Trolls Band Together Floyd x...

By ZeraoraFangirl33

16.9K 313 25

I watched Trolls Band Together, and I loved it, Floyd is my favourite character, so I desied to write a boyfr... More

How you meet
When you meet again
When he's crushing on you
When your crushing on him
When he confesses
First date
First Kiss
When you meet his older brothers
When he meets your family
When you get kidnapped
When it's his birthday
When it's your birthday
Prank Day

When he rescues you

1.4K 25 3
By ZeraoraFangirl33

(Note: I do not own the songs, they belong to the original creators)

It had been almost two weeks since the trolls left Vacay Island to rescue you, Rhonda was speedily running down the dirt road leaving a  cloud of dirt behind. John Dory was behind the wheel whilst carefully listening to the radio, Poppy was at the stove making everyone coffee whilst Bruce and Clay was on the couch and Branch and Floyd were stairing at the clueboard trying to formulate a plan.

Branch glanced over at his brother who was stairing intensely at the board whilst fiddling with your hug time bracelet that was now tied around his wrist, he knew that Floyd was putting on a brave face, but deep down Branch knew he was worried and scared, Bruce came over and placed a reassuring hand on Floyd's shoulder.

"You doing okay bro"

"As okay as I'll be, I just feel so helpless right now, and the thought of Y/n in that bottle, alone and scared, scares me to no ends"

"I know how you feel bro, if anything like this happend to my wife and kids, I would be a panicking mess"

"The same goes for me too, if it was Poppy that was taken instead of Y/n, I would be worried out of my mind, but the important thing is that we all stay carm and think clearly"

"Your right, thank you Bros"

"No problem, were here for you Floyd, and we will get Y/n back"

"Um, guy's, I think we're here"

Everyone gathered around behind John to look out the window and were amazed at what they saw, Stardom Towers was unlike anything they had seen, the two towers were in the shape of a star that was cut in half with a stage at the very top of the star and had curved buildings around the sides with bright lights illuminating the place, but what caught the trolls attention was how huge the place was, then the radio presenter made a huge announcement.

'All right ladies and gentlemen, hot news just in that are newest  rising star Scarlett Skys will be performing her first live concert tonight  at the Stardom Towers, so hurry and buy your tickets now, because there going fast, up next are new numbers one hit Outlaw by the star herself Scarlett Skys'

As the song played everyone was glaring at the radio, till John angrily switched it off.

"That song, it like she's mocking us and rubbing it in are faces"

"What do we do Branch"

"We need to get there before that concert starts"

"How, have you seen that place, it's huge, how are we going to find Y/n in there"

"I don't know Clay, but I think I have an idea"

Minutes past and the trolls had arrived and had found away to sneak around the back with out being caught, John parked Rhonda in one of the alley ways that was hidden from people.

"Okay guy's, here's the plan, we clime up one of the towers till we find a vent panel, once we're inside we need to find a security room, if they have this many guards, they are sure to have security cameras, when we find it, will ues the cameras to find Y/n and when we do, will follow the vent till it leads us to her, now you all ready"

"Were ready when you are bro"

"Alright, then let's go"

You didn't know how long time had past, day's, weeks, you could not tell for there were no windows, you didn't even know if it was day or night, after Velvet had successfully passed the audition, she had been using you non stop and now your hands and lower half of your body had turned transparent with your H/c hair turning white at the toots.

You could feel yourself becoming weaker and weaker every time you were drained, so you would spent most of your time sleeping to help regain some of your energy and when you were not sleeping you would quietly sing to yourself out of boredom, you were peacefully sleeping against the bottle wall till the sound of footsteps and voices stirred you from your sleep.

Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes you were shocked to see Floyd, Branch, Poppy, John, Clay and Bruce gathered around you with there hands against the bottle with smiles on there faces, you were so surprised you scrambled up on to your feet.


