A Serpent Amongst The Dragon...

By Dark1o

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((A/n): just a heads up I'm writing this on around the main manga not the anime. So if it feels off I don't b... More

The Earth's Strongest Maid
Meeting New Faces
Kanna Goes to School
Sun, Fun and The Empire of Demise
A New Dragon Arrives
Another Dragon Enters the Fray
Ending a Fight, Hot Springs and Challenges
Flower Viewing, Sickness & Patrol
Feelings Uncovered

A New Dragon in The House

490 21 5
By Dark1o

(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) = authors note
(F/d) = Favorite drink
Bold = Dragon talking
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
Underline = talking telepathically
* = the star mark means action
Narrator's p.o.v

We see Kobayashi looking at her watch as she walks out of her workplace from doing overtime

Kobayashi: gah... it's really late. Can I make the last train...? I might need to ask Tohru or (Y/n) to come get me

???: the Human called "Kobayashi"...

Kobayashi: who's there? *looks to where the voice came from* Oh... it's you... Ilulu...! What do you want?

Ilulu: I have a question for you. How have you managed to adapt to living with Dragons?

Kobayashi: I think it's Tohru who's adapting to me, not the other way around

Ilulu: you do not fear her?

Kobayashi: nah, she's way too cute to be scary... (Y/n) on the other hand though, she makes such a great housewife...

Ilulu: so you're saying... it's because of lust?

Kobayashi: wha?

Ilulu: you desire Tohru's Human form sexually... and there for you don't fear her?

Kobayashi: *Kobayashi blushes at Ilulu's words* OF COURSE NOT! DON'T BE RIDICULOUS!

Ilulu: such a strong reaction... so it is true


Ilulu: then... *undoes her cloak and holds out her breasts* feast your eyes on these! Heh heh...

Kobayashi: I seriously don't believe this...

Ilulu: *presses her chest into Kobayashi* well? You are Human, after all... you cannot fight your urges. Now, show me your true nature, you shallow Human man! Go ahead... if you're good, I'll serve as the outlet for your lust for a while

Kobayashi: I...I'M A WOMAN!! *slaps Ilulu's chest*

Ilulu: WHA?!


Ilulu: d-damn you... I don't believe you hit me there...

Kobayashi: *looks at the time* AH, CRAP...! I'm gonna miss the last train! I've gotta run! See ya *runs over to the train station*

Ilulu: hey! Wait!!

Ilulu then chases after Kobayashi into the train station and as the Human boards the train, then Ilulu holds the doors open with her claws

Kobayashi: c'mon, don't hold up the train. *Ilulu boards the train and sits next to Kobayashi* what? You haven't caused enough trouble yet?

Ilulu: no... I just cannot accept this. A Dragon and a Human could never live in harmony together. Their differences would frustrate them, before long... they'd grow to hate each other's species. Respect turns to envy, and envy causes wounds to form... what Tohru feels towards you is no more than curiosity. And when that runs dry, she'll... hmm? *notices Kobayashi with her eyes closed* DID YOU SERIOUSLY FALL ASLEEP?!

Kobayashi: *opens her eyes* hrg! Don't freak out, I was listening

Ilulu: THAT'S A LIE!

Kobayashi: you were talking about the differences between species, right? And how you can't accept me, or whatever? What are you trying to get me to do here?


Kobayashi: *softly sighs* then, if you'll allow me to borrow your words... *Ilulu tilts her head in confusion* we enjoy each other's differences... and before long, we grow to like each other's species. Respect turns into trust, and trust causes bonds to form. The way I feel about my life with Tohru... I think it's something like that

Ilulu: what rubbish! You're just covering up the harsh reality with pretty words!

Kobayashi: that may be true. Sometimes we fight or hurt each other, but... but I don't mind covering it up or pretending it never happened. Even if I don't fully understand how she feels, I adapt, and we get by. That's just who I am... I'm that kind of Human

Ilulu: is that how Humans think?

Kobayashi: no, that's just how I think. Also all Dragons don't think exactly the way you do, right, Ilulu?

Ilulu: ... ... ... of course they do! It's the same thing!

