Fall of the Forsaken (on hold)

By Bioshockgrl

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after the events of 'last to fall' Alita has returned to the planet of xanadis and to the arms of the alien w... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 5

462 33 2
By Bioshockgrl


“Get out.”

“Miss Asmora please just listen to what we have to say–” the man before me pleaded.

“I said– get out!” I repeated, balling my fists. 

The two men before me dared to come to my quarters, my home in an attempt to talk me into whatever sick plan they came up with…

I'm having none of it.

One of the two men wearing a lab coat cleared his throat and stepped forward to speak. “Miss Asmora what do you plan to accomplish!? You truly don't seem to understand the weight of your situation! I am only trying to help you. The chances of you keeping that child alive without the research head’s support are practically non-existent.”

“You may have many supporters but you and I both know most of them will not support allowing this…thing, to become part of the krosa society. With our help we can convince the council to at least allow the child to live under supervision, perhaps even enable you to be there for most of its development! You won't have to lift a finger either, being a single mother is hard enough as is, how could you possibly raise a creature that no one understands on your own–”

 All three of our heads turned as the front door opened. “Enough!” a stern voice spoke up. 

Relief washed over me at the sight of Varin and Zena with her security team. Zena stomped inside giving a death glare to both the doctor and scientist In the room as her guards moved to either side of the room. 

“I believe the Mrs, asked you to leave.” Zena spoke up, crossing her arms.

The scientist wearing the lab coat tsked before turning back towards me.

“I have zero interest in obtaining your aid with the situation at hand. The science department has no rule over civilian affairs and I will not have my baby be brought into this world just to be raised in a lab, being poked at and prodded like a science experiment. And don't think I'm unaware of the things your people have done here on krosa and xanadis ‘in the name of science’. Had it not been for you, the penal colony would not have lasted as long as it did and we would not be here right now. I also know that there are a number of shady things going on within the science department that I refuse to condone. There's a reason your funding and support was cut short early on in krosas reformation.” 

Stepping over to the desk across from me I opened a drawer and pulled out the notebook from my Exile. “You want research and information from xanadis?” I tossed the booklet to the man's feet, startling him. Hesitantly he picked It up Easily recognizing the flimsy cloth bound notepad. 

“Here's your info. pictures depicting various plants and creatures, entries on xandisian culture, notes on surviving amidst hostile wildlife. All of my experiences are in that book. Take it and leave, because that is the only thing you will be getting from me.” 

The scientist's once smug demeanor turned to that of anger but he didn't say another word. Book in hand he turned and walked out the door, leaving the doctor behind to stand there awkwardly.

With a sigh the doctor gave me an apologetic look. “I'm sorry Miss, I am not here to add more pressure to your decisions or make this any harder. As a doctor it is my duty to take care of your needs. That being said I will not suggest anything if It held no proper standing with the situation. It will be your choice what you Decide to do, and I shall support it any way I can. But please keep in mind that you have different options… I understand your reluctance to take the science departments help but they may very well be your best chance for keeping the child.” 

He paused for a moment Seeming Nervous about the whole thing. “I do hope you will at least consider it. I shall return in a few days time for another check up on you and the baby's health.” With that the man turned and left as well leaving me, Zena and varin.

I rubbed my arms as the strong front I had before faded away, being replaced by the rage and turmoil of uncertainty at my core.

“Alita, are you alright?” Varin came over giving me a hug and I nodded. y-yeah now that you're here. Thank you guys for coming.”

“don't mention it, I just wish we got here sooner.” varin sighed.

Zena scoffed, drawing our attention to her and I was a bit surprised to see the scowl on her face. “To think they would have the gull to corner a woman in her own home! I can't believe those asshats. If they attempt something like this again I'll charge them with harassment. And they can spend the night in a cell.” 

I smiled at Lena's remark, appreciating her concern. We didn't know each other well but she and Varin had been by my side since I woke up. 

Varin turned back to me with concern in his eyes as he looked me over. “How about I stay here for the next few nights. I'll make sure no one else tries to bother you and keep you some company.

“Varin, you don't have to–”

“I insist.” He cut me off, before continuing.” Who knows what those bastards will try to pull next?” 

I was silent as my gaze dropped to the floor with a tired sigh. I nodded in agreement to him staying. Truthfully being alone in this house wasn't exactly ideal for me either way. It was too quiet. But I didn't want to burden Varin and make him stay with me instead of zena…he has his own life to live as well.

“Good, then it's settled. I should still have some clothes here so I don't need to go get anything to bring back… how about we go out to eat?”


“You guys go ahead without me, I have some business to take care of back at the office. Jack and Ben will stay close by in case anything happens alright?”

“sure, thanks sweetie.” Varin gave her a warm smile. 

“Don't thank me yet this shitshows far from over.” Zena waved before leaving.

“Let me go get changed and then We can head out, we can even go to your favorite restaurant!.. just– don't let the scientist's words get to you ok?” 

“I won't, I promise.” I reassured him with a smile.

“Good, gimme a few and I'll be right out.” He patted My head before walking off to his old room to get ready.

As soon as I was left alone in the living room my smile faded as the quiet filled the air. 

Turning back to the open drawer behind me my eyes immediately locked onto the single piece of folded up paper inside. 

Hesitantly I grabbed the paper and closed the drawer before stepping over to the couch To sit down.  The paper was a single page from my notebook, folded in half.

Hesitantly I unfolded It and nearly stopped breathing, seeing that all too memorable face staring back at me.


This was the drawing of him sitting on a rock staring at me that I had made that day at the river. Back then I hardly knew anything about him, I hadn't known exactly just how sweet and sincere he was because he alway wore a scornful look. I chuckled a bit at just how perfectly I had managed to capture that stern look on his face in this picture.

