Her Scarred Alpha | ✓ (Curren...

By W0nd3rful-Dr3ams

8.7M 250K 41.6K

COMPLETED What would you do if you accidentally trespassed over an Alphas territory that's known for his brut... More

Her Scarred Alpha
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Author's Note;
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty (Completed)
Author's Note;

Chapter Eleven

243K 8K 2.2K
By W0nd3rful-Dr3ams

I stood there in utter confusion as to why Mellissa Dayton just opened the door to my mate's house in nothing but a large t-shirt and reeking of desire with the overwhelming smell of my mates scent.

I was so shocked that I literally stood there staring at her as she stared back at me with a conceited smirk. Almost trying to rub in my face that it was her in my mate's house and not me which had my wolf clawing inside of me growling to come out.

I was interrupted before I could say or do anything by the one voice that I didn't want to hear. "Mel, who's at the door?" Blaine questioned, and suddenly the door was pulled further open, with my mate on full show. Standing there in a pair of boxers, his muscled chest on full display.

When he noticed me the look of surprise and guilt shined through his eyes. He opened his mouth to talk but I lunched myself at Mellissa before he could say a word, throwing her to the ground with me following after.

Punch after punch, I repeatedly pounded my fist into her face. Showing no mercy or humanity as I allowed my wolf to fully take over and control the situation. My wolf was in an uncontrollable state, all she could smell was our mates scent lingering all over Mellissa.

The thought of this sent my wolf into a frenzy, all she desired in that moment was to have blood dripping from her canines.

I was screaming and shouting incoherent words that I couldn't even understand as I refused to show compassion and forgiveness towards her.

I was roughly pulled from Mellissa being forced to stop my relentless attack, but not without making sure that I yanked a large amount of her red hair in my grip as we were pulled apart causing her to shriek in pain.

Anger flashed in my eyes as I looked up to see who was holding Mellissa away from me. My mate had his hands on her waist as he demanded that we stop fighting.

I felt stupid and embarrassed as I watched my mate reassure her instead of me and after everything we have been through, he decides to cheat on me with the person I hated most.

I shook my head and pulled a look of utter hatred and disgust at him before turning away, shaking myself out of the tight hold one of Blaine's wolves had on me.

I walked down the front steps as calmly as I could, trying to keep up the fake façade that everything was okay.

Refusing to cry, I walked at a fast pace towards the trees in the direction of my father's territory.

I needed to show Blaine that I was strong and content with my own self that I didn't need him. I knew my wolf would be mourning the loss of her mate, but I wasn't about to let him think it's acceptable to be unfaithful.

I wasn't going to run, I had control and I wasn't going to let him know that this situation was getting to me, that this was hurting me.

After everything that had happened between us, I couldn't be more repulsed by him.

He was supposed to be my soul mate, the person I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. Something that he had just so carelessly destroyed and he even had the audacity to give Mellissa a nickname.

I ignored the sounds of Blaine's thundering footsteps as he chased after me, shouting my name with his alpha tone. I almost laughed at the audacity of him thinking he could start shouting demands after everything he did. And I, most certainly wasn't about to stop and listen to whatever excuses he would lamely come up with.

I continued to walk in the direction towards my father's territory, too focused on walking away, I was suddenly yanked by my arm and compelled to face an angry looking Blaine which almost made me laugh at the nerve of him playing the pissed off card. "Just wait a minute," He lowly growled, with a slight plead. "Mellissa and I are nothing-"

"Oh really Blaine? Just go back to your Mel and leave me alone." I said with disgust and desperation, I didn't want to feel the sparks his touch alighted in me.

I wanted him desperately to leave me alone but I could do nothing but shove at his chest as he repeatedly tried to get me to look at him.

"Just listen to me." He ordered, slivering his hands up my neck forcing my eyes to directly look at him.

"I don't want to know Blaine, just leave me alone!" I shouted as I try to push him away from me, only to have him pull my body to his bare chest. Holding me tightly to him, refusing to let me go.

"Let go of me!" I cried as my fists began to pound against his chest. Tears welled in my eyes as I continued to fight out of his embrace, unable to listen to his voice and incapable of being in a close proximity of him.

My efforts of pushing him away failed miserably as he only held onto me tighter. My anger and sadness only boiled as I pounded harder on his chest. "I even took a pregnancy test today," I sobbed. "I hope you and Mellissa are very happy together." I said bitterly as tears streamed down my face.

His body froze undermine as those words left my mouth. Grabbing me by the shoulders, he lifted his left hand to cup my cheek and tugged my jaw gently to face him. Forcing my eyes to his. "Are you?" He questioned intently, his gaze penetrating mine awaiting the answer.

