. I gotta cut somewhere!

Chris smiles

(Chris): It's perfect! Don't change a thing

Chris aims a finger gun at his co-host. Chef grunts back in response, he happily hid the fact they he gave himself a 50% raise



Beth Confessional

(Beth): Ooh, I love horsies! Justin told me I looked like one. He's so... 

She paused an uncertain look on her face

(Beth): Great?




Harold Confessional

(Harold): I spent three summers at Medieval Steve's Medieval Camp. We learned to joust, ride horses, and how to look manly in tights. It's harder than it looks

Harold states clearly proud at his achievements




Kai Confessional

(Kai): It's time the Grips get their winning streak back

Kai said with a confident smile



Duncan snickered looking at the pathetic excuse of a horse

(Duncan): You call this a challenge?

Duncan goes to climb it only to be stopped by Chris

(Chris): Not so fast. You cowboys and cowbabes are gonna have to mount the steed from up there

He points at a diving platform

(Chris): Not there. Waaaay up there

The campers look even further up. It looked like it went into the clouds

(Chris): Since the Gaffers won last week, they go first

He saw the uncertain looks on the campers faces

(Chris): Don't worry. Our unpaid interns have assured us it's safe


An intern is holding onto the diving board for dear life

(Intern): Please don't make me do this!

Chef shrugs

(Chef): Nothing I can do. It's in your contract

The intern loses his grip and falls

(Intern): No, no, no!

He completely missed the horse and crashed into a house. Chef shrugged

(Chef): Looks safe to me

Chef walked away chuckling


(Gwen): We won last week. Why do we have to go first?

Chris shrugged

(Chris): Because I said so. And I'm your host, Chris McLean

Gwen sneezed rapidly

(Gwen): Guys, I really think I'm coming down with something

Gwens mutters as she holds her head

(Duncan): Don't worry. We'll help you up the ladder

Duncan helpfully suggested. Kai frowned he told Gwen he'd prioritise their relationship second in challenges but he couldn't stand by while she's in this condition. He walks to the Gaffers

(Kai): Uh guys, Gwen really is sick

Kai looks at Chris

(Kai): I'll go first

Kai volunteered himself and headed for the ladder



Gwen Confessional

(Gwen): It was so sweet of Kai to go instead of me

She frowned feeling slightly guilty that Kai was doing it instead of her

(Gwen): Screw it



Kai begins climbing the ladder when Gwen grabbed his shoulder

(Gwen): Thanks Kai, but I can tough it out

Kai raised his eyebrow not entirely believing her

(Kai): You sure?

Gwen nodded

(Gwen): 100%

(Chris): Oh my god! Stop with the sappy love stuff and get on with it!

Chris shouts from the side. Kai and Gwen glared at him for a moment and Kai jumped off the ladder

(Kai): All yours

Gwen looked at the ladder and gulped

(Gwen): Wish me luck

Gwen said as she began the climb. The Gaffers cheer for Gwen

(Heather): You can do it. Let's go!

Heather hurries her

(Duncan): We're gonna need a new team captain!

Duncan called out to mess with Gwen

(Gwen): I heard that!

Gwen said and aimed a glare in his direction


Gwen had made the climb and looks down she gasped as she could barely see the horse

(Kai): You got this Gwen!

Kai calls out to her. Even though she had Kai encouraging her she was terrified of jumping from this height. Gwen lowers her head and turns around

(Gwen): I can't do it

Gwen widens her eyes as she felt a sneeze coming on

(Gwen): Ah... ah...

She sneezes and the force from the sneeze sent her off the diving board



Cody Confessional

Cody is typing numbers into his calculator

(Cody): Acceleration equals mass times the gravitational constant occasional equational... Not good, people! Not good!



Gwen screams as she plummets and lands on the horse. The horse neighed as Gwen sat in place

(Leshawna): You okay, girl?

Leshawna calls out after seeing her not moving a muscle. Gwen slides off the horse groaning in pain

(Kai): Gwen!

Kai didn't waste a second and rushed over to her. He crouched down and carefully looked at her body. Gwen smiled when she saw Kai

(Gwen): Thanks. Just watch my left arm

She winced as she felt the pain in it

(Kai): So nothing else is hurt?

Gwen answered by shaking her head. Kai nodded and avoided her left arm as he helped her onto her feet

(Kai): Need me to bring you back to the trailers?

