You Wanna Be a Movie Star?: T...

By Timmy184

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It's been a few weeks since the previous season ended. It started with 22 campers, an after a grueling 8 week... More

Chapter 1: Monster Cash
Chapter 2: Alien Resurr-eggtion
Chapter 3: Riot on Set
Chapter 5: 3:10 to Losertown
Chapter 6: The Chefshank Redemption
Chapter 7: One Flu Over the Cuckoos
Chapter 8: The Sand Witch Project
Chapter 9: Masters of Disasters
About Kai - New Entry
Chapter 10: Full Metal Drama
Chapter 11: Ocean's Thirteen- or Fourteen
Chapter 12: One Million Bucks B.C.
Chapter 13: Million Dollar Babies
Chapter 14: Dial M for Merger

Chapter 4: Beach Blanket Bogus

501 10 1
By Timmy184

Strap in guys we're in for a long chapter


(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Action... He was a boy. She was a girl. And last week on Total Drama Action, a shocking team redistribution pitted them against one another. Alliances were formed. And Vito's mad thespian skills trumped Sadie's old lady act. It was all too much for Chef's tender heart, and Sadie was voted out by a certain pretty boy. Will Kai and Gwen's relationship stay strong? Will Justin concur the game? And will my non-fate vanilla soy latte ever get here?! All the answers, will be answered right now in another tear-jerking episode of... Total. Drama. Action!



(Heather): Now I know how starlets stay thin

Heather said as she picked at her food. Harold sitting close to her nodded he missed the food the winners got

(Harold): Wish Chef'd let me in the kitchen. I got me some mad culinary skills

Heather glared at him

(Heather): Do you mind? I was talking to my slop

Harold saw Katie and she looked upset. Harold approached her

(Harold): Hey, how are you feeling?

Katie removes her head from her arms showing her tear streaked eyes

(Katie): Horrible... I betrayed Sadie. I'm a terrible friend!

Harold pats her on the back

(Harold): It'll be fine. Sadie's your best friend. She'll forgive you, she'd want you to keep going right?

Katie nodded she tried to stop the tears and her nose sounded stuffy. Harold hands her a box of tissues

(Harold): Let it out

He said while rubbing her back. He read in a book that some people liked being rubbed on the back when they need comfort. It would seem Katie was slowly recovering

(Harold): There you go. Let's get some food into you

Katie looked at the food

(Katie): I'm not hungry...

(Harold): We need all the strength we can get to win today

Katie stared at her food for a moment

(Katie): I'll do it if you eat too

Harold originally didn't want to eat this garbage but if it got Katie to eat he'd do it

(Harold): Alright then

Harold and Katie began to dig into their food


Justin is sipping some soup he found it disgusting but he also knew it would be stupid to do a challenge on an empty stomach

(Lindsay): Justin, look. I brought you bacon

Justin looked and saw Lindsay holding a plate of bacon

(Beth): And I brought you facon

He looked at Beth and saw she had a plate of pink meat that looked like a brick

(Beth): Tofu's good for your heart

Lindsay frowned

(Lindsay): Pig's good for his hair!

Beth dropped the plate on the table and jumped into the air hugging his head

(Beth): Holy crap, I love his hair!

Justin looked disturbed but internally he grinned. He had two more people fawning over him and their on the opposing team. He puts on a charming smile. He grabs Beth and removes her from his head and placed her on the chair next to him

(Justin): Ladies, please. I accept both your offerings. Join me for breakfast?

Lindsay and Beth laughed as Justin continued eating. He noticed the two weren't eating but instead staring at him

(Justin): Aren't you eating?

Lindsay gasped

(Lindsay): When you can gorge on your essence to bo hunk, who needs food?

Justin looks at Beth and winks. Beth makes a noise that is a mix between a snort and a gasp, she fell of her seat



Beth Confessional

(Beth): If only making friends with a guy as gorgeous as Justin was as easy as making these bracelets

She pulls on a bracelet she made and gasped as it broke she snorted as she once again fell



Cody watched Lindsay fawning over Justin. The geek had a frown on his face

(Kai): Something on your mind man?

Kai stopped eating his eggs as he noticed Cody's sad expression

(Cody): It's just... Over the past few days Lindsay's been staring at Justin and has been commenting on his looks all the time. Do you think she likes him more than me? I mean when it comes to looks he has me beat by a mile. Do you think she only liked me so she could get back at Heather?

(Kai): Hey don't sell yourself short man. You know Justins other worldly powers when it comes to the girls... And Owen. Lindsay fell for you on the island and after she broke free from Heathers control she continued to show genuine affection for you and clearly cared about you. You just have to get Lindsay to lose her focus on Justin and she'll be back to normal

Kai said as he sipped on some coffee. Cody looked deep in thought as he looked at the three he saw Justin say something that made the two girls laugh. Cody focused on Lindsay he desperately hoped Kai was right. He truly loved and cared about Lindsay and it would feel like a knife driven into his heart if she went to Justin


Noah is eating a plate of scrambled eggs he thought they could use some salt so he reached for it and the moment it was tipped upside down the lid fell off and covered his plate in salt. Noah sighed and immediately knew who did it when he heard laughter from the table opposite of his

(Duncan): Ahh, sorry about the morning as-salt!

