Lion King of DxD

By feldsher_azuma

17.9K 327 442

In a world where legends and myths collide, Artoria Pendragon finds herself mysteriously transported to the c... More

Familiars and Phoenix
Author's Note
Training Arc ✧Rated R✧
Author's Note 2
Pendragon v/s Phoenix
The UnHoly
Not A Chapter.
Swords & Exorcists

Knowing the Devils

1.8K 32 44
By feldsher_azuma

As the Sun shined at its brightest, with no clouds to hinder its declaration of might. The birds also chirped their morning songs as if dancing and celebrating the start of a glorious new era.

In a certain academy's, certain club house, we can see a feminine figure sleeping peacefully under the milky white cover sheets with no regards or worries. Her beautifully curved body, as if carved by the hands of God himself. A body that is capable of making even gods jealous, added with her blonde hair and emerald green eyes that only adds more attraction to herself. Her beauty, so charming that'd make Zeus declare war over the entire Realm of Existence. She was the literal evidence of the envy of other women and the dream of any man with natural instincts.

She was seen lying naked on the majestic bed, covered by the white bed sheets, with only her long smooth legs and just enough down her shoulders to reveal her cleavage. The peaceful look on her face, hiding the ferocity of a lion behind it. The scene was truly any artists paradise. A portrait if created would even make the artist of Mona Lisa green with envy.

Alas, all beautiful things must come to an end. The loud beeping sound of a mechanical clock started to halt her well deserve sleep. She twisted her face in discomfort and squirmed her body, before putting her hand over it to shut if off.

Artoria Pendragon was forced to wake up by the unpleasant ringing sound of the alarm clock. The sunlight almost blinding her as it shone through the openings in the curtains.

Upon sitting up her head grew a bit dizzy, the cover sheet falling off of her, leaving with only bare minimum to imagination. Then recollecting herself, she thought of everything that happened and what led her to this point. Not only she was forcefully thrown into a world completely unknown to world, but this one was rather.... unique with the Devils and other stuff. Not that she was complaining, as a matter of fact she was glad to the higher deity out there, whoever it was for granting her one true wish.

Artoria stretched her arms earning a few satisfying pop as her muscles relaxed. She looked around. The room given to her was decorated with expensive furniture, although she could've bought countless times in her previous life as an emperor. The clock displayed the time to be 9:00 A.M.

She yawned and got out of bed. Looking at the chair beside the desk she saw some clothes and a letter which read:

Since you had no normal clothes, I thought maybe I'd share some of mine. We'd go shopping later if you'd like. :)


She smiled to herself. These devils might not be as bad as she thought to herself. She decided to take a nice hot shower, and went in the bathroom to get her morning started. About an hour later [A/N: Why do girls take so long damn it?!] she came out, her hair wet damp, and skin glistening with water. She put on the clothes, albeit the bra being a bit tight around her chest. She had no luxury of being picky.

Her ears picked up some distinct noises nearby. Focusing on it more intently, she realized it was coming from downstairs. The pervert yelling for some reason to be exact. Peaking her head out of her room upstairs, she saw Rias and her companions and a few other people she didn't know. Making her way down to the club room, the others finally noticed her. Their jaw hung low as they all stared at her.

The Sun providing better lighting condition that elevated her regal beauty even more and also in casual T-shirt and shorts.

A group of total 8 people, noticeably a blonde boy with messy hair. He also seemed to have a presence of a dragon within him. Although weaker than Issei's.

'They're devils as well?' She thought narrowing her eyes at them. They were all staring at her without blinking an eye which quite irritated her, and decided to break their chain of thoughts and stare, "Is there something on my face?"

They blinked twice, a shade of red and pink adorning their cheeks. Some of them managed to compose themselves but the others blushed and looked away embarrassed.

Rias was the first one to speak, "Artoria-san, good morning! Did you sleep well?"

" Yes, the bed was quite comfortable." She looked over to Akeno who was making tea," Akeno, thanks for the clothes. "

"Ufufu, pay it no mind. "

Artoria nodded at her statement before taking a seat on the empty couch crossing her legs and looked over to the new arrivals, "So, who are your guests?"

