The Mighty Loki - Loki X OC

By HackSword274

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She wasn't ready to live alone yet, but with the unfortunate passing off her parents, Arwyn is forced to brav... More

Chapter 1 - Crash Landing
Chapter 2 - Gambling On Crazy
Chapter 3 - Change Of Plans
Chapter 4 - Breakthroughs and Beginnings
Chapter 5 - New Connections
Chapter 6 - Party Of Two
Chapter 7 - Honeymoon Phase
Chapter 8 - Undeniable Compassion
Chapter 9 - The End Of The Line
Chapter 10 - The compound
Chapter 11 - Starting from Scratch
Chapter 12 - Ignorance Was Bliss
Chapter 13 - Reunited at Last
Chapter 14 - Developing Information
Chapter 15 - Couldn't Get Worse
Chapter 16 - Changes
Chapter 17 - The aftermath
Chapter 18: Part 1 - A Wonderful Feeling
Chapter 18: Part 2 - A Wonderful Feeling
Chapter 19 - Clearing The Air
Chapter 20 - People Pleaser
Chapter 22 - Bound in Freedom
Chapter 23 - Bad Blood and Bowstrings
Author's Note
Update to authors note! IMPORTANT!

Chapter 21 - The Coiled Snake

25 5 0
By HackSword274

"So." Tony clicked his tongue, eyes darting between Arwyn and Peter as he leant back in his chair, arms crossed. "Who wants to go first?"

The two looked across the table at each other, both too nervous to answer. Arwyn bit her lip, her eyes darting away as Peter began twirling his thumbs. They sat at the end of the table with Tony sitting at the far end, shadowed by Pepper.

Tony cocked his brow, swinging his leg over the other as he shook his head.

"No one?" Tony asked sarcastically. "I guess I'll go."

"Tony-" Pepper stuck out her hand, a warning to calm down, but Tony wouldn't hear of it, moving her hand back.

"No Pep, if the kids wanna act like adults then they get punished like adults." Tony huffed.

Arwyn's head shot up, turning to face Tony with a scowl.

"Hang on, punished?" Arwyn asks, gesturing between herself and Peter. "We didn't do anything wrong."

"Nothing wrong?" Tony let out a harsh laugh, shaking his head as he pointed to Peter. "Okay, how about we start with Spider boy over nearly outing himself to a stranger."

"W-wait, how did you-" Peter stuttered nervously.

"I wasn't done." Tony snapped, cutting him off. Turning to face Arwyn, he scowled. "And let's not forget to mention, Little Miss Snowflake over here charging head first into a crowd, after being explicitly warned it might be dangerous."

Tony huffed, throwing his hands up as he continued.

"I mean, honestly, does anyone ever listen to me or is it in one ear and out the other with you two?"

"That's enough Tony." Steve's voice called out. He charged through the now open door, Bucky close behind. Marching up to Tony, he shook his head. "You're being too hard on them."

Getting up from his chair as he rolled his eyes, Tony scowled at Steve.

"Great, Captain crunch and boy wonder, here to save the day again." Tony scowled. "This doesn't evolve you, Rogers."

"This involves all of us, or did you forget that?" Steve retorts, a scowl of his own.

As the two continue to bicker under Peppers surveillance, Bucky sighs, rolling his eyes as he makes his way over to Arwyn and Peter.

"Hey kid." Bucky smirks at Peter, ruffling his hair as he walks past.

"H-hey Mr. Barnes!" Peter smiles.

"I keep telling you, just call me Bucky." He smiles back. Turning to face Arwyn, his smile drops as he points to her bandage "Hey Doll, how's the arm?"

"Better than yours." She smirks, earning a hearty chuckle from Bucky.

"At least yours is still attached." He laughs, glancing over at the men currently being separated by Pepper. "For now anyway, keep this shit up and we might be matching before you know it."

Arwyn sighs, crossing her arms as she leans back in her chair.

"I wasn't trying to get hurt." Arwyn pouts. "I just..."

Arwyn petters out, her mind twisting in on itself. What was she trying to do? Why did she run off?