"Y/n, oh thank troll we found you, I thought I'd never see you again"

"Me too, but I just knew you guys would come for me"

"Of course we would, we would never leave you here with that witch, besides your like family to us, and you never leave family behind"

"Oh you guys"

"Now, what do you say we get you out of that bottle"

"No guy's, listen, the bottle is made out of a rare crystal, it's much more stronger than diamond, even if you tried using the perfect family harmony it would not brake, it's just too strong"

"Then will figure something else out"

"There's no time Branch, Velvet's concert is about to start and she'll be back any minute, if she finds you she'll-"

Suddenly you heard the dreadful clatter of footsteps, you felt your heart fall to the pit of your stomach and your blood run cold as they got closer.

"She's coming, quick, all of you back in the vent and don't come out no matter what"

"No I'm not leaving you"

"Babe please, go and what ever happens, just know I love you"

"I love you too"

You both smiled at each others with tears in your eyes before Floyd and the others hid back into the vent, quickly you wiped away your tears just as Velvet entered through the door.

"Look alive troll, tonight is the night for my live concert and I need all the talent I need to make this a success"

"No please Velvet, no more, I bearly have anything left"

"Too bad, I don't cear"

She took out from one of her trouser pockets a gold necklace with hexagon locket with a small button of it.

"What is that?"

"It's a locket, made out of the same crystal as the perfume bottle, I did used to have a shoulder pad out fit, unfortunately it was confiscated when I was put in prison, but no matter, this locket works just the same way, so I can use you all threw the concert"

Velvet picked up the perfume bottle and unscrewed the top, she grabbed you then ruffly throwing you into the locket, she pushed the small button and you yelped in pain as you got drained and Velvet sang out in a smooth melodies voice. When Floyd saw the love of his life in pain, anger grew in his heart and he nearly jumped out of the vent to stop her, but was heald back by John who grabbed his shoulder stopping him.

They all watched as Velvet left the room with you hanging around her neck.

"Quickly, let's get back to Rhonda, we have to stop that concert"

Nodding they all took off down the vent as fast as there legs could go and the one who ran the fastest out of all of them was Floyd.

Velvet entered the elevator and pressed the up button that lead straight up on to the stage, whilst the elevator made it's climb she pushed the small button on the locket, you moaned in pain as more of you life essence was taken from you.

"You won't get away with this, Velvet"

"But I all ready have, now quite, I don't want to hear a peep out of you during the performance"

Finally the elevator stopped and you saw a huge crowd cheering, Velvet grabbed the microphone and greeted everyone before music started to play.


They say that I'm wanted
Hear the whispers in the street
Better start running
'Cause nothing scares me

Faster, faster
I'm the one you're after
Back down for nothing
You'll have to come and get me

No more warnings
I follow my own decree
You built a fortress
But I'll never kiss the ring

Faster, faster
You're the one I'm after
Back down for nothing
'Cause I'm my own king

I'm an outlaw
I'm an outlaw
I'm an outlaw
Catch me if you can
Catch me if you can

I'm an outlaw
I'm an outlaw
I'm an outlaw
Catch me if you can
Catch me if you can

If I'm being honest
I've always been a renegade
You say I'm lawless
'Cause I question the things that you say

Quiet, quiet
You're gonna start a riot
Back down for nothing
Don't forget I'm here to stay

I'm an outlaw
I'm an outlaw
I'm an outlaw
Catch me if you can
Catch me if you can

I'm an outlaw
I'm an outlaw
I'm an outlaw
Catch me if you can
Catch me if you can

I'm an outlaw
Oh, I'm an outlaw
I'm an outlaw
Oh, I'm an outlaw
Outlaw, ooh-na-na

The crowd went wild as Velvet finished her song and you were left lying on the crystal floor feeling very wake, your body was almost completely transparent and your hair was almost white with only a little bit of H/c left at the ends, your eyelids grew heavy but when you were just about to close them you hear a familiar roar and saw to your delight Rhonda run throw the crowd and jump onto the stage, a speaker appeared on her back.