The salt shakers lid hit him in the head. He looked at Eva who gave him a death stare

(Noah): Third grade called. You're due back in class

Noah said sarcastically. He slightly nudged Eva

(Noah): Remember what I told you

Eva nodded

(Eva): Right, deep breathing

She focused and began slow and deep breaths of air imagining her favourite place. The gym she imagined working out and showing noticeable growth she was happy

(Izzy): Don't mind if I have this?

Noah looked and saw Izzy hovering over his plate. Noah wasn't keen on eating it considering half of it is covered in salt

(Noah): Be my guest

Izzy happily ate the scrambled eggs. Noah looked at Izzy he wasn't sure if she was a friend or not. Their on the same team so he needed to make her an ally. His eyes glanced at Cody who is eating but is subtlety looking at Justins table. Noah makes a mental note of this


Bridgette is enjoying some jam toast with a glass of apple juice

(Bridgette): Man this winner food is so good! You guys had it good

She said to Geoff who sat next to her. He was enjoying his own breakfast of eggs and bacon on toast with a side of orange juice

(Geoff): Yeah, Chef knows how to cook some good stuff

Geoff states as he happily dug into his meal. As he talked to Bridgette he felt his smile drop as a memory came back to him. But he just shook it off and continued smiling


Time passed and everyone finished eating and took the time to talk to one another before the challenge would start. Chris walks into the tent smiling and blew a whistle to stop the talking

(Chris): Hang on to your coconuts, players! We're going back to the beach!

The campers looked excited about going to the beach. Owen cheers

(Owen): Woohoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Whoo!

(Chris): Ever seen one of those 1950's surfer movies where the kids get up to neato fun before the big bonfire Twist-a-thon? And the bully kicks the sandcastle in the nerdy guy's face?

There was silence followed by some coughs

(Duncan): Uh, no, grandpa, we haven't

Chris smile dropped for a moment before he immediately picked it up

(Chris): Well, get ready to recreate one, junior. Two challenges followed by a tiebreaker, if necessary. So grab your swimsuits!

The campers got out of their seats and headed for the trailers. As DJ passes the kitchen window Chef grabs his arm

(Chef): If the sand castle thing goes down, make sure you're the kicker, not the kickee

DJ nodded and walked off


The campers are now inside a room with the air conditioner blasting. The temperature was so low ice formed on some of the equipment. The campers are only wearing their swimsuits so they are freezing

(Lindsay): When did you guys move the beach to Antarctica?

Chris walks over decked out in gear to keep him warm and stylish

(Chris): As some of you can see, we're actually in the shooting studio

(Duncan): And the AC's cranked because?

Chris shrugs

(Chris): All the cameras and lights get so hot, they could melt Chef's heart

He points at Chef who had a creepy smile on his face

The campers are scared by the cooks smile

(Chris): And the network told my agents sweaty isn't a good look for me. Your challenge? Hang ten this deck into the big blue without swallowing tail in the soup

He points to a surfboard suspended in the middle of a pool of ice cold water

(Leshawna): What did you just ask me to do?

Leshawna asked taking offence to what he said

(Bridgette): He means whoever stays on the surfboard longest, wins

Bridgette explained to those who also didn't understand what Chris said

(Chris): Exactamundo, groovy cats. So, who's going first?

The campers shiver no one wanting to volunteer. Lindsay is shaking a bottle of sunscreen trying to get the product out

(Chris): The team that wins will get a half-hour head start on the next challenge, and given tonight's reward, you should be fighting harder than Justin's abs over who gets first shot

Harold leans over to Leshawna

(Harold): Speaking of rock hard abs, have you ever seen my ten-pack?

He flexes his non-existent abs. Lindsay finally managed to squeeze some sunscreen out. It flys through the air before freezing into a sharp ice spike it poked Harold in the butt causing him to jump forward

(Harold): Oh! Ow!

Chris grins

(Chris): We have a volunteer!

Harold facepalmed


Harold climbs onto the surfboard

(Harold): Mad surfing skills activate!

Harold says as he gets into a stance. Chris looked at the water and grinned

(Chris): And please welcome the return of some season one fan favourites! The sharks!

A shark jumps out of the water trying to reach Harold



Harold Confessional

(Harold): I'm very protective of my buttocks. The provide me with the low center of gravity that is my many mad skills. You could say they're my hugest asset. Check it! I can juggle my Magic Steve's Magical Trading Cards!