"You weren't thinking, were you? Happens to the best of us." Bucky smirks as Arwyn sadly nods her head. The two look back across the room with Peter following suit. Tony and Steve were yelling again, pointing at each other aggressively. "They wouldn't be like this if they didn't care, you know that right?"

"Could they care a little less?" Arwyn huffs, trying to downplay her frustration at being scolded like a child, again.

"Are they... always like this?" Peter asks nervously, pointing at the bickering pair.

"Pretty much." Bucky smirks, looking down at Peter as he firmly pats him on the back. "I might be partly to blame for that."

The three sat quietly, watching as the argument between the two men quickly divulged from its original point.

After a few minutes, Bucky stepped forward, firmly clearing his throat and catching the room's attention before gesturing down to Arwyn, reminding Steve and Tony of why they were there.

"Right, that." Steve sighed, shaking his head as he looked at Tony. "Word's already gotten out about the attack, people want answers."

"Answers for what?" Arwyn asked, confused. Whether intentionally or not, the four ignored Arwyn's question. Annoyed, Arwyn watched as Bucky moved to the far side of the room, standing beside Steve as the conversation continued.

Letting out a deep sigh, Arwyn turned back to Peter, letting out a huff as the boy gave her a sympathetic smile.

"You get used to that." Peter laughed nervously, trying his best to reassure Arwyn.

"I thought I already had." Arwyn aggressively mumbled to herself.

Letting out a deep sigh, Arwyn wrapped her arms around her body, wincing slightly as the pain in her arm throbbed. Rubbing the spot gently, she sunk further into her chair. She wanted to sit silently and feel sorry for herself, but there was something more important she had to do first.

"Thanks by the way." Arwyn's words to Peter were quiet, her smile soft. "I can't begin to imagine what would have happened to me if you weren't there."

"I was just doing what I had too." Peter blushed, shrugging as he looked away, flustered by the compliment.

"You're really modest." Arwyn thought out loud, looking over to the bickering hero's across the table. "It's ... refreshing."

"Oh, that's just how Mr. Stark shows he likes you." Peter gives Arwyn an honest smile, catching her off guard.

"You really believe that?" Arwyn's smile dipped, her expression turning blue. She hadn't meant it rudely, more as a genuine question. "It feels like he only knows how to be sarcastic and cold."

Peter shrugged, turning to give Arwyn another sweet smile. The two hadn't interacted much, but whenever they had, Peter always seemed so kind.

'Is he always like this?' Arwyn thought to herself, making a mental note to give Peter her number later. A friend like that wouldn't be the worst thing to have.

"That doesn't make him a bad person." The boy began to buzz, practically bouncing in his seat. "After all, he made my suit even though he didn't have to, a bad person wouldn't do that."

Astonished, Arwyn smiled, shaking her head in disbelief as she looked over Peter.

"You see the good in people, how?" Arwyn spoke quietly.

Peter's smile faltered slightly, his own mind racing. His life had felt so long, even if he was young. Everyone he cared about had taught him to love people for who they could be, not what they were. He knew not everyone thought like this, but maybe there was a way to make Arwyn understand.

"You saw the good in Loki, didn't you?" Arwyns smile dropped, her heart aching at Peter's words.

It felt like the whole world faded away, Peter's point hitting Arwyn's heart like a bullet. She'd been so angry at the group that took away her friend, that she'd stopped looking for reason along the way, only wanting to remain angry.

The conversation across the room seemed to fade into white noise, Arwyns mind drifting away into a world of its own. This didn't last long however, Steve's voice quickly catching her attention.

"She passed the test Tony, we all agreed on that." Steve huffed.

Arywn's head shot up, her gaze hardening as she looked around the room. Looking at Peter, she raised a brow, earning an equally as confused shrug from the boy. He had also stopped listening a while ago after quickly realising that he wasn't going to be given any input.