Kobayashi: oh? Still, I get the feeling that whatever Dragon came up with that mind set... isn't like you, Ilulu. *Ilulu lightly recoils in shock* so, she did want to talk instead of fight... she's probably just this way because it's how she was taught

Kobayashi closes her eyes as she ponders on her thought only to fall asleep, which the train cart falls into silence, as the the only sound that could be heard were the wheels rolling on the rails

Ilulu: *looks at Kobayashi* it must be... it must be sexual. *magic forms on the tip of her claw* But you're a woman, so that won't do

With that Ilulu uses her magic on the sleeping Human and after some time Kobayashi reawakens from her slumber from the train stopping

Kobayashi: hmm? This is my station... *gets up and walks off of the train* where did Ilulu go...? *shivers from the cold wind* amazing how the cold makes you need to pee...

Kobayashi then walks into the restroom that was close by and into an empty stall, once she lowers her pants she notices something between her legs

Kobayashi: what the—?

After some time Kobayashi finally makes it home and carefully opens the front door and steps and quietly closes it behind her

Kobayashi: *looks around the apartment* phew... looks like everyone is asleep... *looks down at her crotch* damnit... what am I gonna do about this... this thing!! I can't believe the first one I'm seeing besides my Father's is mine...

Tohru: *opens the bathroom door* oh! Miss Kobayashi, welcome home!! *walks out wearing only a towel which Kobayashi blushes at* Jeez, you could at least tell me if you're going to be late! I wanted to use your leftover bath water, Miss Kobayashi! I had to use Ophis-sama's left over bath water

Kobayashi: oh, right, sorry

Tohru: Miss Kobayashi, what's wrong? Your fave is bright red!

Kobayashi: huh?

Tohru: *places her forehead against Kobayashi's* did you catch a cold?

Kobayashi: *flinches away from Tohru* I... I'M Fine!!

Tohru: oh?

Kobayashi: wh...what the hell? Why am I getting this flustered over Tohru...? And was she always this cute? *notices Tohru's breasts bounce* nngh... just put on some clothes on, willya?

Tohru: yes, ma'am

As Kobayashi recollects herself and walks into her room, she imagines what Ilulu is saying to herself as she watches Kobayashi struggle

Imagination Ilulu: heh heh heh... Kobayashi... now that you've become a man, you'll show your true colours in no time. Now then... let's see it. Show me how shallow Humans truly are...

Kobayashi: ...is probably what she's thinking. So, let me guess... Ilulu used some kind of magic to put this thing on me. But she doesn't have much power left after her fight with Tohru... so maybe it'll just disappear after a while? I have no clue what Ilulu wants from me... but I'm got gonna panic

Suddenly there's a knock at her door which Kobayashi calls them in, and the person to enter the room is none other then (Y/n) which Kobayashi blushes that the Serpent God is wearing a babydoll nightgown that just reaches her mid thigh

(Y/n): can we talk Kobayashi, or is now a bad time?

Kobayashi: n-no not at all...

(Y/n): good

(Y/n) then taps her foot on the floor as a white snake symbol appears on the floor then slithers onto the door, and once in the middle the snake forms circle and bites it's own tail, then a white pulse come off the snake and covers the room

Kobayashi: wh...what was that all about?

(Y/n): that was just to make sure no one can hear through the door or enter this room while we talk, since your normal reproductive system doesn't seem to be there anymore

Kobayashi: h-how?

(Y/n): Kobayashi, did you forget that I can read your mind?

Kobayashi: oh... um can you do something about it?

(Y/n): I could, but I think you'll be uncomfortable about it

Kobayashi: I see...

(Y/n): can I ask how you got it?

Kobayashi: I ran into Ilulu on my way home, and she used magic on me probably when I took a nap

(Y/n): so Ilulu used a spell that I prohibited? Great, just great... *sighs* I'll leave you to get some sleep then, Kobayashi. Since tomorrow is your day off so don't be afraid to ask me for help, okay?

Kobayashi nods at (Y/n) and with that (Y/n) makes the snake disappear and walks out the room and closes the door behind her, leaving Kobayashi to get changed and falls asleep. When the next day arrives Kobayashi is awoken by her alarm

Kobayashi: *turns off her alarm* it's morning... hmm? Why'm I so warm...

Kobayashi moves the quilt out of the way to reveal a naked Kanna sleeping next to her, making the Human slightly panic making Kanna wake up

Kobayashi: Kanna, why are you in my bed?!

