Dusk til Dawn | n.mikaelson (...

By kmstories1001

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*BOOK ONE OF THE 'TIL SERIES* In which Briana Forbes is full of life, but didn't know what it felt like to tr... More

I: The Last Dance
II: Klaus
III: The Last Day
IV: The Sun Also Rises
V: As I Lay Dying
VI: The Birthday
VII: The Hybrid
VIII: The End of the Affair
IX: Disturbing Behvaior
X: The Reckoning
XI: Smells Like Teen Spirit
XII: Ghost World
XIII: Ordinary People
XIV: Homecoming
XV: The New Deal
XVI: Our Town
XVII: The Ties That Bind
XVIII: Bringing Out the Dead
XIX: Dangerous Liaisons
XX: All My Children
XXI: The Murder of One
XXII: Heart of Darkness
XXIII: Do Not Go Gentle
XXIV: Before Sunset
XXV: The Departed
XXVI: Growing Pains
XXVII: The Rager
XXVIII: The Five
XXX: We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes
XXXI: My Brother's Keeper
XXXII: We'll Always Have Bourbon Street
XXXIII: O Come, All Ye Faithful
XXXIV: After School Special
XXXV: Catch Me If You Can
XXXVI: A View to a Kill
XXXVII: Into the Wild
XXXVIII: Down the Rabbit Hole
XXXVIX: Stand By Me
XL: Bring It On
XLI: American Gothic
XLII: The Originals

XXVIX: The Killer

1.7K 70 18
By kmstories1001

Briana had a lot of thinking to do. Her mind hasn't stopped wondering what about the cure is so important to Klaus that he can't tell her. After everything they have been through, for this of all things to potentially be the end of them was ridiculous. Briana was furious. She was angry that he won't just tell her the truth. That once again his pride was effecting their happiness together but she can't be with someone who can't be honest with her. She can't love a man who keeps secrets from her, especially to this degree. 

Briana didn't want to do anything today. She wanted to sulk, drink and think. Klaus would be back from Italy tomorrow and she needed to prepare herself for the worst. But per usual, the universe had other plans for her today as Conner escaped last night and has now taken Jeremy Gilbert hostage at the Grill. 

So here she was, sat on the living room couch at Tyler Lockwood's house, working with her friends to devise a plan to save them. 

"So we each take a different entrance, hit him at the same time." Damon explained. Briana rubbed her temple and rolled her eyes. Yeah, she thought, because a bunch of vampires storming a vampire hunter will definitely end well. 

Stefan walked through the door as Elena ran to him, beyond worried for her brother's safety. 

"Where the hell have you been?" Damon questioned his younger brother. 

Stefan did a double take when he saw Briana sitting there. After last night's revelation, there was no doubt in his mind that she would've joined Klaus on his Italian quest. 

"Coming up with a plan." Stefan sternly replied as he wrapped his arm around Elena. 

"Yeah we have a plan. The plan is I'm going to rip Conner's heart out and feed it to him." Damon spoke cockily as Briana rolled her eyes again. 

"That is not a plan." Briana spoke standing up, growing agitated by Damon's over confidence.

"Bri's right we need to be careful. Conner has Jeremy and who knows how many other hostages." Stefan tried to explain. 

"Hence the open heart surgery." Damon said smugly. 

"You know when your idiotic plan fails and he kills you, I'll be sure to write a great eulogy." Briana said sarcastically shooting the older Salvatore a fake smile. 

"Damon's right. Conner's strong but he's not going to able to take on all of us." Elena added calmly. 

"I called in the hybrids to help too." Tyler walked into the room. Briana shifted uncomfortable at even the mention of hybrids knowing the wedge that siring them has drawn between her and Klaus. 

Stefan and Briana made brief eye contact. They were the only two in the room who know about the cure and Klaus was determined to keep it that way. 

"My mom put squad cars blocking the streets. They're saying its a fault gas line. We're good to go." Caroline stepped back into the room after informing Liz of the situation.

"Good. Great. No cops, no witnesses, no reason to wait around." Damon said urgently. His desire to kill the hunter growing by the second. 

"Alright, hold on, you're not all going." Stefan spoke taking leadership over the situation.

"He shot me like nine times if we're killing him I want in." Tyler protested

"He's got Jeremy. I'm going." Elena urged. 

"Alright listen no one is going anywhere until I figure out what we're walking into." Stefan demanded. 

Damon's temper was rising, "Until you figure it out?" He sneered at his brother, "Is that where you've been all morning? Out buying bossy pants?" 

