On A Wire [B. Hargrove]

By Forsumreasonicant

18.5K 684 115

Nancy "Drew" Wheeler & Noah "Nosy" Wheeler. The worst names they would have gotten from the school but Steve... More

Some things
Is it Halloween yet?Pt.1
Is it Halloween yet?Pt.2
Is it Halloween yet?Pt.3
Is it Halloween yet?Pt.4
Just To Try It...PT.1
Just To Try It...PT.3
Just To Try It...PT.4

Just To Try It...PT.2

853 36 0
By Forsumreasonicant

As Noah waited for Johnathan to come drop off Will, his mom had asked him to talk to the boys about trick or treating to night. So that's what he found himself doing. He didn't know what to say though, he had been pacing back and forth infront of the three for a while now.

Noah groans and finally begins to talk. "Okay I don't really know what to tell you guys, other than to have fun, keep an eye on will, be home by 8:30 or 9, don't leave eachother alone, and if anything, anything, happens, you tell me. Not mom, not dad, not Nancy, only me. And if any of those highschool assholes do anything to you, again, straight to me. Okay?" Noah waits for all of them to nod their heads. All of them seem to do, weather it was a fast nod or an annoyed nod(mike).

"Cool, now come on, Will should be here in a couple of minutes. Get your asses upstairs." Noah let's out, he walks over to the bottom of the stairs and waits for everyone to go up first. The last one to go up was Dustin but he stopped before going up and turned to Noah.

"Hey, so me and Lucas invited this new kid to hang out with us... do you think..., how mad do you think Mike is going to be." Dustin asks Noah, trying to hide his worried tone.

"Oh he's going to be pissed, but tell me if he's treating him like shit. Mike is a little stuck up some times." Noah answers almost immediately.

Dustin shakes his head and smiles a little. "Uh no, actually, it's a girl. Her name is Max."

Oh...oh...they both like max.

Then Noah's face scrunched up a bit in thought. "Wait is she that little red head, the one that skates? Isn't she the sister of the guy with the blue Corvette?"

Dustin shakes his head, he then gets a look on his face as if he remembered something. "Oh yeah! Something happened with him on the way home by the way. So the thre of us were just riding-"

Dustin was cut off by Mike calling him from the top of the stairs. "Dustin, hurry up! Will's here!"

Mike slames the door shut. Dustin gives Noah a little smile. Which the older boy returns, and bolts up the stairs. Noah soon follows after, curious as to what the boy was going to say. Oh well, he'll figure it out later. Right now he needs to get ready, too. Noah heads to the second level of the house and to his room, instantly feeling colder.

That's another thing he didn't like about his room. After being stuck in the cold for so long, he's begun to hate it, which sucks because Noah used to love the cold. And he picked this room because it's the best for hot days. But now he can't sit comfortably in it. It fucken sucks.

Noah sighs, and opens his closet. He could hear Nancy and Steve talking on the other side. He was still upset with them. Their relationship is failing and he's having to pay the price. He just wanted to hang out with his best friend and sister again. He hasn't even really talked to Nancy that much these past few days. And up until about a week ago, she refused to leave his side. Now here he was, all alone. Putting on his Michael Myers costume, not even able to turn around and ask if he looked okay.

Noah sighs again, he grabs his mask from his desk and walks over to his bed. Once he's there he takes a seat and curls up onto the bed. He was sitting at the edge still, his feet posted up on the frame as he pulled his knees to his chest.

Maybe he should call Johnathan and see if he was actually going. If he wasn't then that would be good for him. Noah didn't want to go that much anyways. He didn't want to deal with Steve and Nancy. He knew he was going to be let alone.

Noah flops back onto the bed, his arms stretched out. God this is so frustrating. The brown haired boy finally gets up and decides to go to Nancy's room. Once he reaches the door he debates going to the party again but he's quick to shake it off. Fuck it it's fine.

Noah knocks on the door once, waiting to hear his sister on the other side.

"Come in, Noah!" Nancy could tell it was him. He was the only one who knocked Once. He was the only one to ever knock really.

Noah enters and sees his sister seated at her vanity, finishing up her make up. Steve is seated on the bed with a hand held mirror trying to fix his hair.

Noah smiles at his sister. "You look amazing, Nance." He says giving her a kiss on top of the head.

She gives him a sweet smile in the mirror. "Thank you, Nosy. So are you going as a plumber or...?" His twin trails off.

Noah scoffs out a laugh, flopping onto the bed next to Steve. The only answer he gives is him holding up the mask.

Steve then turns to Noah and gives him a fake pout. "Do I look good Noah? Where's my kiss?" Steve kisses the air a few times. Both twins laugh at the older teens stupidity.

Noah sits up right still laughing a little. "Steve you should know that I'm not above kissing guys."

"Hey!" Nancy says from her chair. "No kissing my boyfriend."

Noah scoffs. "Nance, we have the same face. It's legit like I'm already kissing him.

The thre share a disgusted look, one a little more intense then the others. Steve looks at Noah from the corner of his eye.

"Ew, Noah! Dont put that image in my head." Nancy shreakes. Noah and Steve laugh a little.

"Dude you put that image in my head every time you guys try to swallow eachother whole in front of me." Noah points out.

That one really gets to Steve and the older teen finds himself doubled over laughing.

"Oh god shut up." Nancy says, putting the finishing touches on her makeup. "Well boys, I'm done. Steve are you done with your hair?"

"Yeah, Fawcett, you aggressive spraying it when i came in. Is it up to your liking?" Noah teases Steve.

Steve's laughing immediately stops and he turns to Noah. Noah knew about Steve's hair. Steve didn't know how he knew, but he knew.

"I uh, um. Yeah, yeah no, I'm ready." Nancy gives Steve a weird look but she's broken out of it when Noah slaps her on the back, grabs his mask and runs out of the room.

"Shot gun!" He yells, already half way down the stairs.

"No! Noah! Noah, you ass!" Nancy yells, running right after the boy.

Noah got to the car door only to realize it wasn't unlocked. He looked back at Nancy bolting at him and saw Steve coming out from the door. Nancy threw her body into Noah and he tried to push her away.

"Noah I'm his girlfriend!"

"I'm his best friend!" He shouts back.

On the other side Steve is unlocking his door. Then Noah got an idea, he backed off of the door and Nancy got a smug smile on her face. Once Steve had his door open Noah bolted to the other side and crawled into the passenger seat from the drivers side.

Steve was just staring at Noah with a shocked look. Nancy could believe it, Noah was proud of himself. She always fell for that. He had been doing it for years since his parents said they could start sitting in the front seats.

Steve gets in after Noah and unlocks the back doors, allowing Nancy to finally slid into the car with a pout.

"Punk!" Nancy spits, giving Noah a slap on the back of the head. Her younger brother just laughs, proud that he was able to pull that off again. Steve chuckles as he starts up the car.

The three teens pull onto the road, headed to a party that would change their lives.

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