"You've mentioned that before, but no one explained it. Why am I still being tested? I thought you said I wasn't a danger anymore." Arwyn cut in, catching the room's attention. The four go quiet, looking amongst themselves. Lightly scowling, Arwyn asks again. "Well? If you trust me, why am I still being tested?"

"You don't need to worry about that." Tony sighed, holding out his hand as a sign to be quiet.

A familiar type of anger began bubbling inside Arwyn once more. They'd told her she'd get more honesty from the group, that she'd be included in discussions about her and Loki, but never once served on that promise.

"I do, actually." Arwyn growled, slowly rising to her feet. Putting out her hands, she leant on the table, staring down at Tony. "If this is about me or something I've done then I have the right to know."

"You don't even have the right to be here, Arwyn, don't forget that." Tony spat, already thoroughly over arguing.

Tony's words tugged at something in Arwyns mind, a thread long overdue to snap. The day had been long and full of emotions she wasn't ready to deal with. She was tired of all the secrets and this place seemed full of them.

"You want me to leave? Fine." Arwyn's voice became low, her scowl intensifying. "Give me back Loki and we'll leave, then you'll never have to deal with either of us again."

"So that you and Frosty can kill the rest of New York?" Tony scoffed, standing up to meet Arwyns tone. "No chance."


Arwyns fists balled up, her knuckles turning white against the table. Her sights narrowed on Tony, her teeth clenching harder with every word.

"Tony, stop." Steve growled, but his warning fell on deaf ears. Arwyn and Tony were past the point of return, their eyes locked on each other as the rest of the room seemed to fade away.

"What do you think is gonna happen if I let him out of his cell?" Letting out a harsh laugh, Tony shook his head. "Are you going to run off with him? Live in space with your prince charming?"


Her breathing began to shallow, her nails digging into her skin.

"M-Mr. Stark, I don't think you should-" Peter tried to reason, but just like Steve, his words were useless.

"You wanna know why he's in the basement?" Tony's voice began to rise, his own frustration at its limits. "Because that's where monsters belong."


"Loki. Is not. A MONSTER!" Arwyn screamed, knocking back almost everyone. She leant forward, eyes full of rage. "I am sick to death of every fucking person in this nightmare of a facility trying to convince me that I'm stupid, that I don't know who he is, that I'm being used-"

"Loki-" Tony tried to argue, but Arwyn was done listening.

"Get my boyfriend's name out of your fucking mouth." Arwyn snapped.

"Sweetheart?" Pepper's voice was soft, like a comforting mother that could recognise a breaking point. "Why don't you sit back down and we can talk."

As Arwyns focus shifted onto Pepper, her gaze softened, but her stance didn't. Tears of frustration bubbled in her eyes, her voice catching in her throat.

"You don't get it, none of you get it." Arwyns lip quivered, a sadness mixing into her rage. "Everyday I go about my day listening to people talk shit about the one person in the universe I care about and they don't even know we're together!"

Arwyn dips her head, taking a deep breath as she fights back the sobs that threatened to escape her.

"People want to hurt me, because I'm happy!" Shaking her head, Arwyn sighed. Lifting her gaze, her eyes met Tony's once more, her anger returning. "Every other person I've ever cared about is dead. I won't lose Loki, not to you."

With that, Arwyn kicked back her chair, storming over to the door.

"I wasn't done talking to you!" Tony huffed.

Arwyn throws open the door, turning to scowl at Tony.

"Really?" Arwyn laughed sarcastically. "Because I was done talking to you."

Taking off down the hallway, Arwyns tears began to fall as Peter called out behind her, but she wouldn't stop.

Charging past concerned guards and the judgemental looks from facility staff, Arwyn made her way back to her room, closing the door behind her as everything finally sunk in.

Her heart rate increased, a wild mix of panic and anger consuming her every thought as everything she'd pushed to the side over the last six months finally broke free.

Her parents death, having to live on her own without any help or guidance, losing the job she loved and the people that came with it, Loki. Her hands flew to her temples as a searing pain coursed through her body, her body shaking with each breath.

Stumbling to the left, she grabbed a pile of dishes that remained on the bench, picking up a plate and throwing it down as hard as possible, but it didn't help.

