miraculous ladybug

By TahirBond104

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After The Death of your dad and your mom as miraculous Heroes your Butler/ Bodyguard has been Taking Care of... More

Harem 2
Stormy weather
Harem 3
The Bubbler
Story update
Let the Hunt begin Part one

Let the hunt begin part two

78 6 1
By TahirBond104

Seven days later

For seven days, you've been fighting hunters all over the jungle, trying to find a way out of here

Howler: this is not easy not easy at all something doesn't feel right I feel uneasy

You kept running in the woods, trying to find more hunters to fight

???: psycho red we got them now

Psycho red: excellent it's time

With you

You were running in the woods for hours but you came across a bunch of equipment and a bunch of dead bodies on the ground but you were disgusted

Howler: what the heck crash let's fall

You transform back

Michael😨😱: what the heck happened here it's like a horror movie character just been here slashed everybody

Crash: I need something to eat

Michael: oh, right

You fed crash, more chicken, but you were walking around to find more clues, but you found a tape recorder

Tape recorder Kraven's voice: these guys are most powerful. I kidnapped them in a abandoned lab, but I have the best tech if their heroes I know they're weaknesses but they will make an easier challenge. They're stronger and more agile but they're crazy. That's why they're psycho. And I love it love it to the core.

Michael: psycho what does he mean?

Crash: I don't like this you better transform back for now

Michael: crash let's rise

You transform back into, but suddenly an explosion came off from behind you out a bunch of warriors in different colo

Howler: what the heck who are you guys and what happened to them?

Psycho pink: they got what they deserved as for you your next

Psycho Brown: we had lives before and now they want to see crazy. Will show them crazy you don't wanna mess with us.

Psycho bug: if you even know us from before then don't

Howler: who are you guys?

Psycho red: where the psycho rangers

Psycho blue: we're faster than you

Psycho black: stronger than you

Psycho, yellow: stronger than you

Psycho silver: more powerful than you

Psycho white: but we're evil it's time for a rollcall

Psycho red: psycho red

Psycho black: psycho black

Psycho blue: psycho blue

Psycho, yellow: psycho, yellow

Psycho pink: psycho, pink

Psycho green: psycho green

Psycho white: psycho, white

Psycho silver: psycho silver

Psycho gold: psycho gold

Psycho bug: psycho bug

Psycho, purple: psycho, purple

Psycho, orange: psycho, orange

Psycho brown: psycho brown

Psycho gray: psycho, gray

Psycho red: now will show you what a psycho ranger can do

Howler: bring it on

Psycho purple: all well your funeral

The Psycho rangers came at you with every blow on you you try to fight back, but there were too many of them. Psycho gold was punching you very rough and then he kicked you sending you flying psycho orange was shooting her blaster at you. You were running and fighting the psychos until you fell off a cliff that led you to a train.

Howler: I know this train this is heading to France I got to get back to ladybug and cat noir

Psycho silver: you're not going anywhere you're gonna have to deal with us

Psycho purple: prepared to meet your doom

Howler: I will go down fighting

You charged at the psycho rangers while you were on the train with them even though there's so many of them you tried your best to fight back but the numbers advantage we're not on your side right now

Psycho Red: if you tell us where ladybug is, we will spare you

Psycho red was trying to punch you, but you blocked it and then kicked her away

Howler: what do you want with ladybug?

Psycho gold: we want her miraculous word on the street is a super villain named Hawk ladybug and cat noir miraculous. We want the ladybug miraculous.

Howler: what about cat noir?

Psycho pink: we don't need it one of us possesses destruction, like so psycho possessed the power of destruction

Howler: I don't care how tough and you are you all are going down

Psycho blue: the only one who's going down is you

You and psycho blue at each other you guys were going by psycho, blue, grab you and spine Buster, you in front of the train controls you guys were fighting until the other cycles came in. They were jumping you and then they knock you into the train controls but suddenly the train was going super fast.

Psycho orange: what did you just do?!

Psycho red: great the train is on super fast mode. If the train reaches, Paris were all going to die.

Psycho silver: is there any way to stop it?

Howler: oh now you guys wanna help stop the train after you caused this

Psycho white: you're the one who bumped into the train controls not us

Psycho, yellow: we can play the blame game later and kill each other, but can we focus on stopping the train 🚆

Everyone: right

You grabbed the walkie-talkie, and you were talking on the loudspeaker

Howler(loudspeaker): attention passengers the train is moving, super fast right now if we don't stop the train, we're all going to die(everybody was panicking) don't worry howler is going to stop it along with a bunch of criminals

Psycho bug: there has to be a break to stop the train

Psycho blue: I got it

Psycho blue hits the brakes, but he accidentally breaks it with his brute strength

Psycho blue: oops

Psycho red: you Ander, you broke the break

Psycho blue: I'm sorry I'm stressed when I'm in a tight situation here give me a break

Psycho white: great we're on a moving train and we're going to die

Howler: how long do we have?

