Revenge, Photos and Covenants

By RLThorton

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(Complete) (Demonology Book 2). With winter break behind them and Gluttony sealed away, Zack is excited to st... More

Chapter 1: Return
Chapter 2: Funeral
Chapter 3: Vessel
Chapter 4: Jail Break
Chapter 5: Entropy
Chapter 6: Pool Party
Chapter 7: Pizza
Chapter 8: Iced
Chapter 9: Lab
Chapter 10: Unmasked
Chapter 11: White Rabbit
Chapter 12: Kidnapped
Chapter 13: Fight
Chapter 14: Death and Birth
Chapter 15: Exposed
Chapter 16: Rave
Chapter 17: A Birthday
Chapter 18: Ritual
Chapter 20: Caught
Chapter 21: Therapy
Chapter 22: Drafted
Chapter 23: Line in the Sand
Chapter 24: Revival

Chapter 19: Prime Suspect

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By RLThorton

It had been months since that bitterly cold December night when Sarah watched Boon leave Ethel's house, his breath visible in the frosty air. His frustration was palpable, emanating from him like the fog that clung to the ground. She could sense that he was still human and desperate.

"Perfect," she murmured under her breath, cloaking herself in a shadowy veil before following Boon to the dimly lit parking lot.

She glided to his driver-side door, and tapped on the window, "Boon" she whispered.

He turned around, confusion etched on his face. "What do you want?"

"I can give you what you want most," she said, feigning concern.

"Really?" Boon's eyes widened with hope.

"I can give to the curse and change you into a vessel," Sarah explained, keeping her true identity hidden. "You will have more power than you could ever imagine."

"Even more than Zack. " Boon replied clearly eager to surpass his rival.

"You'll be able to crush him and anyone else in your way." She reached out, her clawed hand grazing Boon's skin, leaving a dark, sinister symbol behind. As Boon's body contorted and changed, Sarah smiled wickedly.


In the present, Rob knocked on Lindsey's door, He knew he had to convince her that Sarah was the killer before anyone else got hurt. Zack stood nearby, prepared to reveal himself to Lindsey if they needed to.

"What are you two doing here?" Lindsey asked as she answered the door. "I am in the middle of a dinner party."

Rob and Zack turned to see the small row of cars lining the street. "So sorry Lindsey but we have some important information about the case and it will only take a minute, promise." Rob looked at Lindsey with pleading eyes.

"Fine, one minute and that is it," she ushered to boys into the living room. "this dinner is with the heads of the department so let's make this quick."

Lindsey walked back to the dining room and explained some old friends had dropped by to pick something up before returning the boys. "My office now." once tucked away Rob explained that Sarah was the killer, being sure to leave out all the supernatural elements of the murders.

"Think about it, Lindsey. Bobby Dowding doesn't fit the profile, he was at one of the crime scenes with his girlfriend. Who takes their girlfriend to a murder?" Rob argued. "Sarah on the other hand is a loner and a stalker, always watching everyone through her camera. She is getting revenge on the 2018 Waterloo cheer team, taking them out one by one, she was at the rave too."

"Sure, but that's just speculation. There is still no hard evidence that Waterloo had a cheer team in 2018." Lindsey countered skeptically, her arms folded across her chest. "You need more proof, either of the cover-up or someone who can place Sarah at another crime scene."

"Fine," Zack interjected, he was ready to give up but then he saw some stills of the security camera footage from the hospital the night Nancy was killed hanging on the murder board. The killer was walking by the nurse's station and in the reflection was Kenzie walking towards the killer. "Kenzie saw the killer!" Zack announced pointing out her reflection in the corner mirror.

Lindsey spun around so fast that she almost fell off her chair. Her eyes scanned the photo until she found the reflection.

"Wait a second," Lindsey said, her brows furrowing as she remembered. "Kenzie mentioned something about that night. She said she talked to a young blonde woman because she seemed lost, but the woman didn't want any help."

"That sounds like Sarah, if we can get Kenzie to positively ID her then you can start investigating Sarah," Zack replied, dialing Kenzie's number without waiting for Lindsey's response. "Kenzie, we need you at Lindsey's house now, she has some suspect photos she wants you to look at."

