Slay the princess - Voice of...

By Truenote

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You wake up. More

Chapter 2 The Player (part 1)
Chapter 2 You CAN kill a ghost (Part 2)
Chapter 3 I know (Part 1)
Chapter 3 What are we even talking about? (Part 2)
Chapter 3 The True Pristine blade (Part 3)
Chapter 3 Player vs Megalomanic (Part 3.5)
Chapter 3 - Nope! (Part 4)

Chapter 1 T̶h̶e̶ ̶H̶e̶r̶o̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶T̶h̶e̶ ̶P̶r̶i̶n̶c̶e̶s̶s̶ The Beginning

1.1K 34 43
By Truenote

If you haven't played or seen "Slay the princess" I would suggest you go and watch or play it. It's a really fun story.


The Narrator

"You're on a path in the woods. And at the end of that path is a cabin. And in the basement of that cabin is a princes-...."


First person Pov

You were walking. You don't know how long and for how much time you have been for or even why you began to walk in the first place. You don't even know where this place ended and started, nor did you know where this place was.

All around you was a complete pitch-black void. The only thing to illuminate the space around you was a pathway of small glimmering lights that stretched on endlessly in a single direction that you were walking on for.... an eternity or was it just a week? After all you still have some memories although they were quite useless. It was just about a game. Nothing about your name, former life or family... if you had family.

You kept walking. Nothing was happening. Why were you even walking in the first place? It was probably because there was nothing else but this. You look down slightly while walking to see the same small holographic screen with six options with the sixth one being grayed out. It had been there since the start or from your earliest memory of being here.


History     Save     Load     Q.Save     Q.Load     Prefs


They all seemed familiar but of course they seemed familiar because they looked like the buttons used in that game. You had already checked all of them, they were all empty. There was no history. No save stats and when you clicked on Q.Load nothing happened.

So, you just kept walking, 

and walking 

and walking


You then paused as you turned your head to the side. You had heard something. For the first time in what had seemed forever you stepped off the path.

You began walking to where you heard the noise as it grew louder the more you walked towards it. Your vision and mind began to fail you, as you begin to quickly grow dizzy as your slowly fizzled out of that space of existence.

Then you then wake up.


Third person Pov

Their eyes open wide as they begin to try to breath in and out, but they couldn't breathe. His eyes darted around but what was strange was their body were moving without any input as it continuously moved forward. It just suddenly felt... alive. Although, "His" body feels different and coated in some kind of fur or feathers. He can't tell.  What was strange was everything was black, white and gray. A sort of monochrome. 

Although it didn't feel out of place. After all the only thing it remembers is that game having the same color pattern and that path only having black and white. 

They realized were on a path of some sort in the woods. It all seemed familiar. It took a couple seconds before he realized it was familiar because he had seen it all before.

It was in that game. He tried to focus and remember what the game was called. 

'It was something princess. Lay princess. Slay princess.  Slay the princess. Yes, that was it. Slay the princess.' His thoughts were finally moving.

While he was doing that "his" body kept moving until it made its way out of the woods and saw a cabin on top of a hill under a night sky. Besides the cabin there was nothing else besides the woods surrounding the hill.

"His" body stops just beside the last trees on the path as you hear a voice.

The Narrator

"You make your way up the short path to the cabin. You'll find the Princess within.

A warning, before you go any further...

She will lie, she will cheat, and she will do everything in her power to stop you from slaying her. Don't believe a word she says."

Voice of the Hero

"We're not going to go through with this, right? She's a princess. We're supposed to save princesses, not slay them."

They tried and speak yet no words come out of "their" mouth or beak or whatever it has.

He then tried to speak with his thoughts and focused on speaking to them out loud.

Voice of the Unknown


It worked.

Voice of the Hero


The Narrator

"Hold on. That's not right. You're not... This place is supposed to-. HOW did you get here?"

Voice of the Unknown

"I am not sure. One moment I was on an unending path leading to who knows where and the next... I was here."

The Narrator
"An unending path?..." There was a pause.

"Well.. as long as you don't do anything to disrupt their task... you can stay."

It seemed the Narrator didn't mind as long as this entity didn't stop the long quiet from killing the shifting mound it would be fine if he stuck around. Although the echo was curious on how an entity managed to come here and enter the body of the Long Quiet. This entity didn't seem to disrupt the construct. It just seemed to exist, but it wasn't an echo like it was. But it couldn't be living otherwise the construct wouldn't work.

