Arranged Marriage

By YuiKobayashi2

46.6K 963 817

"Should we get divorced?" . . . . . . The official AU (Alternative Universe) of DTR More

Posting this AU again 🀣
Notes before reading
Vol 1: Back to square one
Vol 1: Week 1 (1)
Vol 1: Week 1 (2)
Vol 1: Week 2 (1)
Vol 1: Week 2 (2)
Vol 1: Week 2 (3)
Vol 1: Week 3 (1)
Vol 1: Week 3 (2)
Vol 1: Week 3 (3)
Vol 1: Week 4 (1)
Vol 1: Week 4 (3)
Vol 1: Week 4 (4)
Vol 1: A year (1)
Vol 1: A year (2)
Vol 1: A year (3)
Vol 1: A year (4)
Vol 1: A year (5)
Vol 1: It's about time (1)
Vol 1: It's about time (2)
Vol 1: It's about time (3)
Vol 1: Eternal Promise
Vol 2: Chapter 1
Vol 2: Chapter 2
Vol 2: Chapter 3
Vol 2: Chapter 4
Vol 2: Chapter 5
Vol 2: Chapter 6

Vol 1: Week 4 (2)

1.2K 25 12
By YuiKobayashi2

The AU is finally back after 2-week break 😁😁


"I think I can come."

Ash blinks at his answer, he looks at him questioningly. His body is completely turned to face Karlyle. Ash grabs his shoulders, lowers his head and whispers in his ear.

"Karlyle, don't force yourself. It's okay. I can go after our meeting."

"I can go. After all, this is nothing compared to what you've done for me so far, Mr. Jones. Why don't we participate for a while then revise the documents, and tell them about our breakup after today?"


Ash furrows. His expression seems complicated. Is it bothersome to encounter unexpected situations when their relationship is ending? His suggestion might be troublesome for Ash.

"I apologize if I was presumptuous."

"No. I'm sorry for being a bother to you, Karlyle."

"It isn't a bother."

Participating in uncomfortable situations is something he's done his whole life, so he doesn't mind this. While they are talking, behind them, Natalie calls Ash again.

"Ashley, can you be lovey dovey with your lover somewhere else? I'm missing Clark now."

At the word "lover", both Ash and him turn to Natalie.

"So are you going?"

Ash takes one last look at him, then he nods.

"We are."

"Hooray, I'm excited. This is our first family gathering! Then Ashley, now you have to help me buy groceries."

So this is why she came to this department store.

"You don't usually go buy groceries in places like this."

"I have all the ingredients, but I came here to buy alcohol and snacks. And some gifts for Nana and Papa as well."

As the conversation continues, Karlyle thinks for a moment, then opens his mouth.

"Let me prepare their gifts. You're doing all the cooking already, and that'll take quite some time. So allow me to do this."

Natalie claps her hands.

"Ash, you've found yourself an incredibly wonderful husband, you know? If I didn't know that he was your fiance, I would fall in love with him at first sight."

"Does Clark know about this?"

"Don't you know it's just a joke? I have eyes for Clark only. What I'm saying is that Karlyle can captivate everyone. You are really too lucky to have him, too lucky."

What Natalie says is weird. There's no way anyone would feel lucky to have him. Actually, he is the one lucky to have Ash.

"So you are pushing your work on someone you meet for the first time?"

"I'm not slacking off! And did you see how Mr. Frost here picked up my handkerchief so nicely earlier ? We, Nana and Papa are also aristocrats, but we don't really seem so. I feel like I'm watching a drama while seeing Mr. Frost."

Natalie seems like a quirky woman. She says and acts with no hesitation, unlike her slim and mature appearance.

"You can call me Karlyle."

Since Ash calls him Karlyle, it'd be better to tell Natalie to call him the same. Then, Natalie calls him the same way Ash does right away with no hint of awkwardness.

"Thank you, Karlyle. So, would you like to go to my house now? It's right around here, not that far from Ashley's house."

Come to think of it, Natalie keeps calling Ash Ashley.

"Is there any reason why you call him Ashley?"

It's a question he doesn't need to ask, but it unconsciously comes out of his mouth. Before he can say that she doesn't need to answer, Natalie smiles mischievously.

"Usually, the nickname for a person named Ash is Ashley, right? So I call him Ashley."

That idea is unexpected, yet delightful. Karlyle smiles inside. Not a bad nickname, rather it suits its owner subtly.

"You are so witty."

"When he was little, he even thought that was his real name. He was so cute..."