She squeezed her eyes shut as she leant against the bench. How could she have ever guessed that agreeing to one afternoon stroll would upend her life so drastically.

The week-long journey she wasn't ready for, her image forever being tainted by public opinion, almost being killed twice, the worst part of all of it?

There was no one else to blame.

Her anger flared once more, causing Arwyn to rush forward. Putting her whole body in motion, she swung her leg, kicking the side on the mattress and sending it sliding off its base.

She watched as it moved, hearing the mattress thump against the ground as the motion sent bedding flying around wildly, finally allowing the rage to subside.

Crumpling to the ground, Arwyn laid on her back amongst the pile of broken dishes and misplaced pillows. Staring up at the ceiling, she let her arms and legs fall limp, a new, hollow feeling taking hold of her now aching mind.

She laid there silently, the only sounds to be heard being a faint ticking clock and her head throbbing with pain. It couldn't last however, the eventual sound of an opening door filling the room, followed by light footsteps.

She laid still, her left eye twitching as the sound approached. She didn't want company, she didn't want a pep talk and she didn't want the guilt trip. She wanted to be left to sulk in peace.

"Go. Away." She huffed quietly, her tone flat. She was tired, having no energy left to fight the person she knew stood beside her. Her arm ached, the wound from earlier flaring at the aggravated usage. She barely registered it however, the blinding numbness in her mind overwhelming it.

Tony shrugged at her words, letting his hands slip into his pockets as he looked around the room. It had already been a mess earlier that day, but this was a new kind of disaster.

"Feel better?" Tony asked, lifting a brow as he gazed down at the woman on the floor.

"Nope." Arwyn sighs, practically sinking into the floor.

Shaking his head, Tony walked around her, standing at her side as he reached down his hand. Arwyn finally turned her head, her glossy eyes meeting Tony's flat gaze.

"Alright then, let's go." He shook his hand, insisting she grab it.

"Can I at least pack my stuff first or will you have someone throw it over the fence for me later?" Arwyn sighed, begrudgingly taking his hand and allowing him to help pull her up.

Tony didn't respond, instead turning on his heels and strutting straight out the door.

Rolling her eyes, Arwyn trailed behind, quickly becoming confused as Tony turned right, going further into the building and away from the exit.

Choosing to stay silent, Arwyn followed behind Tony confused as he weaved the two through a very familiar path, finally ending up in the same gym Arwyn trained in every morning with Steve and Bucky.

"What is this?" Arwyn huffs angrily, looking around the room as she tosses up her hands.

The room was set up as it usually was, a large designated combat ring in the middle covered in padding with various pieces of equipment lining the walls. To the left of the door sat a row of benches, decorated with various bits of clothing and bags left behind by the others.

Tony doesn't answer, instead making his way over to a weapon rack on the far side of the room, picking up two padded batons before moving to the centre of the centre. He turns back to Arwyn, smirking as he waved her over.

Cautiously, Arwyn stepped forward.

"Hit me." Tony says, throwing the baton over to the woman.

Catching it, she cocked her head, looking at Tony curiously. Despite the smirk, his face sat stern, indicating a serious nature to his words.

"Seriously?" Arwyn asks bewildered, unsure if he was being sincere.

"You really gonna make me ask twice?" Tony smirks.

Arwyn looks down at her weapon, turning it around in her hands. Thinking back to earlier, this interaction felt too good to be true. This felt like another test, but who was Arwyn to turn down a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Shrugging, Arwyns eyes meet Tony's.

"I guess not." She huffed.

Charging forward, she lifted her arm, taking a swing at Tony's side. He was quick, blocking the attack with almost no movement or effort required, a testament to his skills beyond his suit.

"That's it? What's Cap been teaching you?" Tony scoffs, shaking his head in an attempt to mock the woman. "You can do better than that, again."

Trying again, Arwyn swings lower, aiming for his leg. Once more he blocks her, laughing harshly at her failed attempt.

The sound aggravated Arwyn. Clenching her teeth, she scowled at Tony's arrogant smile, stepping back to steady herself.