"It doesn't even matter anyway, you've got Mellissa now." I said defiantly, not wanting to give him the answer he so desperately craved.

Blaine growled irritated at my stubbornness and defiance as his eyes continued staring powerfully into mine, that I was scared to look away. "Tell me." He whispered softly, with an alpha order slipping through.

After a few moments silence I answered.

"I'm not." I whispered hoarsely with my lips trembling. I was worried about what his reaction would be, whether he would be furious or sad about the discovery. I wasn't sure why I cared about how he felt, I guess it was due to the strong mate connection we shared. No matter how much he hurt me, I'd still love him which angered me to no ends.

Blaine didn't say anything only replying with a stern nod. Although his eyes deceived his body language portraying his true sadness and dismay.

I didn't say anything as he put his head in the crook of my neck, taking deep inhales of my scent to calm his wolf to settle his composure.

I know I should have pushed him away but my whole body was telling me to stay and I couldn't fight the impulse to leave my mates arms. The whole thing made me furious and I soon found the will to exit his embrace.

Blaine loosened his hold on me, but he didn't allow me to leave his arms making sure I was in arms distance at all times.

Who would want to stay with a man that had cheated on them? Lied to them and purposely tried to get them pregnant without discussing it first. Who could really question me, on why I constantly wanted to run away?

"I know what you're thinking Kennedy but it's not the way it looks. I'm totally innocent in this situation an-"

"Innocent?" I repeated, giving him a look of disgusted disdain. "Don't even try to justify yourself. I know what I saw." I said with as much strength as I could, trying not to allow my emotions to get in the way.

"There is nothing going on between Mellissa and me whatever she told you is not true."

"Oh yeah? Just like you didn't try and deceive me about wearing protection?" I questioned sarcastically.

A low growl emitted from the back of his throat and he ignored my comment, "She came round and attempted to come on to me, but I pushed her away. Unfortunately, the reason why I'm standing in my boxers is because I literally got out of the shower when she barged her way into our home and into our bedroom."

"Why would she be coming round to the house? Why did she tell my father that she had found her mate in this pack? Why would she say all this, if it wasn't true?" While saying this I thought about mine and Mellissa's relationship over the years, maybe she was doing this to aggravate and me like she tried during high school.

"She's been in love with me for years. Her father and my father were friends, they both wanted us to mate. They wanted Mellissa to be my Luna, something I have refused for years. All my wolf and I have ever wanted is our true mate which is you. No one else, but you." His voice was serious and his eyes were begging me to believe him.

His words made me feel jealous, the thought of him with another woman especially her had my blood boiling with pure rage.

"Then why were you holding her back and not me, you were looking after her. "I asked, still upset with the way he acted after I had attacked Mellissa.

"I wasn't holding her like that, I couldn't care less about her. The only person I wanted to protect was you, I know what she's like she'd attack you like a coward the moment your backs turned. I also wanted to make sure she didn't make a run for it." He said while allowing me to read his thoughts and allowing me to feel all his emotions making me positive that everything he had said was true.

He stared deeply into my eyes as his voice turned dark and said, "She's currently sitting in the pack prison, and the moment I get back is the moment she dies."

The walk to the pack prison was quiet, neither one of us were talking. Immediately after Blaine told me what he had in mind for Mellissa he had picked me up and began walking in silence towards the house.

My mind was clouded with so many thoughts that I wasn't unable to comprehend what Blaine had said. Blaine was going to drop me off at the house but I refused to let go of him, clinging tightly to his neck. I had the strange urge and almost need to go with him, like something was telling me that I had to go with him.

After realising that I wasn't going to let go, he began walking us to the pack prison. It was located deep in the woods, far away from the pack house and the other pack members' homes. It was an underground prison, very dark and gloomy with the lingering scent of dried old blood.

The scent made me want to heave up my breakfast from this morning, it was overwhelming and overpowered all my senses. It was nothing like my fathers, and it was a place that I never wanted to visit again.

I buried my head in Blaine's neck as he walked through the narrowed hallway to the end where a steel door stood. Blaine put me down before he attempted to open the bolted door.

"Stay by my side at all times Kennedy." He ordered which annoyed me, I was still angry about the earlier situation and why we were here now.

"There are many prisoners here, and all the cells have open cell bars so stay away from the cell doors. Stick to the middle of the path and don't leave my side." I nodded, he was being protective.

Knowing that there were many prisoners meant that there were many wolves who wanted to kill Blaine. And seeing as he isn't the most merciful or forgiving Alpha meant that he had many enemies and wolves that wanted to destroy him.