He turns around juggling a deck of cards between each back pocket



Harold clung onto a pole on the roof

(Harold): My booty and I are out!

(Leshawna): Your booty has an opinion?

(Heather): That's a big job for such a saggy, sad little thing

Harold glared taking offence to the comment

(Harold): I'll have you know that this is a selfless act! My lady fans couldn't handle the loss of this perfect behind!

(Heather): And by lady fans, he means his mother

Harold spots something in the crowd and points at it

(Harold): Hey sharks, look! Bacon and facon!

The camera pans to Owen who is eating a plate with Bacon and facon on it

(Owen): Breakfast should last all day, no?

The sharks lean on the edge of the pool begging Owen for the food. Harold loses his grip on the pole and falls hitting the ground. Chris looks down at him

(Chris): Ooh! Way to stick the dismount, bro

Heather and Duncan laughed


It was Lindsay's turn and she was doing alright when suddenly a gust of wind sends her flying into the wall


DJ was on the board struggling to stay on. A shark leaps up and bites his pants off. DJ looks embarrassed and runs off to get changed. Chef witnessed this

(Chef): The body's a beautiful thing, you don't need a suit!

Chef calls out to him


Cody gets on and struggles as the board begins to shake rapidly and he was flung away and landed on the ground hard

(Chris): Oooh! You hate to see that

Cody looks up and saw Lindsay who smiled

(Cody): Hey Linds

(Lindsay): Hi Cody, You alright?

(Cody): Could be doing better


Owen steps onto the board and it immediately breaks into two. He falls into the water causing the water to shoot out of the pool alongside the sharks

(Owen): Oh, man. Oh, crud. Sorry, shark dudes. Really, I'm so sorry

Owen calls out as he peeked over the pool. Chris blew his whistle

(Chris): Break time! Union rules!

Heather sighs in relief

(Heather): Finally

(Chris): I don't mean you, shark bait


To Kai's surprise the sharks are sitting in lawn chairs sipping on cups of coffee and Chef made them some snacks. As this happened Noah climbed up a confident look on his face

(Noah): No sharks equals no problem

Noah prepares to stand on the board when he hears the sound of a machine starting up. He looks up and saw Chris wielding a turret with seagulls inside of it

(Chris): I love this game!

Chris cheers as he fires the seagulls at Noah. A seagull hits him in the face but it doesn't fly away instead clinging onto his face

(Noah): Ah! Ahh! Sky rat! Get it out! Get it out!

Noah moves around trying to get it off but falls into the water 


Justin is standing on the board a confident look on his face

(Lindsay): Yay! Go, Justin!

(Beth): Yeah, go!

The two girls are cheering for Justin even though they're on opposing teams. Lindsay frowns at Beth

(Lindsay): Copycat

Beth immediately gets in her face

(Beth): Tanorexic

Beth's eyes widen and she stepped away when she saw Lindsay's hurt expression

(Beth): Sorry! Friendship bracelet?

Beth held out the offering. The sharks looked at Justin with dreamy looks in their eyes. Chris leaned on the turret letting out a sigh

(Chris): So perfect. Almost makes me believe in the inherent goodness of the Human race

He smirks and holds onto the handles

(Chris): Almost

Chris clarified as he fired another round of seagulls. Beth gasped as the seagulls went for Justin

(Beth): Justin! 



Beth Confessional

(Beth): I wanted to tell him he looked like a surfing god! 

Beth rubbed her eyes as the memory came back to her

(Beth): Instead, I said... 



(Beth): Your face! Watch your beautiful face!

Justin widens his eyes losing focus

(Justin): What?! Oh, oh!

Justin is attacked and falls into the water. A few moments pass and a shark jumps out of the water holding Justin. It performs chest compressions on Justin

The shark then did mouth to mouth which fortunately worked. The shark hugged him in relief

(Beth): Oh my gosh, Justin. Are you oka–

She is cut off as the shark shoved her away without looking at her

(Chris): Love's a beautiful thing

Chris told the camera while shaking his head


(Chris): Finally, we have Bridgette! Try not to wash off your make up

Bridgette with her skills in surfing dodged the seagulls without losing balance. She smirked as she saw Chris ran out of ammo. He looks at a nearby chair and threw it. Bridgette looked surprised and ducked her head. A light stand came flying at her she shifts to the left and it flew past her. Chris looked around trying to find some kind of ammunition 

(Cody): Oh, my head...

Cody walked over holding his head clearly not recovered from his turn Chris smiled. Bridgette looked surprised

(Bridgette): You gotta be kidding me!

Bridgette dropped onto her knees as Cody flew over her head. He fortunately didn't land on anything hard. Bridgette stood up and smirked when she realised Chris was beat

(Chris): And with that, Bridgette secures victory for the Killer Grips

(Bridgette): Gnarly

Bridgette says as she climbs down. The Grips cheer for Bridgette, Geoff runs over and lifts her into the air

(Owen): Man, Kai's team is unstoppable!