Gwen shook her head

(Gwen): No its fine it's probably just bruised

Chris walks up to Gwen grinning

(Chris): Whoa-ho! That was awesome, Gwen! Gaffers one. Grips, you're up

Kai made sure to leave Gwen with Duncan and Leshawna since he knew he could trust them and began his trek up the ladder to try and land on this horse


Kai eventually makes it to the top and looks down at the horse he could barely make it out from up here. Kai sighed

(Kai): Here goes nothing

Kai threw himself off the diving board. He managed to land on the horse but it didn't exactly lessen the impact on his family jewels

(Kai): I regret everything...

Kai squeaked out. Chris shudders feeling the pain as well

(Chris): Glad it wasn't me. One all, Harold, you're up


Harold screams as he plummets down. He lands on the horse which after Kai's accident now is cushioned

(Harold): Wicked! Ah, ow, ow!

Harold shouts in pain as Duncan lands on him

(Chris): Way to pad the saddle, Duncan!

Duncan smirked until Katie suddenly lands on him

(Katie): Oops!

Katie said with a smirk. Duncan knew it wasn't an accident and narrowed his eyes

Chris laughed at the sight

(Chris): Gaffers four, Grips one!


Noah stood on top of the board and shook his head sighing

(Noah): Goodbye, cruel world

Noah said looking up into the sky and jumped off

He landed on the horse... But on his back

(Chris): Oooh that looks like it hurts Noah. But he landed on it so Its now 4-2


DJ jumps off the platform and used a sheet as a parachute to soften his fall. But to DJ's shock a gust of wind changed his course and screamed as he was headed for the electrical wires

(DJ): Not the electrical wires!

He screams as he is zapped. The campers hissed feeling bad for the tall teen

(Bridgette): Uh, Chris? You are gonna send someone to help DJ, right?

Bridgette asked noticing that Chris didn't make a move. Chris looked at her and started to laugh

(Chris): Ha– 


The scene cuts to Chris sitting in front of the monitors holding some papers

(Chris): "We here at Total Drama Action care about the health and welfare of our competitors...

He looks at the second piece of paper

(Chris): Furthermore, no animals were hurt in the making of this show"


Justin put on a pair of reading glasses and had a look at his contract

(Justin): Uh, says right here, page thirty-seven of my gluteus maximus modeling contract, I am forbidden from any form of jumping that might strain my uh, assets

He pats his butt

(Justin): Heh. Sorry!

Chris shrugged, it was in the contract


Beth and Lindsay are now on top of the diving board. They decided they would jump together

(Lindsay): If I go to that big beauty parlour in the sky, don't let Heather have my hair, 'kay?

(Beth): Oh, no. Never!

Beth pauses and looks at Lindsay's hair

(Beth): Uh, can I have your hair if you die?

Beth asked with a smile. Lindsay looks at her with narrowed eyes

(Lindsay): I don't think so

The two girls screamed as they plummeted. The two girls managed to land on the horse


A montage plays of campers from each team going. Eva and Bridgette managed to land on the horse but unfortunately Cody and Ezekiel dont stick the landing. Unfortunately for our homeschooled farm boy landed on a fence crushing his berries. Izzy jumps and manages to land on the horse. Owen jumps off and the horse seeing him tries to run away. Owen lands and chases after it eventually climbing on it. Chris liked the effort Owen put into it and counted him as landing on it much to the annoyance of the Grips

(Chris): All right! Grips and Gaffers its currently 6-5 the Grips are in the lead

He appears behind Leshawna and Heather wrapping an arm their shoulders

(Chris): It's up to you two to break the tie. Who wants to take one for the Gaffers?

Leshawna shoves Heather forward

(Leshawna): After you, teammate

Heather glared and grabbed Leshawna's arm pulling her in front of her. The two girls exchange glares and climbed the ladder

(Leshawna): Why is it that we have to stare at your navel all day? Put a shirt on!

Heather scoffs

(Heather): Oh, oh, right, right. Because we all love looking at those kumquats on your mall kiosk t-shirt

Leshawna grits her teeth then smirks

(Leshawna): At least I have hair

Leshawna states as they reach the top. Heather rolls her eyes

(Heather): Your afro is so big, it has its own gravity

Leshawna glares

(Leshawna): Oh, I'll give you gravity!

