š–„š–ŗš—†š—‚š—…š—’ š– š–暝–暝–ŗš—‚š—‹

By sebastianstangirl01

131K 4.9K 930

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6.4K 232 53
By sebastianstangirl01

┌── •✧• ──┐

└── •✧• ──┘

TO SAY THAT MARJORIE IS IN A BAD MOOD IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT. She was rudely woken up by Elijah at the ripe time of 10:00am and told to get dressed and come downstairs.

She grumbled but listened and got dressed then brushed her hair before going downstairs where she found her father and uncle in the living room.

"Why did you have to wake me up?" Marjorie grumbled before curling up on the couch next to Klaus who chuckled at her grumpiness before wrapping his arm around her shoulder and letting the teenager lean against him

"Marjorie, my dear, it is time you start waking up before noon." Elijah grinned in amusement when Marjorie rolled her eyes in protest. "I also thought you may like to know more about your witch lineage."

Marjorie just now noticed the large book Elijah was holding, it looked old and had a few symbols sketched into the cover.

"Sure, why not?" Marjorie sighed

"Try not to bore my child to death please." Klaus said making Marjorie chuckle while Elijah rolled his eyes with a huff

"History is not boring Niklaus." Elijah said making Marjorie and Klaus exchange a look before Elijah started talking. "The Italians call them strega. The Yoruba of West Africa call them aje, meaning mother. Where my mother was from, they called them häxa, and here we call them witch."

"Who knew there were so many different names." Marjorie mumbled, actually surprised that there were that many different interpretations of witches

"There are many. And over the centuries, vampires have fought them and fought beside them, bedded them and burned them. Whether adversary or ally, they have been a force to be reckoned with. Their ancestral magic anchors this city. There's never been one all-powerful witch until Davina." Elijah explained before nodding towards Marjorie. "Not including you, when you reach your full potential."

Marjorie looked at her uncle with raised brows, she knew how powerful Davina was and to think that she could grow to be even more powerful than her is crazy. Marjorie thought that the only reason she was able to take Davina down last night was because of the adrenaline she had when she saw her father being hurt.

But after everything she's been through, the way the witches and Tyler have came after her because of the fear they have about her power. It would be stupid for her to assume that she isn't strong anymore.

"Yes, well. Marjorie is safe with us where she can learn and grow at her own pace and Davina is tucked in safe and sound down the hall under my protection." Klaus said before glancing over at Davina's picture she drew of Celeste. "Your Celeste was quite beautiful and a portent of evil, according to our volatile artist in residence."

Marjorie sat up and looked at the picture, feeling a shiver rush over her body. There was a bad energy surrounding it, and it's obvious to her that Celeste's picture means nothing good.

"Yes. Perhaps Davina's mistaken what she calls evil for power. Celeste was certainly very powerful in her day, but she's been dead for over two hundred years. I don't understand. Why all these sketches now?" Elijah asked, a part of him not wanting to believe the woman he remembered could be evil

"Why does any witch do anything?" Klaus asked before noticing the concerned expression on Marjorie's face. "What's the matter, little Pearl?"

"I have a bad feeling." Marjorie said before looking up at Elijah. "I think Davina's right Uncle Elijah, there's a dark energy surrounding her picture."

Elijah and Klaus exchanged a concerned look before Klaus furrowed his brows, seemingly hearing something from upstairs before excusing himself to go investigate.

"When you say dark energy what do you mean?" Elijah asked coming to sit next to Marjorie on the couch

"It just feels like an overwhelming amount of darkness, there's a danger in it. An evil." Marjorie said giving Elijah an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, by the way."

"About what?" Elijah asked with furrowed brows

"Hayley told me what she did. I'm sorry she did that to you." Marjorie said and Elijah clenched his jaw but gave her a small smile. "For what it's worth though, she's really sorry."

Hayley had left Marjorie to go talk to Elijah last night and to tell him what she did and it's safe to say it didn't go very well. Elijah was understandably upset and Hayley was filled with remorse and guilt.