Gwen looked at the team and she remembered Kai saying everyone knew how to work together and believed he was right

(Gwen): We shouldn't let their victory deter us. We'll manage to take them down

(Owen): With what? A freight train? Toot toot!

Owen imitates a train horn. The camera pans to Chris

(Chris): Alright we'll take a break as we head for the second part of this challenge. Stay tuned!


(Chris): Welcome back to Total Drama Action, where against all advice to the contrary, our players have changed out of their bathing suits. Hope you like swimming in your jeans

The campers had changed because they believed a repeat of what happened in the surfing challenge would happen again and they'd rather be prepared for that possible outcome

(Heather): Right, because we're totally going to the beach for real this time. The bus is just late

Heather says sarcastically. They hear a horn honking. The campers turn to see a bus pull up. Chris smirked at Heather

(Chris): You were saying?



Owen Confessional

(Owen): Chris actually told us the truth for once? Haha. What's next? Being treated with actual respect?

Owen laughed at the thought



The teams boarded the bus one by one. The Grips went first and Beth handed a friendship bracelet to each teammate

(Beth): A blue bracelet for Lindsay to match her still frozen lips. A red one for Eva because she's tough!

Eva looked surprised by the gift and the compliment that came with it

(Eva): Thanks

Eva said as she accepted the bracelet and hopped on board

(Beth): A black bracelet for Noah to match the book he always carries around

Noah simply took his and he accidentally dropped it under a seat

(Beth): A yellow bracelet for Geoff because it fits how happy he always is

Geoff grins and puts it on his wrist

(Geoff): Thanks Beth, this thing is awesome!

She hands the rest of her teammates one. She is about to board the bus when she hears a voice behind her 

(???): What you got there, Beth?

Beth got nervous when she saw Justin

(Beth): Heh. A whole lot of car sickness. I'll blow chunks if I don't get the front seat. Barf. Barf. Barf!

Beth ran into the bus mentally kicking herself


After a pretty long bus ride the campers ended up at Camp Wawanakwa

(Chris): Yes, campers. We're actually back at your old stomping grounds. Total. Drama. Island! If you need to take a moment and reminisce about the great times you had here...

It didn't take long for both teams to burst into laughter at the thought of having great memories here. Chris frowned clearly annoyed by the reactions

(Chris): Fine. We'll skip the "good memories" montage. Killer Grips. You've got a thirty minute head start on...


The camera pans to two sand boxes one marked with a red stripe and the other marked with a green stripe

(Chris): The sand castle building contest! To be judged by our resident King o' the Dunes

Chris points to Chef who replaced his Chef's hat with a sand castle hat

(Chris): Make like prop masters, guys, and give me something awesome. I really don't want the tiebreaker to have to go down

He looks over at the tie breaker. The camera follows his gaze. It showed three logs tied together with a rock falling onto a crash test dummy, then the logs fell on-top of the rock, a car drives off a hill crashing into the logs, and finally the car explodes

(Chris): I don't think legal's quite approved it yet


Bridgette is making a pretty basic sand castle. She spends a lot of time at the beach so she knows how to make a good sand castle

(Bridgette): Geoff, wetter sand in that bucket! Beth, pack it firmer!

Geoff walked off to do what he was instructed to do. Beth saluted and packed the sand more firmly. Geoff comes back and looks around in confusion

(Geoff): Did Kai and Zeke go to get more buckets?

Geoff asked which scratching his head in confusion


Kai and Ezekiel met up with Duncan and Gwen. The four are making sure the bus won't leave tonight. Gwen chuckles as Kai and Duncan pull out some key components and threw them into a bucket Gwen had

(Gwen): There. If we're stuck at the beach, at least we can stay in the cabins. I never thought I'd miss them

Gwen said Ezekiel nodded in agreement

(Ezekiel): I get what you mean eh. I used one of the beds when I hung out with Duncan and DJ yesterday and those things felt horrible!

Duncan pulls a piece of grinning

(Duncan): I've always been more of a dismantler than a builder anyway

(Gwen): No, you just love to stir up the–

The bus's horn beeps non stop. The three look at Kai who held a piece which most likely kept the horn from going off non stop

(Gwen): Stuff! I was gonna say stuff!

Kai looked at the bus

(Kai): We should disconnect the horn too

(Duncan): Definitely

Duncan agreed as Kai shut the hood


Chris looks at his watch and holds three fingers up

(Chris): 3... 2... 1... Chef

Chef nods and blows his trumpet. Chris nodded

(Chris): Thank you, Chef. Killer Grips. Your thirty-minute lead is over. So, Gaffers. Get castling

(Owen): Water! We need water!

