No Chance in Hell

By Emily_Caulfield

7.5K 171 11

How Colin's careless words threaten to ruin the very fabric of his relationship with Penelope. More

Hell is a Place on Earth
When Hell Freezes Over
Hell Hath No Fury
Hope It Gives Him Hell
Hurt Like Hell
No Chance in Hell

They Had a Hell of a Time

930 25 2
By Emily_Caulfield

Penelope had never imagined herself the type to go on as many dates as she had since her breakup with Reggie. In the span of a few months, she downloaded all of the apps, asked to be set up by friends, and even resorted to broaching the subject with Violet, who was considered the most notorious matchmaker in the greater London area. All of this was in an effort to put that one night far from her mind, and perhaps in some part to forget that she ever had feelings for Colin Bridgerton. It wasn't starting out very well, but that had more to do with the dating pool than anything. Just this week, she had been on three different dates, all of them ranging from mediocre to off putting to absolutely dreadful. She considered that she ought to widen her net, as dating within society circles was getting her nowhere.

James Debling had been one of the most promising. He reached out to her after the night at the bar and asked if she wanted to grab a coffee. He was rather handsome and quite intelligent, if a bit snobbish. He insisted that the barista put only two perfect oat milk in his chai latte, and the barista explained that she wasn't even sure that was a thing, he scoffed and gave the poor woman the dirtiest look before changing his order. They went on a few dates after that, in which Penelope realized that despite his strangely particular obsession with coffee, he was actually rather nice. Still, just as it did with Reggie, something felt off, and so she decided that they were better off as friends, to which he agreed.

Then, there was Harry Dankworth, a man with the face and body of a Calvin Klein model. She wouldn't call him conceited, but he did have a way of making every one of their dates revolve around him showing off those good looks in some way. Penelope wondered many times why Harry chose to continue dating her. He wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, and they didn't have much in common, which was why she ended things. She actually introduced him to her sister, Prudence, and two ended up making an oddly perfect pair.

That was a real low point for Penelope. She was quite ready to give up on dating altogether. What was the point when the man on her mind through it all was always, always Colin? Without even intending to, she compared every one of them to him, and they never seemed to measure up. How could they? They do say you never get over your first love. At this rate, her vision of dying an old cat lady might just come true. And she hadn't even had sex yet! She was a woman in the prime of her life and still a virgin. Not that there was anything to be ashamed of for it. A woman's body is her own, of course. But God, Penelope sometimes wondered if it was possible to die of horniness.

She especially thought about this when she was around Colin, which was quite often now that they were repairing their friendship. He was always at her apartment, or she was at his, and he always wore the sexiest button up shirts, tight enough to see his bulging muscles, with two buttons undone so his chest hair poked out. Lately, Colin would stare at her much longer than he used to with this look in his eyes that she associated with hunger or passion, and made her question if his feelings had changed. So many times, she just wanted to rip his clothes off and climb him like a tree.

Of course, she didn't because...because...the more she thought about it, the less reasons Penelope could find not to. Sure, their friendship might get a bit weird afterwards, but they were strong enough to survive anything. And if she did sleep with him, then she would know what it was like and finally be able to move on. Right? Could she do this? She could. Penelope Featherington was going to sleep with Colin Bridgerton. If he wanted to, of course. She hoped he did.



So, got any more dates lined up?" Colin asked, a slightly pathetic hopefulness to his voice that he hoped went unnoticed by Penelope.

She paused, dipping her fries in her ketchup for the sixth time. ", actually. I think I'm done dating for a bit."


"It's just getting exhausting. I'm not even sure if I want a relationship anymore. I just want sex." Colin choked on his soda, spraying it on the table between them. Penelope gave him a confused look but continued. "I'm trying not to be picky, but I'd like to at least like the guy, or trust him if he's going to be my first." Colin's knee suddenly pounded against the table in surprise. "Are you alright?" She asked.

He nodded, hiding a strained expression behind his fist. He hadn't thought about it much in the past because it simply made him uncomfortable. He had tried very hard not to think about it lately because the thought of Penelope having sex with anyone who wasn't him made his stomach churn and his chest ache. Her first time should have been perfect, and he was glad to know that she hadn't gone that far with any of these men yet, because he wasn't sure they would give that to her. He remembered that conversation from a few months ago, shortly after she and Reggie had broken up and he picked her up from the bar. She was obviously hammered, but she had asked him so seriously, "why don't you want to have sex with me?" It made him wonder if that was what she wanted. If perhaps all of these failed relationships were her way of holding out for him. He hoped so anyway.

After some time, he finally answered her. "It's good that you waited. You deserve your first time to be special, Pen," he said sincerely, even though he wanted to add that with him, it would undoubtedly be the most magical moment of their lives.