Elijah sighed and nodded his head before wrapping his arm around Marjorie's shoulders pulling her into his side. Marjorie wrapped her arms around him, knowing that even if he doesn't want to admit it he could use a hug.

Hayley hesitantly entered the room and locked eyes with Marjorie who gave her a soft smile and a nod. She knew that Hayley wanted to apologize but was scared of Elijah never forgiving her for "breaking his word", since everyone knows how important giving his word is to him.

"I think someone wants to talk to you." Marjorie told Elijah as she leaned back

Elijah looked over to Hayley who gave him a shy smile that he responded with a sigh and a clenched jaw.

"I uh." Hayley started but was interrupted

Suddenly, the entire compound starts to shake violently making Marjorie gasp and Elijah quickly grab onto her while Hayley clutched onto the bar. Rebekah came into the room just as it stopped shaking looking around with wide eyes.

"What the hell is going on?" Rebekah asked before nodding towards Marjorie. "You ok?"

Marjorie nodded taking a deep breath as she and Elijah stood up, Hayley moved to stand next to Rebekah as Klaus came into the room with a grim expression on his face.

"Was that a freaking earthquake?" Marjorie asked with wide eyes

"No, it was Davina." Klaus answered with a frustrated sigh

Rebekah and Hayley had gone upstairs to check on Davina who was vomiting up dirt while Marjorie stayed downstairs with Klaus, Elijah, and Marcel who came down to join them and talk about what was happening to the Harvest Witch.

"This is madness. How can a 16-year-old girl shake the entire French quarter?" Klaus scoffed in frustration

"I've seen her rock the church, but I've never seen anything like this." Marcel shook his head, openly concerned about what was happening to the girl he thinks of as a daughter

"How did you control her when she was in the attic?" Klaus asked his old apprentice

"I didn't have to. She trusted to keep her safe, I had saved her life after all." Marcel recalled and Marjorie hummed

"Which was before she found out about you not telling her that the witches who wanted to use her for the harvest were dead. I think that put a strain on the relationship." Marjorie winced making Marcel sigh

"Well let's also not forget Klaus almost killing her boyfriend and you knocking her unconscious." Marcel told Marjorie who shrugged

"She was hurting my dad." Marjorie said not feeling the need to explain her actions any further

Marcel huffed and looked like he was about to say something else but was stopped by the death glares he received from both Klaus and Elijah.

"The point is in her present state she's useless as a tool against the witches." Klaus said and Marjorie looked at him with furrowed brows

Sure Davina was powerful, but she's just a kid. Only a year younger than Marjorie herself, she shouldn't be seen as a tool or a weapon. She should be seen as an allie and someone they can work with, not control.

"She's not a tool." Marcel snarled

"Something's wrong with her, she's turned into a ticking time bomb. So, I would rather figure out a way to fix the issue and keep both my children safe. Sooner rather than later." Klaus spoke seriously

"She has too much power that she cannot control. That much we already knew. But why is it manifesting itself in such an aggressive manner?" Elijah pondered aloud

Then it seemed like a light bulb went off over his head and Elijah turned to leave without a word making Marjorie furrow her brows in confusion.

"Uh." Marjorie mumbled

"Where are you going?" Klaus asked, equally as confused

"This is witch business. Let's ask a witch." Elijah said simply before kissing Marjorie's forehead and leaving the room

"Please tell me he doesn't mean Sophie?" Marjorie groaned and Klaus' face wrinkled in distain

"God help us." Klaus huffed

Unfortunately, Sophie was the witch Elijah had gone to see and now everyone plus Rebekah was now gathered in Elijah's study discussing their current predicament. Marjorie looked hesitantly between her uncle and Sophie, after all she was the one who stole Celeste's remains and Marjorie was afraid she'd witness an original vampire vs witch showdown.

"So you have stolen the remains of the very person that Davina's been drawing for months. Would you care to explain this startling coincidence?" Elijah asked crossing his arms

"I can't. I didn't even know who Celeste Dubois was until I--" Sophie spoke but was cut off when the house starts to shake violently, again.