Owen rushes off with a bucket. Katie joins him heading for the water. The team was rushing around in a panic

(Harold): Quiet! We need a plan. And I've got one



Justin Confessional

(Justin): Little Harold mans up. Wow. Even I had goosebumps. And there wasn't a mirror for miles



It didn't take long for Harold to make an amazing sand castle

(Harold): The Taj Ma-Harold. I'll add some touch ups but I'm confident we'll win this


Bridgette built a sand castle that had four towers on the corners, with walls connecting them, and the final part was the moat around it. Lindsay grabs a shell and paints their teams logo on it and places it in the middle

(Geoff): Since Bridge did all the work I say we call it Casa Bridgette!

No one really cared about the name so they let the name pass. Bridgette smiles at Geoff. Kai and Ezekiel came into the clearing and the boys widens their eyes

(Kai): Crap!

The Grips look and saw some birds had attacked the sand castle

(Cody): Shoo! Shoo!

They managed to get the birds to go away but they no longer had a sand castle

(Bridgette): Dang it

Chris looks at Bridgette's destroyed castle and Harold's sand castle that is in perfect condition

(Chris): We have a winner! Harold and the Screaming Gaffers Taj Ma-Harold

The Gaffers cheered 

(Chris): Which means we need a new tiebreaker! And I was hoping for the evening off

Chris said with a frown. He quickly regained his smile

(Chris): Instead, gather thee some wood, campers, for a fire of the bon variety!


Kai walks through the forest with Geoff the two were walking alongside each other in search of firewood

(Geoff): Hey dude... Can I ask you something?

Kai picked up a stick and looks to his friend smiling

(Kai): Sure, what's up?

Geoff looks both nervous and confused clearly he wasn't sure how to handle what he was thinking

(Geoff): I... Can your personalities hear us?

Kai shook his head as he picked up another stick

(Kai): Nah we don't really share memories

Kai told the truth they don't share memories. Though Kai does get filled in on some things that could be considered important but he'll leave that out to not confuse Geoff. The party loving boy looked slightly relieved

(Geoff): That's good because I wanted to talk about Vito

Geoff said as he picked up a stick. Kai sighed, of course it was Vito

(Kai): What did he do this time?

(Geoff): Well its just during the last challenge Bridge called him "Hot" "Sexy "Stud-like" 

He quoted her words with air quotes

(Geoff): Is she into him or something?

Kai hummed in thought

(Kai): I doubt it. Vito's a lot of things but he doesn't go for people who are taken. He probably did/said something stupid, got angry, and needed to get his ego stroked to calm down

Kai unknowingly described what exactly happened in the situation. Geoff looked at the clearing ahead as he spotted a few more sticks laying around

(Geoff): If you say so man...

Geoff said picking up a few sticks. He didn't sound confident in his voice

(Kai): Why not ask Bridgette? I'm sure she'll clear the confusion

Kai suggested as he picked up the last of the sticks in the clearing. Geoff nodded thinking it would be a good idea to do that and not let his negative thoughts fester

(Geoff): I will. Thanks for the talk this is just what I needed

Geoff said regaining his happy spirit. Kai grinned and the two high fived

(Kai): Glad I could help man. You think we have enough firewood?

Kai and Geoff collected ten sticks each

(Geoff): Yeah, the others will bring some back so we should be set

(Kai): Alright let's kick some Gaffer butt!

Kai cheered as the two headed back for the campfire


Chris claps his hands activating the censors that started up the campfire and the fires of the totem poles around them

(Heather): Why did you bother sending us out to get firewood?

Heather asked sounding annoyed

(Chris): I needed some alone time. You think these hands manicure themselves? 

He said showing off his hands with a smile

(Chris): Which brings us to... The tie-breaking challenge! A watusi twist, mashed potato, dorky, old-school dance contest! Teams! Choose your best boogier for battle

Leshawna eagerly raised her hand

(Leshawna): Ooh! You've got to pick me! My nickname back home? LaShakinit

The Gaffers had no issue with it and made her their dancer. Kai tapped Geoff on the shoulder

(Kai): I heard you got some fly moves. You wanna represent us?

Geoff grinned

(Geoff): For sure man. I've never lost a single dance contest

The Grips cheer for Geoff as he walks towards Chris


Chris starts playing some music on a boombox

(Leshawna): Prepare to lose your winning streak

Geoff smiled 

(Geoff): Bring it

Geoff encouraged the challenge. They began dancing Geoff stops as he saw Leshawna's moves looked weird and he felt a little disturbed



DJ Confessional

DJ leans back in his seat

(DJ): Yeah. I bet I know Leshawna's real nickname back home

He placed his hands on the table and leaned into the camera grinning

(DJ): La bomba!



Heather Confessional

(Heather): Prima balleri-no!

Heather shows her disapproval of Leshawna's dancing




Harold Confessional

(Harold): Two words, fun-ky! 

