Best Friends (aespa X Male Re...

By Ragsify

9.4K 395 22

Y/N, a former SM trainee who unfortunately didn't manage to debut. Who is also best friends with aespa. More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Part 4

1K 49 10
By Ragsify


Entering the car, I realised that the girls were rushing to get the front seat making me chuckle from their behaviour. Karina was the lucky winner that got to seat beside me.

We shared talks and jokes on the way to visit my mom. The girls still didn't know that my mom's in the hospital.

As we had arrived at the hospital, the girls were confused as they scanned around the area.

"Wait what are we doing here?" Ningning asked.

I gave them a weak smile and finally told them my secret.

"My mom has been diagnosed with cancer for a long time now...." I told them as I tried my best to hold in my tears. "She was at the early stages when she met you guys" I continued and then Karina who was beside me suddenly hugged me.

"I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this" Karina spoke out as she rubbed my back.

"Don't worry oppa we're here for you anytime" Winter who also got tears in her eyes said.

"We should go see her now" I wiped my eyes and told them. "I understand if you guys don't want to join now" I continued just so they don't feel comfortable about leaving when I told them that we're visiting someone with cancer.

"We can't wait to see her Y/N" Giselle hold my hand and then gave me a heartwarming smile.

I gathered my strength and proceeded to go to my mother's room where she was resting while watching TV.

"I'm back with your flowers Mom" I greeted her as soon as I entered her room.

"Oh Y/N-ie~ how was work?" She said and then noticed the aespa girls behind me.

"Aigoo you brought your friends with you too" She smiled and then wore her beanie to hide her hairless head.

"Yeah you still remember them right?" I asked while placing the flowers beside her and sat down next to her.

"Long time no see eomonim" "Hii eomonim" The girls greeted her.

"Of course I still remember them! They're Korea's big star!" My mom exclaimed making me chuckle at her excitement.

"Oh really? Why won't you try saying out their names" I smirked while looking at my mom's face. The girls were excitedly anticipating.

"Kar—" My mom tried to speak out but I cut her off.

"Real names. Not stage name" I smirked again and my mom's suddenly became nervous.

"Uhhh J-Jimin?" She pointed at Karina as Karina squealed in happiness.

"Yes that's correct eomoni" Karina responded while bowing down like she had just finished a performance.

"You're the Japanese girl, ahh what was it" My mom snapped her fingers trying to recall her memories. "Ah! Aeri" She luckily remembered.

"Hahahah you're right eomonim" Giselle laughed and celebrated with a little dance.

"Ah who would forget this cutie" My mom said after looking at Winter making her blush. "Our cutie Minjeongie" She confidently answered. She was the closest with Winter last time they met.

"Hehehe thank you eomonim" Winter was a blushing mess from that.

"And lastly! Cute girl number 2 Ninnin!" My mom confidently answered again making us all laugh.

"Hahahaha it's Ningning mom" I told her as she suddenly felt bad.

"Omo omo I'm really sorry Ningning. It sounds the same" My mom apologised to Ningning and then held her hand, rubbing it.

"No no it's fine eomonim. Some people also get it wrong sometimes" Ningning reassured her who was now in my mom's grasp.

"Let's order food, you guys must be very hungry from the practice just now" I suggested to the girls as they agreed.

My mom was happy to be able to see the aespa girls again, she couldn't contain her excitement as she was talking nonstop. I'm just relieved that for once she looks happy and energetic again.

As we enjoyed each other's company and the food that we ordered, the day was getting late and I had to send the girls back to their dorm.

"It's getting late already. I guess we have to go now mom" I spoke out as the girls all get ready to go too.

"Byee eomonimm, it was nice to see you again" "We should hangout more!" The girls said to her as they bid farewell and hugged her.

"Bye girls, you are always welcomed here" My mom smiled, waving at them.

"Bye mom, see you again tomorrow same time ok? I love you" I hugged my mom as she gripped me tightly.

"I love you too Y/N-ie~ You just focus on your career ok? Don't worry about me here" My mom told me and again I tried my best to hold in my tears.

"Stay safe you guys, Byee~" She waved at us as we got out the door.

My legs were suddenly weak after getting out of her room. I wish there was something that I could do to help her be healthy again, the doctors said that it's only a matter of time now. Everyday I pray that I get to see her again, hoping that every time I see her wasn't my last.

"Don't worry Y/N, she's a strong woman. I'm sure she would want to see you stay strong going through all this" Suddenly a pair of hands wrapped my body and I noticed that it was Karina's voice.

I thanked her and then we let go of each other after a few moments.

"I-i d-don—" I stuttered and then paused, taking a very deep breath. "Never mind, let's just head home" I gave them a forced smile and walked ahead.

"This is too sad for me, I hate that I can't comfort him" Winter's sad voice spoke out to her members, feeling helpless as Y/N was walking ahead.

"Let's just do our best to help him ok?" The leader Karina said as everyone nodded in agreement.

We got in the car together and Karina sat down beside me again but this time the mood was different. It felt... somehow quiet and awkward.

"I'm sorry for bringing you guys here, I knew that it was a bad idea..." I felt bad now that we're uncomfortable to talk about it.

"Hey hey, it was never a bad idea. We enjoyed every second seeing you and your mom" Karina sternly told me.

"Yeah we wanted to spend more time with you Y/N. And spending it with your mom is a bonus, seeing you happy makes us happy too you know" Giselle said as she hold my shoulder from behind.

"T-thank you girls. I can't thank you enough for all the things you guys did for me"

"It's fine oppa, we'll always have each other's back right?" Ningning gave me a reassuring statement making me smile feeling grateful for having the girls.

"You're right Ningie" I smiled and proceeded to drive out the parking lot.

"If you ever need anything don't hesitate to call us ok?" Karina continued as I nodded.

After the long ride to send the girls back home, we bid farewell to each other and they also made sure to give me a hug before going into their building.

Then the lonely ride back home had started making me think about today's events, feeling grateful for everything.

As I reached my apartment, I entered my bedroom after cleaning up myself and changed into a comfy outfit.

"Welcome home baby~ How was your day?" My girlfriend, Jihye or famously known as Noze greeted me as I entered the bedroom.

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