Voice of the Hero

"Hold on. What did you mean from earlier about this place?"

The Narrator

"Nothing you need to know about."

Voice of the Hero

"I don't know. I think it seems at least little important to know more about the place we are in."

The Narrator

"Trust me when I say it doesn't matter."

Voice of the Hero

"Well... alright then."

The hero/bird thing began to proceed cabin before Unknown began to speak again.

Voice of the Unknown

"Wait. Quick question do any of you see things in front of you?"

(Explore) Yes. There is a cabin on top of a hill.    

Voice of the Unknown

"No is there something floating in front of your vision?"

The Narrator

"What are you talking about? There is a cabin on top of a hill, the night sky and the woods surrounding it."

Voice of the Hero

Yeah, your not making any sense. There isn't anything floating in front of us.

Voice of the Unknown

"Just me? Ok. Never mind forget what I said."

[Proceed into the cabin.]

Unknown then went pressed the save button with his mind as the entire world froze including the hero who was frozen in his tracks before making the first save with the name saying. "You are the only person who can see the buttons. If not then they are lying to you." He did this just in case he forgot like the narrator. He closed the save as the world resumed before he realized the prefs option was open.

He quickly opened up as the world paused again.

Volume of the Narrator: 100/100
Volume of the Voices: 
-Voice of the Hero 100/100
Volume of the Princess: 100/100

They wondered what would happen if they turned all of the to zero. Would everyone just shut up and not be able to talk? Like in that one route where.... huh... he can't seem to remember. he thought to himself for a couple of seconds before shrugging mentally.

He decided to not give it anymore thought as the world unpaused as the hero continued up the hill to the cabin, opened the door and went inside.

The Narrator

"The interior of the cabin is almost entirely bare. The air is stale and musty, and the floor and walls are painted in a fine layer of dust. The only furniture of note is a plain wooden table. Perched on that table is a pristine blade."

Voice of the Unknown

"I think you forgot to mention the mirror. 

He didn't see the mirror, but he wanted to see their reactions for next chapter and deny seeing it. He wanted to prank them for the hell of it and decided to make another save saying Say you can't see the mirror in chapter 2 for a prank."

Voice of the Hero

"What are you talking about? There is no mirror."

Voice of the Unknown

"Oh, I guess I am still seeing things. Don't mind me. I guess I am just crazy."

The Narrator

"It certainly seems like it. So don't mind this one. He seems to not be all there in the head. Anyways the blade is your implement. You'll need it if you want to do this right."

Voice of the Unknown

"Or than again. You could not take it and just... walk into the basement."

The Narrator

"I am beginning to regret not dealing with you earlier."

(Explore) [Take the blade]

The Narrator

"Thankfully you ignore the crazy voice in your head and take the blade."

Voice of the Unknown

"Hmm. I wonder why you would insult yourself like that?"

The Narrator

"I was talking about you."

Voice of the Unknown

"Yeah, thanks for pointing out the obvious. You want a cookie or something?"

The Narrator

"The sarcasm of the voice fails to sway the current course of events in any meaningful way."

Voice of the Unknown

"I'm just offering some alternative choices. No need to be a prick about it."

The Narrator

"A prick? You could literally spell the end of the world if they went along with what you're doing."

Voice of the Unknown 

"Fair point."

[Enter the basement]

The Narrator

 "The door to the basement creaks open, reveling a staircase faintly illuminated by an unseen light in the room below. This is an oppressive place. The air feels heavy and damp, a hint of rot filtering from the ancient wood. If the Princess really lives here, slaying her is probably doing her a favor. Her voice carries up the stairs."

The Princess: Who's there? ...

Voice of the Hero

"She sounds... dangerous... It's almost as if she's the one in charge down here."

Voice of the Unknown

"Eh. I wouldn't worry about it. "


"For once. That voice is correct. It's all just part of her manipulation."

[Continue down the stairs]


"Good. You're still listening to reason."

The hero walks down until he reaches the bottom the basement.


"You walk down the stairs and lock eyes with the Princess. There's a heavy chain around her wrist, blinding her to the far wall of the basement."

Voice of the Hero

"She's so coldly beautiful... is she really a threat to the world?"

The Narrator

"Focus on the task at hand."

Voice of the Unknown

"Or we could I don't know... it's just a thought but we could... free the princess?"

The Narrator

"Again, ignore him. He is probably only here to throw you off your task to save the world."