"Right!" Rias beamed at the question, "This is my best friend, Sona Sitri. Heir to the Sitri clan, one of the 72 pillars of the underworld. She's also the student council president, and goes by the alias, Souna Shitori."

She saw a bespectacled young woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes. Standing at about 5'5" inches tall.

"And the vice president, also her queen, Tsubaki Shinra. "

Tsubaki is a young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye (both light brown in the anime). In addition to wearing the Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform, she also wears blue, semi-rimmed glasses with square lenses. She bowed lightly, earning a nod from Artoria in response.

The rest of them then introduced themselves one by one. The boy was their latest member, Saji.

Saji Genshirou is a young man with short blond hair and grey eyes. He wears the Kuoh Academy boys' school uniform, albeit without the blazer and his sleeves are rolled up. Who was in front of her on one knee for some reason.

"Miss Artoria, my pleasure." He took her right hand and kissed her knuckles, "Did you know? If you held 12 roses in front of a mirror, you'd see the 13 most beautiful things in the entire world?"

"S-Saji yo-!?"

He heard Sona let out a low cry and others gasp. The tension in the air was suddenly very menacing for some reason, but he dismissed it at the back of his head, 'Its alright, president! I got this!'

When he looked up expecting to see a blushing Artoria. What caught his vision, caused his eyes to go wide in shock.

A magic circle of some sort was just before his face. It was giving off a very powerful holy power. A glaring Artoria giving him the looks that could kill. Fear clenched his heart, clearly evident on his face. He fell back in surprise, his spine hitting the tea table in process and him rolling over it. The other student council members standing in front of him protectively. Her glare didn't fade, eyes locked on Saji who brought out some sort of gauntlet on his left arm as well. She figured the dragonic presence was coming from it.

She got up from her sitting position and started to walk towards Saji, magic circle still activated. A sense of fear rose in their hearts. In Rias and others because they knew what she was capable of and Sona and the others because she was using holy magic. Their devil instinct telling them to run away but, they chose not to. They knew they wouldn't be able to get out of this unscathed, if a brawl was to break out. But their dignity and pride as a devil kept them locked in place.

"Stop right there! I'm warning you!" Sona cried with the Sitri clans water magic circle in her own hand.

"Move it woman. " Artoria hissed back with malice in her voice.

"W-What're you doing Artoria-san?" Rias claimed.

This was NOT how she hoped things would go. She was hoping to understand Artoria more by bringing Sona here who was a good judge of one's character. But that Son of B-Biscuit, Saji had to ruin this for her.

Amidst all this, Artoria's glare never left Saji. Her usually sweet voice, that was capable of returning hope to the most lost soul, calming innocent children whose mind was plagued by horrific nightmares, so alluring might even make Gabriel jealous.... right now it was so Cold, it sent shivers down their spine.

"Rabid dogs shall be relieved of their misery!" She hissed out ready to behead the culprit who dared to kiss her body uninvited.

"Artoria-san, please calm down!" Akeno said putting one of her hands on Artoria's shoulders,"Saji might've offended you and we apologize. He'll be punished accordingly later, so please calm down?"

They looked at each other for a few brief seconds, tension thick in the air. Artoria sighed and pulled back her attack. They let out a breath they didn't know were holding in.

"Keep the fool somewhere else," she said glancing at them from the corner of her eyes, making her statement clear to them all, "I'm a woman not so fond of mercy. I'll excuse your blasphemy once, you won't live to regret it twice. "

Sona took a seat at the opposite sofa and decided to interject her objective,"So, you're the one who fell out of sky last night? "

"And what of it? " leaning back, she threw a question of her own.

"Who are you and what's your objective? "

"I am Artoria Pendragon." She narrowed her eyes at Sona, "And my objective here is none of your concern."

Both engaged in a staredown. Neither blinking or averting eyes from the other. One trying to get some sort of a read on the other, while the other in question emposing her willpower and solidarity.

