Boss Or Husband ??

By chinachanchal

50.9K 4.4K 1.4K

Ragini moves on in life after laksh marries kavya.. Shifts to mumbai, gets a job and gets settled in life.. ... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
New OS
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31

Part 22

1.5K 142 39
By chinachanchal

Here is the next part.. Please enjoy but ignore typos and errors..


Ragini places Advay's coffee on the table and starts collecting the files on the table..

She goes to put it on the shelf there and start arranging the cabin..

Advay looks at her while she was busy in her work..

Advay - Are you ok..??

Ragini (busy in arranging the files) - Yeah.. What could be wrong with me..??

Advay - Nothing.. Just that you are not behaving in a usual way..

Ragini stops and turns to look at him in wonder..

Ragini - And what is my usual way of behaving.. ??

Advay - You did not roll your eyes , didn't mutter anything under your breath, didn't make any face at me, neither gave looks to me..

The more he was saying the more ragini's eyes keep widening..

Ragini - I.. I don't do all these.. I.. I won't dare..

Advay - You are lying, right..??

Ragini - What....... No..... Wh.... Why would I lie..?? (Sheepishly) And why would I say all these.. You are my boss afterall.. Nope never.. I would not dare..

Advay (nodding) - You are lying..

Ragini - What the..... Wait didn't you say that you trust my words.. You trust whatever I say..

Advay - I do.. But I am trying to understand you without words as well.. I  can now somewhat understand what you are thinking.. I think I am doing a good job at it, right.. ??

Ragini (muttering under her breath) - why does that sound so scary..

She looks at him sulkily..

Ragin- I am not a maths puzzle to be solved.. Ok..??

Advay - Ok..

Ragini (pouting) - Weren't you this uncaring, indifferent person.. ?? How the hell you manage to notice everything so accuretly..??

Advay(looking at her) - As indifferent as I may be, I am not a blind Ragini..

Ragini - Yeah yeah whatever..

Advay - Are you snapping at me..??

Ragini (glaring) - NO.. YOU ARE MY BOSS.. HOW COULD I DO THAT..??

Advay - Oh.. You are..


Advay - No need.. Continue.. It looks more like your usual behaviour.. Except snapping of course..

Ragini - Arghhh....

Getting irritated she goes out of the cabin slamming the door hardly behind..

Advay looks on from behind..

Advay - I think that's what dad says as wife's bossy behaviour.. Hmm..


Ragini was getting a coffee from coffee machine..

Ragini - So irritating, so frustrating.. Arghhh.. What does he think of himself..?? He makes me so mad.. My usual behaviour..?? Rolling eyes?? Muttering under breath..?? Snapping..?? Is that what I do..?? Do I look like such person..??

She takes sip from the cup and widens her eyes..

Ragini - I am that person.. I actually did that..... Oh god that too on his face... I... I..... Shouted at him..?? At my boss..?? What the hell did I do..

She holds her forhead feeling nervous..

Ragini - Be ready Ragini.. If you continue this very soon you are going to say tata bye bye to this job and with that to your increased salary as well.. No no no... He won't fire me.. Didn't he say that he loves me.. I am his wife.. He won't fire his wife.. Right..?? ....... Right.....??

She shakes her head rapidly tapping her cheeks..

Ragini - stop it ragini.. Stop it. What are you thinking.. Wife..?? God all these wife talks from him are getting into my head.. That's why I have started getting the guts to be so free with him.. It's all because of him.. Yes.. All his fault.. So if I lose my job, it's his fault as well.. Yes..


Children's were playing and women were chit chatting in baadi corridor when advay enters inside and goes towards his home..

The ladies look at him and stop their chattering..

He was their new neighbour and he was such aloof and silent character that they hardly knew about anything..

It's been a long time that someone new has come into their baadi and they all know each other from a long time except about him..

And being ladies who are aware of even mosquitioes of others home, how could they handle the curiousity about him..