Psycho white: by my calculations we're speeding at really fast so I think we got 20 minutes(check his time again) I'm sorry now we got 15 minutes

Psycho green: oh, for the love of, I'll save us

Psycho green got out the train, and then he was falling and then he went to the back of the train. He was pulling on the train to stop, but he fell.

Psycho green: dammit

Psycho green starts running really fast to catch up to the train

Psycho Red: now where were we? Oh yes, we are going to destroy you.

The psycho rangers got into a fighting stance, so did you and they were fighting you you were anticipating their moves. You were blocking and punching back at the same time. You were having trouble defending yourself because they were more of them. Meanwhile, psycho, green. was still trying to stop the train. He tried many attempts to pull on the back of the train to stop it, but he failed four times, but he was running to the front of the train, and then he got in the front of the train, and he was pushing the train, but at the same time the train still kept going very fast you guys were almost in Paris

Howler: where is ladybug when you need her and cat noir

Psycho black: they won't save you no one will

Psycho black took you down with her staff

And then psycho red held her sword and put it in your face

Psycho red: any last words, do you want to say before you die suddenly all the passengers, including the psycho rangers, fell, because psycho green stopped the train, and now they were at Paris the doors open, and everybody was out

Howler: that was a long ride. How am I gonna explain this to everybody?

Psycho white: you won't

Psycho, white punches you is such you flying into the city

Meanwhile, with Marinette

It was Friday and everybody was going home, but Marinette was hanging out with her girlfriends

Ayla: all right girl we need to talk about. How are you going to get? Adrienette to be your girlfriend

Alix: exactly you've been crushing on her since the first day you saw her, so what's the dealio

Julka: You guys will make a perfect couple

Mylène: guys what about Michael?

Marinette: what about him?

Mylène: he's alone and single you know Adrienette and Michael has been friends for a long time and both of them are friends with Chloe maybe there together

Marinette: there's no way there together if they were together I just don't know what I do with myself

Rose: I think they're married

Marinette starts freaking out

Marinette: what?

Ayla: relax, girl Marinette roses just kidding they're not married they're too young to get married even though they've been together for a long time Adrienette would never fall for Michael

Suddenly, everybody was getting an alert on their phones they look on their phones to see Nadia doing a news report about you

Nadja: don't be the news. It's just the news it's just the news I am. Nadia Chamack and we have found howler.

Everyone: what?!!!!!!!!!!😱

Nadja: sources report that he was spotted on the train when it was moving, super fast for some reason, and now he is fighting some weird, looking aliens, and he is having trouble fighting them

Tikki's Thoughts: oh, no howler in trouble

With  Adrienette

Adrienette: was watching the news and she sees you

Plagg: isn't it your partner howler where has he been?

Adrienette: and he's fighting. I don't know what they are but they look unstoppable. Plagg come on Howler needs our help.

Plagg: look, I don't have time for this. I need my cheese then after I eat my cheese, I need to go to sleep.

Adrienette: Plagg we do not have time for this you'll get cheese later Plagg Caws out

She transforms into cat noir, and then she jumps out the window

Back with you

She use your second power and then used your electricity to blow everybody back and then you went for psycho bug. You punched her in the air and then you punched her down to Marinette's house, and then she landed in Marinette's room. when they saw psycho, they immediately get scared but psycho bug was familiar with Marinette

Psycho bug: Marinette😳😨 oh, no

Marinette: you know me

Suddenly, Haller came down tackling cycle bug and they still were going at it and then they were fighting in the Dupain shop but you took the fight out of the store

Tom: what the heck is going on here? I got super power guys falling from my ceiling what happened to Marinette?

Marinette came downstairs along with her friends

Ayla: Mr. and Mrs. Dupain We were upstairs minding our own business until they came down from the ceiling and one of them. No Marinette.

Sabine: what?

Marinette: it's true the dark red one said my name it almost feels like she knows me

Sabine: that's a little weird. Do you know this person?

Marinette: I don't know how or why she knows my name but that's weird but anyway I'm going to the bathroom

Rose: will be staying in here

Marinette goes into the closet and Tikki pop out

Tikki: Marinette, I feel a strange power coming from her and it feels like it's my power for some reason

Marinette: but for some reason she knows my name

Tikki: maybe it's just a coincidence

Marinette: I think it's time to get to the bottom of this Tikki spots on

Marinette transforms into ladybug, and then she went after the psycho Rangers

Meanwhile, with you

You were getting your butt handed to you by the cycle rangers as they are taking turns beating you up

Psycho, purple: I just love beating the crap out of people who don't know their place. It feels so right in the end.