Ash makes a "shhh" gesture with a troubled face. This sight of him is quite fascinating as Ash seems like the type who never gets embarrassed, but now he's being shy. That's cute. He shouldn't feel this way about Ash on a day like this.

"Okay okay. Let's go. Follow me, two gentlemen!"

Natalie says cheerfully and takes the lead. Before he follows her, he looks at Ash and sees that Ash is also staring at him. After a short silence, Ash opens his mouth first.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I think it'd be better to tell your family after both of us have cleared things up today."

"You're right."

Ash looks at him with thoughtful eyes, then holds his hand out.

"Let's go."

Then, "Ah", Ash seems to realize his action, he pulls his hand back again.

"Sorry. I guess it's already become a habit of mine."

Karlyle, who almost takes his hand out of habit, also realizes it.

"It's fine."

While the apologizing and "it's fine" are becoming a little awkward, Natalie turns around.

"Hurry up, or else you'll get lost!"

Natalie's such a friendly person, she feels like the sister he has never had. Karlyle suddenly realizes that the pheromones he felt from her are familiar since they resemble Ash's. Ash smiles in trouble.

"Nat is very determined once she's made a decision, so it's hard to break her stubbornness. Thank you so much for offering to come with me. You are my savior."

As they finally start walking, Natalie nods approvingly. The two of them quietly walk. Karlyle quickly takes out his phone and makes a call. The area around South Kensington is a quiet area with relatively few tourists, so there are few people passing by along the road.

The two are silent for a few minutes, simply enjoying the warm breeze. Karlyle looks ahead, allowing his mind to relax. If he keeps thinking, his heart will go heavy.

"Do you have a nickname, Karlyle?"

When Ash asks him a question, Karlyle turns his eyes to him. He doesn't know how long he's been staring at Ash, but his eyes of two different colors have captured him.

"I'm asking because you have known mine. I don't have any strange intentions."

"......I do."

He almost forgot about it since no one calls him by that nickname. Perhaps because of the dreary atmosphere at home, nicknames don't suit them.

"Can I ask what it is?"

"It's not that special."

"Still, I want to know."

As they are having this conversation, it feels like they are back in time a few days ago. It really feels the same, except that they are not holding hands. A feeling that is difficult to tell whether he hates it or not lingers in him. Even if he tells Ash the nickname, it will be of no use.


No, they are still seeing each other.

"I heard that it was Lyle. Nobody calls me that though."

"Isn't it a pretty nickname?"

".....I think my name is enough."

At his words, Ash looks ahead, then he speaks in a calm tone.

"If I were a part of your family, I would call you Lyle every day."

His chest tightens. Sometimes, Ash Jones is overly friendly. He said that although he had decided not to become a family with him. It's through this man that Karlyle learns for the first time how kindness can be so cruel.

"Your friends never call you that?"

"I never tell my friends."

"Then am I the first one?"

Each time Ash's question reaches his ears, Karlyle is overcome with two contrast emotions. A certain repulsion that he shouldn't define that question as anything, and a desire to go back to how they were a few days ago. This tense conflict ends with the victory belonging to the latter. It's difficult to treat Ash Jones the way he treats others. Clearly, the reason is because their first meeting is an exception in the first place.


"What an honor."

Ash smiles cheerfully. A calm atmosphere envelops them, which is unbelievable that the purpose of their meeting today is to wrap up their breakup.


Natalie's house is about a 20-minute walk away. It isn't a luxurious or spacious classical-style house like the houses Karlyle usually sees. It's a three-story house with a neat and modern design. Natalie says as she enters the house.

"Ashley designed this house. He originally wanted to become an architect. He ended up choosing a different major, but he has a lot of talent."

Natalie winks.

"I'm trying to make my lacking younger brother look good in your eyes."

He's never once thought that Ash's lacking. From his appearance to his personality, there's nothing Ash lacks. Compared to nobles, his range of wealth is not a match, but among commoners, Ash's abilities are excellent and his incomes are among the highest.

"Rather, I think I'm no match for Mr. Jones."

"How can it be!"

Natalie claims. But then, she makes a puzzled face.

"You haven't called him by his name? I heard that you'd seen each other for weeks already. With Ash's personality, he must have flirted with you by asking you to call him by his name."

For a moment, his and Ash's eyes meet. If they are not going to talk about breaking up their engagement here today, they shouldn't do anything that would make others feel strange. Ash seems to have similar thoughts.

Karlyle has no intention of ruining this happy party. He makes up an excuse with a businesslike smile.