They have faintly heard that he is some big rich shot but nothing else 

Why would someone like him suddenly shift to their baadi.. All they see him doing us going to work and returning..

And one more thing that he is ragini's boss..

It was a strange coincidence but they would not think anything else about it seeing the way ragini and him are around each other..

They are totally robotic and mechanical, only talking about work if they are spotted together..

They get up and go towards him..

One lady - uhh.. Excuse me.. Hello..

Advay stops in his way and looks at them..

Advay - Yes..??

That lady smiles brightky at him..

Lady - Hello ji.. I am vimla.. Everyone here calls me vimla kaaki..

Advay - Ok.......... So.......??

Vimla kaaki gets slighty startled by his flat tone ..

Vimla - Uhh... Actually you are our new neighbour here so we thought that we get introduced to each other.. We should get to know each other..We all are like family here..

Advay - family.....?? But I don't even know you ..

Another lady - So what if you don't know us.. That's why we are getting to know each other.. By the way myself beena..

Advay (nodding) - Ok..

They all surround him and he was in middle..

Beena - So.................................

Advay - So.......??

Beena - Your name  ....?? What was it..?? Adbhut.......

Advay - Oh..... Name.....Advay.. It's Advay Rana...

Vimla (excitedly) - Oh .. Very nice name  .. She is sheila and that is pooja..

Advay - ok......

Vimla - by the way what do you do beta.....??

Advay - I do business..

Beena - oh businessman.. Good good.. What business.. ??

Advay - Just a little bit of everything....

Sheila - groceries..??

Advay looks at her for sometime and shakes his head..

Advay - not yet..(deep in thinking) But I can think about it ..

Sheila - yes yes.. It is a good business plan.. Even my husband has a grocery store..

Advay - that's good..

Beena - stay alone..??

Advay(nodding) - here... Yes..

Beena - and where is your family..??

Advay - mumbai..

Beena - mumbai.. Wow..

The ladies looked at each excitedly..

Pooja - And from since when you are in kolkata..

Advay - Shifted just Recently..

Pooja - Oh.. For work..??

Advay - Yes work.. To chase after my wife..

They all widens their eyes hearing this..

Beena - Wife.. You are married..??

Advay - Yes..

Beena - Oh that's good.. So where is your wife .. ??

Advay - Here only..

Sheila - In kolkata..??

Advay nods at them..

Sheila - then why don't she stay with you..?? Where is she in kolkata..??

Advay - here..

Now they all look at each other with wide eyes..

Beena - In baadi.. ??

Advay nods at them......

Beena - Who...??

Bloody hell.. They know about each and everyobd in baadi... So who could be his wife..

They haven't seen anyone living with him..

Is he talking about a ghost or what  ..??

Must be messing up with them..

But seeing his expressions it does seem like he was joking or lying..

In fact his expressions does not seem like anything  ..

"In his heart"

Suddenly they hear a voice and see ragini standing there.... They look at her confused..

Ragini comes towards them feeling nervous..

Ragini - Wha.. What he meant to say was that his wife lives here... In his heart......Right Sir..??

The last two words were uttered while gritting her teeth and looking at him pointedly..

Advay (nodding ) - Yeah.. There too..

The ladies nods hearing this..

"Ohhhh....... Wait what... ?? "

Ragini let's out a forced smile  ..

Ragini - hehe..He is like this only.. Using such flowery words..

Beena - Oh...... Wait But how do you know.. ??

Ragini- Uhh.... I... I am his assistant so ofcourse I would know.. Right..??

Beena - hmm..yeah right..

Sheila - But if you are married why  your wife don't live with you.. Why you have to come here to bring her back.. ??

Advay - Actually..

Ragini - Sheila kaaki I .....I will tell you..

She motions for them to come near her..

They frowns but still follows her.. Ragini takes them towards the side slightly away from him..

Vimla - What..?? What is the matter..??

Ragini - Uhmm.. Actually I could not tell in front of him.. But you know how he is right..??

Sheila - how..??