Nobody spoke a word, creating an awkward silence amongst them.... which was broken by the Lion King herself, "So, what were you guys talking about?"

"Right!" Rias chirped in," Since Issei, Asia and.... Saji are new, we were thinking about getting them new familiars. "

"Familiars? " Artoria deadpanned.

"Familiars ar-" The crimson ruin princess began her explanation before being rudely interrupted.

"I know what a familiar is, " She stopped Rias dead in her tracks, "What I meant was why argue over it? "

"Right," what else was she expecting? "Well you see, the familiar forest only allows one visitor once a month. So, we were deciding who'd get to go first. "

"And? " She cocked an eyebrow at them?

"We've decided to settle it with a Tennis match later today," Akeno smiled..... as always, "Between Rias & I against Sona & Tsubaki."

"A Tennis match....? " Artoria was dumbfounded, "Is it another type of devil game? "

This statement surprised them.

"A-Artoria san? " Asia was the one who surprisingly decided to join the conversation,"You don't know what a Tennis match is? "

"Unfortunately, no! " She said shaking her head side by side," My homeland didn't have this.... 'Tennis' you speak of."

"Then why don't you join us later? " Rias made a bold offer.

"Are you sure about that? "


About a few hours later, Artoria sat and stared at the sky on one of the benches of Tennis court of Kuoh Academy, ignoring the clamor as hundreds of people gathered around the tennis court to watch the match between Rias & Akeno V/S Sona & Tsubaki. That, or try and catch a glimpse of their panties as they were wearing rather short skirts with their tennis uniforms.

"I swear, it's like they're enjoying teasing damn near the entire male population of the academy." She murmured to herself, before closing her eyes with a sigh. "You can come over if you want Koneko."

She announced to the petite girl, who was looking back and forth between her relaxed form and the crowd watching the match.

"There's no point in getting involved, tennis isn't a team sport beyond doubles so it's not like there's anything we'll be able to do to help Rias and Akeno win." Well, unless she surreptitiously flicked a few <Scourge Fissure> at Sona, thought Artoria. But if Rias needed them to cheat to help her win she shouldn't have agreed to have a tennis match be the deciding factor.

Koneko decided Artoria's argument made the most sense and meandered over to sit down next to her, leaning into her body slightly for warmth as the fall cold started to nip at Koneko's exposed skin.

Artoria wrapped an arm around the petite Devil's shoulders as she tried to sap some of her body heat, a feeling he didn't like the cold. When the screaming from by the tennis match reached a crescendo Artoria felt the urge to blast every one of them with a <Scourge Fissure>[A/N: That's what I've decided to call that attack from her magic circle.] to shut them all up. Her right hand twitched slightly before she got a handle on her wrath, drawing Koneko's attention.

Ever since she had started to get more powerful her power was getting harder to control. If she unleashed her full power now, she probably could kill everyone over at the match in about ten seconds. Well, the humans at least. Five for the initial attacks, another five to hunt down the ones running away. It would be all too easy.

She took a deep breath, trying to handle the cold rage flaring inside her chest.

"Are you handling everything okay?" Koneko asked softly. Artoria having told Koneko her troubles controlling her wrath, "I thought a couple of people were annoying that you weren't enough to set it off?"

The rather petite, calm and composed girl who surprisingly invited her to a walk nearby a yesterday after the school ended became close to each other. Well, to the point of at least sharing their basic problems.... But she was right.

If it had, then Issei would have gotten a regular helping of <Scourge Fissure> every time Artoria saw him. Even if she didn't hate the boy and considered him somewhat an..... ally perhaps? He was still incredibly annoying to the more serious young woman.

Speaking of the boy, he was seen sitting at the opposite side of Artoria. He was busy taking in Artoria's subtle beauty or the sexiness of the match unfolding periodically. And it wasn't just him, the entire population regardless of gender, was rather mostly focus on the blonde haired beauty who seemed to suddenly appeared out of nowhere and was friendly with Koneko.