Marjorie jumped still not used to feeling an entire structure shake like an earthquake. Sophie looks alarmed, but Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah seem merely irritated as the blonde vampire pulled her niece into her side protectively.

"Was that Davina?" Sophie asked with wide eyes

"Charming little habit she's developed." Klaus quipped

"And the earthquake I felt today?" Sophie asked her eyes growing wider

"Also Davina." Rebekah sighed

"She vomits dirt now too." Marjorie added and Sophie's eyes grew so wide, the young girl thought they might pop out of socket

"Oh. We have a huge problem. I thought that we had more time, but we need to complete the Harvest now." Sophie spoke panicked

"Said the desperate witch, conveniently." Klaus scoffed, not convinced

"I'm serious! That earthquake you just felt is a preview of the disaster movie that is about to hit us." Sophie urged and Marjorie shared a nervous look with Rebekah

"Why should we believe you?" Elijah asked, trying to put aside his hate for the witch in front of him and listen to her reasoning

"You've met Davina, you know her story. For months now, she's been holding all the power of the three girls sacrificed in the Harvest ritual. A force that was meant to flow through her and back into the earth. One person was never meant to hold that much power. It's tearing her apart, and it will take us down with it." Sophie explained fearfully

"Any chance we can pack up and move to Greece before that happens?" Marjorie asked with a nervous chuckle but looked down when she saw the deadpanned looks she was being given and sighed. "Yeah, I didn't think so."


It seems that everyone is now taking Sophie's warning about Davina very seriously. Rebekah, has barely left the girls side trying her best to keep her comfortable. Marcel, was urged out of Davina's bedroom by Sophie who was going to be the one to explain to the man that the girl he tried so hard to protect is going to have to be sacrificed to save the city. Elijah and Hayley were no where to be found, Marjorie hoped that meant they were maybe talking and trying to make up but with those two you never know.

Marjorie stuck with her father, they needed to inform Father Kieran about their current situation. The tribrid, hybrid, and pastor walked down Rue de Main together as the father and daughter caught him up to speed.

"We need to prepare. According to Sophie Deveraux, as Davina self-destructs, she'll cycle through four stages that represent the four elements that bound together the Harvest." Klaus spoke as they walked

"The earthquake?" Father Kieran asked with furrowed brows

"Yes. Earth stage comes first." Klaus confirmed

"Then what?" Father Kieran asked

"Wind. Sophie said that each stage will be worst than the rest. So if she was able to cause an earthquake for the first stage, there's a good chance she'll be able to blow the roof off every building in New Orleans during the second stage." Marjorie answered, fiddling nervously with the fabric of her pockets

Over the past few months she's unfortunately became used to the supernatural threats she and the people she cares about have had to face, they've been beatable threats. Threats with weaknesses.

But this was a completely different beast, you can't fight the four elements of nature.

You can't find a weakness to exploit.

You just have to hold on for dear life and hope you live through the storm.

"Then after the wind is water. Rain, flood..." Klaus said and Father Kieran stopped, looking between the father and daughter concerned

"How bad?" He asked dreadfully

"Quite bad, actually, but that's not the worst of it." Klaus sighed

"The last stage is fire, and since it's the last..." Marjorie trailed off and Klaus finished her thought

"It will be by far the worst. But, I didn't take over this town to watch it burn to the ground." Klaus said clenching his jaw

"You can stop this, right?" Father Kieran asked hopefully

"Yes, but you're not gonna like how." Klaus said and Father Kieran looked between the two of them cautiously

"What do you mean?" Father Kieran asked

"Sophie said the only way is to complete the Harvest Ritual. Which means Davina has to die." Marjorie revealed, the sentence tasting biter on her tongue

"We are talking about an innocent child here." Father Kieran said with wide eyes before turning to Klaus. "One who is about the same age as your own daughter, and you just want to sacrifice her like a lamb to the slaughter?"