"Why are we doing this?" Arwyn snaps, frustrated.

"You're mad at me, right? So do something about it." Tony smirks, shaking his head. "Unless, of course, you really are just a coward with big words hiding behind that freak."

Arwyns breathing deepens, both her hands gripping onto her baton as tightly as possible. Her eyes narrow on Tony, her stance widening as a second surge of energy takes hold, her once forgotten anger quickly returning.

"Say. That. Again." Arwyn growls, her head low.

A smirk spread across Tony's face as he took a defensive stance of his own. His words were calculated, he knew what he was doing and it was working.

"Maybe once you're done obsessing over Antlers in the basement you can find an actual personality." Tony smirked, a shallow laugh escaping him. "Or, just like Romeo, are you just layers of trauma and Daddy issues under all that crazy?"

Letting out a frustrated yell, Arwyn charged forward, swinging manically at Tony. Her form was sloppy and angry, allowing Tony to block each attack with ease.

This went on for a few minutes, Arwyn swinging wildly, blinded by her own emotions as Tony continued to taunt her. Eventually exhaustion overcame her, causing Arwyn to crumple to her knees, her baton falling to the ground.

Out of breath and thoroughly tired, Arwyn looked up at Tony, tears welling in her eyes.

"Why?" Was all Arwyn could mutter out, still trying to control her now heavy breathing.

Dropping his own weapon and looking over at one of the benches to the side, Tony stuck out his hand, the other causally resting in his pocket.

"Let's get a drink."

Pulling Arwyn to her feet, he guides her over, allowing her to collapse into her seat. Sitting beside her, he pulls a bag out from underneath the bench, pulling out a beer and holding it out for her.

"That's not water." Arwyn muttered quietly.

"I didn't say water, I said drink." Tony smirked, gently shaking the bottle in front of Arwyn. "Last time I checked, this is a drink."

Thinking for a moment, Arwyn shrugs, allowing Tony to open the drink and pass it over.

As her lips meet the bottle, she tilts her head back, closing her eyes as the luke-warm drink invades her senses. Finishing her swig, she sighs, turning her head to look apathetically at Tony.

"Do I even bother asking questions at this point?" Arwyn huffed, long past the point of mental and physical exhaustion.

Tony looked her up and down, she may technically be an adult, but to them she was still a child, there was still so much she didn't know. In his eyes she was impulsive, arrogant and smug, just like him.

As he chewed on his lips, he watched Arwyn silently reach for her arm, cupping her hand around the bandage. She was oddly quiet about it, he knew just how much your first real injury hurt, she must have been in agony and yet, despite the fight, she hadn't complained.

'Maybe the others are right.' Tony thought to himself, quietly analysing the women's movements. 'Maybe she is changing.'

"Pepper wants you to work for us." Tony sighed, opening a drink of his own.

Arwyns eyes shot open, her whole body turning to face Tony. Her expression was mixed, a confused tangle of shock and scepticism.

"I'm sorry, what?" Looking at Tony for a moment, she sighed, rolling her eyes as she let out a dry laugh. "Very funny, Tony. You know, you almost had me there for a sec-"

"I'm not joking." Tony interjected. He took a quick swig before looking over at the confused girl, his own expression deadly serious. "Let me be clear, I'm talking about Stark Industries, not the Avengers. That's why you were being tested, it had nothing to do with your boyfriend."

Arwyn froze, looking down at her feet in disbelief. This whole time, Pepper had spoken about her test, making it clear that all her actions were being judged. It had felt strange, but Arwyn chose not to question it at the time, calmly assuming it was in regards to whether or not she could be trusted. All these thoughts mixed together, leaving her with one question.

"Did I pass?" Arwyns voice was quiet, still trying to process what was being said.

"Well, you were passive aggressive, talked to almost no one and walked away with less blood than what you started with." He sighed, looking away as he crossed his arms, his own mind conflicted on the matter. "But yes, you passed. Pep thinks you could be useful in regards to our media outreach. You need some professional lessons on dealing with the public, defence training and a lot of anger management-"

"Hypocrite." Arwyn scoffed.