Kanna: I thought... you'd be cold... so I'm keeping you warm

Kobayashi: are you for real?! *gets out bed* well, I'm getting up now!

Kanna: mm'kay, I'm gonna sleep a little more...

Kobayashi: *starts making her way towards the bathroom* what a way to wake up... and that thing down there is, uh... I guess this is what they call morning wood, huh? *walks into the bathroom* but aside from that thing, I don't look any different... and nobody other then (Y/n) has noticed—not that I want them to. I wonder if Tohru could fix this for me...? Oh, but...


Kobayashi: bad idea

Kobayashi then undresses and has a quick shower and once dressed again and walks out of the bathroom

Kobayashi: well, I have today off... what should I do? *sits in front of the tv* maybe I'll watch some good ol' Sunday morning anime... *notices Kanna* oh, hey Kanna

Kanna: have you come to the popular show?

Kobayashi: popular show, huh?

Tohru: *walks over to the two* it's funny to watch them fight in those tights...

Kobayashi: yeah... I'm good. Nothing to worry about

As the show start and (Y/n) starts making breakfast for everyone both Kanna and Tohru start getting into the action, as Tohru bumps into Kobayashi

Tohru: go, Master Xandred!!

Kanna: ooh...

Kobayashi: quit sticking your boobs into me! How do guys deal with this thing...? Just being close like this makes it... but... this is normal for girls... and it's not like I mind... I...I can beat this! I won't let this magically impose male libido control me!

(Y/n): girls, banana pancakes are ready!

Kanna: pancakes!

And so Kobayashi managed to avoid the temptation of "Dragon flesh" with some help from (Y/n), and she didn't use that thing at all. As time passed we see Kobayashi in the bath as Tohru busts into the room

Tohru: let's bathe together!

Kobayashi: NO!! Have things always been this intense between us...?

Without Kobayashi knowing Tohru notices something in the water and leaves the room apologises to Kobayashi for intruding, after having her bath, Kobayashi is now at her computer doing some minor work

Kobayashi: oh, thank goodness... it's shrinking. I guess the battle with Tohru really did weaken Ilulu. Really makes you think, doesn't it? In her weakened state, she used what little power she to do this to me...? Is it that hard to believe in a human? The power of Dragons in Tohru's world... she's a "Chaos Dragon," right? They hate Humans and teach their children to hate them, too. Ilulu was brought up that way, and she's lived her life that way... and if that's all she knows... then seeing me get along with Tohru would destroy her whole worldview... is that what's going on here? Wow... I feel bad for that kid. But there's nothing I can do for her...

Tohru: dinner is ready Ma'am!

Kobayashi: hm? Ah, thanks Tohru *walks over to the table and starts eating* ahh... well, at least I don't have to worry about that thing any— *wobbles in her chair*

Tohru: heh heh heh...

Kobayashi: *drops her chopsticks* I know this feeling... a love potion?!

Tohru: Nya ha ha!! I noticed your little secret a while ago. You've got one of those things now, Miss Kobayashi!! Ilulu did this to you, I'm sure... I'll fix it for you. But first... I'm not going to miss a chance like this!! *starts to strip off her clothing* Miss Kobayashi, let our bodies become one, just like our hearts! *dismisses her clothes* now, just give in to my charms, and... *notices Kobayashi face* WAIT, WHAT?! WHAT'S WITH THE SUDDEN COLD SHOULDER?!

Kobayashi looks at Tohru and feels like she saw a Cosplay model out of her costume as any effect of the potion is gone

Kobayashi: you took off your maid outfit off... the thrill is gone. Tohru... let me give you a man's point of view on the best aspects of a maid...

Tohru: NOOO!!!

(Y/n): *slithers out of the bathroom* what's with all the noise out here? *notice Kobayashi prowling towards Tohru* oh that's why...

(Y/n) grows and outstretches her tail to grab Kobayashi and pull her away from Tohru before anything happens, and so eventually, Kobayashi's body return to normal

Kobayashi: great. I passed this test... so what's your next move... Ilulu?

<time skip 2 days>

???: Ilulu... Ilulu... were you playjng with the humans again...?