Klaus clenched his jaw at the mention of Marjorie, of course he wished there was another way. He may be a monster but he is able to recognize the childlike innocence Davina and his daughter share. He doesn't want to have to finish the harvest, he doesn't want the witches to gain back that power especially after all the threats they've made towards Marjorie and the unborn baby.

But it seems like they just don't have a choice.

"We all wish there was another way. But there just isn't. If we don't finish the harvest, New Orleans will burn to the ground." Klaus stated

After barely being able to convince Father Kieran that the harvest needed to happen, Klaus and Marjorie headed back to the compound. Rebekah had to sedate Davina when she became too hysterical after learning that they were planning on completing the harvest, which led to the heavy winds that broke out to stop much to Marjorie's relief.

After her foster father locked her outside in the middle of a thunderstorm for the entire night when she was 10, Marjorie has been terrified of any kind of storm. She vividly remembers laying curled up in a ball underneath the old wooden deck trying to seek shelter from the cold rain.

Marjorie snapped out of her trance when she heard her uncle spoke, she looked up and realized that she was now sitting on the couch in the courtyard with Klaus, Elijah, and Marcel standing around her.

"We sedated her too heavily." Elijah sighed heavily

"Well, if this is her sedated, I'd hate to see her otherwise. We all agreed that Davina must be sacrificed. There's no need to let her blow the roof off our heads in the meantime." Klaus said and Marcel immediately spun towards him, with anger written across his face

"No way! You're not touching her!" Marcel exclaimed, punching Klaus in the face making the hybrid stumbled back

Marjorie immediately jumped up defensively, but Elijah gently but firmly grabbed her arm keeping her from coming to her father's defense. Both men knew that Marcel needed to blow off some steam.

"Okay, I'll let you have that one." Klaus said, rubbing his jaw annoyed

"Marcel, no one wishes to see Davina come to harm less than I, but there is no scenario here in which we simply wait this out. She's going to die." Elijah said sympathetically

"According to Sophie, the witch who screwed over everybody here. Who almost got both Marjorie and the baby killed." Marcel snarled gesturing to Marjorie, who couldn't help but agree with him slightly

Sophie did kidnap her, link herself to her, threaten to kill her, and almost get her actually killed. It's safe to say that Marjorie wasn't eager to listen to the witch, but unfortunately they don't have another option.

"The Harvest was working before it was stopped. If a nonbeliever like Sophie Deveraux can come to have faith that these girls will be resurrected, then I, also, am a believer." Elijah stated and Marcel scoffed

"I saved Davina from the Harvest, and now you want me to just hand her over?" Marcel shook his head. "What if it was Marjorie? You know you would never sacrifice her, even if there was no other option you would still fight tooth and nail to find another way! Why does Davina deserve anything less?"

"I'll advise you to not bring my niece into such atrocious topics of conversation, Marcellus." Elijah glared at him while Marjorie looked at her dad who seemed like he was 2 seconds away from pouncing on the younger vampire

"Do you think that I'm happy about this, about having to sacrifice a girl the same age as my own child?" Klaus asked in frustration making Marjorie grab his hand. "If the witches complete the Harvest, not only do they regain their power, we lose our weapon against them. The earthquake I was willing to chalk up to hideous coincidence, but these winds? If there was any other way we would find it, but there isn't and frankly we don't have time. If Davina is not sacrificed, then every inch of earth that shook, everything blowing about now will soon be drenched in water and consumed by fire."

"Oh! Now you care about the city." Marcel shook his head in mock amusement

"We ought to. We built it." Elijah fired back

"And we all saw it burnt to the ground twice. I will not let that happen again. Do I make myself clear?" Klaus asked and Marcel rolled his eyes

"Yeah. Yeah." Marcel said before storming away

"Well that went well." Marjorie said sarcastically

"Not a people person, are you, Niklaus?" Elijah asked equally as sarcastic as his niece who chuckled

"Nonsense." Klaus shook his head and nodded towards Marjorie. "I love people, right little Pearl?"