Zack hung up and turned to meet a clearly unimpressed Lindsey. "She could have come down to the station in the morning to make the ID. Have you forgotten I am kind of in the middle of something tonight?" Zack winced, having completely forgotten the fact Lindsey had her dinner party guests waiting for her in the other room.


Lindsey left to attend to her guests, After running Sarah's information through the system, tracking calls, and credit card purchases. "Look at this," Rob said, gesturing toward a series of photographs hung on the walls. "They found a woman's footprint at the scene of Tom's murder," suddenly the computer pinged flagging a credit card receipt from Pisa Pizzaria on the night that Maria was killed.

Zack leaned in to examine the evidence. "We can place her at Maria's murder too."

Lindsey poked her head back into the office, "I heard a ping, what did the system find." Lindsey made her way over to the computer on her desk and scanned through the results. "Well, this puts her at two murder scenes on the nights they happened. It is certainly enough to get an investigation going."

"Alright then," Zack replied, pulling out his phone. "So if Kenzie can positively ID Sarah as the hooded figure in this photo, then you can bring her in for questioning right?"

"That would be the plan," Lindsey agreed, watching as Zack checked his phone for any word from Kenzie.

Rob's stomach growled "Um, would it be ok if...." He started to ask.

"Go for it, there is plenty of food out there, make yourself a plate," Lindsey said, Rob smiled and made his way toward the dining room.

He could smell the roast before he even turned the corner, but as he entered the room he realized just how quiet it was. It took him a moment to realize that the guests were lying face down in their meals. Rob rushed to the closet woman, pulling her blonde hair back so he could check her pulse. As her neck became visible. so did the two large puncture marks in it. Before he could react, he felt the clawed hand wrap around his neck from behind.

"Hello, Rob," Sarah's chilling voice greeted him, her once-blue eyes glowing yellow.


Ethel floated adrift in a formless white void, her naked body covered in sweat. A distant voice called her name, its breath coming in short gasps. "We don't have much time," it warned before an ear-splitting, low-pitched sound assaulted her senses.

Suddenly, Ethel awoke in her bed, disoriented and dazed. Paulina sat over her, concern etched on her face. "What was that sound?" Ethel asked weakly, trying to sit up but nearly collapsing from the effort.

"Sub-sonic dog whistle," Paulina explained, holding up the small instrument. "Your holly poisoning put you in a coma, but this sound seemed to do the trick. Now we have a more pressing issue to deal with."

"More pressing than finding the person who put me in a coma?" Ethel rolled her eyes, her mind racing with questions.

"The scales have been tipped and not in a good way. Before your mother died we had an arrangement," Paulina admitted. "It has always been my duty to protect the balance of the world, but I am barred from ever directly influencing the outcome. Your mother would help reset the scales whenever they tipped too far, and now I need you to take on her role."

"She changed fate for you, what did she get out of it?" Ethel murmured, remembering the whispered conversations between her mother and Paulina.

"She got you, and your safety. That was our arrangement and I will hold up my end until the day I pass on from this world." Paulina could see Ethel was still trying to process this information. "I know this is a lot but recently I discovered Gluttony has escaped his imprisonment."

"Wait, Kyle escaped?" Ethel asked, her eyes betraying a hint of anger. "How, how could he escape it? the blood moonstone seal can't be broken by a demon." She paced the room, her hands clasped behind her back. "So was he the one that did this to me? Is he going after Zack too?"

"I know you have a lot of questions but we have multiple sins on the loose now and if you don't act quickly it could lead to the destruction of the city," Paulina said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Ok, so what should I do?" Ethel asked, looking to Paulina for advice.

"I can't tell you what to do directly but perhaps you and Zack should meet and discuss the current situation," Paulina suggested, knowing she was bending the rules.

"Right," Ethel said softly, her gaze unwavering. "Zack needs to know what's coming for us."