"Stefan's right. This guy is known for setting traps and sending in a bunch of vampires without knowing exactly what is going on is practically a suicide mission." Briana intervened. 

"Especially if he has werewolf venom." Stefan added as everyone furrowed a brow. 

"Does he?" Elena questioned. 

"He's had it before." Stefan strongly responded. 

"Fine. Fine." Damon conceded, "You two want to take some time to do recon? You get one hour." Damon directed at Stefan and Briana. Their newfound alliance did not go unnoticed. 

"In the meantime we're going to need some help. Where the hell is the wicked witch of the west?" Damon asked referring to Bonnie. 

"She can't do magic." Caroline sighed. 

"Well call her and tell her Jeremy's life is on the line maybe that will bring her out of retirement." Damon practically threatened, "And where's Mr. Briana Forbes hm? If we're going up against werewolf venom, he should be here." He turned towards the werewolf. 

Briana let out a breath looking to Stefan for help, he gave her looking silent expressing she can't tell them what Klaus is really up to. 

"He's.. he's out of town." She spoke. It wasn't technically a lie, she just wasn't telling the whole truth. 

"Great 0 for 2." Damon exclaimed with irritation as he made his way towards the door, hitting Stefan's shoulder with his on the way out, "One hour and then we do this my way." 


Because they only had one hour to come up with a plan before Damon threatened to go rogue, the group decided to divide and conquer. Damon and Elena went to Alaric's loft to gather weapons, Caroline and Tyler stayed at the house to rally the hybrids and Stefan and Briana went to scope out the Grill to see exactly what they were dealing with, or at least that's part of what they were doing, the other part was keeping the fact that Conner needs to stay alive on the down low. 

"You expect me to care about bloody hostages?" Briana could hear yell through Stefan's phone. 

"Well you should. Damon does. So does Caroline, Tyler, Elena. If any of them get to Conner then you just wasted a trip to Italy. Especially considering that the only person I have here on my side is Briana." Stefan spoke sternly into the phone, making sure to throw in a dig at the hybrid that Briana didn't go to Italy with him. 

Briana listened closely to see if Klaus responded to the comment but he didn't as Stefan continued to talk. 

"I can buy us some time but Damon's getting antsy. So if you want Conner alive, you better get your hybrids on board with my plan." Stefan demanded. 

"Fine. I'll handle it." Klaus responded through gritted teeth, "And Stefan. Keep Briana out of this. None of this will matter to me if something were to happen to her." 

Stefan hung up the phone. Briana able to hear every word Klaus said on the other end. 

Stefan looked protectively over at Briana who had wonder written all over her face. 

"Whatever happens today, Conner comes out of this alive." Stefan instructed who nodded in agreement. 

Briana didn't understand the full extent of why the cure was so important to Klaus, but at the end of the day it was and despite their current situation she loves him. So if he wants the cure, she was going to help keep Conner alive. She was hanging on to hope that Klaus is going to come back from Italy, come to his senses and tell her everything. Until he closes the door on them completely, she was always going to be on his team even when she wasn't sure what she was truly fighting for. 


"Did you find the tunnel map?" Stefan asked as Briana followed him into Alaric's loft. 

"Got it. It was in his weapon drawer with like seven stakes, the weird MacGyver crossbow and the last of the vervain in Mystic Falls. So. How about we get this party started?" Damon said cheerfully, anxious to end the hunter. 

"Not yet." Briana stopped the older Salvatore by putting her hand on his chest to keep him from moving towards the door. 

Stefan crossed his arms forcefully over his chest as he stood beside Briana, "Klaus is sending one of his men. He'll take the front, you and I can take the tunnels." 

Damon furrowed his brow, "Since when do we team up with Klaus and Lollipop Guild?" 

"Weren't you the one who said he should be here?" Briana questioned, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Yeah for his blood. Not his help." Damon explained as if his logic made any sort of sense. Briana rolled her eyes. 

"I already told you Conner has werewolf venom. We need someone to draw his fire, the hybrids are immune to it, so they're our best bet." Stefan explained as Damon looked towards Briana who put her hands up in surrender. 

Stefan rolled his eyes, "He also said under no circumstances should Briana be anywhere near this and personally I'd rather not find out what's going to happen to us if something happens to her. We're using the hybrid." 

"How are you sure he even has werewolf venom? And why is Klaus even involved? What does he care about the hunter if he's not even in town?" Damon rapid fire questioned. He was clearly suspicious of his brother's motives. 

Stefan turned his back to grab a weapon off the table, "Stop being paranoid Damon."