"Dad, you hate people." Marjorie deadpanned and Klaus looked at her in offense

"I love people, especially you." Klaus told Marjorie who smiled before he turned to his brother. "Just on my way to warn a couple of prominent ones in case the weather gets out of hand. If you fancy yourself as plus diplomatique, perhaps you'd like to come along."

"No. Soon Sophie Deveraux shall be consecrating Celeste's remains, and though her actions are reprehensible, still I should pay my respects." Elijah said and Marjorie looked at him sympathetically

"Do you want me to go with you Uncle Lijah?" Marjorie asked and Elijah smiled softly at the nickname

"That's alright sweetheart, you should stay here where it's safe." Elijah said kissing her forehead and Marjorie nodded

Hayley hesitantly enters the room and looks straight at Elijah.

"Hey. Do you have a minute?" Hayley asked hopefully

"Just on my way out." Elijah said coldly before turning to leave

Marjorie shot Hayley a sympathetic look making the pregnant wolf sigh as she moved to sit next to the young girl.

"Which one of us is the people person again?" Klaus yelled after Elijah, being able to feel the uncomfortable tension his brother and Hayley created


Davina is missing. Marcel snapped the necks of the vampires keeping an eye on her and took her. Marjorie had a feeling that something like this was going to happen, Davina is like Marcel's daughter there's no way he's just going to sit by and watch as she's killed.

Rebekah immediately set off to try to find her ex flame and the teenage witch and Elijah is talking to Sabine and Sophie to see if they could do a locator spell to find Davina, but if they fail then Marjorie will give it a try.

She's never performed a locator spell before but it's one of the ones she's been practicing lately and feels pretty confident that she'll be able to pull it off.

But until her assistance is required, Marjorie has been in the courtyard helping Hayley box up some canned food. Both girls were worried about those who lived out in the bayou and wanted to make sure they had some nonperishable supplies.

Marjorie couldn't help but think about Killian, how was he handling the weather? Surely he can take care of himself, as a wolf he's able to adapt to different weather conditions much easier than others. But the worry is still in the back of Marjorie's mind.

Hearing a sniffle coming from Hayley's direction, Marjorie frowned and hesitantly walked over placing a gentle hand on her back.

"Hales? You ok, what's wrong?" Marjorie asked making Hayley sigh and wipe under her eyes

"Elijah can't even stand to be in the same room as me. I don't know what to do Rie, I think I've screwed everything up." Hayley sighed wiping a tear that escaped

Marjorie gave her a sympathetic look and leaned her head on her shoulder making Hayley sigh deeply and wrap her arm around Marjorie's back, leaning their heads together.

"Just give it some time, he's head over heels for you. Even I can see it and I know absolutely nothing about boys or relationships." Marjorie said, secretly she totally ships Hayley and Elijah together

It's the way they look at each other, their eyes light up and it's like they're the only people in the room.

Hayley didn't respond but just gave the girl a small smile, appreciating that she was trying to make her feel better. She hopes that someday Elijah will be able to forgive her.

"What are you two up to?" Klaus asked as he walked into the courtyard from who knows where

Marjorie turned towards her dad and gave him a smile before gesturing to the canned food in the boxes.

"We're boxing up a bunch of canned food." Marjorie answered and Klaus chuckled stepping forward to ruffle her hair

"I can see that dork. I mean, why are you two doing it?" Klaus asked grinning as Marjorie pouted and tried to fix her hair

"We were going to take them to the-" Hayley started but was interrupted when Klaus cut her off

"If you say, "Bayou," I will find a nice comfy dungeon and throw you in it." Klaus told Hayley before pointing at his daughter. "And you, how many times have I told you that you are not allowed in the bayou? This is not the night to be out there--"

"--For anyone. But some people don't have a choice." Hayley fired back

"We can't just leave them to fend for themselves dad." Marjorie said giving him a hopeful look making Klaus sigh

"Right. Grab that lot and come with me." Klaus told the two as he grabbed one of the boxes

Marjorie and Hayley exchanged a grin and a high five before eagerly following after the grumpy hybrid.