Although submitted to their lesser instinct, they found their heart flutter rather than perverted thoughts around this woman. The simple action of just tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear was enough to cause their hearts skip a beat.

By no means of course was her body innocent as her face. Her soft blossoms that by no means were lacking in comparison. Curved body that is attractive beyond explanation of words, emerald green eyes, which are very rarely seen. Round firm buttocks that bounced with every step, courtesy of arriving later than everyone else and Akeno's short. But what they focused on was enjoying her beauty that they never might get to experience again.

Somehow, they had a feeling that no matter what, they will never get a chance with her. She had a god-like aura around her. As if, she wasn't meant to be tarnished by the likes of them. But it didn't hurt to try right? So they were focused on getting a chance, an opening to interact with her and maybe get lucky. Now nobody needs to be as smart as Azuka Beelzebub to figure what they're referring to..... save for Asia.

"Yo Issei." Matsuda said putting his arm over Issei.

"Answer our question." Motohama followed the suit.

"Hey guys," Issei responded, not before noticing the blush that crept their face, "What's up?"

"So who's the blonde beauty with Koneko?"

"O-Oh uhhh... that's well..." Issei stuttered trying to figure something out, "T-That's Artoria, Rias's cousin. She came to Japan over a vacation and will be staying with us for a while...."

He grinned sheepishly, 'Well, that wasn't half bad.... '

"What?!" Motohama cried, "So now not only are you surrounded by Rias-senpai and Akeno-senpai...."

"But that blonde bomb babe as well?!" Continued Matsuda.

"This is so unfair!" They both cried simultaneously," Why does it have to be this dude?!"

"Hahaha..... right."

Back to Artoria and Koneko again. The Lion King glanced at the Mascot.

"It's not that." Artoria responded, doing her best to tune out the match. "It's the fact that it's about a couple hundred annoyances all at once."

She clenched her fist, squashing the smoky energy that had begun to form around her right arm,'Not without my permission dammit!'

She focused her attention on quashing the cold sensation permeating her chest. It was suppressed for now, but it kept getting more difficult each time.

This was why she had refused Akeno when she wanted to take the <Scourge Fissure> head on. She didn't think she could control it as she was now in possession of both the Excalibur and Rhongomyniad. She didn't like not having control over her own emotions. Her wrath had been influencing her more than she expected.

"It does seem to be getting out of control." Koneko admitted thinking of the tennis match, leaning into her further as she enjoyed Artoria's arm around her shoulders. She still had issues with physical contact, but when she was with Artoria she no longer flinched at her touch. The calm aura she had was as warm as it was cold when provoked.

"So this is where you two are." The voice of Kiba sounded behind them, the pair not reacting in the slightest. "I was wondering since it seemed everyone in school except for you two showed up." The blond walked down and sat next to Artoria. Instantly earling jealous glare from the guys and envy from girls.

Resting his arms on his raised knees, "I don't think I've ever seen so many people at a tennis match here before."

He hadn't seen many, but he knew that a couple hundred people didn't usually show up for school matches.

"Yeah, I just hope it's over soon." Koneko admitted, not changing her position next to Artoria.

If Kiba was going to make a big deal out of their closeness he would have done it by now. It wouldn't change the fact that Koneko was cold and was going to latch on to Artoria for her heat. Artoria'd much rather keep control over her arm than have Koneko crush it against her body.

Artoria blinked as she felt a flare of magical power. Kiba and Koneko reacted as well, standing up and turning to face the tennis court.

The former Emperor sighed, pressing her hand against her eyes, refusing to stand from her somewhat comfortable position, "Please tell me they're not using magic."

She whispered desperately hoping it wasn't the case.

"Okay, we won't tell you." Koneko deadpanned, staring at the crowd surrounding the match.

"I thought the rule was no magic, even if we didn't expect a mob to show up." Kiba spoke, trying to recall the rules they had set up.

"I don't know, and I don't care." Artoria sighed, "I wasn't paying attention because there was no way in hell I was getting involved."