Leshawna shoves her off the diving board. Leshawna gasps as Heather managed to grab her hand last second bringing Leshawna down with her. The two girls screamed as they plummeted. The campers were confused when they couldn't see either of them

(Gwen): Where'd they go?

The campers look up and found both girls had gotten stuck

Duncan snickered at the sight. Leshawna widens her eyes as her pants tore and she fell. She is falling head first and surprisingly her afro acted like a spring and she bounced onto the horse's back

(Leshawna): Ha, bet you're not laughing at my hair now!

Leshawna calls out to Heather as she hops off the horse. Chris laughed Leshawna looked confused and turned around she gasped as the back of her pants are torn showing her bare butt

(Chris): Well, I guess you showed her. And by her, I mean the entire viewing audience!

Chris said trying his best to stifle his laughter. Leshawna gets into his face glaring

(Leshawna): Grr...

(Chris): Okay, okay. You don't gotta get my dungarees all dusty

He pats his clothes to remove the dust

(Chris): Looks like the teams are now tied at six apiece. To the next challenge for the tiebreaker, cowpokes!

Both teams follow Chris they accidentally forgot to get Heather down

(Heather): Somebody better get me down now! Hello? Anyone?


(Chris): The hallmark of any good western is the quick-draw cowboy showdown. Captains will pick their strongest cowpoke to compete in what will likely be a fight to the death! Haha!

He laughs hysterically suddenly his phone goes off. He accepts the call and brings it to his ear

(Chris): Yello? Uh-huh. I see. Fine...

Chris said with a disappointed voice. He puts his phone away and coughs into his hand

(Chris): Our lawyers have informed me that you may shoot until someone is mildly injured or cries like a little baby. But a fight to the death is strictly prohibited. Time to pick your cowboys

Kai looked at his teammates he was briefly thinking of picking Manitoba but his eyes landed on Ezekiel and he had a plan

(Kai): The Grips pick Ezekiel

Ezekiel looks surprised

(Ezekiel): Me?

Kai nodded

(Kai): Yeah, remember back on the island you showed off your archery skills? You got some good aim which is what we need in this challenge

Ezekiel grinned

(Ezekiel): Alright I got this eh!

Gwen looks at her teammates humming. She isn't exactly a good shot she was thinking of asking Duncan

(Gwen): The Gaffers pick- Owen?!

Justin looked confused

(Justin): What? You wanna use Owen for target practice? He's a guaranteed hit

(Katie): He is a little... Large

Katie added trying not to sound rude. Gwen just pointed a disgusted look on her face. They saw Owen wearing nothing but a sheriffs hat and small chaps showing off his underwear

(Owen): Ha, I practically take up the whole road

Owen said with a laugh and then started aggressively drinking some water from two water guns

(Heather): Owen. Put some pants on!

Heather shouts at him clearly disgusted. Chris walks over to Owen

(Chris): Owen! We needed that water for the quick-draw cowboy showdown!

Chris whines and finished by stomping his feet on the ground

Chris then looks at Chef batting his eyelashes

(Chef): Don't look at me! I ain't lugging any more water in this heat

Owen burped

(Owen): Sorry, I was thirsty

Chris looks very annoyed

(Chris): Okay, new challenge!


(Chris): Since Owen ruined the last competition, your final challenge of the day will be calf roping

(DJ): Where are the cute little baby cows at?

DJ asked while looking around with a smile

(Chris): There aren't any. Grips are the cowboys, Gaffers are the cattle. The cowboys rope the cattle, they win. The cattle dodge the cowboys, they win

(Cody): How do we know who's who?

(Chris): Grips get to wear these stylin' cowboy hats. Gaffers get to wear... Udders!

Chris looked at the Gaffers with a grin. Heather glared at Cody

(Heather): You just had to ask



Harold Confessional

Harold is wearing the udders giggling

(Harold): I have cow boobies on my head!




Duncan Confessional

Duncan looked annoyed

(Duncan): Stupid million bucks



(Chris): Would the cattle care for some hay?

Chris asked as he stood on a hay bale

(Duncan): Would the host care for an udder sandwich?