"I'm careful in case I'm being rude."

"It can't be! You're going to get married, how can it be rude!"

"Hmm", Natalie huffs and crosses her arms.

"I know it can be awkward since the concept of arranged marriage is a bit unfamiliar. Still, you two met and decided to get married, so let's get to know each other better today. You look really good together."

It seems that Ash, same as him, has told his family that he would proceed with the marriage. "You look really good together", what Natalie said gives him a strange feeling.

"I can't leave it like this. Drinking alcohol is the best way to relieve an awkward atmosphere. Karlyle, do you drink?

"I do enjoy it."

"Ashley, the more I know Karlyle, the more I like him."

Having been looking at Natalie with indifferent eyes, Ash bends down and says to Karlyle.

"Natalie is a heavy drinker. I guess the British blood in her is too strong."

"Karlyle, Ashley is half British but can't drink anything unless it's sweet. His tolerance is also low."

Ash laughs.

"Karlyle, what do you think? You saw me drink a cocktail last time."

"....I've never seen Ash drunk before, so I'm not sure."

"Really? He's really funny when he's drunk."

"Look who's talking, Nat."

The siblings compete to tease each other. Their child-like appearance makes Karlyle smile inside.

"So today, you're going to the end?" Ash asks Natalie.

"I'll get scolded by Clark." Natalie groans. "But Clark will forgive me on a day like this. Today is a happy day!"

The Jones siblings seem to get along really well. As he watches their non stop bickering, he feels a sense of peace that he's never felt before. The laughter and freedom he witnesses in this house seem like something from another world.

"Okay okay. Karlyle, let's drink until we can't today!"

Taking advantage of the excited atmosphere, Natalie exclaims. Ash takes one look at him and shakes his head.

"Nat, Karlyle is busy."

As Ash draws the line, Natalie looks visibly disappointed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to force you."

Like Ash says, he has a schedule. Since he has taken time to sort things out with Ash from the beginning, all he has to do is to point out the conditions that need to be revised in the document and decide when each of them would announce the breakup of their engagement. So there's no need for him to spend time at this party any longer.

"I'm fine. I've cleared my schedule for today. I can stay."

However, the answer that comes out of his mouth is the exact opposite of what he thinks. Ash looks at him in astonishment.

"Awesome!" Natalie claps with her face flushed from excitement.

"Oh no, I don't have much time left. Ash, help me. Karlyle, you are our guest, so just relax. Feel free to look around the house. Oh right! Do you have any favorite dishes? I can make anything."

"Not really. I will gratefully accept anything you make for me."

"You are such a gentleman. Lucky you, Ashley!"

Putting his hands on his waist, Ash looks at Karlyle gently and smiles softly.

"Right, I really am."

It's obvious that Ash has to answer like that, but Karlyle is still momentarily distracted by his face. The question he was about to bury pops up in his mind again at that moment.

If you agree, why are you so against this marriage? Can't it be me?

How ashamed that he's having such a pathetic thought, Karlyle looks away. Then he walks to the second floor where Natalie guides him to. As basic manners, it's rude to ask the guest help with your work, so Natalie insists that he stays behind. So Karlyle accepts her offer.

He walks up to the second floor. The small living room has a beautiful glass window that takes up the entire wall. Plants, very well maintained, brightens up the interior. There are several other rooms. Karlyle has no intention of randomly going around someone else's house, so he only looks around the living room in silence.

The first thing that catches his eyes are picture frames. It looks like family photos. The pictures that fill up the whole wall are mainly of Natalie and a man believed to be Clark, but there are also pictures of Ash in between.

A very young Ash. Ash, wearing a white school uniform, was smiling and looking somewhere. Honestly, Ash is a complete mystery to him. To begin with, he doesn't know anything about Ash.

Karlyle knows his personal information, but he knows nothing about his past, his life or his friends. He doesn't know how many people Ash has dated, or his ideal type. He doesn't even know this most important thing. This is why Ash had to drag their meeting.

If he had taken time to find those out about Ash....maybe they could have gotten married?

This thought itself is ridiculous. When he first heard about the marriage, he thought of it as a shame since his fiance was an Alpha. So now, why does he have a change of heart? Why does he have lingering feelings about marrying Ash?

Just as he's trying to shake off the sequence of thoughts that is getting more and more complicated, he hears voices from downstairs. When he's about to go down to see who came, they have come up first. It's an elderly couple. Even without introduction, he immediately recognizes that they are Ash's maternal grandparents.

"Oh my, nice to meet you."

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