Ragini - Uhh.. You know slighly akdoo.. Khadoos.. Did you even see him smiling..??

They all shake their heads in no..

Ragini - Look now also how is he behaving..

They all turned to look and saw his expressionless face..

Ragini - Now you must have understood why his wife left him.. Right..??

Pooja - Hmm.. That's true.. What you said makes sense.. But if he had come here to bring her back then he must love her a lot, right..??

Cough... Cough......

Ragini - Uhh  ..... Cough... Cough....

Vimla - Oh Pooja.. What are you saying.. Have you even see him doing anything else than work.. ?? What wife..?? What coming after her..??

Ragini - Yeah.. He doesn't even know how he should coax her..

Sheila - Yeah.. Should we help him then..??

Ragini- What..??

Sheila - Didn't you say that he doesn't know how to coax his wife.. We should hell him then.. Right..??

Ragini - No.. No..I ....I didn't mean that..

They all looks at her strangely seeing her flustered expression..

Ragini - I.. I meants that he.. He axn be very rude.. Didn't you saw how curt he was behaving now.. It's.. It's not worth it.. Just stay away from him.. Let him be..

Beena - Is he really like that..

Ragini nods frantically..

Ragini - Ofcourse.. I know him.. He is my boss.. He is very khadoos.. Just let him be..

Sheila - Ok.. If you say so..

All other ladies nods in agreement..

Ragini (smiling) - Ofcourse.. Why would I lie to you.....

They all leave from there giving strange looks to adavy.. After everyone leaves ragini turns to adalvay and glares at him..

He comes towards her..

Advay - You once again made up a story about me.. Right..??

Ragini felt sheepish hearinv this and instead of glaring she looked down..

Ragini - I.. I didn't do anything like that.. It's not as if I was lying.. I just told them how you are..

Advay - Like..??

Ragini again looks up glaring..

Ragini - it doesn't matter.. Waht matters is what you were about to say.. What was it hunh..?? They were asking and you were answering everything.. Are you that dumb..?? Where is that high iq of yours..??

Advay - But they were asking me.. I didn't tell anything.. What was I suppose answer..

Ragini - Anything  ..... But the truth.. Why don't you just put on a board on your head stating "Ragini is my wife"

Advay - That would be strange thing to do..

Ragini - Much better than you being the dumbo and saying everything..

Advay - I am sorry.. Its just I can't lie.. I really don't know how to..

Ragini - Yeah and as if I have dint sone phd in lying..

Advay - The way you are so efficient at it, it does seem like so..

Ragini - Haww.. What the.. You know what.. Fine.. You can't lie, right..?? Then it's better that you don't even talk.. If you see anyone, especially my family, just turn around and move to another way..

Advay - But won't it be rude..?? They are your family, meaning my family.. I can't disrespect them.. I can't ignore them..

Ragini - Trust me you ignoring anyone, being rude is not abnormal.. You trying to be friendly is.. So if they comes from right, turns to left.. ignore them like air.. Neither you will talk to them nor will you blurt out anything.. Got it..??

Advay - If you say so..

Ragini - Good..

Suddenly they hear someone calling out maasi..

Ragini turns and saw sur rushing towards her happily.. She smiles widely seeing her


She comes and hugs her happily.. Ragini picks her up happily and kisses her..

Ragini - Aww my sur baby.. How are you..

Sur - First class.. But I missed you..

Ragini - Maasi missed you too baby.. Where is your mumma..

Sur - She is coming.. She couldn't run so i came earlier..

Ragini pinches her nose - Naughty girl..

They both giggle at each other..

Advay looks at her giggling face .. His fingers twitch slightly..

He keeps looking at her and suddenly he wanted to touch that face of hers..

Ragini saw swara entering the baadi.. She goes towards her while sur goes inside to meet her grandparents..

Ragini - Swara..

Swara - Ragini..

They both happily hug each other..

Ragini - Where is sanskaar..??

Swara - Actually sanskaar is going out of kolkata for an important project.. He dropped us on the way but was getting late..