"Stop the concert!, Scarlett Skys, you have taken someone dear to us and we want her back"

Rhonda opened her mouth and Floyd rolled out along with the rest of your friends, you weakly smiled, feeling your heart fill with joy at seeing him.

"Floyd" You whisperd as they all glared up at Velvet.

"Give me back my girlfriend"

"Uhh, ignore them everyone, there just some pesky trolls trying to cause trouble"

"No were not, listen, Scarlett Skys is a fraud, she kidnapped are friend and has been draining her talent to make herself famous"

"Don't listen to them, there lying"

The crowd started to whisper and mermmerd in confusion not knowing who to believe.

"There telling the truth"

Everyone turnd to the voice only to be shocked when Veneer stepped out of the crowd and onto the stage.

"You!, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be rotting behind bars"

"The chief of police made me a deal, if I helped them track you down I would get out on early parole"

Veneer snatched the microphone from Velvet and addressed the crowd.

"Listen up everyone, what the trolls say is true, Scarlett Skys is none other than my sister, Velvet"

On quew Poppy quickly used her sticky hand to rip off Velvet's wig revealing her long green hair. The crowd of fans gasped in shock and photographs started snaping pictures.

"No!, how could you do this to me, your own sister"

"Because I can't just sit by and let you do this to innocent troll that has done nothing to you, so please sis, stop all this"

"No!, I have worked to hard for this and I'm not going to let you all ruin it, if you trolls want your friend so bad, come and get her"

Velvet took off running and everyone ran after her, they followed her through the back of the stage and Velvet attempted to throw equipment to slow her brother and the trolls down, Floyd and the others just managed to dodge creates and other equipment that Velvet throw.

Veneer managed to tackle her to the ground and started struggling and roll around the floor trying to get the necklace, but Velvet had the upper hand and she grabbed the locket ripping it off from her neck then threw it across the floor, you felt yourself get tossed around like a rag doll as the locket skidded to a stop and teeterd over the edge.

Floyd along with the others ran to you but to their horror you fell over the edge, Floyd dove forward and grabbed the chain, he pulled with all his strength to stop you from falling only to end up being dragged along with you, but before he fell off the edge Branch grabbed Floyd's ankles and Poppy, Bruce, Clay and John Dory did the same forming a troll chain.

Feeling them selves slip John pulled out he grappling hook from his jacket and shot it at a near by beam anchoring them, then pushing the trigger he reeled them all up till they were all safely back on the ground. Security guards soon came and took Velvet away whilst Floyd scrambled onto his feet and ran over, to see you unconscious and started banging on the crystal.

"Y/n, Y/n, baby, can you hear me, guys we have to get her out now!"

"Right, then let's do this"

So they all started to sing and dance to Better Place but after the song had ended they realised that you were right, the crystal locket didn't brake, it didn't even leave a scratch.

"It's not working, it won't brake"

"There has to be a way, think everyone, think"

Everyone went silent trying to think of a way to get you free, Floyd looked over at you and felt his heart ache seeing you like this, he thought for a second before he remembered the wise words of your grandmother.

'The love you two feel for each other is stronger then anything in the world, all ways remember that'

Floyd's eyes widened as the realisation hit him, he didn't know if it would work, but he knew he had to try, slowly he walked over to you and placed his hands against the crystal wall and took in a breath.


If happiness was a tangible thing
It would be you
If you'd have told me the feeling you'd bring
I'd think it untrue
And people search for a wonder like you
All of their lives
You still amaze me after all this time

You pull me in like some kind of wind
Mesmerized by the hold I'm in
Leave you here, I don't wanna
I wanna

Love you as one does
I, I will protect you at all costs
Keep you safe here in my arms
I, I will protect you at all costs
At all costs

Floyd closed his eyes whilst resting his head agenst the crystal that separated you from him, you opend your eyes and smiled at him feeling all the love and emotion that he put into the song, using the last of your strength you lifted yourself up onto your knees and placed your hands against his.