The Princess: And there you are. Are you here to kill me or something?

[Steel your nerves and step forward]

The Narrator

"You step forward, your grip on the blade tightening as you steel your resolve."

The Princess: Oh? No talking, then? Fine. What even makes you think you can kill me? I'm probably chained up in this basement for a reason, right? And if that knife is the only weapon you have, you'll have to get close enough to use it. So... you should just drop it. Best not to risk finding out what I can do.

Voice of the Unknown

"I'll say this once, so you don't misinterpret why she was locked up here. She herself is not powerful. From what I can tell. The Narrator has been trying say something else will come if she is let out that will destroy the world. Right?"

The Narrator is silent for a second after hearing this. The echo at that moment spat out a bunch of bullshit he made up on the spot.

The Narrator

"Yes! That is exactly correct. If she comes out something terrible will come and destroy the world. But what that thing is something I am not allowed to say. But save to say the princess herself has no power or strength. She only poses a threat to the world because of a curse she has which will bring something here to destroy it."

Voice of the Hero

"Well, if that is the case.... is there any way to break it?"

The Narrator

"Unfortunately, not. The only way to free her from that curse is to slay her. It should be easy. She is unarmed after all. End this"

Voice of the Unknown

"Well, there might be, but who know. I don't."

[Slay the princess]

Voice of the Hero

"So, we are just going to kill her? Alright. It's your decision."

 The Narrator

"Without much hesitation. Your lung forward, but unfortunately for you and fortunately for the princess that voice caused you had just enough hesitation for the princess to react fast enough to catch the knife aimed at her chest as you both fall to the ground with her beneath you. She struggles with princess-like strength against your own as the knife inches closer and closer to her chest as she grits her teeth as her hands begin to bleed from holding the sharp part of the blade."

The Princess: I suggest you stop now! Otherwise, you're going to regret this!

The Narrator

The Princess stammers out in a panic as the blade gets closer to her chest. Just an inch more and it will be done. End this!"

Unknown quickly made another save file for later labelled "Throw blade or allow push forward".

[Push blade forward]

The Narrator

"Her hands finally faulter as you push forward as her flesh easily gives way as your blade sinks deep into her heart and deeper as your blade deep in there just to make sure she dies. She looks at you as her breaths slow quickly."

The Princess: O-oh this is it. Isn't it?

The Narrator

"You stand back up as the Princess continues."

The Princess: I'm surprised you managed to overpower me. But... I have to wonder... Do you actually believe this was enough to kill me?

Voice of the Hero

"It's like she's convinced she can't die."

Voice of the Unknown

"Nah she just wants to scare us into thinking she will jump back up alive. What do you think happens when a knife is stabbed into a heart? Do you think they live."

The Narrator

"No. She lays there as the blood from her chest pours onto the ground as she is lies there quickly dying as the light fades from her eyes as her eyes completely lose focus as her strength leaves her body."

"It's over now. She has stopped breathing with the same look of arrogance still on her face."

Voice of the Hero

"Well... I guess since we can't survive this long having a knife stabbed in the heart... I guess it is over."

The Narrator

"Yes, exactly. It's over."

Remain silent.

Voice of the Unknown

"We pick up the blade and leave."

The Narrator

"Just like that your body picks up the bla-. Wait hold on. How did you do that?"

Voice of the Unknown

"Do what?"

Voice of the Hero

"I think he is asking how you were able to command us to pick up the blade since your not a part of us. Speaking of which. How did make us do that?"

Voice of the Unknown

"Oh... I don't know. I just... said it and it happened."

Unknown quickly made a save saying "You are able to command the Long Quiet's body by being the narrator and giving it's command. It might not work if there are too many voices."

The Narrator

"That is... concerning, but nevertheless it doesn't matter. You have saved the world. It's over."

"With your work done, you make your way back up the stairs, closing the door to the basement behind you."

Voice of the Hero

"Despite what I know. Why do I feel still feel like we have done something terrible."

Voice of the Unknown

"Well, you have morals. If you didn't feel a thing that would mean there was something wrong with your brain or you have done this before and just forgot."

The Narrator

"Correct. Something would be wrong with you if you didn't feel anything, but you don't have to worry since this was for the greater good. One day that shall sink in and help ease your conscience."

Voice of the Hero

"But that day isn't today. Let's just get out of here."


The Narrator

"You open the cabin door, ready to return to a world saved from certain doom."