Ragini - Aww.. Didn't even meet us..

Swara - It's ok.. Next time.. But i am here.. Right..?? And today I will stay with you.. It's sumdat tomorrow.. Even sur don't have school.. Shevwas so excited yo stay with you.. That girl loves you a lot..

Ragini ( as if pullinv her collar up) - What to do..I am so charismatic..

Swara - Of course.. Of course..

They both laugh out loud..

Suddenly swara's gaze goes towards advay who was looking at them..

Swara - Uhh...... Ragini... Him..?? I didn't see him earlier.

Ragini widens her eyes..

Ragini - Uhmm.... He...... He is new in baadi....

Swara - Oh..

Ragini - And my boss..

Swara - Oh.. Your boss..??

She smiles at him..

Swara - Hello..

Advay nods at her.. He looks at ragini..

Ragini (scratching her forehead) - She is swara.. My sister..

Advay - Oh.. Ok.... Cindrella..

Swara - What..??

Swara looks at him confused while eagini widens her eyes hearing that..

She looks at ragini frowning.. Ragink smiles sheepishly..

Ragini - He he... Ha ha.. He is joking.. You know swara...... He just..he just loves to joke....

Advay (looking at her) - I do..??

Ragini (pointedly looking at him) - Yes..

Swara (still confused) - O.. K..

Ragini - Anyways swara lets go inside.. It's not good for you to stay outside for so long.. Sorry sir.. Will see you tomorrow.. I need to take swara inside..

Advay (nodding) - Of course..

Saying that ragini holds swara and takes her towards the house while advay looks on from behind..

Swara (whispering) - Ragini..

Ragini - Hmm..

Swara - Your boss... Isn't he slightly.... Uhmm... Weird..??

Ragini smiles feebly at her..

Ragini - Say something new sister...


Next day was Sunday.. Advay was sitting inside his house studying his file when he heard music and singing voice..

There were two voices and one of them he realized was of ragini..

He gets up and goes out of the house and saw ragini and swara in the corridoe having a duel while others were looking on..

Both of them were totally engrossed in their singing while playing their instruments..

Both of them were equally good but Advay who had never been interested in music or singing could not take hos eyes away from his wife..

It's his first time seeing Ragini like this in all these years and he was lost in her voice and herself..

Unconsciously a faint smile appears on his face seeing her..

While he was lost in her, he suddenly felt someone tugging at his shirt..

He looks down to see little girl looking at him with frown..

Advay realizes that she is ragini's neice..

Sur - Why were you looking at my maasi like that..??

Advay - Like what..??

Sur - Like.. Like.. Hero looks at heroine in tv soaps.. And movies..

Advay - They look like that in tv soaps and movies..??

Sur nods her head..

Sur - Yeah.. Don't you know..??

Advay - No.. Not really..

Sur - Oh.. But you were looking at her exactly like that..

Advay - oh.. I guess I didn't realize..

Sur - It's ok.. Hero looks at heroine like that because they find heroine beautiful..

Advay - hmm..

Sur - My maasi.. You find her beautiful right..??

Advay looks at ragini who was smiling while playing her sitar.. Once again a faint curve appear on his face..

Advay - Very beautiful..


In evening..

Laksh stops his car in front of baadi and enters inside..

As he was moving towards gadodia mansion he saw advay standing outside talking on phone.. He widens his eyes seeing him and remember their last meet..

Laksh - oh god this weirdo again..

He takes long strides towards gadodia house..

Advay keeps his phone down and notices laksh..

He also remembers their last meet and whatever happened afterwards..

He thinks for sometime and then calls out to him..

Advay -  Excuse me..??

Laksh who heard his voice stopped closing his eyes..

Laksh (muttering) - Should have moved faster laksh..

He turns and smiles fakely at him seeing advay coming towards him..

Laksh - Oh..hello Mr Rana..

Advay - Hello.. Laksh ..Right??