Duncan asked while punching his open hand

(Chris): I'm good. Chef will now judge the competition

Chris giggles as he saw Chef walk over in a dress 

(Chris): Yo, Chef! Love the dress, Cheffette

Chris burst out into laughter. Chef growls at the host


Chef tied him to the fence

(Chef): Maybe when I change, I'll come back and untie you

Chef walked away. Chris tries wiggling out of his restrains but Chef knows how to tie a good knot

(Chris): I can't feel my arms!

Chris complained to Chefs retreating form. Chris sighed when he realised Chef wasn't going to turn around

(Chris): Let the calf roping begin...

The Gaffers run away as the Grips give chase. Cody tries getting Heather but he missed. Heather smirks but is caught by Beth

(Heather): Where did you learn to do that?

(Beth): Calf roping, baton twirling. All in the twist of the wrist

Beth said as she properly tied her up. Cody managed to get DJ by his legs

(Cody): Sorry big guy

Cody said as he tied DJ up

(Chris): And that's two cows down, seven more to go

Lindsay tried getting Leshawna but her rope got stuck on the fence. Lindsay didn't notice and continued chasing her Lindsay gasped as she is pulled back and accidentally ties herself up

(Lindsay): Ugh. None of this would be happening if Chris had taken me to the mall like he promised!


Gwen runs away but is caught by a rope and dragged. She looked up and saw Kai who smirked down at Gwen. Well it wasn't Kai but instead Manitoba Smith

(Manitoba): It would seem I caught myself a beauty

Manitoba said with grin


Harold is running away from Noah. The bookworm isn't even putting the effort in only walking after him

(Harold): Can't catch me. Can't catch me!

Harold taunts Noah with a smirk

(Noah): Oh dear, whatever will I do?

Noah said with an eye-roll. Harold lost his smirk as Eva easily captured him

(Eva): Gotcha string-bean

Eva tightened his restraints with a grin. Noah see's Owen walking past struggling

(Owen): Can't... Keep... Going...

Owen fell Noah effortlessly got him with his rope


Justin is cornered by Ezekiel who twirls his rope. Justin looked very concerned



Justin Confessional

(Justin): I just found out I have a new neck modeling contract. Apparently, I have excellent tendons

(Justin): See? See, check it out. You like that?



(Justin): Not the face! Or the neck, hands, feet, legs, knees, or anything in the chestal region

He points at each part of his body and tucks into a ball. Ezekiel looked at him in slight confusion he just gently threw the rope and got him. Ezekiel looked very proud of himself

(Ezekiel): That was too easy eh!

Izzy rushes past chasing Leshawna laughing

(Izzy): I'll get ya Leshawna!

Leshawna looked at her in fear as the she was lassoed. Izzy placed a foot on her back

(Izzy): Gotcha

Bridgette was easily able to catch up to Katie and lasso her. It was just Duncan left and he's very evasive. He dodged Eva, Beth, and Cody's attempts at capturing him. Duncan smirked

(Duncan): Gonna have to try harder than that!



Duncan Confessional

(Duncan): Criminal's have to be fast and nimble if they wanna get away undetected

Duncan simply explained



Duncan is skilled but there was someone there who was far more skilled. Duncan is tripped by a well aimed lasso and another one captured him. Duncan turned to see Manitoba grinning he held two ropes

(Manitoba): Thanks for the rope sheila

Manitoba thanked Lindsay with a tip of his hat

(Lindsay): Oh no problem Matt

Manitoba raised an eyebrow in confusion

(Chris): Well that was certainly entertaining

Chris had untied himself and is looking at the tied up Gaffers

(Chris): It's clear who the winners are. The Killer Grips!

The Grips cheer exchanging high fives, fist bumps, and hugs. The Gaffers are untied by the Grips and hung their heads in disappointment. Gwen was standing up and saw a hand being extended to her. She looked up and saw Manitoba

(Manitoba): Does the lovely lady need a hand?

Manitoba asks with a charming smile. Gwen accepts the hand and dusts herself off

(Gwen): The lovely lady would like to see Kai



Manitoba Confessional

(Manitoba): Kai knows how to pick em aye?

Manitoba said with a proud smile



Manitoba takes the hat off and after a few moments Kai is back at the wheel. Kai blinked a few times as Manitoba informed him of a few things main thing being that his team won

(Gwen): You good?