His smile dropped and looked off screen

(Harold): What? I loved it



The music continues to play as Geoff busts out some of his moves. He does the robot, then the worm, and followed up with a spindown. Geoff grinned as he felt confident

(Ezekiel): Go, Geoff!

Ezekiel cheers with a smile

(Lindsay): Shake your lady lumps!

Geoff gets up and does the moonwalk. As he does this he looks at his teammates their smiles and cheers encouraged him to keep showing off. Then he saw Bridgette and she was standing next to Kai. His smile dropped as he pictured Vito in Kai's place and Bridgette hugging him. Geoff was distracted by this thought and tripped on an exposed root and hit the ground hard

(Geoff): AHH!

Geoff screams out in pain. The music came to a stop and the campers looked worried. Ezekiel is quick to rush over

(Ezekiel): Geoff, are you okay man?!

Ezekiel kneels down to look at him

(Geoff): My foot... It hurts like hell!

Geoff spoke between grunts. He's had some injuries before but this felt horrible. Ezekiel looked at Geoff's foot and gasped as it was pointing the to the right

(Ezekiel): Oh man this looks serious eh. We need to get him medical attention!

Hearing this Geoff's friends rush over to help him

(Kai): We're on the island so there should still be a first aid station

Kai states as he tried to figure out how far they could be from the tent

(Kai): I'll bring him over. Can someone help me?

DJ immediately volunteers

(DJ): I'll help

DJ and Kai helped their party loving friend onto his feet. They used their bodies to support him and slowly led him to the medical tent. Bridgette watched them leave looking worried


Once Kai and DJ began walking him to the medical tent Chef was quick to rush ahead so he could prepare his equipment. Once they dropped Geoff off Chef suggested they return to their teams. DJ did what Chef said and went back to his team. But Kai remained outside sitting on the ground worrying about his friend, that foot looked really bad. He hears footsteps and looks up to see Bridgette she looked equally as worried

(Bridgette): How is he?

Kai looked back at the tent the flaps are closed

(Kai): Not sure. When we handed him off to Chef his foot was basically purple

Bridgette frowned at the tent then looked back at Kai

(Bridgette): Hey when Geoff was dancing did he seem... Distracted to you?

Kai raised his eyebrow and thought back to it. He was watching Geoff do the moonwalk and then it looked like Geoff was spacing out

(Kai): Yeah now that you mention it he did space out. Why was tha-

He widened his eyes another part of that memory came to him. Bridgette. She was standing next to him, Geoff must've still felt conflicted about Bridgette and Vito. Kai looks at Bridgette

(Kai): I know why he spaced out

Bridgette looks at Kai with a look that says "Tell me"

(Kai): It has to do with the last challenge. Apparently Geoff heard you tell Vito he was sexy and felt that you may have had a thing for him. He told me that when we looked for sticks and it must have distracted him during his dancing

Bridgette looked shocked

(Bridgette): I don't like Vito, I only said that to avoid a brawl between him and Eva. I didn't realise Geoff was impacted so hard by it...

Bridgette felt bad her words to stop a fight caused Geoff to possibly break his ankle. She should have told Geoff afterwards that she didn't mean what she said. Bridgette was broken out of her thoughts by Chef who opened the flaps of the tent

(Chef): Oh your still here. And you brought her

Chef acknowledged Bridgette as he stepped aside

(Chef): Come in if you want to see him

Kai and Bridgette didn't waste a second and went inside the tent. They saw Geoff sitting up in the bed his foot and most of his leg is wrapped in a bandage. He smiled when he saw Kai and Bridgette

(Geoff): Hey, dudes!

Geoff cheerfully greeted. Bridgette quickly hugged him

(Bridgette): I'm sorry!

Geoff looked confused

(Geoff): Sorry for what babe?

(Bridgette): For making you think I didn't like you anymore

Geoff now understood what she meant. Geoff looked at Kai silently asking if she told him about his currently dilemma. Kai nodded confirming what he thought

(Geoff): Sorry Bridge I know your not that type of girl. I shouldn't have been so quick to jump to that conclusion

Geoff said with a soft smile

(Bridgette): I want to make it clear Geoff. I don't feel anything for Vito. I love you and only you

Geoff smiled and the two had a short kiss. They broke apart Kai smiled clearly happy that Geoff isn't clouded by the negative thoughts anymore. It didn't suit him

(Kai): So hows the foot?

Kai looked at Chef clearly directing the question to him

(Chef): Not too sure. I think it's broken. I think he might need to go to a hospital but considering he's in the game he won't be able to leave

Kai was surprised by that fact. He's injured? Why not just let him leave?