Laksh - Laksh Maheswari..

Advay nods at him..

Laksh - Uhh.. You wanted to say something..??

Advay - Yeah.. Actually last time we talked.. I just wanted to apologise..

Laksh was startled hearing that..

He was not expecting that...

Laksh - Apologise.?? For what..??

Advay - For whatever I said.. I should not have said like that.. It came out wrong.. I apologize for that..

Laksh was at loss of words for few minutes..

Laksh - Uh.. I..... It's ok.. I am sure you didn't mean anything offensive..

Advay- of course not.. But I have understood that the way I expressed was wrong ..Ragini made me understand..It hurt her , it might be hurtful for you as well..

Laksh - Ragini....??

Advay - Yeah.. She told me that I was wrong..

Laksh was actually confused by all this.. Isn't  he ragini's boss.. Why is ragini discussing her personal life and feelings with him..

But anyways since he is apolozing even if it's strange..

Laksh - Uhmm.. It's ok.. Anyways I and ragini had moved ahead from that..

Advay - Yeah I know.. Of course..

Laksh looks at her strangely..

Laksh - What do you mean..??

Advay realized that may be he once again said more than he should..

And he is not someone who can play with words..


Advay - Ragini will tell you what I mean..

His phone rings..

Advay - Excuse me.. It's an important call..

Saying that he goes away picking up the call..

Laksh - but..

If he thought that if that guy was weird that day, he was even weirder now..


Laksh was at gadodia house..

Ragini - Don't you come here too often nowadays..??

Laksh - Don't blame me ok.. Sanskaar is out of town so now I m on swara's driver duty..

Ragini - Don't talk like that about my sister.. You should serve your bhabhi.. You will get blessings..

Laksh- Yeah just what I want.. Anyways I don't mind coming here.. Spending time with everyone here..

Ragini (raising her brows) - Repenting much.??

Laksh looks down feeling guilty.. He was still ashamed of the way he behaved with gadodias and especially shekhar on the day he married kavya..

Laksh - Yeah.. You can say that and moreover your company is also not as unpleasant as before..

Ragini - What the..

She looks at him open mouthef for some time but then rolls her eyes..

Ragini - Wish is could say the same about you..

Laksh (offended) - Hey.. You were the one who was dying to have my company ok..

Ragini - Yeah.. My bad.. I would just use the excuse that something wrong was with my eyes..

Laksh gives her a dirty look..

Laksh - Buzz off.. You know I was wrong.. You are still as unpleasant as ever to be with..

Ragini just shrugs her shoulders..

Laksh - Anyways .. What is the problem of that boss of yours..??

Ragini widens her eyes and looks at him in alarm hearing him..

Ragini - Boss.... You met him..??

Laksh - Yeah.. He came to meet me..

She gets even more surprised..

Ragini - He came to meet you..?? By himself..?? What did he say..??

She looks at him in tredipation..

Laksh - he wanted to apologise for whatever he said last time..

Ragini - Apologize..?? Wait a second.. Did you just say that he.. Advay Rana came to you by himself to apologize..??

Laksh - Yeah  .. Strange person..

Ragini (mutterinv to herself) - Why would he apologize to him..

Laksh - He was saying something that if what he said was offensive to you then it must be offensive to me as well..

Ragini (surprised) - He said that..

Laksh - Yeah.. I don't know what is his problem..And then he says that ragini will tell you..I mean why would you answer on his behalf..

Ragini (muttering under her breath) - Yeah do dump everything on me..

Laksh - What..??

Ragini - No nothing.. You see that's basically my job.. Answering on his behalf.. You know..

Laksh - Anyways Why is he getting so involved in others personal life..

Ragini - Please laksh.. He is not getting involved in other's life.. He would be the last person to even care about whatever happens in yours or anyone else's life.. He apologised and you should appreciate it..

Laksh - O.. K... But even that is so strange.. I don't even understand what he says or do.. Weirdo..