I still remember the Look of surprise on his face when I first showed him this picture. He was not expecting it in the slightest. That was the same day he took a poisoned arrow for me and nearly perished.

My hand moved to my hair and I couldn't help but think about the night before that when he pulled the braid from my hair.

 After that night his attitude towards me seemed to drastically change and he became a lot more receptive and patient with everything. 

Like flipping a switch He suddenly decided To help me out and Care for me. I thought perhaps it was because I saved him from the poison but now I don't think that was the case.

Sighing I leaned back resting my head on the back of the couch, staring at the ceiling. I wonder what he's doing right now? Out hunting perhaps? 

Varin and I had already attempted to use the communicator In hopes to talk to them but the line immediately went dead saying the receiver Was offline. Seth's communications device must've gotten destroyed in the fire.

My hand absently moved to the scar on my chest from Where i had been shot. Do they even know I'm still alive? Is azriel waiting for me to come back? 

He doesn't even know I'm carrying his child.

Tears stung my eyes the more I thought about him and everyone else. What if he does think I'm dead? Tears fell from my cheeks onto the paper as I tried my best not to completely break down. 

“Alita?” Varins voice sounded from across the room.

Looking towards his bedroom door I saw him coming out with a concerned look. “Are you okay?” He questioned and I quickly folded The paper in my hand and wiped the tears from my eyes. "y-yeah I'm fine.”

I avoided his gaze and took a deep breath trying to calm myself. Varin was silent as he stood in the doorway watching me. After a moment he walked over and sat down on the couch beside me. 

“Talk to me Alita.” 

“i told you I'm fine, I'm just emotional because of hormones is all–”

“Alita.” Varin grabbed my hand and kept me from turning away. “Please. Don't shut me out… we’re family.you haven't hardly spoken to me or told me anything since you woke up. I'm trying to understand and trying to help any way I can but…” his voice trailed off as his face turned solem.

Taking a deep breath He did his best to compose Himself. “When you Got exiled, I nearly hit rock bottom. I felt completely hopeless, unable to do anything. I felt like a complete failure because I failed to do the one thing that mattered, and that was protecting you. You were all I had left and just like with my parents I could do nothing but watch as you were taken from me.”

“For weeks I couldn't sleep or eat properly because I couldn't stop thinking about all the horrible Things that might have happened to you. I could imagine you being alone and scared, lost somewhere down there. I tried everything to Get you back but no one was willing to take any risks to do so, they all thought you'd be dead already…and over time I slowly Lost hope that I would ever see you again.”

I silently listened to Varin as he spoke thinking about how he must've felt. 

“I eventually believed you were gone and my desperation was replaced by guilt and anger. If I couldn't bring you back alive then I had to make up for it, I had to bring the ones responsible for your death, to justice. That's when I met Zena and she started to help me. It didn't take long for us to discover who was responsible, and while listening in on a communications call I had heard that you were somehow alive, traveling with one of the natives. I had never felt more relieved– but I knew you were still in danger so I couldn't stand by.

With Zena’s help we managed to get the seventh taken down and got the admiral to agree in helping us rescue you. I used the tracker in the map I gave you to find your friends and only then did I hear that you had Some type of relationship with that– brute!” 

I half Rolled my eyes at varins comment about Azriel. “He's not a brute.”

Varin nearly scoffed As he leaned back. “Could've fooled me, that asshole tried attacking me when he saw Me. Going on about some braid or some shit. That dude was like a rabid dog!”

This news came as a surprise to me. Azriel attacked varin but why– suddenly like a light switch flicking on, realization came to me. The braid. 

I blinked a few times before my lips turned up in a small smile and I covered my mouth before breaking out in giggles. 

Varin looked at me surprised as I laughed and had to wipe happy tears from my eyes. if I didn't know any better I'd also say now he seemed worried over the fact I was laughing. 

“What on earth is so funny?” 

After a moment and a few deep breaths I looked at the folded paper in my hands with a smile. “It's…complicated.”

Sitting up he leaned Forward resting his arms on his knees. “Complicated how? You're gonna tell me why I nearly had My throat ripped out by your boyfriend?”

I wondered about where I should start and how I should tell Varin about Azriel and the others. So much happened down on xanadis, so many things that made perfect sense to me but would most likely confuse anyone else.  

I wanted to tell him about how Azriel cared for me, how Sweet and considerate he was under that stoic face. I wanted to tell him about all the friends I made and what they were like, Kora, Elazar, Tarkov, Xeith, Nanku. I wanted to tell him About all my experiences on the planet, how beautiful it was and how fascinating all the creatures were. Most of all I wanted to tell him how I fell in love with not only Azriel, but the world itself, the people within it. How it became my home and everything in between. How I was happy.

My hand absently moved over my stomach and I closed my eyes for a moment.

“I suppose I should start from the beginning…”

(Note: so sorry guys for the long wait between chapters! My heads a mess  with my messed up sleep schedule, a new job, and my adhd 🙃 I've also been struggling with ideas for this part of the story. I'm sorry if this isn't as entertaining as being on xanadis and all that but this retelling of how Alita got back and how both characters struggled during their time apart is very important to the plot I've got going so try to bare With me, trust me the time skips are not ideal for me either, it's almost Over 😭 if anything doesn't make sense let me know in comments and i'll freely answer any questions! There very well may be some things that are mentioned Here that you don't remember from the first book but that's because I'm re-editing book one to fix plot holes and such, once editing completed I'll repost LTF for a short time so you all can re-read and get a better understanding, so far there's been little to no changes Made to the plot though! Anyways I hope you all enjoy this story as much as the last! 😅)(1/10/2024)

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