(Kai): Why can't he leave? I'm sure Chris would want to make sure Geoff isn't seriously hurt

(Chef): It's in the contracts, you're not allowed to leave the show without being voted off. Since Geoff technically lost the dance contest the Gaffers won. Losing may be considered unfortunate but could be seen as fortunate in this situation he can get some proper medical attention if he gets voted off

Kai and Bridgette didn't seem too happy with that idea. The guy does his best to help the team win and gets rewarded with a potentially broken ankle and a one way ticket home. How is that fair? Geoff knew what was going through their minds and grabbed Bridgette's hand and Kai's shoulder

(Geoff): It's fine guys. It sucks but I don't mind going home. It's best that I get some proper help for my foot

Chef comes over holding crutches

(Chef): Here, you can move around but keep off the foot

Geoff takes the crutches

(Geoff): Thanks for the help man

Geoff thanked the cook for his efforts Geoff got a wordless nod back. With Kai and Bridgette's help Geoff got up and began moving around

(Kai): We should probably head back

The two nodded in agreement and headed back. They took quite a bit because Kai and Bridgette were matching Geoff's pace who was going pretty slow but neither cared as they wanted to make sure Geoff didn't fall


The three walk past the clearing letting them into the beach. Chris is quick to spot them

(Chris): Welcome back losers!

Chris greeted rubbing in the fact they lost

(Chris): Bet you wish you were the Gaffers. Their throwing greatest beach party ever picked!

Kai rolled his eyes but noticed Chris's smile dropped to a light frown

(Chris): Nothing serious?

He asked sounding quite serious himself

(Geoff): Nah man. Just need to get some proper help from a hospital

Chris nodded looking a little relieved. He puts on his smile and leads the three to the rest of the Grips who are watching the Gaffers partying. Ezekiel spots the three out of the corner of his eye

(Ezekiel): Geoff! You alright man?

Ezekiel ran over looking worried. Geoff gave off a smile

(Geoff): I'm good man. Thanks for the concern

Hearing this the Grips were relieved

(Chris): Now If the losing team could just follow me to the bus...

He pauses as Chef whispers into his ear and his smile drops

(Chris): ...Which is broken. Which means the losers will follow me to the campfire for a classic elimination ceremony!

Chris heads to the campfire with the Grips in tow



Kai Confessional

(Kai): Bridgette and I spread the word telling everyone to vote Geoff. It sucks but I hope his foot gets better

Kai said with an optimistic smile



The Grips sat on the logs with Chris leaning against the barrel holding a plate of marshmallows. He breaths in the air and lets out a satisfied sigh

(Chris): Doesn't this feel nostalgic?

Chris stands tall

(Chris): Now you know the rules. Whoever gets voted off doesn't get to comeback. Ever. first marshmallow goes to Ezekiel

Ezekiel caught his and ate it

(Chris): Kai, Eva, Cody, Noah, Izzy, Beth, and Lindsay

Chris calls them out back to back

(Chris): We have one marshmallow and two campers. Who will it go to?

The campers knew who was going home so there wasn't any suspense. Chris knew this as well so he didn't bother to build it

(Chris): Bridgette

He flicks the last marshmallow

(Chris): Geoff, my man you're out. Due to your condition Chef will lead you out of here

He points to Chef who appeared and brought a wheelchair with him. It was so he could move Geoff around more easily. Geoff turns to his now former teammates

(Geoff): Sorry I failed you guys back there. Wish you luck

Geoff said with a smile and with the help of Bridgette got into the wheelchair. Truthfully no one blamed him for the loss. Geoff waved as he got wheeled off

(Chris): That's it for tonights ceremony. You guys can watch the Gaffers party it up. We'll most likely spend the night here so... Head for the cabins when you decide to go to bed


Harold is dancing and the Gaffers had to admit, he had some good moves. Duncan kicked some sand into his face. Harold gagged as sand got into his mouth he spat it out and glared

(Harold): What was that for?

(Duncan): 'Cause you actually have mad skills in dance

Harold was surprised by the compliment. Leshawna smiled

(Leshawna): Good thing we didn't need them. Thanks to my smooth moves

She struck a pose that got a laugh out of everyone


The Grips sat on a ledge that overlooked the Gaffers. Ezekiel drew in the dirt feeling sad. If Geoff were here he'd immediately brighten the mood Ezekiel wanted to do that but he wasn't sure how. Should he crack a joke? Should he pull a prank? Ezekiel wasn't sure. Kai watched Gwen dance with Leshawna the two were a bit away from everyone. Gwen feeling someone staring turned and locked eyes with Kai. The two exchanged a smile and Gwen waved which Kai returned. Kai's stomach growled

(Kai): I could go for some food...

Kai said everyone there agreed as they also felt hungry. Kai's eyes widened

(Kai): Wait... We're on the island!

Kai shouted as he stood up. Noah looked up

(Noah): You're just figuring that out now?

Kai grinned ignoring Noah's comment

(Kai): It should still be here. Follow me!

Kai leads the Grips through the forest

(Lindsay): Hey Tai, where are we going?

Kai smiled as the layout of the island came back to him

(Kai): You'll see

Kai cleared a few branches and smiled

(Kai): Found it!