Penelope had a habit of blurting out things that changed the very fabric of Colin's life and left him absolutely speechless. This was one of them. "Will you have sex with me, Colin?" She asked rather abruptly. When he said nothing and only stared at her for a solid minute, Penelope scrambled to say, "Nevermind, forget I said anything! That was so stupid of me. I just thought-ugh, I don't know what I was thinking! I wasn't. I felt like maybe there was something going on between us, but clearly I was wrong. I mean, of course your feelings haven't changed. You haven't said anything to make me believe that---"

Her rambling was cut short as she felt the softest pair of lips touch hers. Colin was kissing her. It took her only a second to gather her senses and kiss him back. And when she did, oh what a kiss it was. Neither of them had ever felt something so powerful. Their hearts raced as if they were chasing after one another. The world around them ceased to exist, and their minds as they enjoyed the feeling of the other in their arms. It was fire. It was electricity. It was passion and longing and the feeling of coming home. It was glorious. After what seemed like an eternity, Penelope pulled away, far too anxious to know what Colin was thinking.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He asked, staring into her eyes while trying to catch his breath.

Penelope nodded, knowing that if this was her only chance to live out the dream of losing her virginity to the man she loved, she had to take it. "More than anything."

"Then let's go," he said, taking her hand and dragging her out of the booth. Thankfully, his apartment was only a couple blocks from the restaurant. Colin knew he wouldn't be able to restrain himself for much longer than that. He wanted to get there as quickly as possible so that he could begin showing Penelope all of the ways he loved her. He hadn't even realized that he was practically running down the street until Penelope called his name.

"Colin!" She scolded, giggling as she was dragged behind him.

Colin stopped immediately so that she could catch up, then gave her a sheepish smile and looked away. "Sorry, I was just excited, I guess."

Penelope beamed up at him and pulled his lips to hers, lingering for another passionate kiss. "It's okay. I like that you're excited. I am too," she confessed.

Colin let out a sigh of relief. "Good. Good," he repeated with a nod, blushing under the heat of her stare. Then, just because he could, he gave her one last soft kiss and started walking towards his apartment once again, this time at a much slower pace.

In the instant that they arrived, Colin slammed the door behind them and had Penelope pinned against it, kissing her everywhere he could reach. Her lips, her jaw, her neck. He stayed in that spot for a good moment, revelling in the sounds she made when she sucked just below her ear. He made his way back up to her lips, making sure she was left thoroughly breathless by the time he was done. Colin pulled away, looking down at Penelope earnestly, his brows furrowed as if asking for consent.

Penelope smiled. It was a small, reverent thing, but she couldn't help but appreciate how kind and attentive Colin was being. She knew she had made the right choice. "Colin," she sighed softly as he ran his hands under the hem of her shirt. He didn't think he would ever tire of hearing her say his name in such a way. "Colin, take me, please," she all but begged.

She could have asked him anything in that moment, and he wouldn't have denied her. Colin resumed kissing her neck, leaving a hot, wet trail down her chest. Without warning, his hands reached around her back and cupped her bottom, lifting her and forcing her to wrap her legs around him. He knew she could feel how much he wanted her, and he ground his hips into hers. "God, Pen, you have no idea how long I've been dreaming about you like this." She didn't know what to say, so she moaned in response, and his cock throbbed against her. He carried her down the hall, never once removing his lips from hers until he placed her gently on his bed. He was very glad that he remembered to clean up that morning, not that Penelope had been looking at anything but him.

There was a moment, between the kisses and touches and delightful sounds of pleasure, where the two just stared at one another. It was too perfect to put into words, except for three little ones that both were too afraid to say. So they just stared, until finally, Penelope pulled him atop her and proceeded to kiss him hungrily, greedily, needily as she tore at his shirt. In what seemed like seconds, both of their clothes were off, and they were grinding against each other with nothing but thin pieces of cotton and lace standing in the way. Colin nipped at the flesh of her breasts, easily removing her bra so he could marvel at what was underneath.

He traced every crevice and curve of her form, wondering why in the hell there weren't paintings and sculptures and statues erected in her image. She was the epitome of beauty, at least in his eyes, and it truly baffled him that no one else stopped to see it too. Her beauty was a slower kind that you had to search for, but once you saw it, you'd never stop. You'd fall to her feet worshipping her forever, just as he planned to now. Colin had truly never seen anything so unbelievably perfect, and made sure to tell her so. "Beautiful. I never imagined you would look this beautiful," he whispered, nuzzling, nipping, and licking at her chest. He never wanted this to end. He wanted her here in his bed, in his arms forever.

For Penelope, it was torture, the way he was bringing her higher and higher without even touching the place between her legs. It was entirely unfair, and she wanted to show him just how much she wanted him as well. She couldn't use her words, because they only ever seemed to get her into trouble. But she could show him. So, while Colin was sucking on one of her nipples and teasing the other between his finger and thumb, she slid a hand between them and pulled his cock from his briefs. He was hot and thick and stiff in her palm. She'd never felt anything like it before, and just knowing that it was Colin's caused a flood of wetness between her legs. She heard him hiss and pull his lips from her with a lewd pop.

"I need you," she whimpered.

Colin growled as she began to pump her tiny hands along his length, swirling her thumb along his head to gather the liquid leaking from the tip. "Pen," he groaned. "Pen, you have to stop. It feels too good." She stroked him a couple more times before he flipped them back and pinned her to the mattress. He ground into her, kissing her hard and sloppily, not that either of them cared. "I want to sink into you and never let you go," he said.