I watched as he typed in a code and lifted up a large bolt which opened the door. Grabbing my hand, he pulled my body to his, keeping his hand around my waist making sure that I was beside him at all times.

The moment we began descending the steps of the stairs, I could hear heavy breathing and the sounds of many prisoners including the cries of Mellissa begging to be let out.

I gripped onto Blaine's hand as we walked down to Mellissa's cell which was unfortunately located at the end of the block, meaning we had to walk past all the other prisoners. I just looked straight, determined to not look anywhere but the end of the corridor.

As Blaine's Luna, I needed to be strong. "Where is she?" Blaine questioned as we neared closer to Mellissa's cell.

The closer we got the more clearly I could hear. One of the prison guards were consoling Mellissa as she continued to cry. At first I thought he was just trying to get her to be quiet because she was disturbing the other prisoners but I soon realised that wasn't the case.

"Alpha-" The guard began to say but was interrupted when Blaine yanked Mellissa by her top into the cell bars while growling in her face.

"No, no, no please." She sobbed as Blaine gripped tightly to the top of her shirt.

Uncomfortable with the way he was acting, I put my hand on his shoulder and pulled at it trying to capture his attention. "Blaine, stop."

"I told you Kenny. That the moment I got down here, she was going to die." He replied in a stone cold voice, refusing to look to at me.

A loud deadly growl echoed through the room but it wasn't from Blaine, it was from his guard.

Blaine attention moved from Mellissa as he moved his head deadly slow to the sound of the growl. The action sent chills down my spine and I was terrified for the wolf that was about to face Blaine.

Blaine's eyes turned black and narrowed on the guard, furious with the disrespect that one of his own wolves had just showed him. His wolf surfaced from inside as he began to stalk the guard, looking to hurt or even kill him.

From the look in the guard's eyes I realised that he just found his mate. His instinct was to protect her even if it was against his alpha. He carefully moved closer to the cell, making sure to be near his mate but also slowly not to startle Blaine into a full blown attack.

I quickly moved to stand in front of Blaine, stopping him from the attack he was about to ensue. I couldn't allow him to take Mellissa away from her new found mate. A mate changes everything for a wolf. They are and always will be the only one we want, we can't help but compare them to others. The moon goddess made them for us, they're our soul mates.

I couldn't let him take her away from his normally loyal wolf who he trusts enough to ensure that the pack is safe from the prisoners.

A mate changes you and so her want towards Blaine has already changed and dissolved, the only man she wants is her mate. So as long as she stays away from Blaine and me then everything would be fine.

"Blaine stop. She's his mate, you can't kill her or hurt him. This has totally changed the situation. I don't like her but I'm not about to watch you kill her in front of her mate that she has only just found. He only wants to protect her like you would if it was me."

I looked at my mate shocked at his reply, my mouth was agape as I continued to look at him. "No?" I questioned flabbergasted.

"No." He repeated, moving me out the way only for me to quickly move back in front of him. Practically squashed between both wolves who were on high alert, both prepared to shift in a second.

I kept trying to get his attention but nothing worked, so I put my hands on the side of his neck, rubbing my thumbs in circles across his skin and carefully lowering his head so that he would look at me. "What would you do if I were in that situation? Would you allow him to kill me?"

I knew that it was a low blow to use his own emotions against him, but it was the only thing that ever worked, that got him to think rationally.

A dangerous growl rumbled from the back of his throat and I was immediately in his arms as he became instantly protective and aggressive.

"Blaine, I don't like her and I never will but she has a mate now and there are other ways to deal with this. I couldn't care less about her, but I care about our pack."

Blaine didn't let go of his hold he had on me, he just growled irritated at what I was saying. "I'm not having her ruin our relationship and destroy the dynamics of the pack. There's only one way to get rid of a threat."

"Blaine," I said over the begging and the growling of Mellissa and her mate. "Just imagine if it were me. You can punish her but don't kill her."

We all stayed silent while Blaine analysed the whole situation, it was tense as everyone waited anxiously for his reply.

"Fine. I'll decide what punishment she'll have later," He said looking directly at me, his focus then shifted up from me to his guard. "As for you, I want to see you in my office about your disrespect towards your alpha. One that you know I'm not kind on."

"Yes Alpha." Was his short reply, he had fear in his eyes but he covered it quickly as he looked towards his mate with only love in his eyes.

Satisfied with the decision that Blaine was going to let Melissa go, I made my way towards the door of the pack prison ready to go home. Awaiting for a discussion that  Blaine and I needed to have.

What I didn't realise at the time that letting Mellissa go was a decision that I would live to regret.


-Not Edited-

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