Brozone ⚡️ Mini stories!

By sabwiii

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Just some little scenarios I thought up about the Brozone brothers before they broke up More

⚡️Tickle war ⚡️
⚡️ Daycare ⚡️
⚡️Nighttime Chaos⚡️
⚡️ First word ⚡️
⚡️little note ⚡️
⚡️ Marshmallow ⚡️
⚡️This is Clay's world, we are just living in it ⚡️

⚡️ Lost pet ⚡️

166 2 0
By sabwiii

The brozone brothers woke up one day to a blood curdling scream from non other than John Dory

' ' Ugh.. why is he screaming so early in the morning.. ' ' Spruce groaned 

' ' Five more minutes... ' ' Clay sighed 

' ' Guys, we should check on him.. ' ' Floyd yawned as he got out of bed, he went downstairs to see what happened to JD

' ' JD? Are you alright?.. ' ' Floyd yawned as he scratched his eyes, trying to wake up

' ' NOO RHONDA IS MISSING?!?! ' ' JD yelled as he paced back and forth 


' ' I will help you! She couldn't have gone far ' '  Floyd said as he hugged JD to comfort him

' ' Thanks Flo, you're the best now let's go find RHONDA! ' '

They finally woke up the rest of their brothers and the search was on

' ' We should make some missing posters and put them around the troll tree! Someone must have seen her ' ' JD commented

' ' Square finally using his head to find the armadillo ' ' Spruce sighed


' ' Totally.. You know what would make this for fun! Let's make it a game, first one to find Rhonda wins the leftovers of Grandma's flufferberry cake! ' ' Clay said

' ' Oh now I'm totally winning! ' ' Spruce said as he ran out the door in search of Rhonda

' ' Not on my watch! I'm finding the armadillo first! ' ' Clay ran out

*Searching for Rhonda montage*

' ' not under here ' ' Floyd said looking under a rug

' ' Not here ' ' Clay said looking under a bench 

' ' Not in here ' ' Spruce said, looking inside of a bush

JD was going around the troll tree, placing missing posters 

' ' Rhondaaa, where are you girlll! ' ' JD called out to her

' ' I got your armadillo food right here! ' ' JD sighed

The Brozone brothers all reunited to consult the situation 

' ' This is hopeless.. we will never find Rhonda..' ' JD sighed

' ' We can't give up! She must be here somewhere I'm sure! ' ' Floyd tried to comfort his brother 

' ' Yea! We can't give up, I still have to win the flufferberry cake! ' ' Clay smiled 

Suddenly the brothers heard something, it was barking coming from the park, they all ran towards the sound 

' ' Rhonda?!? ' ' JD yelled as he ran towards the barking 

' ' Let's hope! Come on guys ' ' Floyd exclaimed 

' ' Last one there is a rotten square! ' ' Clay giggled as he ran faster than the rest of the brothers 

' ' No fair! I got little legs! ' ' Floyd yelled

' ' I'm not going to be the square like JD ' ' Spruce chuckled as he ran 

When they arrived at the park they saw two boy trollings messing with Rhonda

' ' Try and bite me! ' ' He chuckled 

' ' This thing is all bark and no bite! ' ' The other one giggled 

The Brozone brothers turned to face JD who was fuming with rage, they all knew it was about to go down

' ' LET GO OF RHONDA! RAHHH! 👹👹 ' '  JD screamed as he ran to the Trollings and began to attack them 

Spruce and Clay shrugged their shoulders and ran to attack the trollings as well

' ' RAAHHHHH!! ' '  They yelled *NSYNC

Floyd, who now had Branch in his hands closed his eyes tightly and covered Branch's eyes so he couldn't see the violence but watched through the cracks in Floyd's hands

The trolling boys ran away in fear and JD got Rhonda back

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