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"What!?" he says with fire burning in his eyes but I can't seem to look away not even once. "What do you mean... Mรกs



99 5 0

Enzo's POV:

Of course our eyes meet, I thought as I look into those annoyingly stunning chestnut  brown eyes that are somewhat similar to mine but they get so much more beautiful the more I look at them. My lips can't help but twitch into a smile when I see her turn back around with a smirk on her face. She must recognize me as much as I do her, and somehow that makes my heart flutter.

When I turn back around I find Eli and Reverie with a weird knowing expression. My face drops.

"What?" rolling my eyes as I walk through the sliding doors of the mall.

"What do you mean 'what', what was that?!" I just saw you stare at a girl for longer than a second and you practically smiled! Watching that was like winning the Olympics!" He exclaims, and of course his soon-to-be girlfriend backs him up.

"He's right, I can probably go some digging on her and I can finally find a girl-friend instead of hanging out with you asses."

That makes me perk up.

"No! Were not doing any digging on her and yes by 'were' I mean including everybody. And only you would make a friend by stalking them online."

"Woah okay.....chill it was just a suggestion." He says pouting. Fucking toddler. Obviously Reverie comforts him by rubbing his shoulder but I know she thinks he's being ridiculous but for some reason she likes it. I don't know why they aren't dating yet I know they both like each other especially Eli. I have never seen him more infatuated with someone like he is with food and that's saying something.

I walk faster ahead into the first interesting store I could find practically sprinting to the hoodies and jeans.

"Wait you still didn't answer my question who is she you really did seem like you knew her?" Reverie asks catching up to me with Eli on her trail.

"Just someone I've seen. Why does it matter?" I hear small gasp come from her and I turn around to find her in her occasional mom stance. I look at her with a face as if to say 'what' so she she could stop looking at me like that.

"Did you sleep with her? Or did you do anything with her, because if you did I can't defend you now she looks like a nice girl that I could get along with you practically just ruined my chances and all of those guys that were around her most likely are her brothers who are incredibly hot by the way-!"

"No I didn't!" "Who's hot?" Me and Eli say at the same time. Wait there were guys around?

"What guys are you talking about? I don't remember seeing any guys." I say with confusion plastered all over my face.

"You still didn't answer me, who was hot?!"

"You seriously didn't see anyone else there was like 5 of them."

"Really you guys are just gonna ignore me?"

"No what did they look like?"


"So I can go look them up obviously!"

"I'm just gonna go-."

"You hypocrite! You said were not gonna look them up!"
"I said were not going to look her up. I didn't even see them?"

"You must really like her." That makes me speechless for the first time in my life. I probably look like a fish out of water right now but I don't care what she just said leaves me shell-shocked.

She gasps again. Oh No. She has a fat ass eat shitting grin on her face and I finally find my words but she's too far in la la land to even hear me out.

"Rie I don't like her, we met at an ice cream shop once last week haven't seen her since today okay so just relax." I say running a hand through my hair with sigh.

"Okay I won't bother you anymore but you will have to tell me more about how you met later I want every single detail okay?" She says with a pointed finger which I of course nod to. When finally satisfied she goes off into the store straight to the mens hoodies.

I turn around to talk to Eli but he's nowhere to be found. Huh? When did he leave?


When we finally exit the mall I drop both and Eli and Rie off before going home.

I unlock the door only to be greeted with by my hundred pound dog but also the prettiest. Lia.

"Hi princesa, you're so pretty aren't you girl? Yes you are." I say squatting down to pet and kiss her head.

I walk through the corridors getting ready to turn a corner but immediately stopping when I hear voices.

It couldn't be any enemies Lia would've already attacked them.

I pit my hand on my holster peeking my head around the corner to find my dad and a few of his friends gathered around the table with drinks in their hands.

When they fuck did he get back.

I took a sharp intake of breath suddenly feeling a wave of nausea pass through me taking a step around the corner making sure not to slouch. Holding my head up high. Bringing my shoulders back.


"Oh my son! How was school?" he said slurring while all of his friends laugh.


One worded responses are what's best, no need to make him mad when he's this drunk.

"Good. Good. Come, sit, have a drink." he says signaling me to come over.

"I'm okay sir, I actually have an important assignment I have to do, my apologies."

"Aahh! That's okay make sure you don't fail or you'll end up like your high school dropout mother!" He says before laughter echoed through the halls with everyone of them hollering like hyenas. My fists clench as I put them behind my back. Making sure my face is unwavering.

I turn around my heart pounding, my hands stinging from how hard I'm clenching my fists.

I make it to my room locking the door finally releasing a deep breath as I slide down it trying to slow my heart beat down.

I'm fine.

Nothing happened.

Stop being like this.

Its over.


I jolt up when my phone rings obnoxiously loud. My heart is slower but my head is still a little groggy.


"Wow that's the answer I get after finding the love of your life?"

"Finding what?"



"The girl you were drooling over at the mall!"

"I- how- you weren't supposed to do your little stalker search on her and I wasn't drooling!"

"You were you literally just stuttered for the first time in your life so I think that proves a lot and I wasn't stalking her, I was scrolling on Instagram and- you know what I'll just send you a screenshot."

After hearing the notification I open it to find it was in fact the pretty girl from the ice cream shop sitting on a kitchen island eating mint chocolate chip with a little bit of ice cream on her cheek completely unaware of her picture bring taken.


I let out a small chuckle while looking down at the caption 'Baby sister of mine' with a small heart beside it.

"Did I just hear a laugh?!" I completely forgot about this asshole.

"No." I said hanging up standing up almost falling down when I realise my legs fell asleep.

When I finally reach my bed I find myself staring at her picture with a small smile oblivious to who's profile it was posted on before falling asleep.


I'm sorry for being late was busy with school but here is a new update in his POV hope u lovee!!



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