What's pain? When I look at you? No way
I could explain you, even if tried to
I'll never dream like used to do
If someone tried to hurt you, I don't
See how that could happen
I'd fight for you in ways you can't imagine
Felt this, no, I haven't, I hope
It would be all right to say right here beside you

Floyd & Y/n

And love you as one does
I, I will protect you at all costs
Keep you safe here in my arms
I, I will protect you at all costs
At all costs

Whilst you and Floyd sang together a beautiful array of light surrounded you both lifting you up into the air, the same thing happened with Floyd's brothers and Poppy, they floated around you both in a circle and joined you both into the song.


If you're feeling like you're lost
I'll come find you
Man all fronts, there's no ocean I won't swim across
To be right by you
And not just once, here and now I swear on my response
I'll remind you

And love you as one does
I, I will protect you at all costs
Keep you safe here in my arms
I, I will protect you at all costs

Floyd & Y/n

At all costs

As you all finished the song the crystal locket started to crack and finaly shatter sending an array of light across the sky, feeling the last of your life drain away you blacked out and your body going completely transparent, Floyd and the others floated back down to the ground with shocked looks of there faces, Floyd ran over and caught you before you hit the floor and cradling you in his arms.

"Y/n, Y/n, wake up, please wake up"

Tears formed in everyone's eyes as they watched the sad seane, Poppy hid her face in Branch's chest, he wrapped his arms around her holding her close as she cried, his own tears rolling down his cheeks, Bruce placed his hands on John and Clay's shoulders looking at each other with teary eyes.

Floyd felt his heart shattered into a million pieces as he heald you in his arms resting his forehead agenst yours whilst he cried.

"Please Y/n, I can't lose you, my life would be meaningless with out you, I need you, I love you, so please come back to me"

Unbeknownst to him the colour had slowly returned to your face and you opend your eyes, you smiled up at him and cupped his face, he gasped in surprise.

"Hey, mi amor"


You both clung to each other whilst your friends cheered with happiness.

"Come here you guys, group hug"

They didn't need to be told twice and they all joind in the hug laughing and shedding tears of joy, once they released you Floyd started peppering your face with kisses making you giggle.

"Thank troll your okay, I thought I'd lost you there for a second"

"You could never lose me, Floyd, because no matter what, I'll always find a way back to you"

You wiped away his tears and he locked your lips with his in a passionate kiss, after breaking the kiss he helped you up on your feet holding your hand and waist to help support you just in case you fell, Poppy came over to you with a sad look on your face.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault, if we haven't gone to the beach none of this would of happened"

"No Poppy, you have nothing to apologise for, even if we didn't go to the beach, Velvet would have still found a way to capture us, so please don't blame yourself, it's not your fault"

"Thanks Y/n"

You both hugged each other, before remembering about Velvet and started to panic.

"Wait, where's Velvet"

"Don't worry, the security guards took my sister away, you won't be seeing her again"

You sighed in relief knowing that Velvet was going back to prison and won't hurt anyone else.

"Thank you Veneer, you helped save my life, I don't know how I could ever thank you"

"Don't mention it, like I said, I couldn't just let my sister do this again, so I had to help"

"Well again, thank you, but what are you going to do now?"

"Oh as soon as this is all over, I plan to move away from Mount Rageous and start a new, with a clean slate, it's time I put my past behind me"

"That's great Veneer, I wish you all the best"

"Thank you, now if you will excuse me, I have to call the chef about Velvet"

"Yeah, and we best be better get back to Vacay Island"

He waved you all goodbye and left for the exit, whilst you all left and got on board Rhonda, you were happily cuddling on the couch with Floyd feeling tired but happy to be with him again. You felt your eye lids grow heavy and you snuggled up into Floyd's chest drifting off to sleep, Floyd smiled down at you and kissed you on your forehead before he too drifted off to sleep.

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