"Start telling the truth, Stefan" Damon quipped in reply, "Why is Klaus involved?" Damon spoke in a deeper, more threatening tone. 

Stefan stayed quiet giving, eyeing Briana knowingly. 

"Did he compel you?" Damon asked his brother suspiciously. 

"I'm telling the truth!" Stefan spat back, tension rising. 

"He's doing it for me." Briana quickly intervened stepping between the two brothers, "Klaus is helping us because I asked him to." 

"Why? He doesn't give a damn about any of us." Damon replied not believing Briana's rouse. 

"But he knows I do. After everything that happened with Alaric when we thought you all were going to die he knows that if something happens to any of you I wouldn't be able to take it. He's doing it for me." Briana spoke convincingly.

Again, she wasn't lying. At the core, Klaus was somehow connecting the hunter and the cure to Briana. He had told her that he was doing all of this for her. Because he loves her. So it wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the truth. 

"We're wasting time!" Elena yelled from behind Damon, causing the vampier to stand down. 

"She's right. Screw your plan. I'll kill Conner myself." Damon taunted his older brother as he made his way to the door. 

Briana looked to Stefan with worry in her eye. Stefan quickly vamp sped towards stabbing him in the back with vervain to put him down. 

"Stefan!" Elena cried out. 

"There had to be an easier way." Briana sighed watching as Stefan laid his brother on Alaric's old couch. 

Stefan searched Damon's jacket pockets looking for his phone which had pictures of the map he needed for the tunnels under the Grill. 

"Go back to Tyler's Bri. Stay far away from this. I'll call you when I know it's safe." Stefan demanded the werewolf. 

"But Stefan--" She persisted, but it was no use. 

"No Bri. Go. I got this." Stefan spoke. His voice was laced with seriousness. 

She admitted defeat nodding her head as she made her way to the door. 

"And Bri." Briana's head snapped in his direction at the sound of Stefan's voice, "Take it from me who hates him more than anyone, he really does mean well with this one." 

Briana gave him a sad smile and nodded her head as she left Alaric's loft. If Stefan of all people was on Klaus' side, maybe he was really just leaving her out because he was trying to protect her. Maybe she was being too harsh on him. She didn't know what was right or what to do. All she knew is she loved him, and it would destroy her to let him go. 


Briana needed some time alone to think about everything. She stopped by the nearest liquor store and got a bottle of bourbon before heading back to the Lockwood house. She sat on the steps of the front porch. She couldn't bring herself to go inside. She didn't want to. All she wanted was to take in sounds and smells around her to gather her thoughts as the warm alcohol slid down her throat. 

She looked down at her phone in her hands and sighed when she realized Klaus had even tried to get in touch with her since last night. She pulled up his contact name and her thumb hovered over it. She wanted to hear his voice. Everything about him made her feel at home which she so desperately needed, but she had to stay strong. 

She didn't know how long she sat there. She played over every possible scenario of what could happen when Klaus gets home. He could tell her everything, he could tell her nothing, and everything in between. 

The sound of her phone buzzing finally broke her away from her thoughts. She anxiously looked at it hoping it would be Klaus. Sadness washed over when she saw she had a text from Stefan. All it said was, it's over. I'm sorry.

Briana furrowed her brow not fully understanding what it meant but gulped realizing something must have gone wrong for Stefan to be apologizing. She collected herself and made her way inside the Lockwood house. 

"Care?" She called out quietly peaking into the foyer. 

Briana jumped slightly when a brunette girl she had never seen stood from the couch. 

"No.. sorry." The brunette spoke nervously, "She's in the other room talking with Tyler." 

On cue, Briana could hear Caroline raise her voice in the next room over, a clearly heated conversation with Tyler. 

Briana winced upon hearing her sister's, borderline screeching, voice.

"Mind if I wait?" Briana asked the brunette who exchanged an equally concerned look. 

She shrugged, "Not if you don't mind sharing." She smiled devilishly motioning to the half empty bottle in Briana's hands. 

Briana shrugged, "Be my guest." She spoke walking over to bar cart in the corner of the room pouring two glasses before handing one to the girl and sitting on the couch beside her. 

Briana took a small sip as she admired the girl next to her. Her brunette looks were similar shade and length as Briana's. Her skin was pale with hazel eyes. She couldn't have been much younger than Briana, maybe only a year or two. Briana didn't recognize her face, but something about her felt familiar. 

"I hope you don't mind me asking..." Briana trailed as she lowered the glass from her lips, "but who the hell are you?" 

The mystery brunette let out a small chuckle at the way Briana phrased the question, their personalities seemed all too similar.