Ragini - Enough.. Don't talk about him like that.. His way of doing things might be different from others but you can't talk about him like that.. He is very nice guy..

Laksh - Yeah and who is saying that..?? Aren't you the one who keeps telling how weird he is..

Ragini (making a face) - That is different..

Laksh - How so..??

Ragini - Because that is me.... I can say whatever I want about him.. You can't.. I have the right..

Laksh - What right..??

Ragini - I.. I am his assistant.. I know him.. You don't and those you don't know, you shouldnlt say anything...

Laksh - Alright alright.. You know even you are also weird being in his company..

Ragini - Wasn't I earlier..??

Laksh - Yeah.. But not it has gone to another level..

Ragini just rolls her eyes shaking her head..


Advay receives the message at night from ragini to come to terrace.. He was confused but goes there.. As he reached there he saw Ragini standing leaning on the wall with crossed elbows..

She was looking at him sternly..

Ragini - You talked to laksh..??

Advay - Yes..

Ragini - Why..??

Advay - To apologize.. But don't worry I did not say anything in front of him..I stopped myself at the correct time..

Ragini - Yeah you just took my name and made even more suspicious.. Anyways why did you have apologize to him..??

Advay - Because of what you said.. You made me understand that what I said was wrong and if it hurt you then it would hurt Laksh..

Ragini - And since when you started caring about others..??

Advay - I probably don't but if I am wrong I should apologize, right..??

Ragini - You never did before.. Never to anyone..

Advay - I didn't because I didn't know that I was wrong..

Ragini (looking down) - You.. You don't need to apologize to him..

Advay - Why..??

Ragini (looking up at him) - Because it's not same for both of us.. Ok..?? My feelings about my divorce has been different than his.. Because I was the one who was not even aware that I am getting divorced and he basically took my signatures without my knowledge.. Now you understood..??

Even advay has to slightly frown hearing all this..

Advay - What are you saying..??

Ragini chuckles mockingly..

Ragini - Yeah.. What I said is right.. My divorce happened without my knowledge.. Basically the day I was supposed to remarry my husband, he married another girl in front ofy eyes and declared our divorce.. So yeah it's not same for both of us..

Advay - You were scammed into this..??

Ragini - Yeah.. Now after all these years I have realized that it was my punishment and I don't have any grudges about it, in fact I myself feel guilty for everything I did but at that time I felt like my life was over.. There was nothing in my life.. It's not same for us because I was the only one with feelings in our relationship..

Although ragini was not breaking down or anything, neither she was crying but advay knew deep in his heart that it was not easy for her..

Advay - You loved him a lot..

Ragini - Yes.. I did.. I loved him like a crazy.. You know there was a time when I  use to think that I can't live without him.. I would die but then some time passed and I realized that I can live without him.. Worh time it's not as difficult to vreath without him.. Then with time I realized that I can even pretend to be happy and then I realized that I don't need to pretend, I can actually be happy in my life without him.. And now I know I never needed him.. I myself was enough for me to be happy.. Love was true definitely but it was not my everything.. I just thought like that..

Advay was keenly listening to her.. Sometime back he wouldn't have understood but now that he know taht he himself is in love he can understand .. Although not to the full extent but the feeling of love is not something he is unfamiliar with..

Advay - You loved him like that.. Why..??

Ragini (raise her brows at him) - You really want to hear about my feelings for my ex husband.. ??

Advay - Ofcourse not.. I just want to know about your feelings.. What you have went through.. I want to understand you ragini..

Ragini looks at him for some time and then takes a sigh..

Ragini - I don't know.. Yeah he is a good man but I don't know why I fell in love like that.. Maybe I was craving for it.. Maybe the fact that I saw him as my future husband.. Maybe I thought life was a fairytale and when I realised it's not I couldn't handle it.. I dont know why  I loved him like that.. I guess you we don't need to have any reason for love..

Advay hears this and nods his head..

Advay - Yeah.. I get it after all even I fell in love with you ..

Ragini nods but then realizing what he said looks at him offended..