"Watch it." Tony huffed, rolling his eyes at the interruption. "The point is, you have some things you need to work on, but you seem to make friends where it counts. That's a skill we could use here, God knows the freezy boys and our favourite assassins aren't making many friends nowadays."

"I thought you said I wouldn't be working with the Avengers?" Arwyn asked, confused.

"I said you wouldn't be an Avenger, not that you wouldn't work with us." Tony took another sip of his drink, shuddering as he thought of Peter. "There is a difference."

Arwyn went quiet, unsure on how to respond. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity, a chance to change the rest of her life for the better, but it didn't feel earnt. She looked around the room, the haphazardly discarded weapons and disorganised equipment had become familiar to her over the last few weeks, each item had become attached to a pleasant memory made through training with her new acquaintances.

Despite these memories though, she knew that she hadn't made it easy for them, fighting the Avengers at every step.

"Why did you do this Tony?" Arywn muttered quietly, her gaze distant. She turned her head to face him, a soft look in her eyes. "Why bring me here, why check on me at all, why put up with me for as long as you have?"

Tony smirked, shaking his head as he took one last sip of his drink.

"So you can be self aware, interesting." Tony chuckled, placing his now empty bottle down on the ground before turning his whole body to face Arwyn. His smile dropped, a much more serious aura emanating from the man. "Let me ask you a question kid, I didn't throw a single punch at you, but I still won our fight. Why?"

Thinking for a moment, Arwyn frowned, looking back over at the centre of the room as she rattled her brain for an answer.

"Because I didn't land a hit on you?" Arwyn sighed, biting back her pride.

Tony shook his head at this, failing to hide his arrogant smile. He liked to be right, even more so if the other person could admit it to his face.

"It's because I got under your skin."

Arwyn tilted her head, confused by this. It was true, everything Tony had said to her felt extremely personal, almost like he'd pulled every word straight out of her sub-conscience. Even so, wasn't it out of anger? Or was all of this just to prove a point?

Picking up on Arwyn's confusion, Tony chuckled again.

"Strength wins fights, but that strength isn't always physical. You can throw one punch after another, but if your opponent is inside of your head, if they know your weakness, you've already lost. Words and information win wars, not brute force."

"You sound like Steve." Arwyn smiled, chewing on her lip as giggles threatened to pour forward.

"How dare you." Tony scoffed, his disapproving scowl quickly fading into a smile of his own.

Letting the words sink in, Arwyn let out a sigh, tilting back her head onto the cold, concrete wall behind them. The day had been long, full of emotions and overwhelming information, but even still, every event felt necessary.

Although she'd never say it outloud, Arwyn knew Tony was right. All her problems came from one thing, her feelings for Loki, her weakness. She would have to fix her mess the same way she had created it, but first she had to overcome one large obstacle.

"Thankyou for this, Tony." Arwyn smiled, opening her eyes and looking back at Tony. "I think I know how to beat your challenge now."

"Oh, do you?" Tony smirked, pushing himself up from his seat and sarcastically scoffing down at the woman. "Well I don't see how, after all, Rodgers is far stronger than you. If I was you, I wouldn't even try."

"Thanks." Arwyn laughed, rolling her eyes. "I'll keep that in mind."

"You do that." Tony smiled before picking up his things and turning towards the door. "Beat Ice pop, then we'll talk about your promotion."

With a nod he left, leaving Arwyn all alone. Finishing her drink, she stood up, a sweet smile creeping onto her lips.

'Tomorrow.' Arwyn thought to herself, practically skipping over to the door. 'Tomorrow I earn Loki his freedom.'

After a restless night's sleep, Arwyn started her day early, making sure she had time to get everything ready. After a quick shower and breakfast, Arwyn re-wrapped her wound, making sure the bandage was as tight as possible. She only had one shot at this, she couldn't waste it thanks to a sore arm.

Making her way over to the kitchen, she fished out a small water bottle, filing it up and setting it next to the door.

