By Andyfranclark

92 1 0

Gregory makes new (best) friends. {My SB AU} [TW warnings in some chapters] (I don't own SB it belongs to Sco... More

Chapter 1 Pizzaplex

92 1 0
By Andyfranclark

Gregory is new coming into the newest establishment of Fazbear entertainment as his mother is an employee of this company, but he has not come in here.So it was enough to say that he is nervous to say the least especially coming into a place that's amazing. At least that's what he thinks.As it looks completely mesmerizing as he was just a baby when he first entered here so his memories of this place a little bit fuzzy.

But he enjoy seeing this place even inside it was amazing as now he was going to head into an area of this gigantic establishment.He is still pretty excited to come here as he doesn't know what he's going to do once in there, but it was pretty clear that his mother already knew where he was going, as it was familiar for him to be honest something about it was.

But he didn't seem to care, however, as he was completely captivated by the beauty inside this gigantic establishment.As it is a lot of them to take in, even though he was so very young. It was still lot for him to take in. He just couldn't describe it.Gregory is being held by his mother as he continues to look at this place with such beauty and this was even the front lobby of the pizzaplex.

There is a lot of neon lights as well as there being artificial palm trees. Including there being gift shops as well, including a café. Not to mention how there are banners of the band members there, including there being a second floor, and an elevator there as well, including a photo booth. As the floor of the front lobby had a fuzzy carpet, including a black and white checkered pattern. But in the centre of the front lobby is a fountain, and on that fountain is a giant golden statue of the lead singer. The face of the company, the star of the show.Freddy Fazbear.

As most of the public continued, heading out to each different areas of the establishment. There so much more to explore, but unfortunately for Gregory he had somewhere else to go too.Soon after looking at the front lobby, he felt his mother walking as he was being taken off to somewhere else.

Gregory watched as he saw the public talking about so many things that he couldn't understand at least not yet.So he continued on, trying to figure out where his mother was trying to take him as he felt his mother going up some stairs as he was still pretty much confused as he had no idea what is happening.All he knows that he was heading into an area of the pizzaplex but he doesn't know which area he was going too.

Soon he noticed a pair of red doors with a number above it as he doesn't understand what is happening.But he didn't seem to mine at all as his mother soon went through those doors as he noticed that the music had changed.As this music was different from the one he was listening to previously. This music was more upbeat and bubbly. Then the previous music that he heard.

Gregory didn't understand why there he is listening to new music as his mother continue to take him somewhere, but he doesn't understand. As images flashed through his head about being here before, but it was all fuzzy still.So he decided to wait until the destination was reached as he can't help but be excited about going to whatever it is, he was heading.

As he is soon noticing a bunch of other kids that were his age as well. Once he realize that his mother had stopped moving he looked to see that this was some sort of pick up area. There was a second floor and first floor as there was a desk there with an employee talking with an adult as other adults was sitting down on some chairs.

As there was also some artificial palm trees not to mention there being tables on the second level of this area as well, including a gift shop. But the above this level where he was on, there was also a movie theater, including on each opposite sides of the walls that he saw shelves with plushy, including digital advertisement above it.

Gregory doesn't understand the digital advertisements as again he was still very young, so his attention was going all over the place.But his mother, did as she went over to the desk, with the employee recognized her and her son.As there was a conversation happening with his mother and an employee.

He noticed that there was a multicoloured slide there for an entrance. Not to mention that there was a plastic cloud with words on it saying: Slide into the fun on it.As then there is the sounds of the conversation ending as he felt his mother moving again heading downstairs.Gregory is confused as he has no idea what is going on as something about what was in those digital advertisements were familiar to him.

But again he was a baby at the time so he doesn't remember why they were that familiar but he did sense a connection to whatever was being displayed on those advertisements.He then noticed a pair of giant wooden doors, including a glass window that went around that area.But then he heard knocking from his mother as then her voice spoke to him.

"Now then Gregory. You'll be going here in the Superstar daycare while I'll be working around here in the establishment. Don't worry about it. In fact, it'll be great for you and them to meet up again after so long.Also before I leave, I'll need to put on something to make sure that you don't try to escape or get lost as you are very adventurous."

As he is not sure what his mother meant until the giant wooden doors soon open as he was completely mesmerized by that place inside.There is a ball pit where the other side of the multicoloured slide leads to my being soft squishy materials in the form of a castle wall, covering the ball pit with there being bridges leading to the rest of this area.

The bridges were in the form of rainbows not to mention how the entire floor of this area is covered in a soft, squishy material. There was also a jungle gym area, covered in the same soft squishy material with cartoon versions of the band, including some clouds. As there was a castle tower in the ball pit made out of the same stuff, squishy material as well but after turning away from the ball pit.

There was also some kid size chairs, and tables on the soft squishy padded floor. Including there being soft foam cylinders stacked up on the floor as well, including there being a playhouse. There was also a giant Freddy plushy, leaning on the jungle gym area.Also above the entire area is a castle balcony made out of the same soft squishy material with artificial clouds below it.Gregory is still very confused about what is going on here until there is the sound of bells coming close.

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