Training and combat were one thing, but she didn't care or know about this sort of sports. She was excellent at horseback riding, but every single member of the Imperial Family had been taught that practically since they could walk. Almost any other sport, and she was unfamiliar with.

"That rule doesn't seem to be stopping them." Koneko reported as the two Knights and one Rook sensed another flare of magical power, "Rias is about to lay the smackdown."

She commented, recognizing her friend's magical signature.

"Time to kiss the rulebook goodbye huh?" Kiba commented, wondering if they should make their way over to prepare to wipe the humans' minds.

"Alright, fuck it." Artoria stood up in exasperation and began to make her way outside of the arena.

She had noticed recently that the influence of her emotions had made her a bit more vulgar than she used to be. Kiba and Koneko followed him almost immediately, walking on each side of the blonde-haired Knight.

"You don't think they're that careless, do you?" Kiba asked, curious about his fellow Knight's line of thinking.

"No, from what I understand I just think they're that competitive." She answered dryly, pushing and shoving to make her way through the crowd.

Koneko did the same, though most of the students parted for her. Eventually the three of them had a good view of the match and saw Saji, Sona's newest Pawn, waving a red flag from the top of the fence.

"Dear Satan." Kiba murmured. "He's almost exactly like Issei."

How annoying.

"Most of the guys here are, they're just more respectful or hide it better." Koneko replied dryly. The only ones who openly embraced their perversions were the perverted trio. "Say what you will about him and his friends, and I have, but at least they're honest about their base instincts."

Artoria and Kiba snickered lightly, not entirely sure if that was supposed to be a compliment or an insult. Nonetheless, they still found it amusing.

"True, true." Kiba responded while Artoria just shrugged as her response.

The former emperor wasn't going to agree or disagree with that statement. She sensed Koneko hadn't been referring to either her or Kiba with that statement, so there was no need to get defensive.

"Doesn't change the fact that they've probably broken about a dozen laws over the course of their time here." Akeno deadpanned, "Without Rias' protection, they'd have been expelled at the very least by now."

They blinked as they watched the tennis ball explode and the two teams' nets practically disintegrated.

"Holy shit!"

A little while later, they were all in the clubhouse as Koneko held up the nets. "Too bad it was a draw." She deadpanned, though Artoria could sense the annoyance in her tone, "Now they're talking about dragging all of us into a team match."

"We've decided on dodgeball." Rias declared and Artoria resisted the urge to blow themselves up, "We'll meet over the weekend, tomorrow night in the gym. Let's win this!"

She pumped her fist enthusiastically, encouraging the other members of her Peerage to do the same, Artoria just rolled her eyes at this.

"Artoria-san you in or out?" Rias asked, confused by the Knight King's reaction.

"Huh? Me?" Artoria asked dumbfounded, "I've never played before though?"

"It's alright. Akeno can teach you, right?" Rias said looking at Akeno.

"Ara! If she wants to then sure! "

Artoria thought for a few moments.

"Fuck it." She mumbled for the second time that day. "Fine, but this better be the last time. I don't wanna get tangled in your personal matters."

Artoria brushed past Rias so that she could make her way to her bedroom. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate Rias doing this for her, but she just wished they had picked something more up her alley.

'I think I'll just take a flop,' she thought to herself.

Koneko cleared her throat getting their attention, "I'll kick ass for you." She announced with a smirk, "I kinda want to nail Saji in the balls, just visualizing Issei will make my aim right on target."

The boy question practically cringed at her statement.

Artoria's laugh warmed Koneko and company more than her body heat as she felt a blush flush her cheeks. It was a rare sound, but the first time ever they heard a genuine laugh from their new companion.

Spending time with Artoria perhaps might make them happier.


Eventually they all arrived in the gym, a little after Rias and Akeno actually, and started to stretch out. Once Artoria felt herself as loose as she could be, she grabbed one of the balls they were going to be using and started tossing it against the wall. She threw it moderately hard and caught it on the bounce back, squeezing it slightly (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠) before sighing.

"These won't explode like the tennis balls right?" She asked Rias as she grabbed one ball of her own and tossed it to Artoria. She dropped the one she was holding to catch it before tossing it to Kiba who passed to Akeno and then to Koneko.