"I'm Hayley." She smiled extending a hand for Briana to shake, "I'm a friend of Tyler's. He's been letting me stay here a few days." 

Briana smirked before shaking the younger girls hand, "Ahh so you're the reason for whatever's going on in there." She spoke knowingly raising her eyebrows. 

Hayley blushed with embarrassment. 

"Hey I don't judge." Briana said raising her hands in defense, "If people judged me for the men I've been with..." 

Briana noticed Hayley's eyes widening with wonder. 

"I'm Briana by the way." She smiled taking another sip of her drink. 

"Oh right! Klaus' girlfriend.." Hayley realized. 

Briana gave the girl a small, slightly faux, smile, as she spoke with a sigh, "For now.. check back tomorrow." 

Hayley stifled another laugh, "Well I can't imagine it's easy being with him." She explained, disgust hidden in her voice. 

"Well it's definitely no picnic.." Briana admitted as Hayley scoffed, "You're one of his hybrids aren't you? I'm so sor--" Briana started rambling feeling like she needs to apologize for Klaus' every action. 

"No no I'm not." Hayley said more lightheartedly seeing how concerned Briana was, "I'm just a wolf." 

"That makes two of us. It feels like we're the only two left in town." Briana smiled playfully as she extended her glass for a cheers. 

"Well it's nice to know there's someone like me in this town." Hayley spoke with a sincere smile which Briana happily exchanged. 

Since Briana triggered her curse, there's never been anyone in Mystic Falls just like her. They were either vampires or hybrids. Having a friend who was exactly like her wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. 

"Can I ask you a question?" Hayley inquired innocently. 

Briana shrugged taking another sip, "Sure why not. It's better than listening to those two fight through a wall." 

"What are you doing with Klaus? I mean you seem so nice and normal and he's.. well.. Klaus."  

Briana softly chuckled, "I know it's hard to believe.. but he isn't all bad. Deep down inside he's just a man who's haunted by his past and the humanity was taken from him..." 

Hayley could see and hear how sincere and heartfelt Briana was when she talks about Klaus. She gave the girl a small smile trying to comfort her. Even though Hayley didn't know the extent of their situation, she could tell Briana was hurting. 

"You're right... it is hard to believe." Hayley said smiling, she was serious but spoke in a lighthearted tone. 

"You know what they say.. the heart wants what it wants I guess." Briana breathed, she knew that Klaus was not popular, especially amongst the wolves, but she hoped that Hayley was willing to look past the fact Briana was with him and they could form a true friendship. 

"Like you said.. I don't judge, I'm just curious." Hayley smiled playfully as she took another sip of her drink. The ends of Briana's lips formed a grin. 

There was something about Hayley that reminded Briana of herself. Specific mannerisms and the way she spoke were familiar. They had the same sarcastic wit. 

As the two girls sat in silence, their thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door slamming. 

"And that must be my cue." Briana said sarcastically as she stood from the couch. 

"Thanks for this." Hayley smiled holding her glass. 

"My pleasure. My usual drinking buddy is was put down by his brother for the day, so good to know there's a new backup in town." Briana spoke in reference of Damon as she smiled at the younger werewolf. 

Hayley smiled in response, feeling like they would definitely be good friends if time allowed, "Any time, any place." 

"You know.. I just might take you up on that." Briana smiled sheepishly, "It was nice meeting you Hayley." 

"You too." Hayley smiled as Briana made her way out of the Lockwood house. 

Caroline ranted about Hayley and Tyler all the way home. Apparently the two may have done more than just break the sire bond in the Appalachians. Briana tried to stay impartial. As much as she loved her sister, she knew that deep down Tyler was not the end all be all for Caroline. Plus, she liked Hayley and she liked the idea of having another werewolf in town. Someone who truly understands what it's like. 

For most of the rid home Briana just nodded in agreement with whatever Caroline said, throwing in the occasional 'absolutely' and 'you're right.' Her mind was focused on the conversation she needed to have with Klaus. 

When they arrived at the Forbes house, Caroline quickly raced out of car barely noticing that Briana hadn't moved. Briana explained to her sister that Klaus would be home in a few hours and if they didn't talk soon, the dread of the conversation was going to eat her alive, so she was going to wait for him at his house. 

Briana paced around the Mikaelson living room trying to figure out exactly what she should say to Klaus. Minutes turned into hours of waiting for the hybrid. She looked at her phone to see it was well past midnight and sighed. 

It became clear that he wasn't coming home. Briana tried her best not to worry but she couldn't help it, no matter how mad she was at him. He was either avoiding the inevitable or something was very, very wrong. 

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