The trio ended up at St. Anne's Church, the weather outside was picking up and Marjorie shivered as the rain drops dripped down her face. They walked inside and found Father Kieran standing in the front lobby talking to a man before handing him some food.

Marjorie looked around at all the people gathered around, they were eating some prepared food and huddled around in groups with blankets. By the looks of them, they seemed to be seeking refuge from the storm.

"We still haven't gone through all that you've already provided, Klaus." Father Kieran said with a smile as he walked over to them, Klaus just waved him off and gestured towards Hayley and Marjorie

"Well, this newest bit isn't from me." Klaus said and Father Kieran looked over at the girls and gave them a thankful smile

"Oh? That's very kind of you Marjorie and?" Father Kieran asked Hayley who smiled softly

"Hayley. And these people are?" Hayley asked looking around

"I asked Father Kieran to give them shelter. He suffers from an incessant desire to do good. But now, I need you to be useful. Marcel and Davina have disappeared. I assume from the stupefied look on your face they haven't sought refuge in your attic." Klaus said and Father Kieran sighed

"No. Those days are gone." Father Kieran shook his head

"Then energize your resources. I don't need to remind you how important it is they be found." Klaus urged

"Yes." Father Kieran nodded, remembering the conversation he had with Klaus and Marjorie earlier before excusing himself to go make some calls

"There's so many." Marjorie noted how more people kept gathering

"These people, they're werewolves... And the priest, he said that you donated the food. You're helping them?" Hayley asked Klaus in disbelief while Marjorie looked at him with a smile

"Are you really?" Marjorie asked and Klaus nodded, pulling her into his side before nodding towards Hayley

"They're not your werewolves. They're my clan. From very far back. They've fallen upon hard times, and their plight has brought out the philanthropist in me. What can I say? Must be Elijah's influence." Klaus smirked and Hayley looked at him confused

"What do you mean, your clan?" Hayley asked

"The blood that runs in their veins runs in mine. It runs in yours, Marjorie. And it runs in our child's." Klaus said and Marjorie looked at the werewolves with wide eyes

"Wow." Marjorie said softly, all these people around here were family

"This family gets more complicated by the second." Hayley sighed, visibly overwhelmed

"Listen, Hayley, word of advice when dealing with Elijah? Don't do as I do. Just apologize. He's accomplished in many things, but he is a master of forgiveness." Klaus advised giving Hayley a small smile before leading Marjorie over to the table containing all the canned goods

Marjorie smiled as she handed an older woman a bag containing different canned goods, Klaus watched her proudly. He was happy to introduce his daughter to more of their shared family, he knows his siblings love her and will protect her with everything in them, but it never hurts to have more people in their corner.


They returned to the compound at Elijah's request so now Marjorie was standing next to Rebekah with Klaus and Elijah in the living room. Apparently, when Sophie went to consecrate Celeste she found no magic at all meaning that someone had taken her magic. Because they need another witch to consecrate, Elijah pitched his idea. Using their mother, Esther.

"It's taken one thousand years, but you've finally gone mad. Our own mother?" Rebekah rolled her eyes, obviously not liking the idea

"Yes, our beloved mother, who Niklaus has affectionately placed in a coffin in his basement-- not daggered, but quite dead." Elijah said shooting Klaus a look while Marjorie shivered, not liking the idea of a dead person in the same house as her

"Well, she did try to kill us all." Klaus scoffed

"Well, I say we put her to use and put her to rest once and for all. Now if we bury our mother on land owned by one of her descendants, she becomes a New Orleans witch, and we, as her family, share in that ancestral magic." Elijah explained

"We're vampires, Elijah. We can't practice magic. Or own property, for that matter." Rebekah reminded him

"Yes. With regard to practicing magic, that's where Sophie comes in. After we bury our mother, we can channel all her power to Sophie. Only hitch is, as conduits of mother's magic, we need to participate in the Harvest. And, as for owning property, not all of our mother's descendants are dead..." Elijah said before looking at Marjorie

Marjorie looked at him with furrowed brows, before her eyes widened in realization.