Meanwhile, at Lindsey's, Sarah marched Rob down the hallway to Lindsey's office. His heart raced in his chest, but he kept his composure, as he tried to figure out a way he could get out of this mess alive. As the door to the office opened, Zack looked up and saw the fear on Rob's face. Lindsey also noticed and reached for the gun in her desk drawer.

"I wouldn't try it if you value his life," Sarah sneered, she pushed Rob forward blocking Lindsey's shot. There was a thud from the dining room and Lindsey attempted to look around Sarah, but she ensured to block her view. "I think you have bigger things to worry about."

Lindsey didn't understand how Sarah could have known they were looking into her, her voice shaky but earnest. "Sarah, what are you doing here? What did you do to the officers in the other room?"

"They won't be bothering us, you should really be more concerned about yourself," Sarah snapped. "I haven't decided if I am going to kill you all yet, so I suggest you follow instructions. Handcuff yourself to the radiator and toss me the keys or I will blow his brains out." Lindsey did as instructed. Sarah turned to Zack, "Gather up all this evidence and follow me." With a nod Zack gathered up everything and followed Sarah out into the hall, Leaving Lindsey alone in the office.


Back at St. Jerome's campus, Deb sat alone on her bed, her fingers worrying the edge of a green bathrobe. The room seemed colder ever since Father Bill had died, she had become a shut-in and avoided Jessica and Zack at all costs. With a soft knock, Pablo entered, his eyes filled with concern and determination.

"Deb, we need to talk," he said, holding a letter in his hand.

"Leave me alone," she replied, her voice barely a whisper. "I don't want anything to do with you."

"I am not here for me, I am here because before he died Father Bill asked me to give you this." Pablo extended the letter towards her, his expression earnest.

With an unsure look, Deb took the letter from his hand and began to read. As she did so, Pablo sat quietly at the foot of her bed. The letter painted a picture of Father Bill's suffering at the hands of Ethel and her covenant, fueling Deb's anger and hurt. By the time she finished reading, her hands were shaking, and her resolve hardened.

"Ethel needs to pay for what she's done," she whispered, clenching the letter in her fist. "We'll make sure of that."

"Good," Pablo replied, a cold smile playing on his lips. "Now, burn the letter. It was Bill's dying wish."

Deb placed the letter in the waste bin and set it ablaze, the orange flames consuming Father Bill's words, for a long time she didn't know which side she truly belonged on. She made up her mind right then and there, with a determined fire in her eyes, and began tearing down pictures from the walls and the reminders of his old life.

By the time she finished, her room was stripped bare – nothing remained but her exorcist equipment, holy water, and knives. This was who she was now, a soldier in the war against the supernatural and Pablo couldn't have been happier to have watched the change.


In Lindsey's living room, Sarah forced Zack and Rob to burn the physical evidence connecting her to the murders, her eyes never leaving them as they carried out her orders. As the last of the documents were tossed into the fireplace, they heard a car pull up outside. The boys exchanged fearful glances, believing Kenzie was about to walk in on this. But when the door opened, it was Ethel who stepped through the threshold.

As Ethel laid eyes on the pair kneeling by the fireplace with Sarah standing over them, she collapsed onto the floor, her body wracked with pain from the Familiar's paralyzing bite. Boon stood behind her, becoming human once again, an unsettling grin on his face.

"Ethel!" Zack cried out, his heart sinking at the sight of her sprawled out on the floor. He fought the urge to rush to her side, knowing that any sudden movement could provoke Sarah into killing Rob.

"Any other unexpected guests on their way to join us?" Sarah snarled, her eyes locked on the helpless woman before her. "I guess this saves me the trouble of hunting you down later."

"How did you know we were here? How did you know we were turning you in?" Zack demanded, drawing Sarah's attention to himself.

"Ah, Zack," Sarah's voice dripped malice as she paced the room. "You two really think I wouldn't be watching you? I know you sealed my brother Gluttony away, I don't plan on sharing the same fate." Her yellow eyes glinted with menace. "I will admit, I never thought one vessel could cause so much trouble. I mean you teamed up with an exorcist and a..... well honestly I don't know exactly what Rob is?"