Past Ilulu: yeah! Humans are nice. I love 'em

???: I see... perhaps we should consider coexisting with them as well

The scene changes to flames roaring as faint roars of dying Dragons could be heard fading into flames and once the flames die out, Ilulu now stands before one of the Elder Dragons looking confused

Past Ilulu: where are my Mother and Father?

Elder: I'm sorry...

Past Ilulu: so, I can't play with Humans anymore...?

Elder: of course not! Humans murdered your parents! We'll have to teach you the history of our war with them... humans are the enemy! We have nothing in common with them!!

We now see Ilulu being chased by a mysterious male, that hails from the Harmony Faction as the young Chaos Dragon escapes she trips on her on feet and face-plants into the cement

Ilulu: *looks towards the male Dragon* you followed me here, Harmony Cur?!

Clemene: I am Clemene of the Dragon Slayers. When you get to hell, tell them I sent you there. Spread word of my deeds

Ilulu: ngh...

As Ilulu starts to make haste and run from her persecutor meanwhile at Kobayashi's place we see Tohru making dinner with (Y/n) as Kobayashi helps Kanna with her homework

Tohru: oops, we're all out of mayonnaise

Kobayashi: I'll go get it, since you're cooking, Tohru

Tohru: what? No, no! I can just go using one of the 48 maid techniques "doppelgänger"!

Kobayashi: I feel like getting some air anyway. How is that a "maid technique"?

As Kobayashi make her way into the night life city as she lets out a sigh and grabs a can of hot coffee from a vending machine

Kobayashi: Ilulu always shows up when I'm alone, so maybe if I wait I'll see her? ... ... ... maybe it's just me... but I feel like I'm getting hung up on Ilulu. Maybe it's because... *takes a sip of coffee* I guess... I think maybe we could become friends? Everyone I've met from the other world so far has been pretty cool... although, I get the feeling they've all had bad experiences with Humans. Still we're all managing to live together... maybe that's because they believe we don't have to fight. I've got that kind faith in Tohru, too. I think that's why I want to reconcile with Ilulu. *looks around the area* well, no sign of Ilulu... maybe she's in a place with fewer people, *spots an alleyway* like here...?

Kobayashi chugs down the rest of her coffee and recycles it, then walks into the alley and once out of the peering eye she finds Ilulu on the ground out cold

Kobayashi: ILULU! *gets close to her* is she... hurt? She's out cold... who could have done this to her...?

Clemene: *drops down behind Kobayashi* hrmph, so, we've been spotted... *Kobayashi faces Clemene* human... I have come to rid your world of this dangerous, otherworldly beast. Leave this place at once. Forget what you saw

Kobayashi: what's this guy's deal...? You're saying you came here to kill Ilulu? A grown man wants to murder a kid?

Clemene: yes, she is an evil creature of Chaos who will only harm Humans. I am a being of Harmony, here to save this world

Kobayashi: oh yeah? *pulls a personal alarm out her pocket* well in that case *pulls the trigger making the alarm go off* TAKE THIS!!


Kobayashi: YEAH!! PERSONAL ALARM POWAAAAHH!! *picks up Ilulu and makes a run for it* better run while we have a ch— damn, she's heavy!! Are those boobs real?! Do they come off?! If so, GIVE THEM TO ME!!

As Kobayashi navigates her way through the alleyways Clemene crushes the personal alarm under his foot silencing it, he then notices that Ilulu and Kobayashi are no longer in sight

Clemene: they got away...? Why would a human...

Back with Kobayashi she finds a small mountain area and places Ilulu under a tree and after a little waiting Ilulu stirs awake

Kobayashi: ah, you're awake?

Ilulu: ah

Kobayashi: are you all right? It seems like your wounds healed right up... Dragons really are something else

Ilulu: wh...why did you save me?

Kobayashi: I didn't do that much... we're lucky there was a mountain to hide on nearby. That guy's totally gonna come after you again, though— isn't he?

Ilulu: let him come

Kobayashi: huh?

Ilulu: if we fight again and I lose, then that is my fate

Kobayashi: then couldn't it be fate for me to save you, too

Ilulu: URK...! Mrrr...