Gwen looked at him as he seemed to be spacing out. Kai looked at Gwen a teasing smile on his face

(Kai): I beat you~

Gwen rolled her eyes and lightly punched him with a smile. Kai laughed Gwen herself giggled a bit. They loved the little rivalry they have


Chris stands in front of both teams looking at the Gaffers holding a branding iron

(Chris): You Gaffers are losers. And you know what happens to losers? Which Gaffer wants to take the heat?

He holds up the branding iron with a smirk. The Gaffers immediately ran away leaving Harold who looked nervous. Chris's phone went off instead of a call it was a text, after reading it he frowned clearly dissapointed

(Chris): Legal says branding's out. Guess I have to settle for booting one of the Gaffers off in the most exciting Gilded Chris ceremony ever!

Chris then looks at both teams in disgust as he smelt a bad odor

(Chris): Now, go shower. You stink. P.U.!

He blocks his nose and used his hand to make a "U"


There was a line to use a barrel filled with water. Aka their shower

(Lindsay): Hurry up, Harold!

Lindsay calls out as Harold is taking a long time and the campers who are waiting want to bathe and head back to camp

(Owen): Yeah, I have to go pee real bad! 

He noticed the looks he was given

(Owen): Uh, of course, I'd never go in the barrel

He laughed nervously and dropped into a guilty frown

(Owen): Okay, I would

(Harold): But I haven't finished sudsing my hair! 

Duncan clearly having enough kicks the barrel causing it to fall

(Harold): Aw, ow! Soap in my eyes!



Leshawna Confessional

(Leshawna): I'd like one good reason why that punk-haired skull shirted wannabe keeps picking on poor Harold!

Leshawna was not happy with the way Duncan is treating Harold




Duncan Confessional

(Duncan): You wanna know why I pick on Harold? Here's a hint. She's about ye tall, has brown hair, and could tear you limb from limb. No it's not a bear. It's Courtney. Harold got Courtney booted last season. Cheating isn't cool

Duncan was mainly annoyed that he could have been voted off instead of Courtney

(Duncan): Yep. Payback's a–



Gwen decided she'd shower later and spotted Kai standing outside. Kai had a soft smile on his face

(Kai): Hey babe, you finished up?

Gwen shook her head

(Gwen): Nah the line is so slow I'll deal with the crappy showers back at the trailers

Kai nodded he had the same plan except using the spa trailers wonderful showers

(Kai): You can use the spa trailer. I'm sure no one on the team will make a fuss if you use the shower

Kai suggested as they began walking back hand in hand. Gwen liked showing romantic gestures when the two aren't around their fellow campers. Kai respected that Gwen wanted privacy so he didn't mind

(Gwen): I'll happily take up that offer. Those showers felt like heaven the past few days

When the teams returned to the trailers the morning after Geoff's elimination. The Gaffers mainly the female members got to experience the spa trailers luxury for the first time and enjoyed it for the three days between challenges


They made it back to camp and Gwen used the spa trailers shower. Kai waited outside like the gentleman he is. Kai sighed as he bathed in the wonderful feeling of the AC

(Kai): Thank god Chris got this thing working again

Kai had been sweating up a storm all day and the AC was just what he needed. Eventually Gwen leaves the shower and Kai takes his turn. It didn't long to finish and now they sat on the bed Kai claimed as his on the first night. Gwen is sketching in her notebook and Kai strummed his guitar. Kai looked up at the now empty bed, Geoff used to sleep there. Gwen noticed his focused look

(Gwen): Did that bed insult your grandmother or something?

Gwen joked as she pointed out the look he had on his face

(Kai): Nah, just missing Geoff is all

Kai genuinely missed the vibes Geoff gave off. The guys on the Grips always had the most fun in the spa trailer. Well minus Noah he tried staying out of their shenanigans

(Kai): We pulled some good pranks on Chris and Chef

Kai said with a smile. Gwen had a look of realisation

(Gwen): Wait when Chris had that beard super glued to his face and when the brakes to Chef's ATV were cut. That was you guys?

Kai smiled clearly proud of the pranks they pulled

(Kai): Yep

Gwen laughed as she remembered Chris and Chef's shouts about finding who did it

(Gwen): That gave us some good laughs

Gwen said as she leaned on his shoulder. Kai leaned on her head playing a longer version of the song he made for her in the first season


Justin is sitting with Katie and Heather the current discussion is tonights vote

(Katie): So who should we vote?

