Peter's Angel

By RissaRarity

82 3 0

Prism's daughter - from My fic America's Prism- is holding strong at physically eighteen, excited to head to... More

Chapter 1

82 3 0
By RissaRarity

Who is Peter's Angel?

They headed toward the main office to pick up her schedule. "Remember, my name is Ella Borealis."

He nodded, "Yeah, no, right right I got it."

She raised one brow in a suspicious expression, making him look down for a moment in silent thought.

"I think I like sound of that actually." Peter said, one side of his lips in a crooked grin when he looked back up at her.

"What? Ella?"

"Yeah. It suits you. Its...sunshine-y."

The blonde giggled, "Well thanks, I guess...sort of."

Peter chuckled and bumped her with his hip before opening the door for her.

Most of their classes were together, thanks to more of Nat's hacking skills - all except ones Ella wouldn't like or would struggle in. Peter was a 3.9 gpa student after all.

So they pretty much just hangout all day, and walked to class together. Ella wasn't a fan of crowds so she'd hold his hoodie covered arm as they passed through, not noticing how people began to move aside for them now that she was there.

At lunch, she sat with Peter in the corner while he did some chemistry homework. She could feel a dark cloud hanging over his head all day and it was bothering her.


He looked up, still chewing on the end of his pencil.

"Are you okay?"

He hesitated, but nodded.

She narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "I'm gonna tell you something about me, then you can decide if you want to share with the class, okay?"

Confused, the boy agreed, setting down his writing implement to give her his full attention.

Much to his surprise, she leaned closer to whisper in his ear. "I can read the emotions and ties of people I make physical contact with." Her voice sent tingles across his body and a blush in his cheeks, sending his eyes shyly around the room as he noticed a couple of people were staring again.

Ella pulled back, meeting his gaze with a challenge in hers. "So do you wanna tell me or should I hold your hand and find out myself?"

I'll tell you, IF you hold my hand. Peter thought for a moment.

"Well...if we're gonna be best friends I guess you'll find out eventually..."

She beamed until he went on.

"But it's hard for me t-to talk about uh..." he nervously placed his hand on the table and slowly slid it toward her.

A frown replaced her smile, concern in her eyes as she covered his larger, calloused hand with her dainty one.

Her eyes closed as she focused, resting her cheek on his arm in a sort of half hugging position to avoid weird looks from gossiping students. Her chest hurt as she felt his sense of loss, loneliness and heartbreak. She got mental images of Peter and his Aunt May from his childhood to recent...until her death.

Tears fell from her eyes when she opened them, looking deep into Peter's own damp orbs.

"Don't tell me you're sorry. I can't hear it anymore...please." He said softly, looking down and blinking a lot.

"Okay, I won't." She weighed her options very briefly, turning to sit sideways on the bench to hug his side, snuggling under his arm and wrapping hers around his torso. "I'll just hold you for a bit, okay, Dreamboat?"

"Mmhm..." he wouldn't risk her hearing his voice crack.

Then his ears perked up as he noticed it.

Okay, Dreamboat?

Little old timey but he'd take it. It was classic and her.

While he wasn't sure if she meant it or was just trying to cheer him up but that was the outcome, regardless. He wanted to ask but didn't want to ruin the moment by getting embarrassed and asking it awkward if she just said it to be nice.

He knew Steve was an old fashioned guy and it was likely she'd heard her mom call him that at one point. Then again, their relationship was...complicated and the parameters of it seemed to have weird boundaries.

But after all they'd been through with the Silver Shield Incident, Peter tried not to pass judgement on it.

They'd only known each other a few months but they were quickly thick as thieves- with a few too many stolen glances on both sides.

Her touch made his muscles relax instantly, lilac scented perfume gently keeping her in the back of his mind as he tried to get on with his homework.

It didn't help that he could still hear all the speculation as people noticed the absolute bombshell that was all over the geek.

They didn't know the pure hearted intention of the touch, but jaws sure hit the floor when Peter decided to steak a bit of a public claim on Ella. A lot of the stares she'd been getting were from less than good guys.

But if they thought she was in a relationship, it might deter at least some of them.

To do this, Peter turned his head and kissed her forehead, rubbing her back gently as he did so. "You are my Sunshine, Ella Borealis." He said softly.

It was cheesy and he knew it, but he sensed her heart beat speed up and could see pink rush to her cheeks. She dropped her head shyly and tried to hide her face by resting the top of her head under his chin.

Ella bit her lip to hide her smile as she struggled to keep her magic from leaking due to the excitement. Her hair wanted to flash blue right here in the school cafeteria.