The Grips stood in the clearing they found Kai's old trailer. The grass looked a little overgrown but that was expected when no one maintained the place for a few weeks. Kai stepped inside the trailer and flicked a light on

(Kai): Perfect we got power

Kai went for the fridge and found that the stuff from the last restock was still here. He goes into the freezer and found sausages, patties, and ribs. Kai stepped outside

(Kai): The breads gone off but if we ask the Gaffers for some bread and buns we can have one good dinner

The Grips looked happy that they'll be able to eat something and from what they remember from back at the resort Kai knows his way around a barbecue so they were excited for this

(Bridgette): I'll go ask Gwen

Bridgette said as she walked off heading for the Gaffers. Seeing her walk off made Kai remember she is a Vegetarian. He quickly checked the freezer and was relieved to see some veggie patties. Good she was going to be able to eat


Bridgette went over and told Gwen what the Grips were doing and Gwen pitched that they all have just one big dinner/party at the trailer. The Gaffers didn't mind the idea so they packed everything up and head for the trailer. It didn't take long for them to get there

(Leshawna): Who's ready to par-tay!

Leshawna started up some music. DJ, and Owen put the food down on a nearby table. Gwen walked over to Kai who started grilling the meat

(Kai): Hey glad you could join us

Kai greeted with a smile. Gwen smirked

(Gwen): Seem's like I finally broke your winning streak today

(Kai): Pfft. You got lucky

Kai said with a laugh. Kai and Gwen continued to banter as everyone else began to hang out while waiting for dinner to be served. It didn't take long for Kai to finish and after dishing it up everyone began eating. Kai leaned against the trailer with Gwen joining him

(Kai): I got an idea Gwen

Gwen tilts her head

(Gwen): Hm?

She hummed since she had some food in her mouth

(Kai): How about this. During challenges for me being a Killer Grip comes first and a Screaming Gaffer for you. But if we have downtime or its pre/post challenge our teams come second

Kai was basically saying that when they aren't in a challenge they'll be able to hang out and continue their relationship. Gwen nodded with a smile she was glad they figured out a way to keep their relationship going without causing conflicts with their respective teams

(Gwen): Works for me. This brings me back to when we first started dating. Eating burgers and looking at the stars... I'm happy that being on seperate teams hasn't stopped us from having moments like these

Gwen said as she leaned on Kai's shoulder. Kai wrapped an arm around Gwen to bring her closer

(Kai): Same here


Justin sat down next to Beth who looked surprised

(Justin): Hey Beth, I wanted to say good job today. Sucks about Geoff 

Beth nodded

(Beth): Yeah but he'll do alright

Justin nodded and noticed a bracelet on Beth's wrist and idea came to him

(Justin): I kinda noticed you gave everyone friendship bracelets. Everyone... But me. Aren't we friends, Beth?

Beth looked surprised and took off her bracelet she held it up and it dripped with sweat

(Beth): Course! Here, it's kinda wet! My palm's a little sweaty!

Beth said sounding nervous. Justin took it and put it on

(Justin): Red. Nice

Justin said as he looked at it with a smile which made Beth smile



Justin Confessional 

Justin sat in the outhouse he looked at the bracelet in disgust and took it off. He smirked at the camera

(Justin): Let's just say I'll do anything to win. Anything. Heh. "Ooh, Beth, I love it. I was thinking, Beth. It could be really good for us if we were in an alliance."

Justin said in an exaggerated voice

(Justin): I know she's on the other team but it wouldn't hurt to know what's going on over there. I might be able to find out some useful information

Justin said with his smirk coming back



Chris was seen watching Justin's confessional

(Chris): Wow. Dude is as crafty as he is good looking. Maybe we're related

He laughs

(Chris): He wishes

(Justin): Uh, no, Chris. No, I don't

Chris is surprised to hear that Justin heard him and mutes the microphone

(Chris): Poor delusional guy could never ever swim in my gene pool. More importantly, tune in next time to watch more me! Haha. And a few minutes of Justin

He points at the screen with Justin still on it

(Chris): On Total. Drama. Action! 

The camera doesn't cut off. He stands up and walks off screen

(Chris): Which one of you geniuses left the two-way mic on?!

Chris calls out to someone sounding annoyed



Geoff: Kai, Geoff, Bridgette, Cody, Ezekiel, Eva, Noah, Izzy, Lindsay, and Beth (10)

Eliminated: Geoff

Elimination Order: Courtney, Tyler, Sadie, and Geoff


So Geoff gets the boot. I'm sorry to you Geoff fans but my plans didn't see him going to far but there was no way anyone would vote him out so the only way I could think of getting him out was causing something that forced him to leave the game. I kinda hinted at Geoff's concern with Vito in the last chapter. Fortunately no break ups happen and Geoff leaves on good terms. Now how will the next chapter go? Who do you think will go home? Let me know!

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