"They shouldn't." Rias responded somewhat sheepishly. "The tennis balls got weaker cause they weren't able to handle us channeling magic." She chucked it at Akeno who threw it to Artoria, almost hitting her in the gut.

She winced slightly, rubbing her palms before picking the ball up. "I understand, I can't make any promises, but I'll at least try to not be the weakest link."

She chucked the ball hard at Kiba who accidentally bounced it into the air before catching it off his own deflection.

"Hey, sorry we're late!" Issei's voice sounded from the doorway and he walked in dressed in a grey tracksuit, similar to Kiba's. Asia was dressed the same as Akeno and Koneko, while Rias was dressed in a magenta and white tracksuit.

"It's no problem Issei." Rias responded happily, catching the ball Kiba threw towards her. "Akeno, Koneko, you two help Issei and Asia stretch out."

She threw the ball over to Artoria, grabbing a few others. "Artoria, Kiba, and I are gonna practice our handling."

She juggled two balls, throwing one of each at her Knight and Artoria.

Artoria deflected the ball with the one she had caught a moment ago, groaning internally at Rias' enthusiasm. She was NOT looking forward to having to deal with the two of them potentially ganging up on her.

After a few minutes of practice, Issei let out a loud scream as Koneko forced his body to contort in a way he wasn't used to.

Artoria turned, taking a shot to the gut and head as Rias and Kiba ended up hitting her due to her distraction. When she saw Issei nearly kissing his own balls with his legs spread out wide, she collapsed in laughter. The pain of the gut and headshots were nothing to the amusement she felt at seeing Issei in that position.

"Koneko, please don't break my Pawn." Rias ordered, hiding a smile and ignoring the Knight King's laughter. She knew that Issei and Koneko clashed due to Issei's perversion, but the boy would recover easily enough. A Devil's healing factor could handle far worse than that. At most, it would take a few seconds for Issei to feel back to normal. Still, she couldn't have one of her friends out of commission before facing off against Sona.

Rias was determined to win dammit. There was no way she was going to let herself lose to Sona.

"Yes, Lady Rias." Koneko acquiesced to her order, removing her hands from Issei's back and allowing him to come back up for air.

A little while later, after they finished stretching and a little full team practice, Issei pulled out a small stack of headbands for everyone.

Artoria stared at the strip of white cloth in her hand and wondered if she could set it on fire without coming off like an asshole. Headbands were not anywhere near her preferences. They were just not her thing in the slightest. Unfortunately, for her at least, no one else had any objections so there was no way she could refuse Issei's gift without being unreasonable.

Still, at least there was one upside.

Issei would likely not end up chucking the ball at her as long as he saw the headband.

According to the boy's description of himself, he was about as inclined to play sports as Artoria. Which meant that Rias was probably going to be at an immediate disadvantage with the two of them on her team. Either of them could very well turn out to be the weakest link.

"You've exceeded my expectations." Koneko commented wryly on Artoria's left, causing a near silent snort to escape her lips. She made a mental note to try to avoid tripping over the extremely low bar Koneko had set for Issei.

"Let's stick these on and kick some Sitri ass!" Rias declared as she put the headband on, prompting the rest, including Artoria despite her personal misgivings, to follow suit as Sona and her Peerage arrived in the gym.

"Ready to rock and roll?" Sona's voice rang out as the teams began to get into position, with one of Sona's Peerage taking up the position of referee. Artoria stuck close to Koneko, deciding that she would likely be able to take a little heat for her so she could return fire with her enhanced strength. She didn't plan to use any spells until he saw the others do so, but she figured it wouldn't take long.

They had set up another "no magic" rule, but both sides were way too competitive and would likely use it to try and get an edge over the other team. She doubted it would last even a half minute.