"Only, a world saved from certain doom isn't what you find. Instead, what you find is nothing at all. Where a lush forest stood mere minutes ago, the only thing in front of you now is the vast emptiness of some place far away."

Voice of the Hero

"What... happened?"

The Narrator

"Everyone is fi-"

Voice of the Unknown

"I am going to stop your right there. First off my dear pal. You have been locked away into a space of nothingness and trapped by the narrator. He was going to say you will be happy and this will be your "Eternal bliss" but let's face it you will get bored sooner or later. I suggest you use that knife we grabbed."

The Narrator

"Now hold on. What it was saying about you being trapped here is totally false. You're not trapped here. Your just... stuck. In return you get an eternity of bliss, and you won't get bored. Not only that but it is also suggesting to kill yourself and I think that speaks for itself. Less we forget even it said it was crazy."

Voice of the Unknown

"Well, I don't deny it but if you stay here. You won't progress. And if you don't progress you will remain here. Forever. "

I don't know I think I am pretty happy with this. Plus if I use the blade on myself. I would die.

Voice of the Unknown

"Yeah that's the point. Just look at this from a different point of view. We are stuck here for an eternity. Are we really even alive?"

The Narrator 

"That little voice has already said stuff to prove to you can't trust it's sanity. You are happy with this, and you have the rest of eternity to know that. Time passes. You can't be sure if it's days, or months, or years, or even decades. It's all a wonderful, insightful blur. You've never been happier."

Voice of the Unknown

"There was nothing insightful about it. He is just putting words in our mouths. I suggest we use the blade on ourselves before it's too late. For some reason. I am starting to feel weird. I feel... fading."

The Narrator

"I suggest you continue to ignore that voice. After all, like he said. He will soon fade away and no longer be able to take your eternal bliss away from you."

Voice of the Unknown

"We are all listening to the same person here, right? He is literally manipulating you, so you stay here and hinder your progress from the true ending. Not this fake happy ending."

Voice of the Hero

"I think I'll have to agree with them. This just doesn't feel right."

The Narrator 

"If anyone is trying to manipulate anyone it is those tiny little voices. There is no true ending or endings at all but if there were then this would be the best possible one. Trust me when I say to just remain here in eternal bliss. You will be happy."

Voice the Unknown

"DO the exact opposite of what he just said."

I think I am happy with this decision. I am going to remain here.

The Narrator

Thank you.

Voice of the Hero

"I suppose we've got all the time in the world for you to change your mind"

Voice of the Unknown

"You are going to regret this decision."

The Narrator

"The little voice's threat falls on death ears as more happy time passes, though the word begins to lose its meaning. 'Time,' that is, not 'happy.' 'Happy still has plenty of meaning. Eventually, you pass into a blissful state of pure existence. Though words like 'eventually' and 'pass' ceased to have any meaning to you long before that shift. You simply exist. Happy. Forever."

Good endi-

Voice of the Unknown

"Alright that's it. Stop!"

The Narrator

"You really don't want them to be happy do you."

Voice of the Unknown

"This is your last chance for you to use the blade on yourself."

We aren't killing ourselves and that is final. 

Voice of the Unknown

"Hmm... too bad, but since when were you the one truly in control? The hand holding the blade lifts itself up." Just as he said the blade was lifted up to neck level.

The Narrator

"You goddamn bastard. You're going to kill them just so you can get rid of their eternal happiness? I suggest you stop him before it is too late.

Sorry but I make the choices [Throw away the bla-]

Voice of the Unknown

"But before you could even make that STUPID decision of throwing away the blade. Your hand has already raised the pristine blade to your throat as it is cut open as your body collapses to the wooden floor as you bleed out rapidly. Your choices don't matter, or at least not anymore after you made that stupid decision of rotting here for eternity." 

The Narrator

"You genocidal maniac. I should hav-"

Voice of the Unknown

"Suddenly the Narrator is on mute."

He quickly went to Prefs before lowering the Narrator's volume to 0.

Voice of the Unknown 

"I should have done that from the start."

Voice of the Hero

"... Wait. You could have just done that? It feels like all of him is nearly gone."

Voice of the Unknown

"Yeah. Pretty cool right? Anyways... everything goes dark, and we die."


Hmm, this felt a bit copy and paste but I should be able to diverge more and more from routes as it goes on.

Tell me if I got anything wrong.

Also, should the Voice of the Cold be in the next chapter or the Voice of the Cheated?

Hopefully I can get out the next chapter soon.

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