Kobayashi: Ilulu... do you want to fight or something? You're aggressive toward me...it sorta seems like you do. If you hate me and want to rake it out on me, I'll let you, you know

Ilulu: I... I can't accept any Dragon that coexists with Humans. Humans and Dragons cannot live together

Kobayashi: yeah, you said that before

Ilulu: I mean, if it turns out they can get along... then why have I spent all this time... the truth...

???: for Dragons to mingle with inferior beings like Humans is shameful

Ilulu: the truth is...

???: there have been so many tragedies, there's no way we could ever make peace

Ilulu: I just...

???: Humans are the enemy

Ilulu: I just wanted...

???: it's not right


Kobayashi: I see. *brings Ilulu in for a hug* in that case... why don't you come play with us sometime? We've done a lot of stuff together, you know. Played dodgeball, went to Comiket, the hot springs... I think I'll give play fighting a pass though

Ilulu: y...you're trying to trick me! You're just trying to win me over with honeyed words!

Kobayashi: yep, you nailed it

Ilulu: wha...?

Kobayashi: I'm trying to sweet-talk the evil ferocious Chaos Dragon into being my friend. Will you keep believing what you've been taught? Or are you gonna let me?

Ilulu starts thinking hard over Kobayashi's words to the point of where she's having an internal conflict, but soon her mind becomes clear with what she wants

Ilulu: I—

Clemene: that's quite enough. So, you're an accomplice of hers, Human... I'll exterminate you, too!

Kobayashi: can you, though? Aren't there rules against that?

Clemene: HAH! They're more like guidelines! And they ultimately only apply to Dragons, not Humans! Offer me a sacrifice, and perhaps I'll spare you!

Kobayashi: this guy makes Tohru's Dad seem like a pussycat. Well then... *stand between Clemene and Ilulu* looks like I'll just have to put my life on the line again... how're we gonna get out of this one...?

Clemene: a Human, trying to protect a Dragon? Then you are taking the side of Chaos... very well

Clemene then strikes the side of Kobayashi's temple but before the attack could land Kobayashi's necklace faintly glows as a snake appears before the fist and absorbs majority of the force

Clemene: I shan't kill you right away. You'll gain  true awe for Dragons as you die

Kobayashi: *holds her head in pain* "awe," huh...? Damn, that hurts!! I'm so screwed!! I guess some Dragons are more awesome than others

Ilulu: that's enough... *stands in front of Kobayashi*

Clemene: and now the Dragon is protecting the Human... what a farce. If you were not so weakened, I doubt I would have won. I don't know what happened, but I thank the Gods

Kobayashi: whoops. You shouldn't have used the G-word, pal

Clemene: what?

Kobayashi: *looks over Clemene's shoulder* you two are late

Clemene then suddenly feels two massive auras irradiating from behind him as Tohru and (Y/n) stand there with the intention to kill

Tohru: Miss Kobayashi...


Tohru: Miss Kobayashi...

(Y/n): you're wounded...

Tohru & (Y/n): did this man hurt you?

Clemene: I...it doesn't matter. I can call reinforcements of my own!! I'll summon Elma to my side!! *(Y/n)'s tail wraps around Clemene's neck* GUH?!

(Y/n): ...cease...

Clemene falls somewhat limp in (Y/n)' tail as Tohru moves closer to him and speaks up

Tohru: if you plead for mercy prettily enough, we might spare your soul and destroy only your body. Now, start begging!!

Clemene was then dragged behind some bushes as both (Y/n) and Tohru wale on Clemene's body, making several bone cracking or straight up breaking, after that Tohru and (Y/n) walk over to Kobayashi and Ilulu

Kobayashi: y-you two didn't kill him, did you?

Tohru: oh, no... just took a souvenir and sent him back to the other world

(Y/n): we figured if he went missing, more of them might come looking for him. We did punish him a little though

Kobayashi: I-I see. Oh, thank goodness... now... Ilulu can... hunh... now that we're safe I'm feeling a bit... *Kobayashi collapses to the ground*

Ilulu: AH!