Katie asked while admiring Justin who smiled

(Justin): Not sure but I know Gwen and Leshawna would be gunning for you

Justin said as he looked at Heather who looked annoyed

(Heather): Yeah I know

Justin tapped his chin in thought. He needed to keep Heather and Katie because when the numbers got low enough three votes would prove to be quite powerful. He won't be able to convince the team to vote Gwen, DJ, or Duncan and if he goes for Leshawna, Harold would come to her defense and with Katie being an important member of his alliance he couldn't risk upsetting Harold well not yet anyway. That leaves one person. His eyes land on Owen who is eating some food



Justin Confessional

(Justin): It sucks that I have to throw Owen under the bus. I was hoping to integrate him into my alliance. But I have to be patient, if I play my cards right I can easily flip the numbers

Justin said while rubbing his eyes



Justin walked over to a table where Leshawna and Harold are drink and just talking about whatever comes to mind. Justin sits down smiling

(Justin): Hey guys how's it going?

(Harold): I'm alright I-

Harold words were lost on Justin as he didn't pay attention. Justin's focus is on Leshawna, he has Katie's vote and if he could win Leshawna's vote then he won Harold's which means he has the numbers

(Leshawna): I'm doing better now that I can see your gorgeous face

Leshawna said while admiring Justin who smiled his teeth shined

(Justin): I wanted to ask who your voting tonight?

(Leshawna): Probably Heather

Justin's guess was on the mark

(Justin): Can I make a case to switch your vote to Owen?

Leshawna looked slightly surprised. Owen? No one really had their eyes on him

(Leshawna): Why Owen? He hasn't really done anything

(Justin): Exactly. If you think back to the last challenges Owen has done pretty bad. He struggled with our first challenge and last challenge he broke the board not even lasting a second, then today he was easily taken down

He counted each point with a finger

(Justin): I hate to be mean to the guy but he's pretty much dead weight. While we may not like Heather she does at least carry her weight in challenges we can at least keep her around until merge hits

Justin listed some compelling reasons as to why Owen should be voted and a good reason why Heather should stay. Leshawna thought back to the first challenge when he struggled with moving between the start and the trailer, then the surfing fail, and finally today's challenge where he handed Noah an easy catch

(Leshawna): I'll think it over

Leshawna said not seemingly affected by Justins looks mainly because she's deep in thought. Justin gave a charming smile

(Justin): That's all I can ask

Justin got up and walked off a smirk on his face



The Gaffers place their votes

(Chris): The votes have been cast! If you get a Gilded Chris, it means you're safe. For now. What happened to your dress?

He smirks at Chef who is wearing a black jacket over his usual clothing and a purple bow tie

(Chris): And the Gilded Chris goes to... Gwen and DJ

Gwen and DJ exchange smiles as they caught their Glided Chris

(Chris): Justin

Justin sighed in relief as he caught his

(Chris): Duncan, Leshawna, and Harold

The three caught their Gilded Chris happy to be staying. It was down to Heather, Owen, and Katie

(Chris): Katie

Katie caught hers and hugged the nearest person in relief which happened to be Harold

(Chris): We're down to the last Gilded Chris and it goes to...

Heather and Owen shared concerned looks. Which one of them is going home?

(Chris): ...Heather

Heather caught hers and cheered. Owen looked shocked

(Justin): Sorry dude

Owen looked disappointed but still smiled 

(Owen): It was fun being with you guys again. Goodluck!

He wanted to hug everyone but settled for his neighbors aka Duncan and Heather. Duncan pats his back so he'll let go. Owen got up and walked down the Red Carpet of Shame. Owen climbs into the Lamousine Chris closed the door once Owen entered it

(Chris): 3:10 to Losertown. Owen is now aboard. I'll see all you groovy cats next time on Total. Drama. Action!



Owen: Justin, Heather, Katie, Leshawna, and Harold (5)

Heather: Duncan, Gwen, DJ, and Owen (4)

Eliminated: Owen

Elimination Order: Courtney, Tyler, Sadie, Geoff, and Owen


That's it for this chapter, did you enjoy it? Owen gets voted out, I'm sorry for all the Owen fans but with my plans this is the furtherest the big guy could place. I don't have much to say so have a good day/night stay safe and see you in next weeks chapter!

Okumaya devam et

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