"Me." Marjorie said and Elijah nodded

"Yes, you. The parish Tax Assessor's office is just steps outside of the Quarter. Marjorie now holds the title to the plantation. So, if we bury our mother there, and we consecrate those grounds, we can finish the Harvest ritual." Elijah concluded

"You're a bit of a mad genius, Elijah. Count me in." Klaus smirked

"Am I the only one thinking? Our mother was the most powerful witch in history. If we bury her, we hand that power to our enemies to use against us. Not to mention the danger she poses towards Marjorie and the baby." Rebekah scoffed and Marjorie looked at her aunt hesitantly

From everything she's been told about Esther she's nervous about giving her New Orleans roots. If she's really as powerful as they say what stops her from potentially gaining a foothold here and resurrecting herself again? Or causing all kinds of other chaos.

"Given our circumstances, I hardly see that we have a choice, Rebekah." Elijah spoke up breaking Marjorie's thoughts

"I don't know why I bother. You two will just do what you want anyway." Rebekah sighed in frustration

"No. Our decision must be unanimous." Elijah shook his head

"This is not a democracy." Klaus scoffed

"You're quite right. This is family." Elijah said but they stop talking when they hear the sound of a powerful rain storm that is pouring down on the house making Marjorie nervously fiddle with her fingers. "Water. The next sign's begun. Rebekah?"

"Kill a demon today, face the devil tomorrow. Count me in." Rebekah huffed

"Marjorie?" Elijah asked and Marjorie looked at him surprised, not expecting them to want her opinion

"Uh. I think it's a bad idea and the chances of your mother finding some way to make our lives miserable is very high. But I guess we have to do what we have to do, right?" Marjorie asked nervously looking between the adults around her who just have her sympathetic looks. "I'm in."

"Well, this is no family reunion without our mother. I'll fetch her." Klaus smirked before turning serious and pointing at Marjorie. "Go change into something warmer, I don't want you catching your death."

Marjorie didn't even try to argue, because she knew that once she stepped outside she would be freezing. So she hurried upstairs and changed clothes, pulling her hair up and braiding her ponytail before moving back downstairs.

"You ready?" Elijah asked Marjorie when she came downstairs

"Yeah." Marjorie nodded giving him a small smile

Elijah studied her expression for a moment before pulling his niece into his side and leading her out to meet Klaus in the car.

By the time they made it to the plantation house the storm was getting worse, rumbling thunder joined in with the pouring rain and Marjorie could feel her nerves rising more and more.

She was practically glued to Klaus' side hiding underneath the umbrella he held as they stood in front of the grave they dug for Esther along with Elijah, Rebekah, Sophie, and Father Kieran.

"You ok?" Klaus asked feeling her shaking against his side

"I just want the storm to be over." Marjorie whispered and Klaus frowned at the fear in her voice

He just held her tight to his side and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"Did you find them? Will he bring her?" Klaus asked Rebekah, who had been able to track Marcel down before she joined them

"He'll bring her." Rebekah said solemnly and Marjorie grabbed her free hand that wasn't holding the umbrella and gave it a squeeze and Rebekah responded with a squeeze of her own and a soft smile

"Are you ready to do this?" Father Kieran asked from his spot in front of everyone in the other side of the grave

"Always and forever." Klaus sighed

Klaus grabbed the dagger they brought along and sliced his palm making Marjorie jump before he held his hand over Esther's grave and dripped his blood into it. He looks down at Marjorie who gulps and hesitantly holds her hand out to him.

"Do it quick please." Marjorie said closing her eyes waiting for the pain of the blade slicing through her hand

She hissed when Klaus quickly cut her hand, him hating to be the one to inflict any kind of pain on her, before allowing her blood to drip into the grave as well.

"There you go. All done." Klaus soothed taking a towel out of his pocket and holding it onto the wound

"That hurt." Marjorie pouted pulling her hand to her chest

Klaus chuckled and handed the dagger to Rebekah before pulling his daughter back into his side.