(Y/n): settle down, Kobayashi is fine, she just has a minor cut with minor concussion and her adrenaline rush has crashed. She'll be fine

Tohru: if you say so, Ophis-sama

(Y/n) smiles and tells Tohru to carefully pick up Kobayashi as she opens a portal back to the apartment which all three Dragons take much to the maid's dismay

Kobayashi: there was a time when I thought I knew how an office worker should be. Always serious and hardworking, following all the rules and routines... valuing the company I've one's life. I suppose I had my coworkers, but since I prioritised work my private life, I lost my friends. I thought it was my duty to be a good worker above all else. That's what I was raised to believe. But then I met Tohru, and everything changed. And then Ilulu... I think I may have seen my old self in her. That's why... *slowly opens her eyes* u... ughhh...

Tohru: ah! Miss Kobayashi, don't move!!

Kanna: are you okay, Kobayashi?

(Y/n): how's your head feeling?

Kobayashi: Tohru... Kanna... (Y/n)... am I back home...? *grabs her glasses and put them on*

Tohru: yes, Ma'am! And I healed your wounds, too!

(Y/n): she's suffering from a minor concussion, Tohru

Kobayashi: where's Ilulu?

Tohru: *points at Kobayashi's waist* right there *Ilulu holds Kobayashi close* she refuses to let go of you! Took her long enough, but she's finally appreciating your charms!

Ilulu: Kobayashiii... is it okay if I let you trick me now?

Kobayashi: yeah... that's fine

After Kobayashi said that, Tohru stares at the Human in shock all the while (Y/n) just cackles like a madman at the maid's misfortune. Three days go by, and the group has made peace with Ilulu as now she mellowed out and lives with them being only slightly fearful of (Y/n), once she found out whom she is, as she slowly opens up to everyone in her own awkward way

Kobayashi: don't you want to get rid of your tail and claws and those boobs? I mean for normal day life

Tohru: actually, it was probably hard enough for Ilulu to take the form that she did. I'm sure if she hadn't restrained herself, that chest would be even bigger. Oh, but she could probably lose the claws and tail if she wanted to, I think

Kobayashi: EVEN BIGGER?! I'd be happy for 5% of that!!

After getting over her shock Kobayashi excuses herself and makes her way to the washroom and as she finishes doing her business she hears a banging at the door

Ilulu: Kobayashi, Kobayashiii!

Kobayashi: Ilulu?

Ilulu: open uuup!

Kobayashi: *opens the door* what? You have to pee?

Ilulu: this is where you excrete waste, right? How do humans do that?

Kobayashi: that's right... Ilulu came to this world without doing any research about human life here! So she still has a lot to learn. Right... *points at the bidet* sit there and do it

Ilulu: *sits on the bidet* nailed it!

Kobayashi: I'm gonna have my hands full teaching her... *looks towards Tohru* if only I had a really great maid right now... boy, I'd be soo happy with her

Tohru gives Kobayashi a thumbs up which Kobayashi returns then she goes to get ready for work as Kobayashi notices Kanna giving (Y/n) a hug then heads off for school

Kobayashi: sorry about this. It's only while I'm at work, okay?

Tohru: it's all right, Miss Kobayashi! This is all part of our eternal bond

Kobayashi: don't say "eternal" so casually. Well, I'm heading off now

Tohru: see ya later! *the door closes* now, then...

Tohru & Ilulu: *the two stare at each other* how am I going to deal with her...?

Tohru: we were trying to kill each other not too long ago. Normally, I'd destroy anyone who opposed me even once, but... Miss Kobayashi wouldn't like that

Ilulu: that Tohru was never the forgiving sort. I'm sure she's gonna destroy me. But I want to know Kobayashi better. I won't go down easily!

(Y/n): no fighting! If you do, you'll both be punished *starts making herself a cup of tea*

Tohru: of course Ophis-sama. *lets out a sigh* Do you want to learn how to live here?

Ilulu: yeah...

Tohru: *pulls out a hand made book* take this then

Ilulu: what is it?

Tohru: it's a manual I wrote about how to live as a human. Now, turn those things into human hands

Ilulu looks at her claws for a bit then in a cloud of smoke two knobs surprising both Tohru and (Y/n), which Ilulu chuckles to herself


Ilulu: yeah, apparently so... I'll read it like this *opens the book*

Tohru: wow, they work better then I expected...

Ilulu: that's because each one is covered in lots of tiny hands

Tohru: GROSS!!