Did he mean it? Like...romantically? Because it sure sounded that way to her...or was she just hearing what she wanted?

For the rest of the school day, Peter tried to keep a hand on her at all times to make sure as many people as possible saw it. Not one of these douche bags was good enough for her.

They walked with their arms looped on the way home, Peter holding standing perfectly still on the moving train and not moving even as they settled, she clutched onto him for dear life. He smiled down at her pathetic misery, chuckling when she glared up at him.

"Fuck you, Peter." She purposely hip bumped him, smiling when he let her move him a little as an immediate peace offering.

They met each others eyes, laughing a little before they both got embarrassed and quieted down, glancing around.

After a few seconds of silence, he laughed again, quickly covering it with a fake cough. "What?" she asked, arms gripping his waist in a vice like side hug.

"Nothing, it's just uh..." his cheeks flushed, "It sounds silly when you swear. You're so cute when you're flustered and-" he cut himself off, looking away.

Ella batted her titanium grey eyes, smiling shyly. "Thank you, I guess. I think you're cute all the time."

For Peter, time seemed to stop as her words sunk in. His heart hammered as a nervous laugh came from his chest because he's Peter Parker, of course he's gonna mess this up.

"Like now." She added, leaning a little closer to see his blush in detail, making it worse on purpose.

He stammered for a moment, "Oh gosh, Sunshine."

A random passenger snickered behind Peter's back. "...Smooth."

His eyes narrowed but he didn't look, knowing a normal person wouldn't have heard that.

Now blushing, herself, Ella bit her lip and glanced around before taking his hand and leading him off the train. Luckily, she'd been paying attention to the stops.

That made one of them.

From the moment he made it his mission to remain as sturdy as possible for her, she'd been his entire field of vision. How her eyes crinkle when she smiles, the rhythmic sound of her girlish laughter companied with how she covers her mouth during.

How her moonlight eyes could be sharper than steel when she fixed you with one of the Borealis family, milk curdling glares. He'd seen her mother wear an identical one a couple of times before.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Everything about her was so alive and expressive, a sparkle ever present in her eye that never waned.

She was smiling almost every time he looked at her, in his mind's eye was no different nor in the photos in his camera roll.

They'd trained together, sparred, gone to parades, malls, art galleries, restaurants, comedian performances, even run marathons. Peter had been happier than he'd been in a long time. He had an inside joke with himself whenever the sun shined a ring on her hair that it was her halo.

It quickly became their thing to take a photo at each event. They had a shared folder on their phones they uploaded the photos to.

A folder that now had photos of the train blurring behind them, Peter-cheeks still pink- smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Then one with them in the lower half with the train sign above them.

"Your first day of school!" he wiped a fake tear, leaving his arm around her while they headed toward the escalator.

"I'm at least sixteen by now. Maybe seventeen." She protested.

Peter only took three seconds to make up his mind, "Definitely more like seventeen-eighteen."

Her gasp made him realize he'd accidently said the judgement out loud.

"Shit uh...I..." he tried to pull his arm back but was pleasantly surprised that she reached up and knit their fingers over her collar bone.

"I appreciate the complement, Peter." She gave a reassuring squeeze, sending heat up his arm just before a wave of comfort washed over him and his body relaxed.

She knew he meant no disrespect, and his intrusive thoughts slipped out. Holding his hand let her connect to him closely, able to even read his mind if she wanted to- though she'd made a promise to herself not to invade his privacy like that.

She was very aware her love language was physical touch, so Peter's not so subtly marking of territory was actually very welcomed. Part of her liked that he was possessive; she didn't want anyone else anyway.

Ella led the way back go the tower, marching straight over to the elevator, smiling at the camera lens.

It let them in and closed behind them. "Welcome home Angel! Good to see you again Mr. Parker. Where to?" Friday asked.

"Home please!"

"Borealis residence, clearance granted."

After a few seconds of gaining speed, Peter had to ask, "Even the AI calls you Angel?"

She shrugged, "Everyone does. I don't think I actually remember hearing Uncle Tony call me anything else."

He put his hands in his pockets and tapped on his legs awkwardly for a moment, awkwardly sucking his lips in. "What do you want me to call you? Is Ella just a school thing a-" "You can call me Ella. I like it."

A smile slowly spread across his lips, "It's Sunshine-y."

Hers pulled up to match it, butterflies in her stomach as she met his warm, doe eyes.

"It's sunshine-y." She confirmed with a little nod.

I know it's a slow start but bare with me, it is only chapter one after all! Drama and angst are on the way! Even a tie in with my fic Little Soldats later on :)

Add this to your library to keep track of it and watch the story unfold! Votes are always much appreciated ❤️

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