There were about three balls available and Sona's Peerage had won the coin toss regarding who got to attack first. Artoria thought it was a rather stupid idea considering it would be all too easy to stick the balls in the middle of the gym and charge to get them, whoever got them first would be able to strike first, but at least this way no side would use direct spells to try and prevent the other team from getting them first. In the end, she decided it was probably the safest option since no one was supposed to get hurt by the competition even if it wasn't the best option overall.

It would kind of defeat the whole purpose of this game after all.

The game was..... interesting to say the least. A lot of 'unfortunate' incidents happened including Koneko getting her shirt ripped and Issei hitting his balls.

What happened was Sona launched a powerful throw at Artoria who managed to only just slide under and she admired the amount of power flowing from the dark flames of energy licking around the ball as it hunted down its target. Poor Issei didn't stand a chance, though he put up a valiant effort as it took about ten seconds for the ball to make full contact with him.

Though when it did Artoria winced, as did Kiba and Saji, who was still crumpled as Issei collapsed. The brunette Pawn's face reflected nothing less than sheer agony as he hit the floor with barely a twitch. While Saji had been hit in the balls with a Rook's enhanced strength, that had nothing on a fully magic enhanced ball thrown by his King. Especially after it built up momentum due to Issei's dodging.

'The pain indeed!' The two conscious males thought as they felt extreme sympathy for the semi-conscious boy, remembering Sona's comment before her attack.

A break was allowed to try and make sure Issei would still be able to have children before they started up the match again. Asia's naïve offer to heal Issei if he 'showed her where it hurt' was downright adorable, and Issei's reaction, despite the sheer amount of pain he was in, was hilarious in a somewhat twisted way as he tried to wave the girl off. Rias' Peerage began to congregate around the pair of healer and victim, Artoria beside Koneko and next to Kiba as they observed the little interaction as Asia tried to convince the boy to let her heal his injury.

Eventually, the pain wore him down and Asia's offer to heal him over his pants was sufficient for him to submit to Asia's Twilight Healing. Issei's reaction to the "tingly" sensation as he put it was rather predictable. The soothing power of Asia's Sacred Gear flowing through his injury made the injured boy moan.

"You better not be getting off on this." Koneko deadpanned.

Artoria looked at her out of the corner of her eye, mentally debating on whether to say something like that was impossible before remembering that it was Issei she was talking about. Artoria wouldn't be surprised if the boy was enjoying this healing session more than others.

"It's got a mind of its own." Issei admitted self-deprecatingly, groaning slightly. Issei sometimes wished he wasn't such a pervert as even something like this felt way better than it probably should have considering just how hard he'd been hit in his junk. But all he could think about was how wonderful Asia's healing powers felt as they fixed the damage as best it could.

The pain was far more muted now and Issei was beginning to regain hope that he'd still have his favorite body part attached to him.

"Please take care of him, Asia." Rias began determinedly. "We have a game to finish."

She nodded at her Bishop's reply, directing her attention to Sona and her team. "Come on guys, let's win this one for Issei!" She clenched her fist, prepared to strike down Sona's Peerage for this slight.

But that was also almost 20 minutes ago.

With that knowledge, Artoria could deduce what happened and why Rias' Peerage had suddenly become the victors of this little competition. Koneko must have accidentally thrown the ball she had enhanced with magical energy, and further boosted by her Rook strength, into another ball similarly enhanced by one of Sona's Peerage. The resulting collision obliterated the other ball and caused a shockwave that knocked out everyone hit by it save for Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, Rias, and Sona. Artoria was furthest from the blast zone, but Asia and Issei were out cold.

"Well, I guess we won." Artoria mumbled, still in shock at just how sudden the end to the match had been.

At least she'd be able to get to the Familiar Forest now. And who knows? She might just find one for herself.

The End


So, this was longer than the previous one. Though I didn't plan it to be.

Anyway, I'm gonna cover the Familiar Forest and Kentucky 'Is she... taking in my scent?' Chicken incident in the next chapter. The Mummy incident is too much for me to write, so I'm just gonna skip that part.

College is starting tomorrow so updates are gonna be kinda slow and I'm too lazy to re-read, so lemme know if you find any tipos.

Aaaaaaand Azuma, OUT!

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