'One last thing.' Arwyn thought to herself, pushing past her nerves and forcing a smile.

Walking back to the bed, Arwyn opened the top draw, shuffling through the assortment of unfolded clothes for the treasure at the bottom. Biting her lip, she found it, anxiously pulling out the silver dagger Thor had gifted her just two days prior.

Admiring the details, Arwyns nerves seemed to fade, Thor's sweet words resonating within her. This blade was to keep her connected to Loki while they were apart, but now it would serve as the thing to bring them together.

A firm knock struck against Arwyns door, making the woman jump. Panicked, she looked down, her fitted crop top and shorts were perfect to train in, but left nowhere to conceal the small blade safely.

Quickly reaching down, Arwyn scooped up a plain beige shirt and threw it over the crop top. Carefully, she reached inside the shirt, tucking the blade in the tight fabric wrapped around her chest.

"Come in!" Arwyn called, trying not to wince as the cold metal pressed against her skin. At her words, the door slid open, revealing both Steve and Bucky. She smiled, her pain filled grin laced with a powerful determination "Hey guys, ready?"

"Arwyn." Steve said sternly, his serious gaze only matched by the analytical stare from Bucky over his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Steve." Arwyn mocked, cheerfully, stepping closer to the pair. "I am fine, we've been over this."

"You're hurt." He argued, less aggressive than before. "I just... I don't want you to think you have to-"

"I don't." Arwyn Intercepted with a smile. " I want to do this and nothing you say will change my mind."

"And you can, but does it have to be today?" Steve sighed. "Why not wait until you've healed a bit."

"Stevie." Bucky cood, gently placing his metal arm on Steve's shoulder, a sweet yet condescending smile on his lips. Turning, Bucky winked at Arwyn, earning a few giggles from the onlooker. " Dollface said she's fine, that means she's fine."

With a faint blush, Steve swatted Bucky's hand away, moving to the side and gesturing toward the hall.

"Why do I keep letting you two interact?" Steve huffed, quickly speed walking towards the gym, not bothering to see if the others were following him.

"Cause you love us!" Bucky laughed, jogging alongside Arwyn to keep up with Steve's now quickened pace.

Entering the gym, Arwyn's nerves kicked in. It was time to put her plan into action, however shaky it may be. Trying her best not to draw attention, Arwyn placed her water bottle down on the bench off to the side before moving to the centre of the room.

From here it was routine, Bucky would stand by the door, arms crossed and eyes locked on Steve and Arwyn as the pair took their place. Steve would retrieve two batons, throwing one over to Arwyn before taking a few steps back.

Normally Steve's gaze was firm, both him and Arwyn readying themselves for the fight ahead, but today was different, today he looked unsure. His eyes darted to the barely visible bandage on the woman's arm, much like Tony the day before. He had a job to do, but even still, his overwhelming empathy was too much too bare.

"I'm gonna ask again, are you sure-"

"Yes." Arwyn said firmly, mind made up.

Her wound hurt, unbearably so, but it wasn't bothering her anymore. The only thing left on her mind was Loki, how relieved she would be to see him again and if she was lucky, how proud he would be.

Today she would do the impossible, today she would beat Captain America in a fight.

'Be smart.' Arwyn reminded herself, looking between Steve, Bucky and the bottle off to the side. Taking a deep breath, her eyes narrowed on her target. 'Don't play your hand too early.'

Giving a nod, Steve moved first, lunging forward at an incredible speed. Letting her fears get the better of her, Arwyn flinched, opening her stance to his attack. Recognising this in time, Steve held back, hitting her with only a fraction of his strength. It wasn't enough however, still sending Arwyn flying backwards into the barrier with a thud. He'd done worse, previously sending her past the barrier and into the padded wall behind, but no cushioning could remove the guilt Steve felt every time he heard her wince in pain.

"I'm okay!" Arwyn quickly yelled, holding up her arm before clamping her hand over it, the pain from her wound burning throughout her body. She clenched her teeth, praying that it wouldn't re-open. "Just ... Give me a sec."