Psycho blue: come on red let's finish him off

Psycho red: no(turns to you) tell me where ladybug is so I can take her miraculous

Suddenly they were all struck by cat noir. Both staff and cat noir showed up.

Cat noir: my my my you guys are just too ugly to look like aliens

Psycho, yellow: aliens how dare you were psycho Rangers

Psycho silver: well, we kinda do look like aliens

Psycho, rangers, except silver: shut up silver

Ladybug arrives

Ladybug: word on the street is I heard that you guys were looking for me

Howler(injured): ladybug

Psycho bug noticed that ladybug looks like Marinette

Psycho bug: psycho rangers, we need to retreat

The psycho Rangers, look at psycho, buck with craziness in their eyes

Psycho red: retreat you do not say retreat I call for the retreat we do not leave, unless I say so

Psycho bug: trust me, we have to leave there are too many witnesses

Psycho blue: what about ladybug miraculous?

Ladybug: my miraculous why do you guys need my miraculous for?

Psycho Red: it doesn't matter. There are too many people around here. We'll finish this later.

The psycho rangers teleported away, but ladybug and cat noir help you up to your feet

Cat noir: are you OK? You took a beating back there?

Ladybug: who are they?

On top of a random rooftop, you explained everything on who the Psycho rangers was and then you explain why you weren't missing for seven days

Ladybug: i'm so sorry about what happened to you. You went through a lot Kraving the hunter kidnapped you during the fight and we had no idea we thought you left but we went looking for you for the days.

Cat noir: I'm sorry I'm still stuck on how they know Marinette

Ladybug: yeah, that is weird the dark version of the cycle ranger knows Marinette

Howler: her name is psycho bug. I analyze them to Psycho red and psycho bug. They have powers of the ladybug cycle black has powers similar to cat noir, and cycle orange. I noticed her powers, too she can create illusions.

Cat noir: this is bad they have power similar to us

Ladybug: this is bad what's so bad their faster stronger smarter they're more powerful and they're evil. Why are they after my miraculous? What did they want with? It after cat noir miraculous two just like hawk moth

Howler: they want nothing to do with cat noir, because psycho, black possesses the power of destruction

Cat noir: why do they even need ladybugs miraculous when they already have the power of creation on their side? It makes no sense.

Howler: I don't know what they're up to. We're gonna have a rough couple of months with them for what I just witness they love to fight. we'll finish this tomorrow.

Ladybug was worried about Michael

Ladybug: what about Michael?

Howler: I'll find him tomorrow. You guys get some rest.

They fled the scene

With the psycho Rangers

Psycho, blue punches the wall with anger, but the rest of the psycho Rangers were frustrated, especially psycho, red

Psycho red: why did you tell us to retreat we could've fought them how was injured? We had them.

Psycho bug: I had a good reason there are people around here we can't just fight the heroes in Paris, and just let people get hurt

Psycho, purple: who cares about them? We could've fought them right there and there.

Psycho Brown: have you forgotten that psycho red is the leader you are not

Psycho bug: can I just remind all of you that we used to be human?

They were shocked

Psycho bug: we can change back into our human forms anytime we want to you. You guys are just making a big deal out of this. I got some of my humanity back. What about you guys? All you guys do is just fight and do nothing but spread violence and bloodshed. When is that enough? What happens if we get somebody hurt whose fault is that?

Psycho Bug returns to her human form

Psycho red: psycho bug is right we have to get a hold of ourselves

Psycho, black, orange, and red did the same with psycho bug did

Layla: while we're on this topic, can we just talk about why we couldn't done this before

Talia: I forgot we could've done this

Bridget: Doesn't matter I've been far from home for so long, right Marietta

Marietta: I don't know I'm still afraid of seeing my mom and dad if we see them again along with our sister Marinette she's going to hate us

Bridget: Marinette is gonna have to get over it we're all family here

Talia: honestly, I feel the same way Ayla and I were sisters she's my twin. I haven't seen her in a while either if she hates me.

Layla: who cares about that you guys have families? I can't forgive Lila for what she done to me because of her. I'm a psycho Ranger.

Psycho blue: you need to get over it

Psycho, yellow: what happened in the past you can't change it I know you're upset about your appearance you can't stay mad forever

Layla: you don't know what type of person my sister is all she did was lie with every breath. She lies with a straight face until with nobody is around. She reviews her true colors. Sometimes I just wanna punch her in the face make her pay for what she did.

Talia: we know our mission, get ladybugs, miraculous, and defeat, hawk, moth at any cost we can't let no one know of our identities. Right everyone.

Psycho rangers: Right

To be Continued

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