Rob, his hands trembling didn't miss a beat. "I'm a garden gnome." He smirked. "Just so you know, that transformation requires a song and dance."

Sarah's face contorted with anger. "always the smart ass." She snapped her fingers, and Boon advanced towards Rob, a sinister grin on his face. In one swift motion, Boon tied Rob up and threw him to the floor on top of Ethel.

As he struggled against his bonds, Rob muttered, "Bitch" under his breath.

Zack's mind raced, trying to find a way out of this impossible situation. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of another car pulling up outside. He knew exactly who had just arrived and his heart sank, there was no way to warn her about what she was about to walk into.

"Sounds like the guest of honor has just arrived, I suggest you don't try anything Zack if you want her to live.," Sarah warned, her voice cold. To drive home her point, she rolled Rob off Ethel and pressed her boot against his chest, making it impossible for him to breathe.

Kenzie entered the home just in time to see Sarah pressing her boot down on Rob and pointing a gun at Zack. Zack instinctively moved to protect Kenzie, Sarah fired, the gunshot ringing through the air. Zack gasped in pain as the bullet tore through his flesh just below the right side of his rib cage. Sarah then turned her threatening glare to Kenzie, who stared in shock at the scene before her.

"Please," Kenzie begged, her voice shaking as tears filled her eyes, "I'm a nurse, I need to make sure he is ok."

"Silence!" Sarah snarled, grabbing Kenzie by the arm and dragging her down to the basement. "You leave this place and I kill them all." Sarah closed the door and headed back to find Zack gasping on the floor as his wound started to heal. Sarah removed Zack's phone from his pocket and used his face to unlock it while he was too weak to fight back.


Deb stared at the text message on her phone, her dark eyes narrowing in suspicion. The message was supposedly from Zack, asking her to come to Lindsey's house. Beside her, Pablo watched Deb's face closely, waiting for an explanation as to why she asked him to come back to her room.

"Zack didn't send this," Deb stated firmly, her voice cold and determined. "We fought and he doesn't trust me. He wouldn't have given me this information on Sarah or asked for my help."

"So what should we do?" Pablo said, his voice almost excited. "This is your fight Deb and your friends, anything you need for the exorcists is yours."

Before Deb could respond Jessica entered the room, "Deb do you have a minute there is something important we need to talk about," Jessica began until she noticed Pablo standing next to Deb. "Oh, what's going on here?"

"Someone is trying to lure our Deb to Officer Lindsey's," Pablo replied, casting a sidelong glance at Deb. "We are coming up with a plan of attack."

"Wait, there could be innocent people in that house," Jessica cautioned, her voice laced with concern. "Deb doesn't have the training yet to run a mission like this, not to mention we don't know exactly what we are dealing with here."

"If you don't want to help then leave, I am sure other exorcists will leap at the chance to take down Sloth." Deb spat before turning back to Pablo. Jessica watched with worry as Pablo and Deb plotted their assault on the home, she wondered what Deb would become if she didn't get the Father's letter soon.


In Lindsey's front foyer, Ethel and Rob lay on the cold hardwood floor, both unable to do much to stop Sarah. The two shared a look of desperation as they tried to wiggle and move.

"Sarah's Sloth," Ethel whispered hoarsely, her body weak and trembling. "I should've seen it coming, I should have sensed her. I should've been more prepared." She chastised herself for being so distracted by the exorcists that she lost focus.

Rob, his chest still aching from Sarah's boot, shook his head. "You couldn't have stopped her or Boon. Honestly, if Zack and I had treated Boon better, maybe he wouldn't have been so desperate for power that he would have turned to Sloth for it. All we can do now is try our best to save the ones we can."

Ethel nodded, she could feel some sensation returning in her hands and knew that was all she needed. She extended her claws, hesitating for only a moment before digging them into her leg. The pain was intense, but she gritted her teeth and bore it, willing her body to heal and force the Familiar venom from her system. She knew Rob was right, they needed to save who they could instead of focusing on who they failed to save in the past.

"It's working, I can feel the venom being forced out," she whispered, her voice audible only to Rob. "We just need a few minutes of time." something both of them were unsure they had.

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