As he looked over at the woman clutching at her injury, Bucky froze. He knew that pain, both internal and external. The fire in her eyes burnt with a determination he'd seen before, she couldn't be stopped.

"Arwyn." Steve said firmly, his fear bubbling inside.

"She's fine." Bucky yelled, answering for the woman. "Keep going."

Steve turned, his expression a twisted mess of both concern and confusion. Bucky's didn't change however, only giving Steve's silent question a firm nod in response. He looked back, watching as Arwyn shakily pushed herself up, using the baton clutched in her hand as a crutch.

Stepping forward, Arwyn repositioned herself, ready to try again. She huffed, nodding to Steve once more.

"Again." Arwyn muttered, the night before still fresh in her mind.

"Okay." Steve sighed, still unsure.

Rushing forward, Steve stuck Arwyns side, once again sending the woman flying backwards. It felt sadistic, injuring her over and over, but Arwyn wouldn't give in, insisting they continue.

This went on, three more attempts, each just as painful as the last, but Arwyn wouldn't give up, knowing it wouldn't be long before the perfect moment presented itself.

And present itself it did.

On the fourth attempt, Steve grew frustrated. Between the insistent woman egging him on and Bucky yelling in the background, it was too much to bear. Steve charged forward, hitting Arwyn slightly harder than anticipated.

Flying past the barrier, Arwyns back slammed into the far wall. An ungodly scream left her as the stitches on her arm popped up, blood pooling inside the bandages.

Dropping the weapon, Steve rushed forward, falling to his knees at her side.

"Arwyn!" He pleaded, his guilt overwhelming. "Are you okay? I knew this was a mistake."

Through teary eyes, Arwyn forced a smile, shaking her head.

"I-I'm okay Steve, I just-" She sucked in a deep breath, her lip quivering. "I think I need some water."

Quickly turning around, Steve gave Bucky a firm nod. Returning the gesture, Bucky turned his back to the pair, hastily moving over to the bench to grab Arwyns drink bottle.

Narrowing her eyes, Arwyn knew it was time to put her plan into action. Reaching forward, she grabbed Steve's shoulder, pulling herself up so that her lips met his ear.

"I'm really sorry about this." She whispered, catching Steve off guard.

Reaching into her shirt, Arwyns hand painfully gripped the handle of the hidden blade, pushing herself forward before throwing it with all her might.

As it flew past his shoulder, Steve panicked, Arwyns pain now a distant memory in his mind as the blade closed in on the person he cared about most.

"BUCKY!" He screamed, jumping up and sprinting towards the blade.

At that moment, time seemed to stand still for Arwyn. Despite her planning, it all felt surreal, her heart stopping as she rushed forward. Jumping the barrier and picking up the long forgotten baton, Arwyn held her breath, falling forward as her blood rushed to her head.

Steve had caught the blade Arwyn had thrown, but as the padded baton met his shoulder, he couldn't help but laugh.

"You-" He couldn't finish his sentence, his soft chuckles only matched by the manic giggles in the background.

"I did it." Arwyn quietly breathed out, her eyes widening as a manic smile spread across her face. The room fell silent, Bucky's confused expression and Steve's defeated smile being met with another round of proud laughter. "I DID IT!"

The baton clattered to the ground as Arwyn stepped back, her mind spinning. Had that actually worked? Had she finally bested the unbeatable?

Biting his lip, Steve smiled, letting his outstretched arm fall limp, the intricately designed blade falling to his side. He shook his head, looking down at the design and letting out a laugh, a coiled snake.

'Of course.' Steve thought to himself, letting go of the dagger and listening as it clattered to the ground. He turned, a prideful smile on his lips.

"You weren't testing me on strength, were you?" Arwyn laughed, her lesson with Tony now burnt into her mind.

"No, we were." Steve laughed, now turning to face the woman straight on. He met her smile with one of his own, his shame of losing overwhelmed by the pride he felt. "But strength is more than the punches you throw."

"Thanks, dad." Arwyn smirked.

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