Rebekah and Elijah both cut their hands and dripped their blood into the grave before handing the dagger to Father Kieran, who drops it into the grave as well before nodding towards everyone.

"It's done." Father Kieran confirmed

Marjorie looked down into the grave and felt a shiver go down her spine, she couldn't help but feel like they weren't done with Esther just yet.


Marjorie stood in between Klaus and Hayley in Lafayette Cemetery where they were gathered waiting for Marcel and Davina to arrive so they could complete the harvest. Suddenly, flames started to erupt near the entrance of the cemetery making Marjorie flinch.

"Fire." Sophie spoke

"The last stage." Marjorie mumbled worried that Marcel may have changed his mind

After a moment, Marcel appears, carrying Davina in his arms making Marjorie sigh in relief. As he walks toward them, flames follow them in a trail that licks at Marcel's heals. Once they get to the altar, Marcel sets her down, and Sophie holds the ceremonial athame over the flames before she heads toward Davina.

"Do you believe in the harvest?" Sophie asked Davina

"I believe." Davina stuttered nervously

Once she says the words, Sophie raises the blade and slits Davina's throat with it making Marjorie close her eyes and turn her head into her dad's chest. Davina gasps in shock and grabs at her throat before she falls back. Marcel catches her and lays her down on the ground.

Marjorie opened her eyes as the rain stopped pouring down on them, she looks towards Davina and is surprised when she sees her skin glowing golden as the magic leaves her body and flows back into the earth.

"After the Harvest comes the Reaping. Their sacrifices made and accepted. We call upon our Elders to resurrect the chosen ones." Sophie recited but nothing happens, and the rest of them look around at each other uneasily as Sophie begins again. "We call upon our Elders to resurrect the chosen ones..." Still, nothing happens and Sophie becomes flustered and is near tears. "Resurrect your chosen ones... Please? I beg..." When it becomes clear that something has gone wrong, Sophie falls to her knees and sobs. "No!"

Marjorie felt her eyes water as they locked onto Davina's dead body, sure they weren't really friends but she was still just a kid. She didn't deserve the hand she was dealt.

Klaus turned Marjorie away from Davina's body and pulled her head into his chest as he looked towards Marcel sympathetically, who was still clutching onto the girl.

Both Rebekah and Hayley had tears rolling down their cheeks, one because of her upcoming roll as a mother not being able to imagine losing her child and the other because of her feelings of attachment towards the now dead teenage witch.

Elijah had mirrored Klaus' expression of sympathy, already feeling guilty for his role he played in the harvest.

Sophie was sobbing on her knees, feeling any hope she had of ever seeing her niece again fade away.

Marcel slowly released Davina and gently laid her onto the ground before shooting Klaus a hateful glare before speeding away.

"Come on little Pearl. Let's go home." Klaus whispered to Marjorie who nodded not wanting to spend another second in the presence of Davina's body

When she got home Marjorie immediately went upstairs and took a hot shower wanting to wash every trace of this terrible day away. As she got out of the shower Marjorie gasped feeling an intense feeling of dread pass through her body making her chest feel like it was about to explode.

She cried out and clutched her towel to her body before falling to the ground as painful flashes passed through her head.

A red headed woman

A African American man wearing a white suit with a golden bow tie

A older woman with brownish red hair

And Sabine

Rebekah burst into the bathroom hearing her niece's cries and immediately gathered her into her arms holding her tightly.

"What's wrong? Marjorie, darling look at me." Rebekah urged holding her face to make her look into her eyes

"There's something coming." Marjorie gasped feeling the pain begin to fade away. "Something bad, Auntie Bex."

Rebekah looked at her concerned before pulling her back against her chest shushing her as she rubbed her back soothingly.

"It's ok. It'll be ok." Rebekah mumbled

Rebekah looked up and saw Elijah and Klaus standing in the doorway with concerned looks on their faces, no one knowing what to think about what Marjorie just revealed.

But knowing their luck, it could only mean more danger was coming their way.

┌── •✧• ──┐

└── •✧• ──┘

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