(Y/n): impressive

Ilulu: okay, "greetings; Humans communicate using greetings. It's easiest to just repeat back whatever is said to you. Food; Humans will eat just about anything, but not Dragon flesh. Must find a way to change this. Reproduction; I wanna do it." Those notes have one heck of a bias!! What's with that last one?

Tohru: I'm just being honest

(Y/n): damn it, Tohru

Ilulu: "clothes; you'll stand out less if you wear the same kinds of clothes that Humans wear." The same? Hmm *looks at what Tohru is wearing and comparing it to (Y/n)* not the same

Tohru: DON'T JUDGE ME!!!

Ilulu: I see

(Y/n): may I add something Ilulu?

Ilulu: sure?

(Y/n): Tohru's clothes are actually pretty acceptable by Human standards. Manly because they think it's a fetish thing anyway

Ilulu: well, whatever. I'll put on some clothes so I can match the Humans *walks into Kanna's and Tohru's room and over to the drawer*

Tohru: *Tohru and (Y/n) follow Ilulu* sorry, we don't have anything in your size. Don't just rummage through the drawers!

Ilulu: what about Kanna's stuff?


Ilulu: *puts on one of Kanna's shirts* see, this is— *the buttons explode off the shirt and embed into (Y/n)'s head* oops


(Y/n): *downs the rest of her tea* I'll go get my sowing kit *slithers out of the room*

Tohru: why don't you just transform your scales like I do?

Ilulu: I'm not skilled enough to do that

Tohru: guess I'll lend you some of my clothes, then

After a while both Ilulu and Tohru exit the bedroom with Ilulu wearing an oversized shirt and thigh highs and sits across from (Y/n) trying to avoid any unnecessary eye contact, as Tohru takes a seat she places Kanna's broken shirt in front of the Dragon God, which (Y/n) starts working on immediately

Tohru: so, what're you going to do now?

Ilulu: what do you mean?

Tohru: I mean, what's your plan? Is there anything you want to do?

Ilulu: something I want to do... I'll have to think about it

Tohru: ...... okay, then... but don't think you can just stay here as long as you want while you decide.

Ilulu: you're not hiding your feelings very well, are you?


Ilulu: trust me, it's not a surprise



Tohru: just hurry up and figure out what you want to do. "He who does not work shall not eat", as they say

Ilulu: mm. What about Kanna or Urobros?

Tohru: Kanna has a job called "Elementary School Student"

(Y/n): and in Kobayashi's words, I'm the housewife, I make sure nothing too crazy happens while she's gone

Ilulu; then I'll be an Elementary School Student, too

Tohru: only children are allowed to do that. You're the same age as me, aren't you?

Ilulu: oh. Right... hrm...

Tohru: heh. Well, at least... you're actually thinking about it. *looks towards (Y/n)* also housewife?

(Y/n): as I said Kobayashi's words not mine

Tohru: hmph! *looks away away from (Y/n)*

(Y/n): so cute

With that both (Y/n) and Tohru go on with their daily routine all the while Ilulu thinks on what to do in this world. And once the sun sets for the day we see Tohru preparing dinner for everyone, (Y/n) helping Kanna with her homework and Ilulu still thinking, then Kobayashi walks through the front door

Kobayashi: I'm home

Tohru: welcome back, Ma'am!

Kobayashi: *notices Ilulu* what's up with Ilulu?

Tohru: she says she's thinking about what she wants to do

Kobayashi: *walks over to Ilulu* well, I hope you find it *Ilulu opens her eyes and looks at Kobayashi* what's up?

Ilulu: I think I found something I want to do for now

Kobayashi: ooh, really? What's that?

Ilulu: u want to reproduce with Kobayashi

Kobayashi: huh?

Ilulu: yes... thinking about it, I'm already near the age I should be having children m. I want you to fill the hole in my life share a family should be. Kobayashi... have intercourse with me


Kobayashi: also, I'm a woman, so...



Kanna: perverts...

Kobayashi: I know, right? My virginity may not be worth much, but I'm sure as heck not giving it up to you guys

Ilulu then shoves Tohru out of the way, so she can shove Kobayashi into her chest only to be stopped suddenly by (Y/n)'s tail pressing down own Ilulu's reverse scale, as the serpent lightly coils herself around the Human and stares down Ilulu, and that ends today's chapter I hoped that you enjoyed and I hope to see you soon bye bye

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