Ragini - What do you mean by that..?? I m smart, talented, beautiful, hardworking and I have many more talents..

Advay - Sure you do but you know what, I dont love you because you have all these qualities instead I love you and that's why I love all these qualities..

Ragini keeps looking at him hearing this..

Ragini - You.. You.. (Looking away) You deserve better..

Advay - What do you mean..??

Ragini - What I mean is that I am not one for you.. Love, relationship I am done with it..A d I am not ready or interested to be in it again..

Advay - Why..??

Ragini - I don't know but maybe because I have realized that I am very weak in love and I don't like that.. Its not worth it.. Actually just look at yourself.. The way you were, the way you are but you have to change yourself when you fell in love.. You have to do all this that you never did or even thought about doing.. You tell me Mr Rana, is it even worth it..??

Advay - Whenever I do something for my Mrs Rana I don't think about what worth it is..

Ragini looks at him surprised..

Advay - I do it because I want to.. Just thinking that it would make you happy..

Ragini - And why do you want to make me happy..??

Advay - Because you are my wife.. Making you happy is my responsibility..

Ragini - And where are you in this?? All you do is to make sure that I feel happy.. Try to do things according to me.. What about you..??

Advay walks up to her and stands at a distance.. His frame hovering over her , she looks up and he looks into her eyes..

Advay - For now let me do everything.. You don't even consider our marriage.. To even burden you with expectations and responsibilities is just cruel.. For now just let me do everything.. When you will accept this marriage with full heart, we both will share it..

Ragini looks away and turns back..

God.. When he say such things, he totally amkes her speechless..

It's... It's frustrating..

Ragini - Why are you like this..?? Why do you love me..?? Just because we are married.. ?? That was an accident.. If it was someone else in my place, you would have loved her like that as well..

Advay - I have said this before and I will say it once again..

Ragini - What..??

Advay looks at her back..

Advay - I don't love Ragini because I am married to her.. I married ragini because I am in love with her..

Ragini widens her eyes and turns to look at him in shock..

Advay - Yes.. That's the truth.. What do you think if someone else was in that place,What would I do..?? I would simply tell the truth.. I won't go ahead and marry someone just because of an act..

Ragini - You love me..??

Advay - Is there still a doubt..??

Ragini - But why me..?? There are so many girls out there..

Advay - I told you Already.. There is no reason.. Out of all the girls you are the one who managed to fluctuate my heart in such strange manner.. And you talk about someone else..?? My heart is already so small.. It just has enough space to care about my parents and you and in future our kids.. From where do I make space to care about anyone else..

Ragini - WHAT......?? K... KIDS.....??

Advay - Yeah.. The way you are I assume that you are the one who will want kids..

Ragini - Wh.. What are you saying..??

Advay - What..?? You don't want kids..?? Oh..I assumed..It's ok.. Even that's fine..

Ragini (feeling totally flustered) - Can you plz just shut up.. Stop talking about kids..You have gone from one sided marriage to one sided kids ..

Advay - Relax.. It's all about future.. You take your time.. No pressure..

Ragini - Yeah.. After everything that's what you say..

Advay - Really Ragini.. Take your time.. No matter how much it is.. Take your time till you are 100 percent sure about it..

Ragini - Stop saying such things..

Advay - Why..??

Ragini - Because when you say such things I feel like.. Like I will..

Advay - Like what..

Ragini (closing her eyes) - Like I would fall for you in a heartbeat if I I would have met you earlier..

Advay looks at her..

Advay - Oh.. That's unfortunate for me.. I did not meet you before.. But it's ok..Now I have the chance and I m ready to wait.. You know this Mr Rana can for his Mrs Rana no matter how long it takes..

A smile appeared on his face and Ragini looks at him in shock..

His whole persona lits up with this smile which she had seen very rarely and she could not look away..

Here it us.. Hopefully you like it.. Please give your feedback and I am really sorry for being late.. I was stuck at this part from last 10- 12 days..

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