Penelope knew he didn't mean it, and that it was just the heat of the moment, but it was too good a thing for her to ignore. "So do it," she whined, writhing against him, lightly scratching the skin of his back. "Fuck me, Colin. Please."

He wasted no time before ripping off his underwear and hers. But then he stopped, much to her annoyance. "Not yet. I want to taste you. I want to see how ready you are for me," he said with devilish grin, sliding down her body, giving attention to her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, and every soft, lush part of her that he had long dreamt of, even before he knew he loved her. He stopped at the patch of glistening red curls between her legs and grinned, wondering what he must have done in a past life to be graced with such a sight.

He grazed a thumb through her folds, tracing circles in her wet desire, and watched with rapt attention as Penelope keened and arched into his touch. After a small eternity, Colin dove his tongue into her center, lapping and suckling at what had to be the best meal he'd ever tasted. He couldn't help but moan too, especially when the vibrations of it seemed to drive Penelope wild. He continued his attentions, alternating between gentle licks and strong sucks on her sensitive nub, and when he inserted two fingers and curled them just right, it sent her tumbling over the edge. The corners of her vision blurred as she succumbed to the blissful abyss. She knew that orgasms were more powerful when someone else gave them, but she never imagined they could feel like this. Perhaps she should have, because it was Colin, and everything with him had always been...more.

"I think I am very ready for you," Penelope said, panting and giggling as she came back to earth. Colin tore open a condom with his teeth, and the sight made her clench with need. She watched him roll it over himself carefully before lining himself at her entrance. He teased the tip against her clit a few times, just to see her wiggle in his grasp. "Coliiin," she whined, her hips bucking off the bed.

"Shhh," he soothed her. He stopped teasing for a moment and became serious. "Are you sure, Penelope? We can still stop if you want."

"Don't you dare stop," she demanded, urging him to line himself up again.

Colin kissed her deeply as he finally inched his way towards home. She tightened in his arms, so he held her closer, running his hands across her neck until she relaxed. "Are you alright?" He asked, making a face as if he were the one in pain.

"I'm fine," she whispered, pulling him in for a quick kiss to reassure him. "Better than fine. Please keep going, Colin."

He pushed a bit further, feeling her velvety walls hug his cock as if he was made for her, and her him. Perhaps she was, and he had been too stupid to realize it all these years. But none of that mattered in this moment. He started rocking into her gently, grinding his hips when he was buried to the hilt. It was heaven, both of them thought. He kept a steady pace, groaning loudly when she met his thrusts. She moaned in response, clinging and clawing anywhere she could reach, feeling as if she would never have enough of him.

Her voice got higher, breathier, and he could tell she was close. He didn't want to finish before he could make her cum again. "What do you need, Pen?" He asked, watching the emotions wash over her face.

"Touch me, Colin," she begged.

"Where?" He asked, squeezing her breasts. "Here?" Penelope nodded, allowing him to play with her nipples before she realized it wasn't enough. She needed more, so she moved his hand between there bodies, guiding his fingers to her clit. Colin grinned. "Is that what you need?"

"Yes!" She cried when he started circling his fingers.

"Cum for me, Pen," he rumbled in her ear, quickening inside of her. "I want to feel you clench around my cock. I want to see how beautiful you look when you come apart with me inside of you."

He felt the fluttering of her walls around him and tried to hold off just a little longer. Her eyes screwed shut with pleasure, her mouth open in a silent scream, and that was when he knew without a doubt that he was going to spend the rest of his life loving this woman. She was his everything.

Penelope melted underneath him, the aftershocks still blazing through her as Colin slowed his thrusts. She wanted him to cum too. She had dreamt of this moment for years, since she even learned what sex was, and she'd be damned if she let it go to waste. To his suprise, she flipped them over and began riding him, helping him chase that blissful feeling he had given her. Colin realized that he very much liked this view of her and began pounding his hips into hers. Before she knew it, Penelope felt herself cumming again, unknowingly crying out the words she had kept hidden all these years. "I love you, Colin!" She screamed, her body seizing.

The words were enough to send Colin over the edge, and he came with a loud grunt of her name before falling against the mattress. Penelope curled atop of him, relaxing into his chest as they tried to catch their breath. They laid there for some time, Penelope playing with the dark curls on his chest, Colin tracing circles on the bare skin of her back. "Are you sure that was your first time?" He asked with a laugh.

Penelope laughed too. "Should I be offended?" She asked jokingly.

"Not at all. You have my highest praise," he said in a posh voice. "Ten points to Gryffindor!" He yelled.

Penelope once again snorted with laughter. "You dork."

"Eh, you love it," he replied, pulling the sheets over them so they could get comfortable.

Penelope sighed contentedly, burrowing into him. A second later, he eyes shot open as she realized what she had said. She told him she loved him. Again. And he didn't say it back. Again. Her mind raced and she panicked, grabbling with the idea that in Colin's mind, he was helping out a friend. By having sex with her. Sure, they had a hell of a time, but the plain fact was, he didn't love her, and he probably never would. So, she did what she thought was right. As she heard him start to snore, Penelope carefully slipped away into the night, barely managing to keep the tears at bay as she ran home.

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